What Do You Wish For In 2024?

The focus of my work has always been for people to realize and actualize their ability to create. My approach has evolved over the years as the concepts we hold as a society change. Those concepts program us to think and act a certain way that may or may not serve us.

For a long time, I focused on people achieving goals. I soon realized that my approach made it easy for people to achieve goals but that was not enough. My clients would report that they achieved the goals they set but were not happy. Something was missing.

From this I changed my approach. Instead of focusing on achieving goals, we focused on the life we desired. To see our life as a whole and how we want to experience and express ourselves meant going within.

Achieving goals means to focus outside ourselves to achieve something. We can do that but that is not the way it is meant to be. Our path this lifetime is to know, express and experience ourselves in our lives. In that way, our lives are a reflection of who we are at our core (heart).

Meditation is the tool for going within to our core (heart). Meditation helps us reconnect with who are at our core. We can use our original essence, that spark within us, to flow from within to create the life we desire.

This year, at the start of 2024, I want to add a step in creating the life we desire. As before, meditate so that you can see the life you desire. See it in your mind’s eye. Always see yourself having it now not in the future. Let go of any thoughts that say you cannot have it for one reason or another.

Now meditate to answer these questions. 

  • What do you wish for in 2024? 
  • How do you wish to experience yourself? 
  • How do you wish to express yourself? Meditate on these questions. Do not think. See the answers in your mind’s eye. 

Next allow the changes needed (get unstuck) so that you can experience more of the life you desire. Best wishes on your new year.

See It To Create It

Working hard can create success and it does not need to be that way. I work with business owners and professionals who say they are exhausted, overwhelmed, frustrated, or that success is coming too slow or at a cost to their health and their lives.


My question is always the same. What is your vision for your business or your career? Their answers may vary slightly, but a common one is, “I just want to make money.” Most of them are making money.

Whatever we imagine we are creating. Often, owners are creating what they see. What they did not realize was that they were not focused on or did not have a vision of what they really wanted.

We often use the term vision when discussing businesses or careers; it applies to all our lives. Vision means to see. In this context, it refers to seeing with your mind’s eye. Imagine what success looks like. Imagine what the life you desire looks like. Can you see it?

Some people do not have the ability to imagine, called aphantasia, meaning without imagination. The other side of that coin is hyperphantasia which is having vivid imagery. While scientists struggle to explain our ability to imagine, most of us have the ability to see in our mind’s eye. It is intuitive.

What we see or imagine is being created. So in the case of the frustrated business owner, he was creating what he imagined – making money. He also believed that he had to work hard to make money, so he created that.

The other day, I met a new client with a successful business, but too much of it relies on him – his choice. He believes that no one can do it how he can, so he creates his business to depend on him.

I asked him why he imagined it that way. His belief was that having employees was hard work and, in fact, more work. I asked why he imagined that to be true. He hired a GM, and it turned out to be more work, and he said, “I knew that would happen.” I suggested he imagined it happening that way and created it that way. We worked together to help him see clearly what he really wanted, to see a different outcome in his business and his life.

What we imagine is what we are creating. Most people just work hard every day. They think that everything would be different if they did more of something like marketing or worked harder. That is never the answer.

Business owners and professionals who take the time to see clearly in their mind’s eye the business, career, and life they desire begin to experience changes that lead them to that vision. This is not logical, but it is very intuitive.

So what do you imagine? Not for the future but for what you want now. Follow these steps.

  • Find a quiet place and give yourself the time to meditate or reflect.
  • Take a deep breath and calm your body.
  • Stop thinking and instead imagine what you want in your work and your life.
  • See yourself having it.

Do this often, as it may take time to get out of your unproductive thinking and align with your vision. Change can take time but begins with knowing what you see in all aspects of your life. What you imagine is being created.

Only what inspires and ignites passion

This year like last year. A familiar routine and your comfort zone. That is one choice. Another choice would be to experience another part of yourself, the braver side that wants to get out of a routine to create and have more.

Change is not easy, so some decide to keep things as they are. It may not be what they want, but at least it is familiar, and that is a choice.

This year I am focusing my clients and you on having an inspired life. This is a different choice, and it means knowing what you are passionate about and what inspires you. That sounds great, but it takes work to find.

If we go through each day in much the same way, we do not need passion or inspiration. If you want something new then your energy and focus have to change. The energy of passion is a high vibration. Does it seem beyond your reach? It’s not, but it is not what you have been focused on, so it is a stretch.

Our life is always a reflection of us, our energy level, what we think, what we believe, and how we see our life. Nothing is impossible, and the change starts within.

If you want something different this year, begin by seeing it in your mind’s eye. Only imagine what inspires you and what you are passionate about. Forget the rest. This may take several meditations to clear your thinking and come to a new place of inspiration, but it will be worth it.

Stay aware of limiting beliefs but focus on the life you desire that inspires and ignites your passion. Now that you see it change your routine, take new actions, and experience new things so your vision can manifest.

Create a happy new year.

An Inspired Life

Our theme for this year is to be inspired. That means something different to each of us, and it is important to know what that means to you.

Too often, we just go through our day and routine without a second thought. We wonder why we do not have one thing or another in our lives. Consider this – where we place our attention that is being created. If our focus is on our routine, then our routine is being created and nothing new. Do not think about this; instead, be intuitive about it.

An inspired life does not mean anything needs to be perfect. Instead, begin by thinking of inspiration in its simplest terms. For me, it can be any experience in nature, a conversation with a new person, a book, pushing myself, and my list could go on. What is your list? It matters.

Knowing what inspires us moves our attention off our routine onto something that creates a reaction in body, mind, and spirit. It can be simple and subtle but don’t let it be fleeting. What if we are always looking for inspiration in our lives?

We do not necessarily have to change our routine or what we do in our lives. We can change our experience of it by seeing inspiration or being inspired by what we do. We can also get out of our routine, have new experiences, and feel inspired by them.

When we care about being inspired, we change our lives in remarkable ways. How will your day and life be different when you focus on being inspired in simple and not so simple ways?

Story of Consultation: Determination

A client created the most amazing miracle, and he was not the first to do so. This is a story about not letting perceived limits get in the way.

This client, Fred, has been in the film/commercial industry in one capacity then another for some time. In December, Fred attended a vendor meeting in NYC at one of the largest ad agencies. The Creative Director told the vendors about a goal for their upcoming ad campaigns. Fred listened and took notes. The Creative Director’s idea had never been done, and everyone knew it was a challenge.

In January, Fred called the Creative Director and found that no production company yet was willing to take on the challenge. Fred declared that he was ready to bid on the project. Fred was not concerned that he had no experience in this modality. Fred knew he could create a team of the best in the field to work with him on the project. The challenge was to convince this agency that he could do it and do it well.

Everyone in the industry told him it was not possible. He did not have experience, and no one had done this work before. The technology to pull it off had never been used in this way. They piled more and more energy and limits into Fred’s space. I could see the effect others’ thoughts, programming, and energy had on him. I worked with Fred to clear his space to see his vision, stay focused, and not be affected by others’ perceived limits.

With determination, Fred submitted the bid and went through many negotiations. He worried as he found others had submitted proposals as well. We worked to keep his vision, to clear the pictures and concepts that created doubt in his space.

Fred was awarded the project and created an outstanding team of experts who dared to work with someone new in this arena. In the end, their work made advertising history and opened doors to other opportunities. It was a miracle!

As an intuitive business consultant, I often see our thinking, fears, and others talk us out of achieving our goals. I see business owners decide not to take a risk even when an opportunity presents itself! The pathway to success means taking time to clear our thinking, release the fear, stay focused and determined.

When a boulder falls on the path you are walking, don’t stop! Find a way around it or climb over it, then continue toward your goal.

Forget Goals & Experience Something New

Once again, it’s that time when we look at the upcoming year. Cycles are part of life, and this is our annual cycle. Traditionally, it’s a time to set goals that we may or may not remember or achieve. For most of us, responsibilities determine where our attention goes and how we focus. Routine is another goal buster, and we are set in our routine whether we enjoy it or not. Sounds like the same old, same old.

What if you decided to raise your vibration this year to try and do new things? Notice that I did not mention goals. We are so programmed to focus on goals that they make us unconscious as we go through our routine. What if this year we focus on experiencing ourselves in a new way? What if we decided to experience a new aspect of our lives?

So, forget about goals and focus on yourself. What inspires you? Do that. What would you like to try that is new to you? Try it. Is there something in you that you want to experience? Experience it. Is there a challenge you want to take on? Take it on.

To do this means getting out of our routines, putting our responsibilities in their proper perspective, noticing what takes up our time, and make new decisions.

You will find that experiencing yourself will lead you to the life you desire just by enjoying and inspiring yourself every day. Decide to lead your life rather than your life leading you.

Giving Thanks Before You Have It

Giving thanks for what we have validates all that we have.  

Try taking it a step further, be intuitive, give thanks, and have gratitude for what you have not yet received.  This may not be logical, but it is very intuitive.

Having gratitude for what you have not yet received declares that it is already manifesting in your life and will soon be complete.   This creates abundance.

See your goals and the life you desire manifesting around you, making space and setting the energy for those creations.  Be grateful now for what is being created.

Warm regards and Happy Thanksgiving.

We Get What We Believe

There are no coincidences, and we should not be surprised about how others respond to us. They are simply giving us what we expect. Do not think of this logically. Let’s be intuitive about this.

We are always holding a picture or energy in our space based on our thinking.
People are intuitive whether they realize it or not. They see the picture or the energy in our space and give us that. For example, if you are afraid that people will ignore you in an important meeting. Your energy is set in resistance or acceptance of this happening. Holding a picture of being ignored tells people to ignore you.

On the other, you may decide to reconcile with old friends and create a new positive relationship. You hold this positive reconciliation picture and energy in your space. When they see you, if inclined, they will match your positive energy and picture to reconcile

There are other considerations. We all have free will. In the first example, someone in the meeting may have a different and stronger picture. Their picture may be to meet you and find out more. Now it is up to you to be open to that possibility.

In the second example, it is also possible that someone holds a different picture. They are not interested in a positive relationship. That is ok because that person does not match your picture and a new relationship is not possible. Someone else who is attracted to your vision and energy will show up.

My final example is a common one. You want to have more money than you need. More for what you want. The stronger picture in your space and the energy you hold is that you cannot have the money you need or want. The universe is always giving us what we declare. In this case, the universe will let you want money but not have it.

So the message here is, be careful what you hold in your space. The experiences you have are a reflection of the pictures and the energy you hold in your space. Change your pictures and energy to change your reality. Start today. Decide how to think and feel about something you do want.

There are no coincidences. We are constantly getting what we believe. None of this is logical. It is intuitive.

What’s My Purpose?

“What is my purpose?” is the question asked most often.  The question that follows is What should I be doing?

I am a firm believer in the notion that there is nothing we “should” do.  When I hear, “I should,” I know the person is not speaking about anything true to them.

What if our purpose is nothing more than to be ourselves. That may sound so incomplete unless we know what it means.  Being ourselves begins with knowing who we are at our core (heart).   When we know who we are at our core, then we know ourselves as spirit.

Our purpose then is to experience and express who we are as a spirit in the world.  That is our purpose.  When we know who we are at our core then expressing in what we do comes naturally.  We are drawn to experiences that help us be ourselves.

This sounds simple, but it is not easy.  We encounter demands and expectations that push on us and distract us from who we are.  The challenge is to stay true to being ourselves.

The only way I know to experience our purpose and what we “should” do is to go within.  Meditation is a space where we quiet the body and clear our thinking.  We need to calm our space to go within, to see, hear and know who we are at our core.

Finally, allowing our life be a reflection of who we are at our core. In this way, we know our purpose is to be our true self.

It’s Not About Goals

Helping people to achieve their goals is my life’s work. I’ve studied people and watched my clients achieve those goals. I’ve learned that achieving goals is not the goal.

I heard from my clients over the years that they achieved the goals we set. They thought that would make them happy. What’s missing? I decided to use the same approach we used to achieve goals but instead, I had them focus on the life they want and not on a goal to achieve.

This approach changed everything. It focuses on the right thing – the life we desire. Most people find they do not know the answer to that question at first. Maybe you don’t know it either. To know the life you desire, find time to get quiet, to close your eyes, to go within,  go to  your core (your heart). Reflect (meditate) on the life they desire. 

When you know what that is and can see it clearly in your mind’s eye, it is manifesting. Seeing it clearly in your mind’s eye is the key. Meditate regularly to stay focused on what matters.

Thinking about it is not nearly as effective as SEEING it – imaging yourself living that life. As you focus on the life you desire, live that way starting now. Your actions and decisions change. How you see yourself every day begins to align with the vision of the life you desire. 

Gradually, your reality begins to change. The life you desire reveals itself and manifests. This may not be logical, but it is a very intuitive way to create.

We Can’t Go Back

As an intuitive, I am watching the pandemic and see it as a spiritual happening. Everything was out of whack and no longer aligned in a way that supported us in body, mind, and spirit.

The universe is always giving us what we want. There was a significant group agreement worldwide to have a better life. For that to happen, something had to change. Let’s be clear, we did not want a pandemic, but a pandemic was the only thing that would get us to STOP how we were as human beings and get back on our path.

On a spiritual level, shelter in place was a command to stop and take care of ourselves. To take time to heal ourselves in body, mind, and spirit. 

Social distancing was a command for everyone to get out of each other’s space and for each of us to be more aware of our space.

Masks are a reminder that we do not have to go back to the way things were. We can choose to take care of ourselves and decide with whom and how we want to interact in the world.

All the changes helped us get out of where we were, regain perspective, remember what we value and what is important to us. It is no wonder that so many people are resigning from their jobs. That does not mean you have to resign or change everything. It may mean that you change how you relate to everything and everyone. Make new choices.  

Our entire culture is changing. We cannot go back to how we were. What do you want now? What is the life you desire?

To find that answer, do not think and think and think. The answer is not there. Instead, create times to be quiet, to go within, and explore what is important to you at your core. Stay out of your analyzer. Listen to your heart. Re-engage in a new way that aligns with who you are at your core. The change we desire starts within each of us. Let’s create a new agreement for how we want to be in the world. you at your core. Stay out of your analyzer. Listen to your heart. Reengage in a new way that aligns with who you are at your core.

Allow Change in You

When we decide we want something and set a goal, we have decided to change something in ourselves and our life! The only problem with that is that we often don’t realize the full extent of those changes. 

Our lives are already filled with what we are experiencing right now. Deciding that we want something new (a goal) means that our life needs to change to make room for this. There is an intuitive way to say this. Your energy is set in a particular way (pattern) based on your life as it is now, your routine, and your habits. To create something new means changing this pattern of energy. It sounds simple, except that we are comfortable in our routines. We don’t imagine changing something in our life or ourselves when we achieve a goal.

Goals will not manifest if we are “set in our ways” or our energy is set in a particular and inflexible way. That is why people who are willing to take risks are more successful. They are willing to go through a period of being uncomfortable. They are willing to get out of their comfort zone. They are willing to allow their energy to change in unexpected ways. They are willing to have a new experience of themselves.

Clients may set a goal then decide the changes needed to achieve that goal are more uncomfortable than they expected. They give up the goal. Free will. When we are willing to allow change in ourselves and be uncomfortable at first, we are ready for greater success.

Try this intuitive exercise. Find the time and place to be quiet. Close your eyes and go within. Begin to imagine one of your goals. Allow yourself to be aware of how your life, routines, and habits will need to change to make room for this goal. Don’t think! Imagine. Be intuitive. This is not a logical exercise. Allow your inner self to be heard. Notice what part of your goal makes you uncomfortable. Notice your resistance to change. Release that resistance. Get comfortable with changes within you.

Come out of this meditation and write your goal. Note how things might change as you manifest this goal. Decide if you are ready for these changes. If you are, your goal is manifesting.

Begin today. Your next step is to notice your habits, routines, or patterns and change something. Get out of at least one routine. Notice how easy it is for you to allow change. This is a measure of your ability to succeed.

Best wishes on your success.

COVID and New Opportunities

COVID has taught us many things about ourselves and our lives, what is important to us and what is not. 

Take Care. Align with Values.

During the past year, we were asked to shelter in place, stay at home, restrict our movement, wear masks, and social distance. Many things we used to do were closed.

COVID also brought us opportunities. Your perspective may be different, and that is the idea. How we thinkabout our lives is how our life manifests. From an intuitive perspective, I saw shelter in place as a clear message for us to stop and take care of ourselves. This was an urgent message to the entire world. We cannot ignore dramatic messages. Clearly, taking care of our wellness in body, mind, and spirit is important to have the life we desire.

Take Care

We stopped. We separated from our routine and focused on taking care of ourselves, our well-being, and staying safe. It was a message that told us to come back to and heal ourselves.

When we are busy, we are not conscious of what is happening to us and our lives. COVID made us stop. We became more aware and began to wonder why we were doing one thing or another. We started to consider new choices “when things go back to normal.” Of course, things cannot go back.

Changing Our Relationships

We were asked to stay at home. This helped us realize who and what we value. It also revealed relationships and activities that did not support us. We will not go back to those places or those relationships.

We were told to wear masks and social distance. From an intuitive perspective, the message is clear. Protect our space, become aware of who and what impacts our personal space in positive and not so positive ways. At some point, we will no longer be asked to wear masks and social distancing. We hope tohave gained a greater awareness of our personal space. That awareness will help us make choices that protect and support us and others.

Make New Choices

A lot has been closed to us, or access limited. We began to realize things we did out of habit or routine versus what we want in our lives. This is a great time to meditate or reflect on what is important and what we value. We do not want to go back to the way things were because, in hindsight, we did not want it all. We were stuck in routines and habits without realizing whether it served our life.

If we take the time to decide what we want, then we can begin to imagine a future aligned with the life we desire. Everything is possible. If you can imagine it, it is manifesting. Imagine the life you want as we emerge from a loud and clear message to change. What choices will we make that better align with who we are at our core? This is an opportunity not to go back to the way things used to be. We have free will and the opportunity to make new choices.

An article about how some business owners changed after they contracted COVID. Read more.

Unproductive Beliefs

We all have it, that one belief we are stuck on and gets in the way of having all we desire. You know what I mean by that one thing that always comes up for you and distracts you from creating something.

We hold within us pictures, memories, beliefs, emotions, thoughts, and energy. Some support us in creating our goals, achieving our success, and others get in our way of the very things that we want. When we are tired of this old pattern of being, we can change it.

When I work with someone for a while, I come to know the one thing they are stuck on. During a session, it is the one belief they repeat and say as if it were true. They are looking at their lives through that one unproductive belief, so they create their reality this way.

As an intuitive, I know we have to get out of these unproductive pictures, beliefs, thoughts, and emotions to create some aspect of our life that we feel we cannot have. There are no coincidences. Our life is a reflection of us, what we think, what we believe, and how we view things. We create a way of thinking that supports all of this, yet none of this is true. It is merely our experience recalled or a belief we hold. To have more of what we desire, we have to change something in us.

Logic will not create this change. Discipline will not change it. The unproductive concept is there because it makes us uncomfortable. That is not logical, but it is very intuitive. We hold onto pictures, ideas, and thoughts from experiences or others. It would be wonderful to let go of beliefs just as easily as we take them into us. These unproductive ideas stay with us because they are attached to an uncomfortable emotion, and energy builds on them over time, making them more entrenched. Every time we repeat a belief, the energy builds on it, making it more real.

When we focus on something we cannot have, i.e., a loving relationship, financial security, the idea of it stimulates an unproductive belief, energy, and an emotion that goes with it. This makes us go unconscious (space out, leave the body), and any focus on the goal is gone. It’s not that we cannot create a loving relationship or financial security. We are stuck on an unproductive belief that grabs our attention and begins the series of reactions that tell us all the reasons we cannot have it. It makes us feel incapable of changing this circumstance. It becomes a pattern that persists in our life.

So how do we change this? Change comes from within. It starts with realizing there is no logical solution, or you would have solved this by now. Begin by focusing on yourself to become aware of the patterns in your thinking. Recognize when you have the same feeling and reaction every time you are in a particular situation. You want to notice that familiar feeling and become curious. Rather than going into the unproductive way of being, step back, pull your energy and attention out of it, and wonder why you always feel this way. Be curious and have enthusiasm for finding out something about how you are being.

I hear from my clients something like, “Every time I ………” or “No matter what I try, it always……..” These are red flags that show that we are stuck in an unproductive belief. The goal is to recognize when we are doing this. To stop, step back, and ask, “Why do I think this way?” “Why do I believe this to be true?” Nothing that we think is true. It is just what we think and believe. We can change our perspective, which results in a change in our lives.

Most often, asking yourself these questions does not provide clarity because we look for a logical answer and do not dig deep enough to find the answer. Try meditation. In meditation, you quiet the body, clear your thinking, and go within to your core to ask the same question, “Why do I believe this to be true?” then quietly listen for the answer in you. This answer will be your truth. You will never find the truth in your mind, so come out of your mind, go within. When we become aware of how we are being, we can come out of the belief we are stuck on, create a new picture of what we truly want, and that changes our reality. That is not logical, but it is very intuitive.

Which do you choose, routine or life?

No one wants their life to be nothing more than a routine. Many do just that, going day to day with no plan or a vague plan to live the life they desire. Without a plan, things may be ok, but something is missing. In a routine life, we take each day as it comes, reacting to what is presented to us. We find our lives busy with one thing or another. Where is the joy?

It does not need to be this way. Routines become unconscious. We become unconscious and lose touch with ourselves and the vision of the life we desire. What was the life you desired? Do you remember?

We can decide when it is time to get out of our routine, to reconnect with ourselves and remember or reimagine the life we want. It is never too soon or too late. The challenge is that it is often easier to continue as we are than to change.

Change can begin quietly in meditation. It does not need to be hard nor dramatic, but it can be if you see it that way. Change can also happen as a natural transition from where you are to the life you desire. This change begins in meditation, a quiet place of seeing clearly.

To get where we truly want to be, go within, quiet the body, clear your thinking and say hello to who you are at your core. Meditation is a way to connect with ourselves and begin to imagine the life we desire, seeing it clearly in our mind’s eye, feeling it in the body and changing our thinking.

Meditating each day strengths our vision, helps the body get out of routines, and clears our thinking so that the life we desire begins to manifest right now and continues to manifest more clearly each day.

In this process, we may experience a sense of grief or loss. We get through that by finding ourselves. It can be this sense of grief or loss that keeps us unconsciously in our routine. If we do not feel it, that does not mean it is not there.

As your certainty grows, you can begin to write a plan to live your life more intentionally and move toward the life you desire. This is a necessary step to bring your vision into your world so that it moves from a dream to your reality. Write down steps you can take though change may happen more quickly than you planned. Enjoy!

Stay in our routine, day to day, or create the life we desire starting now. We have free will.

Create the world you desire

0094GettyrevMy passion knowing how to create miracles and the life we desire. While we focus on our lives personally and professionally, we are also building the world in which we live. Our atheist side thinks the world just exists and we live in it.  The world is always expressing the strongest group agreement so we are very much part of its creation.

Much of what we hear in the world is disturbing. You may feel as though there is nothing that you can do. From an intuitive perspective, we can make a difference. While the agreement of the group creates a change in the world, that change begins within each person first.

We can make a difference by creating positive experiences and outcomes right where we are. Positive experiences create positive energy in you and the people around you, family, friends, neighbors, colleagues, etc. Those people bring that same positive experience to others in their worlds and so it goes, a building of positive energy and perspectives.

The negative aspects of the world are created because too many of us focus our energy on those who promote negativity, whether we agree with them or not. Where ever we place our attention, we are adding our energy to it. By focusing on the negative, we are giving it our power, so it persists.

Criticizing, complaining or resisting what we do not want adds our energy to their vision of the world. On the other hand, if we put our attention and energy on how we see the world, our thoughts about the world we want to be part of, we attract others who match our vision. The more people who share our vision of the world, the sooner we begin to experience the change we are looking for.

We have free will. We can choose where to place our focus and our energy so let’s take our attention off what we do not want in our world and not add our energy to it. Instead, let us create a stronger group agreement for a positive change.

Be the change you desire. Begin the energy shift in yourself first then your family, neighborhood, community, work and everywhere you are. Gather around you, people who share your vision of the world. Watch and see a remarkable change in and around you.

A Bumpy Way to Success


We are always getting our goals. This I know.  Some goals simply manifest. Other goals manifest through a rough and tumble change of circumstances. Both are ways to achieve our goals, and both are of our doing. If you have gone through a rough time and experienced loss, you probably think that I am wrong. Why would you create such chaos?

I agree that you did not create the chaos, but that disruption may be the only way for a goal that you set for yourself to manifest. Let me explain how the universe works and many of you already know this, but may have forgotten.

Whatever we imagine is being created the moment we imagine it. Sometimes, we imagine what we want, and so our universe begins to change to manifest that vision. Other times, we dwell on what we do not want, and so the universe manifests that. The warning here is to be careful what you imagine or dwell on.

It is natural to dwell on what is not working, but that is a dangerous place to focus our attention. When you find this happening, changing your attention to what you do want, produces better results in your life.  Focus on what you do want and not give a moments attention to what you do not want in your life.

When some aspect of our life is being destroyed, that can be the result of focusing on what we do not want OR focusing on what we do want. The former is obvious but how does focusing on what we do want, create so much disruption?

My question would be, is it creating what you don’t want? Or is it creating the change needed so that you can create what you do want? Change is uncomfortable. That does not mean it is a bad change. In fact, if you step back from the discomfort, you will most likely see the change forced on you, actually made space for you to create something new, something better.

Meditating or imaging the life we desire is essential to creating that life. If we do not know what we want or don’t want, then we are like a willow in the wind, being swayed one way or another by external forces. On the other hand, seeing clearly in our mind’s eye the life we desire, is the way that life is created intentionally.

Once we imagine our life, our universe begins to change from where we are to where we want to be. This is not logical, but it is very intuitive. Change begins and if we are proactive, then change flows, making decisions that lead the change.

When we are stuck in some way, resistant to change or afraid of change it is more difficult for the universe to manifest the vision of the life we desire. We are fighting change. As I mentioned at the beginning, we are always getting our goals, so something dramatic or less graceful needs to happen to get us unstuck. This is when we lose a job we have wanted out of but were afraid to change, a relationship ends that does not support us, etc.

When these changes “happen to us,” we can step back and see that it was a change that needed to happen. A change that we resisted. Because we resisted making the change on our own, it will be especially uncomfortable. This is a good time to meditate or reflect on the life we desire and reconnect with what we want for ourselves. By taking the time, to be clear we can begin to take charge of where we go from here.

Having a vision is essential but, of itself, does not create the life we desire. We must focus and take specific actions to bring that vision into our reality. Discomfort is a normal reaction to change. Resisting change intensifies this discomfort, and we are unable to move forward. Accept being uncomfortable and moving forward in a focused and determined way, moves us out of the pain and closer to the life we desire.

Remember, we are always achieving our goals, gracefully or in uncomfortable ways. We have free will. We can choose. We are always creating our reality. Hold your head high and focus on the life you desire. It is within reach.

Stop Being Overwhelmed

hOverwhelm is a common experience and one that we can easily manage when we understand the experience. From an intuitive perspective overwhelm occurs when we are experiencing something new, our attention is on many things at one time and out of time.

Overwhelm is an energy problem.  Some experience feeling overwhelmed all the time, meaning they do not know how to handle the energy in their space.  Others experience feeling overwhelmed when they experience something new or more energy than usual.


Frank had some business opportunities present all at once. It seems to happen that way for him and when it does he experiences overwhelm, feels like he cannot handle it all and feels immobilized. Now his reaction may seem more dramatic than what you experience but the concepts are the same.


Frank’s immediate reaction was a desire to stop his success because he was feeling enormous discomfort. When we move to a new level of success, it will be uncomfortable because it is something we have not experienced before. That does not mean that we are not capable enough. We are just uncomfortable. I suggested that Frank accept the discomfort as a temporary reaction to having more success.

Present Time

The feeling of being overwhelmed causes us to get out of present time, to go into the past when we had a similar experience though not the same. We might go into the future worrying about what might happen. In any case, not being in present time creates stress in the body. Staying present, at the moment, helps relieve discomfort.


Frank had five urgent projects to manage, and the thought of it was so overwhelming that he could not take action. Frank was holding the work of all five projects in his space, in his mind and his body at one time, making it impossible to manage them effectively. His thinking was clouded and his energy confused. For Frank to get out of being overwhelmed, he needed to focus 100% on one project at a time, find the next step, complete it then on to the next.

New Level of Havingness

Not resisting the discomfort of something new, staying in present time and focusing on one task at a time, helped Frank reach a new level. Rather than thinking he could not handle more success, he created a way to have more.

So often I see people destroy opportunities simply because they get into overwhelm and do not know how to get out.


Sarah is a young mom, with three kids and a fast growing online retail-clothing store. Sarah was thrilled by her success then realized her good idea had quickly become a successful online business! Not knowing how to create a business was overwhelming for her. I recommended the same steps for Sarah as I did for Frank. Sarah needed to allow the discomfort of her success, stay in present time and not multitask. She needed to focus on the most important task to achieve her goal and get a coach to help her create her business development plan.

More Success Not Less

Overwhelm occurs when we are not managing the energy we are experiencing. Rather than give up or fail, we can stop and take charge of our space so that we can have more. The fear of being overwhelmed gets in the way of taking steps toward being more successful. It does not have to be that way. Decide that energy is real and that you can manage the energy you encounter as you grow your success.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

Do You Have A Plan?

Routines Kill Dreams

RoutineIt has been said; we are creatures of habit, but does it also say they kill our dreams. That sounds dramatic but true nonetheless. We are creatures of habits and routines that get in the way of our success and creating the life we want.

All routines and habits are not bad, but they get in our way. Routines that we create consciously to meet a goal may have some value, i.e. go to the gym at 6 am before heading to work. That routine, though on the face of it has value, may also get in our way. Going to the gym four times a week, allowing changes in how your meet that goal is another way of meeting your goal.

Routine and Unconsciousness

Why am I down on routines? Routines become automatic ways of being that create periods of unconsciousness. We do not have to think twice because the action is automatic. As an intuitive, I am aware of the importance of being conscious in each moment, so when we are in a routine, we lose part of our self.

Routines Control

Routines begin to control and keep us from becoming aware of new possibilities, focusing on something different or doing things in another way. Have you ever tried to alter your routine? For example, if the first thing you do each day is check for text messages or email, can you imagine altering that routine? Can you feel the resistance to that change?

I conduct retreats for women, and the first hurdle is to make everyone comfortable being out of their routine. The retreats focus on goals and success though the attendees are adjusting to changes in their personal routine for the first day or two and find it challenging.  To focus on goals, means to allow change.

Routines Steal Time

Most routines relate to times in our day so on an unconscious level we are not open to considering or being aware of how we might use that time to achieve a more important goal. Routines take up time even if they do appear to be helping us achieve a goal. One of my clients wants to create a personal life to augment her successful career but is getting nowhere with this. The only thing in her way is routine. Get up, walk the dog, go to work, come home, what the dog, have dinner, relax, take care of personal business, go to bed and it starts again. From her perspective, it is a matter of no time. From an intuitive perspective, it is a matter of routine. I know that is not logical, but she changed her routine and found she had time to engage with others sparking social experiences. She admitted that she resisted change, did not believe that she had the time and was uncomfortable at first but found a new level of freedom and experiences once she got out of her routine. She found the time.

Routines Are Past Time
Routines relate to past time goals. We create a routine at some point to help us solve a problem or achieve a goal. Over time, it becomes a habit, and the original goal obscured by the routine.

Allow Discomfort

Routines make us comfortable because they are familiar. To create a new goal, to achieve something, requires change. Change is always uncomfortable to one degree or another. The power of routines and our need to seek comfort is undeniable but to achieve something new requires us to allow the discomfort that comes with change.

Energy Stuck By Routines

A routine creates an energy pattern in our space, a particular vibration and spin pattern that becomes set. The energy created by a routine can become so strong that it takes focus and commitment to change it. If we do not change our routines periodically that energy becomes set, controls our space and our awareness. It makes us feel like nothing is changing, and that we are not achieving our goals.

A writer told me he had written every morning after a cup of coffee for years but all of a sudden he could not write. I suggested that he still write every day but change his routine and write different times of the day and in different places, not always in his office. He became angry at the thought of changing his routine even though it was no longer working for him. Since writing was his livelihood he had to do something so he tried my suggestion. For the first week, he suffered greatly with the change in his routine and accomplished nothing. I encouraged him to continue with our plan of writing at different times and places. Once he got out of resistance to changing his routine and the discomfort that created, he found new inspiration and was back at writing. In the end, he decided to pick a time and place for each project and stick with that until it was completed then he would pick another time and place for his next project. The change worked for him, and he found his enthusiasm as a writer again.

Freedom From Routines

When we come out of a routine, we have access to more of our space, energy, thoughts, creativity and possibilities. We can create something new or in a new way. Take the time to name your routines. Make a list. Pick one at a time and change it. If it feels too hard to change then, you are experiencing your energy stuck in a particular spin pattern that is getting in the way of your dreams and your success. Create a plan to begin to come out of that routine and experience a new level of success.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

I Want It Now!

Why Not Now!
Why Not Now?

Why do we always see our goals in the future? It is an interesting perspective. At times, that is appropriate when we, in fact, want a goal to manifest later and not now. But it seems invalidating to imagine a goal in the future when we want it to manifest now.

Have we unintentionally programmed ourselves always to imagine a goal at some point later in time? In doing so, have we lost awareness of our ability to manifest, an ability we are all born with. Placing our goal beyond our reach then creating a long list of steps we must go through to get there is an interesting but unnecessary approach.

Planning everything for the future is a game of logic that says the intellect rules when that is not the case shown by how many times we have not reached a goal. What if reaching goals is not solely a function of the intellect?  What if we are more capable than that? What if we could remember our original ability to manifest what we want when we want it?

I had the pleasure of having my two granddaughters spend a month with us this summer. I watched them manifest what they wanted when they wanted it over and over. For example, on their last day in California, we had their parents, my daughter, my niece and their roommate to join us for an adventure. It was a difficult task to create an agreement that would suit all nine of us. I was struggling. My seven-year-old granddaughter was the only one who was clear. She wanted to go rock-climbing. I dissuaded her because there were nine of us, and not everyone could engage in the activity for one reason or another. Her parents promised to take her rock-climbing when they returned to Miami. In other words, she could have her goal in the future. Shelby did not argue though I could tell she was not giving up her goal to go rock climbing now!

We piled into two cars and headed for San Francisco. Traffic was so congested that we could not get to our destination in the city. For the first time in my life, we turned around and came back. When we arrived home, everyone realized that the only person who was certain about what they wanted was Shelby. We all looked at her and said OK to rock-climbing. She jumped for joy and yelled, “Dreams do come true.”

This story may sound simple but from an intuitive perspective I saw the focus and determination of one child with a goal that she wanted to manifest now not in the future. Manifesting in present time is an ability we were born with, and that got programmed out of us.  Our intuitive ability to manifest was replaced by logic.

How might things be different if we owned our ability to manifest success now and not always planning steps for it to manifest in the future?   Give it a try and see if you can resurrect your original ability to manifest now.

Leadership – A Journey in Self-Awareness

dreamstime_7847493Leadership from an intuitive perspective is a journey in personal awareness. To have this journey we have to create challenges to the things as they are. Working with a client who has a successful company showed how leadership is an evolving ability.

Karen has a successful company and she has a vision for growth that moves her away from doing the work of the company, growing leaders and doubling her revenue. Ambitious goals and very achievable.

Karen began the process of change by creating a new organizational chart needed to reach her goals. Then she plugged in her current staff not based on what they are doing but in positions aligned to their strengths, not just holes they were filling. Finally, she created a hiring plan to fill in new positions. Karen was excited by the vision and her plan to get there.

What blindsided her was staff’s reaction to change. While her organizational plan incorporated changes, they have said they wanted when the plan was in place they reacted to the changes in their roles.

The biggest changes were in leadership. Though successful her company is small ($700k), and she have been the only manager with staff acting as leads in specific areas of the business. For Karen to grow her company, she needed to step back from managing the day-to-day work of the business and hire leaders.

Chaos ensued. For the first time, Karen was having a leadership crisis. One lead and the staff that worked in this division were in resistance to having a new boss. The lead liked the way she had things and did not want a change so engaged the agreement of others in resistance to the plan.

Karen was in a leadership crisis and so her journey in self-awareness began.  She realized she wanted everyone to like her, and that got in the way. She realized that the changes were long overdue.  Her wish to stop managing the day-to-day began a while ago with her abdicating her role as manager.  The result is her staff controlled the company.  She found her leadership style was command and control using her 3rh chakra to overpower and control it which worked, in the before small agreeable group.  She did not really know how to lead in a way that would produce the results she wanted.

The staff takes cues from their leaders about what is an acceptable way of being. Since Karen used control and command, her staff reacted in the same way. It became a confrontational and uncomfortable situation.  Karen realized she had created a void in leadership making everyone feel insecure.

In this new stage of her business, Karen is at a loss on how to lead her company past this crisis. From an intuitive perspective, Karen is on a journey of self-discovery. She is beginning to realize how much she controlled her company not lead it. Leadership comes in many forms but for Karen this meant to change to leading from her upper chakras: 4th for affinity for others, 5th for clear communication, 6th for clear seeing and reading the energy then the 7th to show leadership and vision.

The first step was for everyone to get out of each other’s space, release energy and focus on themselves and their goals within the company. Leadership begins with each person taking ownership of their position and producing results.  Karen decided that she will meet with each person and agree on expected results, giving them ownership of their position.

Next Karen had to change and change begins within. She needed to see herself as a leader in a new way for herself, her company, and her staff. Staff wants leadership. Leadership makes everyone feel confident and gives him or her space to be successful.  Clients want to experience leadership at every level of the company and from every experience they have with any staff.

Karen is not comfortable now. Change is uncomfortable. Her vision is strong. She is strong and knows the journey begins within to discover how she is as a leader in this cycle of her company. One thing she knows for sure, this is just the next stage of her growth as a leader. There are surely others to come.  She is grateful for the challenge to get to know herself within and decide how to be in the world in a new way.

Without the Sheer Will to Succeed

j0149029Before you succeed, you have an idea that inspires you then your create a vision of what success is for you. You write it down. You are clear. For those who can take this step, the next step is even more important.

Tell me about your vision. Know yourself.
• Is your vision something that you want?
• Is it something you would like to try to achieve?
• Do you feel determined and feel the will to make it happen?

If you could choose only one of the three choices above, which best describes how you feel about the vision that you have for yourself?

If you chose the first option, then you are happy to be in the state of wanting, desiring or longing without manifesting. Wanting is the state of lack, of not having something. So when we find ourselves comfortable wanting then nothing changes.

If you chose the second option, then you try a lot of things, giving each try a good but not great effort. Over time, you become discouraged and move on to something else. Trying means the result is not achieved so that you can stay in the state of trying.

If you chose the third option, then you have a clear vision, are harnessing your energy and are focused on manifesting that vision. Determination generates energy.  You need enough energy to succeed. The strength of your will is even more important because it focuses that energy. When we have the will to succeed, then we are engaging our body, mind and spirit to manifest a specific and focused result.

I am a Warriors fan and watched the game of wills determine outcomes throughout the year and especially in the finals.  Skill is important, but skill without the strength of the team’s will produces a lot of efforts but no win.  Jerry West, a former NBA player and Advisor to the Warriors, said early on, “The team with the strongest will wins.” I agree.

And so in life. When we have a clear vision then harness our energy, focus on the vision with unwavering determination then we succeed. A strong vision without the will to succeed creates working hard and a lot of effort without success.

Wanting and trying sees your vision in the future – where it stays. The will to succeed means bringing and having your vision now, in present time.

If you have a written vision, take a look. If you need to write your vision, do so then take a look. As you read your vision notice what you feel. Do you feel yourself wanting? Do you feel like you are trying? Or do you feel the strength of your will to succeed? These are feelings that create energy. It comes from within. Success comes from within.

You can change your perspective by changing the energy behind your vision. It means bringing your vision out of the future into present time and feeling yourself manifesting it through sheer will,  right now, letting nothing stop your vision.

Best wishes on your success,


Self-Worth & Business Success

Sometimes we cannot see the possibilities because of fear and uncertainty. Sarah is starting a training company for workforce development. She has worked in HR and volunteered in her community around workforce development for decades. Six years ago Sarah realized that she had a unique perspective on how to support challenged workers to become and stay employed. While she started her business at that time, she made little progress. Sarah had a unique perspective, a service to offer and was an expert in her field, but she did not know how to start and run a business.

When Sarah decided to commit to her idea, we began working to build a business around her vision. We worked on her vision, brand, product and service design, target market and more. With the foundational work completed, it was time for Sarah to begin to talk about her business with the world of workforce development. While Sarah is passionate and confident about her training model, she is not confident that others will see the value. This is not the case, but it is how she feels.

How we feel about our business and the value we offer impacts our ability to create clients. Sarah feels uncertain because selling is new to her. She thinks others will not see the value of her services but intuitively I see that Sarah is feeling uncertainty about her self-worth and value. This is not uncommon for new business owners.

When we own a business, it is not just about our products and services, our business is a reflection of who we are at our core and the concepts we hold in our space. In many ways, owning a business is a journey of self-discovery. When we are aware of our thoughts and feelings, then we make better decisions. When we are not self-aware, then we look at our business as a problem.

Sarah has worked as an employee up to this point. She is familiar with working hard, doing a good job and producing results. As a business owner, she is still working hard developing this business and is now ready to sell. Feeling uncertain about her value almost stopped her from continuing. Her business is new. It does not have results. She is relying on her passion for the work, her trademarked approach to workforce development and how she can work with an underserved group. Her success begins with how effectively she presents herself. From my perspective, Sarah is very impressive but my perspective does not matter. What matters is how others perceive her.

Everyone is intuitive. Our prospective clients pick up on us. Sarah needs to find the certainty and confidence she wants others to perceive in her. She has it in her though because selling is a new experience she feels uncertain. Every time she speaks on the phone, goes to an event or meets with someone about workforce development she becomes more comfortable though may not be where she wants to just yet.  She is getting there as she grows in her confidence in herself.

Sarah will succeed because she is determined. Her business is her passion, and it aligns with who she is at her core. Sarah now realizes that her business is more than the services she provides. With this insight, she is in a great place to be successful as a business and grow in her feelings of self-worth.

Another Way to Solve a Problem


Don’t we wish there was a simple way to solve a problem? As you might imagine, we all approach solving problems in our unique way, not all are effective. There are those who attack a problem head on and solve it though not always in the best way. Their goal is to solve the problem and not the quality of the solution or the long-term impact. Others avoid the problem altogether, hiding from it for as long as they can. That is not effective. The problem has not gone away; they are just avoiding it.  Others analyze the problem endlessly without finding a solution.  Some problems are not even ours to solve.  They are someone else’s problem.  There are other drivers for how we solves problems.

How we think and how we feel about a problem determines how we react then act on a problem. We don’t necessarily solve it. We act on problems to get them out of our way. We might look back and regret our action or realize we could have made a different choice.

Reacting to a problem is different from finding a solution that gets us back on track with our vision of our lives and ourselves. In fact, few look at problems in that context, when that is all that matters.

Our thinking, emotions, past time memories, other’s reactions and our fears get in the way and make problems harder to solve. From an intuitive perspective, we are the creator of all of this. I know that is not logical nor can I make it logical but you could see for yourself.

Here is an intuitive approach problems. Try this meditation and see what you experience.

  • Find a comfortable and quiet place.
  • Close your eyes, take a deep breath and relax.
  • Bring your attention to yourself in present time, to this moment.
  • Relax and quiet your body.
  • Take a few minutes to clear your thinking, release tension and relax in present time.
  • Pay your attention to yourself. Notice how you are doing, right now, in this moment.
  • Take a deep breath and as you exhale release and let go of the energy (tension) you are holding in your space. Relax.
  • Imagine, in your mind’s eye, a red rose. This is a way to open your intuition.
  • The rose represents a problem you want to solve. See and know the problem but don’t dwell on it.
  • Consider that you are creating this problem with your thoughts.  This is not logical but see it that way.
  • Know the thoughts you hold about it.
  • Imagine bringing your attention out of the problem. Begin to separate from it.
  • Clear your thinking. Let go of your thinking about the problem.
  • Consider that you are also creating this problem with your energies, fears, reactions and emotions. What are they?
  • Imagine taking your emotions, fears, and energy out of the problem.
  • Separate from the problem. Have no energy in the problem.
  • When you can see the problem without reacting to it or getting lost in thought, the problem is going away. This is not logical so let go of logic.
  • Now meditate on the outcome you want, one that aligns with who you are at your core. Focus on that.
  • Repeat this meditation often.

The more we can control our thinking and our energy, the more we have control of our reality then clear or solve a problem.

Best wishes, Kay

Inspiration Is Not Out There

iStock_000039816438SmallWe never realize how important inspiration is until we have lost it. Inspiration gives us a sense of purpose in the moment, from within and in what we do in the world. When our inspiration is lost, we are lost or so it seems. Losing inspiration happens to professionals, business owners and in our personal lives. There is nothing or no one to blame and no decisions need to be made.

We can get our inspiration back! Too often, we look outside ourselves to find a solution. Those changes might work initially, but it is temporary. True, lasting, renewable inspiration comes from within. It is not logical, but it is very intuitive.

Inspiration does not come from what we do. It comes from who we are at our core, which directs what we do. Inspiration means knowing who we are at our core and finding a way to express that in what we do.

I am a sports fan and love the Warriors. This year was hard to watch David Lee lose his starting place on the team. I read an article today about David and what inspires him the most. He is a caring guy who always looks after his fellow teammates but more than that he cares about kids who have serious medical issues. He is a donor and frequent visitor to St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital. Time spent with these kids reminds him who he is at his core. He is a champion and champions everyone else. When his work stifles his inspiration, he finds it at his core. He finds it within then expresses this in time spent inspiring these kids.

When I lose my inspiration, which happens when energy gets in my space, I don’t try to figure it out or find a way to inspire myself. I simply get quiet, stop thinking and go within. I find that reconnecting with myself, quietly remembering who I am at my core, changes my energy and stimulates my essence. From this kind of meditation I once again feel inspired to act in ways that feel right for me. Some of my most successful work has resulted from spending time quietly meditating on who I am at my core.

Give it a try. When you feel uninspired, find a space of quiet and reconnect with who you are at your core then feel inspired by yourself.

Anger and Success

hIt happened several times this week that clients got angry. My clients getting angry is not unfamiliar to me and not my intention though it is part of being an intuitive business coach.

Their stories are similar. We are working on their business. They have ambitious goals to achieve.  We assess progress and how strategies need to change. The success of a business is always so clear to me, but that is because I am not working in the business. My perspective is neutral and clear. The owner, however, holds all the energy; pictures and emotions of their lives and their business in their space and from here try to create success. Creating success with these energies in their space is challenging. The perspective of a coach helps the owner to get out of the energy, the pictures, and the emotions to see more clearly and to re-gain perspective.

Change sounds simple, but it is not easy. In each situation this week I either stimulated a painful picture in the space of the owner or pushed them a bit too far out of their comfort zone. Being a successful business owner is always a journey in self-awareness.

There are many ways to be a successful. Some barrel through the energy in their space and override self-awareness to create what they want. Barreling through is one way but when that success is achieved, they often find they are not where they want to be. They created success by ignoring and overriding what was going on within them.  Their success was external with no change within them.

These three business owners got angry for different reasons. They are men and women focused on their successful businesses and are self-aware.  When these owners got angry, it was an opportunity to stop and find what was in them that is painful, that they resist or puts them into fear. These energies, pictures, emotions or programming are not only in them; they are in their business or more accurately, in the way of their business.

One owner who got angry has a strong ego and feels the need to know everything about being a business owner. I asked to see his financials. He has been in business nine years, has gross sales of $6 mil. It was embarrassing to him that he does not know his business financials as well as he should. His lending partners expect better financials from him so now he has to admit what he does not know. We are working together to get his financials to the level his funders need and that he expects.

Another is a new business owner who got angry when we were creating strategies for her sales process. She preferred using strategies she felt comfortable doing. When I showed her how new strategies would create better results, she got angry.   These ideas were too far outside her comfort zone. She knows these steps are needed to succeed so we are creating a new sales process with new a new approach.  She is ready to step outside her comfort zone.

The third client has owned her successful business for years.  Currently, she does a great deal of the work of the business herself though she has a staff of eight. When I challenged her to become a better manager and leader in her business, learning how to mentor staff to do the work, she became angry. It is easier for her to do the work herself than to develop staff. We are now working to develop systems for staff development and to change her relationship to her business.

These are three great examples of how the limits inside us can get in the way of our success. All three of these clients, released their anger to see where they were in their own way then decided steps they could take. Making these changes was not and is not easy for them. It will take work to create the personal changes that support their success, but they are not afraid to be self-aware and to create change.

Our challenge every day is to be aware of how we are in our own way. What do we resist? What do we not know? What steps are we afraid to take? Often we cannot see this because we are so IN it. Ask someone. Ask a neutral observer to help you see where you are stuck. It will make all the difference.

The Three Most Important Steps

Cherry flowers and dollarLike most of us you probably get up in the morning, follow your routine and head off to work. You get there and take on whatever is on your desk or demanding your attention. This is the recipe for working hard. It is the same routine every day. This is not a recipe for success.

Don’t feel bad most people work this way. Successful people work another way. They have a clear vision of the success they want. They have a clear vision and they have a plan to get there. Each day successful people find the most important steps they can take that day to achieve that vision. Success people are not distracted by other demands and don’t waste time on work that does not move them forward in achieving their vision. They are focused.

Anyone can do this but old habits are hard to break, so it takes a plan. With those I coach I suggest meditation. Begin each day with a few quiet moments in which you stop, close your eyes, stop thinking, get quiet and visualize.

When we start our day with a vision of success in mind, everything changes. We become clear and focused. Rather than decide what you have to do today, visualize (imagine) the success you desire. Have this in mind to start. See it clearly. If you cannot then spend more time each day until you are clear. Without that vision, you have nothing to achieve. You are just working hard.

Next notice where you are now and the distance between where you are and where you want to be. Meditate and know the steps you can take to move closer to your vision of success. Finally in meditation become aware of three high-value tasks you can do this day to move you forward.

If three steps are taken each day toward your vision, it begins to manifest. It is surprising and exciting. It is important that the three steps are high-value steps. High-value steps make a difference. They are not the easy to do steps that you would do anyway but rather ones that take you out of your routine, are a bit uncomfortable and will make a significant difference.

When we approach our work in this way, our perspective and our energy change significantly. We feel different and see differently. We are focused on success, and it is manifesting.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

Forget Goals!

dreamstime_12068670Forget your to-do list. Forget goals. Focus on results. Working with hundreds of business owners and professionals for all these years has raised my understanding of success, what works and what does not.

The biggest time waster is the To Do List, at least as a starting point. The To-Do List is the last thing to be created. Goals can be just as ineffective, at least as a starting point. The most effective approach is: to know the vision you have for your life, see it clearly in your mind’s eye then everything you do, actions you take and decisions you make help to achieve your vision. Everything else is a distraction and moves you away from your vision.

Another approach may be more effective. Decide the results that you want at the end of the day, the week, the month, the year. The timeframe you set does not matter but should be sufficient to direct the results that you want.

Most importantly is to write this down in terms that show results. For example, use terms like:
I have ……….
I am ……
I do …….

Never use the word want. That creates wanting. Only write in future terms if you want the result to be in the future because you do not want it now. When you write a result in the future, is it because you do not believe it can happen now? If that is the case, then it will never happen, it will always be in the future.

Focusing on results means declaring that you are creating. You are creating something new, creating a change or a new experience in your life personally or professionally. You are stating the result of that change. You are stating it in present time terms. This is the most powerful way to create change now.

Finally, be conscious of your thoughts, focus on the results you desire and be determined regardless of where you are now. If you cannot imagine these results then explore the thoughts, emotions, memories and concepts that you hold. Are they in conflict with the result you desire? Clear your thinking. Strengthen your vision. It is a process, and it works. The thoughts you hold create your reality. Notice your reality, it is showing you what you believe to be true. You can change this. Change your thinking; focus your attention on the results you desire.

Give it a try.  Write the vision you have for yourself personally and professionally. Write the results you have for this week for any aspect of your vision.  Meditate on both so that you can see your vision manifesting in present time.  Be self-aware.  Clear energy, thoughts, emotions that interfere with your vision manifesting now.  Spend   30 minutes each day being clear about the results you desire and believing it whole heartedly.   Believing it wholeheartedly means there is nothing in you in your way.

Best wishes, Kay

Frustrated? Take Ownership.

dreamstime_man-meditating_5645730I need more sales. I don’t have enough time. I need better marketing. Can’t find good people. Business owners stare at these frustrations at one time or another. Most often they go for the band-aid instead of creating a strong bridge. What if the problem was not sales, time, marketing or people? What if something more foundational was at the core of each of these with the result being poor sales, lack of time, not enough leads, staff is not performing, etc.?

Business owners are the heart and soul of the business so when something is not working looking outward will not show the answer. We have to look within. Our business is a physical manifestation of what is going on with us. This is true not just for a business owner but also for anyone. Look at what is happening in your life as a reflection of what is going on within you. This is not logical, but it is very intuitive.

When we accept that what we experience is a reflection of us then consider the following and take ownership of what you want to change.

  • It is NEVER someone else’s fault. Instead, we can ask why are we engaged with someone in a way that creates what we do not want?
  • There is never anyone to blame. Instead, we can ask, “What was I not owning or doing that created space for this mishap or situation?”
  • Need more sales. Take a new look at what you are selling. You are not selling just your product or service but more. What are you showing your prospect about you and your business? That is what they are buying.  The product or service you sell, for most industries, could be purchased from someone else so why should they buy from you?
  • Not enough time? Why is that? Honestly, where do you spend your time? What is important to you and what do you value? An honest self-assessment of your personal discipline is the first step. Then a time management plan is created from that honest reflection and focused on achieving goals not being busy.
  • Need more marketing? Stop before you throw money at websites, SEO, inbound marketing, etc. Before you do all those great things, decide who you are, what you value, your vision and what you promise to your customers.  Market from that awareness.
  • Finding staff. Qualifications are not enough. When we hire people who match our values, our vision and inspired to promote the promise we make to our customers that is a good fit.
  • Staff not performing.  Take time to assess yourself as a manager. Do you bring out the best in people? Do you create a culture of excellence?

So you get the point and the list could go on and on.  The problem is never outside of us. What you see outside is the result of what is going on within us. This is true for business owners and everyone else. To have inspired success means a journey in self-awareness and the application of strategic actions to achieve your vision of success.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

Business Coaching

Whatever You Imagine Is Being Created

Intuitive - Clear seeing

As a kid, I was self-conscious, not wanting to fail especially when others could see. Fear of failure was particularly evident in sports. I wanted to go on a group ski trip but did not know how to ski. I wanted to go with friends ice-skating except I did not know how to ice skate. My family planned to go water skiing with another family, and I did not know how to water-ski. Now you are thinking everyone has to learn and that makes sense except I could not tolerate not knowing, and the fear of failing was immense.

From that early age, I learned to visualize. No one taught me. It just seemed the only way. In all these sports, I had at least one experience trying and, of course, failing but I knew how it felt, so I started to imagine myself performing the skill needed for the sport. For example, I did this over and over then I would dream about skiing. When I could feel myself skiing in my dreams, I found that I could ski! This same technique worked for roller-skating and other sports. From there, with experience and practice I got better.

As I grew up, I used this same technique in other situations where I was not certain. Over and again I found that if I could imagine it, I could do it. Visualizing worked in college, in social situations, car repairs and more. It worked so well that I teach all my clients to visualize. Visualizing is not a new concept. Hundreds of studies have proven its impact. Thousands of teachers and coaches use visualization to develop their students, clients, and athletes. Some in the medical profession use it with patients to imagine their desired outcome.

Visualizing works both ways. We can imagine the outcomes we desire. On the other hand, if we imagine and dwell on the negative, what we fear and what we don’t want that manifests as well. Whatever we imagine is created. We can imagine a negative outcome just as easily as something we want.

Notice what you dwell on. Do not dwell on, imagine or visualize what you do not want. Don’t be too curious about someone else’s mishap. Don’t imagine what that was life for them so that you do not create it for yourself.

The essence is to focus your mind’s eye. Focus on manifesting what you do want. Keep your mind clear and your attention off any negative thoughts. Create your vision of success, be certain and take steps in present time to move in that direction.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

Nothing is Wrong

Upset woman

A simple explanation for why everything feels wrong. Perhaps you are not in present time. I know this is not logical, but it is not meant to be. From an intuitive perspective, when we are fully in present time we understand what is and decide what to create at that moment. When we are not in present time, then it feels like things are happening to us, and we do not have control.

When we are not in present time, we are mostly likely lost in thought, thinking and over thinking. Our mind and thoughts create stories based on our worries, our fears, complaints, judgment of things and other negative perspectives. The judging mind is different from our creative mind that works with us to create otherwise we are in our judging mind.

These perspectives on the mind and our thinking may be new to you, and perhaps you never noticed how your mind works. We are always in it, thinking, thinking and thinking. It is addictive and habitual. When we come out of our mind and allow ourselves to be deeply present at the moment, our perspective on everything is different.

In present time, we do not judge. We observe. We decide and create. Accepting what is in present time allows us to see more clearly where we want to be and move in that way. Conversely, when we are in our mind complaining and judging where we are then we go more deeply into the circumstance we are resisting.

Because this is not logical, it is intuitive. Intuitive concepts are not understood by the mind. Intuitive concepts are understood through awareness and experience so try this.

  • Notice a problem you are IN.
  • Stop thinking about it and come deeply into present time. To come into present time focus deeply on yourself and what you are experiencing (not thinking) at this moment.
  • Once you are deeply present, then observe the problem. Don’t think about it or argue with yourself about it. Just observe it.
  • Observe the problem. Be intuitive. Imagine pulling yourself out of the problem. See it as something you can observe.
  • Imagine pulling your energy out of it.
  • When you feel separate enough from it, then decide to allow it to be.
  • Take your attention off the problem. Focus on yourself. Decide how you want to be in present time and be there.

Learning how to come into present time when a problem presents itself creates the most amazing results. So before you react to any problem, give this a try then notice how you choose to respond in present time.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

Why am I doing this?

cropped-standing-on-rock.jpgSo why am I doing this? Asking why is a good way to realign who we are with what you do. It does not matter if you sort widgets, work for a corporation or run a business. Knowing why you do what you do helps achieve your vision.

When we start we know why then over time, we get lost in the energy of the work, the challenges we meet and the routine of it all. Suddenly we are working hard and have lost the inspiration and connection to ourselves.

From an intuitive perspective, creating from within, based on who we are, helps us work in ways that inspire why we are doing what we do. When we don’t take the time to stop, to go within, release energy, clear our thinking and reconnect with who we are at our core then we drift further and further away from ourselves. When we drift away, we get lost in the challenges and the struggles. We lose our passion and are left with problems to solve and feeling unfulfilled.

Taking the time to stop, go within and reconnect with who we are at our core revives the passion within us. From meditation, we can reflect on the work that we do and reimagine it in a way that serves our goals and our lives. We know what quantum physics is  now proving, that we create changes in our reality as the observer.

You create. You can create the change you desire. Just take the time to stop, go within and reimagine why you do what you do. Find the passion and the purpose or perhaps change what you do if the current cycle is completed.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

Your Power to Create

iStock_000040644216MediumIntuition is widely discussed these days though few know how to use this ability. Most references to intuition relate to our ability to pick up on things, to know, to read and to trust our gut. These describe the receiving side of intuition. Few know about or understand the other side, our power to create.

Creative intuition is not a logical discussion so you will have to open to your intuition. Our thoughts create. A short and simple statement that cannot be understood by the mind. Quantum Physics has provided the science behind this long known ability to have to create, manifest and change our reality simply by placing our attention on it. Quantum physics states that the observer has a direct impact on whatever they have their attention on.

A simpler way of saying this is, “Our thoughts are creative.” As a coach and consultant, this is in my awareness all the time. I pay attention to the words my clients use, the thoughts they express, the attitude they have. Those who are successful are optimistic, positive, have a strong vision, are problem solvers and are determined. You never hear a negative word or thought come from them.

Joyce is a new client and a business owner. At first she presents a friendly, positive perspective but my sense was behind that persona is a lot of negative energies. Joyce started coaching because her eight-year business is barely breaking even. She wants success. I know that success and failure are not coincidental. I could feel intuitively how tightly she held things, anger deep inside her. Her energy did not flow. That showed up in her business by money not flowing; relationships were not flowing, and difficulty getting clients to reorder.

After a couple of pleasant coaching sessions, Joyce let down her guard showing how negative she is, seeing everything as a problem, not keeping clients, not having money, etc. My efforts to encourage her to look at things from a different perspective fell on deaf ears. She was set in her ways, so our coaching ended.

Knowing that thoughts are creative I felt awful that Joyce was creating her business failure but could not see it. She felt her struggles were due to circumstances outside herself, the competition, the Internet, and so on.

On the other hand, I have clients who understand that they create. They guard what they say. When they have a crisis, they see it as something they can fix so that they can continue to focus on their vision of success. They are kind to those around them, seeing the best in them. My successful clients have a positive outlook and setbacks are just seen as part of life and move on. They keep their vision in mind all the time and work from their passion to get there. Failure is not in their mind.

Thoughts are creative. Notice what you think. Keep your highest vision in mind and see yourself there. Stay away from negative people, stories, conversations, thoughts, statements, and experiences. Take control of your space meaning keep your energy high so that energy is moving. Take control of your thinking so that every thought you entertain is one that builds your vision of success.

Notice how things are different for you when you see yourself creating your vision of success.  Knowing that your thoughts create, what are you creating now?

Notice how things are different for you when you see yourself creating your vision of success. Knowing that your thoughts create, what are you creating now?

Lost A Client to His Passion

????????????????????????????????????????A fellow business coach lost a client after their first session, and it was wonderful! Sam told the story of his first meeting with Fred. Sam felt Fred’s natural warmth and experienced his transparency refreshing. Sam found he had to ask Fred often to speak up, due to his softly spoken manner. Sam could feel Fred’s pain and anxiety when he opened up about his frustrations, based on his crippling fear of expressing himself with his team. Fred has built two profitable businesses. Fred’s been offered the worldwide rights to the brand to one of his businesses and wanted to franchise. Fred admitted he had no idea how to become bigger than his fear, step out of his softly spoken shadow, and grow into an inspirational and respected leader.

Sam and I begin coaching our clients, in the same way. We want to know what they value, what is important to them and how they view their purpose. It is a challenging exercise for everyone and essential for coaching to begin. Who they are at their core shows up in their business and their life.

After this exercise, Fred decided to stop running his business. His passion was to support the teachers in his company. He decided to take paid position allowing him to pass the running of the business over to someone else as an outright sale or a management arrangement. Fred’s first coaching session with Sam allowed him to find what he wanted and what he did not want–“I do not want to be stuck in front of endless Excel spreadsheets.”

Fred is no longer Sam’s client as he stepped out of being a business owner. From Sam’s perspective, his one coaching session with Fred was a complete success. Fred found his passion. Fred took the time to stop and look at where he was and if that aligned with who he was. Fred found himself in the midst of all of that and decided to follow his passion.  This is his version of success.

Don’t think. Meditate.

dreamstime_man-meditating_5645730To meditate is trendy. Parade Magazine’s recent cover story states “Everyone is doing it” then mentioned the rich and famous that claim meditation is part of their daily routine. I hope that is the case because I agree. I cannot imagine not meditating, taking time to spot, set quiet, clear my thinking and get back on track. Meditation can be a life saver.

As a business coach and consultant, I urge all my clients to meditate and most do. I teach meditation, a style evolved from many forms of meditation, to business owners and professionals with success in mind. It does not matter what form of meditation you use as long as you take the time to stop, get quiet, go within and stop thinking!

Stand. Sit. Walk.

Most people sit for meditation. Some do a walking meditation. While I mostly sit, feet on the floor, when particularly energized and I cannot quiet my body enough to sit, I will do a Tai Chi standing meditation called wuji.

Tried to Meditate

The most common response I hear to my suggestion to meditate is “I’ve tried that.” Meditation takes practice. We are busy and always doing something. We think all the time. It is hard to stop. When we learn to stop, calm and quiet the body and clear our thinking, we finally begin to listen to ourselves.


We almost never listen to ourselves, which causes us to make poor decisions, head in the wrong direction or not change directions when we need to. Meditation helps us in body, mind and spirit. It clears our mind, connects us with ourselves and promotes wellness. Who does not want that?

Be Determined

Meditation takes practice, persistence and determination to get started. We have to change old patterns, routines and habits just to create the time to stop, sit down, close our eyes, take a deep breath and get quiet. It is an effort that is well worth it.

You Decide When & Where

The known benefits of meditation mean nothing compared to each person’s experience when they established a meditation practice whether it is five minutes, half-hour or hour each day. It does not matter if you do it in the morning, at lunch break or in the evening. You can find where meditation fits in your life and why you are doing it. I prefer the morning so that I start my day clear. Others prefer evening so that they can clear from their day. Some do both. I meditate before each client appointment so that I am clear and present.

I read about a successful entrepreneur who stopped every hour for one minute to meditate to make sure his thinking was clear. Everyone in his office knew this routine and honored it.


Once you start your practice, you will find how you want to use meditation to achieve your goals, personally and professionally. If I were to say one important thing about meditation, it would be to stop thinking.  Do not think during meditation. Just be present with yourself. Clear your thinking. Your next experience will be remarkable.

Let me know how I can help you establish your meditation practice. Meditation changes everything.

Best wishes, Kay

About Meditation

Be Bigger. Be Successful Today.

iStock_000039816438SmallHaving a clear vision of success is essential for that success to manifest. This concept is well-known and accepted. It is logical, practical and intuitive, but there is more. Having a clear vision of itself does not cause it to manifest. It takes action, using your life force energy to make space for your vision.

Does that sound a bit obscure? Another way of saying this is to take actions every day to manifest that vision. More importantly be bigger in your life. Completely fill your space. Feel bigger, take bigger actions, more impactful actions. Make every day a successful day.

When we want something we do not now have then, we have to change. The change does not start outside of us. It starts within us.

I am working with a new company owned by a husband and wife. Their business started nine years ago, and they did well. The business has been a struggle for the past 3-4 years, so they started coaching. They are great people and passionate about their business. Their challenge is they see the problem outside themselves. It is their competition, customers price shopping, not finding good staff, not having working capital and so on. From a coaching perspective, the change needs to start with them. They do not agree on the vision of the company, do not spend their time on the highest value tasks, are unwilling to change and have a failure perspective.

When we want something other than what we have, then we have to change. The change begins within us. Simple and powerful steps beginning with having a clear vision then every action you take and decision you make based on achieving that vision. Finally, spend each day being successful, seeing yourself as successful and be successful in taking steps toward your vision.

So often, we spend our day being busy, doing what is at hand or what is easy as if being busy was productive. Being productive is not the goal. The goal is to achieve our vision of success. That means to start each day being bigger. If we stay as we are then nothing changes. Being bigger means changing your space to the energy level of your success. Feel successful. Act in successful ways even if uncomfortable. Each day determine the high-value steps you can take that will make that day successful in moving toward your vision. Those steps might be challenging, or they may be easy, but they are important for achieving your vision of success. Have your vision in mind as you take steps.

Start today. Fill the space with being bigger, feeling successful. Fill your space more fully. The energy you are being is the result you will experience. Be successful today, tomorrow and onward until this current vision manifests then you can create again.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

Forget To Do Lists. Be Successful!

Success Now!
Success Now!

As a society, we are obsessed with To Do Lists. There is a sense that getting things done and being busy are important. Getting things done and being busy does not achieve goals or move us any closer to our vision of success. It is just a way to fill our time.

Some of us are so fixated on To Do Lists that they feel lost without them. I gave a seminar to a group of business owners on their vision of success, the importance of creating goals to support that vision and strategies to achieve those goals. I never once mentioned To Do Lists. I had moved everyone’s thinking to a new level of creating success. They were inspired, aware and ready to approach their businesses in a new way.

At the Q&A session, the first comment was from a woman who said she totally understands what I am saying, and she creates a to-do list every day. Ugh! I watched most of the room move from the energy of success down to the energy of effort, working hard, being busy and getting things done.  Her comment reminded them of their attachment to a To Do List. Old habits, even unproductive ones, are hard to break.

Just being busy feels validating. We are programmed in this way. We are not programmed to be successful which requires a different approach.

Knowing that we cannot give up the To-Do List, as it is engrained in us, let me suggest another approach. Have a clear vision of the life you desire, a very clear vision. Write it down. Establish goals for the year to move you in the direction of that vision. Write your plans to achieve those goals. Your vision and the goals to achieve your vision are the foundation of your success.  The other option is to make a To Do List, stay busy in a routine that maintains what you have now without moving forward.

If a To Do List is essential for your comfort, create one but don’t start there. Start your day deciding the goals you want to achieve or steps you want to take to achieve your vision of success. Completing one to three goals a day is possible. Write the steps you will take that day.

Now go back to your To Do List. If there is something on the list that is urgent, though not important to achieving your vision, then decide that will be done today as well. Focus first on the steps you defined to achieve your goals. If there is time remaining at the end of the day then going back to the To Do List is an option.

Success comes from focusing on the outcome you desire and taking steps in present time to manifest that vision.

Best wishes on your success,  Kay

The energy level of success. Are you there?

Recognize Your Success

Success comes from a high creative vibration matched with a high creative energy within us. Working hard for success is fine. The energy level you are being when you are creating determines your success.   If your energy is low, depressed or if you are in anger, effort or resistance, all your efforts will not create success. You are just working hard. Success needs a high creative energy.

Success starts within you.   How are you doing? What is on your mind? What energy level are you being at this moment? When we feel inspired, enthusiastic and working with passion we are creating success with these high vibrations.

On those days when you are feeling down, your energy is low and you are out of sorts, take a break, do something to heal yourself, to raise your energy or have fun. When you are back on track, your energy is high and you feel ready go back and take on the challenges with certainty and enthusiasm.

Start with taking a deep breath and placing your attention on yourself. How are you doing? Are you inspired to create success or it is time to stop and renew?

Best wishes on your success,  Kay

Forget Competition

Abstract with heartSome things are set up naturally for competition, i.e. sports and games. Would you be surprised if I said that, from an intuitive perspective, competition does not belong in places of creativity, i.e. your business or your career?

Competition in business expresses a fear of lack. Whatever we fear we create. Thoughts create. If we fear our competition and believe they are better or will harm us then that is what we create. Clear your thinking on this and your reality will change.

A business or profession is a creative endeavor, a form of self-expression. It is a journey of knowing what is within us that we can manifest in our world. It is the purpose of life.  When we get stuck in competition, our attention moves from who we are and what we are expressing and creating onto what someone else is doing. We lose awareness of ourselves.

When we are in competition, we are no longer creating. Our focus is on what has already been created by someone else. We lose awareness of what is within us, our business or profession begins to show the lack of our creative expression.

Success does not depend on someone else’s failure.  That is  competition and fear.   Our success does not depend on being better than someone else.  That too is competition and fear of lack. Our success comes from creating the best that we are capable of and creating wealth for that effort.

Connecting to the creative urge within us, focusing on expressing that will bring the wealth and success we are capable of creating. As you go through your day notice any way that you express that fear of lack. Stop, release that fear and refocus on expressing your passion and creativity from within out into your business or your work.

Best wishes on your success,  Kay

As always, your views on this are welcomed.

How To Decide?

????????????????????????????????????????Many people call when they have a decision to make and are not sure how to decide or what to decide so I tell them, “Don’t decide.” That may surprise you, but I mean it. Every day we are making decisions. Most of them we do not notice regardless of whether they are big decisions or small, personal or professional, important or unimportant. We don’t notice because the choice is obvious. We know what we want, and we decide.

On the other hand, there are decisions that we simply cannot make. From an intuitive perspective, there are many reasons for this. The first and most obvious is there is no need to make a decision. Often others give us their problem to solve, ask that we make a decision, perhaps even demand that we decide. If it is not your problem, then you do not have to decide.

In other situations, we are simply uncertain. This uncertainty comes from the energy in our space and the thoughts stimulated by the question. If you are unsure, then do not decide until you are certain. Thoughts and energy in your space get in the way of seeing clearly. Stopping, stepping back, getting out of the energy of the decision gives us the space to know.

When you cannot decide, take the time to meditate to release the energy in creating pressure in your space, the thoughts that are competing with each other to find a space of neutrality, to see more clearly. Once you feel calm and clear, ask a simple question, “What are the goals I am trying to achieve? Does this decision move me forward in achieving those goals?” The answer to these questions may not always be logical. Most often at this point it is intuitive.

When you get to the point when you cannot decide, you have considered the logical aspects and the answers are not there. Research has found that the more we think about something, the less clear we become. When you cannot find the answer logically, it is time to trust your intuition.

Start by noticing the energy level you are being when you consider the decision. Does the decision create a high vibration of enthusiasm, possibilities, creativity or any other high vibration? A high vibration is a good space to consider making a decision. If, however, you feel down, negative, pressured or any of the lower vibrations then consider not making a decision from this space. Take the time to raise your vibration; by doing something that you enjoy, something that inspires you and that will bring your energy up. Get into a space of enthusiasm before you decide and always consider the option of not deciding.

Giving ourselves permission not to decide at this time, gives us the space to become clear. To call to us better options and more choices that are aligned to who we are and our vision for ourselves.

Making a decision when the answer is not clear begins within and being in present time and reconnecting with who we are at our core.

Intuitive Steps to Decision Making

  • Find your space. Find a quiet, comfortable space to sit, close your eyes. Quiet the body and clear your thinking.
  • Take a deep breath and release, letting go of all the energy in your space.
  • Be grounded. Be centered. Have your space.
  • Hold your head high. Straighten your spine and hold your head high.
  • Quiet your body and clear your mind. Place your attention on yourself. How are you doing? What is on your mind or in your space?
  • You want to make decisions that come from a space of clarity so clear the question from your mind. Take a deep breath and release.
  • Stop thinking. You have already done that, and it did not give your answer. Clear your thinking. Open to your intuition.
  • Be present. Have your attention on yourself in present time. Notice yourself breathing.
  • Imagine a symbol of a rose.
  • Meditate on a rose for your vision for your life, personally and professionally. See it clearly in your mind’s eye.
  • When you can see and feel your goals clearly, ask the question and listen – intuitively.

When you are clear you will decide without effort and with certainly. Anything less is not your truth.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

Failure Is Easy

????????????????????????????????????????When we have a great idea or something we are good at, it is easy to start a business but then what. So many business owners have a great service or a product, or are an expert at something. Running a business and being a business owner is a different skill set. That does not mean they cannot run a business though doing so takes self-awareness. What are my strengths, weaknesses, what don’t I know and what support do I need to make my good idea a successful business?

Over the years, I have seen many businesses succeed, and many businesses fail. I have learned from both. I am most impressed by those who fail unnecessarily.


Rosa owned a restaurant in Detroit. She is a great cook, a smart women and good to her staff, but she was not making money. Rosa did not know how to run a business. She never determined the cost of meals she served so was unsure if she was charging enough. Marketing was a mystery, so she relied on word of mouth and returning customers. She wanted families from the town to frequent her business. In reality, it was the construction workers and laborers that came daily. Speaking with Rosa, she said she was going to figure it out herself. In the end, she could not and closed her business in 2014.


Sara owns a promotional products company. Sara realized she did not know how to make her business successful. She is smart, capable, and an expert in the creative and technical aspects of her industry. We started coaching with the basics: values, vision and brand. This work inspired Sara and grounded the work she was doing. It gave her a clear perspective to talk to market to potential customers. Her revenue doubled each month for three months then Sara decided she knew what she was doing and took off on her own thinking that the foundation was clearly all she needed. There is so much more to business. I spoke with Sara almost a year from our last coaching session. Her business is failing.  She found she did not know as much as she thought about running a business and was ready to learn more.


Frank has a wonderful new product that he is creating a business around. Everyone, who has tried his product, give it rave reviews. His market research and his passion for this new business are his strengths. He was on a roll, putting in place one aspect of the business then another until he hits a wall. Finances. Frank hates finances. He goes into fear and melts into a puddle of uncertainty. His business is ready to start production once he creates a real budget and determines how he is going to fund this start-up. Fear of finances is a major hurdle for many business owners. Frank’s business is on hold until he takes that step.


Dennis owns a company that sells blinds and curtains. He has done this for ten years. Dennis has a great reputation, and his customers love him. He is not making money. Dennis has run his business without a budget, financial reports, and determination of cost of goods sold and more. Dennis is acting as an installer not a business owner though his gross revenue was $1 mil. in 2014. His profit margin is small and has been for years. Dennis fears finances, so he just does what he enjoys which is working with customers and avoids the finances of his business, and it is hurting him.

Each of these owners has created a business around their strengths, are smart and passionate, all of which are essential to being a business owner but a successful business needs all the aspects managed correctly. Business owners that struggle to succeed do the work of the business that they enjoy and are good at doing. They avoid or resist aspects of the business that does not fit their skill set, which they fear or feel uncertain about doing. These fears kill a business. Self-awareness is essential to owning a successful business. What am I good at doing? What do I resist? Admit that I don’t know what I don’t know. We all see through a small lens and can’t see anything that stimulates energy, a picture, a memory or emotion that make us uncomfortable. We put our head in the sand while our business suffers.

I tell these stories as we start the New Year to inspire business owners to take a deep breath, do a self and business assessment. Why do we persist running our business in a way that is not producing the results we want? What do you need to make your business successful this year?

Take the time to stop and meditate. Clear your thinking especially if it has not worked.
Quiet your body so that what you resist or fear does not cloud your awareness. From a space of quiet, go within and meditate on your business. What is working? What is not? What do you resist or fear?

Success is not a mystery. When we open our awareness of how we are getting in the way then we can make the changes needed to grow a successful business. If what you did last year did not produce the results, you want then find out what needs to change within you and in your business so that 2015 is different.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

Forget the Future

????????????????????????????????????????The New Year has begun with thoughts of what we want in the future. Setting goals is our tradition and how we experience new cycles. The New Year is a hopeful and exciting time.

The New Year is also a time when we can get really off track by focusing on the future. Focusing on the future is one of the ways that we get in our way. Nothing exists except this moment so perhaps a better choice is to focus on present time.

It is our tendency to consider what we want, imaging it will happen in the future. Is that because we cannot imagine having it now? That is an important point. If we cannot imagine having it now why do we imagine we can have it in the future? Are we delaying? Avoiding what is happening in the moment?

Approach this New Year in a new way. Be present. Create what you want in each moment, not continue with your routine, or old ways of thinking and being. Take charge of this moment. Bring what you have imaged for the future into present time.

When you do this, you will run into yourself, your thoughts, concepts, programming and energy that makes it hard to create the change you desire.  This pain makes us put our goals into the future.  This year decide to let go of the pain in present time.

Be bold. Be courageous. Be determined. Grab a hold of yourself and focus in this moment. Learn to be present. To be present takes practice and determination as we typically dwell on the past and anticipate the future.

Be present now. Stay present.  More than that decide how you want to be in the moment and what you want to create. The only place, you can create, is now. Enjoy the New Year in each moment.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

Success Now!

LifeYou are in 2015 or should I ask, “Are you in 2015?” Perhaps you are still pondering 2014 or beyond. Maybe you are still solving a problem or experience from last year or before. I can create a long list, from an intuitive perspective, of all the ways dwelling in the past interferes with our success. Rather than overly analyze that concept, consider letting go of the past.

What would happen if you simply let go and focused on being in present time? The past no longer exists. You cannot change it. Dwelling on the past means focusing your life force energy there, depleting your energy in present time. It limits the amount of energy and attention available to create now.

All of this may sound esoteric though it is very real. When we stop, come out of our mind (our thoughts) and focus on being present, we immediately begin to feel different. We begin to experience change. The body calms down; the mind clears and we become aware of ourselves and everything around us even if what we have at this moment is not what we want going forward. We are more capable of making the changes we desire when we are truly present and not scattered between the past and what we want in the future.

If success is a goal, such as, dwelling on past successes or failures simply distracts us from creating in present time. The only place we can create is at this moment, present time. Take a deep breath and be present, really present. Call your energy back from the past. Be present.

Anticipating the future is just as ineffective. Knowing what you are desire is one thing, having our attention in the future and not the present keeps the future from manifesting. The only place we can create is at this moment, present time.

Focusing on the past, or the future puts what we desire on hold. We can only create in present time. When we are in present time, all our energy and attention at this moment, what we desire begins to manifest. It is a miracle.

Take the time to stop, meditate on being present. Come out of the past and the future. Enjoy creating in present time. Nothing is possible in present time.

Best wishes on your success now,  Kay

Meditation on Being Present

What Do You Avoid?

dreamstimefree_214026Procrastination is a term often used and not taken very seriously. Sure, we all procrastinate. If we look deeper and ask, “What am I avoiding?” that stimulates a different level of energy and avoidance.

What we avoid gets in our way.   We can work hard to be successful, experiencing little progress. We can do all the right things and still not meet our goals. The answer may lie in what we avoid.

Before you start the New Year take a moment to get quiet, go within, meditate and reflect on what you avoid?

  • What decisions do I avoid?
  • What communications am I avoiding?
  • What changes am I putting off?
  • What actions am I avoiding taking?

There may be other questions that will help you uncover what you are avoiding and resisting.   Without thinking, trust your intuition and ask why. Why am I avoiding this? Then take a deep breath and release all the energy you have generated in your space in avoidance and resistance. Continue to let go of the energy you feel in your space until the resistance is gone.


Try this simple exercise.  It can change everything.


Best wishes on your success in the New Year, Kay

Vision From Your Core


Every year around this time we reflect on where we have been, create a vision of what’s next and a plan to get there. It is so easy for our vision to be too narrow, focusing on one goal or another and not the bigger picture of the life we desire personally and professionally.

We create professional goals separate from our personal goals.   There may be a disconnect that we do not notice from the logic of our mind.

Seeing that bigger picture is possible when we gain some distance about where are now. From an intuitive perspective this means literally to pull our energy and attention out of our current creations, successes, failures, problems, accomplishments, what we enjoy and what we do not.

When we can create separation or distance from everything that is we gain perspective and can see more clearly. There is one more step. Look at the vision for your life from who you are at your core. Being at your core happens easiest in meditation. Go within. Find a communication with yourself. In this way you can listen to your heart, your soul and yourself, asking where you truly want to be in your life. What is next?

Our lives are so noisy that we cannot hear ourselves. Focus is typically on something or someone so much so that we lose our ability to hear ourselves. We act and react to whatever is in our space at the moment. Reacting without thought reminds me of the adage that says we are like a couch. We wear the impression of the last person who sat on us. In order to know our truth about what is next we have to clear everyone and everything from our space. The goal is to be alone with our self, long enough to get back into communication with who we are at our core. Once there, we can ask questions about what is next.

Being able to hear our self is not easy. We have noise in our heads. We tend to think more than we listen. When we take time to be alone, quiet our body, clear our thinking, go within and ask a question about what’s is next, we can find our truth. The key is not to think but to listen. Listening to ourselves at our core takes practice. We are so programmed to think that we tend to do that automatically though the answer you are looking for comes in listening to yourself and the God of your heart at your core.

Before you create your goals and plans for the New Year, take the time to be alone, go within and communicate with yourself. What is your next step? Don’t ask the world. Ask from who you are at your core.

Best wishes for peaceful, happy and prosperous New Year, Kay

What Am I Trying to Accomplish Here?

green grasTo be human is to ask, then ask again, “What is my purpose?”   I hear and ask this question all the time. When we feel uncertain about the answer to this big question then make it simple.  Decide to be on your path today. Being on your path in this moment is far more important and inspiring.

If you stopped, got out of your routine, took the time to get really present with yourself and meditated, opening to your intuition, not your logic, how would you decide to be on your path today?

We are so programmed to think, decide, know and figure out our path, our purpose or our life’s work that we drift further and further away from ourselves, from who we are at our core.

If you are uncertain about your purpose or feel a bit off your path then do not think about it. Do not try to answer the question.   Instead, stop.   Come out of all your thoughts about things. Stop thinking. Be present with yourself in this moment. Decide to be on your path today wherever that leads you. Do this intuitively. No expectation.

A good measure is to love each moment and the experience.

It could be as simple as changing your attitude about this day, your life today, the people you interact with, the way your approach each experience.   It could mean making different choices and placing your attention on things that matter versus things that do not and know the difference.

Rather than write goals for the New Year decide to live your purpose each day. You do not have to name it. Just be in present time. For this to work you have to get off the treadmill, out of routines, clear your thinking, let go of energy and be present.

Best wishes for the New Year,


2015 Different Than 2014

happy new year 2015 on the beach with sunrise2014 is drawing to a close. Don’t turn your back on it until you pause, write your achievements in 2014 (brag), write what didn’t work and, most importantly, why. Success is not a mystery.

When we take the time to honestly assess both what we are good at and how we get in our own way then, we can change. Recognizing why we did not take steps, is important to know.  We can decide how we will be different in 2015. Otherwise, nothing will change.

This past week I conducted two webinars on determination.  I did this webinar because I find when we do not achieve our vision or a goal it is often because we are not determined enough.

From an intuitive perspective, determination is an energy level we have available to us that is so strong and such a high vibration that it pushes through the stuck places in us. If you go into effort when I say this then you are not using the energy of determination. Determination and effort are different.

We start with an idea of what we want in our lives but that is not enough. The next step is to see, in our mind’s eye, our life being this way. This is the vision we have of our life. When we can see it in our mind’s eye, we are a step further than wanting. But visualizing not enough.

Granted you must be able to see your vision manifesting for that to happen but there is another step. That step is determination. Determination means to experience the energy of your certainty and your power to create this vision and make it real.

From here we start to write goals, take steps, push through fears and perceived limits. We are determined!

Try these steps:

  • Know what you want to create.
  • See your life in this way, clearly in your mind’s eye.
  • Feel determined, the energy in the body that says you can and will do this.
  • Write the goals and steps you can take to manifest that vision.
  • Finally, feel more determined because change is about to happen.

I would love to hear your comments, stories and perspectives.

Best wishes in the New Year, Kay

Successful and Happy

0166 Adobe ID 044ASP369813Being successful is one thing. Feeling good about ourselves and being successful is quite different.   I know many rich and successful men and women who are unhappy. I also know those who are happy and successful.  The first group focused on success first then found they were not happy.  The second group focused on creating a life that made them happy including success.

Here are a few ways these happily successful people live. From an intuitive perspective, they keep their energy high and perspective clear so that they can create and enjoy what they are creating.  They have a vision.

They are Global Citizens:  Happily successful people engage in something beyond themselves and their business or career. They give of their time and ability in a cause they value. We are individuals, and we are part of the world.  Taking time to be part of something bigger than ourselves makes us whole.

They Stay Active: Happily successful people stay active.  They create time in their schedule to be physically active and exercise. From an intuitive perspective when energy is moving in the body, it is moving in your world. Conversely, when energy is not moving in your body, observe your world. You will see energy is not moving there either. Rather than solve the energy in your world, start with moving your body and see what changes.

They Sleep A Lot: For most of my life I thought sleep was too much downtime. Now I know that perspective was wrong! Sleep is the most important thing we can do for our success and our wellness. New research on sleep and dementia. Yikes!

They Have Good Nutrition: Nutrition is not just food. Nutrition creates an energy level in the body. The higher the nutrition level (quality of food) the higher the energy level in the body, the energy the body needs to succeed. When our energy level is too low, we stop, can’t make changes and can’t think straight. As a special note sugar is our worst enemy as it drops our energy and is toxic.

They Have Fun: Taking the time to have fun is essential for success. Having fun raises our energy level and gets our energy moving. Success is created from high vibrations.

They Meditate: During the course of our day we are the effect of energy, others thinking, programming and more. Taking time to meditate is a way to reduce stress (energy in our space), clear our thinking (get others out of our space), regain perspective and re-set our energy for ourselves. Success comes from within.

Running and Meditating on the Rise! Read more.

Please share ways you promote your success.

Stuck So Cannot See

????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Creating our reality can be fun or we can get in our way. I tell stories in this blog to show how our thoughts are creative for better or for worse. Here is a short, simple and unimportant story that shows how carrying thoughts, pictures or energy in our space keeps us from seeing what is right in front of us.

Helen attended her first Women Achieving Goals (WAG) retreat with me four years ago. She requested a private room with a view, which I was able to arrange for her. Helen was pleased except the bed in that room was too hard for her. This distressed her a great deal. Others tried the bed and thought it was firm, but they love firm, so it was a matter of preference. Helen got stuck on the feel of the bed so much so that she did not attend the next retreat.

As an intuitive I know how getting stuck on a thought, emotion, experience can distort our reality and get in the way of having a clear perspective so I watched to see how Helen would handle the room arrangements as she registered again for another WAG retreat. This time she asked for a private room with bath. I was able to accommodate her. This time she bought and brought a mattress topper expecting the beds to be too hard. Bringing a queen-size topper is not a small feat. She placed the topper on her bed and was comfortable. At the end of the retreat, the thought of carrying the topper was too much effort for her, so she gave it away to someone who was willing to carry the load back home.

This year Helen registered again, requested the same beautiful room with an ocean view and private bath. She bought another queen topper and shoved it into her car taking up most of the space. When Helen arrived, carrying this heavy load, she sighed, “This to too much”. She carried the large bag down to her room.  In addition to the bay she was carrying a lot of energy and thoughts about the experience she had three years ago, but seemed to be getting tired of it.

Within 10 minutes Helen came back upstairs laughing. When she went to her now familiar room and began to place the topper on the bed, she saw that the bed already had a topper and probably had one all along. She could not see it before because she was carrying so much energy in her space from the experience years ago at her first WAG retreat.

Now this story is about a bed and a topper but we can all recall similar situations. To benefit from this story take a moment and notice a situation in your life where you are stuck on a picture,memory or energy. That thought or mental image picture may be clouding your perspective, ability to see clearly and ultimately to have what you want.

Being stuck on an experience, a memory or a situation distorts our reality. If you are stuck on something, big or little, try this exercise in meditation. Meditation allows you to quiet your body (emotions) and get out of your thinking so start there first.

  1. Get into meditation
  2. Meditate on something you know you are stuck on.
  3. Imagine pulling your energy out of the picture, memory or thought.
  4. Release and let go of the energy you are holding in your space.
  5. Continue until you feel no energy about the experience. It is the past so let it go.

You may not realize the impact of this energy work immediately, but expect your perspective to change.  You will see things you could not before or will see them in a new way.

Best wishes, Kay

Manifest NOW! Why the future?

Now or in the future. Your choice!

Now or in the future? Your choice!
It is a mystery to my why so many of us imagine our goals happening in the future. From an intuitive perspective, the world manifests exactly as we imagine it. We decide on our goals then consciously or unconsciously we decide it will happen at some point in the future. And so it shall be.

When we decide that we want something now, we are creating a very different experience. Immediately our brain kicks in to analyze whether something is possible. This possibility is based on what we know and what seems logical. Achieving a goal is so much more than logic and logic can get in our way. We imagine something in the future when we do not have the brain power or emotional strength to have it now. Our choice.

So what is this pattern or programming to write goals and plan for them to happen in the future unless, of course, we don’t want it now.

I have observed many of my clients write goals and decide it will happen in the future not because they want it then but because they simply can’t imagine it happening now. Deciding to have it in the future is their response to not being able to imagine the goal happening now.

Deciding to have what we want now takes courage. We have to take a deep breath, commit and allow all the fear and uncertainty to be there while we focus our mind’s eye on seeing clearly what we want and how we imagine the experience.

The idea of goals brings me back to our ability to visualize and see clearly in our mind’s eye. If you want to have one of your goals NOW and not in the future, then try this exercise.

Find a comfortable and quiet place. Take a deep breath and relax. Stop thinking. Close your eyes and begin to imagine and see in your mind’s eye exactly what you want. Don’t think about it or how to create it. Just imagine experiencing it. See it. Visualize until you can see the experience clearly. In the process, you may have to release and let go of thoughts, concepts and emotions that get in the way of you seeing yourself having what you want and having it now!

Repeat this exercise as often as needed for your vision to be clear. Notice and be aware of subtle changes that begin to occur that are steps to having your goal.

As you approach the coming year, it is fair to create goals for different times in the year but don’t simply imagine a goal in the future out of habit when you really want it now.

To stretch your awareness about the concept of creating now read The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle.

Best wishes on your success,



Sacred in Everything

Our truth is at our core.  It is not what we have been taught but knowledge that we bring with us from our incarnational experiences – our soul’s knowledge.  Our challenge is to bring this knowing forth into our lives and not forget who we are at our core.

When we incarnate in a body, we join with the earth in a sacred agreement to experience our spirit in this body in this lifetime.  We must not forget this agreement for the sake of each other and for the sake of the earth.

The problem is we keep going unconscious to who we are at our core and get lost in the distractions of the world.  When we are unconscious we lose touch with what is sacred in us, in each other and the earth.  We just need to listen to our soul.  To find a space of quiet, quieting the body and clearing our thinking, then go within to our core and listen to our soul.

We are in desperate need of remembering who we are at our core and our relationship to all of life.   A paradigm shift is needed and its start with each of us.  We must bring together the physical and the spiritual, earth and heaven, human and divine, to bring us all back to a sacred place.

All life comes from the union of the masculine and the feminine so both the masculine and the feminine are equally sacred regardless of race, nationality, politics or religion. All life is equally sacred with human life.  How will things be different when we awaken to the sacred light in everything?   Our truth is at our core so go within and listen to your soul.

What is Abundance to You?

Abundance. Everyone wants abundance. For each of us, abundance means something different. To have abundance, we must see what that means to you and what it looks like in your mind’s eye.

Whatever we can imagine is being created.

Take time to meditate on your concept of abundance. Not other’s concepts. Take your energy out of others’ concepts of abundance. There is so much noise and energy programming about what abundance means, which may not be true for you. This programming causes us to strive for things that are not true for us.

Take time to clear your thinking. Get quiet. Meditate on a rose. That means to see the symbol of a rose in your mind’s eye. A rose is a neutral symbol and an easy way to open your clear seeing. Start with seeing a rose.

Now meditate on the rose. This keeps you from using your analyzer, which will not show you your truth.

Meditate on the rose. Ask the rose – what is abundance for me? Relax, release, and use your clear seeing. Gradually, you will become aware of what abundance means to you as you separate from other’s concepts of abundance.

Next, see yourself having it. Whatever you can imagine, you can create. What do you see? Can you see or imagine yourself having abundance? What pictures or energy are in your way? They are not true, so pull your energy and attention out of them.

Are there aspects of abundance you realize you cannot imagine and, therefore, cannot have? Release the energy so that you can have it.

Come out of those pictures you hold that say you cannot have abundance in one or more aspects of your life. It is not true, but if you are in a picture that says, “No,” then you are energizing that picture, which is manifesting.

Meditate frequently to see more clearly having abundance. Whatever you see is being created, so keep clearing your thinking and releasing energy until you see yourself having abundance in all aspects of your life.

Remember to focus on your own perception of abundance and align it with your truth. Meditate on the symbol of a rose to open your clear seeing and gradually become aware of what abundance means to you. Visualize yourself having abundance and release any limiting beliefs or energy that may hold you back. Keep meditating to gain clearer insights and write down your vision of abundance. Own it and take inspired action towards manifesting it in all aspects of your life.

Your Purpose – An intuitive perspective

The most common question I am asked is, “What is my purpose?” This is not a new question and is a question asked since man could ask a question.

When asked today, there is a picture (a mental image picture) in most that says our purpose is about what we do or accomplish. The second question thus becomes, “What should I be doing?” We seek the answer outside ourselves. What if your purpose is something other than what you should be doing?

Our purpose comes from within. Our purpose this lifetime is to know ourselves as a spirit in a body, how to be human, and to create the physical world we experience. From this perspective, we learn to experience and manifest whatever we imagine.

An atheist perspective would be the opposite. The atheist perspective causes us to feel that we are the effect of the world around us and must do something about it to fulfill our purpose.

To know our purpose is to know ourselves at our core (heart). When we know who we are as a spirit in this body, we can experience ourselves however we choose.

Our lives are a reflection of how we are being. When we are being an atheist, we are the effect of everything. When we know ourselves, we express ourselves and our purpose in the world.

This is not logical, but it is very intuitive. Take a step in knowing yourself at your core, expressing yourself from within, and see how you reflect yourself by creating your reality – your purpose.

Meditate. Go within to your core (heart). See and feel who you are at your core. Let who you are at your core flow from within into your world.

Don’t think. Meditate. Know thyself – purpose.

Change Your Energy to Create

I speak with business owners, professionals, and individuals every day who want something to be different in their lives and want help to make that happen.

Few have the courage, determination, or willingness to change. Most believe the answer is some quick fix rather than something that needs to change in them.

Everything we have or experience in our life is a reflection of us, how we think, what we believe, and how we set our energy. If something is going to change, then we have to change.

I met with Tom a week ago. He has a successful business that entirely depends on him, which he wants to change. He wants time for his life and his family. Tom wondered what would happen if he was not always at his business. Tom worries about everything, which keeps him from developing the structure and systems for his company so that his people can do the work without him. He worries, and so he does not trust people. Tom admits that he does not have any complaints about his people. They do what he tells them to do and do it well. They are dependable, reliable, and loyal.

Because Tom worries, he controls everything and is “set in his ways.” We discussed that he could change how he relates to his business and people to have more time for his life. Tom admitted it was possible but was unsure if he was committed to change. At this point, Tom decided to keep doing things the way he always had. I expect he will reach out for help when the pain and cost of working this way become too great.

It may sound as if Tom could choose to change, but it is not easy for any of us. We are all “stuck in our ways.” That means our energy is set at a particular vibration familiar to us. Change begins with changing our energy level first. You may recall when you decided to make a change and brought your energy to a level of enthusiasm to support that change. Suddenly that dream felt possible.

If we don’t change our energy, we cannot change our reality. Tom lives at an energy level of worry and would need to be willing to change that.

There are other steps to manifesting something new, but that only matters once we change our energy from a lower vibration to a higher one, i.e., enthusiasm, amusement, and inspiration. If there is something you want to change in your life, start by raising your energy level and see what happens.

Self-Image – Not What You Think

Self-image is a term loaded with expectations, judgment, disappointment, effort and uncertainty. I could go on listing the experiences my clients shared over the years. Most describe their self-image as what they believe other people see. From an intuitive perspective, none of this is true.


True self-image is simply the refection of who you are at your core. Core means heart. What if we stop thinking about self-image and learn who we are at our core and express that.

Self-Image or self-expression comes from within. The first step is see and know who we are at our core. Meditation is a way to quiet the body, clear our thinking, and go within. To go within means to place your attention on your core (heart). As we grow in our understanding of our core, our life becomes a reflection – our self-image.

Don’t Start Your Day

What if I said, “Don’t start your day.” Most of us have our day already in our minds before it even starts. As a result, we are ahead of ourselves, falling into our thoughts, the beliefs we hold, and taking things as they come. Most of this is done unconsciously. One client described it as feeling she is on the back end of everything.

Man in Meditaiton
Finding Perspective

Try a different approach. What if you started with yourself? Before you start your day, place your attention on yourself. Notice how you are doing. Notice your frame of mind and more. Now take a deep breath, relax, and let go of all of that.

Before you start your day:

  1. Take the time to focus on yourself.
  2. Relax, release, and breathe.
  3. Be present. In the moment.
  4. Clear your thinking.
  5. Know how you want to be today. 
  6. Imagine how you want to experience yourself. 

Be mindful, thoughtful, and intentional.

Once you have imagined how you want to experience yourself, now you are ready to change how you will approach and experience your day.

Don’t Solve Problems

What if I suggested that you stop trying to solve problems? You would think I was absurd. What if I mean to stop solving problems? 

From an intuitive perspective, we create experiences through our thoughts, beliefs, and memories. Our lives reflect everything that is in us. In my work with business owners, professionals, and individuals, I note differences in how everyone views their circumstances. Some always seem to have problems to solve while others do not. Some spend their time and energy trying to solve problems while others spend their time and energy creating what they want in life. Their perspective creates everything they experience. 

 The way we focus our attention and energy creates how we see the world. A problem in our lives simply reflects something within us, our energy, or a belief.

In sessions with clients, I hear myself asking them, “Why do you believe that is true?” They insist that it is true as if it was true for everyone. When I say that it is not true for me, that is just what they believe to be true. They are stunned. The goal is to become aware that our life is a reflection of us. We each have a different point of view, and we can change it to have more of the life we want. 

When we experience a problem that we cannot seem to solve, we become analytical, create thoughts, and add energy to the problem. An old saying comes to mind, “Making a mountain out of a molehill.”  That is not meant to minimize more serious problems, but you get the idea.

Problems are a reflection of something in us. Rather than analyze the problem, stop thinking about it for a moment, take your attention off the problem and focus on yourself. 

Problems are not a coincidence. They are opportunities to reveal something. What if we took a different point of view? What if this problem is showing us something about ourselves? What if the problem is showing us what we need to change or stop doing to achieve a goal? That may not be logical, but it is very intuitive.

Rather than solving a problem, try another approach. Quiet your mind, go within, and ask yourself at your core (heart), “What is this problem showing me?  Is there something I need to change?”  Then listen. Don’t think.  This is an intuitive exercise of listening to ourselves and finding our answers within. 

Focusing on solving a problem puts our attention outside ourselves. That problem will reappear until we change something in us. When we focus on ourselves, we can create a change that gives us more of what we are looking for. Ask yourself, “What goal am I trying to achieve?” Listen to your heart and experience your ability to create the life you desire.

See Life As A Whole

Working with business owners and professionals over the years, I learned an essential concept. To be happy meant to see life as a whole rather than just achieving goals. When we fixate on one aspect of our life, the rest of our life suffers. Frank focused all his attention on his business leaving little time for his young family. Tim was so fixated on his relationship that his career suffered. The examples go on. It does not have to be that way. At times, one aspect of our life requires more of our attention. That need does not have to steal energy from our life as a whole. 

Recognizing how often this happened, I changed my approach years ago from not focusing on goals but on life. I found that my clients achieved their goals but were not as happy as they imagined they would be. Achieving goals in and of themselves is not the answer. Having the life we desire is.

Our lives have many aspects. We have to be clear about each one of them individually and as part of a whole. We experience a different aspect of who we are in every part of our life.

When you look at your goals and your life, what do you see? What if I said forget about goals? How does that land with you? What if I asked, what is the life you desire? Would you know the answer right away?

Having a clear vision of the life we desire is the key to having every aspect of our life in sync and having it all.

We cannot think of our work or business as separate from our life. We cannot think about relationships and see them in competition with our need to be alone. We cannot think about our health as separate from our work.

We cannot see one aspect of our life getting in the way of another part of our life. Our life manifests through the thoughts or pictures we believe to be true. If we change our perspective and how we think, our reality changes.

Begin with meditation—quiet your body. Clear your thinking. In your mind’s eye, go within and imagine the life you desire. Imagine each aspect of your life fitting together. 

Release and let go of any thoughts that come to mind that argue with your vision. Please do not get lost in figuring out how to make it happen. Imagine the life you desire and include all aspects of your life, whether you have them now or not. See it all and see it as if it existed right now. Do not imagine it happening in the future. Experience enthusiasm for letting your life unfold in this way.

Once you have a clear vision, write it down, and commit to having it. Meditate on your vision often so that you always imagine yourself having this life – all of it.

Notice I did not tell you to create goals or plans. You can, but regardless, what you imagine is manifesting in your life. Allow your life to change. This may not be logical, but it is very intuitive.

Embrace Change

Do you believe that there are no mistakes nor coincidences? I do.
The message right now is clear. Stop. Reflect. Come back to yourself. Reset priorities. Reimagine the life you desire. Take a deep breath and let go of how things have been.

Turmoil seems to be coming from every direction (COVID, the economy, destructive politics, escalating natural disasters, more hurricanes, tornadoes, fires, rising sea levels, increasing temperatures, floods, etc.). The message is so clear. As a people, we were headed in the wrong direction. Everything had gotten out of hand.

Our world history is full of stories of disastrous times that helped us stop and rebuild in a better way.

It feels like now is the time to push the big reset button. Consider that there is a message in every experience, good and bad. Shelter in place, social distancing, and wearing a mask tells us that it is time to step back, get out of the rat race, stop what we have been doing long enough to gain perspective. Pull back from everyone. Get out of each other’s space. Take time to reconnect with yourself. Heal yourself. Reflect on who you are, your purpose, and how you want to experience yourself in the world.

We were forced to step away from others. In my view, this is a gift. This is all a gift. By stepping back, we can gain the separation to see more clearly those who support who we are and those who do not. Slowly we will reengage with people but not everyone. This is an opportunity to break ties with those who distract us from who we are at our core. We can stay away from negative people and negative energy. We can decide to embrace people who inspire us and are inspired by who we are. How do you want to experience yourself in a relationship with each person?

Is your job or work still available to you? Do you need to find a new area of work? Regardless, the degree to which we are truly connected to who we are at our core, the better the opportunities we will see and the better our decision. Focus within. What’s right for you in your heart? Maybe you will go back to the same job or work, but there will be changes. Reflect on how you want to be in your work. How do you want to experience yourself? It is a new day, an opportunity to be yourself in the world, not what you should be.

Nothing will be the same. It is not meant to be. All of this is intended to create change. Watch. Wonder. Embrace change because we are always getting our goals when we are clear about what we want.

Fate and Destiny

man_on_mountainThese are trying times. We are sheltered in place as the coronavirus makes its presence known worldwide. Our economy is in crisis. These are trying times.

How we react or respond makes this the opportunity of a lifetime. I do not believe in coincidences, so there is something in this situation that gives each of us an answer to our most burning question.

A lot of us have been at home for the past two weeks. Being at home will continue, and more of you may join us. How we deal with this depends on our point of view. One of my teachers would advise to “enjoy not enjoying.” He meant that if you have to do something, you might just as well enjoy doing it. I have used and taught this mantra to gain perspective and enjoy more.

How are you viewing this time out of your routine?  I spend a lot of my time telling people who want to achieve something more, to get out of their routine. Shelter in place is the gift of getting out of your routine. Why does this matter? When we are in a routine, we become unconscious. Our routine becomes a habit that is hard to break. If our habit is hard to break, then there is no space for something new, even something you desperately want.

So does that mean we now have the opportunity to have something we desperately want? Perhaps. You are out of your routine. You choose how to use your time, focus your attention, and imagine your life. Hopefully, you are not creating new mind-numbing routines.

Are you at home waiting to go back to your routine, for things to go back to normal – as they were? Is that really what you want?

Take this time away from your routine. Rather than fill your mind. Empty your thinking, so there is space for a new perspective. Rather than stay busy, allow quiet, and heal yourself. Do things that support you and your wellness. Exercise. Eat better. Get more rest. Drink more water. Have fun. Meditate. Reflect. Express yourself – let who you are at your core be expressed in some way – singing, writing, playing music, through art, gardening, and any other form of self-expression. All of these steps bring you back to yourself and what is important to you.

We are not merely waiting to back to our routine because things will not be the same. Take this time to reconnect to yourself and what you desire in your life. Even if you go back to your job and friends, do you want to go back with the same habits, perspective, and routine?

What is your most pressing question? What have you been hoping and praying for? What do you truly want? Imagine yourself having it. We can unconsciously go through our days, or we can see and create each day to experience more of who we are at our core. Now is the time and the opportunity.

What does all of this have to do with fate and destiny?  Fate – you just go along.  Destiny – you decide where and how you are going.


A Crucial Time

There are no coincidences.  We are always achieving our goals, moving along our spiritual path, and discovering ourselves. From that perspective, it is clear that…

Now is a time to:

Get out of each other’s space.

Take care of and heal ourselves.

Reimagine our life.

Connect to our values.

Focus on what is important, and what matters.

Now is a time to:

Stay out of each other’s space.

Take care of one another.

Change our relationship with each other in real ways.

Come together in new ways.

Now is the time to:

Break down barriers.

See that we are one world.

Take care of everyone.

Take care of the planet.

Now is the time to:

See that we are all in this together.

Not be divided by religion.

Not be divided by status or race.

Not be divided by politics.

Not be divided by economics.

We are evolving and achieving our goals by:

Knowing and being ourselves.

Seeing that we are all in this together.

Waking up to a new reality.

Embracing the new world.


Kay Robinson on the new millennium, the millennium of the feminine.

Today Creates Tomorrow

If not now, when?
Today Creates Tomorrow

Too often we get up and go about our routine without a second thought. One day leads to another that is the same. We wonder about success and being happy as something that will happen in the future. This way of seeing success and happiness in the future keeps then from manifesting until we decide to have it now.

How we create this day – today – creates tomorrow and so on. With that notion in mind, what do you want tomorrow to be like for you? Now decide how you want to be today so that you experience that tomorrow.

If you are a procrastinator, tomorrow will be the same and so on.

If you do not understand or know your power to create, then you are likely to stay in a routine and wait for the future as if it is beyond your control.

If it is easier for you to go through your routine, then nothing changes, and your routine continues.

If, however, you are inclined to take ownership of the life you are living then it starts today.

First, you see in your mind’s eye the significant aspects of the life you desire. That can include how you want to feel in your life, the kinds of relationships you want to engage, how you want to experience yourself in your work or creative endeavors, your vision of abundance and health. The list can go on.

Once we know, see in our mind’s eye and feel it in our body the life we desire then we can begin creating it today. What energy level do you want in your life? Start your day at that energy level. What attitude do you want to have? See your day through that lens. What actions can you take that align with your vision for health, abundance, relationships, success, etc.? Every step you make today can lead you to that end.

Consider that each day builds a better tomorrow moving closer to the life you desire.

Your day may also include deciding things you need to stop doing or start doing. It can mean staying away from people and things that bring you down and spending more time with positive people and inspiring experiences.

We create our future, and it begins today, improves tomorrow and each day that follows. Start now. Decide and write down the life you desire. Read it each day then start your day with all the ways you can align to that vision. Observe and experience the life you desire manifesting in each day. Be conscious as you go through your day. Be intentional.

Create a new story of the life you desire

open book of family story
The story of the life you desire

The theme for the annual retreat was The Story for the Next Cycle of your life.

In my work with business owners and professionals, my focus is on raising awareness that we create our reality.  The concept of stories is a good analogy.  We are always living a story we created.  Sometimes it is a story of what we have already experienced.   This story tells us where we have been but does not need to be carried into our current or future story.  We create our stories, and they manifest in our world.  Is this hard to hear?  Imagine that what you believe, the story you tell about your life and that you are living that story.

When we change our thinking (story), we change our reality.  Most often we just go from day to day, living the life and the story we hold in our mind and our mind’s eye.  We are unconscious to most of it.  We take things as they are.  It does not need to be that way.

In this year’s retreat, the attendees spent time coming out of the current story of their life.  They took their energy out of what is.  From here they began to imagine and write the story of the life they desired.  There were parts of their life they have now they enjoy and want to continue to have, be or do.  Then there are the parts of their life (story) they want to change, i.e., something they want to stop doing, someone no longer wanted in their story, something to add, or someone to bring in.  At first, it seemed fictional.    I had to remind them to imagine it all happening now and write it that way.  In a few days the more they wrote and talked about the story for the next cycle of their life, the more real it felt and the more possible it seemed.

We have a story now.  It is creating some of what we want and some of what we do not want.  We can change our story and experience changes in our reality.  Writing our story is not enough.  We must take new actions that support the next chapter in our life story and stop doing whatever is in the way.

If you are ready to change your life in some way, sit down and write the next chapter of your life as you want it.  Do not get lost in deciding if or how to accomplish it.  Just write it first.  Imagine it happening now. Meditate on it regularly even daily until you feel yourself bringing it into your reality.

What Story Do You Tell Yourself?

open book of family storyWe are always creating a story in our mind about our lives. Some of the stories validate what we love about our lives. Some of our stories describe what we are not enjoying in our life. Regardless, both sides of our story are manifesting. Thoughts are creative. We create our thoughts. Our thoughts declare how our reality manifests.

With this awareness, it is worth our time to stop and reflect on the story we are telling ourselves. This story is only true because we say it is and live our life fulfilling it. If we change our story, we change our reality.

We tell ourselves a story that creates wonderful aspects of our life. We could do more of this if we chose. Often we get stuck in negative thinking and create stories that do not support what we desire. When we fear something, we tell ourselves a story that manifests that fear or that keeps us from building something that we want.

I could go on and on, but you get the idea. Thoughts are creative. When we are not paying attention, we may be telling ourselves stories that create things that we do not want in our lives. Awareness is essential. Notice the stories you are telling yourself. Are your stories creating what you do want or what you do not want?

Spend time writing the story of the life you desire. Change the narrative so that you are describing what you do want and not want you do not want.

Meditate to clear your thinking. Meditate to come out of stories that do not support who you are. Set your space and tell yourself the story that makes you feel aligned with the life you desire.