Without the Sheer Will to Succeed

j0149029Before you succeed, you have an idea that inspires you then your create a vision of what success is for you. You write it down. You are clear. For those who can take this step, the next step is even more important.

Tell me about your vision. Know yourself.
• Is your vision something that you want?
• Is it something you would like to try to achieve?
• Do you feel determined and feel the will to make it happen?

If you could choose only one of the three choices above, which best describes how you feel about the vision that you have for yourself?

If you chose the first option, then you are happy to be in the state of wanting, desiring or longing without manifesting. Wanting is the state of lack, of not having something. So when we find ourselves comfortable wanting then nothing changes.

If you chose the second option, then you try a lot of things, giving each try a good but not great effort. Over time, you become discouraged and move on to something else. Trying means the result is not achieved so that you can stay in the state of trying.

If you chose the third option, then you have a clear vision, are harnessing your energy and are focused on manifesting that vision. Determination generates energy.  You need enough energy to succeed. The strength of your will is even more important because it focuses that energy. When we have the will to succeed, then we are engaging our body, mind and spirit to manifest a specific and focused result.

I am a Warriors fan and watched the game of wills determine outcomes throughout the year and especially in the finals.  Skill is important, but skill without the strength of the team’s will produces a lot of efforts but no win.  Jerry West, a former NBA player and Advisor to the Warriors, said early on, “The team with the strongest will wins.” I agree.

And so in life. When we have a clear vision then harness our energy, focus on the vision with unwavering determination then we succeed. A strong vision without the will to succeed creates working hard and a lot of effort without success.

Wanting and trying sees your vision in the future – where it stays. The will to succeed means bringing and having your vision now, in present time.

If you have a written vision, take a look. If you need to write your vision, do so then take a look. As you read your vision notice what you feel. Do you feel yourself wanting? Do you feel like you are trying? Or do you feel the strength of your will to succeed? These are feelings that create energy. It comes from within. Success comes from within.

You can change your perspective by changing the energy behind your vision. It means bringing your vision out of the future into present time and feeling yourself manifesting it through sheer will,  right now, letting nothing stop your vision.

Best wishes on your success,


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