What Do You Wish For In 2024?

The focus of my work has always been for people to realize and actualize their ability to create. My approach has evolved over the years as the concepts we hold as a society change. Those concepts program us to think and act a certain way that may or may not serve us.

For a long time, I focused on people achieving goals. I soon realized that my approach made it easy for people to achieve goals but that was not enough. My clients would report that they achieved the goals they set but were not happy. Something was missing.

From this I changed my approach. Instead of focusing on achieving goals, we focused on the life we desired. To see our life as a whole and how we want to experience and express ourselves meant going within.

Achieving goals means to focus outside ourselves to achieve something. We can do that but that is not the way it is meant to be. Our path this lifetime is to know, express and experience ourselves in our lives. In that way, our lives are a reflection of who we are at our core (heart).

Meditation is the tool for going within to our core (heart). Meditation helps us reconnect with who are at our core. We can use our original essence, that spark within us, to flow from within to create the life we desire.

This year, at the start of 2024, I want to add a step in creating the life we desire. As before, meditate so that you can see the life you desire. See it in your mind’s eye. Always see yourself having it now not in the future. Let go of any thoughts that say you cannot have it for one reason or another.

Now meditate to answer these questions. 

  • What do you wish for in 2024? 
  • How do you wish to experience yourself? 
  • How do you wish to express yourself? Meditate on these questions. Do not think. See the answers in your mind’s eye. 

Next allow the changes needed (get unstuck) so that you can experience more of the life you desire. Best wishes on your new year.

Your Vision is Not Out There

Frangipani Spa Flowers reflected water.PlumeriaThe importance of having a vision is promoted everywhere these days. Having a vision sounds like a discovery, or maybe we are hearing it for the first time. Perhaps the ability to see in our mind’s eye – to visualize -is gathering acceptance. In any case, the idea of vision is not new and is it not something someone discovered.

Our vision is within us. Contrary to that perspective, people believe we have to figure out or decide our vision. That would be an incorrect approach. Our vision is at our core and always has been.

Working with professionals and business owners has increased my awareness of how a vision develops. Over the years I discovered that our vision is not something that we decide. Our vision is something that we discover within us, at our core.

When we can come out of our thinking, stop analyzing and arguing the pros and cons of various vision options, perhaps we can get quiet enough to listen to ourselves. Learning to go within and communicate with ourselves at our core, will give us the insight we need to know the vision that is already within us.

Our life is the path we follow to let our vision unfold and manifest. Our path is not about what we do but an expression of who we are at our core. I know this makes us shift our thinking that our vision, path and purpose are things we have to decide and create out there in the world somehow. A different perspective sees our vision flow from within to manifest in our world.

Our path is to experience our vision. We get off our path, get in our way and force ourselves, often with a lot of effort, to create what we think we should. Alternatively, if we simply quiet our space, go within and listen to ourselves at our core, we can begin to live the life our vision inspires.

Creating from our core is not logical. Then again we think too much. Our thinking gets in the way of knowing the vision we have always had for ourselves and our path to experience our that vision in the world. Do not think about this. That’s what gets us off our path.

Thoughts, concepts, emotions and programming that we hold get in the way of knowing our vision and expressing it.

Find the vision you have always had within you. First, stop thinking. Get quiet. Close your eyes. Go within. Get to know who you are at your core. Do not think. Learn to listen. Follow your heart. Follow your core, and you will be on your path, allowing the vision you always had within you to manifest.
