Unproductive Beliefs

We all have it, that one belief we are stuck on and gets in the way of having all we desire. You know what I mean by that one thing that always comes up for you and distracts you from creating something.

We hold within us pictures, memories, beliefs, emotions, thoughts, and energy. Some support us in creating our goals, achieving our success, and others get in our way of the very things that we want. When we are tired of this old pattern of being, we can change it.

When I work with someone for a while, I come to know the one thing they are stuck on. During a session, it is the one belief they repeat and say as if it were true. They are looking at their lives through that one unproductive belief, so they create their reality this way.

As an intuitive, I know we have to get out of these unproductive pictures, beliefs, thoughts, and emotions to create some aspect of our life that we feel we cannot have. There are no coincidences. Our life is a reflection of us, what we think, what we believe, and how we view things. We create a way of thinking that supports all of this, yet none of this is true. It is merely our experience recalled or a belief we hold. To have more of what we desire, we have to change something in us.

Logic will not create this change. Discipline will not change it. The unproductive concept is there because it makes us uncomfortable. That is not logical, but it is very intuitive. We hold onto pictures, ideas, and thoughts from experiences or others. It would be wonderful to let go of beliefs just as easily as we take them into us. These unproductive ideas stay with us because they are attached to an uncomfortable emotion, and energy builds on them over time, making them more entrenched. Every time we repeat a belief, the energy builds on it, making it more real.

When we focus on something we cannot have, i.e., a loving relationship, financial security, the idea of it stimulates an unproductive belief, energy, and an emotion that goes with it. This makes us go unconscious (space out, leave the body), and any focus on the goal is gone. It’s not that we cannot create a loving relationship or financial security. We are stuck on an unproductive belief that grabs our attention and begins the series of reactions that tell us all the reasons we cannot have it. It makes us feel incapable of changing this circumstance. It becomes a pattern that persists in our life.

So how do we change this? Change comes from within. It starts with realizing there is no logical solution, or you would have solved this by now. Begin by focusing on yourself to become aware of the patterns in your thinking. Recognize when you have the same feeling and reaction every time you are in a particular situation. You want to notice that familiar feeling and become curious. Rather than going into the unproductive way of being, step back, pull your energy and attention out of it, and wonder why you always feel this way. Be curious and have enthusiasm for finding out something about how you are being.

I hear from my clients something like, “Every time I ………” or “No matter what I try, it always……..” These are red flags that show that we are stuck in an unproductive belief. The goal is to recognize when we are doing this. To stop, step back, and ask, “Why do I think this way?” “Why do I believe this to be true?” Nothing that we think is true. It is just what we think and believe. We can change our perspective, which results in a change in our lives.

Most often, asking yourself these questions does not provide clarity because we look for a logical answer and do not dig deep enough to find the answer. Try meditation. In meditation, you quiet the body, clear your thinking, and go within to your core to ask the same question, “Why do I believe this to be true?” then quietly listen for the answer in you. This answer will be your truth. You will never find the truth in your mind, so come out of your mind, go within. When we become aware of how we are being, we can come out of the belief we are stuck on, create a new picture of what we truly want, and that changes our reality. That is not logical, but it is very intuitive.

Stuck So Cannot See

????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Creating our reality can be fun or we can get in our way. I tell stories in this blog to show how our thoughts are creative for better or for worse. Here is a short, simple and unimportant story that shows how carrying thoughts, pictures or energy in our space keeps us from seeing what is right in front of us.

Helen attended her first Women Achieving Goals (WAG) retreat with me four years ago. She requested a private room with a view, which I was able to arrange for her. Helen was pleased except the bed in that room was too hard for her. This distressed her a great deal. Others tried the bed and thought it was firm, but they love firm, so it was a matter of preference. Helen got stuck on the feel of the bed so much so that she did not attend the next retreat.

As an intuitive I know how getting stuck on a thought, emotion, experience can distort our reality and get in the way of having a clear perspective so I watched to see how Helen would handle the room arrangements as she registered again for another WAG retreat. This time she asked for a private room with bath. I was able to accommodate her. This time she bought and brought a mattress topper expecting the beds to be too hard. Bringing a queen-size topper is not a small feat. She placed the topper on her bed and was comfortable. At the end of the retreat, the thought of carrying the topper was too much effort for her, so she gave it away to someone who was willing to carry the load back home.

This year Helen registered again, requested the same beautiful room with an ocean view and private bath. She bought another queen topper and shoved it into her car taking up most of the space. When Helen arrived, carrying this heavy load, she sighed, “This to too much”. She carried the large bag down to her room.  In addition to the bay she was carrying a lot of energy and thoughts about the experience she had three years ago, but seemed to be getting tired of it.

Within 10 minutes Helen came back upstairs laughing. When she went to her now familiar room and began to place the topper on the bed, she saw that the bed already had a topper and probably had one all along. She could not see it before because she was carrying so much energy in her space from the experience years ago at her first WAG retreat.

Now this story is about a bed and a topper but we can all recall similar situations. To benefit from this story take a moment and notice a situation in your life where you are stuck on a picture,memory or energy. That thought or mental image picture may be clouding your perspective, ability to see clearly and ultimately to have what you want.

Being stuck on an experience, a memory or a situation distorts our reality. If you are stuck on something, big or little, try this exercise in meditation. Meditation allows you to quiet your body (emotions) and get out of your thinking so start there first.

  1. Get into meditation
  2. Meditate on something you know you are stuck on.
  3. Imagine pulling your energy out of the picture, memory or thought.
  4. Release and let go of the energy you are holding in your space.
  5. Continue until you feel no energy about the experience. It is the past so let it go.

You may not realize the impact of this energy work immediately, but expect your perspective to change.  You will see things you could not before or will see them in a new way.

Best wishes, Kay

Competition for better or worse

j0149029 There are many forms of competition. One is the desire to succeed or perform at a high level, a level higher than we ever have or higher than someone else. We can be in competition with our self or others. Competition can be healthy, motivating us to push ourselves out of our comfort zone to reach new levels or experience more of who we are.

Competition can also be experienced in a far less productive way. We might feel ourselves in competition with someone, close to the vibration of jealousy, criticism, judgment and other emotional reactions. Notice above I spoke about competition that inspired action.  Here it about competition than is less productive, stimulating an emotional reaction. Why does that happen and what is the difference?

Trouble womanWe feel a negative sense of competition toward someone when they are expressing an ability we have within us that we are not using. Seeing them perform or express that part of themselves restimulates where we are stuck (stuck energy in us). As a reaction, we blame and judge them for the uncomfortable feeling we have around them. Another perspective would be to thank them for showing us a part of ourselves that is not being expressed.

I always consider people I meet as a messenger as there are no coincidences. What are they showing me that I would otherwise not see? So the sense of competition is not about them.  It is about us.  If we stay focused on them then our energy changes in unproductive ways that further hide us from ourselves.

When someone makes us resist and feel competition with or from him or her, this is an opportunity to stop, step back and notice what they are showing us.  Am I seeing a part of myself that I am not using but know I have within my capabilities?

Now take your attention off them and notice that same ability in you. Ask what that ability is and why you are not using it or not using it at your highest ability? This answer is not easy to find because it is often buried by a lot of energy in our space, which is why we are not expressing it in the first place.

Finding the unexpressed ability in us, and a way to release the controls on it may require meditation. When we have a thought or memory surrounded by a strong emotion, it can be hard to see. Meditation is a way to quiet the body (and the emotions), to clear our thinking (rationalizing) and to see clearly where we are stuck.

When we can see “the why” of something then, we are ready to make a change. We experience competition at a point when we are ready to open to another aspect of ourselves, but we are not or can not. Competition is a sort of energy trigger pointing out to us the very ability we are ready to experience in ourselves.

Try these steps to get out of competition and more importantly to open to an aspect of yourself that you have longed to express.

1. Notice those who stimulate a sense of competition in you.
2. Notice what it is about them that you resist.
3. Now change your attention to yourself and see a similar ability in you.
4. Become aware of why that ability is not being expressed.
a. Go into meditation if needed to see more clearly.
5. Release the energy and pictures in the way of expressing that part of you.
6. Create a plan or next step to open up to using this ability.

Best wishes on your success, Kay