Frustrated? Take Ownership.

dreamstime_man-meditating_5645730I need more sales. I don’t have enough time. I need better marketing. Can’t find good people. Business owners stare at these frustrations at one time or another. Most often they go for the band-aid instead of creating a strong bridge. What if the problem was not sales, time, marketing or people? What if something more foundational was at the core of each of these with the result being poor sales, lack of time, not enough leads, staff is not performing, etc.?

Business owners are the heart and soul of the business so when something is not working looking outward will not show the answer. We have to look within. Our business is a physical manifestation of what is going on with us. This is true not just for a business owner but also for anyone. Look at what is happening in your life as a reflection of what is going on within you. This is not logical, but it is very intuitive.

When we accept that what we experience is a reflection of us then consider the following and take ownership of what you want to change.

  • It is NEVER someone else’s fault. Instead, we can ask why are we engaged with someone in a way that creates what we do not want?
  • There is never anyone to blame. Instead, we can ask, “What was I not owning or doing that created space for this mishap or situation?”
  • Need more sales. Take a new look at what you are selling. You are not selling just your product or service but more. What are you showing your prospect about you and your business? That is what they are buying.  The product or service you sell, for most industries, could be purchased from someone else so why should they buy from you?
  • Not enough time? Why is that? Honestly, where do you spend your time? What is important to you and what do you value? An honest self-assessment of your personal discipline is the first step. Then a time management plan is created from that honest reflection and focused on achieving goals not being busy.
  • Need more marketing? Stop before you throw money at websites, SEO, inbound marketing, etc. Before you do all those great things, decide who you are, what you value, your vision and what you promise to your customers.  Market from that awareness.
  • Finding staff. Qualifications are not enough. When we hire people who match our values, our vision and inspired to promote the promise we make to our customers that is a good fit.
  • Staff not performing.  Take time to assess yourself as a manager. Do you bring out the best in people? Do you create a culture of excellence?

So you get the point and the list could go on and on.  The problem is never outside of us. What you see outside is the result of what is going on within us. This is true for business owners and everyone else. To have inspired success means a journey in self-awareness and the application of strategic actions to achieve your vision of success.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

Business Coaching

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