Get It Done!

hDo you have a big project you are putting off, an important task that you are avoiding or anything you simply can’t seem to get to? You can call yourself a procrastinator, but that does not help at all. Consider the reason you can’t get to something is because you do not have any space for it. Your space is full. That is not logical, but it is very intuitive.

During our day, we pick up energy from people, places, and things. Gradually our space (our body and the energy field around us) becomes full of thoughts, pictures, concepts, other people’s energy, a long list of things to do and more. Suddenly we have no more space for anything.

When our space is full, we find ourselves acting and reacting to everything. We find we are not able to focus on what is important. Our space fully occupied by, makes it difficult to focus on what is important. Our priorities seem impossible to get to.

We blame ourselves, get frustration and call ourselves a procrastinator. Invalidating ourselves just adds more energy to our space, making it even more difficult to break out.

A simple solution is to clear our space and not fight or resist how we are feeling or what is distracting us from what is important.

Here is an exercise you can use if there is something important you want to/need to complete.
• Find a place and the time to be quiet.
• Sit down, close your eyes, take a deep breath, and relax.
• Continue to take deep breaths and as you exhale, feel yourself letting of everything in your space. The key is to feel yourself release the energy that has built up. By getting quiet, you can perhaps feel this energy for the first time.
• Come out of the thoughts in your head. Stop thinking.
• If you find yourself carrying on a telepathic communication with someone, imagine hanging up the phone. Stop talking to them. Stop the conversations.
• Bring your attention to yourself. Notice how you are doing, what is on your mind and in your space?  Imagine letting it go and coming out of it.
• Now simply release and let go.
• Imagine calling your energy back from people, places or things. Notice what’s on your mind or grabbing your attention then imagine pulling yourself/your energy out of it.  Separate from it all.
• Be present. Bring your attention and awareness into this moment. Bring your attention to yourself, your body, and the space where you are. Be aware of the moment.
• Continue to release the energy in your space.
• When you feel like you have your space back, imagine the project or task you want to complete.
• Imagine it in as much detail as you can. Imagine yourself doing.
• When you feel connected to your task, see it clearly in your mind’s eye. Imagine yourself doing it. All the while noticing what is on your mind, distracting you and release that.
• Imagine the time and space you will work on this project or task. Do it now or shortly before your space gets full again.

We collect energy in our space every day so taking the time to stop and clear our space will make everything so much easier. If we do not then, things build up and produce results that we do not want versus the results we imagine for ourselves.

You can follow an audio recording of this meditation here.

Best wishes, Kay


What Do You Avoid?

dreamstimefree_214026Procrastination is a term often used and not taken very seriously. Sure, we all procrastinate. If we look deeper and ask, “What am I avoiding?” that stimulates a different level of energy and avoidance.

What we avoid gets in our way.   We can work hard to be successful, experiencing little progress. We can do all the right things and still not meet our goals. The answer may lie in what we avoid.

Before you start the New Year take a moment to get quiet, go within, meditate and reflect on what you avoid?

  • What decisions do I avoid?
  • What communications am I avoiding?
  • What changes am I putting off?
  • What actions am I avoiding taking?

There may be other questions that will help you uncover what you are avoiding and resisting.   Without thinking, trust your intuition and ask why. Why am I avoiding this? Then take a deep breath and release all the energy you have generated in your space in avoidance and resistance. Continue to let go of the energy you feel in your space until the resistance is gone.


Try this simple exercise.  It can change everything.


Best wishes on your success in the New Year, Kay