Allow Change in You

When we decide we want something and set a goal, we have decided to change something in ourselves and our life! The only problem with that is that we often don’t realize the full extent of those changes. 

Our lives are already filled with what we are experiencing right now. Deciding that we want something new (a goal) means that our life needs to change to make room for this. There is an intuitive way to say this. Your energy is set in a particular way (pattern) based on your life as it is now, your routine, and your habits. To create something new means changing this pattern of energy. It sounds simple, except that we are comfortable in our routines. We don’t imagine changing something in our life or ourselves when we achieve a goal.

Goals will not manifest if we are “set in our ways” or our energy is set in a particular and inflexible way. That is why people who are willing to take risks are more successful. They are willing to go through a period of being uncomfortable. They are willing to get out of their comfort zone. They are willing to allow their energy to change in unexpected ways. They are willing to have a new experience of themselves.

Clients may set a goal then decide the changes needed to achieve that goal are more uncomfortable than they expected. They give up the goal. Free will. When we are willing to allow change in ourselves and be uncomfortable at first, we are ready for greater success.

Try this intuitive exercise. Find the time and place to be quiet. Close your eyes and go within. Begin to imagine one of your goals. Allow yourself to be aware of how your life, routines, and habits will need to change to make room for this goal. Don’t think! Imagine. Be intuitive. This is not a logical exercise. Allow your inner self to be heard. Notice what part of your goal makes you uncomfortable. Notice your resistance to change. Release that resistance. Get comfortable with changes within you.

Come out of this meditation and write your goal. Note how things might change as you manifest this goal. Decide if you are ready for these changes. If you are, your goal is manifesting.

Begin today. Your next step is to notice your habits, routines, or patterns and change something. Get out of at least one routine. Notice how easy it is for you to allow change. This is a measure of your ability to succeed.

Best wishes on your success.

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