Be Bigger. Be Successful Today.

iStock_000039816438SmallHaving a clear vision of success is essential for that success to manifest. This concept is well-known and accepted. It is logical, practical and intuitive, but there is more. Having a clear vision of itself does not cause it to manifest. It takes action, using your life force energy to make space for your vision.

Does that sound a bit obscure? Another way of saying this is to take actions every day to manifest that vision. More importantly be bigger in your life. Completely fill your space. Feel bigger, take bigger actions, more impactful actions. Make every day a successful day.

When we want something we do not now have then, we have to change. The change does not start outside of us. It starts within us.

I am working with a new company owned by a husband and wife. Their business started nine years ago, and they did well. The business has been a struggle for the past 3-4 years, so they started coaching. They are great people and passionate about their business. Their challenge is they see the problem outside themselves. It is their competition, customers price shopping, not finding good staff, not having working capital and so on. From a coaching perspective, the change needs to start with them. They do not agree on the vision of the company, do not spend their time on the highest value tasks, are unwilling to change and have a failure perspective.

When we want something other than what we have, then we have to change. The change begins within us. Simple and powerful steps beginning with having a clear vision then every action you take and decision you make based on achieving that vision. Finally, spend each day being successful, seeing yourself as successful and be successful in taking steps toward your vision.

So often, we spend our day being busy, doing what is at hand or what is easy as if being busy was productive. Being productive is not the goal. The goal is to achieve our vision of success. That means to start each day being bigger. If we stay as we are then nothing changes. Being bigger means changing your space to the energy level of your success. Feel successful. Act in successful ways even if uncomfortable. Each day determine the high-value steps you can take that will make that day successful in moving toward your vision. Those steps might be challenging, or they may be easy, but they are important for achieving your vision of success. Have your vision in mind as you take steps.

Start today. Fill the space with being bigger, feeling successful. Fill your space more fully. The energy you are being is the result you will experience. Be successful today, tomorrow and onward until this current vision manifests then you can create again.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

2 thoughts on “Be Bigger. Be Successful Today.

  1. Good post! I thought it was interesting that what came to mind when I saw the headline in my email notification was that, “Oh, no, I can’t be bigger, I want to be thin!” That’s how deep the programming goes for women about their weight and how much space they should occupy in society and the world. 🙂


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