A Bumpy Way to Success


We are always getting our goals. This I know.  Some goals simply manifest. Other goals manifest through a rough and tumble change of circumstances. Both are ways to achieve our goals, and both are of our doing. If you have gone through a rough time and experienced loss, you probably think that I am wrong. Why would you create such chaos?

I agree that you did not create the chaos, but that disruption may be the only way for a goal that you set for yourself to manifest. Let me explain how the universe works and many of you already know this, but may have forgotten.

Whatever we imagine is being created the moment we imagine it. Sometimes, we imagine what we want, and so our universe begins to change to manifest that vision. Other times, we dwell on what we do not want, and so the universe manifests that. The warning here is to be careful what you imagine or dwell on.

It is natural to dwell on what is not working, but that is a dangerous place to focus our attention. When you find this happening, changing your attention to what you do want, produces better results in your life.  Focus on what you do want and not give a moments attention to what you do not want in your life.

When some aspect of our life is being destroyed, that can be the result of focusing on what we do not want OR focusing on what we do want. The former is obvious but how does focusing on what we do want, create so much disruption?

My question would be, is it creating what you don’t want? Or is it creating the change needed so that you can create what you do want? Change is uncomfortable. That does not mean it is a bad change. In fact, if you step back from the discomfort, you will most likely see the change forced on you, actually made space for you to create something new, something better.

Meditating or imaging the life we desire is essential to creating that life. If we do not know what we want or don’t want, then we are like a willow in the wind, being swayed one way or another by external forces. On the other hand, seeing clearly in our mind’s eye the life we desire, is the way that life is created intentionally.

Once we imagine our life, our universe begins to change from where we are to where we want to be. This is not logical, but it is very intuitive. Change begins and if we are proactive, then change flows, making decisions that lead the change.

When we are stuck in some way, resistant to change or afraid of change it is more difficult for the universe to manifest the vision of the life we desire. We are fighting change. As I mentioned at the beginning, we are always getting our goals, so something dramatic or less graceful needs to happen to get us unstuck. This is when we lose a job we have wanted out of but were afraid to change, a relationship ends that does not support us, etc.

When these changes “happen to us,” we can step back and see that it was a change that needed to happen. A change that we resisted. Because we resisted making the change on our own, it will be especially uncomfortable. This is a good time to meditate or reflect on the life we desire and reconnect with what we want for ourselves. By taking the time, to be clear we can begin to take charge of where we go from here.

Having a vision is essential but, of itself, does not create the life we desire. We must focus and take specific actions to bring that vision into our reality. Discomfort is a normal reaction to change. Resisting change intensifies this discomfort, and we are unable to move forward. Accept being uncomfortable and moving forward in a focused and determined way, moves us out of the pain and closer to the life we desire.

Remember, we are always achieving our goals, gracefully or in uncomfortable ways. We have free will. We can choose. We are always creating our reality. Hold your head high and focus on the life you desire. It is within reach.

What Seems Impossible?​


What seems impossible to us, may not necessarily be true.   Something that seems impossible may feel that way simply because to achieve it, makes us uncomfortable.  Moving out of our comfort zone may be the real issue we are dealing with, not the desire itself.

Our feeling that something is impossible is often a deeply ingrained belief that we created and reinforced over time making it difficult to think another way.  What if what you thought was impossible is not true?  What if you made that up at some point and stuck with it?

We can change our thinking about things even though it may not be easy.  To begin, decide that everything you believe is not true.  That everything you believe is just a thought you created.  That is, in fact, what happened.

To create something that we believe to be impossible requires our willingness to change. Are you ready to allow change and to change your thinking? Whatever you are experiencing in your world is there because you believed it.  Anything you desire that is not in your world is because you believe it is impossible. Energy builds around our thoughts and beliefs, creating layer after layer of energy reinforcing that idea.

I see this every day working with people who firmly believe that something is impossible and I see that it is not.  I experience this for myself when I worry about something that others do not. We can reflect for each other the limits that we hold. I listen to what someone says and wonder, am I seeing a limit they have created or are they showing me a limit that I have?  Usually, it is both ways.  On our own, we just sit in our thoughts, believing our own stuff!

Take a moment and image coming out of the thoughts and concepts you created about what is possible in your world.  When I say, “Nothing is impossible” what do you see, think, or feel?

Make a list of everything you believe is impossible.  Make a long list and get these thoughts out of you.

As you make this list, notice if you put energy into these beliefs, reinforce them in your mind or are beginning to separate from them.  Don’t dwell on any one idea, just make a list. Are you in the place that everything feels impossible or are you feeling as though you can change some of the ideas on this list?  Can you bring your energy out of each thought as you write it?  Begin to change your view to see things as possible.

Review your list.  Some of what you wrote, does not matter to you.  Other things that you listed, you wish you could have, be or do.  Those are the desires that matter.  Find someone to listen to you as your read your list.  Tell them you want to change your thinking about each item, that you want to see them as possible.  Your partner does not have to do anything, just listen.  As you do this, you will begin to change your perspective.  Do this often until you create enough space to take actions to allow the impossible to manifest.  Change your thinking and change what is possible.


Stop Making Goals

Intuitive - Clear seeingStop creating goals. That may surprise you, but I mean it. Working with those focused on success, I have learned a great deal about what creates success and what does not. One thing that is very clear to me is goals can distract us from success.

We can set goals, achieve goals and be no better off in our life than before if we lack a clear vision of the life we desire. Goals are like pieces of something though do not create anything. When we focus on achieving goals, we are thinking small no matter how big the goal.

On the other hand, when we have a clear vision for the life we desire that is big. It may sound too simple but ask yourself. If you closed your eyes and imagined the life you desire, would be able to imagine it? Give it a try. Notice the thoughts and reactions you have as you imagine in your mind’s eye. Doing this exercise regularly until you can see your vision clearly and can imagine it happening is important for your life to manifest.

Without a clear vision, we are experiencing whatever comes our way day to day without leading our vision. The first step is spending time meditating on or envisioning the life you desire. Do this often. Get good at it then simply take actions every day toward that vision. Make new choices. Get out of old routines. Realize how you and your life need to change for this vision to manifest and begin to make and allow those changes. It’s that simple except it is not easy to imagine the life we desire, to imagine it happening then changing our focus and actions every day to step into and create the life imagined.

Give it a try. Stop creating goals. Take actions toward your vision and experience a miracle.

Best wishes, Kay

Don’t Seek Comfort To Achieve

200469160-001When people are in discomfort or pain, it is my inclination to want to bring them out of it.  I want to raise their energy high enough to feel better, so I feel better.  Not a good way to be.  It gets in the way of success and achieving our vision.

We create discomfort to stop, reflect and see where we want to be versus where we are. The problem is our tendency to seek comfort.  Seeking comfort can prevent us from achieving our vision.  It is in our nature to get out of discomfort quickly as possible.  Everyone does this a different way, i.e. getting an endorphin/physical rush, healing or massage, drinking, drugs, sex, and anything else that changes the energy we are experiencing.

Growth Periods

Nothing changes except that we are out of pain for that moment. The discomfort will return because there was something we needed to change and still do. To give this experience a label, I call it a growth period, a point in time when we have the opportunity for real change.  The decision we make can change everything.  We can choose to get out of the pain, or we can decide to sit with it to find out something about ourselves and our vision.

Growth periods happen when we have a vision of something that we want in our lives.  Once we have a vision, the universe starts to manifest around that mental image picture and things start to change. How quickly things change depends on what we allow.

When the universe starts to manifest around our vision and things start to change, we experience discomfort. Our body reacts to every change with unease until we get used to and comfortable with the new energy and space the change created.  It is at this point that we can decide. We can decide to sit with the discomfort and understand the change being created so that our vision can manifest OR we can do whatever we can to get out of discomfort.  Each choice produces a different result.  Allowing and understanding the pain allows our vision to continue to manifest.  Resisting and trying to get out of it causes the change we started to stop.


When I get into a growth period, I am honestly inclined to either of these choices depending on how intense the discomfort is.   The greater the discomfort, the bigger the change you are in the process of creating.  We can stop that change or we can allow it so when in a growth period, I ask myself, “What part of my vision is creating this growth period?  Where do I need to change to allow this aspect of my vision to manifest?” With this awareness, you decide, “Do I want this change in my life?”  Honestly, you can say,  “This growth period ‘s too big, I am going to give up this aspect of my vision.”  Or you can say, “I am willing to understand this growth period so that my vision can manifest.”

Your Vision

It helps to read your vision to align yourself with it.  If you do not have a written vision, then I suggest you write one.  A written vision helps ground your plan, to understand the changes you are experiencing so that you know they are not coincidences.  Most importantly, none of this reflection or understanding is logical.  Your understanding is most clear from an intuitive perspective.  Meditate.  Imagine, visualize, see in your mind’s eye your vision.  While in meditation, ask yourself within, “What change is this growth period creating and why is it so uncomfortable?”  Try not to think rather listen to yourself at your core.  The answers you hear will enlighten you and your journey to the vision of the life you desire.

Your Vision is Not Out There

Frangipani Spa Flowers reflected water.PlumeriaThe importance of having a vision is promoted everywhere these days. Having a vision sounds like a discovery, or maybe we are hearing it for the first time. Perhaps the ability to see in our mind’s eye – to visualize -is gathering acceptance. In any case, the idea of vision is not new and is it not something someone discovered.

Our vision is within us. Contrary to that perspective, people believe we have to figure out or decide our vision. That would be an incorrect approach. Our vision is at our core and always has been.

Working with professionals and business owners has increased my awareness of how a vision develops. Over the years I discovered that our vision is not something that we decide. Our vision is something that we discover within us, at our core.

When we can come out of our thinking, stop analyzing and arguing the pros and cons of various vision options, perhaps we can get quiet enough to listen to ourselves. Learning to go within and communicate with ourselves at our core, will give us the insight we need to know the vision that is already within us.

Our life is the path we follow to let our vision unfold and manifest. Our path is not about what we do but an expression of who we are at our core. I know this makes us shift our thinking that our vision, path and purpose are things we have to decide and create out there in the world somehow. A different perspective sees our vision flow from within to manifest in our world.

Our path is to experience our vision. We get off our path, get in our way and force ourselves, often with a lot of effort, to create what we think we should. Alternatively, if we simply quiet our space, go within and listen to ourselves at our core, we can begin to live the life our vision inspires.

Creating from our core is not logical. Then again we think too much. Our thinking gets in the way of knowing the vision we have always had for ourselves and our path to experience our that vision in the world. Do not think about this. That’s what gets us off our path.

Thoughts, concepts, emotions and programming that we hold get in the way of knowing our vision and expressing it.

Find the vision you have always had within you. First, stop thinking. Get quiet. Close your eyes. Go within. Get to know who you are at your core. Do not think. Learn to listen. Follow your heart. Follow your core, and you will be on your path, allowing the vision you always had within you to manifest.


The Tough Steps

fresh sunrise at mountainCreating the life that we desire takes courage. Working with people every day shows me a great deal about how we create.  Everyone has a vision of the life they desire and goals to get there.  Most take small steps and never fully achieve their dream.  Why is that?

We decide it is too hard, change is too uncomfortable, we are afraid or don’t like taking risks.  In a nutshell, we don’t take big enough steps to create our vision.  We prefer the comfort of what is familiar even if it is not where we want to be.

My job as a coach is to push you to go where you say you want to go.  Lindsay owns a business.  She works hard but wants more.  Lindsay wants her business to run without her so that she can have a life as well.  The solution involves a handful of key changes, and she would be well on her way to having a business running reliably just the way she wants without her being there all the time.

The vision Lindsay has for herself, and her business will stay a vision because she does not like working on business development areas that are new to her, to think in new ways and to be uncertain.  All this makes her uncomfortable, so she says, “I am not ready for this today.”

Carol is a career professional and successful at a job she does not like.  More importantly, she wants time to create a relationship so that her life is whole from her perspective. Having a job that pays her well is more comfortable than the effort of looking for a new position that pays well and that she enjoys.  Carol also finds it hard to get out of her routine and spend time meeting people. Until she is ready to take steps that are uncomfortable, her vision stays something she desires.

We are creatures of routine even if those routines do not serve our vision of the life we desire.  It takes determination, the courage to change and the will to take action to move from where we are now to have what we say we want.

Take a deep breath.  Write down what you want in your life.  Then write the steps you can take that will make a difference.  Do not write down the easy steps because you are going to do those anyway.  The difficult steps are the ones we need to take to make a difference in our lives. Have courage.



Success is not a mystery.

Push pin on success text
Success is not a mystery.

What I know about success.

The clearer our vision, the greater our success.

So spend more time dreaming and not all your time doing.

Focus time on actions that create success.

Do not be distracted by time thiefs.

Create a plan and act on it diligently.

Decide how you want to be in your life, work and relationships with others then be that.

Know how you are being in each moment.

Believe in your vision. Believe in yourself.

Create success with the support of others. Never do it alone.

See your vision manifesting now, not in the future.

Allow it to be uncomfortable. Change is uncomfortable.

Have enthusiasm for your vision of success. Stay focused on that.

Don’t give up on vision, yourself or others.

What do you dwell on? That’s what you are creating. Yikes!

dv1990098We spend our time dwelling on the energy in our space, the thoughts in our head, problems, people and more. How might things be different if we directed our attention? How might things be different if we consciously decided what to dwell on? What would happen if we did not dwell on energies in our space but on the life we are creating?

First, it would be hard to do because no one taught us that we could choose. No one taught us that we pick up other’s energy and thoughts all day long into our space. And indeed, no one taught us that we could and should remove energy that is not ours from our space every day. No one taught us to clear our thinking.

So now as adults we live in a reality where we keep others energy and thoughts in our space and think it is ours. The owner of a very successful company described an experience in which she could not get a client off her mind. Sara was dwelling on him regularly and could feel him in her space. She tried everything she could think of the get free of him finally she danced. She danced for hours, enjoying every minute of it, bringing her energy back into her space and releasing the energy and thoughts of her client. This worked for her.

Charles found himself dwelling on his staff; felt that he could not get free of them, their expectations and his thoughts about it. Then it occurred to Charles that perhaps he could decide what to focus on and what to think. Charles knew he had to get his space back from everyone, so he got into his car, put the top down and headed for the coast. The coast had always been a place of personal sanctuary for Charles, and it reminded him of times when he was clear and enjoyed dwelling on the life he desired.

Both of these examples are great stories of someone recognizing they wanted their space back so that they could focus their thoughts intentionally. Their solutions worked but are not practical for each moment of our day.

The goal would be to focus our thinking and our energy, as we desire throughout our day. Doing this would change our lives in positive ways. Rather than dwelling on problems, we would focus on how we want our lives to be personally and professionally. Focusing on what we do want changes everything.

Because this would be a significant change, we have to start small. First, begin to notice what you dwell on. Becoming aware of our thoughts is essential to create change. Next, imagine releasing or coming out of those thoughts. It may mean letting go of thoughts others have placed in your space as well as thoughts you added to that conversation. Stop the conversation. Finally, redirect your attention. Begin to focus on and think about how you do want in this moment, today , this week, etc. in the context of the life you desire.

It helps to write down what you are creating in your life, to help you direct not only your thinking but also your actions. Thoughts are creative so create your thoughts. Create thoughts that support the life you desire.  Do not dwell, even for a second, on what you do not want.

Best wishes for success, Kay


Create From Within

dreamstime_xs_12419700For the past twenty plus years, I have been working with business owners and professionals to achieve their vision of success and learned a great deal in the process.

When I began I had everyone focus on achieving his or her goals. I have a unique ability to guide people in achieving something, so most achieved their goals and more quickly than they expected. Something else happened.

These same people then complained that though they achieved their goals, they were not happy. From this came a new focus. The answer does not come from achieving goals. I needed to show people to look at the bigger picture. What is their vision for the life they desire? All of it. Personally and professionally. Goals needed to support their vision.

This change made an enormous difference. I found everyone began to feel inspired by creating a grander vision for himself or herself. Gradually I watched people creating greater and grander things then feeling a bit lost.

In meditation, I saw that everyone was busy creating things to have, be and do. All their attention was outside of themselves. They were getting addicted to creating one thing after another and began losing awareness of themselves. I knew they were heading in the wrong direction. I  saw they needed to go within and reconnect with who they are.

From this awareness, I created From Within, a program designed to guide you to connect with who you are at your core. To go within. When you connect with who you are at your core, you grow in your awareness of yourself, find your essence and everything changes.

When you connect to who we are at our core then you create from within and that manifests in your world. This may not be logical. It is more accurate to say it is something you have to experience.

We have so much of our attention and awareness outside ourselves that we lose ourselves. We are busy manifesting rather than experiencing who we are at our core in the world.

When we create from within, we can experience who we are in the world. That does not mean that we have to change what we do or have. It means we bring who we are at our core, our essence, into what we do and create from there.

Take the time to meditate. Go within. Go to your core (cor=heart). Find yourself. Find your essence. Create from within.

Best wishes, Kay

From Within

What’s Next?

dreamstime_5775817Every decade or so we go through a period of doubt, questioning or feeling unsettled. Cycles like this occur naturally. We all go through them. These cycle transitions can be smooth and uneventful, and others require more thought and decision-making. Some can be challenging. How we approach these periods is up to us?

Fred declared with grave concern that he did not feel he could continue in his business as he had before. Fred felt he was not focused enough and was deeply concerned. As an intuitive, I saw that Fred simply completed a cycle of being an active business owner and was starting a new course – nothing to be ashamed of. To force this change, that he has wanted for a while, he had a medical episode. The medical event is not life threatening but of enough concern to give him reason to change his role in his company.

Recognizing and understanding the nature of cycles in our lives is important. We create a cycle to experience some new aspect of ourselves. This desire becomes a vision, and we make goals that help us create this change. How smoothly this change of cycles occurs depends on us. When we realize that we are creating the change we are experiencing, it works best if we allow the transition. When we try to control or resist our vision, then it may take something dramatic in our lives to help us move from one cycle to another. In Fred’s case, a medical condition is an acceptable reason for changing his role in the business. Now do not get me wrong. Fred does not desire the medical condition, but it was the only way his vision could manifest.

Another client held a commanding position in a large city government and was beloved by everyone who knew him. Charlie loved his work but dreamt of retirement. He could not bring himself to quit for many reasons, but he imagined almost every day, being retired and enjoying his life with his wife. The old saying, “Be careful what you pray for.”

Charlie presents an excellent example of a new cycle being created. Charlie was clear about his vision but could not actively make the transition so how was his dream to come true. To achieve his vision, he had to get out of where he was. Consider the choices someone can make to get out of a job. They could resign. Charlie could not bring himself to do that. Too many people depended on him. He could get fired which seemed unlikely as he was so beloved or his could get sick. Charlie had a severe illness a couple of years back and had a strong determination not to be that sick again. Of the three choices, Charlie has less of his attention on getting fired, so that became the solution. Out of the blue, for no apparent reason, he was asked to resign. Charlie was shocked. I was not. He was creating a new cycle but was preventing it from manifesting, so the universe created his desire the only way possible.

Most if not all my clients come to me when they are ending a cycle, are looking to understand and navigate the changes they have set in motion. We are always getting our goals. Sometimes we get in our own way, so the change needed happens more dramatically. To transition from where we are to our vision, begins with being conscious and aware of what we are imagining or desiring. Whatever we imagine is being created one way or another.

Being mindful, spending time being quiet or in meditation, staying in communication with yourself and being conscious and aware of what you are imaging, are all steps to creating transitions rather than our transitions being forced on us.

Take time today to stop, be clear about what you imagine for yourself. Write it down then note what needs to change and what is happening to give you what you imagine or desire. Be in charge of the next cycle of your life.

Best wishes, Kay

How we are being, determines our success.

Cloud SmileysSuccess depends on us. Not so much what we do but how we are being. If you want to know how things will turn out today, tomorrow or next year, stop and notice how you are being. Notice how you are feeling about it. Notice what you think, fear or believe. Seeing yourself, you are watching how you create or don’t create. We can change how we are being and thus change the result.

Notice how things are different when we are acting in ways that are successful. When we are being successful, we can be guaranteed a better outcome.

The energy of creating is not a complicated concept though it may not be logical. When we are excited by the possibilities, see our vision, are running our creative energy, we are creating success. The creative energy of the planet manifests around what we imagine and gives it form.

On the other hand, when we are down for some reason, our creative energy drops and, as a result, everything seems to stop or fade away. That is what happens exactly. The image we had of our success is no longer energized by us and so it, in fact, disappears.

Our thinking can get in the way as well. Say you know the success that you want. You begin to imagine your idea of being successful then you start to have doubts. Your thoughts jump to the forefront, saying you will not be successful for one reason or another. Your attention moves from your vision of success to a fear of failure. Once again the creative energy drops, the mental image picture of success starts to fade.

There are many examples of how our creative energy can lower. It happens all the time. The measure of success is how we react to these situations. Do we stay at the lower vibration and maybe go even lower, allowing our vision to fade completely? Yikes!

Some recognize the thoughts, energy or experiences that just brought them down and they turn it around. With great determination, they take their attention off the negative thoughts or energy and refocus on their vision of success. It is an exercise in self-discipline, disciplining our energy, directing it in ways that support our success.

We have control of our creative energy even what something impacts our energy in the moment. Being self-aware allows us to notice these energy changes and adjust rather than dwell in the lower energy levels.

How do you change your energy when it drops? One business owner gets in his car and goes for a drive; another spends time in meditation reconnecting to his enthusiasm for his vision, and yet another goes to the beach, to find himself. All three of these people know that solving the problem is not the answer. They know the answer is in finding themselves, their passion and enthusiasm for what they are creating. They move to get their energy back to creating and reconnect with themselves, knowing that anything is possible.

The answer lies in noticing how we are being in the moment. To create, we have to be at a creative vibration. To stop creating, simply drop your energy. We have free will. We can choose.

When We Hate Change

200469160-001Two of my clients are going through difficult life changing events that bring me to understand more deeply the nature of change. Both are experiencing changes they have wanted for a long time but changes they could not make. We are always getting what we want. Sometimes we are proactive and create the changes we desire. When we are stuck in a routine, a way of being and resisting change, our desire for change still manifests though in a forceful way.

Everyone I work with can identify that their current crisis stems from a desire for change. Sometimes change needs to disrupt old routines, energy patterns and ways of being that no longer serve us and stand in the way of achieving our vision.

When circumstances force us to make a change, we have wanted but could not make then we know that we are the cause of the disruption. Some changes are made easily. Other changes need an explosion to be accomplished. These are often miserable, heart-wrenching experiences of change.

That does not mean that it has to be this way. When there is a change we desire but find it difficult or impossible to accomplish, we tend to find a way to continue as we are without making the change voluntarily. This approach almost guarantees an upheaval as necessary to give us the change we know we want.

There is another way to effect a change we resist making. From an intuitive perspective, it begins with using abilities we already have within us.

  • Go to your core (cor is Latin for the heart). Go to who you are at your core – go within to your heart chakra. Connect with who you are. From your core, you find courage, which means to stand by your core. When we connect to our core and create from there, we experience our courage to create change.
  • Be grounded. When we resist making a change, the energy center at the base of our spine (the first chakra – survival chakra) may open too much making any change appear harder than it is. Grounding the first chakra is a way to come out of the fear of change. Imagine a connection between the base of your spine and the center of the planet. Imagine being grounded.
  • Be centered. We can get lost in our thinking that is, for the most part, incorrect. Our thinking tends to focus on worry and problems. Gain perspective by being in the center of your head (sixth chakra not your analyzer). When we are centered in this way, and not lost in thought but centered, we have a clearer perspective from which to see and know our next step. Imagine the life you desire rather focus on the problem at hand.
  • Hold your head high. I know that sounds trite though from an intuitive perspective when we hold our head up, lengthen our spine so that our energy centers (chakras) are aligned then our energy can flow up through an energy center at the top of our head, the crown chakra. This energy center vibrates our confidence, ownership of our space and seniority in our world.

All of these steps are designed to connect to our courage for a change, to come out of the fear of change, to clear our thinking, focus on what we do want and find the confidence to make the changes to get there.

The body hates change, so a change will most always be uncomfortable though it is essential to achieve our vision of the life we desire. So to have the changes we desire means accepting the discomfort (disruption in old energy patterns) during the transition.

We are always getting our goals. We are always evolving and moving toward our grandest vision for ourselves.

Best wishes, Kay

Lost In A Problem


Lost in the details. Perspective gone. Can’t find a solution that feels right. These are some of the comments I heard this week. Each of these statements means we have lost sight of the vision we are creating. We are stuck in energy, thoughts, and pictures. Michael Gerber, the author of EMyth Revisited, woke up business owners with his famous refrain, “Work on your business.” From an intuitive perspective, these and other frustrations occur when our attention and our energy gets too deeply into a picture or an experience then creates what we do not want.

Persisting to solve our frustration in this way continues to create what we do not want, to lose our perspective and make poor decisions. The solution is simple but not always easy. Step back from the situation. Pull your attention out of the details. Let go of the energy of whatever you are resisting. In other words, make separation from the problem at hand. Do this in whatever way you know how because as long as your focus and energy are in the frustration, you continue to create it.

Once you step back, reflect on the vision you have for the situation whether it is personal or professional. Regain your perspective. Focusing on what you do want, the vision you are creating. Decisions made from this perspective create success.

In a business coaching session, Kara described that she felt lost in the details of where to place a new employee. She became increasingly frustrated as she tried to solve this question logically, considering all the possibilities, everyone’s opinion and was not finding an obvious solution. Placement of workstations is important to the energy and workflow of a company. The energy can create or destroy so Kara knew not to take this lightly.

Kara felt if there were a logical solution, she would have found it. Now was the time to come out of her mind (logic), to pull her energy out of what had now become a problem and get her space back from the question of the workstation.

Once Kara stopped thinking, released the energy of effort she was feeling, she took a higher-level intuitive view, reflected on the goal of this new position and the vision for her business.  She stopped thinking about the problem and began to see intuitively the best placement for the new workstation, a placement that would support her vision of success.

Kara saw the solution immediately. The placement was not logical at first, but when she considered the impact, she thought it was brilliant. It was intuitive. In the end,  the staff were pleased with the arrangement and felt supported. Kara also saw how it created value for the new employee and put him in place to collaborate.

When faced with a problem, frustration or a difficult decision that does not have a clearly defined solution, try an intuitive approach.

• Stop thinking – if that was working you would have your solution by now.
• Make separations from the problem/decision/frustration – feel yourself pulling your energy and attention out of the details.
• Take a deep breath and let go of all the energy you have generated in the effort to solve the problem. Feel yourself letting go.
• Get your space back by bringing your attention to your center (center of your head.)
• Reflect on your vision of success. See it clearly in your mind’s eye.
• Only when you see your vision of success, the big picture, ask yourself the question you are trying to solve – don’t think – be intuitive. Notice intuitively the answer that comes to you.

This process is one of the best tools I know to find a solution to a situation that has us challenged. Give it a try.

Best wishes on your success, Kay


Success is not a mystery

dreamstimefree_2565706Some of what I write in my blog is logical and strategic. I love that way of thinking. Most of what I write is from an intuitive perspective with the goal to open our awareness to so much more than what our mind can understand.

In our culture, we are programmed to be logical about all things. I joined a conversation thread with a group of logical thinkers to interject an intuitive perspective into their conversation. They would have no part of it. Everything is logical they insisted. What I learned from spending time with them is their conversation centered on things that can be understood logically and shied away from discussions that were not. So in their world of logic that is all there was.

In this conversation with you, I invite both logical and intuitive perspectives. The challenge is to shift our perspective between the two in the same conversation. That is the challenge.

Let me offer an example.

The most successful people have a clear vision of what they are creating. Having a clear vision can be understood logically as they can describe their vision to you and you understand. It is also intuitive as they see their vision clearly in their mind’s eye, but even more importantly they see it manifesting. Successful people who mastered this include Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Richard Branson and others. With great enthusiasm, they created one success after another.

After working with business owners for years, I learned there is another way a business owner may approach success that produces a different result. Their vision may not be clear. Their vision is an idea in their mind rather than something they can see in their mind’s eye. Intuitively, we know that what we imagine (in our mind’s eye) is being created. So until they can see it, it is just an idea.

A next key element for success is feeling and seeing a vision manifesting already, in smaller ways at first then growing. They can see their vision manifesting, doing this with great enthusiasm and passion for what they are creating. In this way, they add their creative energy to the mental image picture (their vision). When we add our energy to a picture, it comes to life and begins to manifest in reality.

Those who struggle with success may not have a clear vision but even if they do, may not feel that it can manifest. Their thoughts and emotions get in the way. They see their vision as something they want. Wanting is the opposite of manifesting so when we are in the energy of wanting then we are left with wanting. Not logical but very intuitive.

Successful people do not let anything get in their way. They are determined and move effortlessly through other’s pictures or energy that is not in support of their goal. They effortlessly keep moving forward, inspired by and taking actions to support their vision.

The dichotomy to this would be to become the effect of other’s pictures or energy. Perhaps someone does not share your vision and tries to talk you out of it, and this stops you. Perhaps someone has a strong reaction to the changes you are making to achieve your vision, and their energy gets stuck in your space.

Our vision of success can get stuck when we get into effort or try to control  how our vision manifests. How a vision manifests is not always logical.  On an intuitive level, when we resist or control anything, we change the course of it. Our original vision cannot move in a tightly controlled energy, so it stops and whatever we resist begins to manifest instead.

My favorite physicist, Fritjof Capra, would describe this in an elegant, scientific way. His description of how our energy impacts our world are in his book, The Tao of Physics.

So where to go from here? Logic can be understood. Intuitive perspectives cannot be understood through logic. They are understood through experience. So try the following and notice the difference this makes in your life.

  • Spend time reflecting on your vision. See it clearly in your mind’s eye. Not thinking but imagining your vision. Do this often.
  • Feel your vision manifesting now. Be clear about that. Avoid the tendency to imagine it in the future. Challenge yourself to see your vision beginning to happen now.
  • Find your enthusiasm for your vision. Release any thoughts or feelings that say it cannot happen.
  • Change your routine and begin to act in a new way that aligns with your vision.
  • Do not control how your vision manifests. Become aware of the inevitable changes that will occur for your vision to manifest. Do not control them. Go with the changes, as not everything is logical.

Best wishes, Kay


It’s Not Enough

j0199128_2f5b4ce0Working with business owners and professionals for more than two decades, I have learned a great deal about success, failure and staying where we are. There are three basic behaviors that get in the way of our success.

  • Thinking that if we keep doing what we are doing and taking steps will produce a different result.
  • Approaching each day the same way we always have.
  • Spending our time doing what we are comfortable doing and easy to do.

Bottom line, we hate change. We do not want to be out of comfort zone for very long. Sure we might get out of our comfort zone once or twice then we slide back to where we were. It does not matter whether where we are is what we want. We stay there simply because it is familiar.

Creating change in our business, our career or our life takes a “heads up” focus and determination to change, not just one change but real change. Real change comes from within, and it takes focus.

When we are not paying attention, we naturally fall back into old ways of being that are learned, familiar and perhaps even genetic. To break those patterns means to be conscious and aware of how we are being in each moment then deciding how we want to change our space in a way that supports our vision.

Vision is the starting point. What are we creating personally and professionally? Before we change, we need to be clear about where we are going and what we wish to manifest. I have written other blogs on vision, so I will not go into detail here.

Once the vision is clear, then meditate on it. See it clearly in your mind’s eye. In meditation we are more conscious and aware, so ask what needs to change to achieve this vision. Note, change always begins within. How are you going to change beginning with how you will be in a different way? This does not mean changing who you are. Being in a different way means getting out of a stuck pattern and experiencing another aspect of you. So maybe the question is, “How do I want to experience myself next?”

If we do not change then, nothing changes. Sure we might take small steps though in the end we are in the same place. You know you have embraced change when you feel that you are pushing yourself out of your routine and what is comfortable. You know you are creating real change when you are taking steps that are uncomfortable. Discomfort is because of a change in our space, in our energy and it is not familiar. That change is essential for us to create something new and of significance.

On a practical level, get out of your routine, put aside tasks that are easy to do and put squarely in front of you, a task that is outside your comfort zone yet you know if you focus on this task it will make a real difference. Do this task first completely before you even think about the easy routine stuff that can fill our day.

Start your day with a task that you resist but know it is important to your success. Have it be a big task or a big step. The longer we stay with easy and comfortable actions the longer we have to wait for real change.

If creating real change seems impossible, then get a coach (business or career). Having someone who is on your side and will hold you accountable may be the support you need to get moving to a bigger vision of who you are.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

Get It Done!

hDo you have a big project you are putting off, an important task that you are avoiding or anything you simply can’t seem to get to? You can call yourself a procrastinator, but that does not help at all. Consider the reason you can’t get to something is because you do not have any space for it. Your space is full. That is not logical, but it is very intuitive.

During our day, we pick up energy from people, places, and things. Gradually our space (our body and the energy field around us) becomes full of thoughts, pictures, concepts, other people’s energy, a long list of things to do and more. Suddenly we have no more space for anything.

When our space is full, we find ourselves acting and reacting to everything. We find we are not able to focus on what is important. Our space fully occupied by, makes it difficult to focus on what is important. Our priorities seem impossible to get to.

We blame ourselves, get frustration and call ourselves a procrastinator. Invalidating ourselves just adds more energy to our space, making it even more difficult to break out.

A simple solution is to clear our space and not fight or resist how we are feeling or what is distracting us from what is important.

Here is an exercise you can use if there is something important you want to/need to complete.
• Find a place and the time to be quiet.
• Sit down, close your eyes, take a deep breath, and relax.
• Continue to take deep breaths and as you exhale, feel yourself letting of everything in your space. The key is to feel yourself release the energy that has built up. By getting quiet, you can perhaps feel this energy for the first time.
• Come out of the thoughts in your head. Stop thinking.
• If you find yourself carrying on a telepathic communication with someone, imagine hanging up the phone. Stop talking to them. Stop the conversations.
• Bring your attention to yourself. Notice how you are doing, what is on your mind and in your space?  Imagine letting it go and coming out of it.
• Now simply release and let go.
• Imagine calling your energy back from people, places or things. Notice what’s on your mind or grabbing your attention then imagine pulling yourself/your energy out of it.  Separate from it all.
• Be present. Bring your attention and awareness into this moment. Bring your attention to yourself, your body, and the space where you are. Be aware of the moment.
• Continue to release the energy in your space.
• When you feel like you have your space back, imagine the project or task you want to complete.
• Imagine it in as much detail as you can. Imagine yourself doing.
• When you feel connected to your task, see it clearly in your mind’s eye. Imagine yourself doing it. All the while noticing what is on your mind, distracting you and release that.
• Imagine the time and space you will work on this project or task. Do it now or shortly before your space gets full again.

We collect energy in our space every day so taking the time to stop and clear our space will make everything so much easier. If we do not then, things build up and produce results that we do not want versus the results we imagine for ourselves.

You can follow an audio recording of this meditation here.

Best wishes, Kay


Are you busy doing or being?

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What we do matters little compared to who we are. Our culture is built the other way around. The focus is on what we do. In this way, we lose awareness of ourselves as we too focus on what we are doing or what we will do next.

How would the world and we be different if before we decided what to do in our life or even today, that we decided how we wanted to be? Would our choices, perspective and decisions be different or would we simply experience ourselves in a new way as we went about doing?

Because our world is upside down, we know a lot about what we do or judge ourselves about what we are not doing. The focus on doing is relentless. The more we focus this way, the more we lose ourselves, get off our path, find ourselves disappointed in one aspect of our lives or another or experience dis-ease. All this because doing comes before being.  And awareness of how we are being may never come to mind.

How might things be different if we took the time to stop doing, to stop thinking and took our attention off everything and everyone? We would be left with the mystery of ourselves. Quietly bringing our attention onto ourselves may be a new experience but one worth having.

It begins with placing our attention on ourselves to see how we are doing. We might notice how we feel, what‘s on our mind, what’s in our space and how our body is doing. Noticing how we are doing is a great first step, but it is not yet about how you are being.

Notice if you can stop doing long enough to find yourself. Often we are so lost in doing that we cannot stop. The idea of getting quiet is beyond our comprehension. Trying to get quiet feels harder than doing. It may take some self-discipline to stop doing and be with yourself.

If you were able to stop, get quiet and notice how you are doing, that is a great first step but there is more. Stay quiet with yourself and notice how you are being. Noticing how you are being is a quieter, deeper level of awareness. It is knowing who you are at your core and how you are experiencing yourself in the world. It is not esoteric. It is real.

The more often we stop and decide how to be, the more our lives and what we do in the world comes into alignment with who we are. Decisions can be made from that perspective. Actions come from how you want to be in the world.

Coming from the perspective of how you are being may mean changing what you do in a big or little ways, or it may simply mean deciding how you want to be as you live the life you have already created.

Give it a try. Start each day deciding how you want to be before you decide what you will do.  Notice what changes.   We may find that we move away from things that do not serve us and into new ways of experiencing ourselves.  Enjoy.


Energy In Your Space Is Real

dreamstime_man-meditating_5645730During each day, we pick up energy from people, places and things. If we hold these energies in our space, it becomes part of us, influencing and controlling our space. We act and react differently as a result. Knowing that energy is real and that we can manage energy is an important step in self-awareness, wellness and success. Meditation is a way to manage energy.

Energy That Is Not Ours  

It does not matter if the energy we picked up is energy from something we enjoyed or something we resisted. Other’s energy in our space alters us. If it was a positive energy at first, over time the energy level drops and it becomes just another energy in our space. We can feel stressed, resistance, anger or effort. We begin to feel and act differently because we are managing energy that is not ours. This is overwhelming. Sarah told me she comes home from work and sits in front of the television for hours until she feels better. In this instance, Sarah, did not clear the energy of her day. The energy is still in her space, just not vibrating at a high pitch anymore and she has accepted it. I taught Sarah how to spend a few minutes in meditation to clear the energy of her day with a better result.

The first step in energy management is to clear our space each day. Others deal with energy in their space in different ways. Some self-medicate to numb themselves from the energy in their space. Some explode or rage to force the energy out of their space. Others do intense physical workouts or get lost in something to distract them. There are many more ways to hide from the discomfort of others energy in our space. Meditation is a better way.

Energy Depleted
Likewise, we leave our energy outside ourselves, at our work, in a conversation, a place we went and the list is endless. If we continue to leave our energy places, we become depleted, feel burned out and are resentful. When our energy is not high enough, we cannot create and our creations begin to dissolve. Our wellness is affected. Sarah learned that she gives her energy away, has a difficult time letting go of experiences and feels exhausted most of the time. In our session, I taught Sarah the second step in energy management, to gather up her energy from her day. Gathering up your energy is not logical, but it is very intuitive.

Energy Is Real

The first step is to know that energy is real even if we are not conscious of it in this way. Meditation is important as a way to manage energy.  Create a time to stop each day for energy management, to clear our space of any energy we picked up and to collect up our energy that we may have left somewhere or with someone. Whatever comes to mind during meditation shows you where your energy is or what energy is in your space. Energy is real. Energy management is only one but an important aspect of meditation.

Make time each day to get quiet, focus on yourself, release and let go of whatever is in your space or on your mind. You can feel it, hear it and know it. Then imagine calling your attention and energy back from whatever is on your mind or is distracting you. Continue until you feel like you and are fully focused on yourself in present time.

Best wishes on your success, Kay


Stop Being Overwhelmed

hOverwhelm is a common experience and one that we can easily manage when we understand the experience. From an intuitive perspective overwhelm occurs when we are experiencing something new, our attention is on many things at one time and out of time.

Overwhelm is an energy problem.  Some experience feeling overwhelmed all the time, meaning they do not know how to handle the energy in their space.  Others experience feeling overwhelmed when they experience something new or more energy than usual.


Frank had some business opportunities present all at once. It seems to happen that way for him and when it does he experiences overwhelm, feels like he cannot handle it all and feels immobilized. Now his reaction may seem more dramatic than what you experience but the concepts are the same.


Frank’s immediate reaction was a desire to stop his success because he was feeling enormous discomfort. When we move to a new level of success, it will be uncomfortable because it is something we have not experienced before. That does not mean that we are not capable enough. We are just uncomfortable. I suggested that Frank accept the discomfort as a temporary reaction to having more success.

Present Time

The feeling of being overwhelmed causes us to get out of present time, to go into the past when we had a similar experience though not the same. We might go into the future worrying about what might happen. In any case, not being in present time creates stress in the body. Staying present, at the moment, helps relieve discomfort.


Frank had five urgent projects to manage, and the thought of it was so overwhelming that he could not take action. Frank was holding the work of all five projects in his space, in his mind and his body at one time, making it impossible to manage them effectively. His thinking was clouded and his energy confused. For Frank to get out of being overwhelmed, he needed to focus 100% on one project at a time, find the next step, complete it then on to the next.

New Level of Havingness

Not resisting the discomfort of something new, staying in present time and focusing on one task at a time, helped Frank reach a new level. Rather than thinking he could not handle more success, he created a way to have more.

So often I see people destroy opportunities simply because they get into overwhelm and do not know how to get out.


Sarah is a young mom, with three kids and a fast growing online retail-clothing store. Sarah was thrilled by her success then realized her good idea had quickly become a successful online business! Not knowing how to create a business was overwhelming for her. I recommended the same steps for Sarah as I did for Frank. Sarah needed to allow the discomfort of her success, stay in present time and not multitask. She needed to focus on the most important task to achieve her goal and get a coach to help her create her business development plan.

More Success Not Less

Overwhelm occurs when we are not managing the energy we are experiencing. Rather than give up or fail, we can stop and take charge of our space so that we can have more. The fear of being overwhelmed gets in the way of taking steps toward being more successful. It does not have to be that way. Decide that energy is real and that you can manage the energy you encounter as you grow your success.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

Do You Have A Plan?

Routines Kill Dreams

RoutineIt has been said; we are creatures of habit, but does it also say they kill our dreams. That sounds dramatic but true nonetheless. We are creatures of habits and routines that get in the way of our success and creating the life we want.

All routines and habits are not bad, but they get in our way. Routines that we create consciously to meet a goal may have some value, i.e. go to the gym at 6 am before heading to work. That routine, though on the face of it has value, may also get in our way. Going to the gym four times a week, allowing changes in how your meet that goal is another way of meeting your goal.

Routine and Unconsciousness

Why am I down on routines? Routines become automatic ways of being that create periods of unconsciousness. We do not have to think twice because the action is automatic. As an intuitive, I am aware of the importance of being conscious in each moment, so when we are in a routine, we lose part of our self.

Routines Control

Routines begin to control and keep us from becoming aware of new possibilities, focusing on something different or doing things in another way. Have you ever tried to alter your routine? For example, if the first thing you do each day is check for text messages or email, can you imagine altering that routine? Can you feel the resistance to that change?

I conduct retreats for women, and the first hurdle is to make everyone comfortable being out of their routine. The retreats focus on goals and success though the attendees are adjusting to changes in their personal routine for the first day or two and find it challenging.  To focus on goals, means to allow change.

Routines Steal Time

Most routines relate to times in our day so on an unconscious level we are not open to considering or being aware of how we might use that time to achieve a more important goal. Routines take up time even if they do appear to be helping us achieve a goal. One of my clients wants to create a personal life to augment her successful career but is getting nowhere with this. The only thing in her way is routine. Get up, walk the dog, go to work, come home, what the dog, have dinner, relax, take care of personal business, go to bed and it starts again. From her perspective, it is a matter of no time. From an intuitive perspective, it is a matter of routine. I know that is not logical, but she changed her routine and found she had time to engage with others sparking social experiences. She admitted that she resisted change, did not believe that she had the time and was uncomfortable at first but found a new level of freedom and experiences once she got out of her routine. She found the time.

Routines Are Past Time
Routines relate to past time goals. We create a routine at some point to help us solve a problem or achieve a goal. Over time, it becomes a habit, and the original goal obscured by the routine.

Allow Discomfort

Routines make us comfortable because they are familiar. To create a new goal, to achieve something, requires change. Change is always uncomfortable to one degree or another. The power of routines and our need to seek comfort is undeniable but to achieve something new requires us to allow the discomfort that comes with change.

Energy Stuck By Routines

A routine creates an energy pattern in our space, a particular vibration and spin pattern that becomes set. The energy created by a routine can become so strong that it takes focus and commitment to change it. If we do not change our routines periodically that energy becomes set, controls our space and our awareness. It makes us feel like nothing is changing, and that we are not achieving our goals.

A writer told me he had written every morning after a cup of coffee for years but all of a sudden he could not write. I suggested that he still write every day but change his routine and write different times of the day and in different places, not always in his office. He became angry at the thought of changing his routine even though it was no longer working for him. Since writing was his livelihood he had to do something so he tried my suggestion. For the first week, he suffered greatly with the change in his routine and accomplished nothing. I encouraged him to continue with our plan of writing at different times and places. Once he got out of resistance to changing his routine and the discomfort that created, he found new inspiration and was back at writing. In the end, he decided to pick a time and place for each project and stick with that until it was completed then he would pick another time and place for his next project. The change worked for him, and he found his enthusiasm as a writer again.

Freedom From Routines

When we come out of a routine, we have access to more of our space, energy, thoughts, creativity and possibilities. We can create something new or in a new way. Take the time to name your routines. Make a list. Pick one at a time and change it. If it feels too hard to change then, you are experiencing your energy stuck in a particular spin pattern that is getting in the way of your dreams and your success. Create a plan to begin to come out of that routine and experience a new level of success.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

I Want It Now!

Why Not Now!
Why Not Now?

Why do we always see our goals in the future? It is an interesting perspective. At times, that is appropriate when we, in fact, want a goal to manifest later and not now. But it seems invalidating to imagine a goal in the future when we want it to manifest now.

Have we unintentionally programmed ourselves always to imagine a goal at some point later in time? In doing so, have we lost awareness of our ability to manifest, an ability we are all born with. Placing our goal beyond our reach then creating a long list of steps we must go through to get there is an interesting but unnecessary approach.

Planning everything for the future is a game of logic that says the intellect rules when that is not the case shown by how many times we have not reached a goal. What if reaching goals is not solely a function of the intellect?  What if we are more capable than that? What if we could remember our original ability to manifest what we want when we want it?

I had the pleasure of having my two granddaughters spend a month with us this summer. I watched them manifest what they wanted when they wanted it over and over. For example, on their last day in California, we had their parents, my daughter, my niece and their roommate to join us for an adventure. It was a difficult task to create an agreement that would suit all nine of us. I was struggling. My seven-year-old granddaughter was the only one who was clear. She wanted to go rock-climbing. I dissuaded her because there were nine of us, and not everyone could engage in the activity for one reason or another. Her parents promised to take her rock-climbing when they returned to Miami. In other words, she could have her goal in the future. Shelby did not argue though I could tell she was not giving up her goal to go rock climbing now!

We piled into two cars and headed for San Francisco. Traffic was so congested that we could not get to our destination in the city. For the first time in my life, we turned around and came back. When we arrived home, everyone realized that the only person who was certain about what they wanted was Shelby. We all looked at her and said OK to rock-climbing. She jumped for joy and yelled, “Dreams do come true.”

This story may sound simple but from an intuitive perspective I saw the focus and determination of one child with a goal that she wanted to manifest now not in the future. Manifesting in present time is an ability we were born with, and that got programmed out of us.  Our intuitive ability to manifest was replaced by logic.

How might things be different if we owned our ability to manifest success now and not always planning steps for it to manifest in the future?   Give it a try and see if you can resurrect your original ability to manifest now.

Leadership – A Journey in Self-Awareness

dreamstime_7847493Leadership from an intuitive perspective is a journey in personal awareness. To have this journey we have to create challenges to the things as they are. Working with a client who has a successful company showed how leadership is an evolving ability.

Karen has a successful company and she has a vision for growth that moves her away from doing the work of the company, growing leaders and doubling her revenue. Ambitious goals and very achievable.

Karen began the process of change by creating a new organizational chart needed to reach her goals. Then she plugged in her current staff not based on what they are doing but in positions aligned to their strengths, not just holes they were filling. Finally, she created a hiring plan to fill in new positions. Karen was excited by the vision and her plan to get there.

What blindsided her was staff’s reaction to change. While her organizational plan incorporated changes, they have said they wanted when the plan was in place they reacted to the changes in their roles.

The biggest changes were in leadership. Though successful her company is small ($700k), and she have been the only manager with staff acting as leads in specific areas of the business. For Karen to grow her company, she needed to step back from managing the day-to-day work of the business and hire leaders.

Chaos ensued. For the first time, Karen was having a leadership crisis. One lead and the staff that worked in this division were in resistance to having a new boss. The lead liked the way she had things and did not want a change so engaged the agreement of others in resistance to the plan.

Karen was in a leadership crisis and so her journey in self-awareness began.  She realized she wanted everyone to like her, and that got in the way. She realized that the changes were long overdue.  Her wish to stop managing the day-to-day began a while ago with her abdicating her role as manager.  The result is her staff controlled the company.  She found her leadership style was command and control using her 3rh chakra to overpower and control it which worked, in the before small agreeable group.  She did not really know how to lead in a way that would produce the results she wanted.

The staff takes cues from their leaders about what is an acceptable way of being. Since Karen used control and command, her staff reacted in the same way. It became a confrontational and uncomfortable situation.  Karen realized she had created a void in leadership making everyone feel insecure.

In this new stage of her business, Karen is at a loss on how to lead her company past this crisis. From an intuitive perspective, Karen is on a journey of self-discovery. She is beginning to realize how much she controlled her company not lead it. Leadership comes in many forms but for Karen this meant to change to leading from her upper chakras: 4th for affinity for others, 5th for clear communication, 6th for clear seeing and reading the energy then the 7th to show leadership and vision.

The first step was for everyone to get out of each other’s space, release energy and focus on themselves and their goals within the company. Leadership begins with each person taking ownership of their position and producing results.  Karen decided that she will meet with each person and agree on expected results, giving them ownership of their position.

Next Karen had to change and change begins within. She needed to see herself as a leader in a new way for herself, her company, and her staff. Staff wants leadership. Leadership makes everyone feel confident and gives him or her space to be successful.  Clients want to experience leadership at every level of the company and from every experience they have with any staff.

Karen is not comfortable now. Change is uncomfortable. Her vision is strong. She is strong and knows the journey begins within to discover how she is as a leader in this cycle of her company. One thing she knows for sure, this is just the next stage of her growth as a leader. There are surely others to come.  She is grateful for the challenge to get to know herself within and decide how to be in the world in a new way.

Real Change Creates Success

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Achieving goals is one thing. Manifesting the life we desire is another. Too often we focus on taking steps, achieving goals with no real change in our lives. I see people working hard to achieve goals then realize that something is still missing.

We are a goal achieving society that can distract us from who we are at our core. Real success comes from being focused on the life we desire.  Goals are often created from the idea that “I should ____.”   Whenever I hear myself or anyone else say, “I should ____”, I know we are reacting to something outside ourselves that is not connected to who we are at our core.

On the other hand, when we go within and know the life we desire real change is possible.   It is easy to change things superficially, i.e. change job, change boyfriends or start exercising but creating real change takes more.

There are things in our life that we love, are proud of and want to continue. There are also things we do not enjoy, long for or resist.  Having a clear vision is the first and most important step.

We are always being and becoming something. In this moment, we are being what we believe to be true. Thoughts are creative. What you thought yesterday, you are experiencing today. Some of those thoughts are deep and very old. Others are from more recent experiences. The older ones are harder to release, even if they do not serve us as they are sitting unconsciously in our space.

What’s next? We get to choose.  We have free will. Sounds simple but it is not easy. Changing thoughts and energies that we hold as a matter of routine takes focus, self-awareness and determination. If we do not change the concepts in our space and our energy level then nothing of significance changes. We resort to setting and achieving goals but nothing changes.

Give this a try. Meditate on the life you desire, personally and professionally. Do this everyday. See it clearly in your mind’s eye. Notice and clear your thinking about your ability to have that vision. Believe, be certain and enthusiastic about changing from where you are now to the life you imagine. Do not look back, entertain negative thinking or let your energy level drop. Get out of routines. Remember to change how you are being or nothing changes.

Be conscious, deciding how you want to in each moment. Have enthusiasm for the vision you are manifesting. Focus on feeling different. Act in new ways.  Change takes time though only as much time as you believe.

These steps to create real change sound simple though we know change is not easy but well worth the effort.

Best wishes on your success,  Kay

Without the Sheer Will to Succeed

j0149029Before you succeed, you have an idea that inspires you then your create a vision of what success is for you. You write it down. You are clear. For those who can take this step, the next step is even more important.

Tell me about your vision. Know yourself.
• Is your vision something that you want?
• Is it something you would like to try to achieve?
• Do you feel determined and feel the will to make it happen?

If you could choose only one of the three choices above, which best describes how you feel about the vision that you have for yourself?

If you chose the first option, then you are happy to be in the state of wanting, desiring or longing without manifesting. Wanting is the state of lack, of not having something. So when we find ourselves comfortable wanting then nothing changes.

If you chose the second option, then you try a lot of things, giving each try a good but not great effort. Over time, you become discouraged and move on to something else. Trying means the result is not achieved so that you can stay in the state of trying.

If you chose the third option, then you have a clear vision, are harnessing your energy and are focused on manifesting that vision. Determination generates energy.  You need enough energy to succeed. The strength of your will is even more important because it focuses that energy. When we have the will to succeed, then we are engaging our body, mind and spirit to manifest a specific and focused result.

I am a Warriors fan and watched the game of wills determine outcomes throughout the year and especially in the finals.  Skill is important, but skill without the strength of the team’s will produces a lot of efforts but no win.  Jerry West, a former NBA player and Advisor to the Warriors, said early on, “The team with the strongest will wins.” I agree.

And so in life. When we have a clear vision then harness our energy, focus on the vision with unwavering determination then we succeed. A strong vision without the will to succeed creates working hard and a lot of effort without success.

Wanting and trying sees your vision in the future – where it stays. The will to succeed means bringing and having your vision now, in present time.

If you have a written vision, take a look. If you need to write your vision, do so then take a look. As you read your vision notice what you feel. Do you feel yourself wanting? Do you feel like you are trying? Or do you feel the strength of your will to succeed? These are feelings that create energy. It comes from within. Success comes from within.

You can change your perspective by changing the energy behind your vision. It means bringing your vision out of the future into present time and feeling yourself manifesting it through sheer will,  right now, letting nothing stop your vision.

Best wishes on your success,


Self-Worth & Business Success

Sometimes we cannot see the possibilities because of fear and uncertainty. Sarah is starting a training company for workforce development. She has worked in HR and volunteered in her community around workforce development for decades. Six years ago Sarah realized that she had a unique perspective on how to support challenged workers to become and stay employed. While she started her business at that time, she made little progress. Sarah had a unique perspective, a service to offer and was an expert in her field, but she did not know how to start and run a business.

When Sarah decided to commit to her idea, we began working to build a business around her vision. We worked on her vision, brand, product and service design, target market and more. With the foundational work completed, it was time for Sarah to begin to talk about her business with the world of workforce development. While Sarah is passionate and confident about her training model, she is not confident that others will see the value. This is not the case, but it is how she feels.

How we feel about our business and the value we offer impacts our ability to create clients. Sarah feels uncertain because selling is new to her. She thinks others will not see the value of her services but intuitively I see that Sarah is feeling uncertainty about her self-worth and value. This is not uncommon for new business owners.

When we own a business, it is not just about our products and services, our business is a reflection of who we are at our core and the concepts we hold in our space. In many ways, owning a business is a journey of self-discovery. When we are aware of our thoughts and feelings, then we make better decisions. When we are not self-aware, then we look at our business as a problem.

Sarah has worked as an employee up to this point. She is familiar with working hard, doing a good job and producing results. As a business owner, she is still working hard developing this business and is now ready to sell. Feeling uncertain about her value almost stopped her from continuing. Her business is new. It does not have results. She is relying on her passion for the work, her trademarked approach to workforce development and how she can work with an underserved group. Her success begins with how effectively she presents herself. From my perspective, Sarah is very impressive but my perspective does not matter. What matters is how others perceive her.

Everyone is intuitive. Our prospective clients pick up on us. Sarah needs to find the certainty and confidence she wants others to perceive in her. She has it in her though because selling is a new experience she feels uncertain. Every time she speaks on the phone, goes to an event or meets with someone about workforce development she becomes more comfortable though may not be where she wants to just yet.  She is getting there as she grows in her confidence in herself.

Sarah will succeed because she is determined. Her business is her passion, and it aligns with who she is at her core. Sarah now realizes that her business is more than the services she provides. With this insight, she is in a great place to be successful as a business and grow in her feelings of self-worth.

Another Way to Solve a Problem


Don’t we wish there was a simple way to solve a problem? As you might imagine, we all approach solving problems in our unique way, not all are effective. There are those who attack a problem head on and solve it though not always in the best way. Their goal is to solve the problem and not the quality of the solution or the long-term impact. Others avoid the problem altogether, hiding from it for as long as they can. That is not effective. The problem has not gone away; they are just avoiding it.  Others analyze the problem endlessly without finding a solution.  Some problems are not even ours to solve.  They are someone else’s problem.  There are other drivers for how we solves problems.

How we think and how we feel about a problem determines how we react then act on a problem. We don’t necessarily solve it. We act on problems to get them out of our way. We might look back and regret our action or realize we could have made a different choice.

Reacting to a problem is different from finding a solution that gets us back on track with our vision of our lives and ourselves. In fact, few look at problems in that context, when that is all that matters.

Our thinking, emotions, past time memories, other’s reactions and our fears get in the way and make problems harder to solve. From an intuitive perspective, we are the creator of all of this. I know that is not logical nor can I make it logical but you could see for yourself.

Here is an intuitive approach problems. Try this meditation and see what you experience.

  • Find a comfortable and quiet place.
  • Close your eyes, take a deep breath and relax.
  • Bring your attention to yourself in present time, to this moment.
  • Relax and quiet your body.
  • Take a few minutes to clear your thinking, release tension and relax in present time.
  • Pay your attention to yourself. Notice how you are doing, right now, in this moment.
  • Take a deep breath and as you exhale release and let go of the energy (tension) you are holding in your space. Relax.
  • Imagine, in your mind’s eye, a red rose. This is a way to open your intuition.
  • The rose represents a problem you want to solve. See and know the problem but don’t dwell on it.
  • Consider that you are creating this problem with your thoughts.  This is not logical but see it that way.
  • Know the thoughts you hold about it.
  • Imagine bringing your attention out of the problem. Begin to separate from it.
  • Clear your thinking. Let go of your thinking about the problem.
  • Consider that you are also creating this problem with your energies, fears, reactions and emotions. What are they?
  • Imagine taking your emotions, fears, and energy out of the problem.
  • Separate from the problem. Have no energy in the problem.
  • When you can see the problem without reacting to it or getting lost in thought, the problem is going away. This is not logical so let go of logic.
  • Now meditate on the outcome you want, one that aligns with who you are at your core. Focus on that.
  • Repeat this meditation often.

The more we can control our thinking and our energy, the more we have control of our reality then clear or solve a problem.

Best wishes, Kay

Inspiration Is Not Out There

iStock_000039816438SmallWe never realize how important inspiration is until we have lost it. Inspiration gives us a sense of purpose in the moment, from within and in what we do in the world. When our inspiration is lost, we are lost or so it seems. Losing inspiration happens to professionals, business owners and in our personal lives. There is nothing or no one to blame and no decisions need to be made.

We can get our inspiration back! Too often, we look outside ourselves to find a solution. Those changes might work initially, but it is temporary. True, lasting, renewable inspiration comes from within. It is not logical, but it is very intuitive.

Inspiration does not come from what we do. It comes from who we are at our core, which directs what we do. Inspiration means knowing who we are at our core and finding a way to express that in what we do.

I am a sports fan and love the Warriors. This year was hard to watch David Lee lose his starting place on the team. I read an article today about David and what inspires him the most. He is a caring guy who always looks after his fellow teammates but more than that he cares about kids who have serious medical issues. He is a donor and frequent visitor to St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital. Time spent with these kids reminds him who he is at his core. He is a champion and champions everyone else. When his work stifles his inspiration, he finds it at his core. He finds it within then expresses this in time spent inspiring these kids.

When I lose my inspiration, which happens when energy gets in my space, I don’t try to figure it out or find a way to inspire myself. I simply get quiet, stop thinking and go within. I find that reconnecting with myself, quietly remembering who I am at my core, changes my energy and stimulates my essence. From this kind of meditation I once again feel inspired to act in ways that feel right for me. Some of my most successful work has resulted from spending time quietly meditating on who I am at my core.

Give it a try. When you feel uninspired, find a space of quiet and reconnect with who you are at your core then feel inspired by yourself.

Anger and Success

hIt happened several times this week that clients got angry. My clients getting angry is not unfamiliar to me and not my intention though it is part of being an intuitive business coach.

Their stories are similar. We are working on their business. They have ambitious goals to achieve.  We assess progress and how strategies need to change. The success of a business is always so clear to me, but that is because I am not working in the business. My perspective is neutral and clear. The owner, however, holds all the energy; pictures and emotions of their lives and their business in their space and from here try to create success. Creating success with these energies in their space is challenging. The perspective of a coach helps the owner to get out of the energy, the pictures, and the emotions to see more clearly and to re-gain perspective.

Change sounds simple, but it is not easy. In each situation this week I either stimulated a painful picture in the space of the owner or pushed them a bit too far out of their comfort zone. Being a successful business owner is always a journey in self-awareness.

There are many ways to be a successful. Some barrel through the energy in their space and override self-awareness to create what they want. Barreling through is one way but when that success is achieved, they often find they are not where they want to be. They created success by ignoring and overriding what was going on within them.  Their success was external with no change within them.

These three business owners got angry for different reasons. They are men and women focused on their successful businesses and are self-aware.  When these owners got angry, it was an opportunity to stop and find what was in them that is painful, that they resist or puts them into fear. These energies, pictures, emotions or programming are not only in them; they are in their business or more accurately, in the way of their business.

One owner who got angry has a strong ego and feels the need to know everything about being a business owner. I asked to see his financials. He has been in business nine years, has gross sales of $6 mil. It was embarrassing to him that he does not know his business financials as well as he should. His lending partners expect better financials from him so now he has to admit what he does not know. We are working together to get his financials to the level his funders need and that he expects.

Another is a new business owner who got angry when we were creating strategies for her sales process. She preferred using strategies she felt comfortable doing. When I showed her how new strategies would create better results, she got angry.   These ideas were too far outside her comfort zone. She knows these steps are needed to succeed so we are creating a new sales process with new a new approach.  She is ready to step outside her comfort zone.

The third client has owned her successful business for years.  Currently, she does a great deal of the work of the business herself though she has a staff of eight. When I challenged her to become a better manager and leader in her business, learning how to mentor staff to do the work, she became angry. It is easier for her to do the work herself than to develop staff. We are now working to develop systems for staff development and to change her relationship to her business.

These are three great examples of how the limits inside us can get in the way of our success. All three of these clients, released their anger to see where they were in their own way then decided steps they could take. Making these changes was not and is not easy for them. It will take work to create the personal changes that support their success, but they are not afraid to be self-aware and to create change.

Our challenge every day is to be aware of how we are in our own way. What do we resist? What do we not know? What steps are we afraid to take? Often we cannot see this because we are so IN it. Ask someone. Ask a neutral observer to help you see where you are stuck. It will make all the difference.

The Three Most Important Steps

Cherry flowers and dollarLike most of us you probably get up in the morning, follow your routine and head off to work. You get there and take on whatever is on your desk or demanding your attention. This is the recipe for working hard. It is the same routine every day. This is not a recipe for success.

Don’t feel bad most people work this way. Successful people work another way. They have a clear vision of the success they want. They have a clear vision and they have a plan to get there. Each day successful people find the most important steps they can take that day to achieve that vision. Success people are not distracted by other demands and don’t waste time on work that does not move them forward in achieving their vision. They are focused.

Anyone can do this but old habits are hard to break, so it takes a plan. With those I coach I suggest meditation. Begin each day with a few quiet moments in which you stop, close your eyes, stop thinking, get quiet and visualize.

When we start our day with a vision of success in mind, everything changes. We become clear and focused. Rather than decide what you have to do today, visualize (imagine) the success you desire. Have this in mind to start. See it clearly. If you cannot then spend more time each day until you are clear. Without that vision, you have nothing to achieve. You are just working hard.

Next notice where you are now and the distance between where you are and where you want to be. Meditate and know the steps you can take to move closer to your vision of success. Finally in meditation become aware of three high-value tasks you can do this day to move you forward.

If three steps are taken each day toward your vision, it begins to manifest. It is surprising and exciting. It is important that the three steps are high-value steps. High-value steps make a difference. They are not the easy to do steps that you would do anyway but rather ones that take you out of your routine, are a bit uncomfortable and will make a significant difference.

When we approach our work in this way, our perspective and our energy change significantly. We feel different and see differently. We are focused on success, and it is manifesting.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

Forget Goals!

dreamstime_12068670Forget your to-do list. Forget goals. Focus on results. Working with hundreds of business owners and professionals for all these years has raised my understanding of success, what works and what does not.

The biggest time waster is the To Do List, at least as a starting point. The To-Do List is the last thing to be created. Goals can be just as ineffective, at least as a starting point. The most effective approach is: to know the vision you have for your life, see it clearly in your mind’s eye then everything you do, actions you take and decisions you make help to achieve your vision. Everything else is a distraction and moves you away from your vision.

Another approach may be more effective. Decide the results that you want at the end of the day, the week, the month, the year. The timeframe you set does not matter but should be sufficient to direct the results that you want.

Most importantly is to write this down in terms that show results. For example, use terms like:
I have ……….
I am ……
I do …….

Never use the word want. That creates wanting. Only write in future terms if you want the result to be in the future because you do not want it now. When you write a result in the future, is it because you do not believe it can happen now? If that is the case, then it will never happen, it will always be in the future.

Focusing on results means declaring that you are creating. You are creating something new, creating a change or a new experience in your life personally or professionally. You are stating the result of that change. You are stating it in present time terms. This is the most powerful way to create change now.

Finally, be conscious of your thoughts, focus on the results you desire and be determined regardless of where you are now. If you cannot imagine these results then explore the thoughts, emotions, memories and concepts that you hold. Are they in conflict with the result you desire? Clear your thinking. Strengthen your vision. It is a process, and it works. The thoughts you hold create your reality. Notice your reality, it is showing you what you believe to be true. You can change this. Change your thinking; focus your attention on the results you desire.

Give it a try.  Write the vision you have for yourself personally and professionally. Write the results you have for this week for any aspect of your vision.  Meditate on both so that you can see your vision manifesting in present time.  Be self-aware.  Clear energy, thoughts, emotions that interfere with your vision manifesting now.  Spend   30 minutes each day being clear about the results you desire and believing it whole heartedly.   Believing it wholeheartedly means there is nothing in you in your way.

Best wishes, Kay