Success is not a mystery.

Push pin on success text
Success is not a mystery.

What I know about success.

The clearer our vision, the greater our success.

So spend more time dreaming and not all your time doing.

Focus time on actions that create success.

Do not be distracted by time thiefs.

Create a plan and act on it diligently.

Decide how you want to be in your life, work and relationships with others then be that.

Know how you are being in each moment.

Believe in your vision. Believe in yourself.

Create success with the support of others. Never do it alone.

See your vision manifesting now, not in the future.

Allow it to be uncomfortable. Change is uncomfortable.

Have enthusiasm for your vision of success. Stay focused on that.

Don’t give up on vision, yourself or others.

What’s Next?

dreamstime_5775817Every decade or so we go through a period of doubt, questioning or feeling unsettled. Cycles like this occur naturally. We all go through them. These cycle transitions can be smooth and uneventful, and others require more thought and decision-making. Some can be challenging. How we approach these periods is up to us?

Fred declared with grave concern that he did not feel he could continue in his business as he had before. Fred felt he was not focused enough and was deeply concerned. As an intuitive, I saw that Fred simply completed a cycle of being an active business owner and was starting a new course – nothing to be ashamed of. To force this change, that he has wanted for a while, he had a medical episode. The medical event is not life threatening but of enough concern to give him reason to change his role in his company.

Recognizing and understanding the nature of cycles in our lives is important. We create a cycle to experience some new aspect of ourselves. This desire becomes a vision, and we make goals that help us create this change. How smoothly this change of cycles occurs depends on us. When we realize that we are creating the change we are experiencing, it works best if we allow the transition. When we try to control or resist our vision, then it may take something dramatic in our lives to help us move from one cycle to another. In Fred’s case, a medical condition is an acceptable reason for changing his role in the business. Now do not get me wrong. Fred does not desire the medical condition, but it was the only way his vision could manifest.

Another client held a commanding position in a large city government and was beloved by everyone who knew him. Charlie loved his work but dreamt of retirement. He could not bring himself to quit for many reasons, but he imagined almost every day, being retired and enjoying his life with his wife. The old saying, “Be careful what you pray for.”

Charlie presents an excellent example of a new cycle being created. Charlie was clear about his vision but could not actively make the transition so how was his dream to come true. To achieve his vision, he had to get out of where he was. Consider the choices someone can make to get out of a job. They could resign. Charlie could not bring himself to do that. Too many people depended on him. He could get fired which seemed unlikely as he was so beloved or his could get sick. Charlie had a severe illness a couple of years back and had a strong determination not to be that sick again. Of the three choices, Charlie has less of his attention on getting fired, so that became the solution. Out of the blue, for no apparent reason, he was asked to resign. Charlie was shocked. I was not. He was creating a new cycle but was preventing it from manifesting, so the universe created his desire the only way possible.

Most if not all my clients come to me when they are ending a cycle, are looking to understand and navigate the changes they have set in motion. We are always getting our goals. Sometimes we get in our own way, so the change needed happens more dramatically. To transition from where we are to our vision, begins with being conscious and aware of what we are imagining or desiring. Whatever we imagine is being created one way or another.

Being mindful, spending time being quiet or in meditation, staying in communication with yourself and being conscious and aware of what you are imaging, are all steps to creating transitions rather than our transitions being forced on us.

Take time today to stop, be clear about what you imagine for yourself. Write it down then note what needs to change and what is happening to give you what you imagine or desire. Be in charge of the next cycle of your life.

Best wishes, Kay

Whatever You Imagine Is Being Created

Intuitive - Clear seeing

As a kid, I was self-conscious, not wanting to fail especially when others could see. Fear of failure was particularly evident in sports. I wanted to go on a group ski trip but did not know how to ski. I wanted to go with friends ice-skating except I did not know how to ice skate. My family planned to go water skiing with another family, and I did not know how to water-ski. Now you are thinking everyone has to learn and that makes sense except I could not tolerate not knowing, and the fear of failing was immense.

From that early age, I learned to visualize. No one taught me. It just seemed the only way. In all these sports, I had at least one experience trying and, of course, failing but I knew how it felt, so I started to imagine myself performing the skill needed for the sport. For example, I did this over and over then I would dream about skiing. When I could feel myself skiing in my dreams, I found that I could ski! This same technique worked for roller-skating and other sports. From there, with experience and practice I got better.

As I grew up, I used this same technique in other situations where I was not certain. Over and again I found that if I could imagine it, I could do it. Visualizing worked in college, in social situations, car repairs and more. It worked so well that I teach all my clients to visualize. Visualizing is not a new concept. Hundreds of studies have proven its impact. Thousands of teachers and coaches use visualization to develop their students, clients, and athletes. Some in the medical profession use it with patients to imagine their desired outcome.

Visualizing works both ways. We can imagine the outcomes we desire. On the other hand, if we imagine and dwell on the negative, what we fear and what we don’t want that manifests as well. Whatever we imagine is created. We can imagine a negative outcome just as easily as something we want.

Notice what you dwell on. Do not dwell on, imagine or visualize what you do not want. Don’t be too curious about someone else’s mishap. Don’t imagine what that was life for them so that you do not create it for yourself.

The essence is to focus your mind’s eye. Focus on manifesting what you do want. Keep your mind clear and your attention off any negative thoughts. Create your vision of success, be certain and take steps in present time to move in that direction.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

Do You Have 60 Seconds for Success?

dreamstimefree_1105021Working hard to create success is one way. Manifesting success can require much effort or it can be simpler. Either way is fine, and we do it the way that each of us prefers. Did it ever occur to you are creating success or not based on what you think and believe which is not necessary true?

Regardless how much effort we decide is needed the core is the same for each person who is successful. It begins with a strong and clear vision of what we want. Clearing our thinking is next, making sure we do not entertain any thoughts that give reasons why our plan will not succeed. Finally, feeling successful is an essential part.

Try something very simple. Spend time each day, maybe only 60 seconds, to quiet your body, clear your thinking and imagine yourself being successful and feeling it. For some, it will be clear right off. For others, it will take some time but only 60 seconds a day until we are clear, inspired and certain.

Try this every day for at least 60 seconds.

Sit in a comfortable and quiet place.
Close your eyes. Take a deep breath and relax.
Bring to mind your idea for success.
Imagine it clearly. What does success look like?
Clear your thinking and release any doubts.
Feel successful starting now.
Come out of meditation and have a great day.

Repeat this every day for 60 seconds until you see and feel it manifesting precisely as you imagined. Don’t analyze this just try it. Let me know what your questions are and what you discover.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

You’ve Gotta Feel It To Make It

0082 Adobe ID 044ASP367940For years, as a coach, I have worked to encourage everyone to take the time to stop and see clearly his or her vision of success. Some resist it. Others get it. Over time most of my coaching clients have settled in with the practice of making sure they have a clear vision – but that is not enough.

Now don’t get me wrong. A clear vision of what you are creating is essential for your success but truly it is only a mental image picture in your mind’s eye. Right? When we stop here then, we have a vision that we want to manifest, but it’s not happening.   A vision must be energized to be real-ized.

There are many ways to add energy to a vision so that it shows up in your world. Taking actions or steps are obvious and essential but there is more.

We have to feel successful. We have to feel successful in the body.  When we have a great vision, are taking all the right steps but don’t feel successful then we manifest failure.

Creating a clear vision is not easy for most but with time spent on reflecting, meditating and focusing, it can be created. As for actions, we are taught to create plans, define steps and take action. The key is to take action that will make a significant difference not just keep you busy.

More importantly is how we feel about our vision of success. How do we react emotionally to the idea of it? What are our thoughts about our vision? If how we feel or think about our vision are not aligned then the vision stays in the realm of something that we want versus something we can have.

So here are the steps:

  • See clearly in your mind’s eye your vision of success. Eyes closed. Imagine your success precisely as you would like it to be and see it happening now – not in the future.
    • Write it down.
  • Notice your thoughts about this vision. Clear any thoughts that compete with it, for example, all the reasons why you can’t be successful.
    • Clear your thinking.
  • Create thoughts that support your vision. Have you ever deliberately created thoughts? This is a time to do it. Think of ways to make it happen and steps you can take and reasons why it will work.
    • Write down those steps.
  • Now notice how you feel about it. Does your energy level rise when you focus on your vision of success? Do you feel inspired, excited, creative, enthusiastic, etc.? These are high vibrations of energy when focused on a mental image picture are creative. On the other hand, if your energy drops or you entertain feelings at the lower energy levels, i.e. worry, fear, doubt, tension, stress then your vision will not manifest because that is how you feel about it.
    • Raise your energy level to enthusiasm.

Take the time to align body, mind and spirit around your vision of success. You can change your thinking. You can change the energy level you are being. It takes focus to change old patterns and ways of being. See your vision of success, believe in it and feel inspired as you make it happen.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

Free vision form for businesses.  Login-Register  > Add A Membership > Forms

Visualization Is Not A Fad or a Fancy

iStock_000015806919MediumVisualization is an ability we all have.  From an intuitive perspective if you can imagine something clearly in your mind’s eye (visualize) you can manifest it.  If, on the other hand, you find that you cannot image something then it does not happen.  This is not a logical concept, but it is very intuitive.

Visualization is an important topic for January of any year.  We all make resolutions, set goals, many of which will never come to fruition.  One reason is though we may want something to happen we cannot imagine it happening (visualize) so it won’t.

Three Techniques

Scientists have found three techniques that work for being successful at something: visualize success, model someone else’s behavior and vicarious learning.  None of these engage thinking.   Scientists observed that the more basic (perhaps intuitive) parts of the brain kick into gear and activate around these experiences the more likely we are to create success.

Michael Lardon, UC San Diego School of Medicine, states that his research has convinced him that visualizing past successes is the most effective way to influence change.  This fits my experience as well.  No matter how devastated someone is in the moment if they have been successful up to this point, I urge them to feel that success in present time.  This ability to re-stimulate successful energy can change your energy back to that level of experience.  On the other hand if you feel, think and imagine failure you can create that as well.  Be careful what you think.

Scientists refer to the ability to recall past successes as finding the “true data points”.  An intuitive explanation would be to restimulate a past time energy and memory,  feel that success in the body, recall and create a mental image of that success in present time.

Perhaps you want to be successful in an area that is new to you.  Always start by visualizing (imaging) what they success looks like and feels like. Then try the other two techniques, modeling and vicarious learning.    Intuitively this means to find others who are successful in ways that you desire.  Spend time with them.  Intuitively match their vibration of success.  The way your energy is now is creating precisely what you have.  If you want something different then your energy needs to change.   Change to what?  Change to the energy level of others who are successful in the ways you desire.

For me modeling and vicarious learning are the same process, match energy of successful people, observe their actions and visualize doing it that way.  Your energy, your body and your mind will change in ways necessary so that you can manifest this goal.

Now there are other factors that affect our success but if you are clear about what you want, don’t entertain negative thoughts and feel determined then you are ready for success.  First see if you can visualize what you desire. Visualize often until you can see yourself clearly having, being or doing it.  Meditation is a good way to do t his.  Spend time around those who are successful in ways you desire and match their energy of success.

Let me know about your experiences with success.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

Goal Not Happening

What goal is still not being achieved?  What part of your vision is not manifesting? This is frustrating when we are achieving goals and manifesting our vision in all areas except here.  If there was a logical solution you would have found it by now so let’s take an intuitive approach.  What is it within you that’s in the way?   Knowing that thoughts are creative, as are emotions, find out what you believe.

dreamstimefree_138882 Karen, Attorney at Law

One of my clients is an attorney with a fast growing practice.   Karen decided to change from having a law practice to having a law business.  We worked together to make this shift. This means she is more than an attorney.  She is a business owner. With the enthusiasm of this change Karen brought in many new clients and was in heaven.   After the glow (high energy) of this change wore off Karen started to hit a wall.  She was not meeting her financial targets and began to doubt herself.

On the face of it, she was doing all the right things so what happened?  Karen is self-aware so she knew to look within.   Karen found that at her core she believed that she could not run a business that she was just an attorney.  There are lots of reasons for this limited belief but more importantly Karen found it was her own thinking that was putting on the brakes.  Armed with this awareness she became determined to release the limiting thoughts and hold her vision to create a successful law business.  And she is.

Confident business womanSarah, Realtor

Sarah is a realtor.  She is young and would like a family but sincerely believes that if she wants to be successful in her career it will take all her time, hard work and attention.  This means she will have to put off her vision for being married.  When she told this to me I asked her why she was creating her reality this way.  It was precisely what she did not want to happen but believed it firmly.   I asked Sarah if she could imagine being a successful realtor, having a relationship and being married.   Sarah looked surprised.  She had spent so much of her time struggling with her own thinking that said either/or that she did not even consider the possibility of having both.   When Sarah realized it was her own thinking in her way it changed everything for her.

dreamstimefree_129031Max, Bakery owner

Max owns a bakery.  He works 24/7 or so it feels that way.  When Max called me he was at his wit’s end and about to give up his store.  I asked him the same question.  Why are you creating your business this way?  Can you imagine another way?  With that Max came up with a list of reasons: can’t find good help, can’t trust others to do it as well as he can, can’t afford to hire enough people, etc.  His list was long.  Knowing that thoughts are creative I asked Max why he chose to hold these thoughts as the basis for his business.  These beliefs will destroy his business.  Max never considered that he was the cause of his unhappiness and was not familiar with the notion that thoughts are creative.

Max was willing to try anything to save his business.  He agreed to learn meditation as a way to become self-aware, clear his thinking and create a new vision of success that more aligned to what he valued.   Max was able to imagine his bakery running successfully with the help of staff and soon after fired a handful of people who share his vision.  His business is thriving without him being there 24/7.

What About You?

What part of your vision is not manifesting?  What goals seem to elude you?  Now become aware of your thoughts creating this.   Clear your thinking.  Imagine your vision and goals manifesting.  Allow things to change and your vision to manifest.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

How are your thoughts in your way?

You Created It!

dreamstimefree_138882Life happens and we act and react to what comes our way.  That is an atheist view.  What if every thing that happens manifests through our own thinking about things?  This is truer but hard to grasp because it is not logical though it is very intuitive.  The proof falls in line when we see ourselves.  Let me share a story of one of my clients who learned that her thinking about things matters.

Susan – The Failed Leader

Susan is a  new director of a large research laboratory.  Under her is an array of doctors each a specialist in their field. Susie called me because she was trying to bring her team of doctors together for monthly department meeting.  To date some doctors never came, others came and controlled the meeting with their own banter, etc.  She was frustrated, felt disrespected and that her leadership was not recognized in the way that she wanted.  When I met with her I could see clearly how she was creating this scenario through her own thinking.

No One To Blame

Typically we look outside ourselves for why something is not going well.  In this case, Susan believed the doctors were being arrogant, had their egos in the way, etc.  This was what she believed and saw the problem was with them.  From an intuitive perspective I had her not focus outside herself but to be aware that she was creating this reality.   I saw her thinking was in her way.  Susan could not imagine bringing the doctors together under her leadership and to work collaboratively.  She feared their egos were stronger than hers that they would run her over and disregard her role so that is exactly what she created and experienced.  At first Susan argued that she was not creating this because it was not what she wanted.

Change Others or Go Within

Susan came up with many suggestions on how to make the doctors come to the meetings, follow her agenda, etc.  These were possible solutions though intuitively I knew they would not work until she changed her thoughts and pictures about her relationship to her staff.  Susan agreed to a guided meditation in which she could become aware of her thinking and vision of the lab.

 A New Vision

In meditation Susan began to imagine the research lab operating in a successful, supportive and collaborative way.  When she became aware of her thoughts about this person or another being in the way she cleared those thoughts and created a new perspective.  Susan meditated on the monthly staff meeting imagining it in a new way.  She began to see her team of doctors coming together, seeing value in collaboration, sharing expertise and generally enjoying the time together.  As she meditated on this she became aware of how much energy she had in resistance to the monthly meeting herself and released that energy from her space.   She was also aware of her fear that the doctors did not value her leadership and cleared those fears.   We continued in this fashion until she could see clearly all the doctors being in communication and support of the success of the lab.

Everyone Is Intuitive

A couple of intuitive points helped Susan understand how she was affecting her ability to be a leader.  Everyone is intuitive and the doctors simply picked up on Susan’s energy  (fear and uncertainty) and reacted in kind.   They intuitive read her pictures especially the one about doctors not wanting to follow her leadership and so they did not.  From an intuitive perspective be aware that people pick up on the energy and pictures in our space and react more to that than what we say.

 A New Reality

Once Susan cleared her thinking and released the energies in her space, I had her begin to see herself as a leader with a clear working relationship with all of her team, leading, setting the tone, being in communication and having fun.

In this meditation Susan changed her perspective and energy about the lab, her staff and specifically the monthly staff meeting.  Not surprising Susan reported that everything changed immediately.  She found herself approaching her communication with everyone in a new way resulting in a new response from each person.  They seemed to sense her clarity and certainty.  All the doctors attended the next monthly staff meeting, and she led them in a lively and productive case discussion.  It was clear to Susan the change was within her.  The staff sensed her clarity as a leader and the change in her perspective.

Clear Your Thinking 

What surprised Susan was she did not have to make her staff change though that seemed to happen.   Susan understood that she was in her own way.  Her thoughts about her staff, her fears about her own abilities and how she saw herself as the leader were manifesting in her reality. That has changed.   Susan committed to regularly assessing the thoughts and concepts she has in her space and on her mind and to meditate to find this clarity.

From an intuitive perspective we create our reality through our thoughts, fears and concepts.  Change your thinking and watch your reality change.  If there is a situation in your life or your work that is not as you would like it to be then stop to see what your thoughts are about it.   It is never the other person or the situation.  It is always manifesting from within us so meditate because the answer may not always be logical.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

Not Being Myself

hI don’t like how I feel right now.  Does this sound familiar? Or I don’t feel like myself today.  These and other terms are used to describe how we feel when we have lost our space.  Losing our space means our energy is out of whack and we are out of sync.

Most of us sigh in frustration when we feel this way then move on with our day while feeling out of sorts.  This can be disastrous.  Disastrous is such a strong term but I mean it.  When we are out of sorts, not feeling right, etc. it means we are not being ourselves.   This means we also do not have perspective or control of our energy.  We may act and react in ways that are not typical for us and make decisions that we would not ordinarily make.

When our energy is disturbed in some way we are likely to do more harm than good because we are not being ourselves.  We are being the effect of an energy disturbance in our space.

The causes of disruption, disturbance or changes in our energy are varied.  It could be the result of an experience we had recently, a conversation, a meeting, etc. in which the energy caused a change in our energy.  Most likely someone’s energy got into our space causing a change in our flow.  Maybe someone whacked you meaning they threw energy at you in anger, frustration or competition.  Perhaps we had an experience that greatly disturbed us personally or professionally causing our energy to react.

Energy disruptions can also be caused by changes in the body.  For women it can be their cycle.  For all of us it might be our diet, lack of exercise, medications, drugs, alcohol, lack of sleep, etc.

There are so many causes. It is important to realize when we are out of sorts and not just go with it.  The good news is it is easy to change our energy and get our space back to being ourselves.   One of my clients, Claire, left me a message yesterday.  She is in the throes of a big project and she has learned working with me that her energy changes under pressure going from an otherwise pleasant business owner to a raging boss.  Always in the aftermath she regrets her behavior and declares that is not who she is, trying to convince her staff of that as they stare in amazement wondering, “Who is that?”

I recall I was in a meeting representing an organization in a multi-million dollar class action suit and I could tell that two men in the room were lying.  That was a trigger for me.  I am all about fairness and truth so when people are being dishonest I lose my space and my awareness.  I started to challenge them vehemently.  Our attorney touched my arm and asked that we step outside.  She pointed out how out of control I was and that I needed to get my space back.  I explained to her they were lying.  She understood that I was intuitive but that there was no evidence they could point out at this time so I had to bide my time.  Suddenly I realized how much I had lost my space and was not being myself.    What is a trigger for you?

Jim called me asking for help.  He had just finished a phone call with a colleague and he felt buzzed and could not think straight.  After working with me on this business he has come to realize that he needs to stop when things don’t feel right and set them straight.  I saw intuitively that the person he was speaking with was trying so hard to convince him of something that he placed all his energy in Jim’s space making Jim feel not like himself.  This is not logical but it is very intuitive.  We all have had this experience many times.

Regardless of the cause it is important to our success personally and professionally to realize when we do not feel right or not ourselves and do something about it immediately before we create trouble for ourselves.  Changing our energy or getting our space back is easy.  Being aware that we have lost our space and taking the steps to stop and fix it is the tougher challenge.

Should you decide to stop and change your space it is quite simple.  I suggest meditation.  It could be five minutes or an hour whatever it takes.  Meditation is simply stopping, quieting the body, clearing our thinking and resetting our space.  These are intuitive terms that don’t mean much until you experience it so try this now even if you feel like you have your space.  It will make things even better.

Meditation Exercise:

  • Sit in a comfortable and quiet place.
  • Take a deep breath, release and begin to relax the body (repeat often).
  • Close your eyes and focus on yourself, bringing your attention from out there somewhere back to you.
  • When you feel that you are beginning to relax and focus on yourself then be grounded.  Imagine a connection between the base of your spine and the center of the planet.  Take a deep breath, release, relax and feel that connection.  Be grounded.   Repeat until you feel connected and grounded.
  • Now be centered by bringing your attention into the center of your head.  Right now your attention is probably out there somewhere so come into the center of your head.  Notice how that feels and how it changes your perspective.  Keep breath and release.
  • Now get your space back.  By space I am referring to the energy field around you (your aura).  Your energy is probably scattered far and wide from you so imagine calling your energy in around you within arms reach. I know this is not logical.  Just try it.  Imagine that energy field is all around you like a bubble.  Keep calling your aura in until you get a sense of having your energy in around you.  Now to make it real imagine a color on the edge of your space.  A color you enjoy.
  • Now be present in the moment.  Bring all of your attention and awareness into this moment.   Keep doing this until you feel that you are present.  You can imagine releasing down your grounding anyone or anything that comes to mind as you do this.
  • The goal is to be quiet in the body, not thinking and just being aware of yourself in present time.
  • Now meditate on how you want to be in this moment.  You have the ability to change your space and be however you want.  I suggest a high vibration (enthusiasm, inspired, amusement, joy, excitement, etc.)  When you feel like you are yourself and how you want to be then take a deep breath, stretch and come out of meditation

You are ready for your day.  Once you get the hang of it meditation can go easily and quickly until then it make take some time to become comfortable with it.  It is well worth the time.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

If you have any difficulty with this please feel free to contact me to discuss what is in the way of you having your space.

Live online meditation

Stop the DO to Be Successful

multitaskingWe have to get out of the DO before we lose everything!  Does that resonate with you?

My focus is your success so I am always watching and observing what we do that supports our success and what we do that gets in the way.  In this blog we are going to look at how being busy, doing lots of things, multi-tasking and focusing on details can get in our way.

I am a details person so I am not suggesting that paying attention to details is a problem but what is a problem is paying more attention to details than the big picture.

Success is a vision of something big we want to have, be or do.  It is the big picture of what we are creating, our blue print of sorts.  When we have a clear vision and can see it clearly in our mind’s eye it is manifesting.  Too often we lose sight of our vision and get lost in the details.  I love the term “loose sight” because that is exactly what happens.

When we lose sight our success begins to diminish and we wonder what happened.  Just as easily we can place our attention back on the vision and make that focus of our attention.  So rather focusing on sorting widgets and doing a really good job at it we can refocus on the big picture pulling our energy out of DOING things.

Being busy and working hard do not equal success.  I know lots of people who are busy everyday and work really hard but are not achieving their vision of success.  For the most part this happens when they confuse a good idea with a clear vision.  A good idea is a thought we have about what we want our success to be.  A vision of success is our ability to see that idea manifesting clearly in our mind’s eye.  We can imagine it happening and can “see” it happening.

When we get lost in doing things and being busy we lose sight of our vision, it is diminished.  We find that we are just busy, working hard and getting things done.  None of this will create success of itself.

The next step is to take time each day to meditate and see clearly in your mind’s eye your vision of success.  Don’t think about it.  See it.  Imagine it.  Only then will the actions your take manifest your vision.

When we can see our vision happening then it is.  If we do not see our vision clearly it is not manifesting so working harder won’t make a difference.  Spend time meditating, clearing your thinking until you can see your vision of success.  When you see it then all the hard work you are doing and all the details will pay off.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

Can’t fool your customers

Cloud Smileys Your brand is everything.  Your customers and potential customers experience it everywhere they interact with you, your staff, your website, etc.  Knowing how you want everyone to experience and think about your business is the basis for your brand.

We all know this and most businesses work hard to have their staff represent their brand as well as having others experience it at all other possible touch points with your business, i.e website, print materials, ads and more.  This is important for your customers to feel good about working with you and to come back again and again because they like your brand and how it feels to them.

Researching a business insurance option recently I was attracted to a company because of their products, pricing and the brand image they promoted including friendly, efficient and personalized service.  They said they were fun to work with.  I experienced this from the account representative and was pleased with their brand promise as he described it.

The last step was to exchange documents. I took the opportunity to go into the company’s local office.  When I walked in I could feel the tension in the air.  The receptionist smiled, acted friendly and pleasant but the feeling in the space was completely different.  I could see and feel the conflict in this office.  I felt as though I was interrupting something.  I could not wait to leave.  I have not yet finalized my contract with them.  Their brand promise and how it felt in their office were not the same.

Everyone is intuitive.  Our gut reaction makes a difference. For this reason I work with my clients to not only express their brand in all the usual ways but to also in their office, store, warehouse, etc.  and to be aware of the energy of their staff.  Acting friendly and smiling does not hide the energy in someone or in the space.  The brand experience has to be genuine.  Everyone is intuitive meaning they can feel, see and know what is real.

Being aware of the energy experience in your office or your staff is important to your success.  If it does not feel right to you it will not feel right to your customers.  Take the time to notice the energy of your business, your staff, your offices, etc.  Take steps to change the energy if it is not consistent with the brand of your business.  This is not something you do once.  Monitoring the energy of your business is something to be done every day.

I don’t recommend that decisions are made from the gut or gut reaction but in reality people do this all the time.  Take the time to set the energy of your business to your customers gut reaction is consistent with your brand promise.

Best wishes on your success,  Kay

Contact me if you would like a consultation on the energy experience of your business.

Focus on a goal – Create a miracle

GoalsOn my way to give a presentation today on “Staying on Track to Achieve Goals” I created a miracle.  One of the main concepts in my talk was the importance of focusing on one goal intently even if you are not certain how to make it manifest.

I took BART and realized I did not have the dollar to pay for my parking.  I thought about paying on my way back after I got some cash then feared I would forget. I decided to use the focus concept from my presentation.  I had to focus intently on my goal to make it manifest even if I was not certain how it would happen.

I went back down to the payment machines focused on finding a dollar to pay for my parking.   As I approached the machines I saw one of them had a dollar bill hanging from it.  My goal manifested!

Try it!


Inspired Success Coach

EMyth Certified Business Coach

Taking Charge of Change

dreamstime_4244380  If nothing changes then nothing changes.  Creating change is more than just a decision.

Change is inevitable if we want something more or something that we do not now have.  Creating change of any kind involves many levels in order to be accomplished.  We fail to accomplish the change we want when any one of these levels does not change.  Let’s go through this in a simple way.

What You Don’t Want

What is the change you want?  This sounds so simple but it is not.  Most respond by identifying what they don’t want, the situation they want out of, etc.  This is a start but this does not accomplish the change you desire.  It simply gets you out of what you don’t want.  Remember that whatever you declare with certainty will manifest one-way or the other.    The old saying “Be careful what you pray for.” It happens very often when we say we hate the job we are in.  We want a new job but we don’t take action to get out of our job so as it turns out we are laid off or fired.  How else can we get what we said we wanted?  We did not take the action to leave our job so the only way for it to happen was to be removed.  This happens in relationships as well.  You might find yourself saying, “I need to get out of this relationship.”  We do not take action to get out of the relationship then our partner leaves.

My point being we are good at saying what we don’t want and having that manifest though not always the way we want  This happens because we did had the thought but did not create the change.  We let it happen the only way it could.  Are you following me here?   So focus on what you do want.  Know what you do want and let that manifest.

Can You Imagine It Happening?

Creating the change you desire begins with knowing clearly what you do want.  The next step is to see that happening clearly in your mind’s eye, to imagine it, visualize it, or whatever term helps you realize your ability to see what you want.  This is a state of seeing not thinking or knowing.

See It Happening Now

See your vision or your goal fully manifested in present time.  If you imagine in the future then it will forever be something you imagine in the future.  The tricky part that defies reality is to imagine it happening NOW.   This is the only way that your reality can change.  If you imagine it in the future then nothing changes.

How Does It Feel?

Once you can see this in your mind’s eye the next step is to know what this feels like in the body.   Actually experience this vision in present time.  Change happens when we can imagine something new, see it clearly in our mind’s eye, feel the difference in our body, emotions, etc.

Do this often.  Do it in meditation so that your logic and fears don’t get in your way.   Once you have your vision everything begins to change, subtly and not so subtly.  Observe, don’t control and allow the changes to manifest.

Try this today.  The steps are: to know what you want to create; to see it clearly in your mind’s eye actually happening now; feel yourself being in this new place of change and, finally, allow change to happen.

Please add your comments and experiences to this conversation.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

The World You Desire

Abstract with heart Welcome to the new year.  Every change in cycles is an opportunity to create.  In our culture we tend to say the new year is a time to fix something, make resolutions we won’t keep, to change ourselves in someway, etc. Another perspective might be to simply be more of who we are, to focus more on what is important to us and what we value.  It could be a time to create something new, to see everything as an opportunity and to take back our world.   It is a matter of perspective.  How do you tend to see things?  Do you see opportunities or do you become discouraged by what is?   This is free will and we all have it.  Your Choice.
Your Choice
What do you choose for the new year?  How do you choose to be in this moment and each moment?  It is so clear to me that it is time for a change in every level of our culture and our country.  Things have gotten off track, out of sync, etc.  We are watching people being discouraged by lack of shared values. From an intuitive perspective it is the ending of a cycle.
The Old and a New Cycle
A new cycle is beginning. The old cycle that controlled, based on competition, self-serving, me first, money at all cost, logic only, success above all else, hierarchy,war, ending which is why we are seeing turmoil in old structures (political and corporate).  It is not because they were bad it is simply a change in cycles.  The new cycle is about collaboration, cooperation, support, values, self-awareness, intuition,circles, peace, success, greater good, green, social responsibility, etc.
Where Are You
The ending of the old cycle and the start of the new begins with each of us acting in each moment from what is important to us and what we value, being conscious and aware of how we are being.  This influences our family which influences our community and so on.   As we build a new group agreement based on values we have always had within us then everything will change.  If we stay in the old accepted point of view we will be out of sync with the new cycle that has already begun.  Where are you?  In the old or in the new?   If you don’t embrace where you want to be you will be pushed by the energy around you.
Ending Violence
I have been very affected by the energy of conflict which has been part of the old cycle.  We can not simply accept a broken political system, countries at war, violence in our streets, being in conflict with each other.  It is a time for new perspective personally and professionally.   Voices of the old cycle cannot continue to control our world.    Voices of the new cycle do not control either.  They are simply authentic and clear.
Forget Resolutions – Make Changes
Rather than make new years resolutions try coming into present time with the new cycle.  Mediate and imagine in your mind’s eye  the world you desire.  Be aware of what is important to you and what you value then be that in every action you take, every communication you have and decision you make.  In this way you become part of a new year and a new age – personally and professionally.  Happy New Year.
Best wishes on your success in the new year,  Kay

Do Something! Make Something! Share Something!

TEDx SJ photo

This past weekend I attended a TEDx conference and it blew me away! Have you attended a TED conference? Go now and find one in your area. You will not be disappointed.

TEDx San Jose contacted NAWBO SF Bay Area (National Association of Women Business Owners) to see if we would sponsor the upcoming TEDx for Women. Though I had not attended this event before I saw it as providing good visibility for our organization and agreed to sponsor and promote the event. Have you ever heard the saying, “Just say yes!”?

As it turned out it was a great experience personally and professionally as well as for NAWBO. During this one-day event I heard and met ordinary people doing extraordinary things. I say ordinary people because they are just like you and me. The only difference is they think big and that nothing is impossible if I can get enough people in support of your idea.

The latest meditation series I conducted for business owners and professionals just was coincidentally on “Don’t Do It Alone!” No matter how strong, determined, independent, shy or focused we are it is not possible to manifest your vision fully on your own. It is simply not how the world works.

Let me tell you about a few of the people who I met. You can read about others on my other blog Women Achieving Goals.

Let me begin with a quote I heard that day, “Say yes to something outside your comfort zone.” The more times we can do this the greater our ability to experience who we are.

I met Super Sylvia, an eight year old who learned welding at age five then learned that she could make anything using this skill. Her enthusiasm for this was boundless. She now shares her passion for makings things on her WebTV show Super Sylvia. Her last words were “Go Make Something!” This was the best advice I heard all day because when we make something it stimulates our creative energy and self-expression in a way that inspires us. She also quoted one of her mentors from Myth Busters, “Failure is always an option.”

We heard Preetha Ram who created Open Study, a free online education for anyone worldwide. Seth Shostak, Sr. Astronomer from SETI who said in the next decade we will find a partner planet, have ability to live off Earth, create new levels of artificial intelligence and, of course, find extraterrestrials. Paul Bennett, IDEO’s CCO, whose company is trying to make being healthy fun, sexy, appealing and motivational. Bryant Austin, photographer, who takes life-size photos of whales! Jonathan Trent from the NASA Omega Project which is creating biofuel without competing with the planet.

I was most impressed by these two speakers. One was Jack Andraka, a fifteen-year-old boy who was so affected by the death of a friend from pancreatic cancer that he decided to do something about it. Currently the diagnostic test for pancreatic cancer is 60 years old, costs thousands of dollars and can only detect late stage cancer. Jack created what he describes as a 3-cent test that detects pancreatic cancer with nearly 100% accuracy in its earliest stages. His journey from an ordinary 14-year kid who knew nothing to making this discovery is nothing short of miraculous.

And finally, Adam Steltzner, lead engineer on the NASA Mars Curiosity rover. Adam spoke how people working together for a common goal, giving up their egos, making mistakes, being determined, including everyone’s perspective, etc. was the only way they could have created and landed a rover of this size on Mars. Think about this. The rocket carrying the rover traveled at 10,000 miles an hour. How do you slow it down so that it lands like a feather on Mars to protect the delicate equipment inside? They all cried when it landed successfully as did we listening to this story of collaboration.

At the end of the day I was reminded of something I tell everyone and now I am sure of it. “You are never too old and it is never too late.” I have added to this. “You are never too young and it is never too soon.” These are ordinary people with big ideas, a strong vision and the knowledge that if they could get enough people in agreement they could make it happen.

Each of these individuals had a very strong vision of what they were creating and that strong vision is manifesting in expected and unexpected ways.  Create your vision and share it.

Best wishes on your success,


Setting the Energy for Success

During October we focused on setting the energy for success. What does it mean to set energy? Quantum physics demonstrates  what we have known for a long time that we have an effect on everything by where we place our attention.  But it is more than placing our attention.  We can create change through our attention.  In doing so we can make things better or worse so being conscious and aware of where we place our attention is an important ability to develop.

Whatever thought we dwell on becomes our reality.  Scary thought if we are not paying attention.  For example, it is not a coincidence that something happens to you right after spending some time dwelling on it.  Dwelling on it is the same as focusing on it.  We have a thought and we begin to imagine what it would be like, adding our energy to the thought.  Poof!  It manifests.   I was working with a client and she worried that she would be laid off.  There was no evidence to that effect but she got stuck on that thought, worried about it (adding energy), imagined what she would do if she was laid off (expanded the picture in her mind) then became anxious (adding more energy).   As imagined she was laid off and to this day I know her supervisor is wondering why they laid off someone so capable.

My efforts to have her take her attention off her fear of being laid off fell on deaf ears.  She could have just as easily dwelled on and imagined being successful in her job, being enthusiastic about that (adding energy to that concept) then that thought would have manifested.  We have free will to create whatever we choose so be careful what you dwell on.

Setting energy is a way to consciously focus your attention and your energy on precisely what you would like to see happen and experience.  Being intentional is a far better practice than dwelling on what we fear or resist.

During this month we focused on some specific areas we can set energy.  You can do this as well. Try understanding your ability to set energy in the following areas.

  • Your Space & Your Success: How do you want to be?  How are you being in your work? Everyone is intuitive so how do others experience you? How would you like them to experience you?  Set your space in a way that supports your success.
  • Your Office or Workspace: How do you feel when you are in your office or workspace?  Are you inspired or do you feel irritated?  Identify what irritates you.  It could be someone, something, the energy level, etc.  Make changes to raise the energy level of your workspace so that you feel inspired.  Clear the clutter, rearrange the space, fix what is broken, move away from someone negative, etc.
  • Communication: Communication is more than words.  It is an intuitive experience.  Take the time to notice how you want to be when in communication with someone.  Remember that everyone is intuitive so what are they picking up from you? What is the goal of your communication?  What is on your mind?  Clear your thinking. What energy is in your space?  You can’t hide it so change it to the vibration you want others to experience from you.
  • Achieve A Goal: Setting energy to meet a particular goal.  You have a goal.   Can  you see it in your mind’s eye?  Notice how you react to your goal.  What are your thoughts about it?  How do you feel (your energy level) when you put your attention on this goal?  Now clear your thinking and change your energy so that your goal can manifest in the way you desire.

There are recorded meditations on each of these areas if interested in learning more about how to set energy for success.  Series is “Setting Energy for Success” To  buy.

Best wishes on your success,


If you can imagine it …

A photographer told me a great story of a surprising step she took in her business.  Kathy has a cute, quaint 400 sq. ft. photography studio.  She loves the look and feel of it but it has become clear that it no longer fits her needs.  It is simply too small. She needs a much bigger space but  feared she could not afford this.  Though she did not proactively look for new space she did none the less keep the idea of new space in her mind.  She thought of it often and imagined the kind of space she wanted, where it would be located, how much she would pay and all the details that described her ideal new studio.

Last Thursday she was walking in the area of her current studio and saw a For Rent sign on a store front.  She felt energy move through her.  Feeling excited and inspired she called the landlord and saw the property on Friday.  It was perfect, 1000 sq. feet, high ceilings, open space on a cute street with other small businesses.  She knew immediately this was what she had imagined.  It gave her chills to realize her vision manifested.  At this moment her concerns about paying more in rent were gone.  She could see her business growing in this larger space. Monday she completed the rent application and by Tuesday had signed a new lease.

Kathy is still aglow realizing that her vision manifested.  Her plan is to pay rent on both spaces in the short run to create a grounded move into her new studio. Her fears about money are gone.

Kathy’s story about her vision manifesting is exactly how we create.  The more aware we become of this ability the more we can manifest our vision of success.

Best wishes on your success,


If you would like to learn to create your vision of success just email me.

Fear of Loss – It’s Just a Story

Most of what I know about success I learned from my clients, those that succeeded and those that have not.  This story is about how thoughts are creative especially when they stimulate our fears.  We have control – when we pay attention and clear our thinking.

Kathy is a consultant.  She has one very big contract that keeps her busy most of the time though she has other clients as well.   Every now and then she goes into fear that if she looses this primary client it will devastate her.  As with any business we know not to rely on one or two contracts though many successful businesses have done just that for years.  The intuitive point in this story is Kathy has a fear (picture) in her mind (space) that is at her core.  She has expressed several times that she wants to get of  fear of not having the money she needs and wants.

As an intuitive I have observed that we are always getting our goals.  Kathy has declared that one of her goals is to get out of fear.  Once we have a goal our world changes in ways that help us achieve that goal.  Often that means experiencing what we fear so that we can get out of it.   Watching Kathy intuitively I saw her creating ways to re-stimulate her fear of losing a client not because she wanted this to happen but so that she could use the opportunity to get out of fear.

Intuitively I watched this fear picture move to the surface (of her space) and experiences begin to happen.  The first was Mandy, who taught her and mentored her for years to become a consultant, called to say that she lost her biggest client and now was in serious financial straits.  This was big for Kathy.  If it could happen to Mandy then it could happen to her.  The person who was the expert just created what Kathy feared the most.  I cautioned Kathy to pay close attention to her reaction and not to go into sympathy because in doing do she brings her mentors problem into her space where is could easily manifest for her as well.  I suggested that she consider Mandy as  her teacher in a new way.   Learn by looking intuitively and seeing what caused Mandy to create this and see if Kathy has a similar concept so that she could clear this thought.

The next experience was with one of executives who works for her largest client.  He told her the new CFO wanted to cut Kathy’s contract in half.  Panic!  She immediately believed it was true. I warned Kathy not to place her attention on that thought knowing that whatever thought you place your attention on will manifest.  It does not matter whether it is something that you want or something that you fear.  Kathy did not have to take that communication as her reality.

Finally, her best friend called to say that her husband’s pay was cut 60% and they were doomed.  When Kathy told me these  three  scenarios one after another I began to laugh and asked Kathy if she could see that there was no coincidence here.  She has a choice.  She could match the pictures and see all of this happening to her – her greatest fear – and it would or she could use this opportunity to get her goal to get out of fear by clearing her thinking.  Again I cautioned against dwelling on these stories or going into sympathy.

At the end of her session Kathy spent time meditating on seeing clearly her vision of success, releasing her fear and clearing her thinking.  Kathy knows that her vision of success does not depend on this client.  That it can manifest in a number of ways.  However, Kathy did not want to lose her client so we meditated on her having a conversation with the new CFO and visualized how she would like that conversation to go.

Kathy reported back that despite all her fears the conversation with the CFO went very well.  She continues to check herself when she goes into fear before her thinking  distorts her reality.

Be aware of your thinking.  It’s just your story.

Best wishes on your success,  Kay

Schedule a consultation

Get Out of Your Mind!

     The term “out of your mind” has negative connotations and yet I tell all my clients to do this.   Being “in your mind” can lead you astray.   When we are in our mind or thoughts we tend not to be aware in present time.  Our mind has the ability to create stories around our thoughts.  They are just stories but we think and act as if they are reality.  This is where we get off track.

Our thoughts are different from our logic. We use our logic to solve a problem, find a solution, understand a new level of information, etc.  This is very different from getting lost in thought, over analyzing and creating stories in our mind.  Knowing how to get out of our mind is important to having clear perspective, making the right decision, reducing stress and creating our vision of success.

A conversation, a situation, an experience can re-stimulate highly charged memories or emotions.  When this happens our mind replays old thoughts.  We begin to react.  Our reactions come from highly charged energy from the past and we begin to react, get lost in our thoughts, lose perspective, create a whole story around these thoughts, none of which are relevant in present time. This is different from being conscious and aware in the moment and responding accordingly.

The focus of my work is the success of business owners and professionals so I pay attention to thinking.  From an intuitive perspective thoughts are creative so our thoughts matter.

Imagine the Possibilities

Carol, owner of laundry business, planned to expand her business to three locations.  This is a big step and one she tried before.  When she attempted expansion five years ago she ran into so many roadblocks that she abandoned the attempt.  Carol had a choice this time around.  She could get lost in her thinking about everything that went wrong in her first attempt, create a story of failure in her mind and stop before she started.   She took another approach.  Carol used logic to create a new plan that addressed what did not work last time.  Her vision of this new attempt was clear, her thoughts were about the possibilities and she could clearly see and visualize the success of this expansion.

Thinking of the Roadblocks

Felicia, owner of a beauty salon with six hair dressers, wanted to expand by opening a new salon in a larger community close to many of her current and potential clients.  Her current salon was very successful and has been established for more than 10 years.  Felicia tends to get lost in her thoughts and fears.  She began thinking of the possible obstacles, remembering how hard it was to set up her current salon and anticipating things not going so well, i.e. the bank turning down her loan application.

Clear Your Thinking

It is not hard to tell which of these expansions will be accomplished from these two examples.  As it turned out they both succeeded.  Carol expanded her business with little effort and a great deal of success.  In our business mentoring sessions, Felicia worked to get out of her mind so that she could clear her thinking and create a vision of her new salon using her experience and knowledge.  She had to release the energy of the past including her fears and limits and be present.

Limiting Thoughts

Kathy, a lawyer, was looking to join a law firm.  She described to me the possibilities as well as the obstacles.  As she told the story that she had created in her mind, I began to laugh.   Her story was filled with limits and roadblocks none of which she had actually  experienced but they were what she feared.  I asked if she really meant to create the realty she was describing.   Kathy stopped and looked surprised by my question.  She did not realize she was telling a story based on thoughts in her mind.  With this awareness Kathy was able to clear her thinking, get out of her mind and created a new vision of the possibilities.

Be Real in Present Time

Success comes from being conscious and aware of what is real in the moment, clearing our thinking, getting out of our mind, creating a strong and clear vision of success.

Take one day and notice your thinking about everything during that day. Notice the stories you create in your mind.  Notice how you react. Be amused by what you notice.  Change your thinking to change your reality. Get out of your mind and be grounded in present time.

Best wishes on your success,


Learn more about Inspired Success

Take Control. Change the energy!

David had four bids out for great projects.  His company had finished another project and was waiting for the final approval from his client.  The phone was not ringing.  His email and phone calls were not being returned.  Most of all he was not hearing from his best client.  This was a scary place to be so he called me to ask what was going on.

This may not be logical but it is very intuitive.  I saw that David had a lot of energy in his space and in the space of his company causing the energy of his company to stop.  David was taking it all personally.  What was he doing wrong?  What was wrong with his company?  How could it be that NO ONE was returning his calls? This is not a coincidence.  My suggestion was to stop thinking about it, stop trying to solve it.  Those approaches had not worked so far.  I suggested meditation to change the energy in his space and in the space of his company.

When David could get out of his thinking and look intuitively he saw the energy of competition between all the vendors on his current project.  It was competition against someone or something.  This is a dangerous energy because destroys. This is different from competition to be better within yourself or in your business.  This is a different energy level, is normal and helps us take steps.

More than anything David wanted to get back into communication with his best client so we focused on this.  I saw that his client was also the effect of the “competition against” within his own company.  This was interfering with his communication with everyone involved is the project and involved his largest client.  The stakes were high.  David and I used meditation to clear energy between himself and his client.  This is not logical.  It is something that you have to do and experience to understand.  At the end of this meditation, I suggested that David take an hour or two away from his office and do something that he enjoys.  This was a way for him to bring his energy to a higher level so that he could create again.

The next morning his client called him!   This is not a coincidence.  They spoke for over a half hour about the energy of the project, how it  affected each of them then reaffirmed their agreement to work together on future projects.  If David had not taken control the energy would have continued destroying his communication with his best client.  He used meditation to know and clear the energy for himself.  This made it easy for him to speak with his client in a clear and grounded way.

If you have energy in your communication with one of your clients you might try this for yourself.  We never have to wait and worry.  We can take charge, change the energy and move forward to meet our goals.

Now David wants to meet and work the energy on those four bids to see if he can get them happening as well

Best wishes on your success,


Free Q&A for business owners and professionals each Monday 5 PM Pacific.  Call 1 (218) 862-7200 Access 299398 or SKYPE mkayrobinson.

Where am I going in my search for success?

Knowing your vision of success is a journey in self discovery.  Some of us know it right off and perhaps have known it our whole lives.  I know a 6-year-old who proudly declares that he IS a paleontologist and to back it up he knows, studies and learns everything he can about dinosaurs.

Many career experts suggest that you remember the first professional you imagined wanting wanted to be.  In my experience that is not far off while we may not end up doing that precise career we are not so far off the mark.

Your vision begins with a thought about what that might be but to really know and see your vision requires quieting the body and clearing the mind.  To get out of your mind so that you can hear yourself. So take time to sit quietly, relax and begin to imagine your vision of success and what that is for you, how it feels and releasing any thoughts that may compete with that.


I met with a new client this week who is in school to develop his skills in hopes of supporting his success.  He believes if he can develop his skills as a digital artist then he will be more marketable.  Indeed that is true but I noticed as an intuitive that Fred did not have a vision of his success.  He did have steps and goals but without a clear vision he was just working hard.  When I asked Fred what his vision was he described wanting to work with a major digital arts production company.  I asked him if he could imagine that happening.  He chuckled saying it was what he wanted.  Wanting and having a vision are really different.  Wanting creates…..wanting.  Fred’s next step was to create a space of quiet (meditation) and start to see his vision of success.

He called back the next day to say how hard this was.  I explained it was only hard because he had not done this before.  Once he gets comfortable with visualizing it won’t be so hard.  He agreed to stay with it.  I am curious to see how this turns out for him as my experience is once you can see your vision of success in your mind’s eye everything starts to change.

Best wishes on your success,


Free Q&A on business and success.  Monday’s 5 PM Pacific.  Call 1 (218) 862-7200 Access code: 299398 or SKYPE mkayrobinson between 5 & 5:30 PM to ask a question and listen to others.  Get an answer on success.

Staying on Track with Your Goals for the Year

  It paid off to trust my intuition yesterday when I gave a presentation to a group of women business owners.  The topic of the presentation was “Staying on Track with Your Goals for the Year”.  It was the end of the first quarter, an important marker for businesses to evaluate how they are doing in achieving the goals for the year.  This is something you want to know early though many businesses neglect to take advantage of opportunity and regret it later. When you take the time now to assess where you are you can make adjustments, get unstuck and move forward to meet your goals.

Goals Not Being Met

As an intuitive business consultant I know that progress in achieving our goals is not always logical.  Some things move along nicely, one step leads to another.  Other goals languish on our strategic plan, list of targets or goals we have established.  I would guess that some of these have been on our list year after year. From my perspective, if there were a logical solution to unmet goals they would have been accomplished by now.  Sometimes what gets in the way of our goals can be determined more from an intuitive perspective than analyzing the problem.  This is where I started with this group of business owners and this is the approach I use with all of my clients.  Use your intuition.  Stop thinking and see clearly.

Vision of Success

I had them begin by revisiting their  vision of success.  The most successful people in any field are those who have the strongest vision.  I find that we are good at setting goals but goals absent a vision are just a lot of hard work.  So I had them write their vision of success.  Some knew it and felt good writing it down.  Others had never looked at their business in this way.  They had a business plan and a business model that guided their decisions but not a vision.

Now Determine if the Goals Fit the Vision

Once you have a clear vision of success then everything else falls into place. This is not logical but it is very intuitive.  With a clear vision, look at your goals to see if they now fit to carry out your vision.  If not then change them now before you get to far into the year.

A vision is different from a thought or a plan.  Vision is something you see in your mind’s eye.  You know and see what success is for you.  It is an intuitive ability to know for certain.    The best way I know to do this is in meditation.  Meditation is simply quieting the body and clearing the mind so that you can open to more awareness and to see more clearly.

Exercise: Try this for yourself.

  • Sit in a comfortable and quiet place.
  • Begin to quiet the body.  Take a deep breath and release all the tension and energy you are holding in your body.  Relax.
  • Now clear your mind.  Stop thinking and instead just be aware of yourself.
  • Be present in the moment.  Imagine calling your energy and attention back from where ever it is outside you.  Have all your attention right here in this moment.  Notice yourself and your immediate surroundings.
  • With your eyes closed imagine a red rose.  This keeps you from thinking and opens your intuition using your mind’s eye.
  • Meditate on this rose as you ask what is your vision of success.  Don’t think just imagine what success is to you.  Get to know this for yourself. Imagine what it looks like, feels like, etc.  It may not be what you think it is for you. Take a deep breath and let go of others ideas of success, “you should”, ego, etc.


It often takes several meditations to get clear enough so say that is it.  That’s my vision of success.  It feels right.

My surprise was how eager the business owners embraced this exercise and the insight each person got from their meditation.  I expected them to roll their eyes and want something logical, linear and practical.  That approach works too but when it doesn’t access the other side of your brain.  Be intuitive.

Meditation is essential.  We all need time to stop clear our space and our thinking so that we regain our perspective otherwise we make the wrong decision, don’t see clearly and get off track of where we want to be.  Meditate.

Next Step: Get your staff to buy into your vision.  Watch for this on another blog.

Best wishes on your success,


More information on meditation

Consultation achieving your vision of success

Be careful what you pray for!

     Kate works in a really great company but she is ready to move on.  She wants a leadership position that will allow her to use her creativity, her strategic thinking skills and offers a new level of visibility.  Kate says she wants out of her current job as soon as possible.  We have been working to create that vision, her goals and a plan to take that step.

It was not surprising to me that Kate’s supervisor notified her yesterday that her position was being eliminated and converted into a Director’s position!   As an intuitive this is a beautiful example of creating our reality.  Kate was not as thrilled by this as I was.  She was horrified by all of it and could not see that she had created this.  She wanted out of her job and wanted a leadership position.  So her job was eliminated and made into a leadership position.  Beautiful!  It manifested precisely as she said.  If the circumstances where different she could call this a miracle! Granted she left out some details that now are a bit unsettling to her.  Kate has to apply for this new position.  Applying for a new position was, in fact, part of the work that we did together so it fit her vision as well.

Kate and I met today to ground her vision.  Is she ok with a leadership job within her current company or does she want to be more clear that her vision is to move into a leadership position in a new company?   Kate is not ready to answer that right now.  She is a bit overwhelmed by how her vision manifested.  At this moment she feels like she has no control when in fact she is very good at creating what she wants.

Kate was surprised that her supervisor essentially fired her.  I was not.  Kate had the picture in her space and on her mind that said “I want out of my job”.  Her supervisor was simply seeing Kate’s pictures and responding to them whether she was conscious of this or not.

As an intuitive I see that she simply needs to be more clear about her vision.  Her natural reaction is to hold onto what she has but is it what she wants?    Over the next week Kate will meditate on this, clear her thinking, release the fear and find her perspective.  From this space of being clear she will find her vision.

We are always creating our vision.  Sometimes our vision is simply not clear enough.  Take the time to meditate as you are already creating what you have in your mind.

Have you created a vision and had it manifest in surprising ways? Share your story or ask a question.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

This Stuff Works!

You read stories about my clients all the time and the miracles they create.  Today’s blog is my client’s story about someone she works with.  It’s a miracle!

Sarah provides coaching to upper level managers in a large agency.  One of the managers, Keri, who is 4 months pregnant, told Sarah that she wanted to apply for a different position in the company but did not believe they would give it to her.  Surely they would hire someone else.   Sarah suggested to Keri that she visualize getting the job.  Keri thought this would be a waste of time but worked with Sarah anyway.  The next day Keri told her boss that she wanted to apply for the job.  He indicated that they were going to offer the job to another person.  Keri told Sarah who advised that she meditate again and visualize getting the job despite these odds.  A day later Keri’s boss came by and asked if she was serious about wanting the position.  Keri explained her reasons and qualifications.   Again she meditated to visualize getting the job.  As it turns out Keri was offered the position and starts next week.

Now it is easy to work really hard to explain all of this logically.  That is our tendency.  If you step back, take a deep breath and allow the possibility that Keri created her vision you begin to have a different perspective.  None of this is logical.  The only way to understand this is to do it for yourself.  Take the time to meditate and visualize something that you want.  Clear your thinking about it.

The most successful people are those who have a strong vision.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

What may be in your way? Consultation

Believe It or Not


Kathy wanted to add three new clients this month but could not imagine that happening and wanted inspiration. I smiled because we forget or don’t realize we are always creating or not depending on what we believe.

During the next few minutes I guided Kathy to visualize having three new clients. This was hard for her because she is a doer and feels like she has to know how to bring in those clients. I suggested this one time to get out of her mind and instead imagine three new clients using her mind’s eye.

Kathy took a deep breath, closed her eyes and did something she had never tried before. She began to visualize. She called the very next day to report that she signed contracts with two new clients and scheduled a meeting with a corporation she has always wanted to work with.

A coincidence? There are no coincidences. If you are not sure try this for yourself.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

Manifesting the small stuff!


The art of manifesting is as simple as having a clear vision.  This sounds easy and it can be.  Most often we focus on what we don’t have, i.e. can’t manifest a relationship, a job, money, health, etc.  There are reasons for this that do not diminish our ability to manifest.  It is the small things that remind us that we can manifest what we want.

My husband and I go to movies a lot because we are in the production business.  Earlier this week we pulled into the parking lot of our local theater and saw cars driving in circles fighting for parking spaces.   I watched us immediately buy into the notion that there are no parking spaces, it will take us forever, etc.  and so it did take us forever to find a parking space.  Ugh!

Yesterday we headed to another movie but this time my husband decided not to match the group agreement  that there is no parking instead he decided to create his vision of finding parking without effort.   He imagined that we would pull into the lot.  Go to the second floor.  All the cars in front of us would go right and we would turn left and immediately find a parking space in the first or second space.  Off we went with this vision in mind.

We pulled into the lot.  There was once again lots of cars.  We drove to the second floor.  All the cars in front of us turned right.  We turned left and saw a woman and her daughter walking.  We asked if she was leaving.  She said yes and pointed to the car in the second space.  Yahoo!

After we parked my husband sat for a moment to reflect on what just happened.  In his vision he had seen the mother and child.  A coincidence?  Not at all.  We do it all the time when we consciously decide how we want something to be and can see it clearly in our mind’s eye.

Try this yourself.  Take the time to visualize or see in your mind’s eye how you image an event going then watch that vision unfold.  Try it with small stuff to recognize the ability then try it with something that has more charge or challenge to it.  Let me know your comments.

Best wishes on your success!

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Yes I Can Fly


When my daughter was very young she told me a secret.  She could fly but she did not want me to tell anyone because they would not believe her and then she would not be able to fly again.  Honestly I wanted to believe her but I did not. I was sure this was a childhood fantasy. Of course, as her mother I supported and encouraged her hoping not to show one ounce of doubt. She looked at me and said, ” I cannot fly anymore” and so begins our journey as a child learning that we cannot do one thing or another because others tell us we can’t, they can’t or they can’t imagine that we could.

Outrageously Successful

Fast forward to present time.  As a business intuitive I see people decide or become programmed by others that they cannot.  This energy is so strong that it automatically sticks to most of us and we work with this limit.  Steve Jobs died yesterday.  He was one person who did not let others lack of understanding or awareness hamper his vision.  One broadcaster who knew Jobs well stated that Steve always found a way to get his goals.  He described him as focused, determined, intuitive and a visionary.

On the flip side there was talk that he did not have the best social skills.  As an intuitive I see his lack of concern about what others thought or believed was possible and his unwillingness to let others program him gave him a bit of a rough edge.  When he met these limit makers Jobs pushed right on through their energy to pursue his vision.

The author of the Harry Potter series was rejected by eight publishers before one picked up her books.  How might our world have been different if Rollins had given up and we would be without Harry Potter?

Talked Out of Vision

A young client, Jeff,  is a successful American professional working in South American. Jeff told me his passion and original goal was to be a veterinarian.  His dad told him back in high school that he could not make a living as a veterinarian so Jeff went to business school.  As Jeff told me this story I saw that he will find a way in the future to pursue his passion for caring for animals.

No Fear

Sarah wanted to start an IT company.  Her family and friends tried to talk her out of it fearful that she would fail.  Failing was not Sarah’s concern.   She was excited by the challenge and, in fact, enjoyed that she chose to do things others could not imagine her being able to do.   Sarah did this as a child winning and losing many skate boarding competitions.  To her starting this company at such a young age was just another competition.  She won!  She now runs a successful IT company.


Take the time to stop and be aware of the limits (others’ concepts) that  have programmed your space and unconsciously or consciously limit your success.


I ask all my clients to use meditation as one of their business practices.  Meditation is beneficial on many levels but most importantly it teaches us to visualize.  When we have a strong vision it will surely manifest regardless of any logic or others concepts.

In meditation I teach my clients to imagine or see a rose in their mind’s eye. This is an exercise to open clear seeing and to visualize. For those who are certain enough I challenge them to see the rose so clearly that it manifests.

Best wishes on your success,  Kay

Not a Coincidence! A Success Story

I tell my client’s stories to bring us out of our unconscious routines, to wake up our awareness so that we create and not just accept.  Enjoy Fred’s story so that you can create your own.

Fred was preparing a proposal and bid for a big contract for a project that has never been done before.  The project was for one of his best clients and he needed to get this right.  The cost exceeded the expected budget by 60%.  He was nervous.

In the end he drafted a proposal that would create a great product and using the best talent in the industry.  He also worried about the cost and the short timeframe.  He pressed Send and off it went.

Immediately upon sending the bid, Fred’s mind starting going.  They probably already have someone in mind for the project.  They can probably do it for less.  They will never accept the bid because it is more than they expected.  His mind just went on and on with streams of invalidation.

Fred called me with his mind racing out of control.  I led him through a meditation to clear his mind.  This is an important concept because whatever we believe will manifest.  Fred needed to clear his thinking.  From meditation he released the energy and the thoughts that invalidated his bid, the proposal and his company.  Then Fred imagined (created a mental image picture) of his client loving his proposal, the bid and awarding him the contract.

I watched Fred clear f his negative thoughts and create a new vision.   I saw he still had some worry energy in his space so I suggested that he do this meditation regularly until he heard back from his client.

Within 5 minutes he got a call from his client offering him a contract for a different project, one he had not even bid on and was three times larger than the one he just submitted!  A coincidence?  If you are an atheist you can logically create concepts to explain this away.   If you are intuitive you can see how this manifested.

As for the original bid his client had not looked at that yet but would get back to him.  In the meantime he had to get busy on this new project.  It’s a Miracle!

What is your success story?

Getting decisions right

The most common reason people call for a consultation is they have a decision to make and they want to get it right.  We all want to be certain about the decisions we make but is not always what happens.   Neurologist Robert Burton believes our brains often manufacture a sense of certainty that we are right whether that is the case or not.  This happens because the brain has the ability to create a feeling of being right even when we are drastically wrong.  That is scary and we have all had this happen to us.  How often have your said or heard, “What was I thinking?”  I often tease that the brain has a mind of its own and makes up incredible stories that simply are not true.

From an intuitive perspective it is easy to be a better decision maker. When people call about making a decision they say:

  • I feel one-way one day and the opposite the other.
  • I can’t decide.
  • I have three thoroughly logical decisions and I can argue each of them equally.
  • I want to feel absolutely certainty about this decision.
  • I can’t find a good decision. I don’t like any of my options.
  • I have made a decision but it doesn’t feel right.
  • All the facts say I should decide this way but my intuition tells me otherwise.

Is this a decision you need to make?

Would it surprise you if I said, “Most times there is no decision to be made”? Or that decision making is overrated. Knowing when not to make a decision is just as important as making the right decision. For example, Should I quit my job?  Should I move?  Should I hire or fire Suzie?  When I hear a question like this I know the person is not ready to make a decision OR they are asking the wrong question.

When someone has a decision they are struggling with my question is always the same.  What is your goal or the vision you have for your company?  That is always the starting point.  If you don’t answer that question first then you are building a Winchester Mystery House of decisions and not a successful business.

Decision making from an intuitive perspective

When we have a clear vision of our success and a plan to get there we barely realize the decisions that we are making all day long.  We gather the facts and information and if it supports our goal then we make a decision without a second thought.  You don’t call me.  Everything is moving, as it should.

When decision-making is difficult

When we get out of sync with our vision, lose our perspective or someone places a demand, their energy or a problem in our space  suddenly we feel like we have a difficult decision to make.  When you hear yourself say, “Should I…..? you know you have lost your perspective so it is time to stop and not make a decision from that space.

What gets in the way of having perspective?

When we are overwhelmed by energy in our space, cannot see straight or think clearly we are not in the space to make a decision.  So what can  affect our ability to see or think clearly?

  • Other’s energy or concepts in our space.
    • What others want you to decide
    • Others reactions to what you decide
    • People who have investment (or energy) in your decisions
  • Ego: Our ego can easily get in the way of making a decision that helps meet our goals
  • Past experiences, memories, energy or thoughts clouding our perspective
  • Our fears or emotions
  • Resistance to change
  • Wanting to stay in our comfort zone
  • Wanting to please someone or everyone.

Knowing what affects your decision-making ability makes you a better decision maker. If does not feel right then step back, get more information, find other choices or realize its not a decision you need to make. Having perspective means seeing clearing and being able to step back and look from a neutral place. Making good decisions means being aware of your vision and what is affecting you in the moment.

Recognizing when you have lost your space (perspective)?

You have lost your space and your perspective when:

  • When you feel pushed to make a decision.
  • When you feel yourself reacting to someone or something or everyone and everything.
  • When you hear yourself say, “I should…” This is always a red flag that we have lost our perspective.
  • Can’t decide. Arguing one-side then the other. Or keep changing your mind.

How to Make Good Decisions

Here is an intuitive approach to making better decisions. Make sure you have a clear and neutral perspective when making a decision.  If it seem difficult even after having all the information that you need then stop thinking.

Stop Thinking: If the decision was logical based on available information then you would have already made the decision without effort.  So the answer cannot be found in logically. Robert Burton, a neurologist, shows studies that indicate our thinking can be dead wrong. Another study showed the more we think about something the more inaccurate we can become.

Find your space/Regain your perspective: Take the time to meditate.  Everyone whines about this but this is the best way to regain your perspective. How are you doing? What is on your mind? Who’s in your space? Are you clear thinking and in a space of neutrality?

Take the time to be clear about your goals or vision of success. Ask, “Will this decision  help me meet my goals?” If the answer is “No” then whose question is it or whose problem are you solving?

Intuitive Exercise

  • Find a quiet and comfortable place to close your eyes
  • Take a deep breath and begin to bring all of your attention on yourself
  • Calm your body and clear your mind
  • Be grounded and centered
  • Imagine (do not think) the decision you are about to make
  • Meditate on one decision versus another.  Use your intuition to begin to clear your thinking
  • Let go of others’ energy in your space about this decision
  • Take deep breaths and release
  • Once you are calm and quiet and you feel clear then ask yourself what is the right decision (even if it makes you uncomfortable in some way)
  • Listen to your first thought because the thoughts after that will be the mind arguing with you

Best wishes on your success, Kay

What does your audience receive?

As business owners and professionals we are often in the position of giving a presentation.  This might be to pitch our company to a prospective client, a presentation to a group on our area of expertise, etc.   Regardless of the presentation or the purpose it could make us or break us.  It is hard to erase others memory of their experience so let’s get it right in the first place.

There are many resources giving advice and tips on preparing the visuals the content then giving the presentation.  Here is one article I found interesting.  FastCompany.

There is another very important aspect that is often overlooked.  How and what you present is one consideration but more importantly what does your audience receive and perceive?   How is your space?  What do others see intuitively when they watch you speak?  What do they “pick up” about you?   Everyone is intuitive whether they are conscious of it or not and so they react to you, your energy and whatever is going on in your space when you give a presentation.

I have attended presentations with my clients to observe and give feedback.   In one case, I observed my client completely alienate his potential clients because of the energy in his space when he pitched his company.   Conversely I have observed another client completely sell a potential client on giving him a chance  to show his ability to produce.

The key is for you to know what is going on in your space before you give a presentation and change your space as needed to present not only the material but yourself, your space and your energy in a way that helps you meet your goal.

Intuitive Exercise

  1. Take time to meditate well ahead of your presentation and just before your presentation.  Do this as often as needed to clear your space.
  2. Sit quietly with your eyes closed.   If you know how, be grounded, centered and in present time.
  3. Imagine a symbol of a rose in your mind’s eye.  This helps you to stop thinking. This rose will represent the presentation.
  4. Now meditate on the presentation.  Notice how you feel about it, your thoughts, emotions, fears, etc.  Be self-aware.  Your audience picks up on these same things so know where you are.
  5. Begin to release or let go of any thoughts, emotions, concepts, etc. that invalidate or get in the way of your goal for your presentation.
  6. Know your goal for the presentation.  What outcome do you want?
  7. Now imagine how you want to be during the presentation, imagine how it will go, how you will present yourself, how you will feel, etc.  What do you want others to see, feel, react, etc.  Keep imagining until you can see it clearly in your mind’s eye.  You may have to do this several times before your presentation.
  8. When you can see it in your mind’s eye then you are ready.
  9. Be sure to do this just prior to your presentation.  Shaking off other unrelated distractions or energy so that you and your energy are completely set and focused as you imagine it.

Best wishes on your success,  Kay