See Life As A Whole

Working with business owners and professionals over the years, I learned an essential concept. To be happy meant to see life as a whole rather than just achieving goals. When we fixate on one aspect of our life, the rest of our life suffers. Frank focused all his attention on his business leaving little time for his young family. Tim was so fixated on his relationship that his career suffered. The examples go on. It does not have to be that way. At times, one aspect of our life requires more of our attention. That need does not have to steal energy from our life as a whole. 

Recognizing how often this happened, I changed my approach years ago from not focusing on goals but on life. I found that my clients achieved their goals but were not as happy as they imagined they would be. Achieving goals in and of themselves is not the answer. Having the life we desire is.

Our lives have many aspects. We have to be clear about each one of them individually and as part of a whole. We experience a different aspect of who we are in every part of our life.

When you look at your goals and your life, what do you see? What if I said forget about goals? How does that land with you? What if I asked, what is the life you desire? Would you know the answer right away?

Having a clear vision of the life we desire is the key to having every aspect of our life in sync and having it all.

We cannot think of our work or business as separate from our life. We cannot think about relationships and see them in competition with our need to be alone. We cannot think about our health as separate from our work.

We cannot see one aspect of our life getting in the way of another part of our life. Our life manifests through the thoughts or pictures we believe to be true. If we change our perspective and how we think, our reality changes.

Begin with meditation—quiet your body. Clear your thinking. In your mind’s eye, go within and imagine the life you desire. Imagine each aspect of your life fitting together. 

Release and let go of any thoughts that come to mind that argue with your vision. Please do not get lost in figuring out how to make it happen. Imagine the life you desire and include all aspects of your life, whether you have them now or not. See it all and see it as if it existed right now. Do not imagine it happening in the future. Experience enthusiasm for letting your life unfold in this way.

Once you have a clear vision, write it down, and commit to having it. Meditate on your vision often so that you always imagine yourself having this life – all of it.

Notice I did not tell you to create goals or plans. You can, but regardless, what you imagine is manifesting in your life. Allow your life to change. This may not be logical, but it is very intuitive.

I Want It Now!

Why Not Now!
Why Not Now?

Why do we always see our goals in the future? It is an interesting perspective. At times, that is appropriate when we, in fact, want a goal to manifest later and not now. But it seems invalidating to imagine a goal in the future when we want it to manifest now.

Have we unintentionally programmed ourselves always to imagine a goal at some point later in time? In doing so, have we lost awareness of our ability to manifest, an ability we are all born with. Placing our goal beyond our reach then creating a long list of steps we must go through to get there is an interesting but unnecessary approach.

Planning everything for the future is a game of logic that says the intellect rules when that is not the case shown by how many times we have not reached a goal. What if reaching goals is not solely a function of the intellect?  What if we are more capable than that? What if we could remember our original ability to manifest what we want when we want it?

I had the pleasure of having my two granddaughters spend a month with us this summer. I watched them manifest what they wanted when they wanted it over and over. For example, on their last day in California, we had their parents, my daughter, my niece and their roommate to join us for an adventure. It was a difficult task to create an agreement that would suit all nine of us. I was struggling. My seven-year-old granddaughter was the only one who was clear. She wanted to go rock-climbing. I dissuaded her because there were nine of us, and not everyone could engage in the activity for one reason or another. Her parents promised to take her rock-climbing when they returned to Miami. In other words, she could have her goal in the future. Shelby did not argue though I could tell she was not giving up her goal to go rock climbing now!

We piled into two cars and headed for San Francisco. Traffic was so congested that we could not get to our destination in the city. For the first time in my life, we turned around and came back. When we arrived home, everyone realized that the only person who was certain about what they wanted was Shelby. We all looked at her and said OK to rock-climbing. She jumped for joy and yelled, “Dreams do come true.”

This story may sound simple but from an intuitive perspective I saw the focus and determination of one child with a goal that she wanted to manifest now not in the future. Manifesting in present time is an ability we were born with, and that got programmed out of us.  Our intuitive ability to manifest was replaced by logic.

How might things be different if we owned our ability to manifest success now and not always planning steps for it to manifest in the future?   Give it a try and see if you can resurrect your original ability to manifest now.

Real Change Creates Success

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Achieving goals is one thing. Manifesting the life we desire is another. Too often we focus on taking steps, achieving goals with no real change in our lives. I see people working hard to achieve goals then realize that something is still missing.

We are a goal achieving society that can distract us from who we are at our core. Real success comes from being focused on the life we desire.  Goals are often created from the idea that “I should ____.”   Whenever I hear myself or anyone else say, “I should ____”, I know we are reacting to something outside ourselves that is not connected to who we are at our core.

On the other hand, when we go within and know the life we desire real change is possible.   It is easy to change things superficially, i.e. change job, change boyfriends or start exercising but creating real change takes more.

There are things in our life that we love, are proud of and want to continue. There are also things we do not enjoy, long for or resist.  Having a clear vision is the first and most important step.

We are always being and becoming something. In this moment, we are being what we believe to be true. Thoughts are creative. What you thought yesterday, you are experiencing today. Some of those thoughts are deep and very old. Others are from more recent experiences. The older ones are harder to release, even if they do not serve us as they are sitting unconsciously in our space.

What’s next? We get to choose.  We have free will. Sounds simple but it is not easy. Changing thoughts and energies that we hold as a matter of routine takes focus, self-awareness and determination. If we do not change the concepts in our space and our energy level then nothing of significance changes. We resort to setting and achieving goals but nothing changes.

Give this a try. Meditate on the life you desire, personally and professionally. Do this everyday. See it clearly in your mind’s eye. Notice and clear your thinking about your ability to have that vision. Believe, be certain and enthusiastic about changing from where you are now to the life you imagine. Do not look back, entertain negative thinking or let your energy level drop. Get out of routines. Remember to change how you are being or nothing changes.

Be conscious, deciding how you want to in each moment. Have enthusiasm for the vision you are manifesting. Focus on feeling different. Act in new ways.  Change takes time though only as much time as you believe.

These steps to create real change sound simple though we know change is not easy but well worth the effort.

Best wishes on your success,  Kay

The Three Most Important Steps

Cherry flowers and dollarLike most of us you probably get up in the morning, follow your routine and head off to work. You get there and take on whatever is on your desk or demanding your attention. This is the recipe for working hard. It is the same routine every day. This is not a recipe for success.

Don’t feel bad most people work this way. Successful people work another way. They have a clear vision of the success they want. They have a clear vision and they have a plan to get there. Each day successful people find the most important steps they can take that day to achieve that vision. Success people are not distracted by other demands and don’t waste time on work that does not move them forward in achieving their vision. They are focused.

Anyone can do this but old habits are hard to break, so it takes a plan. With those I coach I suggest meditation. Begin each day with a few quiet moments in which you stop, close your eyes, stop thinking, get quiet and visualize.

When we start our day with a vision of success in mind, everything changes. We become clear and focused. Rather than decide what you have to do today, visualize (imagine) the success you desire. Have this in mind to start. See it clearly. If you cannot then spend more time each day until you are clear. Without that vision, you have nothing to achieve. You are just working hard.

Next notice where you are now and the distance between where you are and where you want to be. Meditate and know the steps you can take to move closer to your vision of success. Finally in meditation become aware of three high-value tasks you can do this day to move you forward.

If three steps are taken each day toward your vision, it begins to manifest. It is surprising and exciting. It is important that the three steps are high-value steps. High-value steps make a difference. They are not the easy to do steps that you would do anyway but rather ones that take you out of your routine, are a bit uncomfortable and will make a significant difference.

When we approach our work in this way, our perspective and our energy change significantly. We feel different and see differently. We are focused on success, and it is manifesting.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

Forget Goals!

dreamstime_12068670Forget your to-do list. Forget goals. Focus on results. Working with hundreds of business owners and professionals for all these years has raised my understanding of success, what works and what does not.

The biggest time waster is the To Do List, at least as a starting point. The To-Do List is the last thing to be created. Goals can be just as ineffective, at least as a starting point. The most effective approach is: to know the vision you have for your life, see it clearly in your mind’s eye then everything you do, actions you take and decisions you make help to achieve your vision. Everything else is a distraction and moves you away from your vision.

Another approach may be more effective. Decide the results that you want at the end of the day, the week, the month, the year. The timeframe you set does not matter but should be sufficient to direct the results that you want.

Most importantly is to write this down in terms that show results. For example, use terms like:
I have ……….
I am ……
I do …….

Never use the word want. That creates wanting. Only write in future terms if you want the result to be in the future because you do not want it now. When you write a result in the future, is it because you do not believe it can happen now? If that is the case, then it will never happen, it will always be in the future.

Focusing on results means declaring that you are creating. You are creating something new, creating a change or a new experience in your life personally or professionally. You are stating the result of that change. You are stating it in present time terms. This is the most powerful way to create change now.

Finally, be conscious of your thoughts, focus on the results you desire and be determined regardless of where you are now. If you cannot imagine these results then explore the thoughts, emotions, memories and concepts that you hold. Are they in conflict with the result you desire? Clear your thinking. Strengthen your vision. It is a process, and it works. The thoughts you hold create your reality. Notice your reality, it is showing you what you believe to be true. You can change this. Change your thinking; focus your attention on the results you desire.

Give it a try.  Write the vision you have for yourself personally and professionally. Write the results you have for this week for any aspect of your vision.  Meditate on both so that you can see your vision manifesting in present time.  Be self-aware.  Clear energy, thoughts, emotions that interfere with your vision manifesting now.  Spend   30 minutes each day being clear about the results you desire and believing it whole heartedly.   Believing it wholeheartedly means there is nothing in you in your way.

Best wishes, Kay

Vision From Your Core


Every year around this time we reflect on where we have been, create a vision of what’s next and a plan to get there. It is so easy for our vision to be too narrow, focusing on one goal or another and not the bigger picture of the life we desire personally and professionally.

We create professional goals separate from our personal goals.   There may be a disconnect that we do not notice from the logic of our mind.

Seeing that bigger picture is possible when we gain some distance about where are now. From an intuitive perspective this means literally to pull our energy and attention out of our current creations, successes, failures, problems, accomplishments, what we enjoy and what we do not.

When we can create separation or distance from everything that is we gain perspective and can see more clearly. There is one more step. Look at the vision for your life from who you are at your core. Being at your core happens easiest in meditation. Go within. Find a communication with yourself. In this way you can listen to your heart, your soul and yourself, asking where you truly want to be in your life. What is next?

Our lives are so noisy that we cannot hear ourselves. Focus is typically on something or someone so much so that we lose our ability to hear ourselves. We act and react to whatever is in our space at the moment. Reacting without thought reminds me of the adage that says we are like a couch. We wear the impression of the last person who sat on us. In order to know our truth about what is next we have to clear everyone and everything from our space. The goal is to be alone with our self, long enough to get back into communication with who we are at our core. Once there, we can ask questions about what is next.

Being able to hear our self is not easy. We have noise in our heads. We tend to think more than we listen. When we take time to be alone, quiet our body, clear our thinking, go within and ask a question about what’s is next, we can find our truth. The key is not to think but to listen. Listening to ourselves at our core takes practice. We are so programmed to think that we tend to do that automatically though the answer you are looking for comes in listening to yourself and the God of your heart at your core.

Before you create your goals and plans for the New Year, take the time to be alone, go within and communicate with yourself. What is your next step? Don’t ask the world. Ask from who you are at your core.

Best wishes for peaceful, happy and prosperous New Year, Kay

2015 Different Than 2014

happy new year 2015 on the beach with sunrise2014 is drawing to a close. Don’t turn your back on it until you pause, write your achievements in 2014 (brag), write what didn’t work and, most importantly, why. Success is not a mystery.

When we take the time to honestly assess both what we are good at and how we get in our own way then, we can change. Recognizing why we did not take steps, is important to know.  We can decide how we will be different in 2015. Otherwise, nothing will change.

This past week I conducted two webinars on determination.  I did this webinar because I find when we do not achieve our vision or a goal it is often because we are not determined enough.

From an intuitive perspective, determination is an energy level we have available to us that is so strong and such a high vibration that it pushes through the stuck places in us. If you go into effort when I say this then you are not using the energy of determination. Determination and effort are different.

We start with an idea of what we want in our lives but that is not enough. The next step is to see, in our mind’s eye, our life being this way. This is the vision we have of our life. When we can see it in our mind’s eye, we are a step further than wanting. But visualizing not enough.

Granted you must be able to see your vision manifesting for that to happen but there is another step. That step is determination. Determination means to experience the energy of your certainty and your power to create this vision and make it real.

From here we start to write goals, take steps, push through fears and perceived limits. We are determined!

Try these steps:

  • Know what you want to create.
  • See your life in this way, clearly in your mind’s eye.
  • Feel determined, the energy in the body that says you can and will do this.
  • Write the goals and steps you can take to manifest that vision.
  • Finally, feel more determined because change is about to happen.

I would love to hear your comments, stories and perspectives.

Best wishes in the New Year, Kay

You’ve Gotta Feel It To Make It

0082 Adobe ID 044ASP367940For years, as a coach, I have worked to encourage everyone to take the time to stop and see clearly his or her vision of success. Some resist it. Others get it. Over time most of my coaching clients have settled in with the practice of making sure they have a clear vision – but that is not enough.

Now don’t get me wrong. A clear vision of what you are creating is essential for your success but truly it is only a mental image picture in your mind’s eye. Right? When we stop here then, we have a vision that we want to manifest, but it’s not happening.   A vision must be energized to be real-ized.

There are many ways to add energy to a vision so that it shows up in your world. Taking actions or steps are obvious and essential but there is more.

We have to feel successful. We have to feel successful in the body.  When we have a great vision, are taking all the right steps but don’t feel successful then we manifest failure.

Creating a clear vision is not easy for most but with time spent on reflecting, meditating and focusing, it can be created. As for actions, we are taught to create plans, define steps and take action. The key is to take action that will make a significant difference not just keep you busy.

More importantly is how we feel about our vision of success. How do we react emotionally to the idea of it? What are our thoughts about our vision? If how we feel or think about our vision are not aligned then the vision stays in the realm of something that we want versus something we can have.

So here are the steps:

  • See clearly in your mind’s eye your vision of success. Eyes closed. Imagine your success precisely as you would like it to be and see it happening now – not in the future.
    • Write it down.
  • Notice your thoughts about this vision. Clear any thoughts that compete with it, for example, all the reasons why you can’t be successful.
    • Clear your thinking.
  • Create thoughts that support your vision. Have you ever deliberately created thoughts? This is a time to do it. Think of ways to make it happen and steps you can take and reasons why it will work.
    • Write down those steps.
  • Now notice how you feel about it. Does your energy level rise when you focus on your vision of success? Do you feel inspired, excited, creative, enthusiastic, etc.? These are high vibrations of energy when focused on a mental image picture are creative. On the other hand, if your energy drops or you entertain feelings at the lower energy levels, i.e. worry, fear, doubt, tension, stress then your vision will not manifest because that is how you feel about it.
    • Raise your energy level to enthusiasm.

Take the time to align body, mind and spirit around your vision of success. You can change your thinking. You can change the energy level you are being. It takes focus to change old patterns and ways of being. See your vision of success, believe in it and feel inspired as you make it happen.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

Free vision form for businesses.  Login-Register  > Add A Membership > Forms

Busy or Successful

0399 Adobe ID 317ASP844-43339430Staying busy is easy. There is always something to do. Busy gets in the way of our success. One of our greatest challenges is to be strategic about our work.  What can be done today to will help achieve your vision of success?  Notice I did not say meet your goals.


Writing goals is easy. Writing goals that will move you dramatically toward your vision is more difficult. Goals that make a difference are thoughtfully designed to achieve our 3-5 year vision. In reality, we tend to write goals that are somewhat comfortable and feel doable. We unconsciously (or consciously) avoid writing goals that make us too uncomfortable.


In the end, we have a list of goals that may or may not move our vision forward, or certainly not move it significantly forward, because anything that would do that is VERY uncomfortable. How do I know that? If it were comfortable, you would have done it already.

 Hard Steps

The lesson here is, write your vision of success. Next write goals to achieve that vision. Now go back and write goals you did not put on the list in the first place. The hard steps. The high value tasks. Now plan to accomplish those goals first. Absolutely first. Do not  get distracted otherwise you will just keep busy doing what you enjoy or what is easy to do.

Meditation at the start of your day is a sure way to get clear and focused.  Here is a one-minute meditation that may help get you started or a five-minute meditation to be more grounded or use whatever meditation suits you.  Meditation is a way to focus on our vision.

To Do List

Each day decide on the three (no more than three and maybe two) most impactful steps you can take that day to move significantly toward your vision. I say two or three because we will spend time arguing with ourselves, delay getting started, etc., and it will be uncomfortable – but only at first.


The key is to be grounded in present time to focus on the task. This is the only way to override the pictures and energy that make you uncomfortable. You may be uncomfortable because the task restimulates an unpleasant past time experience, and others may have their energy and expectations in our space.   Maybe it is just hard to focus, or we simply don’t know how to do the task. It is a new experience, so we are uncertain, and we hate to be uncertain.  There are any number of reasons for being uncomfortable.

Once we are grounded, centered and focused on the task in present time we find it moves more easily than expected.

 Time Manifests

When we start our day doing random tasks, we never have time for the hard ones. But when we do tasks that are challenging, but will have the greatest impact then time manifests because we get out of resistance. As for all those random tasks that may be pressing, you will still have time for them after you finish the two or three most impactful tasks. Try it. It is a miracle.

How I Spend My Day

Cloud SmileysRealizing that I have two ways I can spend my day, I decided to pay attention to the result of each. How did I feel? What was my mood? What did I accomplish? What did I gain?

One day goes something like this. I get up early. Jump out of bed and begin my morning routine, get dressed without much thought, have my usual bowl of cereal while reading only the headlines on my iPad then I have a cup of coffee as I walk to my home office. I check my email and spend a lot of time responding to what I find there. Organizing my desk and taking care of the obvious To Dos on the top of my desk takes a bit of time as well.

Now I think about the most pressing, urgent, etc. issues. By the way, something being urgent or pressing does not mean that it was important. Typically it is urgent and important to someone else or something I must get done by the due date.

By now, my head is swimming with information from everything I already placed a moment of my attention. I look at my very long to do list that adds more thoughts to my mind. Then other things come to mind. I start doing things I don’t mind doing one after another.

The phone rings and my attention shifts again to that request and so my day goes. I am very busy, doing a lot of work, feeling tired, growing less and less focused. At the end of this day, I can say I was busy, did a lot and accomplished nothing!  I can say that I do not feel good about the results of my day.

Another Kind of Day

Another way that I spend my day, I wake up and lay in bed for a moment to gain my focus and perspective. How am I doing? What must I do today? What would I like to do?  What would help me to take a step to accomplish my vision of success? How would I like to feel today? With that intention, I get up and make sure that I am approaching each step mindfully. My cereal, headlines and coffee are still in the routine but I am more conscious about each step.

Look around my home, I put things away, clean up so that my living space is clear. Now is my time to meditate in a quiet, comfortable space. When I feel calm in my body, have cleared my thinking from the day before and set my space to enthusiasm then I am ready to create my plan for the day. I meditate on my vision and my goals. Where am I now and what can I do today that will have the greatest impact on achieving them? What am I resisting? What steps am I not taking? Who is on my side and can I engage in helping with my goals? With this clarity and feeling grounded I move into my office.

Clearing and organizing my workspace does not take much of my time. I do a quick and cursory scan of my emails, addressing only those that support my goals for this day. The others I will look at later. Now is the time to take on what I call high value tasks and make some magic. I know from experience that focusing on a single high value task to completion moves the dial that much closer to the result I want to achieve. The challenge is not to avoid the task just because it is difficult, pushes my limits or makes me feel uncertain. I take a deep breath, ground, center, focus and begin. It is amazing to me how a very difficult task taken one step at a time unfolds, opens up so that I can see the next step, then the next. None of the steps is as daunting as I expect.

At the end of this day, I am smiling, inspired, assured and energized. I can see the distance I have come. Now I am ready to close the door for the day. Collect up my energy from the days work.  It is time to play.

The first day I described I am justing going through a routine with barely a second thought, doing a lot and accomplishing nothing. The second day describes my way to taking ownership of what I intend to create and making it happen.

If you have ways that you spend your day that support, your vision of success, please share your thoughts.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

Help Me Focus

0012photonicaMaking sure that we get an important project done can be a challenge. A group of business owners were seeking peer support for issues that challenge us. Christie’s concern is quite common. When she has a project, she finds it difficult to create a time to get it done.

The group offered several great suggestions including creating a workspace conducive to working on the project; start your day working on the project; break it down into smaller projects, etc.

As I watched and listened to Christie intuitively I saw that she is easily distracted, reacts to anything and everything that comes her way.   Her energy and her focus are constantly changing in response to whoever or whatever grabs her attention.   Her attention and her energy changes each time she changes her focus. What I saw is this affected more than this project. It affected all of her efforts to complete something that required focus.

When we want to create something new that requires some planning, thoughtfulness and mindfulness then distractions sabotage that effort. Our ability to create a space of quiet and to harness our attention and energy in one way is critical to completing something new, something we have not done before. An intuitive description would be to create an energy “bubble” around our workspace, not move out of that bubble and not let anything to distract you.

My suggestion to Christie was to start her day meditating because I saw that she had so much going on in her space that it was hard to be grounded and focused. Christie is a healer, an empathic and a problem solver so if anyone places their attention on her needing something she was immediately distracted. By starting her day with meditation, she could clear her space, let go of everyone else’s needs, be clear about what she wanted to do that day and visualize how that would go. In this way, she could start her day with a clear space and the ability to focus on what was most important to her.

I wrote recently about multi-tasking. That is very different from being distracted and responding to everything and everyone who grabs our attention. The ability to focus is the single most important ability to success. Learning to meditate helps a great deal to be grounded, center, own your space (bubble) and to be clear in present time.

If you find you have trouble getting to something or completing a project start you day with meditation and see how that changes things for you.

Best wishes on your success, Kay


Multi-tasking done right

multitaskingRecent have said multitasking is bad, and I rejoiced. Researchers said  that multi-taskers were less successful. This was shocking. I was raised to be a multi-tasker. Wasn’t multi-tasking was a virtue? Everyone valued someone who could get a lot done.  Right?  I was a lifelong multi-tasker and saw this as my chance to stop working so hard. After years of working fast, completing multiple projects at one time, this was my way of saying that I needed to make things simpler. I could relax. What I found was quite the opposite. I was not relaxed. I was not as productive nor did I feel as accomplished so I decided to learn more about this phenomenon called multi-tasking.

To begin, I observed myself multi-tasking and not multi-tasking and the results, accomplishments and how much I enjoyed what I was doing. I observed others in the same way. As a coach and consultant I had lots of opportunities to observe others. As a result I was to ask the researchers two questions. Did you measure the difference between men and women? Did you assess the value to the tasks they were doing?

Recognize Your Success

In my observation and my experience, women are natural multi-taskers and men are not. Women have by our nature and physiology a higher energy level. Women have a higher energy level in our bodies to create life. We are wired at a high energy level, so multi-tasking is natural, can creative and rewarding when done correctly. Men, on the other hand, do better when singularly focused. This is not less of an ability just different, and the world is better for these two different ways of being. Multi-taskers and persons who are singularly focused are both needed for success.

Multi-tasking of itself does not create success, so I agree with the studies in this regard. Focused multi-tasking does work. Whether you are a multitasker or a single focus person, your success depends on what you spend your time doing. Just being busy doing whatever presents itself is of no value and has no long-term result. On the other hand, when multi-taskers or single focused persons chose high value tasks they create success. High value tasks are those that will make a difference in your efforts to achieve success versus other tasks that are just busy work or someone else’s need.

So men feel free to be singularly focused on high value tasks if that feels right to you. Women, I say go ahead and multi-task focused on high value tasks if that feels right for you as well.

I would love to hear your thoughts on this. For me, I have returned to multi-tasking, and I am much happier, getting more done and finding greater success.

Best wishes, Kay

Work fast. Work hard. Really?

dreamstime_xs_19899077 Working fast, hard and smart is one perspective on success. I recently read a blog on success and the author suggested that the most successful people work fast, fast thinkers, fast decision makers, and they move fast. He also suggested that they work hard, long hours and do the hard work. The third characteristic of a successful person was they carefully selected where they spent this fast, hardworking time. They worked on things that mattered.

This blog grabbed my attention because I have found similar characteristics in the successful people who I work with and others that I observe though I would describe them differently.

From an intuitive perspective working fast is not necessary though you may enjoy working fast.  From my observations successful people have high energy. High vibrations are creative energies. High energies make it easy to be creative, create change, to see more clearly, to move through blocks or limits. So while I would not say working fast is a good approach working at a high energy level which is enthusiasm, creativity and may feel or appear fast is essential for success. When our energy is low, nothing is moving, nothing changes and energy blocks are too hard to unlock. So best practice, be in enthusiasm when you work.

Working hard is not necessary either though we might choose to do that, and it may happen. Working hard, of itself, is not a useful goal. From an intuitive perspective successful people are those who have a clear vision, focus on the vision and are not easily distracted. This might feel like hard work, but the key element is to focus. When we are focused and see the impact of that, we want to focus more, to create more. It is rewarding and so we may in the end work harder but that is not the goal.

The last characteristic is doing what matters. I completely agree. It is so easy to work hard and stay busy without accomplishing anything. We are successful when our time and attention stays focused on high value activities. By that, I mean tasks that will make a difference in achieving our vision of success. It is easy to keep busy doing whatever presents itself. Being disciplined enough to focus on actions that matter to our success makes all the difference.

My formula for success using the three traits mentioned in the beginning would be: With enthusiasm focus on high value tasks that will help you achieve your vision of success.  Sounds simple? Spend this week working in this way and see if it is easy to do and notice the impact of this approach.

Best wishes, Kay

Manifesting the hard way

200469161-001Mandy asked me to work with her to make a career change.  She had a good job that paid well.  She is seen as a leader in her industry but it is not what she wants to be doing.  Mandy was finding it hard to stay focused on her work.  She was distracted thinking about what she would rather to be doing.

When we begin to create a plan to transition to a new career or an old career revisited she got cold feet and worried that she needed the job she had.  Though she wanted a career change she could not imagine making it happen.  Mandy made some attempts to change her career then turned around and tried to find ways to connect with her current job. One step forward and two steps back.

From an intuitive perspective we are always getting our goals.  Mandy never gave up her goal to change careers so I knew it was manifesting.  I also know that goals manifest gracefully when we actively create them. Goals manifest less gracefully when we don’t.  So Mandy wanted out of her job and onto a new career but she could not take the steps to make it happen.  The only way for that change to happen was for her to lose her job. That is exactly what happened.  She was laid off so now she had to create the change she desired in the first place.   She was going to get her goal though not very gracefully.


This same scenario played out for Mary.  She was top executive in a large organization, was paid well and had a lot of visibility but it was not the job she wanted.  Over and over again she decided to quit and each time she thought about leaving she would get a raise.  As a single mom she could not imagine quitting a good paying job so she stayed all the while visualizing her next step.  Her vision manifested when one day suddenly she was laid off.  At first she was angry then she realized that she had visualized a job change for a long time.  Being laid off was the only way her vision could manifest and so it did.

My best counsel is to take charge of the change you desire.  It is going to happen one way or another.  Remember the saying, “Be careful what you pray for.”   Take a moment to notice the changes you have imagined.  Are you actively working to make it happen?  If not,  be intuitive and notice what would have to happen to move your vision forward.  How do you want to manifest your vision?  Be proactive or have it happen a bit less gracefully.  You decide.

Best wishes,  Kay


Stuck on the Wrong Solution

HugTrust your vision. It is always manifesting – even when we get in the way. Just because our vision does not manifest in the way we expect does not mean it is not going to happen.   It is so easy for us to get in our way, lose sight of our vision and decide that we are not going to get our goal because of once circumstance or another. That decision is powerful and wrong.  Here is a story of one business owner who thought her vision was not going to manifest.


A business owner, Sara, called last year at her wit’s end saying she was going to close her business but wanted to check in with me before she did so. After speaking with her it was clear that she did not want to close her business. She just wanted and needed to change her role in the business. Sara’s next step was to move more into a leadership role and not be responsible for the day-to-day operations any longer. This is normal and needed step for the owner and the growth of any business.

Leadership Solution

When Sara called she was vibrating at the energy that her business was a big problem. Not so. Sara just needed to stop being CEO, CFO, COO, CBO and every other c-suite title you could think of. Her real goal was not to close her business but to position her business for sale and to find someone she trusted to buy the business she started. Sara wanted someone to carry on its strong reputation and tradition.

 A New Organizational Strategy

We created a new organizational strategy to grow her business.  We changed her role to CEO/President, made her accountant functionally the CFO. One staff person was promoted to CBO as marketing chief. Another staff person, Carol, was promoted to COO in charge of the day-to-day operations. Carol was also interested in eventually taking over the business. As an intuitive I did not see that Carol as strong nor committed enough to take over the business in the long run but Sara was convinced this would work.

Sara stepped back and let the Carol take over. It did not turn out as well as Sara had hoped and Carol quit within a year throwing the business back into Sara’s lap. Sara was devastated. Her disappointment was overwhelming. She felt like a failure and was unhappy that she was back in the role of CEO and COO once again.

Vision Still Manifesting

Sara called in tears. I had to remind her that she was still getting her goal of finding someone she liked and trusted to take over her business. That goal had not changed.  It was so clear to me intuitively that Sara was still getting her goal. It simply was not manifesting in the way she expected. She had pushed for the Carol to be that person. That was not meant to be. Intuitively I saw that Carol was not the person who could carry on the reputation and tradition of the business so it was inevitable that she would leave. It is not a mistake nor a coincidence.   That does not mean that Sara is not getting her goal. Quite the contrary. She just has not found the person who she trusts and who could run her business with the same quality of service the community had come to know.  Sara could not see this at first because she had too much energy in Carol being the solution.

Not A Coincidence

Not coincidentally the next day Sara ran into a Gail who operated an agency that was her largest competitor. Gail asked how Sara was doing and said she had heard that Carol, Sara’s heir apparent, had quit. Gail asked if Sara was interested in selling her business. Sara was blown over by this.


Even with this miracle appearing out of no where Sara was still stuck in the energy of disappointment about Carol quitting. She was so much in that energy that she could not see the miracle being presented.  Sara’s focus on the solution rather than the goal is something that we all do. By doing do so we get in our own way. We are unable to have a clear perspective and lose sight of the goal. Sara was so focused on losing Carol who she always believed was the solution that Sara had lost her perspective. Sara’s goal was to sell her business and to someone she trusted and who could continue the business in much the same way.  She liked Gail and respected her. This could be her dream come true. Perhaps this is the right plan for achieving her vision.

Notice for Yourself

Notice for yourself. Have you ever fixated on what you believe is the right and only way your vision can manifest? In your daily meditation take the time to pull your energy out of solutions, strategies, etc. to order to focus on your vision and where you want to be. Your vision is always manifesting. How you get there may surprise you.  Always take steps toward your vision and allowed it to manifest in unexpected ways.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

Start Your Day This Way for Success

Adobe ID 164ASP19151002Steve starts his day checking his email. It is easy to be lured into the computer, the latest news, an entertaining story, YouTube video, email, etc. I cannot tell you the number of people who let email direct what they do and focus on each day. Email takes up their time and distracts them from focusing on high values takes that create success. Yikes! It is so easy to be lured into a workday determined by email! The more engrained this habit becomes the less successful a person or business becomes.

To Do List

Frank told me his goal is not to read email or go near his computer until later in the morning or afternoon. His fears about what he might be missing have turned out to be unfounded. Frank has been able to break that addiction. Instead he focuses on his to do list first. Changing that one behavior has made it possible for Frank to focus on changes he needed to make in his business. That is a good step but that is not enough for real success.

Goals, Plans & Strategies

Gail agrees. She starts her day focused on the goals and strategies she wrote for the year. She knows how easy it is get distracted, for others to grab her attention, distract her from her plans, demand that she focus on their issue, etc. so before she begins her day she makes sure that what she has planned, the appointments schedule and her to do list will help her meet her goals. She is determined to have ownership of her time and to make sure that what she does in a day will make a difference in her success. Gail also evaluates if her strategies are producing the results that she wants. That is a good and important approach but it is not enough for real success.

Vision of Success

Charles starts his day reminding himself of his vision of success. Where does he want to be in 3-5 years? Then he makes sure that everything he does that day, in present time, will move him toward his vision. Charles is cautious not to get side tracked by the newest brightest shiniest object or idea. He knows what he wants to create and reminds himself of that before he starts the day. He sets his energy to a vibration that will bring him to that vision knowing that change is important. That is a great approach but it is not enough.

 Setting Your Space & Energy

Claire starts her day by connecting with herself. She wants to make sure that whatever she does, however she communicates and the energy level she brings to her day is aligned to who she is at her core. Claire wants to create success based on who she is and what she values. She begins each day with meditation, quietly going within, clearing her thinking, releasing the energy in her space so that she feels like herself, can see clearly where she is going, setting her energy to the level that feels right to her and regains her perspective. Claire knows that the intensity of her work affects her space, her thinking and perspective so she wants to start each day from a clear space.

 Start Your Day This Way

Each of these professionals or business owners has a handle on one aspect of creating success. If you were to begin in reverse order of how they are presented here you have a formula for success.

  • Start your day with meditation to get back to who you are at your core.
  • Take time to reflect on your vision of success and live that all day.
  • Review your goals, plans and strategies to achieve your vision. Adjust as needed.
  • Make a to do list that is limited to high value tasks that help you achieve your goals. Prioritize. Focus.
  • Finally, break your addiction to email and computer. Stop letting them control your attention. Focus on email as a tool you can use during your workday to meet specific goals.

Having control of our energy, our space and where we place our attention is important to our success. Begin to incorporate these steps and notice the difference this will make.


Best wishes on your success, Kay


Did you do it yet? Do you have a plan?

dreamstime_xs_34081720January has passed and by all means possible it is my hope that you did it – your plan for 2014.  Whether you are a business owner or a professional focused on success, a written plan is a must do activity.  It is fine to have an idea or even know what you want to have happen but there is magic to writing it down, a level of commitment that most of us need.  Granted there are exceptions to this rule but they are few and far between.  For most of us having a grounded written plan is essential for success.  You can easily tell whether you are in the “most of us” category or the “few and far between” category.  Are you consistently achieving your grandest vision for yourself each year?

We all achieve some of our goals.  Those are the easy ones.  The goals are clear to us.  We have no difficulty seeing them happen.  Most importantly we don’t have any energy, thoughts or beliefs that get in our way that create doubt and so those goals manifest without a second thought.

Beyond Your Reach

Then there are the goals that always seem beyond our reach, challenging to accomplish or simply more difficult to achieve.  These goals take a plan – a written plan.  As an intuitive I know that everything we wish to create begins with knowing what that is then being able to imagine or seeing it happen in our mind’s eye.  These are first and very important, but there is more.


For that vision to manifest takes concrete actions to bring it into the physical reality.  A vision without action remains a dream or a fantasy.  Translating our vision into goals (small steps) moves our reality from where we are now to where we want to be.  This is where the magic happens.

 Write It Down

Going through the process of writing down our vision, the goals (small steps to getting there) and the plan of how to make this happen is all about making your vision real.  Writing a plan helps us take bigger steps more quickly as we focus our attention and our awareness.   In this way we are not lost in thought, distracted by whomever or whatever grabs our attention.

 Vision & Goals

Often people write goals though achieving only goals may not bring us the result we want.  It is so much more powerful to know your vision for success first, write goals to get you there next then the plan to achieve those goals.

Not Too Late

It is not too late.  You can write your plan at any time so that you can move from where you are now to where you want to be next.  If you find you cannot make yourself write it down you may also find you have difficulty creating change in your life.  You can change everything by sitting down and writing it all out.  It does not have to be perfect.   It should be a living document so that if strategies do not create the results you intended then you can create new strategies until your goals and your vision of success begins to manifest.  Take the time and see how writing out your plan changes things.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

Plan for Success

Visualization Is Not A Fad or a Fancy

iStock_000015806919MediumVisualization is an ability we all have.  From an intuitive perspective if you can imagine something clearly in your mind’s eye (visualize) you can manifest it.  If, on the other hand, you find that you cannot image something then it does not happen.  This is not a logical concept, but it is very intuitive.

Visualization is an important topic for January of any year.  We all make resolutions, set goals, many of which will never come to fruition.  One reason is though we may want something to happen we cannot imagine it happening (visualize) so it won’t.

Three Techniques

Scientists have found three techniques that work for being successful at something: visualize success, model someone else’s behavior and vicarious learning.  None of these engage thinking.   Scientists observed that the more basic (perhaps intuitive) parts of the brain kick into gear and activate around these experiences the more likely we are to create success.

Michael Lardon, UC San Diego School of Medicine, states that his research has convinced him that visualizing past successes is the most effective way to influence change.  This fits my experience as well.  No matter how devastated someone is in the moment if they have been successful up to this point, I urge them to feel that success in present time.  This ability to re-stimulate successful energy can change your energy back to that level of experience.  On the other hand if you feel, think and imagine failure you can create that as well.  Be careful what you think.

Scientists refer to the ability to recall past successes as finding the “true data points”.  An intuitive explanation would be to restimulate a past time energy and memory,  feel that success in the body, recall and create a mental image of that success in present time.

Perhaps you want to be successful in an area that is new to you.  Always start by visualizing (imaging) what they success looks like and feels like. Then try the other two techniques, modeling and vicarious learning.    Intuitively this means to find others who are successful in ways that you desire.  Spend time with them.  Intuitively match their vibration of success.  The way your energy is now is creating precisely what you have.  If you want something different then your energy needs to change.   Change to what?  Change to the energy level of others who are successful in the ways you desire.

For me modeling and vicarious learning are the same process, match energy of successful people, observe their actions and visualize doing it that way.  Your energy, your body and your mind will change in ways necessary so that you can manifest this goal.

Now there are other factors that affect our success but if you are clear about what you want, don’t entertain negative thoughts and feel determined then you are ready for success.  First see if you can visualize what you desire. Visualize often until you can see yourself clearly having, being or doing it.  Meditation is a good way to do t his.  Spend time around those who are successful in ways you desire and match their energy of success.

Let me know about your experiences with success.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

Same old, same old or something new

dreamstime_xs_34081720A new year and the same old routine creates nothing new.  We can be so set in our ways and stuck in our own way of thinking that we lock out the possibility of real change.  Sure we will make some changes in the New Year.  We always do – at least for a few months.

Every January my gym is suddenly packed with people and there is no place to park.  I do not stress about this because I know the numbers will go down each day and by the beginning of March everything will be back to normal.

Real change is not easy.  It takes focus and determination.  From an intuitive perspective it means creating a change in your energy first.  Our routines and habits cause our energy to spin in a particular way and at a specific vibration.  It stays this way day in and day out with occasional changes to high and low points.

How our energy is set (vibrates) creates precisely what we have in our lives at this time.  What we have may be great or we may be done with it.  In either case being conscious and aware of how we are being is important to creating success – personally and professionally.

This is a good time to stop, get quiet, go within and reflect on where we have been, where we are now and our vision for where we are going next.  I use the word next because we are constantly growing in our understanding of ourselves and so we finish one thing then imagine the next.

Stuart, the Architect

I was working with a new client this week, Stuart, a successful architect.   He was dismayed with his current work routine, feeling that everything depended too much on him.  He could not see a way out.  When I asked him what his vision was for his business in 3 – 5 years he had no idea.

This is a great story to illustrate the importance of having a clear vision. Without it life continues on the same.   Stuart’s task was to take the time to meditate, to get out of his current thinking about things and open to his vision for where he wants to be.  Once that is in place then every action he takes and decision he makes can move in that direction.   In addition his energy will change from the current spin pattern and vibration to a new level that will allow and create change.

Susan, To Lead or Not to Lead

Susan is client who has a fast growing financial planning business.  Things have gone well for her up to this point.  She has been both a financial planner and a business owner though more of her time is spent managing her business.  This past year we worked to create a new organizational plan that would support the growth of her business, adding new financial planners, a lead CPA and Office Manager.  The goal is for Susan to step out of the day-to-day running of the business and move more into a leadership role guiding the values, vision and future of her company.   Susan is set in her ways.   She does not like managing the day-to-day operations but it is familiar to her and she has done it for a long time.  Being the leader is a new role, unfamiliar and uncomfortable.  To be a leader means to change her energy from the lower chakras (busy doing) to the upper, setting the tone, owning the crown chakra (leadership).

Susan is at a crossroads.  She is resisting creating a business development plan, a financial plan, a marketing plan, etc.  All the tasks of the leader in a business must do. It is her choice.   Her business is growing but will not sustain without a strong leader.  We will see if she can make this change in her space for the New Year.

 Your Vision

What is your vision of 2014?  How does your energy have to change?  Getting out of routines, habits and becoming more self-aware are the starting points for real change.  It is often the case that we cannot see where we are stuck.  Working with a coach is a great way to have someone on your side who can show you what you cannot see.  To work with a coach you must be willing to receive honest communication then be willing to change.  It may not always be easy but it will be enormously helpful in achieving your vision of success.

What is your choice for the New Year? Same old, same old or something new?

Best wishes on your success in 2014,


Coaching for Business Owners and Professionals

Goal Not Happening

What goal is still not being achieved?  What part of your vision is not manifesting? This is frustrating when we are achieving goals and manifesting our vision in all areas except here.  If there was a logical solution you would have found it by now so let’s take an intuitive approach.  What is it within you that’s in the way?   Knowing that thoughts are creative, as are emotions, find out what you believe.

dreamstimefree_138882 Karen, Attorney at Law

One of my clients is an attorney with a fast growing practice.   Karen decided to change from having a law practice to having a law business.  We worked together to make this shift. This means she is more than an attorney.  She is a business owner. With the enthusiasm of this change Karen brought in many new clients and was in heaven.   After the glow (high energy) of this change wore off Karen started to hit a wall.  She was not meeting her financial targets and began to doubt herself.

On the face of it, she was doing all the right things so what happened?  Karen is self-aware so she knew to look within.   Karen found that at her core she believed that she could not run a business that she was just an attorney.  There are lots of reasons for this limited belief but more importantly Karen found it was her own thinking that was putting on the brakes.  Armed with this awareness she became determined to release the limiting thoughts and hold her vision to create a successful law business.  And she is.

Confident business womanSarah, Realtor

Sarah is a realtor.  She is young and would like a family but sincerely believes that if she wants to be successful in her career it will take all her time, hard work and attention.  This means she will have to put off her vision for being married.  When she told this to me I asked her why she was creating her reality this way.  It was precisely what she did not want to happen but believed it firmly.   I asked Sarah if she could imagine being a successful realtor, having a relationship and being married.   Sarah looked surprised.  She had spent so much of her time struggling with her own thinking that said either/or that she did not even consider the possibility of having both.   When Sarah realized it was her own thinking in her way it changed everything for her.

dreamstimefree_129031Max, Bakery owner

Max owns a bakery.  He works 24/7 or so it feels that way.  When Max called me he was at his wit’s end and about to give up his store.  I asked him the same question.  Why are you creating your business this way?  Can you imagine another way?  With that Max came up with a list of reasons: can’t find good help, can’t trust others to do it as well as he can, can’t afford to hire enough people, etc.  His list was long.  Knowing that thoughts are creative I asked Max why he chose to hold these thoughts as the basis for his business.  These beliefs will destroy his business.  Max never considered that he was the cause of his unhappiness and was not familiar with the notion that thoughts are creative.

Max was willing to try anything to save his business.  He agreed to learn meditation as a way to become self-aware, clear his thinking and create a new vision of success that more aligned to what he valued.   Max was able to imagine his bakery running successfully with the help of staff and soon after fired a handful of people who share his vision.  His business is thriving without him being there 24/7.

What About You?

What part of your vision is not manifesting?  What goals seem to elude you?  Now become aware of your thoughts creating this.   Clear your thinking.  Imagine your vision and goals manifesting.  Allow things to change and your vision to manifest.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

How are your thoughts in your way?

Change Required

dreamstime_4244380Success is not elusive.  Achieving goals is not a mystery.  Nothing is impossible when we can see clearly and get out of our own way.

What does that mean?

There are a few essential steps to assure success and while the basics are the same (know your vision, see it clearly in your mind’s eye and take determined action to move in that direction), I find that I add elements to this list for each person I coach.  It might be to:

  • Clear their thinking about _______
  • Change routine way of doing ______
  • Or wherever  else I see intuitively you are getting in your way.

Sometimes people can hear what I see and sometimes they cannot.  It depends on how attached someone is  familiar ways of being, doing or thinking.  We can be unconscious to ourselves.

If we want something new or different then change is required.  That change can be on a number of levels.  It could be a change in our thinking, our routine, habits, pastime ways of doing things and wherever we are set in our ways.

Working with business owners and professionals we name everything they do that supports their success and what they do that gets in their way.  It is fascinating to unravel this. Mostly we don’t realize that we are in our own way.  Our way of being is just so much a part of our unconsciousness.

The most common way that we get in our own way (and it is becoming more prevalent) is our attachment to email and social media.   A large part of our time can get lost in these two places taking our attention off our vision and our goals and placing it squarely on what others have to say, want from us or something that we find interesting.

The Keys.

  • Know your vision of success.
  • See it clearly in your mind’s eye (meditate on it because seeing is different than thinking).
  • Take determined action.
  • Then I add my suggestions specific to you. It may be getting focused because there is too much grabbing your attention.
  • You are multitasking and not achieving your goals.
  • Maybe I’ll see that you are really really busy but not achieving your vision of success.  Busy does not create success.

There are others ways as well but I would have to talk with you to know what those are for you.  You probably know some of them but not all because you are unconscious to them.

Most important is to know you must change!  How you are now, how you think, how you spend your time and the energy level you do it from is creating precisely what you have in present time which may be fine but if you want something different then your energy and patterns have to change.

How are you getting in your own way?  Know the changes you can make to support your success.

I saw two videos recently that for me show these dichotomies.  One is a dancer.  He reminds me to let energy move, let things change, lighten up and let go.

The other is much more serious report on how distorted our thinking can become.  How we can work without awareness. Here they are.  Enjoy!


Five Monkeys

Best wishes on your success,  Kay

Inspired Success Coaching and EMyth Business Coaching.

Focus on a goal – Create a miracle

GoalsOn my way to give a presentation today on “Staying on Track to Achieve Goals” I created a miracle.  One of the main concepts in my talk was the importance of focusing on one goal intently even if you are not certain how to make it manifest.

I took BART and realized I did not have the dollar to pay for my parking.  I thought about paying on my way back after I got some cash then feared I would forget. I decided to use the focus concept from my presentation.  I had to focus intently on my goal to make it manifest even if I was not certain how it would happen.

I went back down to the payment machines focused on finding a dollar to pay for my parking.   As I approached the machines I saw one of them had a dollar bill hanging from it.  My goal manifested!

Try it!


Inspired Success Coach

EMyth Certified Business Coach

Your Routine is Killing Your Success

RoutineYour routine could be killing your success.  I was taught to get into a groove or a good routine.  There is value in this if you want to truly keep the things as they are in your life.  From an intuitive perspective routine holds them in place.  It sets your thinking, energy and actions in a particular way so that your actions and experiences repeat with the same outcome.

Success or Change

Then there is your vision of success, goals you have and a change you want to make.  This is where your routine can get in your way.  When we want to create anything we don’t currently have then change happens and happens on a number of levels.

Set in Your Ways

Your thoughts, actions and your energy as they are now create precisely what you have and experience in your life at this moment.  If you want something different or you want a change then something – and perhaps everything – has to change.  If nothing changes then nothings changes.  I love the term “set in your ways” as a reference to people who have a certain way of thinking or acting. We know they are not going to change.  They are set.

Not Getting Our Goals

Well, in truth, most of us are “set in our ways”.  Some more so than others.  The first step to manifesting, creating or having something you don’t currently have is to get uncomfortable meaning get out of your routine.  Get out of your comfort zone.  What is amazing to me is how we stay in a routine or pattern even if it does not achieve the goals we want.  We do it because it is our routine and it is familiar even if it does not create what we want.  That’s nuts!  Actually that’s routine.

Change is Not Easy

Getting out of our routine sounds like a simple thing to do but it is not.  When I talk about routine I am talking about more than your schedule and what you do in your day.  I am referring to being conscious about how you are in body, mind and spirit.  How do you set your energy?  How are you in your body?  How do you think?


I have a new assistant.  Her last job was in an atmosphere where everyone complained, acted in self-interest and in competition with each other.  An awful work environment but not uncommon.  After working there for many years she got into a routine, along with everyone else, of complaining, having a negative perspective and approaching everything as a problem.  Why did I hire her you ask?  I hired her because she is smart, experienced, high energy at her core, works independently and was continually promoted.  My intuition said she  is one really talented young woman who got into a routine of negativity.   My office is set at a high vibration of creativity and success so when she started I noticed she approached everything as a problem.  When I pointed this out to her she did not know she was doing this.  She was unconscious to her routine.

Routines Get in the Way

Our routines can be destroying what we are trying to create and we are not aware of this because routines make us unconscious.  We don’t think.  We are not aware of how we are being in the moment.  We act and react automatically.  So the first step is to notice our routines, meaning our automatic ways of being in our lives and in situations.  Notice do you always feel angry when you are about to do a particular activity.  Change it.  What is your usual energy level?  Notice.  Change it.  To create change your energy has to be high enough.  Its physics.  Raise your vibration as the first change.  Enjoy everything.  If you cannot then you are in a routine of not enjoying. Change it.

Create Change

If you want something different than what you have then get out of your routine in body, mind and spirit not just once but moving forward.  Change your schedule.  Change your thinking about things.  Change your energy (attitude).  Raise your vibration.  Place your attention on what you do want rather than what you have or what you don’t want.  There are so many ways to change.  The most important are your thinking and your energy and starting now.

Get out of your routine and focus on creating your vision of success.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

Consultations available.

The World You Desire

Abstract with heart Welcome to the new year.  Every change in cycles is an opportunity to create.  In our culture we tend to say the new year is a time to fix something, make resolutions we won’t keep, to change ourselves in someway, etc. Another perspective might be to simply be more of who we are, to focus more on what is important to us and what we value.  It could be a time to create something new, to see everything as an opportunity and to take back our world.   It is a matter of perspective.  How do you tend to see things?  Do you see opportunities or do you become discouraged by what is?   This is free will and we all have it.  Your Choice.
Your Choice
What do you choose for the new year?  How do you choose to be in this moment and each moment?  It is so clear to me that it is time for a change in every level of our culture and our country.  Things have gotten off track, out of sync, etc.  We are watching people being discouraged by lack of shared values. From an intuitive perspective it is the ending of a cycle.
The Old and a New Cycle
A new cycle is beginning. The old cycle that controlled, based on competition, self-serving, me first, money at all cost, logic only, success above all else, hierarchy,war, ending which is why we are seeing turmoil in old structures (political and corporate).  It is not because they were bad it is simply a change in cycles.  The new cycle is about collaboration, cooperation, support, values, self-awareness, intuition,circles, peace, success, greater good, green, social responsibility, etc.
Where Are You
The ending of the old cycle and the start of the new begins with each of us acting in each moment from what is important to us and what we value, being conscious and aware of how we are being.  This influences our family which influences our community and so on.   As we build a new group agreement based on values we have always had within us then everything will change.  If we stay in the old accepted point of view we will be out of sync with the new cycle that has already begun.  Where are you?  In the old or in the new?   If you don’t embrace where you want to be you will be pushed by the energy around you.
Ending Violence
I have been very affected by the energy of conflict which has been part of the old cycle.  We can not simply accept a broken political system, countries at war, violence in our streets, being in conflict with each other.  It is a time for new perspective personally and professionally.   Voices of the old cycle cannot continue to control our world.    Voices of the new cycle do not control either.  They are simply authentic and clear.
Forget Resolutions – Make Changes
Rather than make new years resolutions try coming into present time with the new cycle.  Mediate and imagine in your mind’s eye  the world you desire.  Be aware of what is important to you and what you value then be that in every action you take, every communication you have and decision you make.  In this way you become part of a new year and a new age – personally and professionally.  Happy New Year.
Best wishes on your success in the new year,  Kay

Do Something! Make Something! Share Something!

TEDx SJ photo

This past weekend I attended a TEDx conference and it blew me away! Have you attended a TED conference? Go now and find one in your area. You will not be disappointed.

TEDx San Jose contacted NAWBO SF Bay Area (National Association of Women Business Owners) to see if we would sponsor the upcoming TEDx for Women. Though I had not attended this event before I saw it as providing good visibility for our organization and agreed to sponsor and promote the event. Have you ever heard the saying, “Just say yes!”?

As it turned out it was a great experience personally and professionally as well as for NAWBO. During this one-day event I heard and met ordinary people doing extraordinary things. I say ordinary people because they are just like you and me. The only difference is they think big and that nothing is impossible if I can get enough people in support of your idea.

The latest meditation series I conducted for business owners and professionals just was coincidentally on “Don’t Do It Alone!” No matter how strong, determined, independent, shy or focused we are it is not possible to manifest your vision fully on your own. It is simply not how the world works.

Let me tell you about a few of the people who I met. You can read about others on my other blog Women Achieving Goals.

Let me begin with a quote I heard that day, “Say yes to something outside your comfort zone.” The more times we can do this the greater our ability to experience who we are.

I met Super Sylvia, an eight year old who learned welding at age five then learned that she could make anything using this skill. Her enthusiasm for this was boundless. She now shares her passion for makings things on her WebTV show Super Sylvia. Her last words were “Go Make Something!” This was the best advice I heard all day because when we make something it stimulates our creative energy and self-expression in a way that inspires us. She also quoted one of her mentors from Myth Busters, “Failure is always an option.”

We heard Preetha Ram who created Open Study, a free online education for anyone worldwide. Seth Shostak, Sr. Astronomer from SETI who said in the next decade we will find a partner planet, have ability to live off Earth, create new levels of artificial intelligence and, of course, find extraterrestrials. Paul Bennett, IDEO’s CCO, whose company is trying to make being healthy fun, sexy, appealing and motivational. Bryant Austin, photographer, who takes life-size photos of whales! Jonathan Trent from the NASA Omega Project which is creating biofuel without competing with the planet.

I was most impressed by these two speakers. One was Jack Andraka, a fifteen-year-old boy who was so affected by the death of a friend from pancreatic cancer that he decided to do something about it. Currently the diagnostic test for pancreatic cancer is 60 years old, costs thousands of dollars and can only detect late stage cancer. Jack created what he describes as a 3-cent test that detects pancreatic cancer with nearly 100% accuracy in its earliest stages. His journey from an ordinary 14-year kid who knew nothing to making this discovery is nothing short of miraculous.

And finally, Adam Steltzner, lead engineer on the NASA Mars Curiosity rover. Adam spoke how people working together for a common goal, giving up their egos, making mistakes, being determined, including everyone’s perspective, etc. was the only way they could have created and landed a rover of this size on Mars. Think about this. The rocket carrying the rover traveled at 10,000 miles an hour. How do you slow it down so that it lands like a feather on Mars to protect the delicate equipment inside? They all cried when it landed successfully as did we listening to this story of collaboration.

At the end of the day I was reminded of something I tell everyone and now I am sure of it. “You are never too old and it is never too late.” I have added to this. “You are never too young and it is never too soon.” These are ordinary people with big ideas, a strong vision and the knowledge that if they could get enough people in agreement they could make it happen.

Each of these individuals had a very strong vision of what they were creating and that strong vision is manifesting in expected and unexpected ways.  Create your vision and share it.

Best wishes on your success,


If you can imagine it …

A photographer told me a great story of a surprising step she took in her business.  Kathy has a cute, quaint 400 sq. ft. photography studio.  She loves the look and feel of it but it has become clear that it no longer fits her needs.  It is simply too small. She needs a much bigger space but  feared she could not afford this.  Though she did not proactively look for new space she did none the less keep the idea of new space in her mind.  She thought of it often and imagined the kind of space she wanted, where it would be located, how much she would pay and all the details that described her ideal new studio.

Last Thursday she was walking in the area of her current studio and saw a For Rent sign on a store front.  She felt energy move through her.  Feeling excited and inspired she called the landlord and saw the property on Friday.  It was perfect, 1000 sq. feet, high ceilings, open space on a cute street with other small businesses.  She knew immediately this was what she had imagined.  It gave her chills to realize her vision manifested.  At this moment her concerns about paying more in rent were gone.  She could see her business growing in this larger space. Monday she completed the rent application and by Tuesday had signed a new lease.

Kathy is still aglow realizing that her vision manifested.  Her plan is to pay rent on both spaces in the short run to create a grounded move into her new studio. Her fears about money are gone.

Kathy’s story about her vision manifesting is exactly how we create.  The more aware we become of this ability the more we can manifest our vision of success.

Best wishes on your success,


If you would like to learn to create your vision of success just email me.

If it does not feel right…

One of my client’s is making a serious effort to double her revenue.  Claire was inspired by how easily she increased her revenue by 30% this year.  (She did use the word easy in hindsight.)  With this new goal in mind Claire developed a marketing strategy that takes advantage of all the new ways of marketing.  Most of this plan is out of her comfort zone so she looked for experts in a variety of areas to carry out her plan.

Claire is clear about her new marketing strategy.  She has done her homework.  Her task is to find the right people.  At first she was drawn to professionals she has used in the past and who are loyal to her and her company.  She thinks they could do some of it including her sister who is a professional writer.  Recently a PR expert at a networking event approached Claire.  She agreed to hear what she had to offer.   Finally she received recommendations from myself and other trusted advisors of professionals she may want to interview.

Before she began the process of finding a team she took the time to meditate on her vision of success, which for this upcoming year meant doubling her revenue.  She felt if she could not see this clearly then how could she navigate a team toward this goal.  Claire meditated until she cleared her thinking and could see clearly doubling her revenue.  She then meditated and imagined a team of experts who would help bring in new clients with specific demographics, a team that would work together, enthusiastically and collaborate to achieve her vision of success.

My task was to watch intuitively to see what was driving Claire’s choices so that loyalty did not trump skill and strong salesmanship did not talk her into something that was not a good fit.

As Claire sorted through her options, she used both a logical and intuitive approach.  She checked credentials, looked at samples of everyone’s work, interviewed writers, social media experts, PR professionals, graphic designers, etc.  Her most difficult decision came when her intuition told her not to use the writer and marketing person she used in the past.   This was not a logical decision.  She just felt intuitively that they were not the right fit for the level of growth she envisioned.   Claire did stay with her graphics team who are young, inspired and push her to think in new ways.  They stayed on the team!

The PR person had a strong presence and was very interested in helping Claire increase the visibility of her business but in the end something just did not feel right.  Claire found herself finding fault with the proposal, their communication, etc. then she realized that she did not need to find fault.   The PR company just did not feel right.  It was not logical. She stopped trying to find fault (logic) and simply decided not pursue this strategy at this time. It was intuitive.

Finally, she needed a social media expert.  This is a new and growing field in which an expert is not well-defined.  She decided in the end to interview three of the five people on her list of possible experts.   Her choice of the three was intuitive and she was correct.  In those interviews she found someone who described an approach that fit for Claire and how she saw her brand.

Coincidentally, immediately after Claire and I met to finalize her marketing plan and the team she would be hiring, her phones were ringing off the hook.  Three new-targeted clients called and scheduled appointments.  Claire felt that was a miracle!   From my perspective is was Claire’s vision of success beginning to manifest.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

Let me know if you would like an review of your marketing strategy from an intuitive perspective.

Achieving Goals Won’t Get You There

Getting your goals won’t do it.  When I began working with people some 20+ years ago I was all about goals.  I knew how to get people to meet them.  I had a strategy that worked. Over time I found that my clients were achieving goals and faster than they expected but complained that they were not satisfied nor any happier.

From an intuitive perspective I saw that they focused on achieving goals but did not have a vision for themselves.  What was the life they imagined for themselves? What was the bigger picture they wanted to create?   What did their goals have to do with that?

Since that time I  focus on making sure my clients have a clear vision of their life, work, health, wealth, etc.  I have found that once we have a clear vision then we can create goals to move in that direction.  That creates the next obstacle.  I observed that most people take their goals very seriously and perhaps you should.  I suggest that you focus on your goals but focus more on your vision.

Goals are a good way to direct our actions while not making them more important than our vision.  Let me explain.   Your vision is paramount.  Your goals are simply the actions you believe you need to take to get there.  It is your best guess at the moment.  Often our vision begins to manifest in unexpected ways and faster than we expected.   If we are so focused on our goals we can actually get in our own way and keep our vision from manifesting.

Often I see my clients get so focused on a goal that they do not see the opportunity in front of them. One of my clients, Tim,  is the Director of Health Care for a mid-west medical system.  He had a strong vision for his facility.  He created goals that included staff changes.  There was one doctor he wanted on his staff because he was convinced he would help achieve his vision.  He created a series of five goals that he felt he needed to achieve to bring on this prominent doctor and it would take a year.  Tim continued to meditate on his vision.   A week or two later another highly regarded doctor became available.  Tim could not see that this doctor would help him get his vision for the facility because he was so focused on the goals he had set.  I suggested Tim take his energy out of his goals and focus on his vision, that perhaps this new doctor is the way to meet his vision.  Tim meditated on this, cleared his thinking and realized would be the asset he needed.  He hired him.  Over the past month they have increased their patient population and brought new visibility to the facility.  Tim is well on his way to achieving his vision for the year in the first six months.

Create your vision.  Create goals too.  Notice how your vision is manifesting.  Don’t get stuck in your goals or make them more important than your vision.  Meditate.  See your vision. Constantly notice where you are and be willing to let go and be in present time.

Best wishes on your success,


Free Q&A each Monday at 5 PM Pacific.  Call (218) 862-7200  Access 299398.  Ask a question and listen to the conversation.

Manifesting our goals the hard way

Mandy has been working with me to make a career change.  She has a good job that pays well and is a leader in her industry but it is not what she wants to be doing.

When we created a plan to transition to a new career or an old career revisited she got cold feet and worried that she needed her current job because she couldn’t imagine actually creating a new career at this time in her life.  Mandy continued to imagine a change, made some attempts then turned around and tried to find ways to connect with her current job.

From an intuitive perspective we are always getting our goals until we decide that we are not.  Mandy never gave up her goal so I knew it was manifesting.  I also knew that her goal would manifest gracefully if she was proactive or not so gracefully if she was not.

This is not logical but it is very intuitive.

So her was her vision. Mandy wanted out of her job and onto a new career.   She could not take the steps to make it happen.  The only way for her goal to manifest in this scenario is to lose her job. That is exactly what happened.  She was laid off so now she has to create the change she desired all along.   She is getting her goal though not very gracefully.

This same scenario played out for Mary.  She was a top executive in a large organization, was paid well and had a lot of visibility but it was not the job she wanted.  Over and over again she decided to quit and each time she thought about it her company gave her a raise.  As a single mom she could not imagine quitting a good paying job so she stayed all the while visualizing her next step.  Her vision manifested when one day she was suddenly laid off.  At first she was angry then she realized that she had visualized a job change for a long time.

My best counsel is to take charge of the change you visualize because it is going to happen with (gracefully) or without your guidance (not so gracefully).

Best wishes on your success,


Join Free Q&A each Monday 5- 5:30 PM  1 (218) 862-7200  Access 299398.  Ask a question, hear insights  and listen to others.

Staying on Track with Your Goals for the Year

  It paid off to trust my intuition yesterday when I gave a presentation to a group of women business owners.  The topic of the presentation was “Staying on Track with Your Goals for the Year”.  It was the end of the first quarter, an important marker for businesses to evaluate how they are doing in achieving the goals for the year.  This is something you want to know early though many businesses neglect to take advantage of opportunity and regret it later. When you take the time now to assess where you are you can make adjustments, get unstuck and move forward to meet your goals.

Goals Not Being Met

As an intuitive business consultant I know that progress in achieving our goals is not always logical.  Some things move along nicely, one step leads to another.  Other goals languish on our strategic plan, list of targets or goals we have established.  I would guess that some of these have been on our list year after year. From my perspective, if there were a logical solution to unmet goals they would have been accomplished by now.  Sometimes what gets in the way of our goals can be determined more from an intuitive perspective than analyzing the problem.  This is where I started with this group of business owners and this is the approach I use with all of my clients.  Use your intuition.  Stop thinking and see clearly.

Vision of Success

I had them begin by revisiting their  vision of success.  The most successful people in any field are those who have the strongest vision.  I find that we are good at setting goals but goals absent a vision are just a lot of hard work.  So I had them write their vision of success.  Some knew it and felt good writing it down.  Others had never looked at their business in this way.  They had a business plan and a business model that guided their decisions but not a vision.

Now Determine if the Goals Fit the Vision

Once you have a clear vision of success then everything else falls into place. This is not logical but it is very intuitive.  With a clear vision, look at your goals to see if they now fit to carry out your vision.  If not then change them now before you get to far into the year.

A vision is different from a thought or a plan.  Vision is something you see in your mind’s eye.  You know and see what success is for you.  It is an intuitive ability to know for certain.    The best way I know to do this is in meditation.  Meditation is simply quieting the body and clearing the mind so that you can open to more awareness and to see more clearly.

Exercise: Try this for yourself.

  • Sit in a comfortable and quiet place.
  • Begin to quiet the body.  Take a deep breath and release all the tension and energy you are holding in your body.  Relax.
  • Now clear your mind.  Stop thinking and instead just be aware of yourself.
  • Be present in the moment.  Imagine calling your energy and attention back from where ever it is outside you.  Have all your attention right here in this moment.  Notice yourself and your immediate surroundings.
  • With your eyes closed imagine a red rose.  This keeps you from thinking and opens your intuition using your mind’s eye.
  • Meditate on this rose as you ask what is your vision of success.  Don’t think just imagine what success is to you.  Get to know this for yourself. Imagine what it looks like, feels like, etc.  It may not be what you think it is for you. Take a deep breath and let go of others ideas of success, “you should”, ego, etc.


It often takes several meditations to get clear enough so say that is it.  That’s my vision of success.  It feels right.

My surprise was how eager the business owners embraced this exercise and the insight each person got from their meditation.  I expected them to roll their eyes and want something logical, linear and practical.  That approach works too but when it doesn’t access the other side of your brain.  Be intuitive.

Meditation is essential.  We all need time to stop clear our space and our thinking so that we regain our perspective otherwise we make the wrong decision, don’t see clearly and get off track of where we want to be.  Meditate.

Next Step: Get your staff to buy into your vision.  Watch for this on another blog.

Best wishes on your success,


More information on meditation

Consultation achieving your vision of success