Why am I doing this?

cropped-standing-on-rock.jpgSo why am I doing this? Asking why is a good way to realign who we are with what you do. It does not matter if you sort widgets, work for a corporation or run a business. Knowing why you do what you do helps achieve your vision.

When we start we know why then over time, we get lost in the energy of the work, the challenges we meet and the routine of it all. Suddenly we are working hard and have lost the inspiration and connection to ourselves.

From an intuitive perspective, creating from within, based on who we are, helps us work in ways that inspire why we are doing what we do. When we don’t take the time to stop, to go within, release energy, clear our thinking and reconnect with who we are at our core then we drift further and further away from ourselves. When we drift away, we get lost in the challenges and the struggles. We lose our passion and are left with problems to solve and feeling unfulfilled.

Taking the time to stop, go within and reconnect with who we are at our core revives the passion within us. From meditation, we can reflect on the work that we do and reimagine it in a way that serves our goals and our lives. We know what quantum physics is  now proving, that we create changes in our reality as the observer.

You create. You can create the change you desire. Just take the time to stop, go within and reimagine why you do what you do. Find the passion and the purpose or perhaps change what you do if the current cycle is completed.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

What Am I Trying to Accomplish Here?

green grasTo be human is to ask, then ask again, “What is my purpose?”   I hear and ask this question all the time. When we feel uncertain about the answer to this big question then make it simple.  Decide to be on your path today. Being on your path in this moment is far more important and inspiring.

If you stopped, got out of your routine, took the time to get really present with yourself and meditated, opening to your intuition, not your logic, how would you decide to be on your path today?

We are so programmed to think, decide, know and figure out our path, our purpose or our life’s work that we drift further and further away from ourselves, from who we are at our core.

If you are uncertain about your purpose or feel a bit off your path then do not think about it. Do not try to answer the question.   Instead, stop.   Come out of all your thoughts about things. Stop thinking. Be present with yourself in this moment. Decide to be on your path today wherever that leads you. Do this intuitively. No expectation.

A good measure is to love each moment and the experience.

It could be as simple as changing your attitude about this day, your life today, the people you interact with, the way your approach each experience.   It could mean making different choices and placing your attention on things that matter versus things that do not and know the difference.

Rather than write goals for the New Year decide to live your purpose each day. You do not have to name it. Just be in present time. For this to work you have to get off the treadmill, out of routines, clear your thinking, let go of energy and be present.

Best wishes for the New Year,
