What is Abundance to You?

Abundance. Everyone wants abundance. For each of us, abundance means something different. To have abundance, we must see what that means to you and what it looks like in your mind’s eye.

Whatever we can imagine is being created.

Take time to meditate on your concept of abundance. Not other’s concepts. Take your energy out of others’ concepts of abundance. There is so much noise and energy programming about what abundance means, which may not be true for you. This programming causes us to strive for things that are not true for us.

Take time to clear your thinking. Get quiet. Meditate on a rose. That means to see the symbol of a rose in your mind’s eye. A rose is a neutral symbol and an easy way to open your clear seeing. Start with seeing a rose.

Now meditate on the rose. This keeps you from using your analyzer, which will not show you your truth.

Meditate on the rose. Ask the rose – what is abundance for me? Relax, release, and use your clear seeing. Gradually, you will become aware of what abundance means to you as you separate from other’s concepts of abundance.

Next, see yourself having it. Whatever you can imagine, you can create. What do you see? Can you see or imagine yourself having abundance? What pictures or energy are in your way? They are not true, so pull your energy and attention out of them.

Are there aspects of abundance you realize you cannot imagine and, therefore, cannot have? Release the energy so that you can have it.

Come out of those pictures you hold that say you cannot have abundance in one or more aspects of your life. It is not true, but if you are in a picture that says, “No,” then you are energizing that picture, which is manifesting.

Meditate frequently to see more clearly having abundance. Whatever you see is being created, so keep clearing your thinking and releasing energy until you see yourself having abundance in all aspects of your life.

Remember to focus on your own perception of abundance and align it with your truth. Meditate on the symbol of a rose to open your clear seeing and gradually become aware of what abundance means to you. Visualize yourself having abundance and release any limiting beliefs or energy that may hold you back. Keep meditating to gain clearer insights and write down your vision of abundance. Own it and take inspired action towards manifesting it in all aspects of your life.

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