Create a new story of the life you desire

open book of family story
The story of the life you desire

The theme for the annual retreat was The Story for the Next Cycle of your life.

In my work with business owners and professionals, my focus is on raising awareness that we create our reality.  The concept of stories is a good analogy.  We are always living a story we created.  Sometimes it is a story of what we have already experienced.   This story tells us where we have been but does not need to be carried into our current or future story.  We create our stories, and they manifest in our world.  Is this hard to hear?  Imagine that what you believe, the story you tell about your life and that you are living that story.

When we change our thinking (story), we change our reality.  Most often we just go from day to day, living the life and the story we hold in our mind and our mind’s eye.  We are unconscious to most of it.  We take things as they are.  It does not need to be that way.

In this year’s retreat, the attendees spent time coming out of the current story of their life.  They took their energy out of what is.  From here they began to imagine and write the story of the life they desired.  There were parts of their life they have now they enjoy and want to continue to have, be or do.  Then there are the parts of their life (story) they want to change, i.e., something they want to stop doing, someone no longer wanted in their story, something to add, or someone to bring in.  At first, it seemed fictional.    I had to remind them to imagine it all happening now and write it that way.  In a few days the more they wrote and talked about the story for the next cycle of their life, the more real it felt and the more possible it seemed.

We have a story now.  It is creating some of what we want and some of what we do not want.  We can change our story and experience changes in our reality.  Writing our story is not enough.  We must take new actions that support the next chapter in our life story and stop doing whatever is in the way.

If you are ready to change your life in some way, sit down and write the next chapter of your life as you want it.  Do not get lost in deciding if or how to accomplish it.  Just write it first.  Imagine it happening now. Meditate on it regularly even daily until you feel yourself bringing it into your reality.

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