Don’t Solve Problems

What if I suggested that you stop trying to solve problems? You would think I was absurd. What if I mean to stop solving problems? 

From an intuitive perspective, we create experiences through our thoughts, beliefs, and memories. Our lives reflect everything that is in us. In my work with business owners, professionals, and individuals, I note differences in how everyone views their circumstances. Some always seem to have problems to solve while others do not. Some spend their time and energy trying to solve problems while others spend their time and energy creating what they want in life. Their perspective creates everything they experience. 

 The way we focus our attention and energy creates how we see the world. A problem in our lives simply reflects something within us, our energy, or a belief.

In sessions with clients, I hear myself asking them, “Why do you believe that is true?” They insist that it is true as if it was true for everyone. When I say that it is not true for me, that is just what they believe to be true. They are stunned. The goal is to become aware that our life is a reflection of us. We each have a different point of view, and we can change it to have more of the life we want. 

When we experience a problem that we cannot seem to solve, we become analytical, create thoughts, and add energy to the problem. An old saying comes to mind, “Making a mountain out of a molehill.”  That is not meant to minimize more serious problems, but you get the idea.

Problems are a reflection of something in us. Rather than analyze the problem, stop thinking about it for a moment, take your attention off the problem and focus on yourself. 

Problems are not a coincidence. They are opportunities to reveal something. What if we took a different point of view? What if this problem is showing us something about ourselves? What if the problem is showing us what we need to change or stop doing to achieve a goal? That may not be logical, but it is very intuitive.

Rather than solving a problem, try another approach. Quiet your mind, go within, and ask yourself at your core (heart), “What is this problem showing me?  Is there something I need to change?”  Then listen. Don’t think.  This is an intuitive exercise of listening to ourselves and finding our answers within. 

Focusing on solving a problem puts our attention outside ourselves. That problem will reappear until we change something in us. When we focus on ourselves, we can create a change that gives us more of what we are looking for. Ask yourself, “What goal am I trying to achieve?” Listen to your heart and experience your ability to create the life you desire.

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