Cash Flow – Money in and Money out

Some have cash flowing in and out precisely at the level they desire.  What is the secret to their success?  Actually there is no SECRET!   We create and experience exactly what we believe or imagine.   Wanting easy cash flow does not create it especially if we do not believe it can happen.

Be careful what you believe. Thoughts and emotions (ours or others) affect our ability to manifest.  One of my clients is very capable at bringing money in but she is self-conscious about having more than her family so she manages to never has enough.

Money Coming In

Most of us spend time imaging ways to bring money in.  Our next step is imagining money coming in at the level we want.  Be aware of allowing money to come in from more ways than just hard work and effort. Allow the unexpected.

Money Going Out

The other side of financial havingness is having a strong vision of money flowing out.   Most don’t take the time to imagine this side of the dichotomy.   We don’t believe that we have full control of this or we don’t like the idea of money flowing out.  Why not?   We can decide to create a vision of money flowing out in the same way we can decide to create a vision of money coming in.  In fact, to have financial success our vision has to include both, money in and money out.

Enthusiasm for Money

Now notice your energy level.  Do you have enthusiasm for money coming in or is it a problem?   Do you enjoy money flowing out or do you resist this?   Your thoughts and emotional reaction to money in or money out affect your ability to create.

I Don’t Have ……

As a business intuitive I often hear business owners or professionals declare “I don’t have enough money for ……… or “I can’t afford …….”  They say it with such determination it is as if they are declaring this to the entire universe.  In fact, they are.  Be careful what you declare.  You are creating your business or career based on your declarations.   If you do not want something then simply say that.  If you want something but you cannot afford it right now then declare “I can have ….” then watch as the universe manifests in ways so that you can have it.

A Miracle

My client wanted a new highend expensive printer.  She could easily have declared, in dismay, that she would not afford it.  Instead she wrote this printer down as one of her goals.  A week later at a networking event there was a raffle for the exact printer she wanted.  Of course, she won the raffle.

Intuitive Meditation

Take the time to meditate.   Quiet the body.  Clear your mind.

Imagine in your mind’s eye money flowing in.  Use your intuition.  Notice your thoughts about this.  Notice your emotions.   Clear your thoughts and emotions that make money flowing in a problem until you can see your vision with enthusiasm for creating money.

Use your intuition to imagine money flowing out. Notice your thoughts about this.  Notice your emotions.   Clear your thoughts and emotions that make money flowing out a problem until you can see your vision with enthusiasm for spending money.

When you can imagine or see in your mind’s eye cash flow at the level you would enjoy then you are ready to experience financial havingness.  If you don’t believe this then you are not ready yet.  Keep meditating.  Clear your thoughts.  Release your fears until you can see clearly money in and money our exactly as you would enjoy.

Best wishes on your success!