Don’t think. Meditate.

dreamstime_man-meditating_5645730To meditate is trendy. Parade Magazine’s recent cover story states “Everyone is doing it” then mentioned the rich and famous that claim meditation is part of their daily routine. I hope that is the case because I agree. I cannot imagine not meditating, taking time to spot, set quiet, clear my thinking and get back on track. Meditation can be a life saver.

As a business coach and consultant, I urge all my clients to meditate and most do. I teach meditation, a style evolved from many forms of meditation, to business owners and professionals with success in mind. It does not matter what form of meditation you use as long as you take the time to stop, get quiet, go within and stop thinking!

Stand. Sit. Walk.

Most people sit for meditation. Some do a walking meditation. While I mostly sit, feet on the floor, when particularly energized and I cannot quiet my body enough to sit, I will do a Tai Chi standing meditation called wuji.

Tried to Meditate

The most common response I hear to my suggestion to meditate is “I’ve tried that.” Meditation takes practice. We are busy and always doing something. We think all the time. It is hard to stop. When we learn to stop, calm and quiet the body and clear our thinking, we finally begin to listen to ourselves.


We almost never listen to ourselves, which causes us to make poor decisions, head in the wrong direction or not change directions when we need to. Meditation helps us in body, mind and spirit. It clears our mind, connects us with ourselves and promotes wellness. Who does not want that?

Be Determined

Meditation takes practice, persistence and determination to get started. We have to change old patterns, routines and habits just to create the time to stop, sit down, close our eyes, take a deep breath and get quiet. It is an effort that is well worth it.

You Decide When & Where

The known benefits of meditation mean nothing compared to each person’s experience when they established a meditation practice whether it is five minutes, half-hour or hour each day. It does not matter if you do it in the morning, at lunch break or in the evening. You can find where meditation fits in your life and why you are doing it. I prefer the morning so that I start my day clear. Others prefer evening so that they can clear from their day. Some do both. I meditate before each client appointment so that I am clear and present.

I read about a successful entrepreneur who stopped every hour for one minute to meditate to make sure his thinking was clear. Everyone in his office knew this routine and honored it.


Once you start your practice, you will find how you want to use meditation to achieve your goals, personally and professionally. If I were to say one important thing about meditation, it would be to stop thinking.  Do not think during meditation. Just be present with yourself. Clear your thinking. Your next experience will be remarkable.

Let me know how I can help you establish your meditation practice. Meditation changes everything.

Best wishes, Kay

About Meditation

Forget the Future

????????????????????????????????????????The New Year has begun with thoughts of what we want in the future. Setting goals is our tradition and how we experience new cycles. The New Year is a hopeful and exciting time.

The New Year is also a time when we can get really off track by focusing on the future. Focusing on the future is one of the ways that we get in our way. Nothing exists except this moment so perhaps a better choice is to focus on present time.

It is our tendency to consider what we want, imaging it will happen in the future. Is that because we cannot imagine having it now? That is an important point. If we cannot imagine having it now why do we imagine we can have it in the future? Are we delaying? Avoiding what is happening in the moment?

Approach this New Year in a new way. Be present. Create what you want in each moment, not continue with your routine, or old ways of thinking and being. Take charge of this moment. Bring what you have imaged for the future into present time.

When you do this, you will run into yourself, your thoughts, concepts, programming and energy that makes it hard to create the change you desire.  This pain makes us put our goals into the future.  This year decide to let go of the pain in present time.

Be bold. Be courageous. Be determined. Grab a hold of yourself and focus in this moment. Learn to be present. To be present takes practice and determination as we typically dwell on the past and anticipate the future.

Be present now. Stay present.  More than that decide how you want to be in the moment and what you want to create. The only place, you can create, is now. Enjoy the New Year in each moment.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

Success Now!

LifeYou are in 2015 or should I ask, “Are you in 2015?” Perhaps you are still pondering 2014 or beyond. Maybe you are still solving a problem or experience from last year or before. I can create a long list, from an intuitive perspective, of all the ways dwelling in the past interferes with our success. Rather than overly analyze that concept, consider letting go of the past.

What would happen if you simply let go and focused on being in present time? The past no longer exists. You cannot change it. Dwelling on the past means focusing your life force energy there, depleting your energy in present time. It limits the amount of energy and attention available to create now.

All of this may sound esoteric though it is very real. When we stop, come out of our mind (our thoughts) and focus on being present, we immediately begin to feel different. We begin to experience change. The body calms down; the mind clears and we become aware of ourselves and everything around us even if what we have at this moment is not what we want going forward. We are more capable of making the changes we desire when we are truly present and not scattered between the past and what we want in the future.

If success is a goal, such as, dwelling on past successes or failures simply distracts us from creating in present time. The only place we can create is at this moment, present time. Take a deep breath and be present, really present. Call your energy back from the past. Be present.

Anticipating the future is just as ineffective. Knowing what you are desire is one thing, having our attention in the future and not the present keeps the future from manifesting. The only place we can create is at this moment, present time.

Focusing on the past, or the future puts what we desire on hold. We can only create in present time. When we are in present time, all our energy and attention at this moment, what we desire begins to manifest. It is a miracle.

Take the time to stop, meditate on being present. Come out of the past and the future. Enjoy creating in present time. Nothing is possible in present time.

Best wishes on your success now,  Kay

Meditation on Being Present

What Am I Trying to Accomplish Here?

green grasTo be human is to ask, then ask again, “What is my purpose?”   I hear and ask this question all the time. When we feel uncertain about the answer to this big question then make it simple.  Decide to be on your path today. Being on your path in this moment is far more important and inspiring.

If you stopped, got out of your routine, took the time to get really present with yourself and meditated, opening to your intuition, not your logic, how would you decide to be on your path today?

We are so programmed to think, decide, know and figure out our path, our purpose or our life’s work that we drift further and further away from ourselves, from who we are at our core.

If you are uncertain about your purpose or feel a bit off your path then do not think about it. Do not try to answer the question.   Instead, stop.   Come out of all your thoughts about things. Stop thinking. Be present with yourself in this moment. Decide to be on your path today wherever that leads you. Do this intuitively. No expectation.

A good measure is to love each moment and the experience.

It could be as simple as changing your attitude about this day, your life today, the people you interact with, the way your approach each experience.   It could mean making different choices and placing your attention on things that matter versus things that do not and know the difference.

Rather than write goals for the New Year decide to live your purpose each day. You do not have to name it. Just be in present time. For this to work you have to get off the treadmill, out of routines, clear your thinking, let go of energy and be present.

Best wishes for the New Year,


Missing Opportunities We Cannot See

Moments of a lifeI cannot tell you the number of times I have seen people miss enormous opportunities. They just cannot see it. As a coach for business owners and professionals focused on success, this is frustrating.


Elaine is a communications expert who has held many impressive positions, knows persons of influence. She has connections so why can she not achieve her one dream to have a TV show in which she features and interviews incredibly interesting people. Elaine loves people. She has an amazing ability to bring them out which why she knows so many.

My work with Elaine is to work with her to create her interview show. She seems so close to realizing this dream. At present, she is working as a consultant so she has ability to decide how to spend her time. Recently the owner of a small communications firm asked her to take over his company for three months while he took a break. Was she interested? Elaine agreed though running a business was not her skill set, so she wondered how this opportunity came her way. Elaine is a firm believer in creating a vision knowing that vision is always manifesting so how did this fit?

After she agreed Fred told her that, by the way, he also had a weekly TV show in which he interviews people so would she do that as well. Elaine became very uncertain, afraid, did not feel competent and wondered how she could bow out of this piece of the company.

Suddenly Elaine was unaware of her dream to do interviews on TV. It was as if part of her mind went blank!


Lori runs a growing company opening her third office this year. We have been working on growing her business so that it can run without her. Not that she intends to step out at this time, but strong systems are important for any growing company. The company relies too much on her and with the growth of staff things are getting a bit out of control. Lori was determined to fix this. One of her strategies was to create a practice management system that everyone could use to manage their time, their work, improve billing and more. Lori and her COO spend hours researching the options, bought one that turned out not to work for them so then purchased another system at signification cost. She and her staff invested hundreds of hours in setting, customizing and training. When they launched the system the expected period of transition from the old way of doing things to the new created some set backs.

I observed Lori placing her attention elsewhere as did her COO. It was as if the PMS did not exist. It was as if that part of her mind forgot about her vision, the investment and value to her business. She went back to her old ways.

Why Do We Miss Opportunities?

I could give many other examples of situations when we created a vision of what we want to happen; it begins to manifest, and we don’t see it. Why is that? From an intuitive perspective, there are many aspects. For one, we don’t have enough space to see clearly. When we have a lot of energies, people and concepts in our space demanding one thing or another we cannot see more than six inches in front of ourselves.

Secondly, when we create a vision we are creating something new, and it will require a change. Change is most often uncomfortable. It is in our nature to seek comfort so we back away. As we back away from discomfort in the process, we are also backing away from our vision. We cannot see that happening because we do not have enough space. We have lost our awareness.

What Can We Do?

So how do we not miss opportunities? It begins with being conscious, aware and clear. Taking the time each day to meditate, clear our space and refocus on what we intend to create is foremost. Without clarity, we lose our way, our direction and just work hard.

Next, notice how determined you are to achieve your vision. Some aspects of our vision require more determination (energy commitment) than others. How determined are you?

Finally, be in present time. Being present is the only way you can see in the moment what is before you. When we are not present, we are on automatic pilot doing what we always do.

Our vision and its opportunities are always right in front of us. Always. The goal is to be able to see them and take the opportunities.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

This Moment Creates

Abstract with heartDon’t blame anyone or anything else. If we step back, pay attention and become conscious of how we are being there is an answer. This has been said many times by many thought leaders.

Working with business owners and professionals focused on success for more than two decades I watch them create what they in front of them. My quick and simple observation, we create our reality. It is not rocket science. Listen to anyone talk about their day, before it begins, and you will hear and see what they have decided to create. They would probably not see themselves as responsible for what is going to happen, but they are. We all are.

Our thoughts about things create. The energy level we bring to our day creates. It is time to be mindful, to be in present time, observe and change it if we do not like where we are at the moment.

Most of us are programmed to create goals, have a vision, create a plan and all of that is fine but more important is how we are being in this moment because it is creative. We can have a vision of the future we desire for our business, our career or ourselves, and that is essential so that you are focused on what you are creating.

That vision stays a vision until we begin to change where we are. Where we are now creates what we have now so if we want something different then we have to change, a lot! When we begin to be conscious and aware of ourselves at the moment and create change starting here, we will experience an impact on everything.

Start each day by asking yourself these questions. The answer is not logical so do not think. Instead tune into yourself and notice how you feel, your thoughts about things and where you are focused.

• What energy level am I right now?
• Is this where I want to be? (If not, change your energy level to enthusiasm or above)
• What do I have my attention on?
• Is this where I want to have my attention? (If not, change your attention to something that serves your vision for yourself today)
• What do I expect from today? (Don’t think just notice where you are. You can change what you expect to align more with who you are and what you value.)
• What is on your mind or in your space? (Other’s stuff probably. Let it go. Clear your mind and clear your space.)

Decide to spend this day being mindful, conscious and aware, deciding in each moment of awareness to adjust and change to how you truly want to be.

Knowing how we truly want to be at the moment is not easy because we are so used to being another way, by habit or routine. This means creating change from within then watching that change manifest in your world.

Have a great day!

Busy or Successful

0399 Adobe ID 317ASP844-43339430Staying busy is easy. There is always something to do. Busy gets in the way of our success. One of our greatest challenges is to be strategic about our work.  What can be done today to will help achieve your vision of success?  Notice I did not say meet your goals.


Writing goals is easy. Writing goals that will move you dramatically toward your vision is more difficult. Goals that make a difference are thoughtfully designed to achieve our 3-5 year vision. In reality, we tend to write goals that are somewhat comfortable and feel doable. We unconsciously (or consciously) avoid writing goals that make us too uncomfortable.


In the end, we have a list of goals that may or may not move our vision forward, or certainly not move it significantly forward, because anything that would do that is VERY uncomfortable. How do I know that? If it were comfortable, you would have done it already.

 Hard Steps

The lesson here is, write your vision of success. Next write goals to achieve that vision. Now go back and write goals you did not put on the list in the first place. The hard steps. The high value tasks. Now plan to accomplish those goals first. Absolutely first. Do not  get distracted otherwise you will just keep busy doing what you enjoy or what is easy to do.

Meditation at the start of your day is a sure way to get clear and focused.  Here is a one-minute meditation that may help get you started or a five-minute meditation to be more grounded or use whatever meditation suits you.  Meditation is a way to focus on our vision.

To Do List

Each day decide on the three (no more than three and maybe two) most impactful steps you can take that day to move significantly toward your vision. I say two or three because we will spend time arguing with ourselves, delay getting started, etc., and it will be uncomfortable – but only at first.


The key is to be grounded in present time to focus on the task. This is the only way to override the pictures and energy that make you uncomfortable. You may be uncomfortable because the task restimulates an unpleasant past time experience, and others may have their energy and expectations in our space.   Maybe it is just hard to focus, or we simply don’t know how to do the task. It is a new experience, so we are uncertain, and we hate to be uncertain.  There are any number of reasons for being uncomfortable.

Once we are grounded, centered and focused on the task in present time we find it moves more easily than expected.

 Time Manifests

When we start our day doing random tasks, we never have time for the hard ones. But when we do tasks that are challenging, but will have the greatest impact then time manifests because we get out of resistance. As for all those random tasks that may be pressing, you will still have time for them after you finish the two or three most impactful tasks. Try it. It is a miracle.

Take the Time to Make Time


There is no topic less interesting than time management and yet I was recently part of a discussion on this.  Most of us hate the idea of time management and others seem to manage their time with no effort.  What if I said there is no such thing as time?  That time is simply a construct we create to organize our thinking.  There is science behind this concept but that is not the point of this blog.


On a practical level one person in the conversation did not understand why people have a problem with time management.  To him it is just about making the right choices each day.  For him it is simple.  For others they just know they do not have enough time.  Still others have the time but time flies without accomplishing what they intended.  I am sure there are other scenarios as well.

Intuitive Perspective

From an intuitive perspective each of us are programmed in our concepts about time.  Our thoughts are often unconscious and so they become a habit.  We react in the same way in relationship to time, each and every time.  During the discussion the organizer polled us on various questions related to time management.  Everyone answered and they summarized the poll.  Intuitively I saw that we would answer those questions the same no matter when we were asked, last week, last year, next year, etc.  We are each programmed to think and react to time in a particular way.


Working with my client, Claire, I saw she was overwhelmed with the idea of no time or not having enough time.  Granted it is a busy season for her but I noticed that her body was tense.  Her energy was tight.  She seemed stressed.  She was not behind in her plans for the day because it was early morning and it had not started.  I asked her about her schedule for the day.  It was grounded and clear.  She had a well thought out plan for her day.  I asked about her priorities and what she needed to get done.  Claire was clear and knew exactly and in what order she needed to do certain tasks.  So why the tension?  This question caught her off guard.  She was not aware of how stressed she felt then realized that when she thinks about her schedule and her work she reacts in this way in her body.  It is automatic and without thought.

This is true for most of us.  When we consider time management, prioritizing our work, creating a schedule and a plan to get things done we have an automatic and unconscious way of being.  What is that for you?  Is it the way that you want to be? Is it causing you not to achieve your goals or in the way you desire?

Multi-Tasking Distorts Time

I admit I am one of those people who can get tense if I am not paying attention.  As a teenager and young adult I was taught that multi-tasking was a sign of being very capable so I learned to do many things at once, to have my attention divided.  That way of being is very stressful on the body because it requires that you are never present with one thing.

A New Approach

Later I learned that being this way I was busy but not accomplishing my goals so I changed my approach.  Now I focus intently on the most important task first to its completion then on to the next.  This is a very effective approach for me.   I also noticed that though my actions changed my thinking about time and how I felt in my body did not.  I still felt like I was multi-tasking and not having enough time.  I needed to change this as well.

Real Change

Meditation is a great tool for creating change.  I knew my thoughts and reactions were unconscious, automatic ways of being.  In meditation each morning I take the time to stop, get quiet and go within.  From there I notice my thinking and change it.  I become aware of how I am holding energy in my body and relax, release until the tension is gone.  Next I decide how I want to be and feel in my body, in my work and in my life this day.  The idea of present time (this day) is powerful.  How do I want to feel and be right now then feeling that way in my body and changing my thinking to support how I want to be?  Some days it is easier to do than others but I stay quiet until I can make these changes because if I do not then nothing changes.

Next Step

What is your relationship to time and time management?  What do you want to change?  Changing our time management skills happens on several levels so just deciding to change is not enough.  Real change happens in body, mind and spirit.   So create a time management plan to change your thinking (mind) about time then take the time to meditate to create change in body and spirit.  Making these changes in some miraculous way creates time.  This is not logical but it is very intuitive.  So take the time to make time.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

Don’t Start Work Until

dreamstime_5775817We get up.  We go to work.  We work hard and don’t always meet our goals and more importantly our vision of success.  Getting things done.  Completing our To Do List is not important.  Are you surprised?  One of my clients told me that she has a To Do List that for her is everything.  If she does not get that list completed every day then she does not feel that she has accomplished anything.  On the other hand when she does complete her to do list she is no closer to being successful.

So what does this all mean?  It means we are not focused in the correct way.  Sure there are things to do but they are not your purpose, vision or intention of why we do what we do.  So often we become doers and lose sight of where we are going.  The rest of the title of this blog is “Don’t Start Work Until You See and are Focused on Your Vision of Success”.

Don’t Leave This Blog

As an intuitive Business Coach I recommend all my clients to begin their day with meditation.  I know half of you just left this blog because I mentioned meditation  but there is no other sure way to promote your success.  You won’t understand this until you experience it for yourself.  Meditation is simply a way to quiet the body and clear your thinking so that you can regain perspective.

Busy But Not Successful

If you run off and start doing whatever you think you should do, the body will be energized and your mind buzzing on whatever is at hand  and it may not be the best choice to achieve your vision.  On the other hand if you start with meditation (quieting the body and clearing your thinking) how might things be different than starting our day from thoughts left in our head from the day before that have nothing to do with achieving success or an emotional reaction to something we experienced which also has nothing to do with our success.

Reacting & Stuck Thinking

So often we are reacting to what is on our mind or in our space instead of being clear about the actions can we take to move us further in our success.  Don’t just be busy.  Don’t be reactive.  Don’t get lost in your thinking which can take you way off target.  Stop.  Clear your thinking.  Let go of all the energy in your space then see clearly what is the next step and what can you do today to further your success.  Ask that question when you are clear and quiet.  That is the most important question you can ask and from the space of clarity.

Try This Meditation 

Find a comfortable and quiet place.  Allow yourself the time to do this well so don’t rush.  That is not to say it will take a long time.  It will take the time that it takes depending on how easily you are able to get grounded and quiet in present time.

  • Sit in a chair in a comfortable and quiet place.
  • Close your eyes. Take a deep breath and as you exhale relax and release tension (energy). Repeat as needed until you feel relaxed in your chair.
  • Be grounded.  Feel and see yourself connected deeply into the ground.
  • Be centered.  Bring your attention behind your eyes into the center of your head. Notice what that feels like.
  • Stop thinking.  Be aware of being centered.
  • Have your space.  Imagine all of your energy in around you – within arms reach.
  • Don’t be scattered or distracted.
  • Be present in the moment.  Notice yourself breathing.
  • Don’t let your mind wander.  Be present.

(Repeat until you are grounded, centered, have your space and are present in the moment)

  • Now meditate (imagine) your vision of success (personally and professionally).
    • See it clearly in your mind’s eye.

(If you cannot see your vision of success then do this often until you can because the things that manifest are those that you can see clearly.  Think of them as the blueprint.)

  • Once you can see your vision of success begin to notice any thoughts you have that argue with your success.  Clear and let go of these thoughts.  They are just your thinking. They are not true unless you decide they are.
  • Now in your mind’s eye see the steps you can take today to move you further along.  Don’t think.  Use your intuition.  Meditate and know your next step.
    • It may be an uncomfortable step, one that you are avoiding, something you resist, etc.  Decide to take it!
    • Take a deep breath.  Stretch.  Come out of meditation.

Do this everyday.  Each day you will become clearer.  Each day you will see the benefit of taking this time to be clear.  Also observe how each day goes when you begin this way.

Best wishes on your success,  Kay

Please share your experiences with meditation and success.


The World You Desire

Abstract with heart Welcome to the new year.  Every change in cycles is an opportunity to create.  In our culture we tend to say the new year is a time to fix something, make resolutions we won’t keep, to change ourselves in someway, etc. Another perspective might be to simply be more of who we are, to focus more on what is important to us and what we value.  It could be a time to create something new, to see everything as an opportunity and to take back our world.   It is a matter of perspective.  How do you tend to see things?  Do you see opportunities or do you become discouraged by what is?   This is free will and we all have it.  Your Choice.
Your Choice
What do you choose for the new year?  How do you choose to be in this moment and each moment?  It is so clear to me that it is time for a change in every level of our culture and our country.  Things have gotten off track, out of sync, etc.  We are watching people being discouraged by lack of shared values. From an intuitive perspective it is the ending of a cycle.
The Old and a New Cycle
A new cycle is beginning. The old cycle that controlled, based on competition, self-serving, me first, money at all cost, logic only, success above all else, hierarchy,war, ending which is why we are seeing turmoil in old structures (political and corporate).  It is not because they were bad it is simply a change in cycles.  The new cycle is about collaboration, cooperation, support, values, self-awareness, intuition,circles, peace, success, greater good, green, social responsibility, etc.
Where Are You
The ending of the old cycle and the start of the new begins with each of us acting in each moment from what is important to us and what we value, being conscious and aware of how we are being.  This influences our family which influences our community and so on.   As we build a new group agreement based on values we have always had within us then everything will change.  If we stay in the old accepted point of view we will be out of sync with the new cycle that has already begun.  Where are you?  In the old or in the new?   If you don’t embrace where you want to be you will be pushed by the energy around you.
Ending Violence
I have been very affected by the energy of conflict which has been part of the old cycle.  We can not simply accept a broken political system, countries at war, violence in our streets, being in conflict with each other.  It is a time for new perspective personally and professionally.   Voices of the old cycle cannot continue to control our world.    Voices of the new cycle do not control either.  They are simply authentic and clear.
Forget Resolutions – Make Changes
Rather than make new years resolutions try coming into present time with the new cycle.  Mediate and imagine in your mind’s eye  the world you desire.  Be aware of what is important to you and what you value then be that in every action you take, every communication you have and decision you make.  In this way you become part of a new year and a new age – personally and professionally.  Happy New Year.
Best wishes on your success in the new year,  Kay

Happiness is not coming

  Ben Bernanke, Federal Reserve Chairman, relates our happiness with progress of the economy.  If you are happy then the economy is progressing.  Which came first the chicken or the egg?  For each of us the answer may be different.

This month I focused my work (with clients, online meditations, blogs and webinars) on happiness.  We all say we want it.  We all long for it as if it was something coming in the future. Happiness is not coming in the future.

Happiness is an experience in the moment.  We cannot experience happiness in the past or in the future.  We can only experience it now.  So be happy NOW.   For most the immediate response is to think of all the things that have to happen first before we can be happy.  For example, you will be  happy when you have more money, a better relationship, lost 50 lbs. and a long list of other reasons.  None of this is true but that does not matter.  If we believe it then we make it true.

Interest in happiness has grown recently.  It seems to be more important as our culture evolves.  There is even a new specialty in economics known as happiness studies.   Though money does not buy happiness these studies have determined that the magic number is $75,000 annual income to be happy.  Less than that folks tend to be unhappy.  More than that does not mean you are happier. Interesting.

From an intuitive perspective, when we decide to be happy – in this moment – and we change our energy to the level of happiness in body, mind and spirit everything changes.  Happiness is a high vibration with energy moving.   As a result our ability to act and react to life changes.  We have a different perspective, can see more clearly and make better decisions.  We feel better in our body.   There are other changes we experience when we decide to be at the energy level of happiness.

Sounds wonderful but it is not that easy unless you are genetically inclined to be happy.  For most aside from happy experiences, the idea of just being happy takes some attention.  If we consciously focus on being happy throughout the day things are going to change.   Those changes may not be fun or easy.  Happiness is a high energy level, which hits up against anything in our space that is vibrating at a lower energy level.  It is like putting a spotlight on everything that makes us unhappy.  Then what do we do?   We can decide to stop vibrating at being happy because it makes us aware of places in our lives that make us unhappy.  Or stay at the level of happiness, allow things to change and commit to being happy.

The answer to this is your free will.  If you decide to go for being happy remember:

  • Be happy now
  • Be happy in body, mind and spirit
  • Be willing to let go of old thinking, energy and ways of being
  • Allow change

Being happy is a journey in self discovery and it is a change worth making.

Best wishes,  Kay

Business from the Ashes

Tracy is not my client though she shows up at every free event that I have.  I do not mind that but it does make we wonder.  Her story is one of giving up, stepping out of the energy of success then trying to get back in.

Twenty years ago Tracy and her friend, Kathy, started a business together.  They created a wonderful model for searching for the ideal staff person but even more than that they prepared people for those jobs.  Their model is proprietary.  It worked and brought them instant success.  Their business model allowed them to work together or with their own clients.  All was well and money was flowing in.  Their combined female creative energy was a fireball that inspired everyone they worked with.

Because Tracy is not my client as I only met her when giving a talk at a group of business owners I cannot tell what went wrong and it really does not matter.   Something I said and the growth period Tracy was in caused her to look to me for an answer.

It is now 20 years later.  She is turning 50 and her business is dead.  Tracy was desperate to know why and how to get it going again.  Frankly she needed the money more than she wanted to have a business.  My intuitive read was she had taken her attention off creating her business sometime ago thinking it would continue on its own steam letting her staff run the day-to-day work of the business.  She was wrong.

Vision of Success

A business is a vision (a picture) when energized by the owner becomes a reality.  Conversely when the owner of that vision (picture, business) takes their attention (their energy) off their vision it begins to dissipate.  I know you all are thinking this out logically but I am describing something that I see energetically.  This is why the a strong vision by an owner is so critical to the success of any business.

The only other way her plan would have worked is if there was a particular staff person who had a strong vision and ownership of that vision such that he/she would use their life force energy to manifest it.  This is rare though it does happen.  That was not the case here. Her business died from lack of vision and energy.

Tracy needed to get her vision back or create a new one then focus (energize) that vision.

Success in Past Time

When I offered to Tracy that she needed to get out of her house and back into the world and into her business, the pain in her space was too great.  She had pulled her energy out so much that she no longer has a vision of success.  When I suggested that she create a new vision of her company in present time she declared that was not possible.  She believed her success was in the model she created originally.

Tracy’s vision and energy are stuck in a past time success and she is unwilling or unable to create a new vision in present time.   When we have our energy of success in the past we are not able to create success in present time.  This is not logical but it is intuitive.  I saw clearly that Tracy has the ability to create success.

Creative Energy

For sometime Tracy let the energy in her body drop very low.  When you looked at her you could see the spark that was Tracy but her creative energy and life force energy were low.  There is no way to create from a low vibration so her next step was to get dressed, get out of her house and into the business world.  She knew this was going to be hard.


Successful people vibrate at an energy level I call havingness.  It means simply that they expect to have what they want.   They imagine it happening.  They expect it to happen.   Their vision is strong and they are certain.  Tracy had that when she created her business so I know she has that ability within her.  She is not at that vibration at this moment.   I suggested that she meditate to clear her thinking, see her vision of success in present time and get the creative energy moving.


When Tracy realized she could not get out of the low vibration, create a new vision, let go of the past and get back into the world she looked for support.  Tracy partnered with another company that does her work globally hoping that by aligning herself with a bigger company she would get the energy moving in her business.  Logically it sounds like a good plan.  Intuitively we have to have energy moving in our space to have energy moving in our creations so she still has to do this for herself.

Tracy’s next steps as I see them from an intuitive perspective are:

  • Get energy moving in her space.  Raise the energy in her body.
  • Get back into her business.
  • Create a new vision in present time.  Stop thinking and create a vision.
  • Pull energy out of her past success.
  •  Create in present time even if that means a new business model.
  • Clear her thinking.
  • See herself as successful in present time – raise her havingness

Tracy is a really good example of how we can lose our business then take steps to create it again in present time.  I do not now if she will decide to do this that is yet to be seen though I see her taking steps to see if she can make it happen.

Your story may not be the same as Tracy’s but if you are looking to re-energize your business or career these same principles apply.

Nothing is impossible and determination (focused energy) can change everything.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

Inspired Success

Get Out of Your Mind!

     The term “out of your mind” has negative connotations and yet I tell all my clients to do this.   Being “in your mind” can lead you astray.   When we are in our mind or thoughts we tend not to be aware in present time.  Our mind has the ability to create stories around our thoughts.  They are just stories but we think and act as if they are reality.  This is where we get off track.

Our thoughts are different from our logic. We use our logic to solve a problem, find a solution, understand a new level of information, etc.  This is very different from getting lost in thought, over analyzing and creating stories in our mind.  Knowing how to get out of our mind is important to having clear perspective, making the right decision, reducing stress and creating our vision of success.

A conversation, a situation, an experience can re-stimulate highly charged memories or emotions.  When this happens our mind replays old thoughts.  We begin to react.  Our reactions come from highly charged energy from the past and we begin to react, get lost in our thoughts, lose perspective, create a whole story around these thoughts, none of which are relevant in present time. This is different from being conscious and aware in the moment and responding accordingly.

The focus of my work is the success of business owners and professionals so I pay attention to thinking.  From an intuitive perspective thoughts are creative so our thoughts matter.

Imagine the Possibilities

Carol, owner of laundry business, planned to expand her business to three locations.  This is a big step and one she tried before.  When she attempted expansion five years ago she ran into so many roadblocks that she abandoned the attempt.  Carol had a choice this time around.  She could get lost in her thinking about everything that went wrong in her first attempt, create a story of failure in her mind and stop before she started.   She took another approach.  Carol used logic to create a new plan that addressed what did not work last time.  Her vision of this new attempt was clear, her thoughts were about the possibilities and she could clearly see and visualize the success of this expansion.

Thinking of the Roadblocks

Felicia, owner of a beauty salon with six hair dressers, wanted to expand by opening a new salon in a larger community close to many of her current and potential clients.  Her current salon was very successful and has been established for more than 10 years.  Felicia tends to get lost in her thoughts and fears.  She began thinking of the possible obstacles, remembering how hard it was to set up her current salon and anticipating things not going so well, i.e. the bank turning down her loan application.

Clear Your Thinking

It is not hard to tell which of these expansions will be accomplished from these two examples.  As it turned out they both succeeded.  Carol expanded her business with little effort and a great deal of success.  In our business mentoring sessions, Felicia worked to get out of her mind so that she could clear her thinking and create a vision of her new salon using her experience and knowledge.  She had to release the energy of the past including her fears and limits and be present.

Limiting Thoughts

Kathy, a lawyer, was looking to join a law firm.  She described to me the possibilities as well as the obstacles.  As she told the story that she had created in her mind, I began to laugh.   Her story was filled with limits and roadblocks none of which she had actually  experienced but they were what she feared.  I asked if she really meant to create the realty she was describing.   Kathy stopped and looked surprised by my question.  She did not realize she was telling a story based on thoughts in her mind.  With this awareness Kathy was able to clear her thinking, get out of her mind and created a new vision of the possibilities.

Be Real in Present Time

Success comes from being conscious and aware of what is real in the moment, clearing our thinking, getting out of our mind, creating a strong and clear vision of success.

Take one day and notice your thinking about everything during that day. Notice the stories you create in your mind.  Notice how you react. Be amused by what you notice.  Change your thinking to change your reality. Get out of your mind and be grounded in present time.

Best wishes on your success,


Learn more about Inspired Success

Do you have your clients attention?

When meeting with a potential client notice if you have their full attention or is it elsewhere?  I attended a meeting with one of my clients to read the energy and keep the meeting grounded.  Fred is a producer.   He works to develop relationships with national and international ad agencies.   One of those agencies asked to meet with Fred and his creative partners to discuss a project.  They wanted to know how the technologies Fred used on other projects might make theirs go viral.

Taking Time to Be Present

Fred met with his creative partners a half-hour before the meeting with the potential client to set the energy for the meeting, to be grounded in their agreement and to have a clear vision of the outcome they wanted.

What happens when your potential client is spaced out?

The ad agency producer, Paul, came to the meeting with an art director, Sam.  I noticed right off that the producer was not present.  His attention was elsewhere.  The task was to find a way to bring Paul’s attention and awareness fully into this meeting. No one had met Paul or Same  before so this gave the opportunity for introductions with hopes this would bring his attention to the meeting.  This did not do the trick.  I kept saying hello to him asking about his role at the agency and his clients.  That did not do the trick either.  He answered my question but his attention was still distracted.  His gaze was not at us but “out there” somewhere.

Staying present when others are “spaced out” or not focused in the moment is hard but important to keeping the conversation grounded.  So Fred paid attention to staying present.

The Importance of Being Present

It was important that Fred and his team have a grounded and clear communication with this potential client if he wanted any chance of securing this contract.  Fred turned his attention to Sam, the art director, and noticed that he was focused and enthusiastic to have the conversation.  It was clear that Sam would be the client at this meeting.

The creative discussion went well.  I noticed that Paul’s attention slowly came into the room.  I could see that he had a lot of energy in his space that made it hard for him to be focused in the moment.  By the end of the discussion Paul’s attention was more with us but part of his attention was still outside on something else.

Getting Present

We knew Paul had to be present and aware of what was going on and so the challenge was how to make that happen.  Fred suggested that they move onto the creative floor and see examples of the technologies the team had developed.  Getting Paul moving and focusing his attention in this way did the trick. Fred got his attention, as Paul is clearly a guy who is at his best doing the work rather talking about it.

In the end Paul and Sam got a clear understanding of what was possible from Fred’s team and invited a proposal and a bid on the project.

Every business owner knows the importance of making an impression on that very first contact.   That impression depends not only on what the business owner or staff present but also on the space of the potential client to hear and receive the presentation.

Taking the time to make sure that you and your team are grounded and have a clear vision before the presentation is the first step.  Being aware of your potential client and the space they are in is also important.   Finding a way to bring their attention and awareness into the moment will determine their ability to hear what you present.

I hope this insight will be of use to you in your next presentation.

Best wishes on your success,


Intuition in Sales – It’s all about you!

Taking Time to Meditate

A successful sale depends heavily on what’s going on with you!

Clients Are Intuitive

Your customers or clients are intuitive.  This means they are reading you, consciously or unconsciously.  What they pick-up from you determines whether they want to do business with you or not.  What do you want your customer or client to pick up from you?

If you had a fight with your secretary before meeting with or speaking with a client, the client may pick-up on this energy and suddenly feel like fighting with you and they are not sure why.

Perhaps you have the concept in your space or a thought on your mind that this client never buys from you so when they meet with you intuitively they pick-up the idea that they never buy from you.  That cannot help your sale!

Successful Sales

How might things be different if you prepared your space before you met with a client?  What could happen if you came into the conversation clear without any unrelated pictures or energy in your space that your client may pick-up on?

How might things be different if you were completely present, focused on this meeting and created a strong vision of the meeting going well?  I suspect the potential client will pick up on your clarity and feel confidence in you.   I suspect the client may also pick-up your vision of a successful sale and respond in kind.

Clear Your Space

Before you meet with a client or speak with them by phone take the time to meditate. Quiet the body and clear the mind. Notice your space.  How are you doing?  What is going on with you? Bring all of your energy and attention into the moment.  Don’t be distracted.  Release and clear anything unrelated to this meeting that is on your mind or in your space.

See Your Success

Now imagine the conversation you are about to have with a client or customer.  See it in your mind’s eye. Clear your thinking and release any limits or fears that may be in the way of you seeing the conversation going precisely as you would like.

Once you can imagine or visualize the meeting being successful then you are ready.

Watch for Part II of Intuition in Sales – Using Your Intuition during the Conversation.  This will be posted in one week.

Best wishes on your success.

Hey! Where Am I?

0032PhotonicaFor the most part we have our attention in the future, our plans for today, this week, this year, our vision of success and more.   Having a clear vision is a very important aspect of creating.  We cannot manifest without this.

Be in the Moment

The other aspect of creating is the ability to be in the moment.  When we have a vision we tend to put our attention and awareness in the future.   This tendency to be IN the future actually keeps our goals beyond our reach because we imagine them there and have our energy there.   In this way a goal will be forever in the future.

Achieve Goals Now!

To achieve our goals means to have a clear vision then be sure that our attention, awareness and energy are completely in the moment.  Our attention and energy in the future whether that means in the next moment or the next year makes us feel scattered or out of it!  This is a clear sign that we are not in the moment.

Intuitive Consult

As a business intuitive this is one of the most common areas of focus.  Intuitively I can see the effect being in the future has on my clients’ business success.  When they are not in the moment then their success is always in the future.  Jeff was a new client.  He was doing all the right things.  He had a great business plan, a sound product and good business sense yet his company was not taking off like he had imagined.  When I looked at Jeff’s energy intuitively I saw that 80% of his energy was in the future, in his vision and out of present time.

Using meditation I taught Jeff to be in present time.  This was quite difficult for him at first because he was so used to being out in front of himself.  He said it even felt uncomfortable to bring his attention into the center of his head.  After about a week of practicing being in present time his business started to take off exactly how he imagined it would.  Is this a coincidence?

Intuitive Exercise

I recommend taking time throughout the day to simply stop.  Take a deep breath.  Close your eyes.  Imagine bringing all your attention and your awareness into the center of your head.  In this way you become centered in present time.

Notice how this feels.  Notice how far out of it you are, meaning out of the center of your head and out of the moment.  Spend the time it takes to be centered completely in present time.  Use your intuition to become aware of where you are.   Repeat this exercise several times a day until you know that you are in the moment.

Best wishes on your success!

Manifest NOW! Why the future?

Now or in the future. Your choice!

Now or in the future? Your choice!
It is a mystery to my why so many of us imagine our goals happening in the future. From an intuitive perspective, the world manifests exactly as we imagine it. We decide on our goals then consciously or unconsciously we decide it will happen at some point in the future. And so it shall be.

When we decide that we want something now, we are creating a very different experience. Immediately our brain kicks in to analyze whether something is possible. This possibility is based on what we know and what seems logical. Achieving a goal is so much more than logic and logic can get in our way. We imagine something in the future when we do not have the brain power or emotional strength to have it now. Our choice.

So what is this pattern or programming to write goals and plan for them to happen in the future unless, of course, we don’t want it now.

I have observed many of my clients write goals and decide it will happen in the future not because they want it then but because they simply can’t imagine it happening now. Deciding to have it in the future is their response to not being able to imagine the goal happening now.

Deciding to have what we want now takes courage. We have to take a deep breath, commit and allow all the fear and uncertainty to be there while we focus our mind’s eye on seeing clearly what we want and how we imagine the experience.

The idea of goals brings me back to our ability to visualize and see clearly in our mind’s eye. If you want to have one of your goals NOW and not in the future, then try this exercise.

Find a comfortable and quiet place. Take a deep breath and relax. Stop thinking. Close your eyes and begin to imagine and see in your mind’s eye exactly what you want. Don’t think about it or how to create it. Just imagine experiencing it. See it. Visualize until you can see the experience clearly. In the process, you may have to release and let go of thoughts, concepts and emotions that get in the way of you seeing yourself having what you want and having it now!

Repeat this exercise as often as needed for your vision to be clear. Notice and be aware of subtle changes that begin to occur that are steps to having your goal.

As you approach the coming year, it is fair to create goals for different times in the year but don’t simply imagine a goal in the future out of habit when you really want it now.

To stretch your awareness about the concept of creating now read The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle.

Best wishes on your success,
