Nothing is Wrong

Upset woman

A simple explanation for why everything feels wrong. Perhaps you are not in present time. I know this is not logical, but it is not meant to be. From an intuitive perspective, when we are fully in present time we understand what is and decide what to create at that moment. When we are not in present time, then it feels like things are happening to us, and we do not have control.

When we are not in present time, we are mostly likely lost in thought, thinking and over thinking. Our mind and thoughts create stories based on our worries, our fears, complaints, judgment of things and other negative perspectives. The judging mind is different from our creative mind that works with us to create otherwise we are in our judging mind.

These perspectives on the mind and our thinking may be new to you, and perhaps you never noticed how your mind works. We are always in it, thinking, thinking and thinking. It is addictive and habitual. When we come out of our mind and allow ourselves to be deeply present at the moment, our perspective on everything is different.

In present time, we do not judge. We observe. We decide and create. Accepting what is in present time allows us to see more clearly where we want to be and move in that way. Conversely, when we are in our mind complaining and judging where we are then we go more deeply into the circumstance we are resisting.

Because this is not logical, it is intuitive. Intuitive concepts are not understood by the mind. Intuitive concepts are understood through awareness and experience so try this.

  • Notice a problem you are IN.
  • Stop thinking about it and come deeply into present time. To come into present time focus deeply on yourself and what you are experiencing (not thinking) at this moment.
  • Once you are deeply present, then observe the problem. Don’t think about it or argue with yourself about it. Just observe it.
  • Observe the problem. Be intuitive. Imagine pulling yourself out of the problem. See it as something you can observe.
  • Imagine pulling your energy out of it.
  • When you feel separate enough from it, then decide to allow it to be.
  • Take your attention off the problem. Focus on yourself. Decide how you want to be in present time and be there.

Learning how to come into present time when a problem presents itself creates the most amazing results. So before you react to any problem, give this a try then notice how you choose to respond in present time.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

Don’t think. Meditate.

dreamstime_man-meditating_5645730To meditate is trendy. Parade Magazine’s recent cover story states “Everyone is doing it” then mentioned the rich and famous that claim meditation is part of their daily routine. I hope that is the case because I agree. I cannot imagine not meditating, taking time to spot, set quiet, clear my thinking and get back on track. Meditation can be a life saver.

As a business coach and consultant, I urge all my clients to meditate and most do. I teach meditation, a style evolved from many forms of meditation, to business owners and professionals with success in mind. It does not matter what form of meditation you use as long as you take the time to stop, get quiet, go within and stop thinking!

Stand. Sit. Walk.

Most people sit for meditation. Some do a walking meditation. While I mostly sit, feet on the floor, when particularly energized and I cannot quiet my body enough to sit, I will do a Tai Chi standing meditation called wuji.

Tried to Meditate

The most common response I hear to my suggestion to meditate is “I’ve tried that.” Meditation takes practice. We are busy and always doing something. We think all the time. It is hard to stop. When we learn to stop, calm and quiet the body and clear our thinking, we finally begin to listen to ourselves.


We almost never listen to ourselves, which causes us to make poor decisions, head in the wrong direction or not change directions when we need to. Meditation helps us in body, mind and spirit. It clears our mind, connects us with ourselves and promotes wellness. Who does not want that?

Be Determined

Meditation takes practice, persistence and determination to get started. We have to change old patterns, routines and habits just to create the time to stop, sit down, close our eyes, take a deep breath and get quiet. It is an effort that is well worth it.

You Decide When & Where

The known benefits of meditation mean nothing compared to each person’s experience when they established a meditation practice whether it is five minutes, half-hour or hour each day. It does not matter if you do it in the morning, at lunch break or in the evening. You can find where meditation fits in your life and why you are doing it. I prefer the morning so that I start my day clear. Others prefer evening so that they can clear from their day. Some do both. I meditate before each client appointment so that I am clear and present.

I read about a successful entrepreneur who stopped every hour for one minute to meditate to make sure his thinking was clear. Everyone in his office knew this routine and honored it.


Once you start your practice, you will find how you want to use meditation to achieve your goals, personally and professionally. If I were to say one important thing about meditation, it would be to stop thinking.  Do not think during meditation. Just be present with yourself. Clear your thinking. Your next experience will be remarkable.

Let me know how I can help you establish your meditation practice. Meditation changes everything.

Best wishes, Kay

About Meditation

Vision From Your Core


Every year around this time we reflect on where we have been, create a vision of what’s next and a plan to get there. It is so easy for our vision to be too narrow, focusing on one goal or another and not the bigger picture of the life we desire personally and professionally.

We create professional goals separate from our personal goals.   There may be a disconnect that we do not notice from the logic of our mind.

Seeing that bigger picture is possible when we gain some distance about where are now. From an intuitive perspective this means literally to pull our energy and attention out of our current creations, successes, failures, problems, accomplishments, what we enjoy and what we do not.

When we can create separation or distance from everything that is we gain perspective and can see more clearly. There is one more step. Look at the vision for your life from who you are at your core. Being at your core happens easiest in meditation. Go within. Find a communication with yourself. In this way you can listen to your heart, your soul and yourself, asking where you truly want to be in your life. What is next?

Our lives are so noisy that we cannot hear ourselves. Focus is typically on something or someone so much so that we lose our ability to hear ourselves. We act and react to whatever is in our space at the moment. Reacting without thought reminds me of the adage that says we are like a couch. We wear the impression of the last person who sat on us. In order to know our truth about what is next we have to clear everyone and everything from our space. The goal is to be alone with our self, long enough to get back into communication with who we are at our core. Once there, we can ask questions about what is next.

Being able to hear our self is not easy. We have noise in our heads. We tend to think more than we listen. When we take time to be alone, quiet our body, clear our thinking, go within and ask a question about what’s is next, we can find our truth. The key is not to think but to listen. Listening to ourselves at our core takes practice. We are so programmed to think that we tend to do that automatically though the answer you are looking for comes in listening to yourself and the God of your heart at your core.

Before you create your goals and plans for the New Year, take the time to be alone, go within and communicate with yourself. What is your next step? Don’t ask the world. Ask from who you are at your core.

Best wishes for peaceful, happy and prosperous New Year, Kay

Lost in Anger or Any Other Emotion

hHow can we stay on track, stay healthy, feel clear and focused on creating personally and professionally?  Meditation makes us stop and pay attention to how we are doing and how we are at that moment.   We are the effect of so much, hold experiences in our space and mostly we don’t realize what we are being and that we can change.


Claire and I went to a long walk, something we do periodically.  From the onset, I could feel Claire’s anger.  She had nothing good to say about anything, and we had walked only five minutes.  I knew Claire was the effect of some energy in her space, so I intuitively asked, “How is work?”  With that the tirade came out, a long story of frustration with a local hospital as she tried desperately to get services for her client.  I listened and watched the anger in her space.  She was running the anger but not releasing it, which is sometimes the case when people tell the story.

 Energy In Her Space

Finally, I said, “So that is all the anger in your space?” Claire stopped.  Looked at me surprised.  She did not realize that she was running so much anger. When was the last time she meditated?  Claire admitted she had gotten out of the habit of meditating.  I then asked her when this episode occurred with the hospital.  Six weeks ago was her reply.  She had held that anger all that time, affecting all her communications with everyone.  Claire had no idea.  I asked how her husband was, “Oh he is too grumpy these days!”  Was he too being the effect of the anger in her space?   Whatever energy we hold creates our experiences, impacts our reality.  This alone is a great reason to meditate daily, to clear our space of whatever is rubbing us the wrong way before it creates more of what we do not want.

 Holding On

I walked with Claire two days later.   She was still angry and complaining.  I laughed and asked her if she had meditated to clear her anger toward the hospital?  No, she had not.  Hm.  What is even more interesting is Claire was so stuck on her anger at the hospital that it distracted her from her original goal of getting services for her client.  She had lost her perspective.


This happens to all of us.  An experience and the energy it stimulates in us can take over our space.  When this happens, we lose our perspective and have a narrow vision.  Everything after that is seen through the energy the experience stimulated in us.  Meditation is a way to get out of that energy, to see what we are being, to clear and get our space back.  Sound familiar?

Take the time to meditate. It makes all the difference.




Work Hard or Ground

dreamstime_5775817If you are not grounded then chaos reigns. Worse yet success is outside your reach. I was reminded of this working with two new clients this week. When we are grounded we are clear, focused and can think straight. When we are ungrounded we tend to be busy, doing what comes our way, that is simple to do, needs to be done but may not move us any closer to our success.

Two new clients this week are in different industries but in the same place with their businesses. They have been in business for a while, are working hard and making slow progress in their gross revenue. They wanted help, feeling overwhelmed, unfocused and without a plan.

As an intuitive, I look first at their energy. Are they grounded? From which chakra do they work? These two questions tell me a great deal about their business because our businesses are always a reflection of us. Scary but true so the solution begins within us.

Neither of them was grounded. They both operated from their third chakra (a powerful energy center) to work hard, react and respond to whatever comes at them. This is the opposite of being grounded, focused with a plan that determines where we place our energy. Sound familiar?

Both of them are smart, know their business very well but cannot get out of their third chakras (below sternum) and move into the crown (at the top of the centerh). The crown chakra is leadership. Because they work from their third, they do much of the work of their business. For a business to grow the owner has to be able to lead the business (crown chakra) and see the bigger picture, their vision (6th chakra) then communicate that to their staff (5th chakra) for agreement (4th chakra).

Do you find that their story is in some way familiar to you? To be focused, we have to be grounded. Try this today. It only takes a couple of minutes though you can spend longer.

  • Sit in a quiet and comfortable place (once you learn how to do this you can do it anytime and any place, eyes open or closed)
  • Close your eyes and relax into your chair.
  • Take a deep breath, exhale and relax.
  • Bring your attention onto yourself.
  • In your mind’s eye imagine where the base of your spine is (1st chakra)
  • Imagine where the center of the planet is.
  • Now imagine connecting those two points. You can imagine a tree trunk, a beam of light, a rope, etc. Any imagines that work for you to connect the base of your spine to the center of the planet. This is your grounding.
  • Take a deep breath and relax into your grounding. Feel grounded. Let go and allow yourself to be grounded.
  • Let go of whatever you are controlling.
  • Relax and feel connected to the center of the planet.
  • Continue to feel yourself grounding for as long as you want but at least a minute until you feel grounded.
  • Notice your awareness changes.

You can start your day this way. It helps to create focus. Then you can do this several times throughout your day, creating time to stop, ground and get clear again.

Stop and ground when you:

  • Find you cannot think straight or are having a tough time focusing stop and ground.
  • Find you are doing random things and not implementing a plan that moves you toward your goals, stop and ground.
  • Find yourself unsettled by something or someone and want to get your space back.
  • Have a problem to solve and want to get it right.
  • Want to regain perspective.
  • Are feeling stressed or tense.

There are a many reasons to be grounded. Make this part of your routine, and it will change everything.

Best wishes on your success, Kay


Back Off and Back Up

hWhen we push too long and too hard, we can get off track. It is so easy to lose perspective and move forward in ways that do not serve us. That is not logical, and many of you know it is true.

From an intuitive perspective, we are influenced and affected by the energies we encounter every day. Some of them we slough off easily and others stick with us and we feel ourselves react. These energies most often come from others, their opinions, thinking and reactions to the success we are trying to create. As we experience the energy of each person, it moves us in subtle and sometimes not so subtle ways. We don’t even notice or don’t pay attention how it alters our thinking and changes our energy. Now we are moving forward in a slightly different way. We are starting to get off track slowly over time. We become more controlling and our work starts to feel more difficult.

Meditation is a way to stop before we get too far off track. I see companies and individuals go from a great place of creating success to feeling like nothing is going right, or it is becoming too hard. This is not a coincidence. When things do not feel right that is the time to stop, back up and back off what we are doing to regain our perspective, but more than that to set our energy and vision right again.

Taking the time to meditate each day is a way to stay on track, maintain perspective,  to reset your space and energy. During meditation, you can clear, release and let go of whatever stuck with you from the day before otherwise it stays with us and begins to affect your decisions and actions. We get slowly off course.

Make time each day to back off of what you are doing, to stop and meditate. It will make all the difference. In this way, you do not have to control or be in effort. Your vision can continue to manifest and in surprising ways.

Best wishes on your success, Kay


How I Spend My Day

Cloud SmileysRealizing that I have two ways I can spend my day, I decided to pay attention to the result of each. How did I feel? What was my mood? What did I accomplish? What did I gain?

One day goes something like this. I get up early. Jump out of bed and begin my morning routine, get dressed without much thought, have my usual bowl of cereal while reading only the headlines on my iPad then I have a cup of coffee as I walk to my home office. I check my email and spend a lot of time responding to what I find there. Organizing my desk and taking care of the obvious To Dos on the top of my desk takes a bit of time as well.

Now I think about the most pressing, urgent, etc. issues. By the way, something being urgent or pressing does not mean that it was important. Typically it is urgent and important to someone else or something I must get done by the due date.

By now, my head is swimming with information from everything I already placed a moment of my attention. I look at my very long to do list that adds more thoughts to my mind. Then other things come to mind. I start doing things I don’t mind doing one after another.

The phone rings and my attention shifts again to that request and so my day goes. I am very busy, doing a lot of work, feeling tired, growing less and less focused. At the end of this day, I can say I was busy, did a lot and accomplished nothing!  I can say that I do not feel good about the results of my day.

Another Kind of Day

Another way that I spend my day, I wake up and lay in bed for a moment to gain my focus and perspective. How am I doing? What must I do today? What would I like to do?  What would help me to take a step to accomplish my vision of success? How would I like to feel today? With that intention, I get up and make sure that I am approaching each step mindfully. My cereal, headlines and coffee are still in the routine but I am more conscious about each step.

Look around my home, I put things away, clean up so that my living space is clear. Now is my time to meditate in a quiet, comfortable space. When I feel calm in my body, have cleared my thinking from the day before and set my space to enthusiasm then I am ready to create my plan for the day. I meditate on my vision and my goals. Where am I now and what can I do today that will have the greatest impact on achieving them? What am I resisting? What steps am I not taking? Who is on my side and can I engage in helping with my goals? With this clarity and feeling grounded I move into my office.

Clearing and organizing my workspace does not take much of my time. I do a quick and cursory scan of my emails, addressing only those that support my goals for this day. The others I will look at later. Now is the time to take on what I call high value tasks and make some magic. I know from experience that focusing on a single high value task to completion moves the dial that much closer to the result I want to achieve. The challenge is not to avoid the task just because it is difficult, pushes my limits or makes me feel uncertain. I take a deep breath, ground, center, focus and begin. It is amazing to me how a very difficult task taken one step at a time unfolds, opens up so that I can see the next step, then the next. None of the steps is as daunting as I expect.

At the end of this day, I am smiling, inspired, assured and energized. I can see the distance I have come. Now I am ready to close the door for the day. Collect up my energy from the days work.  It is time to play.

The first day I described I am justing going through a routine with barely a second thought, doing a lot and accomplishing nothing. The second day describes my way to taking ownership of what I intend to create and making it happen.

If you have ways that you spend your day that support, your vision of success, please share your thoughts.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

Never From NEED!

0032PhotonicaOne of the biggest mistakes a business owner makes is when they have a desperate need then makes decisions from that energy.

The energy of need comes deep within us in fear.  When we are in fear, all our energy leaves our upper chakras and our rational mind. Instead, our energy goes directly to the first chakra where we manage survival and fear. In some ways, this is helpful because it creates energies and physiological responses that can set us into strong action – fight or flight.
One area that commonly we may not have a clear perspective is the people we need to help us. When we hire from the energy of need, we forgo our intuition, hiring someone who can do the job without considering if they are a good fit for the company. Making decisions this way is always a disaster because we look from only one perspective – can they do the job. As we know, we need more than skill sets from our staff. The energy of need in the first chakra causes us to lose this perspective.  “I need someone who can do the job and I need them NOW!”  When we hear ourselves feeling this way we need to stop.  We are in fear.

Operating from the energy of need happens also when we have a staff person who is negative, bored, unhappy with their job, not performing well, causing disruption, etc. but we NEED them. When we are in the energy of need, we believe that we need them to do the job as if there was no one else in the world who could.  This is not true but when we are in need and fear we believe it.  Our life depends on it.   It is always true that letting go of an unhappy or unpleasant employee will improve your company no matter how much you believe you need them.

Hiring and supporting staff that support you and your vision are critical to your success. The common phrase, hire slow and fire fast, is one of the best pieces of advice I have heard. To hire slow gives you the opportunity to decide not only the skills the applicant has, but also how he/she feels to you and what your intuition tells you about how they will represent your brand and fit into the culture of your business. That same intuition tells you that someone on your staff is disrupting the energy of your business as well as the culture and brand you have worked hard to create.

When we are in the energy of NEED, it disrupts our decision-making and distorts our perspective. This blog talks mostly about staff though the energy of NEED can affect any decision that we make. When making a decision take the time to notice the energy you are making it from. If you feel that urgency in your body or the energy of NEED, take some time to step back, calm down, clear your thinking, come out of fear (lower chakras) to find a more neutral perspective (upper chakras).  It will change your perspective and you will make better decisions.

Best wishes on your success, Kay



Stuck on the Wrong Solution

HugTrust your vision. It is always manifesting – even when we get in the way. Just because our vision does not manifest in the way we expect does not mean it is not going to happen.   It is so easy for us to get in our way, lose sight of our vision and decide that we are not going to get our goal because of once circumstance or another. That decision is powerful and wrong.  Here is a story of one business owner who thought her vision was not going to manifest.


A business owner, Sara, called last year at her wit’s end saying she was going to close her business but wanted to check in with me before she did so. After speaking with her it was clear that she did not want to close her business. She just wanted and needed to change her role in the business. Sara’s next step was to move more into a leadership role and not be responsible for the day-to-day operations any longer. This is normal and needed step for the owner and the growth of any business.

Leadership Solution

When Sara called she was vibrating at the energy that her business was a big problem. Not so. Sara just needed to stop being CEO, CFO, COO, CBO and every other c-suite title you could think of. Her real goal was not to close her business but to position her business for sale and to find someone she trusted to buy the business she started. Sara wanted someone to carry on its strong reputation and tradition.

 A New Organizational Strategy

We created a new organizational strategy to grow her business.  We changed her role to CEO/President, made her accountant functionally the CFO. One staff person was promoted to CBO as marketing chief. Another staff person, Carol, was promoted to COO in charge of the day-to-day operations. Carol was also interested in eventually taking over the business. As an intuitive I did not see that Carol as strong nor committed enough to take over the business in the long run but Sara was convinced this would work.

Sara stepped back and let the Carol take over. It did not turn out as well as Sara had hoped and Carol quit within a year throwing the business back into Sara’s lap. Sara was devastated. Her disappointment was overwhelming. She felt like a failure and was unhappy that she was back in the role of CEO and COO once again.

Vision Still Manifesting

Sara called in tears. I had to remind her that she was still getting her goal of finding someone she liked and trusted to take over her business. That goal had not changed.  It was so clear to me intuitively that Sara was still getting her goal. It simply was not manifesting in the way she expected. She had pushed for the Carol to be that person. That was not meant to be. Intuitively I saw that Carol was not the person who could carry on the reputation and tradition of the business so it was inevitable that she would leave. It is not a mistake nor a coincidence.   That does not mean that Sara is not getting her goal. Quite the contrary. She just has not found the person who she trusts and who could run her business with the same quality of service the community had come to know.  Sara could not see this at first because she had too much energy in Carol being the solution.

Not A Coincidence

Not coincidentally the next day Sara ran into a Gail who operated an agency that was her largest competitor. Gail asked how Sara was doing and said she had heard that Carol, Sara’s heir apparent, had quit. Gail asked if Sara was interested in selling her business. Sara was blown over by this.


Even with this miracle appearing out of no where Sara was still stuck in the energy of disappointment about Carol quitting. She was so much in that energy that she could not see the miracle being presented.  Sara’s focus on the solution rather than the goal is something that we all do. By doing do so we get in our own way. We are unable to have a clear perspective and lose sight of the goal. Sara was so focused on losing Carol who she always believed was the solution that Sara had lost her perspective. Sara’s goal was to sell her business and to someone she trusted and who could continue the business in much the same way.  She liked Gail and respected her. This could be her dream come true. Perhaps this is the right plan for achieving her vision.

Notice for Yourself

Notice for yourself. Have you ever fixated on what you believe is the right and only way your vision can manifest? In your daily meditation take the time to pull your energy out of solutions, strategies, etc. to order to focus on your vision and where you want to be. Your vision is always manifesting. How you get there may surprise you.  Always take steps toward your vision and allowed it to manifest in unexpected ways.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

Start Your Day This Way for Success

Adobe ID 164ASP19151002Steve starts his day checking his email. It is easy to be lured into the computer, the latest news, an entertaining story, YouTube video, email, etc. I cannot tell you the number of people who let email direct what they do and focus on each day. Email takes up their time and distracts them from focusing on high values takes that create success. Yikes! It is so easy to be lured into a workday determined by email! The more engrained this habit becomes the less successful a person or business becomes.

To Do List

Frank told me his goal is not to read email or go near his computer until later in the morning or afternoon. His fears about what he might be missing have turned out to be unfounded. Frank has been able to break that addiction. Instead he focuses on his to do list first. Changing that one behavior has made it possible for Frank to focus on changes he needed to make in his business. That is a good step but that is not enough for real success.

Goals, Plans & Strategies

Gail agrees. She starts her day focused on the goals and strategies she wrote for the year. She knows how easy it is get distracted, for others to grab her attention, distract her from her plans, demand that she focus on their issue, etc. so before she begins her day she makes sure that what she has planned, the appointments schedule and her to do list will help her meet her goals. She is determined to have ownership of her time and to make sure that what she does in a day will make a difference in her success. Gail also evaluates if her strategies are producing the results that she wants. That is a good and important approach but it is not enough for real success.

Vision of Success

Charles starts his day reminding himself of his vision of success. Where does he want to be in 3-5 years? Then he makes sure that everything he does that day, in present time, will move him toward his vision. Charles is cautious not to get side tracked by the newest brightest shiniest object or idea. He knows what he wants to create and reminds himself of that before he starts the day. He sets his energy to a vibration that will bring him to that vision knowing that change is important. That is a great approach but it is not enough.

 Setting Your Space & Energy

Claire starts her day by connecting with herself. She wants to make sure that whatever she does, however she communicates and the energy level she brings to her day is aligned to who she is at her core. Claire wants to create success based on who she is and what she values. She begins each day with meditation, quietly going within, clearing her thinking, releasing the energy in her space so that she feels like herself, can see clearly where she is going, setting her energy to the level that feels right to her and regains her perspective. Claire knows that the intensity of her work affects her space, her thinking and perspective so she wants to start each day from a clear space.

 Start Your Day This Way

Each of these professionals or business owners has a handle on one aspect of creating success. If you were to begin in reverse order of how they are presented here you have a formula for success.

  • Start your day with meditation to get back to who you are at your core.
  • Take time to reflect on your vision of success and live that all day.
  • Review your goals, plans and strategies to achieve your vision. Adjust as needed.
  • Make a to do list that is limited to high value tasks that help you achieve your goals. Prioritize. Focus.
  • Finally, break your addiction to email and computer. Stop letting them control your attention. Focus on email as a tool you can use during your workday to meet specific goals.

Having control of our energy, our space and where we place our attention is important to our success. Begin to incorporate these steps and notice the difference this will make.


Best wishes on your success, Kay


Decision Making Is Overrated

beautiful thoughtsWe do not always have to make a decision.  We can make a really good decision or be completely off the mark.  While there is no science to decision-making there are ways to make them better.  We make decisions all the time.  Mostly we do not pay attention because the decision is obvious though not always easy.  We make most decisions without a second thought throughout the day in our personal lives and in our work.

Whose Problem Are You Solving?

It is always important to know when we do not need to make a decision.  Others may place their problem in our space demanding that we decide to solve a problem they have.  Knowing what is our problem and what belongs to someone else helps us in many ways.  That is the topic of another blog.  For this context knowing when we need to make a decision and when we do not is critical.  Knowing our goal comes first then knowing if making this decision is moving us toward that goal or distracting us.

Does It Feel Right?

Decisions based on facts, data, information, advice, etc. that make sense are made easily.  We have no doubt and decide.  Other times the facts, data, information, tell us one way to decide while our gut feeling says there is another.  While I never recommend that we make a decision based on gut feeling (second chakra) gut feelings are an important red flag to stop, step back and reflect because something is not right.  In general if it does not feel right then something is off.

Trust Your Intuition

Step back, check the information and take the time to separate your energy from the question so that you can gain perspective to determine why it does not feel right.  There is always a reason for this feeling.  If you know how to meditate us this to clear your thinking.  When we step back, calm the body, clear our thinking, clear everyone else’s energy and thinking out of our space then we can see more clearly. Listening to our intuition is an important to making good decisions.  How many times have we said, “I knew that would happen!” or “I wish I had trusted my intuition on that.”  This is hard with others are pushing you in a different direction.  Being in touch with your clear perspective and in touch with your intuition about the decision guides us in making good decisions.

Don’t Decide

Sometimes the best decision is not to decide.  I know that is not logical but you know what I mean because we have all had that experience.  When making a decision at that time does not feel right then simply not deciding is the best decision.  It is amazing how many things are solved this way.

Be Certain

The best decisions are those made when we are certain.  If we learn to step back, clear our thinking, release the energy in the body and the emotions, ours and others, then we can see more clearly.  Meditation is a good way to find perspective. Gaining clarity and certainty are the prerequisites to making a good decision then trusting your intuition.

Best wishes on your success,  Kay



You Created It!

dreamstimefree_138882Life happens and we act and react to what comes our way.  That is an atheist view.  What if every thing that happens manifests through our own thinking about things?  This is truer but hard to grasp because it is not logical though it is very intuitive.  The proof falls in line when we see ourselves.  Let me share a story of one of my clients who learned that her thinking about things matters.

Susan – The Failed Leader

Susan is a  new director of a large research laboratory.  Under her is an array of doctors each a specialist in their field. Susie called me because she was trying to bring her team of doctors together for monthly department meeting.  To date some doctors never came, others came and controlled the meeting with their own banter, etc.  She was frustrated, felt disrespected and that her leadership was not recognized in the way that she wanted.  When I met with her I could see clearly how she was creating this scenario through her own thinking.

No One To Blame

Typically we look outside ourselves for why something is not going well.  In this case, Susan believed the doctors were being arrogant, had their egos in the way, etc.  This was what she believed and saw the problem was with them.  From an intuitive perspective I had her not focus outside herself but to be aware that she was creating this reality.   I saw her thinking was in her way.  Susan could not imagine bringing the doctors together under her leadership and to work collaboratively.  She feared their egos were stronger than hers that they would run her over and disregard her role so that is exactly what she created and experienced.  At first Susan argued that she was not creating this because it was not what she wanted.

Change Others or Go Within

Susan came up with many suggestions on how to make the doctors come to the meetings, follow her agenda, etc.  These were possible solutions though intuitively I knew they would not work until she changed her thoughts and pictures about her relationship to her staff.  Susan agreed to a guided meditation in which she could become aware of her thinking and vision of the lab.

 A New Vision

In meditation Susan began to imagine the research lab operating in a successful, supportive and collaborative way.  When she became aware of her thoughts about this person or another being in the way she cleared those thoughts and created a new perspective.  Susan meditated on the monthly staff meeting imagining it in a new way.  She began to see her team of doctors coming together, seeing value in collaboration, sharing expertise and generally enjoying the time together.  As she meditated on this she became aware of how much energy she had in resistance to the monthly meeting herself and released that energy from her space.   She was also aware of her fear that the doctors did not value her leadership and cleared those fears.   We continued in this fashion until she could see clearly all the doctors being in communication and support of the success of the lab.

Everyone Is Intuitive

A couple of intuitive points helped Susan understand how she was affecting her ability to be a leader.  Everyone is intuitive and the doctors simply picked up on Susan’s energy  (fear and uncertainty) and reacted in kind.   They intuitive read her pictures especially the one about doctors not wanting to follow her leadership and so they did not.  From an intuitive perspective be aware that people pick up on the energy and pictures in our space and react more to that than what we say.

 A New Reality

Once Susan cleared her thinking and released the energies in her space, I had her begin to see herself as a leader with a clear working relationship with all of her team, leading, setting the tone, being in communication and having fun.

In this meditation Susan changed her perspective and energy about the lab, her staff and specifically the monthly staff meeting.  Not surprising Susan reported that everything changed immediately.  She found herself approaching her communication with everyone in a new way resulting in a new response from each person.  They seemed to sense her clarity and certainty.  All the doctors attended the next monthly staff meeting, and she led them in a lively and productive case discussion.  It was clear to Susan the change was within her.  The staff sensed her clarity as a leader and the change in her perspective.

Clear Your Thinking 

What surprised Susan was she did not have to make her staff change though that seemed to happen.   Susan understood that she was in her own way.  Her thoughts about her staff, her fears about her own abilities and how she saw herself as the leader were manifesting in her reality. That has changed.   Susan committed to regularly assessing the thoughts and concepts she has in her space and on her mind and to meditate to find this clarity.

From an intuitive perspective we create our reality through our thoughts, fears and concepts.  Change your thinking and watch your reality change.  If there is a situation in your life or your work that is not as you would like it to be then stop to see what your thoughts are about it.   It is never the other person or the situation.  It is always manifesting from within us so meditate because the answer may not always be logical.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

Don’t Start Work Until

dreamstime_5775817We get up.  We go to work.  We work hard and don’t always meet our goals and more importantly our vision of success.  Getting things done.  Completing our To Do List is not important.  Are you surprised?  One of my clients told me that she has a To Do List that for her is everything.  If she does not get that list completed every day then she does not feel that she has accomplished anything.  On the other hand when she does complete her to do list she is no closer to being successful.

So what does this all mean?  It means we are not focused in the correct way.  Sure there are things to do but they are not your purpose, vision or intention of why we do what we do.  So often we become doers and lose sight of where we are going.  The rest of the title of this blog is “Don’t Start Work Until You See and are Focused on Your Vision of Success”.

Don’t Leave This Blog

As an intuitive Business Coach I recommend all my clients to begin their day with meditation.  I know half of you just left this blog because I mentioned meditation  but there is no other sure way to promote your success.  You won’t understand this until you experience it for yourself.  Meditation is simply a way to quiet the body and clear your thinking so that you can regain perspective.

Busy But Not Successful

If you run off and start doing whatever you think you should do, the body will be energized and your mind buzzing on whatever is at hand  and it may not be the best choice to achieve your vision.  On the other hand if you start with meditation (quieting the body and clearing your thinking) how might things be different than starting our day from thoughts left in our head from the day before that have nothing to do with achieving success or an emotional reaction to something we experienced which also has nothing to do with our success.

Reacting & Stuck Thinking

So often we are reacting to what is on our mind or in our space instead of being clear about the actions can we take to move us further in our success.  Don’t just be busy.  Don’t be reactive.  Don’t get lost in your thinking which can take you way off target.  Stop.  Clear your thinking.  Let go of all the energy in your space then see clearly what is the next step and what can you do today to further your success.  Ask that question when you are clear and quiet.  That is the most important question you can ask and from the space of clarity.

Try This Meditation 

Find a comfortable and quiet place.  Allow yourself the time to do this well so don’t rush.  That is not to say it will take a long time.  It will take the time that it takes depending on how easily you are able to get grounded and quiet in present time.

  • Sit in a chair in a comfortable and quiet place.
  • Close your eyes. Take a deep breath and as you exhale relax and release tension (energy). Repeat as needed until you feel relaxed in your chair.
  • Be grounded.  Feel and see yourself connected deeply into the ground.
  • Be centered.  Bring your attention behind your eyes into the center of your head. Notice what that feels like.
  • Stop thinking.  Be aware of being centered.
  • Have your space.  Imagine all of your energy in around you – within arms reach.
  • Don’t be scattered or distracted.
  • Be present in the moment.  Notice yourself breathing.
  • Don’t let your mind wander.  Be present.

(Repeat until you are grounded, centered, have your space and are present in the moment)

  • Now meditate (imagine) your vision of success (personally and professionally).
    • See it clearly in your mind’s eye.

(If you cannot see your vision of success then do this often until you can because the things that manifest are those that you can see clearly.  Think of them as the blueprint.)

  • Once you can see your vision of success begin to notice any thoughts you have that argue with your success.  Clear and let go of these thoughts.  They are just your thinking. They are not true unless you decide they are.
  • Now in your mind’s eye see the steps you can take today to move you further along.  Don’t think.  Use your intuition.  Meditate and know your next step.
    • It may be an uncomfortable step, one that you are avoiding, something you resist, etc.  Decide to take it!
    • Take a deep breath.  Stretch.  Come out of meditation.

Do this everyday.  Each day you will become clearer.  Each day you will see the benefit of taking this time to be clear.  Also observe how each day goes when you begin this way.

Best wishes on your success,  Kay

Please share your experiences with meditation and success.


React or Respond: Success or Failure

dreamstime_5775817So answer honestly, do you find that you react or respond in most situations?  Perhaps you have not put your attention on the difference.  As a leader in your business, profession or life, it makes all the difference.

We all have energy in our space. What I mean by that is literally, we all have energy in our space.  This is the “charge” we hold from experiences whether positive or negative.  If I have an argument with someone it creates pictures and emotions – a charge in my space.  When I carry that energy with me and communicate to others I am most likely to react in a way I may not intend.


My client, Carol, told me the story of having a disagreement with her teenage daughter first thing in the morning. She left the issue unresolved and it bothered her as she drove to work.  Her first appointment was with a potential client and she worried about being late.  When she got to her office her secretary looked at her then seemed angry.  Carol thought that was odd because her secretary was level-headed and Carol was actually on-time – barely.  That surprisingly irritated her.  Carol stopped before stepping into the meeting, took a deep breath to make sure she was putting on a good front with smiles and enthusiasm.   The meeting started awkwardly and soon Carol sensed she was not connecting with this potential client.  There seemed to be tension between them so she stopped.  Carol acknowledged the tension and apologized for being distracted by an earlier argument with her daughter.  The client laughed and said, “So that is why I am angry at you and I don’t even know you yet!”.  Her new client intuitively picked up on the anger in Carol’s space and felt angry as well.  Hmmm.   Once the air was clear they started over at the energy level they both wanted in their communication.  He became her client but that is not always the case.

As an intuitive business coach, I asked Carol what happened that made her angry even before her argument with her daughter.  She dug deeper though for another layer to the story.

Reacting vs. Responding

This happens all the time.  We carry energy in our space and it impacts our conversations, relationship, decision-making, health, state of mind, etc.   When we react we are communicating through the energy in our space, the thoughts on our mind, the emotions that are stimulated, etc.  That is why I suggest we take the time to stop, clear our space, release and let go of whatever is on our mind or in our space so that we are responding from a space of clarity to reality in present time.  What is happening now and not how do I perceive what is happening now through the filter of the energy in my space?


Responding is important for leadership.  Being clear, without energy and baggage of other experiences clouding our thinking, makes us a better leader in our work and in our life.  So take the time to clear your mind and let go of energy you are holding in your space then step into your life and your work in present time.

Best wishes on your success,  Kay

Learn how to use meditation as a way to clear your mind and energy from your space.

The World You Desire

Abstract with heart Welcome to the new year.  Every change in cycles is an opportunity to create.  In our culture we tend to say the new year is a time to fix something, make resolutions we won’t keep, to change ourselves in someway, etc. Another perspective might be to simply be more of who we are, to focus more on what is important to us and what we value.  It could be a time to create something new, to see everything as an opportunity and to take back our world.   It is a matter of perspective.  How do you tend to see things?  Do you see opportunities or do you become discouraged by what is?   This is free will and we all have it.  Your Choice.
Your Choice
What do you choose for the new year?  How do you choose to be in this moment and each moment?  It is so clear to me that it is time for a change in every level of our culture and our country.  Things have gotten off track, out of sync, etc.  We are watching people being discouraged by lack of shared values. From an intuitive perspective it is the ending of a cycle.
The Old and a New Cycle
A new cycle is beginning. The old cycle that controlled, based on competition, self-serving, me first, money at all cost, logic only, success above all else, hierarchy,war, ending which is why we are seeing turmoil in old structures (political and corporate).  It is not because they were bad it is simply a change in cycles.  The new cycle is about collaboration, cooperation, support, values, self-awareness, intuition,circles, peace, success, greater good, green, social responsibility, etc.
Where Are You
The ending of the old cycle and the start of the new begins with each of us acting in each moment from what is important to us and what we value, being conscious and aware of how we are being.  This influences our family which influences our community and so on.   As we build a new group agreement based on values we have always had within us then everything will change.  If we stay in the old accepted point of view we will be out of sync with the new cycle that has already begun.  Where are you?  In the old or in the new?   If you don’t embrace where you want to be you will be pushed by the energy around you.
Ending Violence
I have been very affected by the energy of conflict which has been part of the old cycle.  We can not simply accept a broken political system, countries at war, violence in our streets, being in conflict with each other.  It is a time for new perspective personally and professionally.   Voices of the old cycle cannot continue to control our world.    Voices of the new cycle do not control either.  They are simply authentic and clear.
Forget Resolutions – Make Changes
Rather than make new years resolutions try coming into present time with the new cycle.  Mediate and imagine in your mind’s eye  the world you desire.  Be aware of what is important to you and what you value then be that in every action you take, every communication you have and decision you make.  In this way you become part of a new year and a new age – personally and professionally.  Happy New Year.
Best wishes on your success in the new year,  Kay

Inspired Success Bootcamp – Get out of your way!

Some do not achieve success because they simply get in their own way, back away from opportunities, resist change and don’t push through the energy to take crucial steps. I have coached business owners and professionals for 30 years and have seen so many stand in their own way.  My job is to help them get out-of-the-way, to be clear about their vision and use their courage and determination to push through the limits they believe are real.

There are many ways that we stop our success.  Each of these are addressed in upcoming blogs.  Today’s blog is how our thinking gets in our way.  When we believe what we think we make bad decisions, misinterpret information and head down the wrong road.  You are probably thinking, “How can that be?”   That is precisely why I am writing this blog.  We believe what we think.  To think clearly depends on having perspective.  We do not have perspective when we act and react to the current thought in our head which may not be based on reality.  This thought may come from a restimulated memory, an emotion, someone else’s thought. etc.   Our challenge is to continually clear our thoughts so that we can see clearly.


One of my clients, Amy, is an incredibly talented strategist and communications professional.  She knows everyone because she is that good yet she believes that her career is failing.  It is not but by believing that it is she is creating failure.  This failure comes from Amy’s thoughts about her capabilities.   These thoughts about failure are contrary to all facts.   Amy spent time recently with the president and his communications team.  She discussed with his communications team how they could use her talents to support the re-election campaign. With all of this going on and still her thinking about what is possible stand in her way.  Her thoughts are wrong but she is unwilling to give them up.  She is afraid to.  In my coaching I push clients to clear their thinking, move on even if afraid and create a new perspective that supports their success.  It is not always easy so I push and at times push hard which is why I fondly refer to my work as Inspired Success Bootcamp.


At times people confuse my push with their limits, get angry and not see the blocks they may have placed in their own way.  I was working with a client yesterday who I enjoy a great deal because he can see when he is stuck in his own thinking.  Jeff, a successful chef, jokingly refers to a boulder that sits in his way as a metaphor for the limits he creates and perceives on his path of success.   Sometimes he looks at how he can move around the boulder.  My question yesterday was can he step back and become aware of why he is creating the boulder to begin with.  He laughed because he always thinks he has to overcome things so it was amusing for him to ask why he feels he has to create things to overcome.

Recently he meditated on having the owners of the company not being so ever-present in order to give him the space to create.  He cleared his thinking and saw how this might happen.  It did.  He was thrilled then he laughed saying, “Be careful what you pray for.”  Jeff found that he indeed now had more space to create but he also had new responsibilities to oversee the whole operation with the absence of the owners.  He wonders if this is truly what he wanted.  I imagine he will meditate on this again.

These are a couple of examples of how our thinking creates our reality.   Take the time to meditate on your vision of success.  What are your thoughts about it?  Quiet the body and clear the mind so that you can become aware of your thoughts that are in the way of your success.

Please share your stories of success, what is in your way  or how you got out of your way.

Best wishes on your success.


Inspired Success Bootcamp for business owners or professionals.

Mistakes Can Support Success

Cathy was really angry with her office manager, Sara, who had made a mistake.  Cathy vented to me how upsetting it is for her when any of her staff made a mistake.  It makes her want to fire them because she cannot afford to have people make mistakes. I offered Cathy another perspective.

Cathy decided to grow her company by 30% this year.  We have been working on her strategy to do this. We have met with her staff and created a strong vision that everyone supports.  I meet with Cathy weekly and one or more of her staff every other week to keep everyone moving forward to meet this goal. Things are changing.  There is heavy new client recruitment and at the same time nurturing and servicing existing clients.  Big steps are being made to bring everything inline to support this growth, new messaging, updating their marketing, changing their internal systems, etc.

Mistakes –  An Opportunity to Learn

Knowing that with all these moving parts and changes mistakes are inevitable. I suggested to Cathy that she recognize the mistakes as adjustments to change.  Staff making mistakes is an opportunity to look more closely at some aspect of the company, train staff to be better at their job and allow staff to expand their skills into unknown or evolving skill areas.  Consider mistakes as a way to let your company grown and improve That is not to say that it is ok for an employee  to continually make mistakes without concern or attempts to improve.  That is another situation entirely.  On the other hand employees who are not afraid to make mistakes knowing that they will learn and will receive help or training along the way is a very valuable employee.

Hiding Mistakes

I have seen employees who are afraid to make mistakes and hide the mistakes they do make both of which hurt your company.  Employees who are afraid to make mistakes will not grow in their positions and will not help you grow your business.  Employees who hide their mistakes are an even greater detriment to your company as those mistakes are usually discovered after they have had a negative impact in some fashion.

Mistakes that Support Your Success

  • Creating a culture where everyone is knows and actively supports the vision of success is the first step.  Staffs who know you vision of success are an entirely different part of your team than staff who simply has a job to do.  Encourage staff to move outside their comfort zone to learn new skills.
  • Empower your staff to take initiative in their job in ways necessary to support the vision of success.  Ask them to offer creative ways to do their job.  They know things about their job that others don’t so encourage them to offer ways their role in the company can support its success.
  • Encourage staff not to be afraid to make mistakes and ask for support or training.
  • Allow staff to work together to find solutions. Staffs that buy into the vision of success are greatly inspired by working with others in the company to solve problems and find solutions.  That means trying something new and making a mistake along the way.  It may mean making a mistake from lack of experience but they are ready to learn.
  • Create a culture of support so that staff work in communication and collaboration and not judgment and competition of each other.  Set the energy of your company so that support, encouragement and cooperation are valued.
  • Notice your reactions to staff making mistakes.  How does your staff experience your reactions?  Take the time to meditate on this as a way to clear and let go of past patterns and thoughts but more importantly imagining a new way of being in reaction to mistakes.  How do you want to be?
  • Clear your thinking.  Notice your thoughts and reactions to mistakes.  Some of this may feel automatic and beyond your control.  Become conscious and aware of those concepts and the energy that comes with them.  Decide how you want to be.
  • Finally, do you allow yourself to make mistakes, take risks and get out of your comfort zone?  Do you hide your mistakes even when they are in plain sight?  They are always in plain sight.

Take a look at where you are now and how you want things to change so that your company can grow in its vision of success.  The team you have around you is the key to your success.  Meditate on how you want to set the energy of your company for everyone involved.

Best wishes on your success,

Kay Robinson

Business Consultant

Schedule a Consultation

Hurry Up & Find Your Perspective

I have written about having perspective a couple of times and I am doing this again because it is so critical to our success.  As business owners, every action we take, decision we make and communication we have impacts the success of our business.  Having clear perspective is important to each of these well.  In reality we all lose our perspective several times during the week.  How much we lose it and how fast we can regain our perspective varies.  It would be great if we could find a way NEVER to lose our space but that is not real so the goal is know when you have lost it, to be able to stop and regain our perspective really fast!

What does it mean to have perspective?

For me having perspective means seeing things clearly.  As an intuitive that means not only having a clear understanding in which we use our logic but also being able to read any situation and clearly assess what is going on and knowing the correct action or decision. Having perspective involves being neutral enough in a situation so that you can respond and not react.

Why does this matter?

You can answer this as well as I can.  When we lose perspective it impacts our staff, clients and our business.

  • Can’t think clearly to make a good decision or asses a situation
  • React to someone, to everyone, about something or everything
  •  Communication is off.
  • We make mistakes.
  • Loose sight of the goal or our vision
  • Are not ourselves.
  • Make decisions that are completely off the mark

How long we are in the space of loosing our perspective can be brief or quite long.  During this time we are on shaky ground.

What causes us to lose our perspective?

This can be caused by something personal or business related. It is simply something causes us to lose our space and our awareness.  We feel distracted or fixated on the one thing that is on our mind or in our space. The term space for me refers to being conscious and aware in the moment.

So what makes us loose our space and perspective?  It could be a thousand things.

  • We hear something that unsettles us.
  • We are overwhelmed.
  • Stress.
  • We interact with someone who makes us uncomfortable.
  • An emotion or memory gets re-stimulated
  •  An unexpected event knocks us off our center. 
  •  Someone jumps in our space with a demand.  They climb right into the center of our head so that we are no longer clear-headed.
  • When our ego gets in the way
  • Certain situations, people or projects cause us to lose our perspective

We each have a sensitive space and for each of us it is different.  Basically we lose our ability to be centered.  When we are not grounded and centered then our attention and awareness is off somewhere.  We are not able to see clearly in the moment.  I am working with one of my clients, Carol, who loses her space (perspective) when one of her staff disagrees with her.  Everyone recognizes when she has lost her perspective but for a long time she did not.  Carol still looses her space but now is aware of when this happens and has the ability to regain her perspective.

The goal is not to be perfect but more importantly to know when we have lost our perspective and take the time to get it back in that moment!  Recognizing when you have lost your space then having the ability to stop, step away and regain your perspective is the goal.

Knowing what triggers’ loosing your perspective helps you to be prepared, to be aware of not reacting, etc.  Awareness changes everything.  It is all about awareness

How do you know when you have lost your space?

It is so clear to me when one of my clients has lost their space.  Suddenly they are fixated on one situation, person or incident.  Everything is seen through that.

  • You can probably feel it before you realize it logically. You feel different.  You are not yourself.
  • Can’t think clearly
  • Can’t see straight
  • Can’t decide or are uncertain about deciding
  • Feel communication is off
  • Make mistakes
  • Resist someone or something
  • Are not ourselves

How do you regain your perspective? 

Having perspective means being aware in the moment.  There are many ways to regain our perspective.  I am going to offer an intuitive way.  Take the time to meditate every day or at the very least at the moment you realize you have lost perspective.

  • When you loose your perspective immediately step away.
  • Take the time to meditate.
    • Find a quiet place to close your eyes & bring your attention on yourself.
    • Be present.  Bring your attention completely into the moment.
    • Notice how you are doing.  What’s on your mind?  What energy is in your space?  Who is in your space?
    • Clear your thinking
      • Meditate on caused you to go outside yourself (loose perspective)
      • Open to your intuition.  Don’t think.  Just be aware.
      • Imagine releasing the energy, emotions, ideas, thoughts, etc., that are in the way of having perspective.
      • Imagine (envision) how you want to be with yourself, in your work and with others.
      • Meditate on what it means for you to have perspective and be there.
      • Continue to clear & release until you feel that you have your space back and have regained your perspective.

I recommend using meditation each day as a way of having a clear perspective and creating success.

Learn more about meditation as a business tool.
Best wishes on your success,  Kay

Loosing It! Then Finding Perspective

Losing It!

Loosing It!  Then Gaining Perspective

It happens.  We lose IT.  What is the IT that we lose?  We loose our perspective.  We are reacting to everything.  We are probably even overreacting to everything.   We cannot think clearly.

As an intuitive I would describe this as loosing your space.  When I look at someone who has “lost IT”  intuitively I see that they our also “out of IT” meaning you are out of the center of your head.  You are somewhere outside yourself and have lost connection to your own thinking and awareness.

Spaced Out

You know this feeling.  It is the same place you go when you daydream or “space out”.   These are all good terms to describe how you leave your center and are operating outside  yourself.  You could say this sounds nuts except that we have all experienced this.  It is not logical but it is very intuitive.

Set You Off

When we leave our center/ourselves we also lose our perspective. An incident or experience probably “set you off” and things are escalating from there.  When this happens we react to old thoughts, memories and emotions that are not true at the moment.   This is not a good time to make decisions or trust your thinking because it is all reaction and not a thoughtful response.

Unintended Results

So how do you get your space back?  How do you regain perspective?  From an intuitive perspective getting your space back is easy.  The hard part is being aware that you have lost it and that you need to get your space back before your reactions create unintended results.


First, decide to be aware when you Lose It.  Decide to find your space before you say or do one more thing!  Maybe that means stopping a meeting, leaving the room, not answering the phone, etc. until you regain perspective – meaning that you come back to your center.

Intuitive Exercise

Try this meditation.  Know that the goal it to be present in the moment in your center with your body calm and your mind clear.

  • If possible, find a quiet place to sit down.
  • Close your eyes and take a deep breath releasing all the energy in your space.
  • Let the body relax and clear your mind.  Stop thinking.
  • Place all your attention on your body relaxing.  Don’t think.
  • Have our attention in the moment.  On yourself.  Clear your mind.
  • Bring your attention into the center of your head, behind your eyes.
  • Take a deep breath and release.
  • Imagine bringing all your attention and awareness back from whatever set you off.

When you feel calm and clear you have regained perspective.

  • Now with your mind clear decide how you want to be at that moment.
  • Imagine in your mind’s eye how you want to experience the rest of your day.  Reset your space.

What Next?

Loosing our perspective happens.  If you find that it happens a lot then consider adding meditation as a part of your business practice because you are very sensitive to the energy around you.  Meditation will help you gain and keep perspective.

Share Your Thoughts

If you have any stories, questions or ideas to offer please respond to this blog.  Let’s talk about it!

Best wishes on your success,


Limited Thinking Gets In Our Way

Can you imagine winning?
Can you imagine winning?

In my work with business owners and professionals I learned that the single most common reason for not getting a goal is not seeing it happening, or only see it happening one way. To be successful, we have to know what we want, see it clearly on our mind’s eye, create a plan to get there AND allow a miracle. A miracle is the unexpected and something that “comes out of the blue.”

One of my clients was a successful Creative Director for an innovative Silicon Valley company. He recently decided to move on and create his own company. As with any new company development takes a planning, courage and a strong vision. He has all of that, AND he is in his own way.

Phil has a clear vision of his company. He has a great plan on how to start his vision. His downfall is his thinking about what has to happen to get clients, working capital and good staff. When I gave him an intuitive consultation recently, I saw business coming to him from four different directions that he might consider unexpected and out of the blue, opportunities he could not imagine happening. He was convinced there was only one way. He was unmovable. He was stuck. In his mind, it is going to take a lot of time to get his business going. I could see clearly, intuitively that was not the case. Phil will create his business exactly as he can imagine, pushing away other possibilities that are literally standing at his door. He can’t see them. His thinking is making him not only blind but also turning away from opportunities. Ah, free will …..

Another client is a filmmaker. She is filming an exciting project. In the midst of filming she decided that the project was not working. Sue was going to abandon the film before it was completed. Sue called knowing that she was reacting to something that she could not put her finger on. She felt she had lost her vision and the reason she was making this film in the first place. Sounds profound but it is a simple matter from an intuitive perspective. I saw intuitively bringing together her passion for travel, speaking other languages and filmmaking. I saw a worldwide interest in her film from thousands of people involved in the subject of the film. I saw support from hundreds of organizations willing to give time and resources to the project. Ultimately it depends on what Sue can imagine as possible. It does not matter if there are thousands of people and hundreds of organizations willing to support her; if she can’t imagine it then she is not aware that they are there. She does not see them.

So often we are limited by what we can imagine for ourselves. We create our own limits when we “can’t imagine it”. What limits do you imagine? It is important to know because your thinking and what you imagine creates what you experience.

Intuitive exercise: Take time and find a quiet place. Relax. Close your eyes. Notice a project or goal you want to manifest. See it clearly in your mind’s eye. Do not think. Begin to see or imagine in your mind’s eye. Imagine how it will manifest, how it is possible. Now open your awareness to other possibilities. What is “beyond your imagination?” Open your intuition. Allow other possibilities.

Thinking brings us one set of possibilities. Seeing intuitively offers other possibilities that are not logical. To be successful allow both.

Best wishes on your success!


Getting Back on Track

Man sitting, pondering, worryingThere are days, and weeks…. when all your hopes are shattered, something goes terribly wrong………….. You know what I mean. We have all had that happen once or twice. Over the years, I have observed the ways that we respond to these disappointments.

First it affects our energy. We are hit by the sudden realization or feeling that something or everything is not working. Our energy drops, and we stop breathing! We are confused as our focus is suddenly being directed another way. Most of us lose our awareness, perspective and space out when something like this happens. This is not a good time to make any decisions.

From an intuitive perspective, the first thing to do is ground, get centered in present time, gather up all your attention and awareness and focus within because a shift in our awareness is happening. This is the complete opposite of our first and automatic reaction. It is essential to find our space and to become clear to learn and grow from this energy shift.

The next intuitive step is to reset your energy back to where you feel in charge of your experiences. Someone or some energy affected your space and changed your energy completely. It is very uncomfortable to have our energy changed in this way. If we take the time to look intuitively we can see clearly what happened and what energy affected us so directly. It is never a mystery if you look intuitively.

Finally, you can decide to become the effect of the energy and let it bring you down, or you can decide to reset your energy a step or two above this destroy energy. When you reset your energy and take back you seniority, you can re-own your goals. You can decide to change the energy back to success. Being hit by energy can have a long or short-term effect. It is up to us.

Let me know if you would like to learn more about the intuitive tools or techniques mentioned in this posting. Try them and let me know how it worked for you.

Best wishes on your success, Kay