Success is not a mystery.

Push pin on success text
Success is not a mystery.

What I know about success.

The clearer our vision, the greater our success.

So spend more time dreaming and not all your time doing.

Focus time on actions that create success.

Do not be distracted by time thiefs.

Create a plan and act on it diligently.

Decide how you want to be in your life, work and relationships with others then be that.

Know how you are being in each moment.

Believe in your vision. Believe in yourself.

Create success with the support of others. Never do it alone.

See your vision manifesting now, not in the future.

Allow it to be uncomfortable. Change is uncomfortable.

Have enthusiasm for your vision of success. Stay focused on that.

Don’t give up on vision, yourself or others.

Success is not a mystery

dreamstimefree_2565706Some of what I write in my blog is logical and strategic. I love that way of thinking. Most of what I write is from an intuitive perspective with the goal to open our awareness to so much more than what our mind can understand.

In our culture, we are programmed to be logical about all things. I joined a conversation thread with a group of logical thinkers to interject an intuitive perspective into their conversation. They would have no part of it. Everything is logical they insisted. What I learned from spending time with them is their conversation centered on things that can be understood logically and shied away from discussions that were not. So in their world of logic that is all there was.

In this conversation with you, I invite both logical and intuitive perspectives. The challenge is to shift our perspective between the two in the same conversation. That is the challenge.

Let me offer an example.

The most successful people have a clear vision of what they are creating. Having a clear vision can be understood logically as they can describe their vision to you and you understand. It is also intuitive as they see their vision clearly in their mind’s eye, but even more importantly they see it manifesting. Successful people who mastered this include Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Richard Branson and others. With great enthusiasm, they created one success after another.

After working with business owners for years, I learned there is another way a business owner may approach success that produces a different result. Their vision may not be clear. Their vision is an idea in their mind rather than something they can see in their mind’s eye. Intuitively, we know that what we imagine (in our mind’s eye) is being created. So until they can see it, it is just an idea.

A next key element for success is feeling and seeing a vision manifesting already, in smaller ways at first then growing. They can see their vision manifesting, doing this with great enthusiasm and passion for what they are creating. In this way, they add their creative energy to the mental image picture (their vision). When we add our energy to a picture, it comes to life and begins to manifest in reality.

Those who struggle with success may not have a clear vision but even if they do, may not feel that it can manifest. Their thoughts and emotions get in the way. They see their vision as something they want. Wanting is the opposite of manifesting so when we are in the energy of wanting then we are left with wanting. Not logical but very intuitive.

Successful people do not let anything get in their way. They are determined and move effortlessly through other’s pictures or energy that is not in support of their goal. They effortlessly keep moving forward, inspired by and taking actions to support their vision.

The dichotomy to this would be to become the effect of other’s pictures or energy. Perhaps someone does not share your vision and tries to talk you out of it, and this stops you. Perhaps someone has a strong reaction to the changes you are making to achieve your vision, and their energy gets stuck in your space.

Our vision of success can get stuck when we get into effort or try to control  how our vision manifests. How a vision manifests is not always logical.  On an intuitive level, when we resist or control anything, we change the course of it. Our original vision cannot move in a tightly controlled energy, so it stops and whatever we resist begins to manifest instead.

My favorite physicist, Fritjof Capra, would describe this in an elegant, scientific way. His description of how our energy impacts our world are in his book, The Tao of Physics.

So where to go from here? Logic can be understood. Intuitive perspectives cannot be understood through logic. They are understood through experience. So try the following and notice the difference this makes in your life.

  • Spend time reflecting on your vision. See it clearly in your mind’s eye. Not thinking but imagining your vision. Do this often.
  • Feel your vision manifesting now. Be clear about that. Avoid the tendency to imagine it in the future. Challenge yourself to see your vision beginning to happen now.
  • Find your enthusiasm for your vision. Release any thoughts or feelings that say it cannot happen.
  • Change your routine and begin to act in a new way that aligns with your vision.
  • Do not control how your vision manifests. Become aware of the inevitable changes that will occur for your vision to manifest. Do not control them. Go with the changes, as not everything is logical.

Best wishes, Kay


Whatever You Imagine Is Being Created

Intuitive - Clear seeing

As a kid, I was self-conscious, not wanting to fail especially when others could see. Fear of failure was particularly evident in sports. I wanted to go on a group ski trip but did not know how to ski. I wanted to go with friends ice-skating except I did not know how to ice skate. My family planned to go water skiing with another family, and I did not know how to water-ski. Now you are thinking everyone has to learn and that makes sense except I could not tolerate not knowing, and the fear of failing was immense.

From that early age, I learned to visualize. No one taught me. It just seemed the only way. In all these sports, I had at least one experience trying and, of course, failing but I knew how it felt, so I started to imagine myself performing the skill needed for the sport. For example, I did this over and over then I would dream about skiing. When I could feel myself skiing in my dreams, I found that I could ski! This same technique worked for roller-skating and other sports. From there, with experience and practice I got better.

As I grew up, I used this same technique in other situations where I was not certain. Over and again I found that if I could imagine it, I could do it. Visualizing worked in college, in social situations, car repairs and more. It worked so well that I teach all my clients to visualize. Visualizing is not a new concept. Hundreds of studies have proven its impact. Thousands of teachers and coaches use visualization to develop their students, clients, and athletes. Some in the medical profession use it with patients to imagine their desired outcome.

Visualizing works both ways. We can imagine the outcomes we desire. On the other hand, if we imagine and dwell on the negative, what we fear and what we don’t want that manifests as well. Whatever we imagine is created. We can imagine a negative outcome just as easily as something we want.

Notice what you dwell on. Do not dwell on, imagine or visualize what you do not want. Don’t be too curious about someone else’s mishap. Don’t imagine what that was life for them so that you do not create it for yourself.

The essence is to focus your mind’s eye. Focus on manifesting what you do want. Keep your mind clear and your attention off any negative thoughts. Create your vision of success, be certain and take steps in present time to move in that direction.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

Your Power to Create

iStock_000040644216MediumIntuition is widely discussed these days though few know how to use this ability. Most references to intuition relate to our ability to pick up on things, to know, to read and to trust our gut. These describe the receiving side of intuition. Few know about or understand the other side, our power to create.

Creative intuition is not a logical discussion so you will have to open to your intuition. Our thoughts create. A short and simple statement that cannot be understood by the mind. Quantum Physics has provided the science behind this long known ability to have to create, manifest and change our reality simply by placing our attention on it. Quantum physics states that the observer has a direct impact on whatever they have their attention on.

A simpler way of saying this is, “Our thoughts are creative.” As a coach and consultant, this is in my awareness all the time. I pay attention to the words my clients use, the thoughts they express, the attitude they have. Those who are successful are optimistic, positive, have a strong vision, are problem solvers and are determined. You never hear a negative word or thought come from them.

Joyce is a new client and a business owner. At first she presents a friendly, positive perspective but my sense was behind that persona is a lot of negative energies. Joyce started coaching because her eight-year business is barely breaking even. She wants success. I know that success and failure are not coincidental. I could feel intuitively how tightly she held things, anger deep inside her. Her energy did not flow. That showed up in her business by money not flowing; relationships were not flowing, and difficulty getting clients to reorder.

After a couple of pleasant coaching sessions, Joyce let down her guard showing how negative she is, seeing everything as a problem, not keeping clients, not having money, etc. My efforts to encourage her to look at things from a different perspective fell on deaf ears. She was set in her ways, so our coaching ended.

Knowing that thoughts are creative I felt awful that Joyce was creating her business failure but could not see it. She felt her struggles were due to circumstances outside herself, the competition, the Internet, and so on.

On the other hand, I have clients who understand that they create. They guard what they say. When they have a crisis, they see it as something they can fix so that they can continue to focus on their vision of success. They are kind to those around them, seeing the best in them. My successful clients have a positive outlook and setbacks are just seen as part of life and move on. They keep their vision in mind all the time and work from their passion to get there. Failure is not in their mind.

Thoughts are creative. Notice what you think. Keep your highest vision in mind and see yourself there. Stay away from negative people, stories, conversations, thoughts, statements, and experiences. Take control of your space meaning keep your energy high so that energy is moving. Take control of your thinking so that every thought you entertain is one that builds your vision of success.

Notice how things are different for you when you see yourself creating your vision of success.  Knowing that your thoughts create, what are you creating now?

Notice how things are different for you when you see yourself creating your vision of success. Knowing that your thoughts create, what are you creating now?

Success is like baseball

angels-baseballCreate a vision of success and watch it manifest. Hundreds of coaches, leaders, teachers, intuitive and others have been saying this forever. It is not a new concept so why has a vision not manifested?  We get in our way.

We are creating every day, all the time. We do it so often that we do not notice. I watched my husband do this today. Last night was the fifth game of the World Series. Madison Bumgarner was pitching and the team was playing well. It was an exciting game! At the seventh inning my husband, who was born wearing a Giant’s cap, had to leave to do some work. He figured he could watch the recording when he returned. No worries.

As it turned out the game did not record for some unexplained reason. He was devastated, stayed up late trying to piece together the last two innings from news reports. It clearly was not enough for his Giant’s heart.

At lunch today Michael said, “I just want to watch the last two innings of the game. Is that so much to ask?”   On a whim, he turned on the TV. The network was replaying the game and the the game was in the 7th inning! What are the chances? This was not a coincidence though that was Michael’s first reaction.

From an intuitive perspective, Michael was determined to see the last two innings of the game. He had a clear vision even though he had no idea how to make it happen. A miracle you say? No. Michael created a vision. He was determined and it manifested.

This happens to us all the time and we don’t notice, as it is so much the norm. We only notice when our vision IS NOT manifesting. Typically a vision does not manifest when we are in the way, thinking that it can’t happen for one reason or another. We generate energy, pictures, emotions and programming that get in the way.

If we were to take a lesson from this baseball story it would be to  see clearly what you want manifested, think positively about it, be excited to see it manifest and determined that it will even if you don’t exactly know how.

Baseball always gives us life lessons. Go Giants!

Do You Have 60 Seconds for Success?

dreamstimefree_1105021Working hard to create success is one way. Manifesting success can require much effort or it can be simpler. Either way is fine, and we do it the way that each of us prefers. Did it ever occur to you are creating success or not based on what you think and believe which is not necessary true?

Regardless how much effort we decide is needed the core is the same for each person who is successful. It begins with a strong and clear vision of what we want. Clearing our thinking is next, making sure we do not entertain any thoughts that give reasons why our plan will not succeed. Finally, feeling successful is an essential part.

Try something very simple. Spend time each day, maybe only 60 seconds, to quiet your body, clear your thinking and imagine yourself being successful and feeling it. For some, it will be clear right off. For others, it will take some time but only 60 seconds a day until we are clear, inspired and certain.

Try this every day for at least 60 seconds.

Sit in a comfortable and quiet place.
Close your eyes. Take a deep breath and relax.
Bring to mind your idea for success.
Imagine it clearly. What does success look like?
Clear your thinking and release any doubts.
Feel successful starting now.
Come out of meditation and have a great day.

Repeat this every day for 60 seconds until you see and feel it manifesting precisely as you imagined. Don’t analyze this just try it. Let me know what your questions are and what you discover.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

You’ve Gotta Feel It To Make It

0082 Adobe ID 044ASP367940For years, as a coach, I have worked to encourage everyone to take the time to stop and see clearly his or her vision of success. Some resist it. Others get it. Over time most of my coaching clients have settled in with the practice of making sure they have a clear vision – but that is not enough.

Now don’t get me wrong. A clear vision of what you are creating is essential for your success but truly it is only a mental image picture in your mind’s eye. Right? When we stop here then, we have a vision that we want to manifest, but it’s not happening.   A vision must be energized to be real-ized.

There are many ways to add energy to a vision so that it shows up in your world. Taking actions or steps are obvious and essential but there is more.

We have to feel successful. We have to feel successful in the body.  When we have a great vision, are taking all the right steps but don’t feel successful then we manifest failure.

Creating a clear vision is not easy for most but with time spent on reflecting, meditating and focusing, it can be created. As for actions, we are taught to create plans, define steps and take action. The key is to take action that will make a significant difference not just keep you busy.

More importantly is how we feel about our vision of success. How do we react emotionally to the idea of it? What are our thoughts about our vision? If how we feel or think about our vision are not aligned then the vision stays in the realm of something that we want versus something we can have.

So here are the steps:

  • See clearly in your mind’s eye your vision of success. Eyes closed. Imagine your success precisely as you would like it to be and see it happening now – not in the future.
    • Write it down.
  • Notice your thoughts about this vision. Clear any thoughts that compete with it, for example, all the reasons why you can’t be successful.
    • Clear your thinking.
  • Create thoughts that support your vision. Have you ever deliberately created thoughts? This is a time to do it. Think of ways to make it happen and steps you can take and reasons why it will work.
    • Write down those steps.
  • Now notice how you feel about it. Does your energy level rise when you focus on your vision of success? Do you feel inspired, excited, creative, enthusiastic, etc.? These are high vibrations of energy when focused on a mental image picture are creative. On the other hand, if your energy drops or you entertain feelings at the lower energy levels, i.e. worry, fear, doubt, tension, stress then your vision will not manifest because that is how you feel about it.
    • Raise your energy level to enthusiasm.

Take the time to align body, mind and spirit around your vision of success. You can change your thinking. You can change the energy level you are being. It takes focus to change old patterns and ways of being. See your vision of success, believe in it and feel inspired as you make it happen.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

Free vision form for businesses.  Login-Register  > Add A Membership > Forms

Work fast. Work hard. Really?

dreamstime_xs_19899077 Working fast, hard and smart is one perspective on success. I recently read a blog on success and the author suggested that the most successful people work fast, fast thinkers, fast decision makers, and they move fast. He also suggested that they work hard, long hours and do the hard work. The third characteristic of a successful person was they carefully selected where they spent this fast, hardworking time. They worked on things that mattered.

This blog grabbed my attention because I have found similar characteristics in the successful people who I work with and others that I observe though I would describe them differently.

From an intuitive perspective working fast is not necessary though you may enjoy working fast.  From my observations successful people have high energy. High vibrations are creative energies. High energies make it easy to be creative, create change, to see more clearly, to move through blocks or limits. So while I would not say working fast is a good approach working at a high energy level which is enthusiasm, creativity and may feel or appear fast is essential for success. When our energy is low, nothing is moving, nothing changes and energy blocks are too hard to unlock. So best practice, be in enthusiasm when you work.

Working hard is not necessary either though we might choose to do that, and it may happen. Working hard, of itself, is not a useful goal. From an intuitive perspective successful people are those who have a clear vision, focus on the vision and are not easily distracted. This might feel like hard work, but the key element is to focus. When we are focused and see the impact of that, we want to focus more, to create more. It is rewarding and so we may in the end work harder but that is not the goal.

The last characteristic is doing what matters. I completely agree. It is so easy to work hard and stay busy without accomplishing anything. We are successful when our time and attention stays focused on high value activities. By that, I mean tasks that will make a difference in achieving our vision of success. It is easy to keep busy doing whatever presents itself. Being disciplined enough to focus on actions that matter to our success makes all the difference.

My formula for success using the three traits mentioned in the beginning would be: With enthusiasm focus on high value tasks that will help you achieve your vision of success.  Sounds simple? Spend this week working in this way and see if it is easy to do and notice the impact of this approach.

Best wishes, Kay

Not A Problem!

dreamstimefree_3680281Problems! Problems! Problems! Or No Problem. Which vibration do you feel most often? What happens most in your life, work or business?  From an intuitive perspective this is a state of mind.

Some vibrate at the energy of “No Problem”. They see every bump in the road as something to solve, fix, create or change. Others see the opposite. That bump in the road is a problem. It is frustrating. It will ruin everything, and they are sure it will get bigger and are overwhelmed by the sight of it. This may sound like an exaggeration, but it is not.

How we react to what seems like a problem defines our success. When a problem presents itself successful people immediately look for a solution so that it does not affect them or their success. They see a problem as something that can be solved and even enjoy solving it. Their vision of success does not change. Their enthusiasm for success does not lower. They do not stop and do not let the problem distract them or take up much of their time or attention. If anything, they use it as a way of getting better at their success.

Those who take two steps forward and two steps back see a problem as A PROBLEM. They stop. Their energy drops. They start to blame who or what they perceive created the problem. They are distracted from the goals they are trying to achieve and focus their life force energy on the problem. So now they are in the energy of the problem, go deeper into the energy of the problem so it grows affecting them in body, mind and spirit.

Claire is successful with three offices and a growing staff. With growth problems appear and Claire is learning to adjust to her fast growing company. When a problem occurs, she takes it on and resolves it immediately. Claire is a quick decision maker and does not want to be brought down by the energy of the problem. In this way, she stays focused on her vision and places her time and attention on that.

Susan has a vision of the business she wants to create but has been unable to move it forward. Susan does not yet see how much she goes into the energy of a problem in all aspects of her life. When a problem presents itself she reacts by dropping her energy to the level of the problem then stays there awhile. Susan often sees an ordinary life experience as a problem. Susan is not ready to change at this time, so she lives at the energy of a problem in her life, not just in her business. Not surprisingly she is not yet successful though she is very capable. When Susan becomes aware of this pattern in her and steps out of it she will be able to move forward.

There are many reasons why we are one way or another in relation to problems. Partly we learn this from our families or from an experience that is still on our mind or in our space. Some of us vibrate at a high energy level as a spirit so it is natural to have a positive perspective and success moving forward. Others vibrate at a lower energy level, attract and stay with their problems.

How we react to a problem is a matter of choice, free will and becomes a state of mind. If we see our life moving forward and don’t drop our energy when a problem presents itself then we find success personally and professionally. No Problem. If, on the other hand, we view our life as a problem then problems appear, and we lower our vibration to the level of “It’s a problem” with success always in the future.

How we react to problems is a matter of choice. We may be in the habit of falling into the energy of a problem, but we can change that. By being aware and mindful in the moment, we can catch ourselves and come out of the energy of a problem and approach problems in a new way with a different perspective and a higher energy level.

Take a look at how you react to a problem. What happens to your body? Do you get tense? What about your emotions? Do you get angry or frustrated? What about your thinking? Do you start creating thoughts and stories about how this problem is going to get bigger?

Another way of being is to keep your energy high. Feel successful. Keep your vision set on the possibilities and be in enthusiasm.  Take ownership of a problem as something you can solve and move on.  In this way problems do not last long, don’t stop or distract you from your success.

Best wishes on your success,  Kay

Visualization Is Not A Fad or a Fancy

iStock_000015806919MediumVisualization is an ability we all have.  From an intuitive perspective if you can imagine something clearly in your mind’s eye (visualize) you can manifest it.  If, on the other hand, you find that you cannot image something then it does not happen.  This is not a logical concept, but it is very intuitive.

Visualization is an important topic for January of any year.  We all make resolutions, set goals, many of which will never come to fruition.  One reason is though we may want something to happen we cannot imagine it happening (visualize) so it won’t.

Three Techniques

Scientists have found three techniques that work for being successful at something: visualize success, model someone else’s behavior and vicarious learning.  None of these engage thinking.   Scientists observed that the more basic (perhaps intuitive) parts of the brain kick into gear and activate around these experiences the more likely we are to create success.

Michael Lardon, UC San Diego School of Medicine, states that his research has convinced him that visualizing past successes is the most effective way to influence change.  This fits my experience as well.  No matter how devastated someone is in the moment if they have been successful up to this point, I urge them to feel that success in present time.  This ability to re-stimulate successful energy can change your energy back to that level of experience.  On the other hand if you feel, think and imagine failure you can create that as well.  Be careful what you think.

Scientists refer to the ability to recall past successes as finding the “true data points”.  An intuitive explanation would be to restimulate a past time energy and memory,  feel that success in the body, recall and create a mental image of that success in present time.

Perhaps you want to be successful in an area that is new to you.  Always start by visualizing (imaging) what they success looks like and feels like. Then try the other two techniques, modeling and vicarious learning.    Intuitively this means to find others who are successful in ways that you desire.  Spend time with them.  Intuitively match their vibration of success.  The way your energy is now is creating precisely what you have.  If you want something different then your energy needs to change.   Change to what?  Change to the energy level of others who are successful in the ways you desire.

For me modeling and vicarious learning are the same process, match energy of successful people, observe their actions and visualize doing it that way.  Your energy, your body and your mind will change in ways necessary so that you can manifest this goal.

Now there are other factors that affect our success but if you are clear about what you want, don’t entertain negative thoughts and feel determined then you are ready for success.  First see if you can visualize what you desire. Visualize often until you can see yourself clearly having, being or doing it.  Meditation is a good way to do t his.  Spend time around those who are successful in ways you desire and match their energy of success.

Let me know about your experiences with success.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

Fear, Failure & Success

200469161-001A common fear is failure.  Others don’t fear it at all and, in fact, embrace the challenges the possibility of failure presents.  These are two entirely different ways of being.  Success can be the result of both reactions depending on how you approach it.

I conducted a meditation with business owners and professionals on the fear of failure.  Now keep in mind it was not about actually failing just the fear of it.  From an intuitive perspective, thoughts and energy are creative so the fear of failure creates ….. failure.   We have to get out of fear or manage our fear if we want to be successful.

Meditation is a good tool for becoming aware of the fears that we hold.  From the quiet of meditation we can release the energy of fear from our space.  This works because the fear of failure is not logical and cannot be processed in that way. Fear is an energy that we can let go of when we are aware of it.

When  Fear Is A Good Thing

Fear is important to have in cases of illness, injury, threat, etc.  Fear creates a series of physiological reactions designed to make sure that we survive.  When we are in fear all our energy goes to the first chakra at the base of the spine.  Logic is set aside and replaced by automatic reactions.  This is all good when we are in danger.

Fear of failure does not pose a threat to our life so having our body react in survival and our logic compromised is not helpful.  It can cause us to act and react in ways that do not support our success.

Working with business owners and professionals I see this all the time.  Most of my clients are self-aware and freely talk about their fears knowing they are not in danger but know that  fear is in their way.    Where these fears originate  is a long story but for most of us fear begins at a young age.   When we are not aware of the nature of fear we can let it control us.

Fear of Failure

The most common fears I hear are fear of failure, not being good enough and fear of finances.  Some of my most successful clients express these fears often.   If we are sensitive to fear it will be re-stimulated easily and often in our space.  Suddenly we are in fear but we are not in danger.  We can sit in the energy of fear or we can become aware that something just re-stimulated a memory, experience,  emotion, stuck picture, etc.  When we realize this we can take charge of our space and come out of fear. Each time we take a step out of fear we release another layer of energy.  On the other hand when we sit in fear we add a layer of energy.  Which do you choose?

Kathy’s Aware of Fear

Kathy owns a steel manufacturing company and is growing each month.  Her greatest fear is failure despite all evidence to the contrary.  Without going into her story suffice to say that she vividly remembers her dad’s fear of failure and how uncomfortable it made her feel.  As she becomes aware of her own fear she steps back from it and resets her space to certainty as a women.   She finds that her fear passes (releases) and she moves on.

Not resisting fear or failure is important to our success.   Placing our attention and vision on what we are creating is a way of getting out of fear.  Sitting in fear is not productive and, in fact, creates many physiological reactions that are harmful to our body, mind and spirit.  So Fear Not!

Frank’s Fear

When we are in fear of failure it is easy to create stories in our mind that are not based in fact. Frank was in fear that his company was failing simply because he was waiting to hear on a bid he submitted.  He did not hear back for so long that he created a story in his mind that he did not get the bid, went into fear and failure then called me.  I asked why he was in fear?   Why was he in failure?   His bid had not been turned down.  I suggested  he use meditation to get out of fear and failure,  to refocus his attention on being awarded the bid and being successful.  Frank has free will so he can choose to focus on whatever vision he wants so why not chose to imagine success?  Frank did this meditation for three days and felt better.  Shortly afterwards he got a call that his bid was accepted.  Success!  Not a mystery.  Not a coincidence.   Frank changed his energy from fear of failure to visualizing success and so it manifested.

Notice if you are one of those who embrace the possibility of failure as a challenge to take a step up.  Or are you more inclined to go into fear first?   You can still embrace the challenge to take a step up.  Fear Not.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

Goal Not Happening

What goal is still not being achieved?  What part of your vision is not manifesting? This is frustrating when we are achieving goals and manifesting our vision in all areas except here.  If there was a logical solution you would have found it by now so let’s take an intuitive approach.  What is it within you that’s in the way?   Knowing that thoughts are creative, as are emotions, find out what you believe.

dreamstimefree_138882 Karen, Attorney at Law

One of my clients is an attorney with a fast growing practice.   Karen decided to change from having a law practice to having a law business.  We worked together to make this shift. This means she is more than an attorney.  She is a business owner. With the enthusiasm of this change Karen brought in many new clients and was in heaven.   After the glow (high energy) of this change wore off Karen started to hit a wall.  She was not meeting her financial targets and began to doubt herself.

On the face of it, she was doing all the right things so what happened?  Karen is self-aware so she knew to look within.   Karen found that at her core she believed that she could not run a business that she was just an attorney.  There are lots of reasons for this limited belief but more importantly Karen found it was her own thinking that was putting on the brakes.  Armed with this awareness she became determined to release the limiting thoughts and hold her vision to create a successful law business.  And she is.

Confident business womanSarah, Realtor

Sarah is a realtor.  She is young and would like a family but sincerely believes that if she wants to be successful in her career it will take all her time, hard work and attention.  This means she will have to put off her vision for being married.  When she told this to me I asked her why she was creating her reality this way.  It was precisely what she did not want to happen but believed it firmly.   I asked Sarah if she could imagine being a successful realtor, having a relationship and being married.   Sarah looked surprised.  She had spent so much of her time struggling with her own thinking that said either/or that she did not even consider the possibility of having both.   When Sarah realized it was her own thinking in her way it changed everything for her.

dreamstimefree_129031Max, Bakery owner

Max owns a bakery.  He works 24/7 or so it feels that way.  When Max called me he was at his wit’s end and about to give up his store.  I asked him the same question.  Why are you creating your business this way?  Can you imagine another way?  With that Max came up with a list of reasons: can’t find good help, can’t trust others to do it as well as he can, can’t afford to hire enough people, etc.  His list was long.  Knowing that thoughts are creative I asked Max why he chose to hold these thoughts as the basis for his business.  These beliefs will destroy his business.  Max never considered that he was the cause of his unhappiness and was not familiar with the notion that thoughts are creative.

Max was willing to try anything to save his business.  He agreed to learn meditation as a way to become self-aware, clear his thinking and create a new vision of success that more aligned to what he valued.   Max was able to imagine his bakery running successfully with the help of staff and soon after fired a handful of people who share his vision.  His business is thriving without him being there 24/7.

What About You?

What part of your vision is not manifesting?  What goals seem to elude you?  Now become aware of your thoughts creating this.   Clear your thinking.  Imagine your vision and goals manifesting.  Allow things to change and your vision to manifest.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

How are your thoughts in your way?

Meditate – Everyone is Doing It!

dreamstime_5775817  Things don’t have to be this way.  They are this way because it is what we believe.  I know this is hard to hear especially if you are busy in your life and don’t have the time to stop thinking, solving and working.

From an intuitive perspective I can see how we are creating what we have and what we experience now.  It is not a mystery except to ask, “Why do I think that things are this way?”  Or “Why do I believe this (your experiences) to be true?”

All Gone Wrong

The only way to find that answer from my perspective is to stop, get quiet and meditate because the answer is not a logical one.   I was telling my daughter what a tough time I was having last week.  My staff was not showing up, my clients were cancelling, etc.  It felt all-wrong and there was not logical explanation so I stopped stressing and decided to mediate.  In meditation I can get quiet, pull my energy out of the problem, my thoughts about it, the stories I was making up in my mind, get my space back and get back to the way I truly like to be.

Now I cannot explain to you why things got so out of whack because in my mediation I was aware that it was not one thing but a series of things that I reacted to and collectively they altered my energy and, therefore, my reality.   Within an hour of that meditation (which was simply to become aware of myself in present time) everything seemed to turn around 180 degrees.  This is not logical but it is very intuitive.

Use Both Sides of Your Brain

We can work mostly from our logic, work hard, solve problems, stress about what is not as we want it to be or we can use both of our abilities – logic and intuition.  To benefit from our intuition we have to quiet the body (which is so loud and demanding) and clear our thinking (stop being logical for a moment).  It is hard to stop our thinking, our logic< and get quiet enough to meditate but that is where the miracle happens.


FastCompany magazine November 2013, “Want Success? Meditate.  The centuries old practice has its skeptics, but science confirms it: Meditation, advocated by an increasing number of successful business people, leads to a happier, more productive, and more creative life.  This deep dive exposes how the process affects our brains, from weakening our capacity for anxiety to dramatically improving our ability to fitter out distractions and retain new facts.”

Ray Dalio on Meditation

Meditation is becoming a common tool successful business owners use and are talk about more and more.  This is not surprising to me because once you create the practice you experience the change immediately but it requires taking the time to try.  Ray Dalio, Hedge Fund Genius, says meditation is secret to his success.

Find Your Style

There are many forms of meditation. I use an intuitive form of meditation because I work with people who have big visions and this style works in manifesting visions.   Any form of meditation has value so pick one that suits you and start.

This morning my week looked grim so I meditated and by noon my companies had two new contracts out of blue or I should say, “Out of my meditation.”  My recommendation – meditate every day.  It will make all the difference.

Best wishes on your success,  Kay

Meditation for Business Owners and Professionals.

Don’t Start Work Until

dreamstime_5775817We get up.  We go to work.  We work hard and don’t always meet our goals and more importantly our vision of success.  Getting things done.  Completing our To Do List is not important.  Are you surprised?  One of my clients told me that she has a To Do List that for her is everything.  If she does not get that list completed every day then she does not feel that she has accomplished anything.  On the other hand when she does complete her to do list she is no closer to being successful.

So what does this all mean?  It means we are not focused in the correct way.  Sure there are things to do but they are not your purpose, vision or intention of why we do what we do.  So often we become doers and lose sight of where we are going.  The rest of the title of this blog is “Don’t Start Work Until You See and are Focused on Your Vision of Success”.

Don’t Leave This Blog

As an intuitive Business Coach I recommend all my clients to begin their day with meditation.  I know half of you just left this blog because I mentioned meditation  but there is no other sure way to promote your success.  You won’t understand this until you experience it for yourself.  Meditation is simply a way to quiet the body and clear your thinking so that you can regain perspective.

Busy But Not Successful

If you run off and start doing whatever you think you should do, the body will be energized and your mind buzzing on whatever is at hand  and it may not be the best choice to achieve your vision.  On the other hand if you start with meditation (quieting the body and clearing your thinking) how might things be different than starting our day from thoughts left in our head from the day before that have nothing to do with achieving success or an emotional reaction to something we experienced which also has nothing to do with our success.

Reacting & Stuck Thinking

So often we are reacting to what is on our mind or in our space instead of being clear about the actions can we take to move us further in our success.  Don’t just be busy.  Don’t be reactive.  Don’t get lost in your thinking which can take you way off target.  Stop.  Clear your thinking.  Let go of all the energy in your space then see clearly what is the next step and what can you do today to further your success.  Ask that question when you are clear and quiet.  That is the most important question you can ask and from the space of clarity.

Try This Meditation 

Find a comfortable and quiet place.  Allow yourself the time to do this well so don’t rush.  That is not to say it will take a long time.  It will take the time that it takes depending on how easily you are able to get grounded and quiet in present time.

  • Sit in a chair in a comfortable and quiet place.
  • Close your eyes. Take a deep breath and as you exhale relax and release tension (energy). Repeat as needed until you feel relaxed in your chair.
  • Be grounded.  Feel and see yourself connected deeply into the ground.
  • Be centered.  Bring your attention behind your eyes into the center of your head. Notice what that feels like.
  • Stop thinking.  Be aware of being centered.
  • Have your space.  Imagine all of your energy in around you – within arms reach.
  • Don’t be scattered or distracted.
  • Be present in the moment.  Notice yourself breathing.
  • Don’t let your mind wander.  Be present.

(Repeat until you are grounded, centered, have your space and are present in the moment)

  • Now meditate (imagine) your vision of success (personally and professionally).
    • See it clearly in your mind’s eye.

(If you cannot see your vision of success then do this often until you can because the things that manifest are those that you can see clearly.  Think of them as the blueprint.)

  • Once you can see your vision of success begin to notice any thoughts you have that argue with your success.  Clear and let go of these thoughts.  They are just your thinking. They are not true unless you decide they are.
  • Now in your mind’s eye see the steps you can take today to move you further along.  Don’t think.  Use your intuition.  Meditate and know your next step.
    • It may be an uncomfortable step, one that you are avoiding, something you resist, etc.  Decide to take it!
    • Take a deep breath.  Stretch.  Come out of meditation.

Do this everyday.  Each day you will become clearer.  Each day you will see the benefit of taking this time to be clear.  Also observe how each day goes when you begin this way.

Best wishes on your success,  Kay

Please share your experiences with meditation and success.


Taking Charge of Change

dreamstime_4244380  If nothing changes then nothing changes.  Creating change is more than just a decision.

Change is inevitable if we want something more or something that we do not now have.  Creating change of any kind involves many levels in order to be accomplished.  We fail to accomplish the change we want when any one of these levels does not change.  Let’s go through this in a simple way.

What You Don’t Want

What is the change you want?  This sounds so simple but it is not.  Most respond by identifying what they don’t want, the situation they want out of, etc.  This is a start but this does not accomplish the change you desire.  It simply gets you out of what you don’t want.  Remember that whatever you declare with certainty will manifest one-way or the other.    The old saying “Be careful what you pray for.” It happens very often when we say we hate the job we are in.  We want a new job but we don’t take action to get out of our job so as it turns out we are laid off or fired.  How else can we get what we said we wanted?  We did not take the action to leave our job so the only way for it to happen was to be removed.  This happens in relationships as well.  You might find yourself saying, “I need to get out of this relationship.”  We do not take action to get out of the relationship then our partner leaves.

My point being we are good at saying what we don’t want and having that manifest though not always the way we want  This happens because we did had the thought but did not create the change.  We let it happen the only way it could.  Are you following me here?   So focus on what you do want.  Know what you do want and let that manifest.

Can You Imagine It Happening?

Creating the change you desire begins with knowing clearly what you do want.  The next step is to see that happening clearly in your mind’s eye, to imagine it, visualize it, or whatever term helps you realize your ability to see what you want.  This is a state of seeing not thinking or knowing.

See It Happening Now

See your vision or your goal fully manifested in present time.  If you imagine in the future then it will forever be something you imagine in the future.  The tricky part that defies reality is to imagine it happening NOW.   This is the only way that your reality can change.  If you imagine it in the future then nothing changes.

How Does It Feel?

Once you can see this in your mind’s eye the next step is to know what this feels like in the body.   Actually experience this vision in present time.  Change happens when we can imagine something new, see it clearly in our mind’s eye, feel the difference in our body, emotions, etc.

Do this often.  Do it in meditation so that your logic and fears don’t get in your way.   Once you have your vision everything begins to change, subtly and not so subtly.  Observe, don’t control and allow the changes to manifest.

Try this today.  The steps are: to know what you want to create; to see it clearly in your mind’s eye actually happening now; feel yourself being in this new place of change and, finally, allow change to happen.

Please add your comments and experiences to this conversation.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

Get Out of Comfort Zone, Push Your Envelope & Own Your Value

Getting out of comfort zone

How to create inspired success is not rocket science.  In all that I have read, experienced and observed there is a short list of must do steps.   Everything you read and hear from me is about these steps and how we can get in our own way.  Kathy took the step to get out of her own way and created success.


This week I again observed how these steps work. Kathy has a bookkeeping business and her goal for the year is to increase her sales by 20% and net income by 30%.  Each week she finds herself having to make decisions that will either keep her comfortable or push her outside her comfort zone.   She struggles to decide knowing that she wants to reach her goal for the year.

Kathy’s team participated in an audit for one of her clients and the outcome was in her client’s favor.  It took a lot of work by her team to get his out of date books in order.  When it came time to bill for services Kathy was uncomfortable because the bill was so high.  Should she lower her bill and charge what she was comfortable asking or bill the full amount and own the value of their work?  She could not decide.

When Kathy and I discussed this I saw three intuitive principles at work.
•    Havingness: Was she going to let the energy of her company stay where it is familiar or push through to take it a step up?
•    Non-resistance: The second principle was for her to allow both possibilities. Ask for the full amount and allow the client to pay less.  This is not logical but it is a very important principle. She had to get out of resistance.
•    Clear vision:  We can visualize what we want but if our thoughts and emotions conflict with that vision then it will not manifest.

Kathy decided to invoice the full amount, to call the client and follow-up.  She wanted to be fully paid but for this new client she would be willing to negotiate if necessary.  Finally her vision was that the client would pay her in full without batting an eye.  In meditation she cleared any thoughts she had about him not wanting to pay, her guilt about invoicing such a large amount and the fear of pushing her company to a new level.

In the end the client was so grateful the audit came out well that he did not even bat an eye at the invoice and paid it upon receipt.

It is our own thinking that gets in our way.   Kathy laughed and immediately unconsciously created another situation with another new client who wanted her to create books for his company.  It took longer than they both expected and she was afraid to bill such a large amount to a new client.  The steps and the outcome were the same at the story so I will not repeat them here.  Kathy struggled.  She billed the full amount.  The client paid.  Amen.  Kathy is learning to get out of her own way so her business grows.

Best wishes on your success,


Check out the next Inspired Success Webinar series beginning September 5 in which we will discuss the core principles of Inspired Success.

Business from the Ashes

Tracy is not my client though she shows up at every free event that I have.  I do not mind that but it does make we wonder.  Her story is one of giving up, stepping out of the energy of success then trying to get back in.

Twenty years ago Tracy and her friend, Kathy, started a business together.  They created a wonderful model for searching for the ideal staff person but even more than that they prepared people for those jobs.  Their model is proprietary.  It worked and brought them instant success.  Their business model allowed them to work together or with their own clients.  All was well and money was flowing in.  Their combined female creative energy was a fireball that inspired everyone they worked with.

Because Tracy is not my client as I only met her when giving a talk at a group of business owners I cannot tell what went wrong and it really does not matter.   Something I said and the growth period Tracy was in caused her to look to me for an answer.

It is now 20 years later.  She is turning 50 and her business is dead.  Tracy was desperate to know why and how to get it going again.  Frankly she needed the money more than she wanted to have a business.  My intuitive read was she had taken her attention off creating her business sometime ago thinking it would continue on its own steam letting her staff run the day-to-day work of the business.  She was wrong.

Vision of Success

A business is a vision (a picture) when energized by the owner becomes a reality.  Conversely when the owner of that vision (picture, business) takes their attention (their energy) off their vision it begins to dissipate.  I know you all are thinking this out logically but I am describing something that I see energetically.  This is why the a strong vision by an owner is so critical to the success of any business.

The only other way her plan would have worked is if there was a particular staff person who had a strong vision and ownership of that vision such that he/she would use their life force energy to manifest it.  This is rare though it does happen.  That was not the case here. Her business died from lack of vision and energy.

Tracy needed to get her vision back or create a new one then focus (energize) that vision.

Success in Past Time

When I offered to Tracy that she needed to get out of her house and back into the world and into her business, the pain in her space was too great.  She had pulled her energy out so much that she no longer has a vision of success.  When I suggested that she create a new vision of her company in present time she declared that was not possible.  She believed her success was in the model she created originally.

Tracy’s vision and energy are stuck in a past time success and she is unwilling or unable to create a new vision in present time.   When we have our energy of success in the past we are not able to create success in present time.  This is not logical but it is intuitive.  I saw clearly that Tracy has the ability to create success.

Creative Energy

For sometime Tracy let the energy in her body drop very low.  When you looked at her you could see the spark that was Tracy but her creative energy and life force energy were low.  There is no way to create from a low vibration so her next step was to get dressed, get out of her house and into the business world.  She knew this was going to be hard.


Successful people vibrate at an energy level I call havingness.  It means simply that they expect to have what they want.   They imagine it happening.  They expect it to happen.   Their vision is strong and they are certain.  Tracy had that when she created her business so I know she has that ability within her.  She is not at that vibration at this moment.   I suggested that she meditate to clear her thinking, see her vision of success in present time and get the creative energy moving.


When Tracy realized she could not get out of the low vibration, create a new vision, let go of the past and get back into the world she looked for support.  Tracy partnered with another company that does her work globally hoping that by aligning herself with a bigger company she would get the energy moving in her business.  Logically it sounds like a good plan.  Intuitively we have to have energy moving in our space to have energy moving in our creations so she still has to do this for herself.

Tracy’s next steps as I see them from an intuitive perspective are:

  • Get energy moving in her space.  Raise the energy in her body.
  • Get back into her business.
  • Create a new vision in present time.  Stop thinking and create a vision.
  • Pull energy out of her past success.
  •  Create in present time even if that means a new business model.
  • Clear her thinking.
  • See herself as successful in present time – raise her havingness

Tracy is a really good example of how we can lose our business then take steps to create it again in present time.  I do not now if she will decide to do this that is yet to be seen though I see her taking steps to see if she can make it happen.

Your story may not be the same as Tracy’s but if you are looking to re-energize your business or career these same principles apply.

Nothing is impossible and determination (focused energy) can change everything.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

Inspired Success

Achieving Goals Won’t Get You There

Getting your goals won’t do it.  When I began working with people some 20+ years ago I was all about goals.  I knew how to get people to meet them.  I had a strategy that worked. Over time I found that my clients were achieving goals and faster than they expected but complained that they were not satisfied nor any happier.

From an intuitive perspective I saw that they focused on achieving goals but did not have a vision for themselves.  What was the life they imagined for themselves? What was the bigger picture they wanted to create?   What did their goals have to do with that?

Since that time I  focus on making sure my clients have a clear vision of their life, work, health, wealth, etc.  I have found that once we have a clear vision then we can create goals to move in that direction.  That creates the next obstacle.  I observed that most people take their goals very seriously and perhaps you should.  I suggest that you focus on your goals but focus more on your vision.

Goals are a good way to direct our actions while not making them more important than our vision.  Let me explain.   Your vision is paramount.  Your goals are simply the actions you believe you need to take to get there.  It is your best guess at the moment.  Often our vision begins to manifest in unexpected ways and faster than we expected.   If we are so focused on our goals we can actually get in our own way and keep our vision from manifesting.

Often I see my clients get so focused on a goal that they do not see the opportunity in front of them. One of my clients, Tim,  is the Director of Health Care for a mid-west medical system.  He had a strong vision for his facility.  He created goals that included staff changes.  There was one doctor he wanted on his staff because he was convinced he would help achieve his vision.  He created a series of five goals that he felt he needed to achieve to bring on this prominent doctor and it would take a year.  Tim continued to meditate on his vision.   A week or two later another highly regarded doctor became available.  Tim could not see that this doctor would help him get his vision for the facility because he was so focused on the goals he had set.  I suggested Tim take his energy out of his goals and focus on his vision, that perhaps this new doctor is the way to meet his vision.  Tim meditated on this, cleared his thinking and realized would be the asset he needed.  He hired him.  Over the past month they have increased their patient population and brought new visibility to the facility.  Tim is well on his way to achieving his vision for the year in the first six months.

Create your vision.  Create goals too.  Notice how your vision is manifesting.  Don’t get stuck in your goals or make them more important than your vision.  Meditate.  See your vision. Constantly notice where you are and be willing to let go and be in present time.

Best wishes on your success,


Free Q&A each Monday at 5 PM Pacific.  Call (218) 862-7200  Access 299398.  Ask a question and listen to the conversation.

Where am I going in my search for success?

Knowing your vision of success is a journey in self discovery.  Some of us know it right off and perhaps have known it our whole lives.  I know a 6-year-old who proudly declares that he IS a paleontologist and to back it up he knows, studies and learns everything he can about dinosaurs.

Many career experts suggest that you remember the first professional you imagined wanting wanted to be.  In my experience that is not far off while we may not end up doing that precise career we are not so far off the mark.

Your vision begins with a thought about what that might be but to really know and see your vision requires quieting the body and clearing the mind.  To get out of your mind so that you can hear yourself. So take time to sit quietly, relax and begin to imagine your vision of success and what that is for you, how it feels and releasing any thoughts that may compete with that.


I met with a new client this week who is in school to develop his skills in hopes of supporting his success.  He believes if he can develop his skills as a digital artist then he will be more marketable.  Indeed that is true but I noticed as an intuitive that Fred did not have a vision of his success.  He did have steps and goals but without a clear vision he was just working hard.  When I asked Fred what his vision was he described wanting to work with a major digital arts production company.  I asked him if he could imagine that happening.  He chuckled saying it was what he wanted.  Wanting and having a vision are really different.  Wanting creates…..wanting.  Fred’s next step was to create a space of quiet (meditation) and start to see his vision of success.

He called back the next day to say how hard this was.  I explained it was only hard because he had not done this before.  Once he gets comfortable with visualizing it won’t be so hard.  He agreed to stay with it.  I am curious to see how this turns out for him as my experience is once you can see your vision of success in your mind’s eye everything starts to change.

Best wishes on your success,


Free Q&A on business and success.  Monday’s 5 PM Pacific.  Call 1 (218) 862-7200 Access code: 299398 or SKYPE mkayrobinson between 5 & 5:30 PM to ask a question and listen to others.  Get an answer on success.

Staying on Track with Your Goals for the Year

  It paid off to trust my intuition yesterday when I gave a presentation to a group of women business owners.  The topic of the presentation was “Staying on Track with Your Goals for the Year”.  It was the end of the first quarter, an important marker for businesses to evaluate how they are doing in achieving the goals for the year.  This is something you want to know early though many businesses neglect to take advantage of opportunity and regret it later. When you take the time now to assess where you are you can make adjustments, get unstuck and move forward to meet your goals.

Goals Not Being Met

As an intuitive business consultant I know that progress in achieving our goals is not always logical.  Some things move along nicely, one step leads to another.  Other goals languish on our strategic plan, list of targets or goals we have established.  I would guess that some of these have been on our list year after year. From my perspective, if there were a logical solution to unmet goals they would have been accomplished by now.  Sometimes what gets in the way of our goals can be determined more from an intuitive perspective than analyzing the problem.  This is where I started with this group of business owners and this is the approach I use with all of my clients.  Use your intuition.  Stop thinking and see clearly.

Vision of Success

I had them begin by revisiting their  vision of success.  The most successful people in any field are those who have the strongest vision.  I find that we are good at setting goals but goals absent a vision are just a lot of hard work.  So I had them write their vision of success.  Some knew it and felt good writing it down.  Others had never looked at their business in this way.  They had a business plan and a business model that guided their decisions but not a vision.

Now Determine if the Goals Fit the Vision

Once you have a clear vision of success then everything else falls into place. This is not logical but it is very intuitive.  With a clear vision, look at your goals to see if they now fit to carry out your vision.  If not then change them now before you get to far into the year.

A vision is different from a thought or a plan.  Vision is something you see in your mind’s eye.  You know and see what success is for you.  It is an intuitive ability to know for certain.    The best way I know to do this is in meditation.  Meditation is simply quieting the body and clearing the mind so that you can open to more awareness and to see more clearly.

Exercise: Try this for yourself.

  • Sit in a comfortable and quiet place.
  • Begin to quiet the body.  Take a deep breath and release all the tension and energy you are holding in your body.  Relax.
  • Now clear your mind.  Stop thinking and instead just be aware of yourself.
  • Be present in the moment.  Imagine calling your energy and attention back from where ever it is outside you.  Have all your attention right here in this moment.  Notice yourself and your immediate surroundings.
  • With your eyes closed imagine a red rose.  This keeps you from thinking and opens your intuition using your mind’s eye.
  • Meditate on this rose as you ask what is your vision of success.  Don’t think just imagine what success is to you.  Get to know this for yourself. Imagine what it looks like, feels like, etc.  It may not be what you think it is for you. Take a deep breath and let go of others ideas of success, “you should”, ego, etc.


It often takes several meditations to get clear enough so say that is it.  That’s my vision of success.  It feels right.

My surprise was how eager the business owners embraced this exercise and the insight each person got from their meditation.  I expected them to roll their eyes and want something logical, linear and practical.  That approach works too but when it doesn’t access the other side of your brain.  Be intuitive.

Meditation is essential.  We all need time to stop clear our space and our thinking so that we regain our perspective otherwise we make the wrong decision, don’t see clearly and get off track of where we want to be.  Meditate.

Next Step: Get your staff to buy into your vision.  Watch for this on another blog.

Best wishes on your success,


More information on meditation

Consultation achieving your vision of success

Be careful what you pray for!

     Kate works in a really great company but she is ready to move on.  She wants a leadership position that will allow her to use her creativity, her strategic thinking skills and offers a new level of visibility.  Kate says she wants out of her current job as soon as possible.  We have been working to create that vision, her goals and a plan to take that step.

It was not surprising to me that Kate’s supervisor notified her yesterday that her position was being eliminated and converted into a Director’s position!   As an intuitive this is a beautiful example of creating our reality.  Kate was not as thrilled by this as I was.  She was horrified by all of it and could not see that she had created this.  She wanted out of her job and wanted a leadership position.  So her job was eliminated and made into a leadership position.  Beautiful!  It manifested precisely as she said.  If the circumstances where different she could call this a miracle! Granted she left out some details that now are a bit unsettling to her.  Kate has to apply for this new position.  Applying for a new position was, in fact, part of the work that we did together so it fit her vision as well.

Kate and I met today to ground her vision.  Is she ok with a leadership job within her current company or does she want to be more clear that her vision is to move into a leadership position in a new company?   Kate is not ready to answer that right now.  She is a bit overwhelmed by how her vision manifested.  At this moment she feels like she has no control when in fact she is very good at creating what she wants.

Kate was surprised that her supervisor essentially fired her.  I was not.  Kate had the picture in her space and on her mind that said “I want out of my job”.  Her supervisor was simply seeing Kate’s pictures and responding to them whether she was conscious of this or not.

As an intuitive I see that she simply needs to be more clear about her vision.  Her natural reaction is to hold onto what she has but is it what she wants?    Over the next week Kate will meditate on this, clear her thinking, release the fear and find her perspective.  From this space of being clear she will find her vision.

We are always creating our vision.  Sometimes our vision is simply not clear enough.  Take the time to meditate as you are already creating what you have in your mind.

Have you created a vision and had it manifest in surprising ways? Share your story or ask a question.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

Believe It or Not


Kathy wanted to add three new clients this month but could not imagine that happening and wanted inspiration. I smiled because we forget or don’t realize we are always creating or not depending on what we believe.

During the next few minutes I guided Kathy to visualize having three new clients. This was hard for her because she is a doer and feels like she has to know how to bring in those clients. I suggested this one time to get out of her mind and instead imagine three new clients using her mind’s eye.

Kathy took a deep breath, closed her eyes and did something she had never tried before. She began to visualize. She called the very next day to report that she signed contracts with two new clients and scheduled a meeting with a corporation she has always wanted to work with.

A coincidence? There are no coincidences. If you are not sure try this for yourself.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

Goals Do Not Create Success

   Most business owners and professionals take the time to decide their goals.  Some even write them down.  From my experience working as an intuitive business consultant, goals do not achieve success!

You can write and achieve goals all day long and never manifest your vision of success.  Manifesting success begins with having a clear vision of what this is.  Once you have a clear vision then you are ready to create goals that support your vision.  Goals without a vision is simply a way to discipline yourself or create tasks.

Knowing how to visualize is key.  To visualize means to see in your mind’s eye or imagine.   If you are thinking about what you want then you are not visualizing.  Thinking and visualizing are different sides of the brain and create different results.

Steps to visualize:

  • Take the time to be quiet.  I recommend meditation but simply sitting quietly with your eyes closed is enough.
  • Relax and clear your mind.  Stop thinking.
  • Breathe deeply throughout to relax and release.
  • Begin to imagine.  What is your grandest vision for yourself, your business or your work?  Don’t fantasize.  Imagine or see your business or your work precisely as you would like it to be.
  • Keep clearing your thinking.  Releasing tension. Opening to your ability to see clearly.

This may not be so easy at first.  Do this often until you can see your vision clearly knowing that if you cannot imagine it then it cannot happen.  See your vision as the blue print for what you are creating. This may not be logical but if you do this practice you will see immediate results.

Next Blog will be on how to create and use goals from an intuitive perspective.

If you would like help with learning to visualize please make a mentoring appointment with me and I will guide you.

Best wishes on your success,


Not a Coincidence! A Success Story

I tell my client’s stories to bring us out of our unconscious routines, to wake up our awareness so that we create and not just accept.  Enjoy Fred’s story so that you can create your own.

Fred was preparing a proposal and bid for a big contract for a project that has never been done before.  The project was for one of his best clients and he needed to get this right.  The cost exceeded the expected budget by 60%.  He was nervous.

In the end he drafted a proposal that would create a great product and using the best talent in the industry.  He also worried about the cost and the short timeframe.  He pressed Send and off it went.

Immediately upon sending the bid, Fred’s mind starting going.  They probably already have someone in mind for the project.  They can probably do it for less.  They will never accept the bid because it is more than they expected.  His mind just went on and on with streams of invalidation.

Fred called me with his mind racing out of control.  I led him through a meditation to clear his mind.  This is an important concept because whatever we believe will manifest.  Fred needed to clear his thinking.  From meditation he released the energy and the thoughts that invalidated his bid, the proposal and his company.  Then Fred imagined (created a mental image picture) of his client loving his proposal, the bid and awarding him the contract.

I watched Fred clear f his negative thoughts and create a new vision.   I saw he still had some worry energy in his space so I suggested that he do this meditation regularly until he heard back from his client.

Within 5 minutes he got a call from his client offering him a contract for a different project, one he had not even bid on and was three times larger than the one he just submitted!  A coincidence?  If you are an atheist you can logically create concepts to explain this away.   If you are intuitive you can see how this manifested.

As for the original bid his client had not looked at that yet but would get back to him.  In the meantime he had to get busy on this new project.  It’s a Miracle!

What is your success story?

Is your vision of success up to date?

This past week I watch the new hit cable show “The Wormhole” with Morgan Freeman.  This segment was on the concept of time.   I won’t go into the discussion about time though I was happy to hear scientists describe reality.  One scientist in an effort to explain time first defined reality as a series of mental image pictures that we have about reality.  Those pictures are constantly manifesting what we perceive.  Heady stuff but none the less affirms what I know intuitively, thoughts are powerful.  They create our reality.  It is hard to analyze but easy to see intuitively.

This is why I work so much with my clients to develop their vision of success (mental image pictures of success) because that is what will manifest.   Another way of saying it is, if you cannot imagine it then it cannot manifest.

The most difficult part is to know the difference between thoughts about what you want versus a vision of your  being successful.   Thoughts are literal so thinking about what you want is translated as something you do not have.  Your reality then becomes “wanting” and “not having”.  This is not logical but it is very intuitive.

All my clients want something that is why they come to me.  “How do I achieve my goals?” “I am doing all the right things but it is not happening.”   My immediate response is “What is your vision?”  “Now what are your thoughts about that vision.”    If their vision is clear (I want to have a successful printing company) but it is seen as something outside themselves (wanting not having) it will not happen.  Or if I want to have a successful printing company then the thought in the back of their mind is “but I don’t think it will happen” then they are left with wanting and not happening.

My best advice is to take the time to meditate to quiet the fear in the body and the noise in your mind.  Quiet your body and clear your mind then begin to imagine yourself being successful in the way that you desire. Keep meditating and do it often until you can see this vision clearly.

Next clear your thinking about this vision.  Release any thoughts, emotions, doubts, etc. that are in the way of seeing your vision manifesting.  Do this and experience a miracle?  But don’t do it just once.  Make meditation a tool you can use to continue to create the reality that you desire.

Best wishes on your success,


Beyond Wanting!

Move Past Wanting!

During the past 30 years I have learned a lot from the business owners and professionals I’ve worked with intuitively.   Patterns emerged that give insight into how to succeed.   Some are able to manifest whatever they want while others struggle looking for the magic key.  Well, there is no magic key.  How to manifest is not a mystery.   Over the next few blogs I will share with you what I have observed and would love to hear from you as well.


When I use the term manifesting I am referring to the process of taking an idea and making it a reality.  This is what I have seen as an intuitive so it is not logical.  That is the other side of the brain.

Ideas & Wanting

Everyone has ideas and goals.  Some are fantasies and others we actually want!  When I see those who manifest and those who do not I see a difference.  Ideas are not creative but they are the first step.  Knowing what you want is very important.  When we stop here nothing manifests instead we just know what we want!  We stop in the space of wanting.


Successful people take this to another level.  They can see in their mind’s eye or visualize how to make it happen.  They focus and imagine it happening.  It is feels real!  They are certain.   In this way they are not thinking logically.  They are using their intuition to imagine and see their idea and what they want manifesting.

Take Steps

Finally, the clearer their vision the easier it is to take steps to manifest and make it real.

Have you ever heard anyone say, “I can’t imagine it!”  Well, when you can’t imagine it then it cannot happen.

Steps to Manifest

In summary

  • Have an idea
  • Decide that you want it (commit)
  • Using your mind’s eye, imagine or visualize it happening
  • Create a plan to get there


If you find you “cannot imagine it” save yourself a lot of work and  meditate.  Clear your thinking and release your doubts until you can see your vision clearly then you will be ready to make it happen.

Best wishes on your success!

Calling in Your Clients/Customers

Clients, customers, patients, etc. are the core of any business or work that we do.  You already know many tried and true ways of generating new business and retaining existing customers.   In this blog I want to add to the discussion and offer an intuitive approach.  As always the intuitive perspective is not a logical one.  It is the other side of our brain.

Our own thoughts and beliefs or even fears define our success.


One of my clients, Ted, owns an event planning company.  He has been quite successful in the past; work just seemed to come his way.  Last year that was the case.  For the first time he has to generate new business and find new clients.  He was great at creating an event but in complete fear about generating new clients.


Sara called me recently. She is an interior designer who has also been quite successful.  One client referred another and her company had as many clients as they could handle.  Sara took off last year to travel and to buy furniture and artifacts for her clients.  It was, in a way, a time of renewal for her.  When she returned her clients seem to have disappeared.  For the first time she finds herself needing clients.  Sara was uncertain about how to begin.

Create A Vision of Your ideal Client

Whether you are just starting your business or profession or have been at it for years generating new business is part of the game.  As a business intuitive I begin by looking at your vision of your clients/customers.  How clear is this vision?  Ted and Sara, never really looked at that because work just came to them.  Having a clear vision (in your mind’s eye) is the first step.  If you can’t see it, it won’t happen.

Stop Thinking

When creating your vision you want to be out  of your mind!  By that I mean, don’t think.  Imagine.  Thinking is not creative.  Imagining is.  This is a basic intuitive principle and you will read this in each of my blogs.  The only way I know to get out of my mind and focus on clear seeing is through meditation, which is why I recommend it so strongly.

Take the time to meditate

Take the time to create a clear vision of your customers.  Imagine new business coming your way. Be specific. How many new clients do you imagine?   Can you imagine or see this vision in your mind’s eye?  Keep looking until you see your vision clearly.

Finally, notice your thoughts and fears about your vision manifesting.  Clear the thoughts and release the fears that invalidate your vision.  Whatever you believe creates your experience.  This is not logical yet very intuitive.  Your vision is 50 new clients this week BUT your belief is “It’s not possible!”  That is precisely what will manifest – wanting.

Do this exercise for as long or as often as necessary until you see your vision and can imagine it happening.   Be aware and notice as your vision manifests.

Best wishes on your success!


Create Success NOW – Not in the future


You have a clear vision of your success!  You have a plan to get there.   Business owners and professionals often tell me they are doing all the right things so ” WHY is my vision not manifesting as they had envisioned it?”  Our success is always manifesting precisely as we imagine it.

Expect Success NOW!

As a business intuitive I often see the thoughts a person has about their success. They may not be aware as these thoughts may be in the back of their mind. They may have feelings that are just below the surface.  I find that business owners who see their success happening NOW see their success growing.  Successful business owners fully expect to experience their success everyday!

Success Come From Within

I have seen very talented business owners and professionals with great plans and even a lot of cash not create success simply because they envision success in the future.  This is simply false thinking, programming to see success in the future or it comes from invalidation and fear.  That may be the fear of failure or not being able to succeed.  For others it is the fear of success.  There are many more possibilities.


One of my clients, Stephen, wanted to perform on Broadway.  He arranged intuitive business mentoring with me to achieve this goal.   So far this goal was just not happening. The first step was for Stephen to create a clear vision of his success on Broadway.  Soon after his vision began to manifest.  He auditioned in San Francisco for a major musical.  He did so well they asked him to audition in LA for the national touring group.  This audition also went well.  He was asked to fly to New York to audition for the Broadway show.  It was at this point that Stephen found his fears.  He was in fear of this step and all the changes it would bring in this life.


Sara grew up in a family that loved boats so when the opportunity to buy a company that sold high-end yachts presented itself she jumped at the chance.  She invested all the money she had and that she could borrow into the purchase of this business.  In addition to her love of boats, Sara was also very business savvy, disciplined, organized, etc. and yet her business was not moving forward as she imagined it.  During an intuitive consultation I saw a picture in her space that said she was too young, too new in the industry that she would have to put in her time before the money would flow.  When I told her what I saw she laughed because she knew these thoughts were in the back of her mind.  She cleared her thinking and her business immediately began to turn around.

Your Vision of Success Now!

Notice for yourself.   Do you imagine your success as “Just around the corner”?  Do you see it happening in the future?  Do you believe that you are not ready for your success?  Perhaps you believe that this or that has to happen before you can have your success?  In all these beliefs we are keeping success from happening NOW!

Intuitive Exercise

Success is not a mystery that only a few have the key to.  Success can often be a journey in self-awareness.  Knowing what you want is the first step.  Seeing it in your mind’s eye is next.  Now notice your thoughts and feeling about your vision.

Take the time to meditate.  Notice your thoughts about when you imagine your success happening. Clear your thinking and see your vision of success happening NOW!

Best wishes on your success!

Havingness Now!

As business owners and professionals we all know what we want.  Some even have a vision of their success. Finally a few show Havingness for their vision.

What is

Havingness is an intuitive concept that describes an energy level.   Let me give you an example.   I want to create a successful business.  Notice the term “I want”.  Wanting does not create anything.  In fact, it is a flat out statement that you do NOT HAVE.  Thus you are “wanting”.     There are others who have a clear vision of their success.   They know and see intuitively creating success.  This is an important step but it is not enough.  To actually manifest your vision you need HAVINGNESS, the energy level of enthusiasm and certainty about your ability to manifest your vision!

Havingness and Non-Havingness

“I want to create a successful business.”   It won’t happen.   “I see my business success.  I see exactly how it will be created.”  This is a really essential step toward success!   “But I don’t believe it can happen.” This is non-havingness and it just replaced your vision of success.   Let’s replace that last statement with, “I don’t have all the answers but I am certain of my vision of a successful business.”  That is HAVINGNESS.

An Energy Level

Havingness is an energy level you create when you know what you want, have a strong vision of it and are enthusiastic about the possibility.   Havingness is a high energy level.  Non-havingness is a low vibration.    High energy levels are creative.  Low energy levels are not.

Your Energy Level?

We have the ability to set our energy level and our business to the vibration of havingness.  Simply go into meditation and open to your awareness.  Notice where you are now.   Are you in the vibration of havingness or non-havingness?  You will recognize it.  Havingness is the vibration of all things possible!

Take the time to clear your thinking, to release concepts or emotions that are in the way of your success.

Contact me if you would like an intuitive consultation or healing on your Havingness!


Best wishes for your success!


Success Now!

dreamstimefree_successMost see success as something that will happen in the future.  “I will be successful.” Or we believe that when this or that happens then “I will be successful!”  We create in our mind ideas that limit our success. We get in our own way.  Whatever we believe or imagine is exactly what happens thus success is always in the future or our success depends on one thing or another happening first.

Our Thoughts About Success

As a business intuitive I see that success is an energy vibration in your space.  Either you are vibrating at success or you are not.   I can see when a business owner or professional has created the idea  (thought or picture) of success happening later.  None of these ideas are, in fact, true.  They are simply our ideas of how success works.   If we change our ideas, thoughts or pictures we change our reality.  We can be at the energy level of success at anytime so why not now!

Your Vision of Success

We create success whenever we decide to do so.  We can decide to create success NOW!  It begins by having a clear vision of what we see (imagine) our success to be.  For each of us this will be different.  I suggest including all aspects of your life in this vision.   Meditate and see your vision in your mind’s eye.  Do not think about it or try to be logical.  Simply imagine success. There is time for logic but not at first.

Once you see clearly what success is to you then decide to begin and be successful starting now.  Begin by setting your work in a successful way and set the vibration of your business as a success.

Be Successful Now

The most important aspect is to do this now!  Be successful now!   See your success happening today.  Everything that you do, every step you take big or small do it successfully.  A profession or business builds rapidly from being successful now, in present time.

Intuitive Exercise

Try this intuitive exercise.   Before you begin each day take time to meditate even if for only a few minutes.

Stop and quiet yourself.  Close your eyes and decide to set your space to the vibration of success that day.  Notice what you have planned.  Rethink your plan if it is not focused on your success.  Eliminate anything that distracts you from your vision of success. Now decide to be successful today in whatever you have do.

Notice how each and every day builds a stronger vibration of success.