Have Gratitude for Success

????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????This past week we invited Lynne Twist, the author of  “The Soul of Money”, to speak.  I read her book years ago and am still reflecting on her perspective that every decision we make is based on “Will this make me money?” or “Will this cost me money?”  We are so programmed by money that in the back of our mind we are always weighing these two thoughts.  Yikes!  Is that really what we want?

Stop Striving

On Thursday Lynne focused on other aspects of money that I want to share with you.  She suggested that we let go of trying to get more to free up our creative energy so that we can simply create more.  She suggested that we pay attention to what we have, be grateful, make a difference with it and see our world change.  This is not at all logical but it is very intuitive.

Have Gratitude

Lynne’s primary message was one of gratitude and gratefulness.  These are two energy levels that create a different outcome than being focused on the energy of scarcity and lack. We can focus on having what we need and want or we can focus on our fear of not having.  It is our choice, our free will.

What do you choose?

I was working with a business owner yesterday who realizes that her company goes up and down based on where she is in her focus and her thinking.  Since we started our coaching relationship a month ago her business is up 12% so now she feels empowered.  Even with evidence of her ability to create a successful business she has in the back of her mind fears that it will fail.  I pointed out the choice she was presenting herself.  She can place her attention on gratitude for what she is creating and see herself continuing to create OR she can place her attention on her fears.  Which would you choose?

Thoughts About Money

What would happen if we changed our thinking about money?  Try these steps and see what happens to your reality?

  • Let go of striving and trying so hard to have money
  • Clear your thinking about money, i.e. lack, not enough
  • Have a clear vision of what you are creating
  • Be grateful for what you have already created
  • Have gratitude for what you have now
  • Have gratitude for what you are creating

Please share your thoughts about money.  There is so much to say about this.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

Fear Money. Love Money. Your Choice.

????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????All human actions are motivated at their most basic level by fear or by love.  What does this have to do with money?  In some instances this is obvious.   In other ways it is not so obvious because fear or love may be the thought behind the thought behind the thought.  It is the original thought,  unconscious and subconscious, that controls our space.

From an intuitive perspective these are the pictures in our space or deeper still, the automatic programming that controls our ability to love or to fear money.  Whatever terms you use and however you get there, we all have layers of thoughts, pictures, concepts energies and emotions that create automatic  actions or reactions in every situation.

The goal is to become conscious and aware of how we are being, to take charge of our space and make deliberate decisions about how we want to be.  In this way we override these automatic responses that were set up in us through our genetics, family programming, experiences, media, education and other subtle and not so subtle forms of influence.

Every human thought, word and deed is based on love or fear.  Most of us act and communicate on our first thought.  There are no answers there.  Most of us believe money is the problem and we go into fear when we do not have  enough of it or feel in control of it.  Instead the core picture is not about money.  It is fear.  The energy of fear manifests around our thoughts about money because it is a problem in our mind.


So let’s talk about fear.  Your task is not to think about fear but simply be aware of your fears.   There are the thoughts “on the top of your head” then there are the thoughts behind that.  Meditation is a way to find these layers, to see them and know them intuitively.  You find your fears then release and let go of thoughts, pictures, memories, emotions and anything else that you discover during meditation.  In this way you create real change.  If you do not become aware, nothing changes.  If you do not let it go, nothing changes.

What fears do you hold in your space?   Fear stops energy from moving, closes down our awareness, makes us hide, deny, push away, lie, etc.  What do you fear the most?  What you fear the most is what you will experience more.  It is simple.  Fear is a strong energy and energy attracts.  Fear attracts fearful situations. Write down your fears. This helps bring them out of the unconscious spaces within you.

Fear is also a natural and important part of your survival instinct.  When we are in danger or dangerously ill, the physiology of the body changes to make us better able to react and protect ourselves (and the species) from harm.  This ability lies in the first chakra at the base of the spine.  Fear in the first chakra is important.   It’s when fear is stimulated for other reasons and in other parts of our body that it starts to control and distort our reality.

Fear and Money

Fear manifests around money because we have pictures, thoughts, energy and emotions in around money (conscious and unconscious).  Knowing that thoughts create here is a common set of thoughts around money. “I want money but I cannot have it (create it, make it, have enough, etc.).  So how do these thoughts manifest?  They manifest literally. Wanting but not having.

So what are your thoughts about money?  What are your thoughts behind that? Do you fear money or love money?  Do you love your money?  Or is most of your energy, thinking and emotions in fear of money?

A New Vision of Money

The next step is to be conscious and aware of how you want to be with money.  You have the ability to decide and to have control of your energy, your thinking, your emotions and your vision.  It is simply a matter of being conscious and aware in present time.  What is your vision for money in your life?  How would you like it to be not how you fear it will be?

When we are not conscious and aware, deciding how we want to be in the moment then all the unconsciousness in our space takes over creating automatic actions and reactions to everything not just money. Yikes!

So how do you want to be with money? This is something that you can decide logically but that won’t change anything.  You have to go deeper to override the unconscious levels in us.  Our challenge is to continually chip aware of the unconscious levels that control our space.  The more awareness we have the easier it is to create.  Meditate and imagine a new vision of money in your life.  See it in your mind’s eye.  Feel it in the body.

In all ways we are the creator.  I know that is hard to hear and to understand but it is our purpose this lifetime, to grow in our understanding of our ability to create. See clearly your new vision of money that you are creating.  See it happening now not in the future.  See it clearly in your mind’s eye.  Feel having it in the body.  Allow your thinking to be aligned to this vision.  (Body, mind and spirit).  Write it down.  Read it daily.  Act in ways that creates a new vision of money in your life.   Love it or Fear it.  Your choice.

Best wishes on your success,


Note: Continue to meditate to bring fear out of your money space and meditate on your vision of money in your life.  It will make all the difference.

Cash Flow – Money in and Money out

Some have cash flowing in and out precisely at the level they desire.  What is the secret to their success?  Actually there is no SECRET!   We create and experience exactly what we believe or imagine.   Wanting easy cash flow does not create it especially if we do not believe it can happen.

Be careful what you believe. Thoughts and emotions (ours or others) affect our ability to manifest.  One of my clients is very capable at bringing money in but she is self-conscious about having more than her family so she manages to never has enough.

Money Coming In

Most of us spend time imaging ways to bring money in.  Our next step is imagining money coming in at the level we want.  Be aware of allowing money to come in from more ways than just hard work and effort. Allow the unexpected.

Money Going Out

The other side of financial havingness is having a strong vision of money flowing out.   Most don’t take the time to imagine this side of the dichotomy.   We don’t believe that we have full control of this or we don’t like the idea of money flowing out.  Why not?   We can decide to create a vision of money flowing out in the same way we can decide to create a vision of money coming in.  In fact, to have financial success our vision has to include both, money in and money out.

Enthusiasm for Money

Now notice your energy level.  Do you have enthusiasm for money coming in or is it a problem?   Do you enjoy money flowing out or do you resist this?   Your thoughts and emotional reaction to money in or money out affect your ability to create.

I Don’t Have ……

As a business intuitive I often hear business owners or professionals declare “I don’t have enough money for ……… or “I can’t afford …….”  They say it with such determination it is as if they are declaring this to the entire universe.  In fact, they are.  Be careful what you declare.  You are creating your business or career based on your declarations.   If you do not want something then simply say that.  If you want something but you cannot afford it right now then declare “I can have ….” then watch as the universe manifests in ways so that you can have it.

A Miracle

My client wanted a new highend expensive printer.  She could easily have declared, in dismay, that she would not afford it.  Instead she wrote this printer down as one of her goals.  A week later at a networking event there was a raffle for the exact printer she wanted.  Of course, she won the raffle.

Intuitive Meditation

Take the time to meditate.   Quiet the body.  Clear your mind.

Imagine in your mind’s eye money flowing in.  Use your intuition.  Notice your thoughts about this.  Notice your emotions.   Clear your thoughts and emotions that make money flowing in a problem until you can see your vision with enthusiasm for creating money.

Use your intuition to imagine money flowing out. Notice your thoughts about this.  Notice your emotions.   Clear your thoughts and emotions that make money flowing out a problem until you can see your vision with enthusiasm for spending money.

When you can imagine or see in your mind’s eye cash flow at the level you would enjoy then you are ready to experience financial havingness.  If you don’t believe this then you are not ready yet.  Keep meditating.  Clear your thoughts.  Release your fears until you can see clearly money in and money our exactly as you would enjoy.

Best wishes on your success!