What Do You Wish For In 2024?

The focus of my work has always been for people to realize and actualize their ability to create. My approach has evolved over the years as the concepts we hold as a society change. Those concepts program us to think and act a certain way that may or may not serve us.

For a long time, I focused on people achieving goals. I soon realized that my approach made it easy for people to achieve goals but that was not enough. My clients would report that they achieved the goals they set but were not happy. Something was missing.

From this I changed my approach. Instead of focusing on achieving goals, we focused on the life we desired. To see our life as a whole and how we want to experience and express ourselves meant going within.

Achieving goals means to focus outside ourselves to achieve something. We can do that but that is not the way it is meant to be. Our path this lifetime is to know, express and experience ourselves in our lives. In that way, our lives are a reflection of who we are at our core (heart).

Meditation is the tool for going within to our core (heart). Meditation helps us reconnect with who are at our core. We can use our original essence, that spark within us, to flow from within to create the life we desire.

This year, at the start of 2024, I want to add a step in creating the life we desire. As before, meditate so that you can see the life you desire. See it in your mind’s eye. Always see yourself having it now not in the future. Let go of any thoughts that say you cannot have it for one reason or another.

Now meditate to answer these questions. 

  • What do you wish for in 2024? 
  • How do you wish to experience yourself? 
  • How do you wish to express yourself? Meditate on these questions. Do not think. See the answers in your mind’s eye. 

Next allow the changes needed (get unstuck) so that you can experience more of the life you desire. Best wishes on your new year.

See It To Create It

Working hard can create success and it does not need to be that way. I work with business owners and professionals who say they are exhausted, overwhelmed, frustrated, or that success is coming too slow or at a cost to their health and their lives.


My question is always the same. What is your vision for your business or your career? Their answers may vary slightly, but a common one is, “I just want to make money.” Most of them are making money.

Whatever we imagine we are creating. Often, owners are creating what they see. What they did not realize was that they were not focused on or did not have a vision of what they really wanted.

We often use the term vision when discussing businesses or careers; it applies to all our lives. Vision means to see. In this context, it refers to seeing with your mind’s eye. Imagine what success looks like. Imagine what the life you desire looks like. Can you see it?

Some people do not have the ability to imagine, called aphantasia, meaning without imagination. The other side of that coin is hyperphantasia which is having vivid imagery. While scientists struggle to explain our ability to imagine, most of us have the ability to see in our mind’s eye. It is intuitive.

What we see or imagine is being created. So in the case of the frustrated business owner, he was creating what he imagined – making money. He also believed that he had to work hard to make money, so he created that.

The other day, I met a new client with a successful business, but too much of it relies on him – his choice. He believes that no one can do it how he can, so he creates his business to depend on him.

I asked him why he imagined it that way. His belief was that having employees was hard work and, in fact, more work. I asked why he imagined that to be true. He hired a GM, and it turned out to be more work, and he said, “I knew that would happen.” I suggested he imagined it happening that way and created it that way. We worked together to help him see clearly what he really wanted, to see a different outcome in his business and his life.

What we imagine is what we are creating. Most people just work hard every day. They think that everything would be different if they did more of something like marketing or worked harder. That is never the answer.

Business owners and professionals who take the time to see clearly in their mind’s eye the business, career, and life they desire begin to experience changes that lead them to that vision. This is not logical, but it is very intuitive.

So what do you imagine? Not for the future but for what you want now. Follow these steps.

  • Find a quiet place and give yourself the time to meditate or reflect.
  • Take a deep breath and calm your body.
  • Stop thinking and instead imagine what you want in your work and your life.
  • See yourself having it.

Do this often, as it may take time to get out of your unproductive thinking and align with your vision. Change can take time but begins with knowing what you see in all aspects of your life. What you imagine is being created.

Only what inspires and ignites passion

This year like last year. A familiar routine and your comfort zone. That is one choice. Another choice would be to experience another part of yourself, the braver side that wants to get out of a routine to create and have more.

Change is not easy, so some decide to keep things as they are. It may not be what they want, but at least it is familiar, and that is a choice.

This year I am focusing my clients and you on having an inspired life. This is a different choice, and it means knowing what you are passionate about and what inspires you. That sounds great, but it takes work to find.

If we go through each day in much the same way, we do not need passion or inspiration. If you want something new then your energy and focus have to change. The energy of passion is a high vibration. Does it seem beyond your reach? It’s not, but it is not what you have been focused on, so it is a stretch.

Our life is always a reflection of us, our energy level, what we think, what we believe, and how we see our life. Nothing is impossible, and the change starts within.

If you want something different this year, begin by seeing it in your mind’s eye. Only imagine what inspires you and what you are passionate about. Forget the rest. This may take several meditations to clear your thinking and come to a new place of inspiration, but it will be worth it.

Stay aware of limiting beliefs but focus on the life you desire that inspires and ignites your passion. Now that you see it change your routine, take new actions, and experience new things so your vision can manifest.

Create a happy new year.

Your Vision is Not Out There

Frangipani Spa Flowers reflected water.PlumeriaThe importance of having a vision is promoted everywhere these days. Having a vision sounds like a discovery, or maybe we are hearing it for the first time. Perhaps the ability to see in our mind’s eye – to visualize -is gathering acceptance. In any case, the idea of vision is not new and is it not something someone discovered.

Our vision is within us. Contrary to that perspective, people believe we have to figure out or decide our vision. That would be an incorrect approach. Our vision is at our core and always has been.

Working with professionals and business owners has increased my awareness of how a vision develops. Over the years I discovered that our vision is not something that we decide. Our vision is something that we discover within us, at our core.

When we can come out of our thinking, stop analyzing and arguing the pros and cons of various vision options, perhaps we can get quiet enough to listen to ourselves. Learning to go within and communicate with ourselves at our core, will give us the insight we need to know the vision that is already within us.

Our life is the path we follow to let our vision unfold and manifest. Our path is not about what we do but an expression of who we are at our core. I know this makes us shift our thinking that our vision, path and purpose are things we have to decide and create out there in the world somehow. A different perspective sees our vision flow from within to manifest in our world.

Our path is to experience our vision. We get off our path, get in our way and force ourselves, often with a lot of effort, to create what we think we should. Alternatively, if we simply quiet our space, go within and listen to ourselves at our core, we can begin to live the life our vision inspires.

Creating from our core is not logical. Then again we think too much. Our thinking gets in the way of knowing the vision we have always had for ourselves and our path to experience our that vision in the world. Do not think about this. That’s what gets us off our path.

Thoughts, concepts, emotions and programming that we hold get in the way of knowing our vision and expressing it.

Find the vision you have always had within you. First, stop thinking. Get quiet. Close your eyes. Go within. Get to know who you are at your core. Do not think. Learn to listen. Follow your heart. Follow your core, and you will be on your path, allowing the vision you always had within you to manifest.


Success is not a mystery.

Push pin on success text
Success is not a mystery.

What I know about success.

The clearer our vision, the greater our success.

So spend more time dreaming and not all your time doing.

Focus time on actions that create success.

Do not be distracted by time thiefs.

Create a plan and act on it diligently.

Decide how you want to be in your life, work and relationships with others then be that.

Know how you are being in each moment.

Believe in your vision. Believe in yourself.

Create success with the support of others. Never do it alone.

See your vision manifesting now, not in the future.

Allow it to be uncomfortable. Change is uncomfortable.

Have enthusiasm for your vision of success. Stay focused on that.

Don’t give up on vision, yourself or others.

What do you dwell on? That’s what you are creating. Yikes!

dv1990098We spend our time dwelling on the energy in our space, the thoughts in our head, problems, people and more. How might things be different if we directed our attention? How might things be different if we consciously decided what to dwell on? What would happen if we did not dwell on energies in our space but on the life we are creating?

First, it would be hard to do because no one taught us that we could choose. No one taught us that we pick up other’s energy and thoughts all day long into our space. And indeed, no one taught us that we could and should remove energy that is not ours from our space every day. No one taught us to clear our thinking.

So now as adults we live in a reality where we keep others energy and thoughts in our space and think it is ours. The owner of a very successful company described an experience in which she could not get a client off her mind. Sara was dwelling on him regularly and could feel him in her space. She tried everything she could think of the get free of him finally she danced. She danced for hours, enjoying every minute of it, bringing her energy back into her space and releasing the energy and thoughts of her client. This worked for her.

Charles found himself dwelling on his staff; felt that he could not get free of them, their expectations and his thoughts about it. Then it occurred to Charles that perhaps he could decide what to focus on and what to think. Charles knew he had to get his space back from everyone, so he got into his car, put the top down and headed for the coast. The coast had always been a place of personal sanctuary for Charles, and it reminded him of times when he was clear and enjoyed dwelling on the life he desired.

Both of these examples are great stories of someone recognizing they wanted their space back so that they could focus their thoughts intentionally. Their solutions worked but are not practical for each moment of our day.

The goal would be to focus our thinking and our energy, as we desire throughout our day. Doing this would change our lives in positive ways. Rather than dwelling on problems, we would focus on how we want our lives to be personally and professionally. Focusing on what we do want changes everything.

Because this would be a significant change, we have to start small. First, begin to notice what you dwell on. Becoming aware of our thoughts is essential to create change. Next, imagine releasing or coming out of those thoughts. It may mean letting go of thoughts others have placed in your space as well as thoughts you added to that conversation. Stop the conversation. Finally, redirect your attention. Begin to focus on and think about how you do want in this moment, today , this week, etc. in the context of the life you desire.

It helps to write down what you are creating in your life, to help you direct not only your thinking but also your actions. Thoughts are creative so create your thoughts. Create thoughts that support the life you desire.  Do not dwell, even for a second, on what you do not want.

Best wishes for success, Kay


Create From Within

dreamstime_xs_12419700For the past twenty plus years, I have been working with business owners and professionals to achieve their vision of success and learned a great deal in the process.

When I began I had everyone focus on achieving his or her goals. I have a unique ability to guide people in achieving something, so most achieved their goals and more quickly than they expected. Something else happened.

These same people then complained that though they achieved their goals, they were not happy. From this came a new focus. The answer does not come from achieving goals. I needed to show people to look at the bigger picture. What is their vision for the life they desire? All of it. Personally and professionally. Goals needed to support their vision.

This change made an enormous difference. I found everyone began to feel inspired by creating a grander vision for himself or herself. Gradually I watched people creating greater and grander things then feeling a bit lost.

In meditation, I saw that everyone was busy creating things to have, be and do. All their attention was outside of themselves. They were getting addicted to creating one thing after another and began losing awareness of themselves. I knew they were heading in the wrong direction. I  saw they needed to go within and reconnect with who they are.

From this awareness, I created From Within, a program designed to guide you to connect with who you are at your core. To go within. When you connect with who you are at your core, you grow in your awareness of yourself, find your essence and everything changes.

When you connect to who we are at our core then you create from within and that manifests in your world. This may not be logical. It is more accurate to say it is something you have to experience.

We have so much of our attention and awareness outside ourselves that we lose ourselves. We are busy manifesting rather than experiencing who we are at our core in the world.

When we create from within, we can experience who we are in the world. That does not mean that we have to change what we do or have. It means we bring who we are at our core, our essence, into what we do and create from there.

Take the time to meditate. Go within. Go to your core (cor=heart). Find yourself. Find your essence. Create from within.

Best wishes, Kay

From Within

When We Hate Change

200469160-001Two of my clients are going through difficult life changing events that bring me to understand more deeply the nature of change. Both are experiencing changes they have wanted for a long time but changes they could not make. We are always getting what we want. Sometimes we are proactive and create the changes we desire. When we are stuck in a routine, a way of being and resisting change, our desire for change still manifests though in a forceful way.

Everyone I work with can identify that their current crisis stems from a desire for change. Sometimes change needs to disrupt old routines, energy patterns and ways of being that no longer serve us and stand in the way of achieving our vision.

When circumstances force us to make a change, we have wanted but could not make then we know that we are the cause of the disruption. Some changes are made easily. Other changes need an explosion to be accomplished. These are often miserable, heart-wrenching experiences of change.

That does not mean that it has to be this way. When there is a change we desire but find it difficult or impossible to accomplish, we tend to find a way to continue as we are without making the change voluntarily. This approach almost guarantees an upheaval as necessary to give us the change we know we want.

There is another way to effect a change we resist making. From an intuitive perspective, it begins with using abilities we already have within us.

  • Go to your core (cor is Latin for the heart). Go to who you are at your core – go within to your heart chakra. Connect with who you are. From your core, you find courage, which means to stand by your core. When we connect to our core and create from there, we experience our courage to create change.
  • Be grounded. When we resist making a change, the energy center at the base of our spine (the first chakra – survival chakra) may open too much making any change appear harder than it is. Grounding the first chakra is a way to come out of the fear of change. Imagine a connection between the base of your spine and the center of the planet. Imagine being grounded.
  • Be centered. We can get lost in our thinking that is, for the most part, incorrect. Our thinking tends to focus on worry and problems. Gain perspective by being in the center of your head (sixth chakra not your analyzer). When we are centered in this way, and not lost in thought but centered, we have a clearer perspective from which to see and know our next step. Imagine the life you desire rather focus on the problem at hand.
  • Hold your head high. I know that sounds trite though from an intuitive perspective when we hold our head up, lengthen our spine so that our energy centers (chakras) are aligned then our energy can flow up through an energy center at the top of our head, the crown chakra. This energy center vibrates our confidence, ownership of our space and seniority in our world.

All of these steps are designed to connect to our courage for a change, to come out of the fear of change, to clear our thinking, focus on what we do want and find the confidence to make the changes to get there.

The body hates change, so a change will most always be uncomfortable though it is essential to achieve our vision of the life we desire. So to have the changes we desire means accepting the discomfort (disruption in old energy patterns) during the transition.

We are always getting our goals. We are always evolving and moving toward our grandest vision for ourselves.

Best wishes, Kay

Success is not a mystery

dreamstimefree_2565706Some of what I write in my blog is logical and strategic. I love that way of thinking. Most of what I write is from an intuitive perspective with the goal to open our awareness to so much more than what our mind can understand.

In our culture, we are programmed to be logical about all things. I joined a conversation thread with a group of logical thinkers to interject an intuitive perspective into their conversation. They would have no part of it. Everything is logical they insisted. What I learned from spending time with them is their conversation centered on things that can be understood logically and shied away from discussions that were not. So in their world of logic that is all there was.

In this conversation with you, I invite both logical and intuitive perspectives. The challenge is to shift our perspective between the two in the same conversation. That is the challenge.

Let me offer an example.

The most successful people have a clear vision of what they are creating. Having a clear vision can be understood logically as they can describe their vision to you and you understand. It is also intuitive as they see their vision clearly in their mind’s eye, but even more importantly they see it manifesting. Successful people who mastered this include Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Richard Branson and others. With great enthusiasm, they created one success after another.

After working with business owners for years, I learned there is another way a business owner may approach success that produces a different result. Their vision may not be clear. Their vision is an idea in their mind rather than something they can see in their mind’s eye. Intuitively, we know that what we imagine (in our mind’s eye) is being created. So until they can see it, it is just an idea.

A next key element for success is feeling and seeing a vision manifesting already, in smaller ways at first then growing. They can see their vision manifesting, doing this with great enthusiasm and passion for what they are creating. In this way, they add their creative energy to the mental image picture (their vision). When we add our energy to a picture, it comes to life and begins to manifest in reality.

Those who struggle with success may not have a clear vision but even if they do, may not feel that it can manifest. Their thoughts and emotions get in the way. They see their vision as something they want. Wanting is the opposite of manifesting so when we are in the energy of wanting then we are left with wanting. Not logical but very intuitive.

Successful people do not let anything get in their way. They are determined and move effortlessly through other’s pictures or energy that is not in support of their goal. They effortlessly keep moving forward, inspired by and taking actions to support their vision.

The dichotomy to this would be to become the effect of other’s pictures or energy. Perhaps someone does not share your vision and tries to talk you out of it, and this stops you. Perhaps someone has a strong reaction to the changes you are making to achieve your vision, and their energy gets stuck in your space.

Our vision of success can get stuck when we get into effort or try to control  how our vision manifests. How a vision manifests is not always logical.  On an intuitive level, when we resist or control anything, we change the course of it. Our original vision cannot move in a tightly controlled energy, so it stops and whatever we resist begins to manifest instead.

My favorite physicist, Fritjof Capra, would describe this in an elegant, scientific way. His description of how our energy impacts our world are in his book, The Tao of Physics.

So where to go from here? Logic can be understood. Intuitive perspectives cannot be understood through logic. They are understood through experience. So try the following and notice the difference this makes in your life.

  • Spend time reflecting on your vision. See it clearly in your mind’s eye. Not thinking but imagining your vision. Do this often.
  • Feel your vision manifesting now. Be clear about that. Avoid the tendency to imagine it in the future. Challenge yourself to see your vision beginning to happen now.
  • Find your enthusiasm for your vision. Release any thoughts or feelings that say it cannot happen.
  • Change your routine and begin to act in a new way that aligns with your vision.
  • Do not control how your vision manifests. Become aware of the inevitable changes that will occur for your vision to manifest. Do not control them. Go with the changes, as not everything is logical.

Best wishes, Kay


The Three Most Important Steps

Cherry flowers and dollarLike most of us you probably get up in the morning, follow your routine and head off to work. You get there and take on whatever is on your desk or demanding your attention. This is the recipe for working hard. It is the same routine every day. This is not a recipe for success.

Don’t feel bad most people work this way. Successful people work another way. They have a clear vision of the success they want. They have a clear vision and they have a plan to get there. Each day successful people find the most important steps they can take that day to achieve that vision. Success people are not distracted by other demands and don’t waste time on work that does not move them forward in achieving their vision. They are focused.

Anyone can do this but old habits are hard to break, so it takes a plan. With those I coach I suggest meditation. Begin each day with a few quiet moments in which you stop, close your eyes, stop thinking, get quiet and visualize.

When we start our day with a vision of success in mind, everything changes. We become clear and focused. Rather than decide what you have to do today, visualize (imagine) the success you desire. Have this in mind to start. See it clearly. If you cannot then spend more time each day until you are clear. Without that vision, you have nothing to achieve. You are just working hard.

Next notice where you are now and the distance between where you are and where you want to be. Meditate and know the steps you can take to move closer to your vision of success. Finally in meditation become aware of three high-value tasks you can do this day to move you forward.

If three steps are taken each day toward your vision, it begins to manifest. It is surprising and exciting. It is important that the three steps are high-value steps. High-value steps make a difference. They are not the easy to do steps that you would do anyway but rather ones that take you out of your routine, are a bit uncomfortable and will make a significant difference.

When we approach our work in this way, our perspective and our energy change significantly. We feel different and see differently. We are focused on success, and it is manifesting.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

Whatever You Imagine Is Being Created

Intuitive - Clear seeing

As a kid, I was self-conscious, not wanting to fail especially when others could see. Fear of failure was particularly evident in sports. I wanted to go on a group ski trip but did not know how to ski. I wanted to go with friends ice-skating except I did not know how to ice skate. My family planned to go water skiing with another family, and I did not know how to water-ski. Now you are thinking everyone has to learn and that makes sense except I could not tolerate not knowing, and the fear of failing was immense.

From that early age, I learned to visualize. No one taught me. It just seemed the only way. In all these sports, I had at least one experience trying and, of course, failing but I knew how it felt, so I started to imagine myself performing the skill needed for the sport. For example, I did this over and over then I would dream about skiing. When I could feel myself skiing in my dreams, I found that I could ski! This same technique worked for roller-skating and other sports. From there, with experience and practice I got better.

As I grew up, I used this same technique in other situations where I was not certain. Over and again I found that if I could imagine it, I could do it. Visualizing worked in college, in social situations, car repairs and more. It worked so well that I teach all my clients to visualize. Visualizing is not a new concept. Hundreds of studies have proven its impact. Thousands of teachers and coaches use visualization to develop their students, clients, and athletes. Some in the medical profession use it with patients to imagine their desired outcome.

Visualizing works both ways. We can imagine the outcomes we desire. On the other hand, if we imagine and dwell on the negative, what we fear and what we don’t want that manifests as well. Whatever we imagine is created. We can imagine a negative outcome just as easily as something we want.

Notice what you dwell on. Do not dwell on, imagine or visualize what you do not want. Don’t be too curious about someone else’s mishap. Don’t imagine what that was life for them so that you do not create it for yourself.

The essence is to focus your mind’s eye. Focus on manifesting what you do want. Keep your mind clear and your attention off any negative thoughts. Create your vision of success, be certain and take steps in present time to move in that direction.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

Forget To Do Lists. Be Successful!

Success Now!
Success Now!

As a society, we are obsessed with To Do Lists. There is a sense that getting things done and being busy are important. Getting things done and being busy does not achieve goals or move us any closer to our vision of success. It is just a way to fill our time.

Some of us are so fixated on To Do Lists that they feel lost without them. I gave a seminar to a group of business owners on their vision of success, the importance of creating goals to support that vision and strategies to achieve those goals. I never once mentioned To Do Lists. I had moved everyone’s thinking to a new level of creating success. They were inspired, aware and ready to approach their businesses in a new way.

At the Q&A session, the first comment was from a woman who said she totally understands what I am saying, and she creates a to-do list every day. Ugh! I watched most of the room move from the energy of success down to the energy of effort, working hard, being busy and getting things done.  Her comment reminded them of their attachment to a To Do List. Old habits, even unproductive ones, are hard to break.

Just being busy feels validating. We are programmed in this way. We are not programmed to be successful which requires a different approach.

Knowing that we cannot give up the To-Do List, as it is engrained in us, let me suggest another approach. Have a clear vision of the life you desire, a very clear vision. Write it down. Establish goals for the year to move you in the direction of that vision. Write your plans to achieve those goals. Your vision and the goals to achieve your vision are the foundation of your success.  The other option is to make a To Do List, stay busy in a routine that maintains what you have now without moving forward.

If a To Do List is essential for your comfort, create one but don’t start there. Start your day deciding the goals you want to achieve or steps you want to take to achieve your vision of success. Completing one to three goals a day is possible. Write the steps you will take that day.

Now go back to your To Do List. If there is something on the list that is urgent, though not important to achieving your vision, then decide that will be done today as well. Focus first on the steps you defined to achieve your goals. If there is time remaining at the end of the day then going back to the To Do List is an option.

Success comes from focusing on the outcome you desire and taking steps in present time to manifest that vision.

Best wishes on your success,  Kay

Vision From Your Core


Every year around this time we reflect on where we have been, create a vision of what’s next and a plan to get there. It is so easy for our vision to be too narrow, focusing on one goal or another and not the bigger picture of the life we desire personally and professionally.

We create professional goals separate from our personal goals.   There may be a disconnect that we do not notice from the logic of our mind.

Seeing that bigger picture is possible when we gain some distance about where are now. From an intuitive perspective this means literally to pull our energy and attention out of our current creations, successes, failures, problems, accomplishments, what we enjoy and what we do not.

When we can create separation or distance from everything that is we gain perspective and can see more clearly. There is one more step. Look at the vision for your life from who you are at your core. Being at your core happens easiest in meditation. Go within. Find a communication with yourself. In this way you can listen to your heart, your soul and yourself, asking where you truly want to be in your life. What is next?

Our lives are so noisy that we cannot hear ourselves. Focus is typically on something or someone so much so that we lose our ability to hear ourselves. We act and react to whatever is in our space at the moment. Reacting without thought reminds me of the adage that says we are like a couch. We wear the impression of the last person who sat on us. In order to know our truth about what is next we have to clear everyone and everything from our space. The goal is to be alone with our self, long enough to get back into communication with who we are at our core. Once there, we can ask questions about what is next.

Being able to hear our self is not easy. We have noise in our heads. We tend to think more than we listen. When we take time to be alone, quiet our body, clear our thinking, go within and ask a question about what’s is next, we can find our truth. The key is not to think but to listen. Listening to ourselves at our core takes practice. We are so programmed to think that we tend to do that automatically though the answer you are looking for comes in listening to yourself and the God of your heart at your core.

Before you create your goals and plans for the New Year, take the time to be alone, go within and communicate with yourself. What is your next step? Don’t ask the world. Ask from who you are at your core.

Best wishes for peaceful, happy and prosperous New Year, Kay

2015 Different Than 2014

happy new year 2015 on the beach with sunrise2014 is drawing to a close. Don’t turn your back on it until you pause, write your achievements in 2014 (brag), write what didn’t work and, most importantly, why. Success is not a mystery.

When we take the time to honestly assess both what we are good at and how we get in our own way then, we can change. Recognizing why we did not take steps, is important to know.  We can decide how we will be different in 2015. Otherwise, nothing will change.

This past week I conducted two webinars on determination.  I did this webinar because I find when we do not achieve our vision or a goal it is often because we are not determined enough.

From an intuitive perspective, determination is an energy level we have available to us that is so strong and such a high vibration that it pushes through the stuck places in us. If you go into effort when I say this then you are not using the energy of determination. Determination and effort are different.

We start with an idea of what we want in our lives but that is not enough. The next step is to see, in our mind’s eye, our life being this way. This is the vision we have of our life. When we can see it in our mind’s eye, we are a step further than wanting. But visualizing not enough.

Granted you must be able to see your vision manifesting for that to happen but there is another step. That step is determination. Determination means to experience the energy of your certainty and your power to create this vision and make it real.

From here we start to write goals, take steps, push through fears and perceived limits. We are determined!

Try these steps:

  • Know what you want to create.
  • See your life in this way, clearly in your mind’s eye.
  • Feel determined, the energy in the body that says you can and will do this.
  • Write the goals and steps you can take to manifest that vision.
  • Finally, feel more determined because change is about to happen.

I would love to hear your comments, stories and perspectives.

Best wishes in the New Year, Kay

Success is like baseball

angels-baseballCreate a vision of success and watch it manifest. Hundreds of coaches, leaders, teachers, intuitive and others have been saying this forever. It is not a new concept so why has a vision not manifested?  We get in our way.

We are creating every day, all the time. We do it so often that we do not notice. I watched my husband do this today. Last night was the fifth game of the World Series. Madison Bumgarner was pitching and the team was playing well. It was an exciting game! At the seventh inning my husband, who was born wearing a Giant’s cap, had to leave to do some work. He figured he could watch the recording when he returned. No worries.

As it turned out the game did not record for some unexplained reason. He was devastated, stayed up late trying to piece together the last two innings from news reports. It clearly was not enough for his Giant’s heart.

At lunch today Michael said, “I just want to watch the last two innings of the game. Is that so much to ask?”   On a whim, he turned on the TV. The network was replaying the game and the the game was in the 7th inning! What are the chances? This was not a coincidence though that was Michael’s first reaction.

From an intuitive perspective, Michael was determined to see the last two innings of the game. He had a clear vision even though he had no idea how to make it happen. A miracle you say? No. Michael created a vision. He was determined and it manifested.

This happens to us all the time and we don’t notice, as it is so much the norm. We only notice when our vision IS NOT manifesting. Typically a vision does not manifest when we are in the way, thinking that it can’t happen for one reason or another. We generate energy, pictures, emotions and programming that get in the way.

If we were to take a lesson from this baseball story it would be to  see clearly what you want manifested, think positively about it, be excited to see it manifest and determined that it will even if you don’t exactly know how.

Baseball always gives us life lessons. Go Giants!

How badly do you want success?

KayakDo you desire success? How much?

What is success for you?  You can stop now and take the time to write that out, and I do mean to write it out. Working with business owners and professionals for 20+ years, I learned that those who write their vision down and share that vision are more successful. Is there magic to writing it down? I believe writing it down is a way of being determined in body, mind and spirit.

Are those who write it down more determined, more focused thus more successful? That statement has value as well, but the real question is “How determined are you?” Before you answer that let’s step back and ask a question that has to be answered first.

Do you enjoy what you do? Are you enthusiastic about what you do? Are you passionate?

If the answer to these questions is not a resounding YES then, you are working hard for something that you want but not something you are determined to achieve. Wanting something means you do not expect it to happen or that you do not have a plan to make it happen. Wanting is passive.

If however, you can feel enthusiasm flowing from within into what you do, stirring your passion and inspiring your creativity then YES, you are creating success.  Each day that you wake up enthused for the possibility in the day is a step in success.

You can’t lose your passion or enthusiasm.  It is there within you. En Theos. Enthusiasm.   Energy can get in our space and in the way of our enthusiasm. Responsibility replaces enthusiasm. Effort replaces joy.   There is a way back to the vibration of passion that you started this journey. Take the time to meditate, clear your space and thinking. Come back to your core. Reconnect with who you are at your core. Remember what stirs your passion.

When we create from enthusiasm it is such a high vibration that it brings us to the creative energy in the world.  That creative energy then supports our success. So step back. Notice where you are. How badly do you want success? Write down your vision. Share it. Reignite your passion and enthusiasm for success.

Best wishes, Kay

Do You Have 60 Seconds for Success?

dreamstimefree_1105021Working hard to create success is one way. Manifesting success can require much effort or it can be simpler. Either way is fine, and we do it the way that each of us prefers. Did it ever occur to you are creating success or not based on what you think and believe which is not necessary true?

Regardless how much effort we decide is needed the core is the same for each person who is successful. It begins with a strong and clear vision of what we want. Clearing our thinking is next, making sure we do not entertain any thoughts that give reasons why our plan will not succeed. Finally, feeling successful is an essential part.

Try something very simple. Spend time each day, maybe only 60 seconds, to quiet your body, clear your thinking and imagine yourself being successful and feeling it. For some, it will be clear right off. For others, it will take some time but only 60 seconds a day until we are clear, inspired and certain.

Try this every day for at least 60 seconds.

Sit in a comfortable and quiet place.
Close your eyes. Take a deep breath and relax.
Bring to mind your idea for success.
Imagine it clearly. What does success look like?
Clear your thinking and release any doubts.
Feel successful starting now.
Come out of meditation and have a great day.

Repeat this every day for 60 seconds until you see and feel it manifesting precisely as you imagined. Don’t analyze this just try it. Let me know what your questions are and what you discover.

Best wishes on your success, Kay


You’ve Gotta Feel It To Make It

0082 Adobe ID 044ASP367940For years, as a coach, I have worked to encourage everyone to take the time to stop and see clearly his or her vision of success. Some resist it. Others get it. Over time most of my coaching clients have settled in with the practice of making sure they have a clear vision – but that is not enough.

Now don’t get me wrong. A clear vision of what you are creating is essential for your success but truly it is only a mental image picture in your mind’s eye. Right? When we stop here then, we have a vision that we want to manifest, but it’s not happening.   A vision must be energized to be real-ized.

There are many ways to add energy to a vision so that it shows up in your world. Taking actions or steps are obvious and essential but there is more.

We have to feel successful. We have to feel successful in the body.  When we have a great vision, are taking all the right steps but don’t feel successful then we manifest failure.

Creating a clear vision is not easy for most but with time spent on reflecting, meditating and focusing, it can be created. As for actions, we are taught to create plans, define steps and take action. The key is to take action that will make a significant difference not just keep you busy.

More importantly is how we feel about our vision of success. How do we react emotionally to the idea of it? What are our thoughts about our vision? If how we feel or think about our vision are not aligned then the vision stays in the realm of something that we want versus something we can have.

So here are the steps:

  • See clearly in your mind’s eye your vision of success. Eyes closed. Imagine your success precisely as you would like it to be and see it happening now – not in the future.
    • Write it down.
  • Notice your thoughts about this vision. Clear any thoughts that compete with it, for example, all the reasons why you can’t be successful.
    • Clear your thinking.
  • Create thoughts that support your vision. Have you ever deliberately created thoughts? This is a time to do it. Think of ways to make it happen and steps you can take and reasons why it will work.
    • Write down those steps.
  • Now notice how you feel about it. Does your energy level rise when you focus on your vision of success? Do you feel inspired, excited, creative, enthusiastic, etc.? These are high vibrations of energy when focused on a mental image picture are creative. On the other hand, if your energy drops or you entertain feelings at the lower energy levels, i.e. worry, fear, doubt, tension, stress then your vision will not manifest because that is how you feel about it.
    • Raise your energy level to enthusiasm.

Take the time to align body, mind and spirit around your vision of success. You can change your thinking. You can change the energy level you are being. It takes focus to change old patterns and ways of being. See your vision of success, believe in it and feel inspired as you make it happen.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

Free vision form for businesses.  Login-Register  > Add A Membership > Forms

Person or Persona?

Summer SunflowerSeveral times this month the difference between who we are as a person and our persona has grabbed my attention. I started writing about this, led a meditation on person vs. persona and have discussed with my clients as well. When who we are a person is aligned with our persona we show then we enjoy our lives and our work. When there is a significant difference between the two, the more unhappy, frustrated and invalidated we seem to be.

I observed we spend most of our time being our persona, the image we show to others. Ideally our persona and who we are as a person within would be the same though that is not the case. It is not our fault. We are raised that way. Do we ask teenagers, “Who are you as a person?” “What do you know about who you are at your core?” Not likely. We ask them, “What do you plan to do?” “What do you want to be?” “What do you plan to study?” “What school are you attending?” All these questions and more focus them on their persona. More significantly we mold their persona based on our pictures about what is a considered a good answer or choice. Everyone is intuitive, so they feel and know what we expect or hope for them. This affects their thoughts about themselves and how they mold their persona. They want to be liked, respected and do what others will validate.

Don’t feel bad. This happened to all of us during our teen years, that sensitive time when we were trying to figure who we are, and everyone wants to know what we plan to do. Wow, I wish we could change this pattern but it is pretty engrained. As an adult, we want to go back and answer that original question. “Who am I?” “What do I know about myself at my core?” We want to know so that whatever we are doing or decide to do in the world (our persona) reflects and creates space to be and express who we are – truly.

This awareness of self comes when we are quiet, can stop thinking, go within and say hello to who we are at our core, not once but often, as a matter of routine. The more time we spend time knowing who we are, our persona slowly changes to align with that awareness. How would things be different if this happened or when this happens?

Take the time to meditate, reflect, get quiet, or whatever way works for you to answer the question, “Who am I – at my core?” Let that awareness and vibration flow into who you are in the world.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

How I Spend My Day

Cloud SmileysRealizing that I have two ways I can spend my day, I decided to pay attention to the result of each. How did I feel? What was my mood? What did I accomplish? What did I gain?

One day goes something like this. I get up early. Jump out of bed and begin my morning routine, get dressed without much thought, have my usual bowl of cereal while reading only the headlines on my iPad then I have a cup of coffee as I walk to my home office. I check my email and spend a lot of time responding to what I find there. Organizing my desk and taking care of the obvious To Dos on the top of my desk takes a bit of time as well.

Now I think about the most pressing, urgent, etc. issues. By the way, something being urgent or pressing does not mean that it was important. Typically it is urgent and important to someone else or something I must get done by the due date.

By now, my head is swimming with information from everything I already placed a moment of my attention. I look at my very long to do list that adds more thoughts to my mind. Then other things come to mind. I start doing things I don’t mind doing one after another.

The phone rings and my attention shifts again to that request and so my day goes. I am very busy, doing a lot of work, feeling tired, growing less and less focused. At the end of this day, I can say I was busy, did a lot and accomplished nothing!  I can say that I do not feel good about the results of my day.

Another Kind of Day

Another way that I spend my day, I wake up and lay in bed for a moment to gain my focus and perspective. How am I doing? What must I do today? What would I like to do?  What would help me to take a step to accomplish my vision of success? How would I like to feel today? With that intention, I get up and make sure that I am approaching each step mindfully. My cereal, headlines and coffee are still in the routine but I am more conscious about each step.

Look around my home, I put things away, clean up so that my living space is clear. Now is my time to meditate in a quiet, comfortable space. When I feel calm in my body, have cleared my thinking from the day before and set my space to enthusiasm then I am ready to create my plan for the day. I meditate on my vision and my goals. Where am I now and what can I do today that will have the greatest impact on achieving them? What am I resisting? What steps am I not taking? Who is on my side and can I engage in helping with my goals? With this clarity and feeling grounded I move into my office.

Clearing and organizing my workspace does not take much of my time. I do a quick and cursory scan of my emails, addressing only those that support my goals for this day. The others I will look at later. Now is the time to take on what I call high value tasks and make some magic. I know from experience that focusing on a single high value task to completion moves the dial that much closer to the result I want to achieve. The challenge is not to avoid the task just because it is difficult, pushes my limits or makes me feel uncertain. I take a deep breath, ground, center, focus and begin. It is amazing to me how a very difficult task taken one step at a time unfolds, opens up so that I can see the next step, then the next. None of the steps is as daunting as I expect.

At the end of this day, I am smiling, inspired, assured and energized. I can see the distance I have come. Now I am ready to close the door for the day. Collect up my energy from the days work.  It is time to play.

The first day I described I am justing going through a routine with barely a second thought, doing a lot and accomplishing nothing. The second day describes my way to taking ownership of what I intend to create and making it happen.

If you have ways that you spend your day that support, your vision of success, please share your thoughts.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

New Culture of Business


A new culture of business is emerging voicing a new set of values, increased self-awareness and businesses with a new definition of success. I am so relieved by the changes appearing in how businesses run, interact, view their staff, vendors and community. Some of the changes are subtle and others not so subtle. In the end, we are moving to a more moral, value based and healthy way to do business. Not everyone is on board with this, but more and more of us are. “Never underestimate the power of a small group of committed people to change the world. In fact, it is the only thing that ever has.” (Margaret Mead)

Here are some differences I see between the old business paradigm and the new.

Old: Be on top. Beat out the competition. Be better than everyone else. Take out the competition. Get the largest share of the market.

New: Be the best you can be. Do the best we can. Build our brand so that people know how we are different. Attract loyal customers who value our brand. Collaborate with other businesses. Share resources.

Old: Get more sales – at any cost. Over promise if necessary. Get the sale. Get more than the next guy.

New: Create customers. Under promise and over deliver. Not everyone is our customer. Don’t sell. Understand our customer and serve them with unbeatable quality.

Old: Money flows to the top. Hierarchy with command and control management.

New: Collaboration. Everyone valued. Share the success. Everyone seen as contributing to the success.

Old: Environmental concerns are ok, but not if it affects the bottom line. The community is important if it is a customer.

New: Prevent impacts on the environment and be profitable. Be part of the community. Give back. Join the sharing economy.

Old: How much money can we make?

New: Create a business that serves everyone’s life, that people enjoy working in, and that has value whether it sells widgets to solar power.


What changes can you add to this list? This is just the beginning. In what new ways do you or your company operate? Join the conversation.

Manifesting the hard way

200469161-001Mandy asked me to work with her to make a career change.  She had a good job that paid well.  She is seen as a leader in her industry but it is not what she wants to be doing.  Mandy was finding it hard to stay focused on her work.  She was distracted thinking about what she would rather to be doing.

When we begin to create a plan to transition to a new career or an old career revisited she got cold feet and worried that she needed the job she had.  Though she wanted a career change she could not imagine making it happen.  Mandy made some attempts to change her career then turned around and tried to find ways to connect with her current job. One step forward and two steps back.

From an intuitive perspective we are always getting our goals.  Mandy never gave up her goal to change careers so I knew it was manifesting.  I also know that goals manifest gracefully when we actively create them. Goals manifest less gracefully when we don’t.  So Mandy wanted out of her job and onto a new career but she could not take the steps to make it happen.  The only way for that change to happen was for her to lose her job. That is exactly what happened.  She was laid off so now she had to create the change she desired in the first place.   She was going to get her goal though not very gracefully.


This same scenario played out for Mary.  She was top executive in a large organization, was paid well and had a lot of visibility but it was not the job she wanted.  Over and over again she decided to quit and each time she thought about leaving she would get a raise.  As a single mom she could not imagine quitting a good paying job so she stayed all the while visualizing her next step.  Her vision manifested when one day suddenly she was laid off.  At first she was angry then she realized that she had visualized a job change for a long time.  Being laid off was the only way her vision could manifest and so it did.

My best counsel is to take charge of the change you desire.  It is going to happen one way or another.  Remember the saying, “Be careful what you pray for.”   Take a moment to notice the changes you have imagined.  Are you actively working to make it happen?  If not,  be intuitive and notice what would have to happen to move your vision forward.  How do you want to manifest your vision?  Be proactive or have it happen a bit less gracefully.  You decide.

Best wishes,  Kay


Stuck on the Wrong Solution

HugTrust your vision. It is always manifesting – even when we get in the way. Just because our vision does not manifest in the way we expect does not mean it is not going to happen.   It is so easy for us to get in our way, lose sight of our vision and decide that we are not going to get our goal because of once circumstance or another. That decision is powerful and wrong.  Here is a story of one business owner who thought her vision was not going to manifest.


A business owner, Sara, called last year at her wit’s end saying she was going to close her business but wanted to check in with me before she did so. After speaking with her it was clear that she did not want to close her business. She just wanted and needed to change her role in the business. Sara’s next step was to move more into a leadership role and not be responsible for the day-to-day operations any longer. This is normal and needed step for the owner and the growth of any business.

Leadership Solution

When Sara called she was vibrating at the energy that her business was a big problem. Not so. Sara just needed to stop being CEO, CFO, COO, CBO and every other c-suite title you could think of. Her real goal was not to close her business but to position her business for sale and to find someone she trusted to buy the business she started. Sara wanted someone to carry on its strong reputation and tradition.

 A New Organizational Strategy

We created a new organizational strategy to grow her business.  We changed her role to CEO/President, made her accountant functionally the CFO. One staff person was promoted to CBO as marketing chief. Another staff person, Carol, was promoted to COO in charge of the day-to-day operations. Carol was also interested in eventually taking over the business. As an intuitive I did not see that Carol as strong nor committed enough to take over the business in the long run but Sara was convinced this would work.

Sara stepped back and let the Carol take over. It did not turn out as well as Sara had hoped and Carol quit within a year throwing the business back into Sara’s lap. Sara was devastated. Her disappointment was overwhelming. She felt like a failure and was unhappy that she was back in the role of CEO and COO once again.

Vision Still Manifesting

Sara called in tears. I had to remind her that she was still getting her goal of finding someone she liked and trusted to take over her business. That goal had not changed.  It was so clear to me intuitively that Sara was still getting her goal. It simply was not manifesting in the way she expected. She had pushed for the Carol to be that person. That was not meant to be. Intuitively I saw that Carol was not the person who could carry on the reputation and tradition of the business so it was inevitable that she would leave. It is not a mistake nor a coincidence.   That does not mean that Sara is not getting her goal. Quite the contrary. She just has not found the person who she trusts and who could run her business with the same quality of service the community had come to know.  Sara could not see this at first because she had too much energy in Carol being the solution.

Not A Coincidence

Not coincidentally the next day Sara ran into a Gail who operated an agency that was her largest competitor. Gail asked how Sara was doing and said she had heard that Carol, Sara’s heir apparent, had quit. Gail asked if Sara was interested in selling her business. Sara was blown over by this.


Even with this miracle appearing out of no where Sara was still stuck in the energy of disappointment about Carol quitting. She was so much in that energy that she could not see the miracle being presented.  Sara’s focus on the solution rather than the goal is something that we all do. By doing do so we get in our own way. We are unable to have a clear perspective and lose sight of the goal. Sara was so focused on losing Carol who she always believed was the solution that Sara had lost her perspective. Sara’s goal was to sell her business and to someone she trusted and who could continue the business in much the same way.  She liked Gail and respected her. This could be her dream come true. Perhaps this is the right plan for achieving her vision.

Notice for Yourself

Notice for yourself. Have you ever fixated on what you believe is the right and only way your vision can manifest? In your daily meditation take the time to pull your energy out of solutions, strategies, etc. to order to focus on your vision and where you want to be. Your vision is always manifesting. How you get there may surprise you.  Always take steps toward your vision and allowed it to manifest in unexpected ways.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

Start Your Day This Way for Success

Adobe ID 164ASP19151002Steve starts his day checking his email. It is easy to be lured into the computer, the latest news, an entertaining story, YouTube video, email, etc. I cannot tell you the number of people who let email direct what they do and focus on each day. Email takes up their time and distracts them from focusing on high values takes that create success. Yikes! It is so easy to be lured into a workday determined by email! The more engrained this habit becomes the less successful a person or business becomes.

To Do List

Frank told me his goal is not to read email or go near his computer until later in the morning or afternoon. His fears about what he might be missing have turned out to be unfounded. Frank has been able to break that addiction. Instead he focuses on his to do list first. Changing that one behavior has made it possible for Frank to focus on changes he needed to make in his business. That is a good step but that is not enough for real success.

Goals, Plans & Strategies

Gail agrees. She starts her day focused on the goals and strategies she wrote for the year. She knows how easy it is get distracted, for others to grab her attention, distract her from her plans, demand that she focus on their issue, etc. so before she begins her day she makes sure that what she has planned, the appointments schedule and her to do list will help her meet her goals. She is determined to have ownership of her time and to make sure that what she does in a day will make a difference in her success. Gail also evaluates if her strategies are producing the results that she wants. That is a good and important approach but it is not enough for real success.

Vision of Success

Charles starts his day reminding himself of his vision of success. Where does he want to be in 3-5 years? Then he makes sure that everything he does that day, in present time, will move him toward his vision. Charles is cautious not to get side tracked by the newest brightest shiniest object or idea. He knows what he wants to create and reminds himself of that before he starts the day. He sets his energy to a vibration that will bring him to that vision knowing that change is important. That is a great approach but it is not enough.

 Setting Your Space & Energy

Claire starts her day by connecting with herself. She wants to make sure that whatever she does, however she communicates and the energy level she brings to her day is aligned to who she is at her core. Claire wants to create success based on who she is and what she values. She begins each day with meditation, quietly going within, clearing her thinking, releasing the energy in her space so that she feels like herself, can see clearly where she is going, setting her energy to the level that feels right to her and regains her perspective. Claire knows that the intensity of her work affects her space, her thinking and perspective so she wants to start each day from a clear space.

 Start Your Day This Way

Each of these professionals or business owners has a handle on one aspect of creating success. If you were to begin in reverse order of how they are presented here you have a formula for success.

  • Start your day with meditation to get back to who you are at your core.
  • Take time to reflect on your vision of success and live that all day.
  • Review your goals, plans and strategies to achieve your vision. Adjust as needed.
  • Make a to do list that is limited to high value tasks that help you achieve your goals. Prioritize. Focus.
  • Finally, break your addiction to email and computer. Stop letting them control your attention. Focus on email as a tool you can use during your workday to meet specific goals.

Having control of our energy, our space and where we place our attention is important to our success. Begin to incorporate these steps and notice the difference this will make.


Best wishes on your success, Kay


Did you do it yet? Do you have a plan?

dreamstime_xs_34081720January has passed and by all means possible it is my hope that you did it – your plan for 2014.  Whether you are a business owner or a professional focused on success, a written plan is a must do activity.  It is fine to have an idea or even know what you want to have happen but there is magic to writing it down, a level of commitment that most of us need.  Granted there are exceptions to this rule but they are few and far between.  For most of us having a grounded written plan is essential for success.  You can easily tell whether you are in the “most of us” category or the “few and far between” category.  Are you consistently achieving your grandest vision for yourself each year?

We all achieve some of our goals.  Those are the easy ones.  The goals are clear to us.  We have no difficulty seeing them happen.  Most importantly we don’t have any energy, thoughts or beliefs that get in our way that create doubt and so those goals manifest without a second thought.

Beyond Your Reach

Then there are the goals that always seem beyond our reach, challenging to accomplish or simply more difficult to achieve.  These goals take a plan – a written plan.  As an intuitive I know that everything we wish to create begins with knowing what that is then being able to imagine or seeing it happen in our mind’s eye.  These are first and very important, but there is more.


For that vision to manifest takes concrete actions to bring it into the physical reality.  A vision without action remains a dream or a fantasy.  Translating our vision into goals (small steps) moves our reality from where we are now to where we want to be.  This is where the magic happens.

 Write It Down

Going through the process of writing down our vision, the goals (small steps to getting there) and the plan of how to make this happen is all about making your vision real.  Writing a plan helps us take bigger steps more quickly as we focus our attention and our awareness.   In this way we are not lost in thought, distracted by whomever or whatever grabs our attention.

 Vision & Goals

Often people write goals though achieving only goals may not bring us the result we want.  It is so much more powerful to know your vision for success first, write goals to get you there next then the plan to achieve those goals.

Not Too Late

It is not too late.  You can write your plan at any time so that you can move from where you are now to where you want to be next.  If you find you cannot make yourself write it down you may also find you have difficulty creating change in your life.  You can change everything by sitting down and writing it all out.  It does not have to be perfect.   It should be a living document so that if strategies do not create the results you intended then you can create new strategies until your goals and your vision of success begins to manifest.  Take the time and see how writing out your plan changes things.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

Plan for Success

Same old, same old or something new

dreamstime_xs_34081720A new year and the same old routine creates nothing new.  We can be so set in our ways and stuck in our own way of thinking that we lock out the possibility of real change.  Sure we will make some changes in the New Year.  We always do – at least for a few months.

Every January my gym is suddenly packed with people and there is no place to park.  I do not stress about this because I know the numbers will go down each day and by the beginning of March everything will be back to normal.

Real change is not easy.  It takes focus and determination.  From an intuitive perspective it means creating a change in your energy first.  Our routines and habits cause our energy to spin in a particular way and at a specific vibration.  It stays this way day in and day out with occasional changes to high and low points.

How our energy is set (vibrates) creates precisely what we have in our lives at this time.  What we have may be great or we may be done with it.  In either case being conscious and aware of how we are being is important to creating success – personally and professionally.

This is a good time to stop, get quiet, go within and reflect on where we have been, where we are now and our vision for where we are going next.  I use the word next because we are constantly growing in our understanding of ourselves and so we finish one thing then imagine the next.

Stuart, the Architect

I was working with a new client this week, Stuart, a successful architect.   He was dismayed with his current work routine, feeling that everything depended too much on him.  He could not see a way out.  When I asked him what his vision was for his business in 3 – 5 years he had no idea.

This is a great story to illustrate the importance of having a clear vision. Without it life continues on the same.   Stuart’s task was to take the time to meditate, to get out of his current thinking about things and open to his vision for where he wants to be.  Once that is in place then every action he takes and decision he makes can move in that direction.   In addition his energy will change from the current spin pattern and vibration to a new level that will allow and create change.

Susan, To Lead or Not to Lead

Susan is client who has a fast growing financial planning business.  Things have gone well for her up to this point.  She has been both a financial planner and a business owner though more of her time is spent managing her business.  This past year we worked to create a new organizational plan that would support the growth of her business, adding new financial planners, a lead CPA and Office Manager.  The goal is for Susan to step out of the day-to-day running of the business and move more into a leadership role guiding the values, vision and future of her company.   Susan is set in her ways.   She does not like managing the day-to-day operations but it is familiar to her and she has done it for a long time.  Being the leader is a new role, unfamiliar and uncomfortable.  To be a leader means to change her energy from the lower chakras (busy doing) to the upper, setting the tone, owning the crown chakra (leadership).

Susan is at a crossroads.  She is resisting creating a business development plan, a financial plan, a marketing plan, etc.  All the tasks of the leader in a business must do. It is her choice.   Her business is growing but will not sustain without a strong leader.  We will see if she can make this change in her space for the New Year.

 Your Vision

What is your vision of 2014?  How does your energy have to change?  Getting out of routines, habits and becoming more self-aware are the starting points for real change.  It is often the case that we cannot see where we are stuck.  Working with a coach is a great way to have someone on your side who can show you what you cannot see.  To work with a coach you must be willing to receive honest communication then be willing to change.  It may not always be easy but it will be enormously helpful in achieving your vision of success.

What is your choice for the New Year? Same old, same old or something new?

Best wishes on your success in 2014,


Coaching for Business Owners and Professionals

Goal Not Happening

What goal is still not being achieved?  What part of your vision is not manifesting? This is frustrating when we are achieving goals and manifesting our vision in all areas except here.  If there was a logical solution you would have found it by now so let’s take an intuitive approach.  What is it within you that’s in the way?   Knowing that thoughts are creative, as are emotions, find out what you believe.

dreamstimefree_138882 Karen, Attorney at Law

One of my clients is an attorney with a fast growing practice.   Karen decided to change from having a law practice to having a law business.  We worked together to make this shift. This means she is more than an attorney.  She is a business owner. With the enthusiasm of this change Karen brought in many new clients and was in heaven.   After the glow (high energy) of this change wore off Karen started to hit a wall.  She was not meeting her financial targets and began to doubt herself.

On the face of it, she was doing all the right things so what happened?  Karen is self-aware so she knew to look within.   Karen found that at her core she believed that she could not run a business that she was just an attorney.  There are lots of reasons for this limited belief but more importantly Karen found it was her own thinking that was putting on the brakes.  Armed with this awareness she became determined to release the limiting thoughts and hold her vision to create a successful law business.  And she is.

Confident business womanSarah, Realtor

Sarah is a realtor.  She is young and would like a family but sincerely believes that if she wants to be successful in her career it will take all her time, hard work and attention.  This means she will have to put off her vision for being married.  When she told this to me I asked her why she was creating her reality this way.  It was precisely what she did not want to happen but believed it firmly.   I asked Sarah if she could imagine being a successful realtor, having a relationship and being married.   Sarah looked surprised.  She had spent so much of her time struggling with her own thinking that said either/or that she did not even consider the possibility of having both.   When Sarah realized it was her own thinking in her way it changed everything for her.

dreamstimefree_129031Max, Bakery owner

Max owns a bakery.  He works 24/7 or so it feels that way.  When Max called me he was at his wit’s end and about to give up his store.  I asked him the same question.  Why are you creating your business this way?  Can you imagine another way?  With that Max came up with a list of reasons: can’t find good help, can’t trust others to do it as well as he can, can’t afford to hire enough people, etc.  His list was long.  Knowing that thoughts are creative I asked Max why he chose to hold these thoughts as the basis for his business.  These beliefs will destroy his business.  Max never considered that he was the cause of his unhappiness and was not familiar with the notion that thoughts are creative.

Max was willing to try anything to save his business.  He agreed to learn meditation as a way to become self-aware, clear his thinking and create a new vision of success that more aligned to what he valued.   Max was able to imagine his bakery running successfully with the help of staff and soon after fired a handful of people who share his vision.  His business is thriving without him being there 24/7.

What About You?

What part of your vision is not manifesting?  What goals seem to elude you?  Now become aware of your thoughts creating this.   Clear your thinking.  Imagine your vision and goals manifesting.  Allow things to change and your vision to manifest.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

How are your thoughts in your way?

You Created It!

dreamstimefree_138882Life happens and we act and react to what comes our way.  That is an atheist view.  What if every thing that happens manifests through our own thinking about things?  This is truer but hard to grasp because it is not logical though it is very intuitive.  The proof falls in line when we see ourselves.  Let me share a story of one of my clients who learned that her thinking about things matters.

Susan – The Failed Leader

Susan is a  new director of a large research laboratory.  Under her is an array of doctors each a specialist in their field. Susie called me because she was trying to bring her team of doctors together for monthly department meeting.  To date some doctors never came, others came and controlled the meeting with their own banter, etc.  She was frustrated, felt disrespected and that her leadership was not recognized in the way that she wanted.  When I met with her I could see clearly how she was creating this scenario through her own thinking.

No One To Blame

Typically we look outside ourselves for why something is not going well.  In this case, Susan believed the doctors were being arrogant, had their egos in the way, etc.  This was what she believed and saw the problem was with them.  From an intuitive perspective I had her not focus outside herself but to be aware that she was creating this reality.   I saw her thinking was in her way.  Susan could not imagine bringing the doctors together under her leadership and to work collaboratively.  She feared their egos were stronger than hers that they would run her over and disregard her role so that is exactly what she created and experienced.  At first Susan argued that she was not creating this because it was not what she wanted.

Change Others or Go Within

Susan came up with many suggestions on how to make the doctors come to the meetings, follow her agenda, etc.  These were possible solutions though intuitively I knew they would not work until she changed her thoughts and pictures about her relationship to her staff.  Susan agreed to a guided meditation in which she could become aware of her thinking and vision of the lab.

 A New Vision

In meditation Susan began to imagine the research lab operating in a successful, supportive and collaborative way.  When she became aware of her thoughts about this person or another being in the way she cleared those thoughts and created a new perspective.  Susan meditated on the monthly staff meeting imagining it in a new way.  She began to see her team of doctors coming together, seeing value in collaboration, sharing expertise and generally enjoying the time together.  As she meditated on this she became aware of how much energy she had in resistance to the monthly meeting herself and released that energy from her space.   She was also aware of her fear that the doctors did not value her leadership and cleared those fears.   We continued in this fashion until she could see clearly all the doctors being in communication and support of the success of the lab.

Everyone Is Intuitive

A couple of intuitive points helped Susan understand how she was affecting her ability to be a leader.  Everyone is intuitive and the doctors simply picked up on Susan’s energy  (fear and uncertainty) and reacted in kind.   They intuitive read her pictures especially the one about doctors not wanting to follow her leadership and so they did not.  From an intuitive perspective be aware that people pick up on the energy and pictures in our space and react more to that than what we say.

 A New Reality

Once Susan cleared her thinking and released the energies in her space, I had her begin to see herself as a leader with a clear working relationship with all of her team, leading, setting the tone, being in communication and having fun.

In this meditation Susan changed her perspective and energy about the lab, her staff and specifically the monthly staff meeting.  Not surprising Susan reported that everything changed immediately.  She found herself approaching her communication with everyone in a new way resulting in a new response from each person.  They seemed to sense her clarity and certainty.  All the doctors attended the next monthly staff meeting, and she led them in a lively and productive case discussion.  It was clear to Susan the change was within her.  The staff sensed her clarity as a leader and the change in her perspective.

Clear Your Thinking 

What surprised Susan was she did not have to make her staff change though that seemed to happen.   Susan understood that she was in her own way.  Her thoughts about her staff, her fears about her own abilities and how she saw herself as the leader were manifesting in her reality. That has changed.   Susan committed to regularly assessing the thoughts and concepts she has in her space and on her mind and to meditate to find this clarity.

From an intuitive perspective we create our reality through our thoughts, fears and concepts.  Change your thinking and watch your reality change.  If there is a situation in your life or your work that is not as you would like it to be then stop to see what your thoughts are about it.   It is never the other person or the situation.  It is always manifesting from within us so meditate because the answer may not always be logical.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

Change Required

dreamstime_4244380Success is not elusive.  Achieving goals is not a mystery.  Nothing is impossible when we can see clearly and get out of our own way.

What does that mean?

There are a few essential steps to assure success and while the basics are the same (know your vision, see it clearly in your mind’s eye and take determined action to move in that direction), I find that I add elements to this list for each person I coach.  It might be to:

  • Clear their thinking about _______
  • Change routine way of doing ______
  • Or wherever  else I see intuitively you are getting in your way.

Sometimes people can hear what I see and sometimes they cannot.  It depends on how attached someone is  familiar ways of being, doing or thinking.  We can be unconscious to ourselves.

If we want something new or different then change is required.  That change can be on a number of levels.  It could be a change in our thinking, our routine, habits, pastime ways of doing things and wherever we are set in our ways.

Working with business owners and professionals we name everything they do that supports their success and what they do that gets in their way.  It is fascinating to unravel this. Mostly we don’t realize that we are in our own way.  Our way of being is just so much a part of our unconsciousness.

The most common way that we get in our own way (and it is becoming more prevalent) is our attachment to email and social media.   A large part of our time can get lost in these two places taking our attention off our vision and our goals and placing it squarely on what others have to say, want from us or something that we find interesting.

The Keys.

  • Know your vision of success.
  • See it clearly in your mind’s eye (meditate on it because seeing is different than thinking).
  • Take determined action.
  • Then I add my suggestions specific to you. It may be getting focused because there is too much grabbing your attention.
  • You are multitasking and not achieving your goals.
  • Maybe I’ll see that you are really really busy but not achieving your vision of success.  Busy does not create success.

There are others ways as well but I would have to talk with you to know what those are for you.  You probably know some of them but not all because you are unconscious to them.

Most important is to know you must change!  How you are now, how you think, how you spend your time and the energy level you do it from is creating precisely what you have in present time which may be fine but if you want something different then your energy and patterns have to change.

How are you getting in your own way?  Know the changes you can make to support your success.

I saw two videos recently that for me show these dichotomies.  One is a dancer.  He reminds me to let energy move, let things change, lighten up and let go.

The other is much more serious report on how distorted our thinking can become.  How we can work without awareness. Here they are.  Enjoy!


Five Monkeys

Best wishes on your success,  Kay

Inspired Success Coaching and EMyth Business Coaching.

Don’t Start Work Until

dreamstime_5775817We get up.  We go to work.  We work hard and don’t always meet our goals and more importantly our vision of success.  Getting things done.  Completing our To Do List is not important.  Are you surprised?  One of my clients told me that she has a To Do List that for her is everything.  If she does not get that list completed every day then she does not feel that she has accomplished anything.  On the other hand when she does complete her to do list she is no closer to being successful.

So what does this all mean?  It means we are not focused in the correct way.  Sure there are things to do but they are not your purpose, vision or intention of why we do what we do.  So often we become doers and lose sight of where we are going.  The rest of the title of this blog is “Don’t Start Work Until You See and are Focused on Your Vision of Success”.

Don’t Leave This Blog

As an intuitive Business Coach I recommend all my clients to begin their day with meditation.  I know half of you just left this blog because I mentioned meditation  but there is no other sure way to promote your success.  You won’t understand this until you experience it for yourself.  Meditation is simply a way to quiet the body and clear your thinking so that you can regain perspective.

Busy But Not Successful

If you run off and start doing whatever you think you should do, the body will be energized and your mind buzzing on whatever is at hand  and it may not be the best choice to achieve your vision.  On the other hand if you start with meditation (quieting the body and clearing your thinking) how might things be different than starting our day from thoughts left in our head from the day before that have nothing to do with achieving success or an emotional reaction to something we experienced which also has nothing to do with our success.

Reacting & Stuck Thinking

So often we are reacting to what is on our mind or in our space instead of being clear about the actions can we take to move us further in our success.  Don’t just be busy.  Don’t be reactive.  Don’t get lost in your thinking which can take you way off target.  Stop.  Clear your thinking.  Let go of all the energy in your space then see clearly what is the next step and what can you do today to further your success.  Ask that question when you are clear and quiet.  That is the most important question you can ask and from the space of clarity.

Try This Meditation 

Find a comfortable and quiet place.  Allow yourself the time to do this well so don’t rush.  That is not to say it will take a long time.  It will take the time that it takes depending on how easily you are able to get grounded and quiet in present time.

  • Sit in a chair in a comfortable and quiet place.
  • Close your eyes. Take a deep breath and as you exhale relax and release tension (energy). Repeat as needed until you feel relaxed in your chair.
  • Be grounded.  Feel and see yourself connected deeply into the ground.
  • Be centered.  Bring your attention behind your eyes into the center of your head. Notice what that feels like.
  • Stop thinking.  Be aware of being centered.
  • Have your space.  Imagine all of your energy in around you – within arms reach.
  • Don’t be scattered or distracted.
  • Be present in the moment.  Notice yourself breathing.
  • Don’t let your mind wander.  Be present.

(Repeat until you are grounded, centered, have your space and are present in the moment)

  • Now meditate (imagine) your vision of success (personally and professionally).
    • See it clearly in your mind’s eye.

(If you cannot see your vision of success then do this often until you can because the things that manifest are those that you can see clearly.  Think of them as the blueprint.)

  • Once you can see your vision of success begin to notice any thoughts you have that argue with your success.  Clear and let go of these thoughts.  They are just your thinking. They are not true unless you decide they are.
  • Now in your mind’s eye see the steps you can take today to move you further along.  Don’t think.  Use your intuition.  Meditate and know your next step.
    • It may be an uncomfortable step, one that you are avoiding, something you resist, etc.  Decide to take it!
    • Take a deep breath.  Stretch.  Come out of meditation.

Do this everyday.  Each day you will become clearer.  Each day you will see the benefit of taking this time to be clear.  Also observe how each day goes when you begin this way.

Best wishes on your success,  Kay

Please share your experiences with meditation and success.
