This Moment Creates

Abstract with heartDon’t blame anyone or anything else. If we step back, pay attention and become conscious of how we are being there is an answer. This has been said many times by many thought leaders.

Working with business owners and professionals focused on success for more than two decades I watch them create what they in front of them. My quick and simple observation, we create our reality. It is not rocket science. Listen to anyone talk about their day, before it begins, and you will hear and see what they have decided to create. They would probably not see themselves as responsible for what is going to happen, but they are. We all are.

Our thoughts about things create. The energy level we bring to our day creates. It is time to be mindful, to be in present time, observe and change it if we do not like where we are at the moment.

Most of us are programmed to create goals, have a vision, create a plan and all of that is fine but more important is how we are being in this moment because it is creative. We can have a vision of the future we desire for our business, our career or ourselves, and that is essential so that you are focused on what you are creating.

That vision stays a vision until we begin to change where we are. Where we are now creates what we have now so if we want something different then we have to change, a lot! When we begin to be conscious and aware of ourselves at the moment and create change starting here, we will experience an impact on everything.

Start each day by asking yourself these questions. The answer is not logical so do not think. Instead tune into yourself and notice how you feel, your thoughts about things and where you are focused.

• What energy level am I right now?
• Is this where I want to be? (If not, change your energy level to enthusiasm or above)
• What do I have my attention on?
• Is this where I want to have my attention? (If not, change your attention to something that serves your vision for yourself today)
• What do I expect from today? (Don’t think just notice where you are. You can change what you expect to align more with who you are and what you value.)
• What is on your mind or in your space? (Other’s stuff probably. Let it go. Clear your mind and clear your space.)

Decide to spend this day being mindful, conscious and aware, deciding in each moment of awareness to adjust and change to how you truly want to be.

Knowing how we truly want to be at the moment is not easy because we are so used to being another way, by habit or routine. This means creating change from within then watching that change manifest in your world.

Have a great day!

How I Spend My Day

Cloud SmileysRealizing that I have two ways I can spend my day, I decided to pay attention to the result of each. How did I feel? What was my mood? What did I accomplish? What did I gain?

One day goes something like this. I get up early. Jump out of bed and begin my morning routine, get dressed without much thought, have my usual bowl of cereal while reading only the headlines on my iPad then I have a cup of coffee as I walk to my home office. I check my email and spend a lot of time responding to what I find there. Organizing my desk and taking care of the obvious To Dos on the top of my desk takes a bit of time as well.

Now I think about the most pressing, urgent, etc. issues. By the way, something being urgent or pressing does not mean that it was important. Typically it is urgent and important to someone else or something I must get done by the due date.

By now, my head is swimming with information from everything I already placed a moment of my attention. I look at my very long to do list that adds more thoughts to my mind. Then other things come to mind. I start doing things I don’t mind doing one after another.

The phone rings and my attention shifts again to that request and so my day goes. I am very busy, doing a lot of work, feeling tired, growing less and less focused. At the end of this day, I can say I was busy, did a lot and accomplished nothing!  I can say that I do not feel good about the results of my day.

Another Kind of Day

Another way that I spend my day, I wake up and lay in bed for a moment to gain my focus and perspective. How am I doing? What must I do today? What would I like to do?  What would help me to take a step to accomplish my vision of success? How would I like to feel today? With that intention, I get up and make sure that I am approaching each step mindfully. My cereal, headlines and coffee are still in the routine but I am more conscious about each step.

Look around my home, I put things away, clean up so that my living space is clear. Now is my time to meditate in a quiet, comfortable space. When I feel calm in my body, have cleared my thinking from the day before and set my space to enthusiasm then I am ready to create my plan for the day. I meditate on my vision and my goals. Where am I now and what can I do today that will have the greatest impact on achieving them? What am I resisting? What steps am I not taking? Who is on my side and can I engage in helping with my goals? With this clarity and feeling grounded I move into my office.

Clearing and organizing my workspace does not take much of my time. I do a quick and cursory scan of my emails, addressing only those that support my goals for this day. The others I will look at later. Now is the time to take on what I call high value tasks and make some magic. I know from experience that focusing on a single high value task to completion moves the dial that much closer to the result I want to achieve. The challenge is not to avoid the task just because it is difficult, pushes my limits or makes me feel uncertain. I take a deep breath, ground, center, focus and begin. It is amazing to me how a very difficult task taken one step at a time unfolds, opens up so that I can see the next step, then the next. None of the steps is as daunting as I expect.

At the end of this day, I am smiling, inspired, assured and energized. I can see the distance I have come. Now I am ready to close the door for the day. Collect up my energy from the days work.  It is time to play.

The first day I described I am justing going through a routine with barely a second thought, doing a lot and accomplishing nothing. The second day describes my way to taking ownership of what I intend to create and making it happen.

If you have ways that you spend your day that support, your vision of success, please share your thoughts.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

Multi-tasking done right

multitaskingRecent have said multitasking is bad, and I rejoiced. Researchers said  that multi-taskers were less successful. This was shocking. I was raised to be a multi-tasker. Wasn’t multi-tasking was a virtue? Everyone valued someone who could get a lot done.  Right?  I was a lifelong multi-tasker and saw this as my chance to stop working so hard. After years of working fast, completing multiple projects at one time, this was my way of saying that I needed to make things simpler. I could relax. What I found was quite the opposite. I was not relaxed. I was not as productive nor did I feel as accomplished so I decided to learn more about this phenomenon called multi-tasking.

To begin, I observed myself multi-tasking and not multi-tasking and the results, accomplishments and how much I enjoyed what I was doing. I observed others in the same way. As a coach and consultant I had lots of opportunities to observe others. As a result I was to ask the researchers two questions. Did you measure the difference between men and women? Did you assess the value to the tasks they were doing?

Recognize Your Success

In my observation and my experience, women are natural multi-taskers and men are not. Women have by our nature and physiology a higher energy level. Women have a higher energy level in our bodies to create life. We are wired at a high energy level, so multi-tasking is natural, can creative and rewarding when done correctly. Men, on the other hand, do better when singularly focused. This is not less of an ability just different, and the world is better for these two different ways of being. Multi-taskers and persons who are singularly focused are both needed for success.

Multi-tasking of itself does not create success, so I agree with the studies in this regard. Focused multi-tasking does work. Whether you are a multitasker or a single focus person, your success depends on what you spend your time doing. Just being busy doing whatever presents itself is of no value and has no long-term result. On the other hand, when multi-taskers or single focused persons chose high value tasks they create success. High value tasks are those that will make a difference in your efforts to achieve success versus other tasks that are just busy work or someone else’s need.

So men feel free to be singularly focused on high value tasks if that feels right to you. Women, I say go ahead and multi-task focused on high value tasks if that feels right for you as well.

I would love to hear your thoughts on this. For me, I have returned to multi-tasking, and I am much happier, getting more done and finding greater success.

Best wishes, Kay

It’s Not What We Do

B0319623Our perspective on why we do what we do matters.  Feeling like it’s a job, a profession or a business lacks awareness and understanding of our true nature.  Everything we do, every decision we make is part of our calling, purpose or path.  When we step back, take a deep breath, get out of our routine, we open to understanding the why behind what we do.  This simple yet profound shift makes a huge difference on how we view ourselves, our work and our life.  Take a deep breath and release.

I often hear from people the eternal question, “What am I meant to do?” asking as if the answer was some how out there if they could only find it.  Their first solution is to change what they are doing, do something different, etc.  That is never the answer.

Life is not about what we do – our occupation.  It is about what we are bringing of who we are into the world, what we value and what is important to us.  Our purpose, if you will, is to be who we are  in the world, our lives and in our work.  To do this takes inner awareness not seeking something outside ourselves.  So if you find you are busy doing but feel there is more then go within.

Becoming conscious of ourselves and why we do what we do whether it is sorting widgets, manufacturing cosmetics or being a race car driver is the answer we are seeking.  When we are self-aware of what part of ourselves we are being in this moment there is great enjoyment.  When we unconsciously go through our day, in our routine we are not conscious and lack inspiration.  It is not about our future.  It is how we are being in this moment, present time.

Our life is working for us when all of who we are is reflected in what we do personally and professionally.   This means being consistent across all aspects of our lives and showing integrity in each and every way.  Integrity means intuitively to be your true self.   Inspired success comes from this consistency.  When we are not aware, consistent and congruent then we have more problems than we care to have, are frustrated, perhaps in pain and experience more failure than we need.

Take the time to meditate.  Get quiet.  Go within to have inner awareness of who you are at your core and let that energy flow into your life and your work.

Best wishes on your success,  Kay


Be Careful What You Choose

Cloud SmileysI just have to ask, “What do you choose?”   Every day I watch business owners and professionals make really great choices and others make the worst choice possible but they do not see it.  Of course, they do not see it.  Who would deliberately make a really bad choice yet it happens all the time.  So today I ask you to look deeper at what is behind choice for you.

Making choices is the most powerful creative act we perform each day.  The choices we make create our reality (spiritually and physically)and yet we often do this with so little regard.  What do you choose to have in your life?  The energy behind our choices is important in understanding the experiences we are creating.  Do we make choices from fear, resistance, anger, etc.?  Wow!  It will manifest from there.  On the other hand do we make choices from enthusiasm, compassion, love, excitement, validation?  If so, it will manifest in that way.

We make choices all day long.   Some are automatic responses made without a second thought.  We might also chose based on the collective consciousness – go with the flow.  Finally, you could choose from your inner awareness of the choices before you and make your highest choice which is not always the easy one.

Making choices to control something never turns out well because we know we do not have control – ever.   We can make choices that set forth how we want to be in relation to someone or somethingbut controlling it is never a reality.

I work with business owners and professionals every day.  Some take responsibility for their choices, understand what is behind them and learn about the impact of the choices they make.  Others do not want to know, to be conscious of themselves or take responsibility for the result of the choices they make everyday.  They just decide and move on.  How well someone understands themselves and what drives their choices is reflected in their personal and professional success.  No one to blame.

There is much to be learned by understanding ourselves and what is driving one choice or another, hopefully before we make it.   The choice itself does not matter nearly as much as the thoughts, pictures, concepts, emotions and energy that is behind it.  Why do you want to make that choice?  What is behind it emotionally, conceptually, etc.?  You have heard, “Be careful what you pray for” or “Be careful what you believe”.  I would say even before that “Be careful what you choose”.

Your first choice here is whether to be aware of what is behind your choices.  This is an important choice.  What is behind this particular choice for you? To know yourself or not to know yourself.  The greatest step we can take to achieve our vision is to stop acting and reacting to everyone and everything but to choose how to be.  This is a choice to be conscious and aware of what we choose in each moment.  This means to be present, conscious and aware of self.

If something is not as you would like it to be – do not judge it.  Take a moment and remember the choice you made that brought you here.  If you do not have something perhaps it is because you have not yet chosen to have itor  you  inadvertently chose not to have it.   For example,  saying that you want something then thinking that it cannot happen is a choice not to have it.

Let’s assume you are someone who understands that the choices you make create  you experiences.  Let’s assume that you are willing to see and know what is behind your choices (fear, grief, anger, envy, control, love, enthusiasm, creativity, etc.).  Once you know thatanswer then make the highest and grandest choice even if it is at first uncomfortable.

All the choices we make come from the body, mind and spirit.  The best choices use all three.  From who you are as a spirit come your highest choices, your grandest vision of who you are and chose to be.  What is more common is for the body to want one thing, the mind to think another way and for you to know intuitively your highest choice.   What do you choose?  When we are aligned in body, mind and spirit our choices create results that will amaze.

Take time to stop and be aware of what is behind the choice you are making in each moment.  Make your highest and grandest choice then see what happens.

Best wishes on your success,


Why Do You Think That Way?

0032PhotonicaKnowing that thoughts are creative means to be careful what you think.  This past month I did a series on thinking. It included being aware of where we get lost in thought, stuck in our thinking, create negative thoughts and other possibilities.   In essence I noticed that we take little control of our thinking and, in fact, are not be aware this is happening.

Why do we dwell on thoughts that invalidate our goals and our vision for ourselves?  This happens all the time. We just go with it.  Whatever we dwell on manifests.  That may not be logical but it is very intuitive.  Notice for yourself what do you dwell on.  Do these thoughts support your vision of success?  If so,  I am going to guess that you are succeeding.  Do you dwell on thoughts that bring you down, focus on what is not happening or reasons why it is not happening?  I am going to guess that you are frustrated in not achieving your goals.  Without deciding which came first the chicken or the egg simply change your thinking and see what happens.

This is not as easy as it sounds because we are set in our ways, have little control of our thinking and worse yet we believe our thinking as if it was right and true.  There is a great deal of research that shows how our thinking can be dead wrong. Yikes!

I was giving a talk this week to a group of business owners and thoughts about their business.  One young woman stated emphatically that she was going to have to work 24/7 to be successful in her real estate business. regrettably there would be no time for husband and family.  I asked her, “Why do you think that way?”   She looked surprised.  I asked her if she really wanted to create her career in that way, working 24/7 and not having a family.  I suggested that she could change her thinking after all it was only her thinking and not necessarily true.  Could she imagine being successful and having a husband and family?

A physician told me that she was concerned this time of year because people don’t go to the doctor during holidays.   I asked her why she thought that way.  She also looked surprised as I suggested another way of thinking.  How about thinking that people decide to go to the doctor during the holidays because things are slower, they have time off or it is easier to take time off.  Surprised she agreed this is a possibility as well.  Which way would you direct your thinking?

We have free will and free thinking so why not create thoughts that support your vision of success in your personal and professional life.  How might things be different if we did not dwell on thoughts that negated this vision.   Take control of your thinking.  Catch yourself and change your thinking in ways that support your success.

Best wishes,  Kay

Not Being Myself

hI don’t like how I feel right now.  Does this sound familiar? Or I don’t feel like myself today.  These and other terms are used to describe how we feel when we have lost our space.  Losing our space means our energy is out of whack and we are out of sync.

Most of us sigh in frustration when we feel this way then move on with our day while feeling out of sorts.  This can be disastrous.  Disastrous is such a strong term but I mean it.  When we are out of sorts, not feeling right, etc. it means we are not being ourselves.   This means we also do not have perspective or control of our energy.  We may act and react in ways that are not typical for us and make decisions that we would not ordinarily make.

When our energy is disturbed in some way we are likely to do more harm than good because we are not being ourselves.  We are being the effect of an energy disturbance in our space.

The causes of disruption, disturbance or changes in our energy are varied.  It could be the result of an experience we had recently, a conversation, a meeting, etc. in which the energy caused a change in our energy.  Most likely someone’s energy got into our space causing a change in our flow.  Maybe someone whacked you meaning they threw energy at you in anger, frustration or competition.  Perhaps we had an experience that greatly disturbed us personally or professionally causing our energy to react.

Energy disruptions can also be caused by changes in the body.  For women it can be their cycle.  For all of us it might be our diet, lack of exercise, medications, drugs, alcohol, lack of sleep, etc.

There are so many causes. It is important to realize when we are out of sorts and not just go with it.  The good news is it is easy to change our energy and get our space back to being ourselves.   One of my clients, Claire, left me a message yesterday.  She is in the throes of a big project and she has learned working with me that her energy changes under pressure going from an otherwise pleasant business owner to a raging boss.  Always in the aftermath she regrets her behavior and declares that is not who she is, trying to convince her staff of that as they stare in amazement wondering, “Who is that?”

I recall I was in a meeting representing an organization in a multi-million dollar class action suit and I could tell that two men in the room were lying.  That was a trigger for me.  I am all about fairness and truth so when people are being dishonest I lose my space and my awareness.  I started to challenge them vehemently.  Our attorney touched my arm and asked that we step outside.  She pointed out how out of control I was and that I needed to get my space back.  I explained to her they were lying.  She understood that I was intuitive but that there was no evidence they could point out at this time so I had to bide my time.  Suddenly I realized how much I had lost my space and was not being myself.    What is a trigger for you?

Jim called me asking for help.  He had just finished a phone call with a colleague and he felt buzzed and could not think straight.  After working with me on this business he has come to realize that he needs to stop when things don’t feel right and set them straight.  I saw intuitively that the person he was speaking with was trying so hard to convince him of something that he placed all his energy in Jim’s space making Jim feel not like himself.  This is not logical but it is very intuitive.  We all have had this experience many times.

Regardless of the cause it is important to our success personally and professionally to realize when we do not feel right or not ourselves and do something about it immediately before we create trouble for ourselves.  Changing our energy or getting our space back is easy.  Being aware that we have lost our space and taking the steps to stop and fix it is the tougher challenge.

Should you decide to stop and change your space it is quite simple.  I suggest meditation.  It could be five minutes or an hour whatever it takes.  Meditation is simply stopping, quieting the body, clearing our thinking and resetting our space.  These are intuitive terms that don’t mean much until you experience it so try this now even if you feel like you have your space.  It will make things even better.

Meditation Exercise:

  • Sit in a comfortable and quiet place.
  • Take a deep breath, release and begin to relax the body (repeat often).
  • Close your eyes and focus on yourself, bringing your attention from out there somewhere back to you.
  • When you feel that you are beginning to relax and focus on yourself then be grounded.  Imagine a connection between the base of your spine and the center of the planet.  Take a deep breath, release, relax and feel that connection.  Be grounded.   Repeat until you feel connected and grounded.
  • Now be centered by bringing your attention into the center of your head.  Right now your attention is probably out there somewhere so come into the center of your head.  Notice how that feels and how it changes your perspective.  Keep breath and release.
  • Now get your space back.  By space I am referring to the energy field around you (your aura).  Your energy is probably scattered far and wide from you so imagine calling your energy in around you within arms reach. I know this is not logical.  Just try it.  Imagine that energy field is all around you like a bubble.  Keep calling your aura in until you get a sense of having your energy in around you.  Now to make it real imagine a color on the edge of your space.  A color you enjoy.
  • Now be present in the moment.  Bring all of your attention and awareness into this moment.   Keep doing this until you feel that you are present.  You can imagine releasing down your grounding anyone or anything that comes to mind as you do this.
  • The goal is to be quiet in the body, not thinking and just being aware of yourself in present time.
  • Now meditate on how you want to be in this moment.  You have the ability to change your space and be however you want.  I suggest a high vibration (enthusiasm, inspired, amusement, joy, excitement, etc.)  When you feel like you are yourself and how you want to be then take a deep breath, stretch and come out of meditation

You are ready for your day.  Once you get the hang of it meditation can go easily and quickly until then it make take some time to become comfortable with it.  It is well worth the time.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

If you have any difficulty with this please feel free to contact me to discuss what is in the way of you having your space.

Live online meditation

Don’t Start Work Until

dreamstime_5775817We get up.  We go to work.  We work hard and don’t always meet our goals and more importantly our vision of success.  Getting things done.  Completing our To Do List is not important.  Are you surprised?  One of my clients told me that she has a To Do List that for her is everything.  If she does not get that list completed every day then she does not feel that she has accomplished anything.  On the other hand when she does complete her to do list she is no closer to being successful.

So what does this all mean?  It means we are not focused in the correct way.  Sure there are things to do but they are not your purpose, vision or intention of why we do what we do.  So often we become doers and lose sight of where we are going.  The rest of the title of this blog is “Don’t Start Work Until You See and are Focused on Your Vision of Success”.

Don’t Leave This Blog

As an intuitive Business Coach I recommend all my clients to begin their day with meditation.  I know half of you just left this blog because I mentioned meditation  but there is no other sure way to promote your success.  You won’t understand this until you experience it for yourself.  Meditation is simply a way to quiet the body and clear your thinking so that you can regain perspective.

Busy But Not Successful

If you run off and start doing whatever you think you should do, the body will be energized and your mind buzzing on whatever is at hand  and it may not be the best choice to achieve your vision.  On the other hand if you start with meditation (quieting the body and clearing your thinking) how might things be different than starting our day from thoughts left in our head from the day before that have nothing to do with achieving success or an emotional reaction to something we experienced which also has nothing to do with our success.

Reacting & Stuck Thinking

So often we are reacting to what is on our mind or in our space instead of being clear about the actions can we take to move us further in our success.  Don’t just be busy.  Don’t be reactive.  Don’t get lost in your thinking which can take you way off target.  Stop.  Clear your thinking.  Let go of all the energy in your space then see clearly what is the next step and what can you do today to further your success.  Ask that question when you are clear and quiet.  That is the most important question you can ask and from the space of clarity.

Try This Meditation 

Find a comfortable and quiet place.  Allow yourself the time to do this well so don’t rush.  That is not to say it will take a long time.  It will take the time that it takes depending on how easily you are able to get grounded and quiet in present time.

  • Sit in a chair in a comfortable and quiet place.
  • Close your eyes. Take a deep breath and as you exhale relax and release tension (energy). Repeat as needed until you feel relaxed in your chair.
  • Be grounded.  Feel and see yourself connected deeply into the ground.
  • Be centered.  Bring your attention behind your eyes into the center of your head. Notice what that feels like.
  • Stop thinking.  Be aware of being centered.
  • Have your space.  Imagine all of your energy in around you – within arms reach.
  • Don’t be scattered or distracted.
  • Be present in the moment.  Notice yourself breathing.
  • Don’t let your mind wander.  Be present.

(Repeat until you are grounded, centered, have your space and are present in the moment)

  • Now meditate (imagine) your vision of success (personally and professionally).
    • See it clearly in your mind’s eye.

(If you cannot see your vision of success then do this often until you can because the things that manifest are those that you can see clearly.  Think of them as the blueprint.)

  • Once you can see your vision of success begin to notice any thoughts you have that argue with your success.  Clear and let go of these thoughts.  They are just your thinking. They are not true unless you decide they are.
  • Now in your mind’s eye see the steps you can take today to move you further along.  Don’t think.  Use your intuition.  Meditate and know your next step.
    • It may be an uncomfortable step, one that you are avoiding, something you resist, etc.  Decide to take it!
    • Take a deep breath.  Stretch.  Come out of meditation.

Do this everyday.  Each day you will become clearer.  Each day you will see the benefit of taking this time to be clear.  Also observe how each day goes when you begin this way.

Best wishes on your success,  Kay

Please share your experiences with meditation and success.


React or Respond: Success or Failure

dreamstime_5775817So answer honestly, do you find that you react or respond in most situations?  Perhaps you have not put your attention on the difference.  As a leader in your business, profession or life, it makes all the difference.

We all have energy in our space. What I mean by that is literally, we all have energy in our space.  This is the “charge” we hold from experiences whether positive or negative.  If I have an argument with someone it creates pictures and emotions – a charge in my space.  When I carry that energy with me and communicate to others I am most likely to react in a way I may not intend.


My client, Carol, told me the story of having a disagreement with her teenage daughter first thing in the morning. She left the issue unresolved and it bothered her as she drove to work.  Her first appointment was with a potential client and she worried about being late.  When she got to her office her secretary looked at her then seemed angry.  Carol thought that was odd because her secretary was level-headed and Carol was actually on-time – barely.  That surprisingly irritated her.  Carol stopped before stepping into the meeting, took a deep breath to make sure she was putting on a good front with smiles and enthusiasm.   The meeting started awkwardly and soon Carol sensed she was not connecting with this potential client.  There seemed to be tension between them so she stopped.  Carol acknowledged the tension and apologized for being distracted by an earlier argument with her daughter.  The client laughed and said, “So that is why I am angry at you and I don’t even know you yet!”.  Her new client intuitively picked up on the anger in Carol’s space and felt angry as well.  Hmmm.   Once the air was clear they started over at the energy level they both wanted in their communication.  He became her client but that is not always the case.

As an intuitive business coach, I asked Carol what happened that made her angry even before her argument with her daughter.  She dug deeper though for another layer to the story.

Reacting vs. Responding

This happens all the time.  We carry energy in our space and it impacts our conversations, relationship, decision-making, health, state of mind, etc.   When we react we are communicating through the energy in our space, the thoughts on our mind, the emotions that are stimulated, etc.  That is why I suggest we take the time to stop, clear our space, release and let go of whatever is on our mind or in our space so that we are responding from a space of clarity to reality in present time.  What is happening now and not how do I perceive what is happening now through the filter of the energy in my space?


Responding is important for leadership.  Being clear, without energy and baggage of other experiences clouding our thinking, makes us a better leader in our work and in our life.  So take the time to clear your mind and let go of energy you are holding in your space then step into your life and your work in present time.

Best wishes on your success,  Kay

Learn how to use meditation as a way to clear your mind and energy from your space.

Be At Ease

Allow Change
Allow Change

Most of us associate work with stress or effort.  This is so familiar that we become tense automatically at the thought of work without noticing.  Consider being at ease at work.  Does that even seem possible?  Being in effort is most often an automatic response.  Being at ease at work is a choice we can make.   It means being conscious and aware of how we want to be in the moment, choosing to be at ease.

When we are in stress, resistance, tension or other energies that create effort we will notice that our life and our work mirrors this.  This is not a coincidence. Being at ease is a way to turn things around, cause things to flow and for our goals to manifest more easily.

Sometimes our energy is light meaning it is moving at a high vibration, light in color, and other terms that describe ease.  What does it mean to be at ease?  From an intuitive perspective it means energy moving without resistance and vibrating at a high energy level, being at ease in body, mind and spirit.

Being at ease begins when we are grounded in present time.  This helps the body relax.  Being at ease means not thinking  – just being present and aware in the moment as you observe what is going on with you and around you. Being at ease means being aware of yourself, what you are being and how you are reacting in the moment. Being at ease means being in communication with yourself.

Notice if you can be at ease.  Notice where you are not at ease. Release, let go, stop resisting, be neutral – which means not reacting.  Just observe. Notice yourself being at ease.  If you have never truly ever been at ease you may not know yet what that is or how to get there.

Intuitive exercise: with your eyes closed imagine a gauge in front of you from 0 – 100.  Without thinking have the gauge show you how close you are to being at ease – 5% 10% 50%.   Are you surprised?

I was working with a client this morning and she was NOT at ease.  She was stressing but was not aware of it because she is in a constant state of stress about one thing or another.   So for her the goal is to stop and be at ease before she goes to work, makes a decision or interacts with her staff.

Are you able to be at ease at work? What are your thoughts about being at ease at work?  Is it the idea that it is WORK so by its very nature it should be stressful?  What is your programming?  Meditate on the aspects of your work that allow you to be at ease and the aspects that don’t. Change your reaction.  Decide to be at ease at work.  Can you imagine that? If you are at ease at work how might your work be different?

The client I was working with this morning had many reasons why she was not at ease with other people and why they were the cause of her lack of ease.  I smiled then she smiled.  The cause is never outside of us.  We have the ability to act and react in any way we choose.  So what do you choose? There is no logic here.  You simply get to choose.  Free will.  You can choose to be or not to be at ease.  What do you choose?  If being in stress is a habit and being at ease is not familiar then it will take focus and attention to break that routine and create a new way of being.

How might your work be different if you were at ease with it?  Try being at ease then notice what changes.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

How might the world be different if …..

dreamstimefree_33939Working with business owners and professionals focused on success is inspiring.  My work with clients begins with knowing what is important to them and what they value.  This is their compass for the success they are creating. Over the years I have read hundreds of values statements written by my clients and I continue to be inspired by them.

Not surprising these men and women share some values in common and it makes me wonder.  How might the world be different if their values were shared by more people?  I am not so naïve  to expect that everyone can share these values but how might the world be different if more of us did?

How might the world be different if ….

  • More people cared.

No one lied.

  • We shared more.

Were angry less.

  • We showed more love.

We set aside our ego.

  • Started with having peace in our home.
  • Were at peace with everyone around us.
  • Had compassion.
  • Took responsibility for our effect on others.

Helped each other.

How might the world be different?


What would you add to this?


Best wishes,  Kay

Business Coach

Setting the Energy for Success

During October we focused on setting the energy for success. What does it mean to set energy? Quantum physics demonstrates  what we have known for a long time that we have an effect on everything by where we place our attention.  But it is more than placing our attention.  We can create change through our attention.  In doing so we can make things better or worse so being conscious and aware of where we place our attention is an important ability to develop.

Whatever thought we dwell on becomes our reality.  Scary thought if we are not paying attention.  For example, it is not a coincidence that something happens to you right after spending some time dwelling on it.  Dwelling on it is the same as focusing on it.  We have a thought and we begin to imagine what it would be like, adding our energy to the thought.  Poof!  It manifests.   I was working with a client and she worried that she would be laid off.  There was no evidence to that effect but she got stuck on that thought, worried about it (adding energy), imagined what she would do if she was laid off (expanded the picture in her mind) then became anxious (adding more energy).   As imagined she was laid off and to this day I know her supervisor is wondering why they laid off someone so capable.

My efforts to have her take her attention off her fear of being laid off fell on deaf ears.  She could have just as easily dwelled on and imagined being successful in her job, being enthusiastic about that (adding energy to that concept) then that thought would have manifested.  We have free will to create whatever we choose so be careful what you dwell on.

Setting energy is a way to consciously focus your attention and your energy on precisely what you would like to see happen and experience.  Being intentional is a far better practice than dwelling on what we fear or resist.

During this month we focused on some specific areas we can set energy.  You can do this as well. Try understanding your ability to set energy in the following areas.

  • Your Space & Your Success: How do you want to be?  How are you being in your work? Everyone is intuitive so how do others experience you? How would you like them to experience you?  Set your space in a way that supports your success.
  • Your Office or Workspace: How do you feel when you are in your office or workspace?  Are you inspired or do you feel irritated?  Identify what irritates you.  It could be someone, something, the energy level, etc.  Make changes to raise the energy level of your workspace so that you feel inspired.  Clear the clutter, rearrange the space, fix what is broken, move away from someone negative, etc.
  • Communication: Communication is more than words.  It is an intuitive experience.  Take the time to notice how you want to be when in communication with someone.  Remember that everyone is intuitive so what are they picking up from you? What is the goal of your communication?  What is on your mind?  Clear your thinking. What energy is in your space?  You can’t hide it so change it to the vibration you want others to experience from you.
  • Achieve A Goal: Setting energy to meet a particular goal.  You have a goal.   Can  you see it in your mind’s eye?  Notice how you react to your goal.  What are your thoughts about it?  How do you feel (your energy level) when you put your attention on this goal?  Now clear your thinking and change your energy so that your goal can manifest in the way you desire.

There are recorded meditations on each of these areas if interested in learning more about how to set energy for success.  Series is “Setting Energy for Success” To  buy.

Best wishes on your success,


Time for Big Change

What is the definition of insanity?  You remember.  It has something to do with doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.   We do this all the time.  All of us.  Routines that don’t serve us, rigid thinking, ideas that aren’t true, habits that get in our way, blame games, being set in our ways, not allowing change, etc., are all ways in which we create our own insanity. Do old concepts about money and relationships control your reality (illusion) with concepts of blame, fear, scarcity, etc.? It is time to stop if we want something to be different.

Change Now

I work with people who focus on manifesting their vision of success and the only thing I can see is in our way is ourselves.  Truly.  So I have decided to shout out! Loud!

  • Know your vision of success.
  • Clear your thinking.
  • Stay focused on vision.
  • Don’t get distracted.
  • Take NEW steps.
  • Allow your vision to manifest.

A New Paradigm

There is also an energy shift happening.  You can see it in government and in corporations.  Old models and ways of thinking are no longer working and, in fact, are harming us.  Old paradigms of being right, in competition, self-serving, being first, etc. are old ways of being.   As you focus on your vision of success include the highest good for yourself and the highest good of all. When you do this you might find yourself going back to something that has always been true for you or doing something you have always wanted to do.

No Fear

Making this shift will take you out of your comfort zone.  If you find that is not the case then nothing has changed.  Meditate to have clear communication with yourself.  Fear, risk, the unknown are characteristics of real change. This is a time to be conscious, aware and open to new possibilities, allow new and perhaps unusual ways to make money. Allow and discover love and fun!  You know your answer.  Just do it!

  • Meditate.
  • Get out of your mind.
  • Open to new ideas and solutions.

This is a time of change.  Old ideas and ways of doing things will not move you forward.  They will maintain precisely what you have now.  Maybe that is ok or you can see yourself having more.

Be a Leader

This is a time for leadership, for each of us to model a new way of being.  Clearly leadership at the highest levels of government and corporations is not the model that works.  So as a paradigm shift let’s have leadership start at the “lowest” level meaning with each of us influencing our family, community, company, etc.


Manifesting our vision of success takes great courage.   It is our inclination to stay in routines and patterns of being even if it does not serve us.  Taking the time to be conscious and be the change you wish means getting out of our routine, our comfort zone and changing our thinking.  Try this for one day and you will know the difference.  Then try it for another day.

Best wishes on your success,


If you cannot see where you are stuck then contact me ( and I will offer insight on this for you.

Manifesting our goals the hard way

Mandy has been working with me to make a career change.  She has a good job that pays well and is a leader in her industry but it is not what she wants to be doing.

When we created a plan to transition to a new career or an old career revisited she got cold feet and worried that she needed her current job because she couldn’t imagine actually creating a new career at this time in her life.  Mandy continued to imagine a change, made some attempts then turned around and tried to find ways to connect with her current job.

From an intuitive perspective we are always getting our goals until we decide that we are not.  Mandy never gave up her goal so I knew it was manifesting.  I also knew that her goal would manifest gracefully if she was proactive or not so gracefully if she was not.

This is not logical but it is very intuitive.

So her was her vision. Mandy wanted out of her job and onto a new career.   She could not take the steps to make it happen.  The only way for her goal to manifest in this scenario is to lose her job. That is exactly what happened.  She was laid off so now she has to create the change she desired all along.   She is getting her goal though not very gracefully.

This same scenario played out for Mary.  She was a top executive in a large organization, was paid well and had a lot of visibility but it was not the job she wanted.  Over and over again she decided to quit and each time she thought about it her company gave her a raise.  As a single mom she could not imagine quitting a good paying job so she stayed all the while visualizing her next step.  Her vision manifested when one day she was suddenly laid off.  At first she was angry then she realized that she had visualized a job change for a long time.

My best counsel is to take charge of the change you visualize because it is going to happen with (gracefully) or without your guidance (not so gracefully).

Best wishes on your success,


Join Free Q&A each Monday 5- 5:30 PM  1 (218) 862-7200  Access 299398.  Ask a question, hear insights  and listen to others.

Be careful what you pray for!

     Kate works in a really great company but she is ready to move on.  She wants a leadership position that will allow her to use her creativity, her strategic thinking skills and offers a new level of visibility.  Kate says she wants out of her current job as soon as possible.  We have been working to create that vision, her goals and a plan to take that step.

It was not surprising to me that Kate’s supervisor notified her yesterday that her position was being eliminated and converted into a Director’s position!   As an intuitive this is a beautiful example of creating our reality.  Kate was not as thrilled by this as I was.  She was horrified by all of it and could not see that she had created this.  She wanted out of her job and wanted a leadership position.  So her job was eliminated and made into a leadership position.  Beautiful!  It manifested precisely as she said.  If the circumstances where different she could call this a miracle! Granted she left out some details that now are a bit unsettling to her.  Kate has to apply for this new position.  Applying for a new position was, in fact, part of the work that we did together so it fit her vision as well.

Kate and I met today to ground her vision.  Is she ok with a leadership job within her current company or does she want to be more clear that her vision is to move into a leadership position in a new company?   Kate is not ready to answer that right now.  She is a bit overwhelmed by how her vision manifested.  At this moment she feels like she has no control when in fact she is very good at creating what she wants.

Kate was surprised that her supervisor essentially fired her.  I was not.  Kate had the picture in her space and on her mind that said “I want out of my job”.  Her supervisor was simply seeing Kate’s pictures and responding to them whether she was conscious of this or not.

As an intuitive I see that she simply needs to be more clear about her vision.  Her natural reaction is to hold onto what she has but is it what she wants?    Over the next week Kate will meditate on this, clear her thinking, release the fear and find her perspective.  From this space of being clear she will find her vision.

We are always creating our vision.  Sometimes our vision is simply not clear enough.  Take the time to meditate as you are already creating what you have in your mind.

Have you created a vision and had it manifest in surprising ways? Share your story or ask a question.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

This Stuff Works!

You read stories about my clients all the time and the miracles they create.  Today’s blog is my client’s story about someone she works with.  It’s a miracle!

Sarah provides coaching to upper level managers in a large agency.  One of the managers, Keri, who is 4 months pregnant, told Sarah that she wanted to apply for a different position in the company but did not believe they would give it to her.  Surely they would hire someone else.   Sarah suggested to Keri that she visualize getting the job.  Keri thought this would be a waste of time but worked with Sarah anyway.  The next day Keri told her boss that she wanted to apply for the job.  He indicated that they were going to offer the job to another person.  Keri told Sarah who advised that she meditate again and visualize getting the job despite these odds.  A day later Keri’s boss came by and asked if she was serious about wanting the position.  Keri explained her reasons and qualifications.   Again she meditated to visualize getting the job.  As it turns out Keri was offered the position and starts next week.

Now it is easy to work really hard to explain all of this logically.  That is our tendency.  If you step back, take a deep breath and allow the possibility that Keri created her vision you begin to have a different perspective.  None of this is logical.  The only way to understand this is to do it for yourself.  Take the time to meditate and visualize something that you want.  Clear your thinking about it.

The most successful people are those who have a strong vision.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

What may be in your way? Consultation

Visualizing not working – Align your vision


Most of us have a vision of what we want.  When that vision does not manifest we are confused and frustrated.   Everything we have heard says create a vision, visualize, know your intention, etc. and your vision will manifest.  That is true if you vision is true.   What does “true” mean?  It means being true to you.  As a business intuitive I look for this when a client says their vision is not manifesting as they had imagined.  They are doing all the right things so what is wrong.

False Vision

When are operating from a false vision it will not manifest.  One of my clients, Joan, changed careers from a graphic designer to a financial planner. She was unhappy professionally and wanted a change.  Joan was certain this was a fast and easy way to financial freedom.

The financial training program and a good friend in this field both convinced her that there was money to be made.  Joan sunk her money, time and effort into creating this transition and to position herself for success.    It did not work.  She was out of money and her vision was not manifesting.

Intuitively I saw that Joan’s passion was in the arts.  She is an artist.  I saw that she was creating a financial career simply because two people had told her she should.  Because she was ready for a change she followed their ideas. This vision was not aligned to her passions or her values.

Align Your Vision

This has happened to most of us one time or another.  We get distracted from our vision.  This is a good time to step back and take a second look.

Is our vision aligned to who we are?   Is it aligned with what we value?

Our vision may have changed to incorporate others ideas of what we should be OR we may have altered our vision to accommodate our fears or our ego.

Take the time periodically to re-align your vision and get back on track.

You can best do this by creating a place of quiet so that you can meditate.  In this way you can get out of your analyzer and your logical side and open to your intuitive side.  Try this intuitive exercise.

Intuitive Exercise

Find a quiet place where you can meditate.

Sit with your eyes closed.

Bring your attention and awareness to the center of your head.

Bring your aura or energy field in around you.

Try not to think but to be aware.

Begin to imagine, in your mind’s eye, your vision of success (personally, professionally, spiritually, etc.)

Intuitively notice what is controlling your vision.  Whose ideas are helping to create this vision?

Now shift your vision is align to your passions, who you are and what you value.

See you vision from your center, the center of your head.

Allow your vision to stay the same and allow it to change.

Commit to this vision.  Now enjoy your success!

Tell  your stories or offer your  thoughts about visualizing and how it works for you.

Shooting yourself in the foot!

Are you ready to make that phone call?
Are you ready to make that call?

Are you ready to make that phone call? Are you ready to make that call? As a business intuitive, I learn a great deal from my clients and sometimes I sigh when I see the mistakes business owners make. It is not because they don’t know better. These mistakes happen when they are not aware of what is going on within them at the time. All of us, business owners or not, become the effect of the energy of our life experiences. This then affects our work. We all have thoughts or mental image pictures that are re-stimulated and cause us to react in automatic and unconscious ways that may not serve us well. These are the times when we shoot ourselves in the foot.

Yesterday I was sitting in the office of one of my clients as he was making an important phone call to a potential client. My role was to be intuitive and observe this communication. My client, Fred (not his real name), was talking to a potential client by phone, discussing the scope of work, his fees, the needs of the project, etc. His client was a production company new at producing a web-based video and working with minors as talent. I saw intuitively that my client was not in the space to have this conversation. He had energy in this space that set the tone before he even made a phone call. His energy was set to educate. This was an entirely different space from developing a contract to provide talent for a production, which was the goal of a phone call.

I watched as Fred, clearly frustrated with this new producer, slowly but surely created an energy divide between himself and his potential client. This was not what he intended to do. The conversation ended with my client thinking, and conveying unconsciously that the production company did not know what they were doing. In this space, Fred did not convey how he could help them complete their project. He did not hear the producer’s concerns about the cost of his services, etc. The communication between the two was not accomplishing the goals for either side. In the end, the production company promised to get back to Fred at the end the day and they never did.

As an intuitive, I see this happen all the time. Quite simply Fred responded through his thoughts and feelings and not being focused on the goal for this conversation. This is more common than you would think. I know all of you are thinking that you would never do that or let that happen when, in fact, it happens all the time simply because we are not aware.

In working with business owners and professionals, I recommend a simple, intuitive exercise that raises your awareness. This exercise is designed for you to clear your thinking and the energy in your space before you make a call. I suggest this so that you don’t automatically and unconsciously talk through pictures, thoughts or energy in your space. We have all done this then thought, “I didn’t mean to say that.”

The second part of this intuitive exercise is taking the time to focus on your plan for the call. In this way, you create a clear mental image picture that guides your conversation to the outcome you are looking for.

Intuitive Exercise Before making that phone call close your door. Sit down. Take a deep breath. Close your eyes. Bring all your attention and awareness onto yourself. Notice how you are doing. Let go of whatever is on your mind. Decide how you want to be in the meeting. How do you want your potential client to experience you? What do you want to happen in this call? Begin to imagine the conversation in your mind’s eye. See it intuitively out in front of you. Don’t think! See it! Imagine it! When you can see or imagine this conversation exactly as you would like then you are ready. This could take five minutes, or an hour depending on how much energy you have about the call. How clear you are about the purpose of the call, how much energy you have in your space to clear and what other things are on your mind?

Don’t shoot yourself in the foot.  It is worth the time to set the energy and your focus before you make that sales call.

Note: Regular meditation makes this easier helping you get into a routine of clearing your space and setting your goals.  Online Meditation each Monday

Firewalking, success and focus!

Recently several of my clients attended a workshop on fire walking.  FIREWALKING!   They were amazed at what they were able to do.   It was beyond belief and beyond what they ever imagined was possible.  Several said they used the intuitive tools to achieve their goal to fire walk including being centered, focused and having a clear vision of their goal.

As the story goes they went to try fire walking.  Why would they do this?  All of them were at a point in their professional career where they wanted to take a big step forward.   They were ready for anything that would inspire the power and strength within to take that step.

They decided go to the workshop.  Check it out.  Promising themselves that they may or may not fire walk.  They wanted to make sure they gave themselves a way out.

In the end they not only walked on hot coals, they also broke arrows pointed in their throat and even bent rebar in the same way.   To accomplish these feats they were reminded to focus on the goal (break the arrow, bend the rebar and get to the other side of the coals).  When they faltered the instructor reminded them not to focus on their fears but on their goals.

I could not have said it better.  Nothing is impossible.  Whatever can be imagined can be created.

So don’t try this at home but if you would like to try fire walking my clients recommend

Don’t even get out of bed….

We get up.  We get going.  We have a list of things to do.  At the end of this busy day we may or may not have taken steps toward our goals.

Consider this.   We all have thoughts, concepts and ideas in our awareness.  To an intuitive this looks like pictures in your aura.  Our lives are created through these pictures whether we like them or not.    When we get up in the morning how we experience our day and decisions we make are in direct response to these thoughts, concepts and ideas and not necessarily our goals.  This is a serious distraction to our business success.

For example, your goal may have been to develop a proposal for a potential client.  Instead your attention and awareness are occupied by the energy your staff may have put into your space.   They had a problem and they wanted you to solve it.  With these thoughts and the energy of this communication in your space you could not focus on the proposal.  A proposal that was important to achieving one of your goals.

This is one of an endless list of stories from my clients in which they began their day with their attention and awareness on any number of issues that did not help them achieve their goals.  Working hard and not accomplishing any of our goals.  It can be so frustrating but it is no mystery.  Once we realize that we are the affect of other’s thoughts and energy then we can take steps to resolve.

As an intuitive I offer a simple exercise that produces dramatic results.  Wake up and stay in bed until you are focused and aware of creating a day to achieve your goals.  Try this.  Make a point of waking up in enough time to “meditate” in bed.  You could also go this after you get up.  The key is to do this exercise before you begin your day.

Intuitive Exercise:  Relax.  Take a deep breath.   Begin to be aware of your space.  Don’t think.  Be intuitive.  How do you feel?  What is on your mind?  Who is on your mind (or in your space)?  Take deep breaths and let go of whoever and whatever is occupying your space.  Release any energy or tension you may feel in your space.   Be aware of clearing others, their thoughts and their energy from your space otherwise you will spend your day achieving their goals for you!

Begin to focus on your goals and your vision of yourself and your business.  Focus on the goals you want to accomplish this day, this week, etc.   Now begin to imagine what you can do to achieve those goals.  Let go of everything and anything else.  These distractions keep you busy but do not help achieve your goals.

This exercise may take five minutes or an hour depending on how clear your space is.  If you do this exercise each day it will become easier to clear your space and reset your attention and energy to achieve your goals.

While I started by saying this exercise was simple it may not be easy to clear your space if you are not familiar with this technique.  Begin simply.  Do this everyday even if only for 5 – 10 minutes.   It will become easier and the results will become more and more apparent.

If you do not create your day then you are experiencing your day through the ideas and energy of others in your space.

Be successful everyday.

Allow Fear & Keep Moving Toward Success

????????????????????????????????????????This is a good time to talk about fear! As far as I can tell from experiences with my clients everyone is afraid at one time, or another. Fear of taking a big step, changing directions, moving forward, making a decision, not having control and fear of the unknown.

From an intuitive perspective fear often means you are faced with a great opportunity. Let me explain. When we get to the place of having a clear vision of success everything in our lives, and our business begins to evolve around that vision. If you pay attention, you will be aware of this happening. Suddenly there are a rash of coincidences that favor your vision.

When you have a clear vision (or intention) change begins. Where you are now maybe fine but if you have a goal something has to change for it to manifest. Those changes begin to show aspects of your business that are in the way of your vision and where change is needed. Those changes typically make you personally uncomfortable, or you would have made the changes already. As you change, your concepts about your business also change, and evolve more consistent with your vision. It is an uncomfortable time. It can be scary, and you may experience fear from all that is changing. You are out of your comfort zone, and that is good.

I watch my clients go through this period of business growth and the choices they make. Some become uncomfortable, start to be afraid and crumble. They stop moving forward and decide to stay right where they are. Others recognize the fear, know that it is the result of the steps they are taking, take a deep breath and take even more determined steps toward their vision.

When a business owner has a clear vision, everything starts to change and evolve around that vision. At first it may feel like everything falling apart! Aspects of your business that are not supporting your vision may fall apart because it needs to change as new aspects develop and evolve.

It is a scary and exciting time. Those who are successful don’t run from fear. They take a deep breath and move forward to create their vision. Fear Not!

Best wishes for your success,
