How To Decide?

????????????????????????????????????????Many people call when they have a decision to make and are not sure how to decide or what to decide so I tell them, “Don’t decide.” That may surprise you, but I mean it. Every day we are making decisions. Most of them we do not notice regardless of whether they are big decisions or small, personal or professional, important or unimportant. We don’t notice because the choice is obvious. We know what we want, and we decide.

On the other hand, there are decisions that we simply cannot make. From an intuitive perspective, there are many reasons for this. The first and most obvious is there is no need to make a decision. Often others give us their problem to solve, ask that we make a decision, perhaps even demand that we decide. If it is not your problem, then you do not have to decide.

In other situations, we are simply uncertain. This uncertainty comes from the energy in our space and the thoughts stimulated by the question. If you are unsure, then do not decide until you are certain. Thoughts and energy in your space get in the way of seeing clearly. Stopping, stepping back, getting out of the energy of the decision gives us the space to know.

When you cannot decide, take the time to meditate to release the energy in creating pressure in your space, the thoughts that are competing with each other to find a space of neutrality, to see more clearly. Once you feel calm and clear, ask a simple question, “What are the goals I am trying to achieve? Does this decision move me forward in achieving those goals?” The answer to these questions may not always be logical. Most often at this point it is intuitive.

When you get to the point when you cannot decide, you have considered the logical aspects and the answers are not there. Research has found that the more we think about something, the less clear we become. When you cannot find the answer logically, it is time to trust your intuition.

Start by noticing the energy level you are being when you consider the decision. Does the decision create a high vibration of enthusiasm, possibilities, creativity or any other high vibration? A high vibration is a good space to consider making a decision. If, however, you feel down, negative, pressured or any of the lower vibrations then consider not making a decision from this space. Take the time to raise your vibration; by doing something that you enjoy, something that inspires you and that will bring your energy up. Get into a space of enthusiasm before you decide and always consider the option of not deciding.

Giving ourselves permission not to decide at this time, gives us the space to become clear. To call to us better options and more choices that are aligned to who we are and our vision for ourselves.

Making a decision when the answer is not clear begins within and being in present time and reconnecting with who we are at our core.

Intuitive Steps to Decision Making

  • Find your space. Find a quiet, comfortable space to sit, close your eyes. Quiet the body and clear your thinking.
  • Take a deep breath and release, letting go of all the energy in your space.
  • Be grounded. Be centered. Have your space.
  • Hold your head high. Straighten your spine and hold your head high.
  • Quiet your body and clear your mind. Place your attention on yourself. How are you doing? What is on your mind or in your space?
  • You want to make decisions that come from a space of clarity so clear the question from your mind. Take a deep breath and release.
  • Stop thinking. You have already done that, and it did not give your answer. Clear your thinking. Open to your intuition.
  • Be present. Have your attention on yourself in present time. Notice yourself breathing.
  • Imagine a symbol of a rose.
  • Meditate on a rose for your vision for your life, personally and professionally. See it clearly in your mind’s eye.
  • When you can see and feel your goals clearly, ask the question and listen – intuitively.

When you are clear you will decide without effort and with certainly. Anything less is not your truth.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

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