Stuck So Cannot See

????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Creating our reality can be fun or we can get in our way. I tell stories in this blog to show how our thoughts are creative for better or for worse. Here is a short, simple and unimportant story that shows how carrying thoughts, pictures or energy in our space keeps us from seeing what is right in front of us.

Helen attended her first Women Achieving Goals (WAG) retreat with me four years ago. She requested a private room with a view, which I was able to arrange for her. Helen was pleased except the bed in that room was too hard for her. This distressed her a great deal. Others tried the bed and thought it was firm, but they love firm, so it was a matter of preference. Helen got stuck on the feel of the bed so much so that she did not attend the next retreat.

As an intuitive I know how getting stuck on a thought, emotion, experience can distort our reality and get in the way of having a clear perspective so I watched to see how Helen would handle the room arrangements as she registered again for another WAG retreat. This time she asked for a private room with bath. I was able to accommodate her. This time she bought and brought a mattress topper expecting the beds to be too hard. Bringing a queen-size topper is not a small feat. She placed the topper on her bed and was comfortable. At the end of the retreat, the thought of carrying the topper was too much effort for her, so she gave it away to someone who was willing to carry the load back home.

This year Helen registered again, requested the same beautiful room with an ocean view and private bath. She bought another queen topper and shoved it into her car taking up most of the space. When Helen arrived, carrying this heavy load, she sighed, “This to too much”. She carried the large bag down to her room.  In addition to the bay she was carrying a lot of energy and thoughts about the experience she had three years ago, but seemed to be getting tired of it.

Within 10 minutes Helen came back upstairs laughing. When she went to her now familiar room and began to place the topper on the bed, she saw that the bed already had a topper and probably had one all along. She could not see it before because she was carrying so much energy in her space from the experience years ago at her first WAG retreat.

Now this story is about a bed and a topper but we can all recall similar situations. To benefit from this story take a moment and notice a situation in your life where you are stuck on a picture,memory or energy. That thought or mental image picture may be clouding your perspective, ability to see clearly and ultimately to have what you want.

Being stuck on an experience, a memory or a situation distorts our reality. If you are stuck on something, big or little, try this exercise in meditation. Meditation allows you to quiet your body (emotions) and get out of your thinking so start there first.

  1. Get into meditation
  2. Meditate on something you know you are stuck on.
  3. Imagine pulling your energy out of the picture, memory or thought.
  4. Release and let go of the energy you are holding in your space.
  5. Continue until you feel no energy about the experience. It is the past so let it go.

You may not realize the impact of this energy work immediately, but expect your perspective to change.  You will see things you could not before or will see them in a new way.

Best wishes, Kay

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