Setting the Energy for Success

During October we focused on setting the energy for success. What does it mean to set energy? Quantum physics demonstrates  what we have known for a long time that we have an effect on everything by where we place our attention.  But it is more than placing our attention.  We can create change through our attention.  In doing so we can make things better or worse so being conscious and aware of where we place our attention is an important ability to develop.

Whatever thought we dwell on becomes our reality.  Scary thought if we are not paying attention.  For example, it is not a coincidence that something happens to you right after spending some time dwelling on it.  Dwelling on it is the same as focusing on it.  We have a thought and we begin to imagine what it would be like, adding our energy to the thought.  Poof!  It manifests.   I was working with a client and she worried that she would be laid off.  There was no evidence to that effect but she got stuck on that thought, worried about it (adding energy), imagined what she would do if she was laid off (expanded the picture in her mind) then became anxious (adding more energy).   As imagined she was laid off and to this day I know her supervisor is wondering why they laid off someone so capable.

My efforts to have her take her attention off her fear of being laid off fell on deaf ears.  She could have just as easily dwelled on and imagined being successful in her job, being enthusiastic about that (adding energy to that concept) then that thought would have manifested.  We have free will to create whatever we choose so be careful what you dwell on.

Setting energy is a way to consciously focus your attention and your energy on precisely what you would like to see happen and experience.  Being intentional is a far better practice than dwelling on what we fear or resist.

During this month we focused on some specific areas we can set energy.  You can do this as well. Try understanding your ability to set energy in the following areas.

  • Your Space & Your Success: How do you want to be?  How are you being in your work? Everyone is intuitive so how do others experience you? How would you like them to experience you?  Set your space in a way that supports your success.
  • Your Office or Workspace: How do you feel when you are in your office or workspace?  Are you inspired or do you feel irritated?  Identify what irritates you.  It could be someone, something, the energy level, etc.  Make changes to raise the energy level of your workspace so that you feel inspired.  Clear the clutter, rearrange the space, fix what is broken, move away from someone negative, etc.
  • Communication: Communication is more than words.  It is an intuitive experience.  Take the time to notice how you want to be when in communication with someone.  Remember that everyone is intuitive so what are they picking up from you? What is the goal of your communication?  What is on your mind?  Clear your thinking. What energy is in your space?  You can’t hide it so change it to the vibration you want others to experience from you.
  • Achieve A Goal: Setting energy to meet a particular goal.  You have a goal.   Can  you see it in your mind’s eye?  Notice how you react to your goal.  What are your thoughts about it?  How do you feel (your energy level) when you put your attention on this goal?  Now clear your thinking and change your energy so that your goal can manifest in the way you desire.

There are recorded meditations on each of these areas if interested in learning more about how to set energy for success.  Series is “Setting Energy for Success” To  buy.

Best wishes on your success,


How do you, your staff, and your customers experience the energy of your business?

How you, your staff and customers/clients experience your business impacts your success. Yet we are don’t pay attention to this factor and just keep working hard.

We can make it so much easier on ourselves and our staff, not to mention attracting customers/clients/patients, simply by tuning into the feel (you might think of it as the vibe, or the tone) of the business. It begins with your awareness in the moment as you walk into your office, speak to your staff and react to the physical surroundings.  If anything feels off, it’s time to change the energy.

Read Your Business

Read your company, your staff and your physical office.  Doing this is simple.  Start with just noticing, How does this feel?  How do you find yourself reacting to individuals, the office, clients, your work?  Any aspect that brings your energy down, causes you to react in a negative way or creates tension needs attention.  Something has to change.

Create a Change

That change might mean changing staff, changing the physical office in some way or changing factors involving  the staff, office, or yourself. The best way to do this is in meditation which is a way to clear your thinking so that you have perspective.  Create the time and opportunity to meditate anytime something does not feel right.  This will help you and your company.


Here is an idea of the kind of meditation you can do.  It begins with creating time to stop, close your door, turn off your phones and ask not to be disturbed for 15 minutes at least.

  1. Have a seat, close your eyes and relax into a chair.
  2. Your goal is to quiet your body and clear your thinking.
  3. Bring your attention to yourself. Take a deep breath and release.
  4. Continue to breath, release, relax until you feel quiet.
  5. Clear your thinking by letting go of whatever is on your mind.
  6. If you know how, be grounded, centered and have your space.
  7. (Let’s focus on your physical office as an example.  You will want to do a separate meditation for each aspect of your business.)
  8. See an image of your office in your mind’s eye. Imagine the entire space.  Notice how you react.
  9. Notice places that are ungrounded and a bit chaotic. Imagine those spaces as being more grounded.
  10. Notice places you avoid. They may hold energy because they are unused, cluttered, in past time or an employee has set them at a very low vibration.
  11. Notice what you can do to change the energy in this space by shifting its use, rearranging it, clearing it out or moving the employee.
  12. Notice the parts of your office that have the highest energy.  If you don’t have places of high creative energy, you will want to create them.
  13. Finally, imagine how you would like your office to feel to you, your staff and customers/clients.  See this clearly in your mind’s eye. Know the experience you want yourself and others to have.
  14. When you can see all of this clearly in your mind’s eye, you are ready to create change to support your success.

Your goal is to raise the energy level of your office so that it feels successful, creative, supportive, innovative, healing or whatever quality fits your industry.   Your second goal is to make sure the energy is moving.  Always notice where the energy is low or not moving and do something about it right away.   If you don’t address it right away, it’s easy to get used to it – and then this stagnant atmosphere becomes the norm for your business, affecting its success.

In short, when energy is not moving or high enough in your office, guess what? –  you will notice the same conditions in the success of your business.  Change the energy of your office, and see a corresponding change in your business.

If you want more information, please contact me to do an energy assessment of your office, create a plan to change the energy and get it moving. Together we can design a specific meditation for your company that you can use regularly to jumpstart more success.

Best wishes on your success,  Kay

Fear of Loss – It’s Just a Story

Most of what I know about success I learned from my clients, those that succeeded and those that have not.  This story is about how thoughts are creative especially when they stimulate our fears.  We have control – when we pay attention and clear our thinking.

Kathy is a consultant.  She has one very big contract that keeps her busy most of the time though she has other clients as well.   Every now and then she goes into fear that if she looses this primary client it will devastate her.  As with any business we know not to rely on one or two contracts though many successful businesses have done just that for years.  The intuitive point in this story is Kathy has a fear (picture) in her mind (space) that is at her core.  She has expressed several times that she wants to get of  fear of not having the money she needs and wants.

As an intuitive I have observed that we are always getting our goals.  Kathy has declared that one of her goals is to get out of fear.  Once we have a goal our world changes in ways that help us achieve that goal.  Often that means experiencing what we fear so that we can get out of it.   Watching Kathy intuitively I saw her creating ways to re-stimulate her fear of losing a client not because she wanted this to happen but so that she could use the opportunity to get out of fear.

Intuitively I watched this fear picture move to the surface (of her space) and experiences begin to happen.  The first was Mandy, who taught her and mentored her for years to become a consultant, called to say that she lost her biggest client and now was in serious financial straits.  This was big for Kathy.  If it could happen to Mandy then it could happen to her.  The person who was the expert just created what Kathy feared the most.  I cautioned Kathy to pay close attention to her reaction and not to go into sympathy because in doing do she brings her mentors problem into her space where is could easily manifest for her as well.  I suggested that she consider Mandy as  her teacher in a new way.   Learn by looking intuitively and seeing what caused Mandy to create this and see if Kathy has a similar concept so that she could clear this thought.

The next experience was with one of executives who works for her largest client.  He told her the new CFO wanted to cut Kathy’s contract in half.  Panic!  She immediately believed it was true. I warned Kathy not to place her attention on that thought knowing that whatever thought you place your attention on will manifest.  It does not matter whether it is something that you want or something that you fear.  Kathy did not have to take that communication as her reality.

Finally, her best friend called to say that her husband’s pay was cut 60% and they were doomed.  When Kathy told me these  three  scenarios one after another I began to laugh and asked Kathy if she could see that there was no coincidence here.  She has a choice.  She could match the pictures and see all of this happening to her – her greatest fear – and it would or she could use this opportunity to get her goal to get out of fear by clearing her thinking.  Again I cautioned against dwelling on these stories or going into sympathy.

At the end of her session Kathy spent time meditating on seeing clearly her vision of success, releasing her fear and clearing her thinking.  Kathy knows that her vision of success does not depend on this client.  That it can manifest in a number of ways.  However, Kathy did not want to lose her client so we meditated on her having a conversation with the new CFO and visualized how she would like that conversation to go.

Kathy reported back that despite all her fears the conversation with the CFO went very well.  She continues to check herself when she goes into fear before her thinking  distorts her reality.

Be aware of your thinking.  It’s just your story.

Best wishes on your success,  Kay

Schedule a consultation

Do you have your clients attention?

When meeting with a potential client notice if you have their full attention or is it elsewhere?  I attended a meeting with one of my clients to read the energy and keep the meeting grounded.  Fred is a producer.   He works to develop relationships with national and international ad agencies.   One of those agencies asked to meet with Fred and his creative partners to discuss a project.  They wanted to know how the technologies Fred used on other projects might make theirs go viral.

Taking Time to Be Present

Fred met with his creative partners a half-hour before the meeting with the potential client to set the energy for the meeting, to be grounded in their agreement and to have a clear vision of the outcome they wanted.

What happens when your potential client is spaced out?

The ad agency producer, Paul, came to the meeting with an art director, Sam.  I noticed right off that the producer was not present.  His attention was elsewhere.  The task was to find a way to bring Paul’s attention and awareness fully into this meeting. No one had met Paul or Same  before so this gave the opportunity for introductions with hopes this would bring his attention to the meeting.  This did not do the trick.  I kept saying hello to him asking about his role at the agency and his clients.  That did not do the trick either.  He answered my question but his attention was still distracted.  His gaze was not at us but “out there” somewhere.

Staying present when others are “spaced out” or not focused in the moment is hard but important to keeping the conversation grounded.  So Fred paid attention to staying present.

The Importance of Being Present

It was important that Fred and his team have a grounded and clear communication with this potential client if he wanted any chance of securing this contract.  Fred turned his attention to Sam, the art director, and noticed that he was focused and enthusiastic to have the conversation.  It was clear that Sam would be the client at this meeting.

The creative discussion went well.  I noticed that Paul’s attention slowly came into the room.  I could see that he had a lot of energy in his space that made it hard for him to be focused in the moment.  By the end of the discussion Paul’s attention was more with us but part of his attention was still outside on something else.

Getting Present

We knew Paul had to be present and aware of what was going on and so the challenge was how to make that happen.  Fred suggested that they move onto the creative floor and see examples of the technologies the team had developed.  Getting Paul moving and focusing his attention in this way did the trick. Fred got his attention, as Paul is clearly a guy who is at his best doing the work rather talking about it.

In the end Paul and Sam got a clear understanding of what was possible from Fred’s team and invited a proposal and a bid on the project.

Every business owner knows the importance of making an impression on that very first contact.   That impression depends not only on what the business owner or staff present but also on the space of the potential client to hear and receive the presentation.

Taking the time to make sure that you and your team are grounded and have a clear vision before the presentation is the first step.  Being aware of your potential client and the space they are in is also important.   Finding a way to bring their attention and awareness into the moment will determine their ability to hear what you present.

I hope this insight will be of use to you in your next presentation.

Best wishes on your success,


Set energy to success!

Setting Energy

In this blog I look at success from an intuitive perspective.  Intuition involves a set of abilities that we all have but most rarely use or use them unconsciously.  It is my hope that we all open more to our intuition to not only “know” but also realize our ability to create.

Setting Energy

Today’s blog is about setting energy which is one of the core concepts related to intuition.  When we grasp this concept the world is in the palm of our hand.

A Form of Meditation

Setting energy is a form of meditation that can be done each day, meeting, conversation, activity, project, etc.   I can’t imagine engaging in my day without setting energy first.   I can see your minds going a mile a minute trying to wrap your thinking around this.  Well, this is not logical so it is best to stop thinking.  The only way to understand this concept is to experience it.  Meditation is a way to get out of our mind, our logic and open to our intuitive side.

Intuitive Business Consulting

As an intuitive business consultant my time  with all of my clients includes learning this important intuitive technique.  Once you get the knack for it you will see that it changes everything.

Intuitive Exercise

Try this exercise Experience is the only way to grasp this concept.  First choose a conversation you have planned for this week.  You will learn to set the energy for this conversation.

Sit quietly with your feet on the ground.  Be comfortable, close your eyes and begin to allow your body to quiet and begin to clear your mind.

I suggest using the following basic intuitive techniques.  (If you aren’t familiar with them and would like to learn them contact me.) Once you learn these techniques, it takes only minutes to create this space of meditation.

Find Meditation Space

  • Be grounded – energy connection to the planet
  • Be centered – attention and awareness in the center of your head
  • Have your space – aura in around you
  • Be in present time – have all of your energy and awareness in the moment
  • Breathe and release – technique for clearing and healing
  • Hold your head high – positioning the top of your head (crown chakra)

Open Intuition – Set Energy

  • Imagine in your mind’s eye a simple red rose – see it clearly
  • Decide that this rose represents the conversation you selected for this exercise.
  • Meditate on this conversation.   How would you like to experience this conversation?  How do you imagine others will experiencing the conversation?  How would you like to experience the energy : clear, uplifting, cooperative, validating, etc.?
  • Keep clearing your thinking, letting go of memories and emotions, etc. until you can imagine the conversation precisely as you would like it to go.
  • Put your attention back on the rose.  Let the rose change to a color that represents your vision of this conversation.  Now let it go.
  • Take deep breath.  Stretch.

You probably noticed that you had to clear your thinking, remove your fears and decide more clearly what you wanted from the conversation.

You may want to repeat this exercise again before the conversation.

When you have the real conversation notice how to goes.  How similar or different was it from your vision.  Awareness is the key to intuition as not everything is logical.  We are at our best when we use both sides of our brain.

Let me know how this exercise works for you.  I want to hear your story.

Don’t go into a meeting blind – See clearly!

See clearly in your mind's eye

Someone sets the tone of every meeting.  When you are meeting with a client that person should be you.  This takes time and preparation.

We have all had experiences in meetings in which it unexpectedly starts off on a bad foot or shortly into the meeting things seem to go in a different direction than we had planned.  We find ourselves experiencing a lot of effort and our potential client is not responding in a way we expected.

Set the tone

As an intuitive business consultant I would like to offer an intuitive technique that helps set the energy or tone of a meeting.  This applies to a meeting in person, by phone or online.  It begins with meditation and depending on the importance of the meeting you will want to do this several times before the actual appointment

Going to a meeting blind

I would never recommend walking into a meeting blind meaning without a clear vision.   This is different from having an idea or plan.  Try the following exercise and see if it changes your experience in meetings.

Intuitive Exercise

Take the time to meditate.  This means to quiet the body, clear the mind, to stop thinking and open to your intuition.   Sitting in a quiet place with your eyes closed helps with meditation.

Your Vision

When you feel relaxed and have cleared your thinking then begin to imagine the upcoming meeting.  See it in your mind’s eye.

  • Be aware of your goal for the meeting
    • Release any thoughts you have that may get in the way of this
  • Be aware of the person or persons you are meeting with
    • Read them intuitively
    • What do you see or imagine is on their mind?
    • What are their expectations, concerns or needs?
  • Imagine how you would like to set the tone or energy of your conversation with them.
  • See the meeting going precisely as you would like.
    • Clear your thinking that may argue against your vision.
    • Release any doubts, fears or other emotions that are in the way of your certainty.

You may find that you have to do this exercise several times to clear your thinking and have a clear vision.  That is up to you.  When your vision is clear then you are ready.

Best wishes on your success.

Oops! Your aura is showing.

200469161-001As business owners we work hard to create good impressions and cannot afford a bad one. We pay attention to our branding, our marketing materials, office space, physical appearance, cars and more. Image and impressions are everything!

Our clients and customers are intuitive. This means they are forming impressions from these tangible aspects of our business but also from the intangible. Customers automatically and, for the most part, unconsciously read and respond to our energy and the energy in our space, the aura or energy field around us. This can make or break a sale or a contract.

Intuitive Story The owner of a large office in Walnut Creek walked away from signing a contract for the delivery of office supplies to all four of his locations in the Bay Area. I asked Jim why, at the last moment, he backed out. He could not give a logical explanation saying only that he felt so uncomfortable with the sales rep on that particular day that he could not proceed. He said something did not feel right. Now I was not at this meeting nor I do I know the sales rep but as a business intuitive my reading is the sales rep had something quite personal on his mind. This personal issue created energy in his space and it made Jim uncomfortable.

Impressions Far fetched? Not at all! Each of us has a story to tell about the time when something did not feel right or when we went into a meeting with an important client with something else on our mind. Nine out ten times your story ends with the sale falling through. The energy from our experiences sits in our space, our aura. Others consciously or unconsciously feel or see this vibration and react.

Your Space If you have a disagreement with someone and go into a meeting with a potential client, the energy of that disagreement most likely is still in your space. It is natural for others to unconsciously respond or react to this. With this in mind, being aware of the energy we carry in our aura is important to our success. Knowing how to clear and re-set our aura (energy) is a step in preparing for meetings and conversations with others. Try this intuitive exercise before your next meeting or call.

Intuitive Exercise Take a moment to stop. Sit down if possible. Close your eyes. Take a deep breath and release. Begin to quiet your body. Bring your focus and awareness onto yourself. Notice how you are doing. What is on your mind? Imagine releasing and letting go of these distractions. Bring your attention and energy off these distractions. Take a deep breath and release any energy or emotion you are holding onto. Repeat until you are feel clear of energies and emotions that may give a bad impression or that you don’t want to bring into the conversation.

Next Step The next step is re-setting your space. Watch for this in another blog. Have a great day!

Shooting yourself in the foot!

Are you ready to make that phone call?
Are you ready to make that call?

Are you ready to make that phone call? Are you ready to make that call? As a business intuitive, I learn a great deal from my clients and sometimes I sigh when I see the mistakes business owners make. It is not because they don’t know better. These mistakes happen when they are not aware of what is going on within them at the time. All of us, business owners or not, become the effect of the energy of our life experiences. This then affects our work. We all have thoughts or mental image pictures that are re-stimulated and cause us to react in automatic and unconscious ways that may not serve us well. These are the times when we shoot ourselves in the foot.

Yesterday I was sitting in the office of one of my clients as he was making an important phone call to a potential client. My role was to be intuitive and observe this communication. My client, Fred (not his real name), was talking to a potential client by phone, discussing the scope of work, his fees, the needs of the project, etc. His client was a production company new at producing a web-based video and working with minors as talent. I saw intuitively that my client was not in the space to have this conversation. He had energy in this space that set the tone before he even made a phone call. His energy was set to educate. This was an entirely different space from developing a contract to provide talent for a production, which was the goal of a phone call.

I watched as Fred, clearly frustrated with this new producer, slowly but surely created an energy divide between himself and his potential client. This was not what he intended to do. The conversation ended with my client thinking, and conveying unconsciously that the production company did not know what they were doing. In this space, Fred did not convey how he could help them complete their project. He did not hear the producer’s concerns about the cost of his services, etc. The communication between the two was not accomplishing the goals for either side. In the end, the production company promised to get back to Fred at the end the day and they never did.

As an intuitive, I see this happen all the time. Quite simply Fred responded through his thoughts and feelings and not being focused on the goal for this conversation. This is more common than you would think. I know all of you are thinking that you would never do that or let that happen when, in fact, it happens all the time simply because we are not aware.

In working with business owners and professionals, I recommend a simple, intuitive exercise that raises your awareness. This exercise is designed for you to clear your thinking and the energy in your space before you make a call. I suggest this so that you don’t automatically and unconsciously talk through pictures, thoughts or energy in your space. We have all done this then thought, “I didn’t mean to say that.”

The second part of this intuitive exercise is taking the time to focus on your plan for the call. In this way, you create a clear mental image picture that guides your conversation to the outcome you are looking for.

Intuitive Exercise Before making that phone call close your door. Sit down. Take a deep breath. Close your eyes. Bring all your attention and awareness onto yourself. Notice how you are doing. Let go of whatever is on your mind. Decide how you want to be in the meeting. How do you want your potential client to experience you? What do you want to happen in this call? Begin to imagine the conversation in your mind’s eye. See it intuitively out in front of you. Don’t think! See it! Imagine it! When you can see or imagine this conversation exactly as you would like then you are ready. This could take five minutes, or an hour depending on how much energy you have about the call. How clear you are about the purpose of the call, how much energy you have in your space to clear and what other things are on your mind?

Don’t shoot yourself in the foot.  It is worth the time to set the energy and your focus before you make that sales call.

Note: Regular meditation makes this easier helping you get into a routine of clearing your space and setting your goals.  Online Meditation each Monday

Your Clients Are Intuitive Too!

I spend my life talking to business owners and professionals on how to use intuition to create a successful business. It is always surprising to them when I point out that their clients are intuitive as well!

Knowing this means that we have to know what our clients perceive intuitively when they see, meet or speak with us. Now your clients are probably not conscious and aware that they are “reading” you. The question becomes “What do you want them to see, feel or know about you?”

One of my favorite stories on this topic is the woman who was to have surgery. The morning of the surgery she insisted on seeing the surgeon in person before her surgery. She insisted! Finally, everyone realized she meant it, so the surgeon came to her room. She looked him over and asked him how he was doing that morning. She asked him silly and not so silly questions. She told me she wanted to know what kind of space he was in before he cut on her. She said if he looked angry or upset she would have refused the surgery. In the end, he was in a good space. He laughed and joked with her a bit then went to prepare for the surgery. She felt good about him that morning and so the surgery went as planned and was successful.

Decisions people make about using our products or services has as much to do with what they pick up about us as it does with our business. So what does this mean to you as a business owner? Let me offer you an intuitive technique for being ready to meet with a client or potential client. It is all about taking the time to set the energy in your space in the best possible way for each situation. What do you want your potential clients to pick up (intuitively) from you?

Intuitive techniques: Take time before you make that call or go into a meeting. Find a quiet place. Take a deep breath. Close your eyes if you are in a place that you can do that. Notice yourself. Where is your attention? Be present. Let go of all thoughts and focus on this client and this moment. Let go of the energy that you are holding onto that has nothing to do with this meeting or conversation. There is nothing more irritating to a potential client then to see or feel that your energy and attention is somewhere else or vibrating in a way that does not fit their concerns.

Notice, what your energy is like? Is this the space you want your client to perceive you? Change your space. Relax. Take a deep breath and release all the energy you are holding in your space. Start to be aware of the client and how you want to your communication to be with them. Don’t think. Be intuitive.

Intuitive techniques take practice. Give this a try and let me know your comments.

Best wishes on your success, Kay