Ask A Question About Your Business

I invite you to ask about your business. I will offer an intuitive perspective.

The questions we have about successful business owners have been asked for generations. Ask your question, share your thoughts and tell your stories. We will all benefit from this discussion.

Write your question below. Let’s start a conversation.

6 thoughts on “Ask A Question About Your Business

  1. My business partner and I need to re focus our business from a consultancy basis where we have done most of the work, sourced usually by responding to tenders, to one where we run the business, using our skills in research, learning materials development, education project management. My question is around how we can choose what ‘projects’ or ‘skills’ to focus on in order to draw clients to us. We can do many things, and that is the problem: how can we/ should we select a focus area that will excite both of us. (We have a ‘virtual’ business with an office in each of the cities in which we live.)

    Note that we need to move from the ‘response’ mode for several reasons, not least of which is that the arena has become so corrupt that even totally unqualified companies are winning work, because of political connections. This is not likely to change any time soon.


  2. Hello Arlene, Your business is ending a cycle, which may seem unsettling but all business operate on naturally occurring cycles. We can see this as a problem or the opportunity that it is. I see that your business is ready to begin a new cycle at a new level of havingness. This means better clients, better work, etc. This will take you out of your comfort zone initially and will bring you to the place you want to be.

    I see that you and your partner are in different places professionally than you were when you first started so the first step would be for both of you to take the time to know your individual goals, interests, commitments, etc. in present time.

    Perhaps use meditation to get out of your analyzer to sort out what you CAN do and are GOOD at versus what you WANT and ENJOY doing. It takes a strong vision and focused work to create your business so it might as well be something that you enjoy. Bring that information to each other to share honestly so that the next cycle will not look like the last. So that the next cycle of your business will be created so that you both achieve your goals.

    Create a clear vision of the business together. One that you want to have and you would enjoy. See it in your mind’s eye (Can you imagine it?).

    Once you are clear about your vision then you will know and call to you the projects that support your vision. That is different than taking work out of NEED.

    Release and let go of any thoughts or concepts that come from fear or scarcity. Stay focused on your vision, take steps to manifest it then notice how everything begins to develop around that vision.

    Best wishes on your success. Kay


  3. Hello Lisa, I see several things. I see that the energy of your industry is being changed by the Y and Z generations who are pushing everything away that does not flow through technology and social media. Your vision of your work while appealing is being drowned out by all the attention directed to the internet. A next step might be to revise your business plan so that you are where the buzz is and take advantage of that firestorm of energy. This may mean a new business model.

    I also see the benefit of partnering with someone who is a step or two above where you are to lift your energy to the next level. This will bring you out of your routine, your comfort zone and where you think your certainty is. You certainty is a bit of a past time energy.

    Finally, while this growth period has been going on for a while, Mars in retro grade since the middle of January and now Mercury in retro grade since the middle of March makes everyone feel like things have stopped or are moving backwards. No wonder you feel particularly discouraged right now. Now through mid-April is a great time to rethink things. Be open to your intuition during this time then everything turns right mid- April so that will be a good time to energize your efforts to create change and move forward.

    Best wishes on your success, Kay


  4. Hello Kay,
    I am wondering about my preschool/childcare business. I have been operating for 6 years. I am a good teacher, but unskilled at the business of it. I struggle to get enough students. I am tired of having my home be more for others than my family. I have been applying for other teaching jobs, but jobs are few and I am more expensive to hire. Any thoughts?
    Thank you!


  5. Hello Lori, Thank you for asking your question. My response will be partly logical and mostly intuitive (not logical). First thing I notice is your are what I would call a healer. You like to give, take care of others, etc. but not as comfortable at receiving. The result is you don’t have enough students, enough space, etc. This depletes your energy and makes you think you want to quit. I don’t see that you want to quit but I do see you want to do things differently and change the energy of what you do.

    Your first step is to allow others to support you. This is foremost an energy shift. This means seeing students coming to you, allowing parents to give to you and letting others support you. On the other hand it also means not giving so much, not healing the parents out of fear they will leave, creating time to renew.

    You can begin this by meditating on your vision for your preschool/childcare business. Imagine it your grandest vision of its success. Imagine the number of students you want, how you want your family space to be and how you want to be. As you do this release any thoughts that in any way negate your vision. Do not underestimate the power of your vision or your thoughts.

    I also see that you need support in your business. To give you ideas on this I would need to know more about your structure, community, etc.

    I trust you find this helpful. Best wishes on your success, Kay


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