A Bumpy Way to Success


We are always getting our goals. This I know.  Some goals simply manifest. Other goals manifest through a rough and tumble change of circumstances. Both are ways to achieve our goals, and both are of our doing. If you have gone through a rough time and experienced loss, you probably think that I am wrong. Why would you create such chaos?

I agree that you did not create the chaos, but that disruption may be the only way for a goal that you set for yourself to manifest. Let me explain how the universe works and many of you already know this, but may have forgotten.

Whatever we imagine is being created the moment we imagine it. Sometimes, we imagine what we want, and so our universe begins to change to manifest that vision. Other times, we dwell on what we do not want, and so the universe manifests that. The warning here is to be careful what you imagine or dwell on.

It is natural to dwell on what is not working, but that is a dangerous place to focus our attention. When you find this happening, changing your attention to what you do want, produces better results in your life.  Focus on what you do want and not give a moments attention to what you do not want in your life.

When some aspect of our life is being destroyed, that can be the result of focusing on what we do not want OR focusing on what we do want. The former is obvious but how does focusing on what we do want, create so much disruption?

My question would be, is it creating what you don’t want? Or is it creating the change needed so that you can create what you do want? Change is uncomfortable. That does not mean it is a bad change. In fact, if you step back from the discomfort, you will most likely see the change forced on you, actually made space for you to create something new, something better.

Meditating or imaging the life we desire is essential to creating that life. If we do not know what we want or don’t want, then we are like a willow in the wind, being swayed one way or another by external forces. On the other hand, seeing clearly in our mind’s eye the life we desire, is the way that life is created intentionally.

Once we imagine our life, our universe begins to change from where we are to where we want to be. This is not logical, but it is very intuitive. Change begins and if we are proactive, then change flows, making decisions that lead the change.

When we are stuck in some way, resistant to change or afraid of change it is more difficult for the universe to manifest the vision of the life we desire. We are fighting change. As I mentioned at the beginning, we are always getting our goals, so something dramatic or less graceful needs to happen to get us unstuck. This is when we lose a job we have wanted out of but were afraid to change, a relationship ends that does not support us, etc.

When these changes “happen to us,” we can step back and see that it was a change that needed to happen. A change that we resisted. Because we resisted making the change on our own, it will be especially uncomfortable. This is a good time to meditate or reflect on the life we desire and reconnect with what we want for ourselves. By taking the time, to be clear we can begin to take charge of where we go from here.

Having a vision is essential but, of itself, does not create the life we desire. We must focus and take specific actions to bring that vision into our reality. Discomfort is a normal reaction to change. Resisting change intensifies this discomfort, and we are unable to move forward. Accept being uncomfortable and moving forward in a focused and determined way, moves us out of the pain and closer to the life we desire.

Remember, we are always achieving our goals, gracefully or in uncomfortable ways. We have free will. We can choose. We are always creating our reality. Hold your head high and focus on the life you desire. It is within reach.

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