Don’t Seek Comfort To Achieve

200469160-001When people are in discomfort or pain, it is my inclination to want to bring them out of it.  I want to raise their energy high enough to feel better, so I feel better.  Not a good way to be.  It gets in the way of success and achieving our vision.

We create discomfort to stop, reflect and see where we want to be versus where we are. The problem is our tendency to seek comfort.  Seeking comfort can prevent us from achieving our vision.  It is in our nature to get out of discomfort quickly as possible.  Everyone does this a different way, i.e. getting an endorphin/physical rush, healing or massage, drinking, drugs, sex, and anything else that changes the energy we are experiencing.

Growth Periods

Nothing changes except that we are out of pain for that moment. The discomfort will return because there was something we needed to change and still do. To give this experience a label, I call it a growth period, a point in time when we have the opportunity for real change.  The decision we make can change everything.  We can choose to get out of the pain, or we can decide to sit with it to find out something about ourselves and our vision.

Growth periods happen when we have a vision of something that we want in our lives.  Once we have a vision, the universe starts to manifest around that mental image picture and things start to change. How quickly things change depends on what we allow.

When the universe starts to manifest around our vision and things start to change, we experience discomfort. Our body reacts to every change with unease until we get used to and comfortable with the new energy and space the change created.  It is at this point that we can decide. We can decide to sit with the discomfort and understand the change being created so that our vision can manifest OR we can do whatever we can to get out of discomfort.  Each choice produces a different result.  Allowing and understanding the pain allows our vision to continue to manifest.  Resisting and trying to get out of it causes the change we started to stop.


When I get into a growth period, I am honestly inclined to either of these choices depending on how intense the discomfort is.   The greater the discomfort, the bigger the change you are in the process of creating.  We can stop that change or we can allow it so when in a growth period, I ask myself, “What part of my vision is creating this growth period?  Where do I need to change to allow this aspect of my vision to manifest?” With this awareness, you decide, “Do I want this change in my life?”  Honestly, you can say,  “This growth period ‘s too big, I am going to give up this aspect of my vision.”  Or you can say, “I am willing to understand this growth period so that my vision can manifest.”

Your Vision

It helps to read your vision to align yourself with it.  If you do not have a written vision, then I suggest you write one.  A written vision helps ground your plan, to understand the changes you are experiencing so that you know they are not coincidences.  Most importantly, none of this reflection or understanding is logical.  Your understanding is most clear from an intuitive perspective.  Meditate.  Imagine, visualize, see in your mind’s eye your vision.  While in meditation, ask yourself within, “What change is this growth period creating and why is it so uncomfortable?”  Try not to think rather listen to yourself at your core.  The answers you hear will enlighten you and your journey to the vision of the life you desire.

Success is not a mystery

dreamstimefree_2565706Some of what I write in my blog is logical and strategic. I love that way of thinking. Most of what I write is from an intuitive perspective with the goal to open our awareness to so much more than what our mind can understand.

In our culture, we are programmed to be logical about all things. I joined a conversation thread with a group of logical thinkers to interject an intuitive perspective into their conversation. They would have no part of it. Everything is logical they insisted. What I learned from spending time with them is their conversation centered on things that can be understood logically and shied away from discussions that were not. So in their world of logic that is all there was.

In this conversation with you, I invite both logical and intuitive perspectives. The challenge is to shift our perspective between the two in the same conversation. That is the challenge.

Let me offer an example.

The most successful people have a clear vision of what they are creating. Having a clear vision can be understood logically as they can describe their vision to you and you understand. It is also intuitive as they see their vision clearly in their mind’s eye, but even more importantly they see it manifesting. Successful people who mastered this include Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Richard Branson and others. With great enthusiasm, they created one success after another.

After working with business owners for years, I learned there is another way a business owner may approach success that produces a different result. Their vision may not be clear. Their vision is an idea in their mind rather than something they can see in their mind’s eye. Intuitively, we know that what we imagine (in our mind’s eye) is being created. So until they can see it, it is just an idea.

A next key element for success is feeling and seeing a vision manifesting already, in smaller ways at first then growing. They can see their vision manifesting, doing this with great enthusiasm and passion for what they are creating. In this way, they add their creative energy to the mental image picture (their vision). When we add our energy to a picture, it comes to life and begins to manifest in reality.

Those who struggle with success may not have a clear vision but even if they do, may not feel that it can manifest. Their thoughts and emotions get in the way. They see their vision as something they want. Wanting is the opposite of manifesting so when we are in the energy of wanting then we are left with wanting. Not logical but very intuitive.

Successful people do not let anything get in their way. They are determined and move effortlessly through other’s pictures or energy that is not in support of their goal. They effortlessly keep moving forward, inspired by and taking actions to support their vision.

The dichotomy to this would be to become the effect of other’s pictures or energy. Perhaps someone does not share your vision and tries to talk you out of it, and this stops you. Perhaps someone has a strong reaction to the changes you are making to achieve your vision, and their energy gets stuck in your space.

Our vision of success can get stuck when we get into effort or try to control  how our vision manifests. How a vision manifests is not always logical.  On an intuitive level, when we resist or control anything, we change the course of it. Our original vision cannot move in a tightly controlled energy, so it stops and whatever we resist begins to manifest instead.

My favorite physicist, Fritjof Capra, would describe this in an elegant, scientific way. His description of how our energy impacts our world are in his book, The Tao of Physics.

So where to go from here? Logic can be understood. Intuitive perspectives cannot be understood through logic. They are understood through experience. So try the following and notice the difference this makes in your life.

  • Spend time reflecting on your vision. See it clearly in your mind’s eye. Not thinking but imagining your vision. Do this often.
  • Feel your vision manifesting now. Be clear about that. Avoid the tendency to imagine it in the future. Challenge yourself to see your vision beginning to happen now.
  • Find your enthusiasm for your vision. Release any thoughts or feelings that say it cannot happen.
  • Change your routine and begin to act in a new way that aligns with your vision.
  • Do not control how your vision manifests. Become aware of the inevitable changes that will occur for your vision to manifest. Do not control them. Go with the changes, as not everything is logical.

Best wishes, Kay


What Am I Trying to Accomplish Here?

green grasTo be human is to ask, then ask again, “What is my purpose?”   I hear and ask this question all the time. When we feel uncertain about the answer to this big question then make it simple.  Decide to be on your path today. Being on your path in this moment is far more important and inspiring.

If you stopped, got out of your routine, took the time to get really present with yourself and meditated, opening to your intuition, not your logic, how would you decide to be on your path today?

We are so programmed to think, decide, know and figure out our path, our purpose or our life’s work that we drift further and further away from ourselves, from who we are at our core.

If you are uncertain about your purpose or feel a bit off your path then do not think about it. Do not try to answer the question.   Instead, stop.   Come out of all your thoughts about things. Stop thinking. Be present with yourself in this moment. Decide to be on your path today wherever that leads you. Do this intuitively. No expectation.

A good measure is to love each moment and the experience.

It could be as simple as changing your attitude about this day, your life today, the people you interact with, the way your approach each experience.   It could mean making different choices and placing your attention on things that matter versus things that do not and know the difference.

Rather than write goals for the New Year decide to live your purpose each day. You do not have to name it. Just be in present time. For this to work you have to get off the treadmill, out of routines, clear your thinking, let go of energy and be present.

Best wishes for the New Year,


Never From NEED!

0032PhotonicaOne of the biggest mistakes a business owner makes is when they have a desperate need then makes decisions from that energy.

The energy of need comes deep within us in fear.  When we are in fear, all our energy leaves our upper chakras and our rational mind. Instead, our energy goes directly to the first chakra where we manage survival and fear. In some ways, this is helpful because it creates energies and physiological responses that can set us into strong action – fight or flight.
One area that commonly we may not have a clear perspective is the people we need to help us. When we hire from the energy of need, we forgo our intuition, hiring someone who can do the job without considering if they are a good fit for the company. Making decisions this way is always a disaster because we look from only one perspective – can they do the job. As we know, we need more than skill sets from our staff. The energy of need in the first chakra causes us to lose this perspective.  “I need someone who can do the job and I need them NOW!”  When we hear ourselves feeling this way we need to stop.  We are in fear.

Operating from the energy of need happens also when we have a staff person who is negative, bored, unhappy with their job, not performing well, causing disruption, etc. but we NEED them. When we are in the energy of need, we believe that we need them to do the job as if there was no one else in the world who could.  This is not true but when we are in need and fear we believe it.  Our life depends on it.   It is always true that letting go of an unhappy or unpleasant employee will improve your company no matter how much you believe you need them.

Hiring and supporting staff that support you and your vision are critical to your success. The common phrase, hire slow and fire fast, is one of the best pieces of advice I have heard. To hire slow gives you the opportunity to decide not only the skills the applicant has, but also how he/she feels to you and what your intuition tells you about how they will represent your brand and fit into the culture of your business. That same intuition tells you that someone on your staff is disrupting the energy of your business as well as the culture and brand you have worked hard to create.

When we are in the energy of NEED, it disrupts our decision-making and distorts our perspective. This blog talks mostly about staff though the energy of NEED can affect any decision that we make. When making a decision take the time to notice the energy you are making it from. If you feel that urgency in your body or the energy of NEED, take some time to step back, calm down, clear your thinking, come out of fear (lower chakras) to find a more neutral perspective (upper chakras).  It will change your perspective and you will make better decisions.

Best wishes on your success, Kay



Gut Feelings, Intuition & Decisions

dreamstimefree_manimaginingCan you trust gut feelings? How is that different from intuition? These are questions that I often get asked. There is a big difference, which is important to note. Intuition and gut feelings are similar in that they are each one of the several intuitive abilities that all of us have. Some of us are more finely attuned to these abilities than others. It is helpful and important to develop these abilities and to use them consciously in our daily life. I know there are those of you who are not convinced though how many times have you said, “I knew that would happen!” Or “I should have listened to myself.”

Energy Centers

There are seven major chakras or energy centers in the body with many minor chakras. Each chakra or energy center has a particular function and ability. For example, the famous gut feeling comes from feeling something with our second chakra located just below the naval.

 Gut Feelings

Gut feelings are the body’s way of saying how something feels to you. It might feel good or not so good. That does not mean that it is or is not good. It is just a feeling. I would never suggest that you make a decision purely from your gut feelings though in combination with other information it is a valuable barometer.

It Doesn’t Feel Right

One of the important ways to use your gut feelings is if something does NOT feel right. I would never go ahead with something that does not feel right. It is often best to stop, gather more information, look behind closed doors, check to see what is not yet visible or known or if not important then simply walk away. If it involves a decision then find out more before you decide on something that your gut feeling says does not feel right.

Knowing for Certain

While we are not going to discuss all seven energy centers in this blog I would like to mention a couple of others that are used most often.

There are times when we just KNOW. We don’t know how we know but we are certain. There is no doubt and we are at a loss to say how we know. This ability to know comes from the crown chakra at the top of the head. It is where our higher awareness is. It is not logical. It is an intuitive ability to know. Decisions are best made from this high knowingness.

Telling the  Truth from a Lie

Finally, clear seeing is ability we experience all the time but may not recognize it as an intuitive ability. Unfortunately we also do not always act on what we see. Clear seeing comes from the sixth chakra in the middle of the forehead, the third eye. It is our ability to read someone or something. We pick up on people. No matter what they are saying we can see what they truly mean or where they are coming from. This is a very reliable form of intuition because it is not emotional. It is seeing clearly. It becomes challenging when we see something clearly but cannot explain logically how we know this information.  As a kid I always wondered why so many people lied.

 Open Intuition

The next step is to listen to our intuition. It can be loud. “Don’t go there!” or it can be subtle, “This does not feel right.”   Intuition is your very first thought or first feeling. It can be fleeting. Within seconds of your intuition your brain kicks in full force to make sense of or be logical about or give an explanation of whatever situation you find yourself it. Far to often we follow our analyzer and ignore our intuition always with a less desirable outcome. “I wish I had listened to myself.” “I knew that would happen.”


If nothing else start to listen to your intuition – that very first thought or feeling. It lasts a second before it is replaced by logic.   Once you start to listen then it is not replaced and you spend more time connected to your intuition, opening it and becoming more aware of your intuitive perspective. In the ideal world we would use both sides of our brain, using both our logical self and our intuitive self. Until that happens people most often use half their mind and it is unfortunately the logical one, which is not always right. We all know this from life experiences. What is logical is not always the right answer.

Start today and listen.   Become aware of your intuition and how to use it.

Best wishes, Kay

Decision Making Is Overrated

beautiful thoughtsWe do not always have to make a decision.  We can make a really good decision or be completely off the mark.  While there is no science to decision-making there are ways to make them better.  We make decisions all the time.  Mostly we do not pay attention because the decision is obvious though not always easy.  We make most decisions without a second thought throughout the day in our personal lives and in our work.

Whose Problem Are You Solving?

It is always important to know when we do not need to make a decision.  Others may place their problem in our space demanding that we decide to solve a problem they have.  Knowing what is our problem and what belongs to someone else helps us in many ways.  That is the topic of another blog.  For this context knowing when we need to make a decision and when we do not is critical.  Knowing our goal comes first then knowing if making this decision is moving us toward that goal or distracting us.

Does It Feel Right?

Decisions based on facts, data, information, advice, etc. that make sense are made easily.  We have no doubt and decide.  Other times the facts, data, information, tell us one way to decide while our gut feeling says there is another.  While I never recommend that we make a decision based on gut feeling (second chakra) gut feelings are an important red flag to stop, step back and reflect because something is not right.  In general if it does not feel right then something is off.

Trust Your Intuition

Step back, check the information and take the time to separate your energy from the question so that you can gain perspective to determine why it does not feel right.  There is always a reason for this feeling.  If you know how to meditate us this to clear your thinking.  When we step back, calm the body, clear our thinking, clear everyone else’s energy and thinking out of our space then we can see more clearly. Listening to our intuition is an important to making good decisions.  How many times have we said, “I knew that would happen!” or “I wish I had trusted my intuition on that.”  This is hard with others are pushing you in a different direction.  Being in touch with your clear perspective and in touch with your intuition about the decision guides us in making good decisions.

Don’t Decide

Sometimes the best decision is not to decide.  I know that is not logical but you know what I mean because we have all had that experience.  When making a decision at that time does not feel right then simply not deciding is the best decision.  It is amazing how many things are solved this way.

Be Certain

The best decisions are those made when we are certain.  If we learn to step back, clear our thinking, release the energy in the body and the emotions, ours and others, then we can see more clearly.  Meditation is a good way to find perspective. Gaining clarity and certainty are the prerequisites to making a good decision then trusting your intuition.

Best wishes on your success,  Kay



You Created It!

dreamstimefree_138882Life happens and we act and react to what comes our way.  That is an atheist view.  What if every thing that happens manifests through our own thinking about things?  This is truer but hard to grasp because it is not logical though it is very intuitive.  The proof falls in line when we see ourselves.  Let me share a story of one of my clients who learned that her thinking about things matters.

Susan – The Failed Leader

Susan is a  new director of a large research laboratory.  Under her is an array of doctors each a specialist in their field. Susie called me because she was trying to bring her team of doctors together for monthly department meeting.  To date some doctors never came, others came and controlled the meeting with their own banter, etc.  She was frustrated, felt disrespected and that her leadership was not recognized in the way that she wanted.  When I met with her I could see clearly how she was creating this scenario through her own thinking.

No One To Blame

Typically we look outside ourselves for why something is not going well.  In this case, Susan believed the doctors were being arrogant, had their egos in the way, etc.  This was what she believed and saw the problem was with them.  From an intuitive perspective I had her not focus outside herself but to be aware that she was creating this reality.   I saw her thinking was in her way.  Susan could not imagine bringing the doctors together under her leadership and to work collaboratively.  She feared their egos were stronger than hers that they would run her over and disregard her role so that is exactly what she created and experienced.  At first Susan argued that she was not creating this because it was not what she wanted.

Change Others or Go Within

Susan came up with many suggestions on how to make the doctors come to the meetings, follow her agenda, etc.  These were possible solutions though intuitively I knew they would not work until she changed her thoughts and pictures about her relationship to her staff.  Susan agreed to a guided meditation in which she could become aware of her thinking and vision of the lab.

 A New Vision

In meditation Susan began to imagine the research lab operating in a successful, supportive and collaborative way.  When she became aware of her thoughts about this person or another being in the way she cleared those thoughts and created a new perspective.  Susan meditated on the monthly staff meeting imagining it in a new way.  She began to see her team of doctors coming together, seeing value in collaboration, sharing expertise and generally enjoying the time together.  As she meditated on this she became aware of how much energy she had in resistance to the monthly meeting herself and released that energy from her space.   She was also aware of her fear that the doctors did not value her leadership and cleared those fears.   We continued in this fashion until she could see clearly all the doctors being in communication and support of the success of the lab.

Everyone Is Intuitive

A couple of intuitive points helped Susan understand how she was affecting her ability to be a leader.  Everyone is intuitive and the doctors simply picked up on Susan’s energy  (fear and uncertainty) and reacted in kind.   They intuitive read her pictures especially the one about doctors not wanting to follow her leadership and so they did not.  From an intuitive perspective be aware that people pick up on the energy and pictures in our space and react more to that than what we say.

 A New Reality

Once Susan cleared her thinking and released the energies in her space, I had her begin to see herself as a leader with a clear working relationship with all of her team, leading, setting the tone, being in communication and having fun.

In this meditation Susan changed her perspective and energy about the lab, her staff and specifically the monthly staff meeting.  Not surprising Susan reported that everything changed immediately.  She found herself approaching her communication with everyone in a new way resulting in a new response from each person.  They seemed to sense her clarity and certainty.  All the doctors attended the next monthly staff meeting, and she led them in a lively and productive case discussion.  It was clear to Susan the change was within her.  The staff sensed her clarity as a leader and the change in her perspective.

Clear Your Thinking 

What surprised Susan was she did not have to make her staff change though that seemed to happen.   Susan understood that she was in her own way.  Her thoughts about her staff, her fears about her own abilities and how she saw herself as the leader were manifesting in her reality. That has changed.   Susan committed to regularly assessing the thoughts and concepts she has in her space and on her mind and to meditate to find this clarity.

From an intuitive perspective we create our reality through our thoughts, fears and concepts.  Change your thinking and watch your reality change.  If there is a situation in your life or your work that is not as you would like it to be then stop to see what your thoughts are about it.   It is never the other person or the situation.  It is always manifesting from within us so meditate because the answer may not always be logical.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

The definition of insanity or success

You have heard the definition of insanity. That same concept applies to business and success. From an intuitive perspective the way that you think now, your routine, actions, perspective, attitude, approach and energy level all create what you are experiencing, have and are creating in this moment. If nothing changes in these areas then nothing will change in your life or your work. You may reach a goal or two but your vision of success personally and professionally remains beyond your reach.

On other hand if you allow and create change then everything else changes. Some of those changes might include:
• Change your thinking
• Get out of your routine
• Develop a new perspective
• Take different actions
• Adopt a new attitude
• Approach everything in a new way
• Change your energy level

These sound simple but it’s not that easy.   We are creatures of habit. We have automatic defaults for the above and when we are not paying attention we automatically revert to our default. You might say we are set in our ways.

There are other levels of change you can create within you as well changes outside yourself, i.e. the people around you, where you spend your time, your physical environment. This is why vacations are so helpful. We get out of an old pattern into an entirely different space. It’s why changing offices, redecorating, etc. can raise the energy. Letting go of staff that are no longer in agreement or bringing in new staff at a higher vibration creates a sudden success.

While changes external to you can give an energy boost this is temporary. The real change has to come from within. Success in many ways is a state of mind and being at a high energy level. Each day is an opportunity to reflect or meditate on your space.  The answers may not always be logical so don’t look for that.  Allow your intuition as you meditate, clear your space and reset your energy.  Ask:
• How are you doing?
• What is on your mind?
• Who is on your mind?
• What are your thoughts about your vision of success?
• How am I in my way?
• And more

I have clients who embrace change, are eager to know themselves and what they can change to reach their vision of success. Other clients want to reach their vision of success but are not good at allowing or creating change. They persist in old patterns that do not serve them so nothing changes.

Being aware of what is behind you or inside of you gives you the chance to create your vision of success. Once you have decided the change you want to be and create then be conscious of doing so. If nothing else be conscious of creating a single change within you each day, see how things are different then create another change until you reach your vision of success. If nothing changes within you then nothing changes in what you are manifesting.

Best wishes on your success,


Free Q&A: Your Question about Success.  Each Monday from 5 – 5:30 PM Pacific you can call in to ask a question or listen to others.  1 (218) 862-7200 Access 299398 or SKYPE mkayrobinson


Responsible until it all explodes!

It was a great week as an intuitive business consultant.  The business owners and professionals I worked with showed great insights that apply to everyone. Here is one example.

Sara called me when her front office person suddenly quit.  Her business was in the middle of completing several very large projects and she could not afford to have Gwen walk out.  How did this happened?  Why did she quit?  Sara was trying to analyze what was going on with Gwen.  I suggested to Sara that it was not about Gwen.  Her front office position has exploded at least four times that I was aware of.

This made her changed her focus and look at the front office to see what was causing people to up and leave.  She saw intuitively that her front office looked like an energy dump.  Everything landed there.  Unconsciously it had become the place where every communication, problem or task not owned by another staff person landed.  Everyone assumed the front would pick up the slack, be there when others were not, field all the calls, respond to client problems for everyone,  keep a watchful eye on everything, etc.

When the energy built up it exploded and the person in the front walked out.  In the end, Sara called Gwen to come back with a plan to protect the front office as it was important part of the business.

This story is not unusual.  For Sara’s company it was the front office.  In your company it may be another but in general it is the person or place where all the energy lands and responsibilities pile up.  No matter how capable someone is and willing to take it on, everyone is sensitive to energy.  When the energy level is too great it is a natural instinct to get away from it.  We all do this all the time. Paying attention to the place where most of the energy lands in your business is critical to your success because when it explodes it affects everything.

It is easy not notice the energy building up because the person handling it is typically very capable, responsible, willing to handling more and more.  Because this is what we want from this person we don’t see what is happening.  When it explodes, it  does not have to do with them.  It has to do with the amount of energy, attention and responsibility put into one place.  Energy is real.

Take the time to sit quietly and notice where the energy falls in your business.  Who is catching the most energy even if they are trying to be responsible and handle it all?  Decide what you can do to de-energize that place or position because it is a valuable part of your success.  You will be glad you did.

Best wishes on your success,


Business Consultation

Be careful what you pray for!

     Kate works in a really great company but she is ready to move on.  She wants a leadership position that will allow her to use her creativity, her strategic thinking skills and offers a new level of visibility.  Kate says she wants out of her current job as soon as possible.  We have been working to create that vision, her goals and a plan to take that step.

It was not surprising to me that Kate’s supervisor notified her yesterday that her position was being eliminated and converted into a Director’s position!   As an intuitive this is a beautiful example of creating our reality.  Kate was not as thrilled by this as I was.  She was horrified by all of it and could not see that she had created this.  She wanted out of her job and wanted a leadership position.  So her job was eliminated and made into a leadership position.  Beautiful!  It manifested precisely as she said.  If the circumstances where different she could call this a miracle! Granted she left out some details that now are a bit unsettling to her.  Kate has to apply for this new position.  Applying for a new position was, in fact, part of the work that we did together so it fit her vision as well.

Kate and I met today to ground her vision.  Is she ok with a leadership job within her current company or does she want to be more clear that her vision is to move into a leadership position in a new company?   Kate is not ready to answer that right now.  She is a bit overwhelmed by how her vision manifested.  At this moment she feels like she has no control when in fact she is very good at creating what she wants.

Kate was surprised that her supervisor essentially fired her.  I was not.  Kate had the picture in her space and on her mind that said “I want out of my job”.  Her supervisor was simply seeing Kate’s pictures and responding to them whether she was conscious of this or not.

As an intuitive I see that she simply needs to be more clear about her vision.  Her natural reaction is to hold onto what she has but is it what she wants?    Over the next week Kate will meditate on this, clear her thinking, release the fear and find her perspective.  From this space of being clear she will find her vision.

We are always creating our vision.  Sometimes our vision is simply not clear enough.  Take the time to meditate as you are already creating what you have in your mind.

Have you created a vision and had it manifest in surprising ways? Share your story or ask a question.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

Hire Slow & Fire Fast!

Yesterday I met with a client who owns a tax preparation, bookkeeping & accounting firm.  As you might expect it is the time of year when she adds staff to handle the tax season.  Susan is very intuitive and business savvy.   She knows when something is not right and takes action to protect her business.  Susan added several staff recently, some temporary and some permanent.  She called because two of those hired do not feel right.  Her intuition told her to let them go and find new staff.  Her logic told her that she cannot make those changes during tax season.  Susan was torn between her intuition and her logic.

It did not take her long to decide once she described her situation.  As she listened to herself talk about the two staff she found her answer.  One of them was a returning contractor who does high-end corporate work for her each year.  This year something was different.  Carol seems to have an attitude, complains a lot and puts everyone on edge when she comes into the office.  Susan knew she could not have one person change the energy of her office in this way as it was affecting everyone and ultimately her business.  She was afraid of  letting Carol go because she felt she needed her unique skills.  In the end Susan decided to interview other CPAs to find someone who would fit both in terms of skills and the energy of her company.

The second person is a part-time employee.   We discussed her  during the hiring process a month ago.  I saw, at that time, that Tina was not a good fit for Susan’s company.  Her energy was rough and Susan had not verified her skill set.  This is always a red flag.  I saw Susan go into sympathy with Tina and her situation. In doing this Susan had lost her perspective. In the end Susan hired Tina and I knew it was only a matter of time before Susan would see this was not a good hire.  When Tina started her job everyone in the office resisted her.  Susan found she did not have the skills or focus to do the work required.  Susan will be letting Tina go.

I am not sure who coined the phrase “hire slow and fire fast” but I like it.  Maintaining our perspective and being aware of how we react to someone we interview or hire is critical to our success.  In additional to the usual skill assessment, how does this person feel to me?  What does my intuition tell me? How am I reacting to them and why? How does your staff and your office change when this person comes to work?  These and other questions help you to be self-aware and make good hiring and firing decisions.

As a business owner it is important to keep your office and business grounded and energy moving at a high (creative) vibration.  If someone changes that then it is time to re-evaluate.  If the energy has shifted such that it is not comfortable then the agreement with them is not working.  It is time to work it through with them or let them go.  This is good for them and it is good for your company.  Trust you intuition on this!

   Your goal is to have staff that have the exact skill set that you need, match the energy and values of your company, and have a high energy level that inspires.

Likewise, if you are a professional and where you work does not feel right to you then it is not the right fit.  Trust your intuition and begin to look for a position that feels right, raises your enthusiasm and inspires you.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

Shooting Yourself in the Foot!

One of the things I do as an intuitive business consultant is to connect businesses to potential clients when I see there would be a good fit.  Today I introduced a producer to another client who owned a model making company.  This is a resource my client was looking for.

The meeting did not turn out as I had expected.  My client, the producer, was eager to meet these highly acclaimed artists and possibly contract with them on an upcoming project.   First I want to say that everyone is intuitive whether they consciously know that or not.  This is important to realize because no matter what you say the other person is picking up on what is really going on in your space.  Smiles and being chipper does not hide your fear.

Fred asked Sally & Tom to talk about their company and their capabilities.  These two award-winning artists talked about their work in the past in a way that came across as something that was true before but it is not true now.  The mistake their made was not in their presentation.  Their mistake was not being in the best space to meet with a potential client.  My client picked up on their energy and it made him wonder.  At the end of the conversation my client was disappointed because he did not get a  sense of their certainty.

This happens all the time in meetings with potential clients.  The energy in our space is not as subtle as we think.  As an intuitive business consultant I recommend that you try the following before meeting with a potential client.  This exercise is designed to clear your space and set your energy in the best way possible to support your success. You can do this several days before your meeting then again just before.

  • Take the time to meditate.
  • Close your eyes, quiet your body and clear your mind.
  • Place your attention on yourself.
  • Take deep breaths and release energy and tension you may have in your space.
  • Be calm and quiet.
  • Begin to visualize or imagine how you want to be and to present yourself.  See this clearly.
  • Release and let go of any energy in your way.
  • Once you are clear on how you want to be seen, meditate on the conversation and how you want that conversation to go.
  • All the while clear your thinking and let go of energy. Find a clear vision of the meeting with this potential client. What do you want them to see intuitively and experience from you?
  • When you can imagine this precisely as you would like it then you are ready to meet with them.

Try this often and in many situations.  Please add your comments, stories or ask a question.

Best wishes on your success,  Kay

Decison Making & Gut Feelings – Right or Wrong?

chess board
Decision Making

“You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.”

Steve Jobs (1955 – ) Source: Commencement address by Steve Jobs at Stanford:

Everyone has intuitive experiences but few know how to use intuition effectively because we tend to talk about intuition as a single ability where, in fact, there are several levels of intuitive abilities.  They are not the same and not useful in the same ways.  For example, the most common intuitive experience is the common “gut feeling”.  A gut feeling is an intuitive reaction to something either positively or negatively.  When we experience a gut feeling it is an indicator that we are on the right track or that something is wrong.

Can You Trust Your Gut?

I suggest that we listen to our gut feeling and use it as an indicator but not a decision maker!  So many times I hear from my clients, “It didn’t feel right. I don’t know why I didn’t listen to myself!”   When something does not feel right it means it is time to step back and take a look at what we are not aware.  What am I not seeing?  What piece of information do I need to find?


When I experience a negative gut feeling I don’t decide for or against anything.  For me it is a time to find the missing information.  First I look at the facts and the results to make sure I am not missing something.    Next I meditate. I do this so that I can gain perspective, clear my mind, find neutrality and open my intuition to “see” in my mind’s eye what is really going on.

Levels of Intuition

Intuition occurs on several levels: consciousness, subconscious an unconscious and supra-conscious levels of awareness.  Gut Feeling is the most basic level of conscious intuition.   Most use this conscious level of intuition.  It takes more experience to access the levels that offer more insightful levels of understanding.  It is my experience that those who only access the conscious levels can make incorrect decisions by not sorting intuition from logical or emotional reactions.

Intuitive processes happen very quickly and automatically so it is important to be conscious and aware of the level of intuition you are using so that you do not misinterpret your perception.

Making It Work

Effective use of intuition takes development and understanding of this ability so that emotions, logic, fear, desire don’t interfere.  Any reaction, i.e. anxiety, anger, love, etc. can interfere with clear access to your intuition.  It is interesting to note that these same emotions interfere with rational thought as well.

Meditate for Clear Seeing

For those who want to grow in their understanding of intuition and to use it to grow your success I recommend learning to meditate as a way to quiet the body and clear the mind. In particular I recommend an intuitive meditation designed specifically to open your clear seeing and clear knowing abilities.

Blogs in Intuitive Decision Making

The next three weekly blogs will be on using intuition in decision-making.

Best wishes on your success.

Cash Flow – Money in and Money out

Some have cash flowing in and out precisely at the level they desire.  What is the secret to their success?  Actually there is no SECRET!   We create and experience exactly what we believe or imagine.   Wanting easy cash flow does not create it especially if we do not believe it can happen.

Be careful what you believe. Thoughts and emotions (ours or others) affect our ability to manifest.  One of my clients is very capable at bringing money in but she is self-conscious about having more than her family so she manages to never has enough.

Money Coming In

Most of us spend time imaging ways to bring money in.  Our next step is imagining money coming in at the level we want.  Be aware of allowing money to come in from more ways than just hard work and effort. Allow the unexpected.

Money Going Out

The other side of financial havingness is having a strong vision of money flowing out.   Most don’t take the time to imagine this side of the dichotomy.   We don’t believe that we have full control of this or we don’t like the idea of money flowing out.  Why not?   We can decide to create a vision of money flowing out in the same way we can decide to create a vision of money coming in.  In fact, to have financial success our vision has to include both, money in and money out.

Enthusiasm for Money

Now notice your energy level.  Do you have enthusiasm for money coming in or is it a problem?   Do you enjoy money flowing out or do you resist this?   Your thoughts and emotional reaction to money in or money out affect your ability to create.

I Don’t Have ……

As a business intuitive I often hear business owners or professionals declare “I don’t have enough money for ……… or “I can’t afford …….”  They say it with such determination it is as if they are declaring this to the entire universe.  In fact, they are.  Be careful what you declare.  You are creating your business or career based on your declarations.   If you do not want something then simply say that.  If you want something but you cannot afford it right now then declare “I can have ….” then watch as the universe manifests in ways so that you can have it.

A Miracle

My client wanted a new highend expensive printer.  She could easily have declared, in dismay, that she would not afford it.  Instead she wrote this printer down as one of her goals.  A week later at a networking event there was a raffle for the exact printer she wanted.  Of course, she won the raffle.

Intuitive Meditation

Take the time to meditate.   Quiet the body.  Clear your mind.

Imagine in your mind’s eye money flowing in.  Use your intuition.  Notice your thoughts about this.  Notice your emotions.   Clear your thoughts and emotions that make money flowing in a problem until you can see your vision with enthusiasm for creating money.

Use your intuition to imagine money flowing out. Notice your thoughts about this.  Notice your emotions.   Clear your thoughts and emotions that make money flowing out a problem until you can see your vision with enthusiasm for spending money.

When you can imagine or see in your mind’s eye cash flow at the level you would enjoy then you are ready to experience financial havingness.  If you don’t believe this then you are not ready yet.  Keep meditating.  Clear your thoughts.  Release your fears until you can see clearly money in and money our exactly as you would enjoy.

Best wishes on your success!

Calling in Your Clients/Customers

Clients, customers, patients, etc. are the core of any business or work that we do.  You already know many tried and true ways of generating new business and retaining existing customers.   In this blog I want to add to the discussion and offer an intuitive approach.  As always the intuitive perspective is not a logical one.  It is the other side of our brain.

Our own thoughts and beliefs or even fears define our success.


One of my clients, Ted, owns an event planning company.  He has been quite successful in the past; work just seemed to come his way.  Last year that was the case.  For the first time he has to generate new business and find new clients.  He was great at creating an event but in complete fear about generating new clients.


Sara called me recently. She is an interior designer who has also been quite successful.  One client referred another and her company had as many clients as they could handle.  Sara took off last year to travel and to buy furniture and artifacts for her clients.  It was, in a way, a time of renewal for her.  When she returned her clients seem to have disappeared.  For the first time she finds herself needing clients.  Sara was uncertain about how to begin.

Create A Vision of Your ideal Client

Whether you are just starting your business or profession or have been at it for years generating new business is part of the game.  As a business intuitive I begin by looking at your vision of your clients/customers.  How clear is this vision?  Ted and Sara, never really looked at that because work just came to them.  Having a clear vision (in your mind’s eye) is the first step.  If you can’t see it, it won’t happen.

Stop Thinking

When creating your vision you want to be out  of your mind!  By that I mean, don’t think.  Imagine.  Thinking is not creative.  Imagining is.  This is a basic intuitive principle and you will read this in each of my blogs.  The only way I know to get out of my mind and focus on clear seeing is through meditation, which is why I recommend it so strongly.

Take the time to meditate

Take the time to create a clear vision of your customers.  Imagine new business coming your way. Be specific. How many new clients do you imagine?   Can you imagine or see this vision in your mind’s eye?  Keep looking until you see your vision clearly.

Finally, notice your thoughts and fears about your vision manifesting.  Clear the thoughts and release the fears that invalidate your vision.  Whatever you believe creates your experience.  This is not logical yet very intuitive.  Your vision is 50 new clients this week BUT your belief is “It’s not possible!”  That is precisely what will manifest – wanting.

Do this exercise for as long or as often as necessary until you see your vision and can imagine it happening.   Be aware and notice as your vision manifests.

Best wishes on your success!


Multi-Tasking or Being Successful!

multitaskingAs an intuitive I pay attention to how we use our energy and if we are achieving our goals.  Those who are most successful are those who have the greatest ability to focus.

For many being BUSY and multi-tasking gives a great sense of satisfaction.  This does not, however, translate into success.  A study just came out of Stanford University on multi-taskers. “When they’re in situations where there are multiple sources of information coming from the external world or emerging out of memory, they’re not able to filter out what’s not relevant to their current goal,” said Wagner, an associate professor of psychology. “That failure to filter means they’re slowed down by that irrelevant information.”

To be successful our energy must be focused and directed to the specific actions designed to achieve our goals.  Knowing are vision of success and creating a plan to get there are the first two steps.  Now we have to ground our energy so that we can focus on our plan and not be distracted.

Sometimes we are just distracted by whatever grabs our attention or is on our mind.  Others may grab our attention to become involved in something of their choosing.  In any case, we are quickly off focus or multi-tasking.

When you focus 100% of your energy and attention on the vision of your success it will manifest.  On the other hand if you have a vision of success then you focus your energy not only on your vision but many other things then your vision has less energy to manifest.  Multi-tasking disperses your energy such that your efforts are scattered.   You may experience your successes being scattered.

Try this intuitive exercise to ground your energy and focus before you find yourself involved in multi-tasking or doing tasks that are not essential to achieving your goals.

At the beginning of each day take the time to meditate.

Close your eyes.  Take a deep breath and ground yourself.  Bring your attention into the center of your head.

See in your mind’s eye.  Don’t think.  See your vision of success.   See the steps you can take today to manifest this vision.

Stay in meditation until you have a clear vision for the day and you feel grounded in this plan.

Notice when you start to multi-task and refocus on steps to achieve your goals.

Gut Reactions Misunderstood!

beautiful thoughtsWhat are gut feelings?

There are different intuitive abilities. Each of these abilities has their place in our work and our business. The most misunderstood of the seven intuitive abilities is the infamous “gut feelings.”

We all have experienced gut feelings but may be unsure how to use this information. First be aware that I am referring to feelings in the gut. This is not the same as feelings in the heart, the first chakra (fear) or other intuitive feelings.

How to use gut feelings?

Gut feelings are automatic responses to unknown (or unconscious) information or
energy. As a rule, if it feels right, in your gut, then you may feel comfortable in proceeding. If something does not feel right then, it’s NOT. Consider this a red flag! When something does not feel right in your gut, stop, step back, gather more information, ask more questions and gain a better perspective. To gain perspective means to separate from the energy of the situation so that you can think (logically) and see clearly, intuitively.

What creates gut feelings?

At times we feel pressured, or someone is running his or her energy through our space to convince us to do or not do something, to make a decision, and move in a particular direction. When this happens, there is so much of his or her energy in our space that we lose our awareness and our perspective. Stepping back and making separation from this energy is a way of seeing more clearly.

Story of a Business Consultation

One of my clients was about to sign the sale of her business, but something did not feel right. There was pressure from everyone for her to sign and sign now. It took courage for her to stop, step back and review the sale agreement once again. Kathy called with her concern. She felt in her gut that something was not right. I looked at her contract intuitively and saw energy in the last paragraph. With this, she went back to her lawyer to review the agreement again. They found a phrase they did not notice before that was not in her favor. They proposed a change and signed the contract.

Gut feelings are not for decision making

Gut feelings are not for decision making, but they are a red flag to stop and gain perspective.

Once you regain your space and clear your thinking, you can make a more grounded decision. Make a decision based on information rather than responding to energy, pressure or demands.

In general, one should not make decisions based on gut feelings. Gut feelings are intuitive reactions to energy, not fact or information. Gut feelings are one of the intuitive abilities we have for evaluating a situation. Pay attention to your gut feelings. Notice how it feels when you enter a room, in a meeting, making a decision, listening to someone, etc. If it does not feel right, then something is off.

How do you experience or use gut feelings in your work or life?


Intuition + focus + energy = success


We have all heard about the power of visualization. This is not a new concept and can be a speedy way to achieve the goals you have for yourself and your company. As a business intuitive, I am aware that my most successful clients are those who have a strong vision of what they want to create. They are clear and certain. I have other clients that have an equally clear vision though they are not as successful. There are many factors I see intuitively that contribute to this, but there is one that is true of all of them.

My most successful clients have a clear vision. They also have a strong focus and determination to have their vision manifest. The second group has an equally strong vision though are not as focused, certain or determined. When I look at this from an intuitive perspective, I see men and women who have the ability to create a mental image picture ( vision) that is exactly what they want to create. It is similar to a drawing, photo or video that you hold in your mind’s eye.

The next step is harnessing and gathering your attention; focus and energy to bring to this vision into reality. Therein lies the difference between these two groups of professionals and business owners. One group brings their energy, focus to activate their vision. This changes it from a mental image picture to a physical reality. The picture is energized.

Sometimes it is easy to energize a vision and sometimes it takes great force. Have you ever heard the term “force of will” or “through force of will”? Both of these terms refer to a person’s ability to focus their life force energy on a vision to transform it into something physical. If I were a physicist, I might explain the effects of energy on a vision in terms one might use to describe quantum physics.

My best counsel on this would be to have a clear vision. This is not always as simple as it may sound. Meditation would help in this regard. Next bring your focus and attention directly on this vision. Do not be distracted. Take steps directed toward your vision. Finally, push yourself through any limits real or imagined. Repeat any of these steps as needed. Most importantly, don’t give up your goals!

Don’t shoot yourself in the foot. It is worth the time to set the energy and your focus before you make that sales call.

Note: Regular meditation makes this easier helping you get into a routine of clearing your space and setting your goals. Online Meditation each Monday For more information.


The trinity and business ownership

dreamstimefree_2565706 It may seem like a strange concept but trust me it works.   Successful business owners have a balance between their body, mind and spirit.  It works something like this.   One aspect of a business owner is as a visionary with a creative idea and the undeniable urge to see this vision manifested.   This brings out the the organizer side of the business owner.  The organizer side takes this vision, adds color, texture, and  has a passion to make it a reality.  The organizer grounds our business in a physical reality.  The organizer, or our analytical side, creates the structure for our vision.  Finally, there is the do-er side of us.  This is the side of the business owner that knows how to provide the product or service of our business.

These three aspects of a business owner are familiar to each of us.  When we are able to move easily between these three aspects of ourselves then our business has the chance to thrive.   When we are stuck in one or the other aspects then we are out of balance and, not surprising, so is our business.  From an intuitive perspective our business is a physical manifestation of who we are.  The more we know about ourselves the more we know about our business.  Notice for yourself.  Can you move easily between each of these three parts?  Are you more comfortable as the visionary and neglect the doer side?  Perhaps you are comfortable but have lost the passion of the visionary.  Try the intuitive exercise below to get your business back in balance and moving toward greater success.

Intuitive Exercise:  Find a quiet place to sit, close your eyes and quiet your body.  Take a deep breath.  Bring your attention and awareness within you.  Imagine (or see in your minds eye) three roses about 6 inches in front of you.  Each rose represents one of the three aspects described above.  Look intuitively at each rose.  What do you notice about these three roses?  Is one bigger than the others?  Is the vibration of each rose the same or different?  Don’t think or analyze.  This is an intuitive exercise. Notice more.  Now imagine each rose as vibrant and energized.  When you can see this balance your meditation is complete.

Running a business is scary!

A time to go within
A time to go within

OK so you own a business. Have you noticed that this is a journey in self-awareness? As a business intuitive one of my main roles is to work with business owners when they hit the wall! Every successful business owner experiences this periodically. From my intuitive perspective this is one of the best times for a business to take a step towards more success if the owner is willing to realize that their own personal limits are affecting their business. This may not always be logical but it is very spiritual and intuitive. From my experience in working with business owners I can tell those who will be successful. Half the clients I work with as a business intuitive call me when they are scared about their business succeeding or frustrated that it is not growing. I look at intuitively are the concepts they have about themselves and their business. I also look at the emotional charge on these concepts. If we acknowledge that our business is a physical manifestation of who we are then it is an easy transition from “My business is stuck” to “I am stuck”. What is not always apparent is what we are stuck on. Often the concepts and energies that are affecting us are very old or are buried deep in our space. To get the energy moving in our business often means getting the energy moving in our personal space. The owner of hedge fund found his fear of loosing his business related to his fear of being alone. Real estate investor hit the wall when she realized she could not let people be on her side and related this to hiding others from an alcoholic parent. A business consultant hit the wall when the grief of a 10-year-old divorce was re-stimulated. A high fashion model hit the wall because her parents feared loosing her. The list goes on. It is surprising how easy it is to recognize and move out of these fears but it does take the courage of self-awareness, determination and amusement. Yes, amusement. That is the top of another blog. Businesses that succeed include those where we are willing to have a personal journey to discover what limits our success. We may be aware of some of these concepts and some are unconscious and have an emotional charge. Taking the time to realize these concepts and clear the energy charge on these pictures will result in the energy moving in our business. When you hit the wall try this exercise. If all else fails don’t be afraid to get an intuitive consultation to see what’s within you that is affecting your success. Intuitive Exercise (meditation) Find a time when you can sit quietly for a while. Close our eyes. Breathe deeply and often. Let go of tension when you exhale. Imagine bringing all your attention and awareness in around you. Bring your attention off of your business, your family, and your life and focus your attention within. Breathe! Continue until you feel like you are centered in present time. Most importantly do not think! In this exercise you are going to open to your intuition so relax and image in your minds eye, visualize a symbol for your business. See it out in front of you. We do this so that you don’t think and open to your intuition. If you cannot see a symbol for your business pretend to. The next step is important. You will want to pay attention to the very first thing that comes to mind. Do not require or expect that it is logical. Logic will alter the response. Your intuition is the first response. The next immediate thought is analytical and not true. Relax. Focus within. See the symbol of your business or goal in front of you. Now ask silently the question you have. Notice your first fleeting impression. There is your answer. Enjoy your personal journey and your business success.

Meditate for Success!

Have a clear vision!

Blog – Focus and Clarity of Vision

There is a direct correlation between the clarity of vision and the success of a business.  What more can I say?   How can I convince you?  As a Business Intuitive I can tell within one minute of talking to a business owner how successful they are and will be.  Successful business owners and professionals have a VERY clear vision without doubt or uncertainty.  They hold that vision in their minds eye.

I can see that vision intuitively.  Others also see it perhaps unconsciously and react to what they perceive exactly as the owner sees it.  If the business vision is unclear or uncertain then others sense that and react accordingly.  When a business has a strong and clear vision that is also sensed and we react to their product or service with great expectation.

It begins with you, the professional or business owner.  As a business intuitive in practice for over 28 years I have one simple though not easy recommendation.  Meditate!  Meditate to find that clear vision and focus.   I know the technique below is simple.  I also know it is not easy because most business owners don’t do it which explains the success rate of businesses.

People most often say, “I am too busy to meditate.”  My response is, “If you take the time to meditate on your vision you won’t have to work so hard.”   You can create in two ways.  You can work really really hard and you may or may not be successful or you can take the time to have a clear vision (and work hard if you enjoy this) to create your success.

Try this Intuitive Exercise and Meditation and see what happens.

The clearer your vision the more successful you become.   Meditate first thing before you begin your day.  Take the time that you need for each these steps.  It will make all the difference.
•    Have a comfortable quiet place to sit down
•    Close your eyes.  Take a deep breath and release.
•    Bring your attention and awareness into present time by focusing on yourself,
•    Take a deep breath and release and let go of the thoughts and energy you are holding from yesterday or the day before.
•    Bring into focus a clear vision of your day, your week, etc.  Use your imagination not your logic.
•    Let go of the demand energy or to do list.
•    Set your energy and your space to the vibration you want to be for the day.

This takes 10 minutes to an hour.  It varies on how clear your space is and how focused you are.  Let me know your questions or comments about this modified meditation.

This is not only good for your body and soul it is good for your business and professional success.

Selling? Develop long term customers…

j0289893 There are many ways to create a sale.  Some people rev-up their energy and run an intense sales pitch through your space.  In the onslaught of the energy many may, in fact, buy what is being sold.   Once the client gets out of the energy of the sale they will do one or both of these.  They will return or cancel the contract because they felt pushed into something or they will simply never use the produce or service again for the same reason.  Customers are very sensitive to energy.  Salespersons or business owners who are aware set the energy of their contacts with an intuitive eye to the customer.   Knowing your customer and what they are in need of then will develop long-term relationships with their clients/customers.

To create this long-term relationship in which customers come back again and again we must be intuitive.  There are several levels to a sale.

1. Telling your potential customer about the product.
2. Knowing what their needs are.

This is as far as most business folks go but there is a third and absolutely essential piece.  Your customer has thoughts or pictures that affect their ability to hear what you tell them and to see the value of your product or service.  They may be aware of these thoughts or pictures or is may be entirely unconscious to then.  Either way this is what will determine whether they buy from you or not.  This is where intuition comes in.

There is a current rage that says’ “Find their pain.  Address their pain.”  Well, that is the answer for some customers and will certainly help with that group but there are other energies that affect them.

Telling the customer more and more about your product or service, thinking the more they know the more likely they will be to purchase, is a limited perspective.  Sure knowing the product is important but it does not matter if the person is preoccupied by a competing thought.  Maybe the couple just had an argument before meeting you.  You have no chance. Their attention is elsewhere.  Maybe your client is put off by something in the environment where you are meeting and can’t get beyond that.  There are so many possibilities it is impossible to know ahead of time so we rely on our intuition.

Telling a customer why they need the product or service will have the same result if they are distracted by a competing thought.  It is well know that businesses make most of their money from repeat customers.  Selling is not about getting this sale.  Selling is about creating a customer.  Someone who you will keep over time.   This means getting to know your customer and what their needs are.  It also means knowing the unconscious or semi-conscious thoughts or pictures that have an impact on their decisions.  This is where your intuition comes in.

Let me offer an intuitive exercise that you may find useful.

1. Before you meet with your potential customer take the time to stop and ground yourself.
2. Perhaps close your eyes and bring all your attention and awareness into present time.
3. Gather your energy from your day and be present.
4. Imagine your appointment with your customer.
5. Decide how you would like to be in this meeting.
6. Open intuitively to your customer.
7. Intuitively, what do you see about them?  What is on their mind?  Just imagine.

These are some of the steps you can take to open intuitively before you meet with your client.

When you meet with your client use your own style of presentation then sit back.  Make some separation from your potential client if you are completely in their space.  By doing this you gain some perspective.  Stop thinking and start noticing.  Open your intuition. What do you notice about this person intuitively?  Stop talking and start listening.  Find out about them.  Let them talk to you about what they are looking for.  Don’t think.  Notice intuitively more than listening to their words.  What do you notice separately from what they are saying?  Don’t respond just keep listening until you “see” that you have a clear picture of who they are and what’s on their mind.  If your product is not the right fit, say so and let them go.  I could give you a thousand reasons why this is a good idea but that is another blog.

If your product is the right fit then keep opening intuitively to find the picture or thought in their space that is in the way.  Talk about what you intuit.  Keep reading them and talk about their “fears”.  You don’t have to sell your product at this point.  You are simply getting your customer on the same page with you by finding out why they are not.

As they feel that you hear them they will begin to engage in knowing who you are or how your product or service might work for them.

Increase your business – Go within


Happy New Year everyone!  This is a really good time to stop and take a look at our business.   What worked?  What failed?  List our successes.  Acknowledge ideas that just did not create the benefit we wanted.  This reflection is standard business practice. I whole heartedly support this reflection and suggest that we write it all down!

As an intuitive I am also aware that everything we create manifests from within us.  Our businesses do not manifest as a result of something separate from ourselves.  If this sounds a bit obscure it’s because we are not used to thinking or being aware in this way.

Add an intuitive look to your review of your business.   When we create change within it will reflect on our business.   At a deep level our reality is a reflection of our inner selves so let’s start there to grow our business.

With this in mind our successes and our failures are really no mystery.  You can see this for yourself using the following exercise. 

Intuitive Exercise: Take the time to sit quietly.  Write down your successes and failures for 2008.  Write down the things you are proud or grateful for and those that were disappointments.

Quiet yourself.  Maybe close your eyes.  Take a deep breath and go within.  Stop thinking.  Open to your intuition.  Allow yourself to imagine or see in your minds eye.

Now ask yourself for an intuitive answer to any of the items that you wrote down.  Do not think.  Listen intuitively.  See in your minds eye.  Notice your very first thought and only your first thought.  What you hear, see or know does not have to make sense.  It is important that you not think but allow yourself to be open to your intuition.

Once you get an answer reflect on this.  Notice how it created or caused the outcome you experienced.  Do not think, analyze or explain it.  Just know it.

You may find thoughts that do not help you get your goals.  For example, you wanted to increase your sales by 10% for 2008 and they stayed flat.  When you looked intuitively you felt all the demands on your space, family, friends, outside commitments, etc.  So now you know that despite great plans to increase sales they did not increase because of other demands on your space that grabbed your attention and I suspect – your energy.

Another example, you just cannot get over the fact that you did not get the big contract you worked so hard for.  Intuitively you saw the energy of your assistant.  Without being logical you can see that she was not in agreement with this new contract because it would change a routine that she was comfortable in.  Yes others energy does affect our business.

This can be a fun and enlightening exercise.  Take some time to do this and you will be in a whole new space for 2009 and so will your business.


To meet Barak!

The tagline for my business and my life is “whatever can be imagined can be created.”  Every week one of my clients reminds me why I work from this concept.  Their accomplishments are often nothing less than a miracle and yet it is not that mysterious.  In fact nothing is mysterious when you step back and take a look intuitively. From that vantage point you can see the clear path from one energy or action to the next.

Let me tell you a miracle about my client who spent time with Barak on Election night right before his acceptance speech.   We will call her Sarah.   Sarah did not know Barak.  She had never met him but has been talking about wanting to work on his campaign for months.  She had several false starts but could never ground her vision clearly enough to make it happen.

One of the key components of getting a goal is our ability to see what we want clearly in our minds eye.  If we can see it then it will manifest.  Well Sarah could never quite see it clearly so she was forever in the energy of WANTING.  Wanting has to be the worst energy vibration there is because nothing at the vibration of “wanting” ever manifests.  So back to the story.

Two weeks ago Sarah calls me to say that she has decided to take a friend of hers to meet Obama and be with him on election night.  Her friend is a old colleague of Barak but has not been in touch with him for years. Sarah was determined. She was focused.  She had no plan but she did have a clear vision of what she saw happening.  At this point she was just not sure she could pull it off and didn’t have a plan so she called me.

Her request was for me to help her clear the energy that was causing her doubt and help her set the energy so that she could make this happen.  She wanted to make the impossible happen.  We did a guided meditation on her vision for meeting with Barak on election night and then being part of his VIP group for the celebration.   Not a small goal.

A few days later Sarah calls overjoyed because the Obama campaign team had agreed to let them meet with Barak on election night.  Now she had to tell her friend and get him ready for this historical moment.  On Tuesday Saral calls me as she is driving to Chicago with her friend.  She is afraid that it is all too good to be true and that something will happen to cancel the meeting.

Thoughts manifest reality so if she believed that would happen then it would so we worked through her fears and she set off for the Hyatt to wait for the meeting.   During the course of the Tuesday, Election Day, the staffers called twice to change the meeting time with Barak from 2 PM to 5 PM and then, “We will let you know.”  She called again.  Kay!  Help! My vision is crumbling.  I am afraid it won’t happen.”   More energy work.  More clearing.  I had her decide to have fun and be certain of her vision.

Finally at 9 PM on election night she and her friend were meeting with Barak in his hotel room sharing stories of their friendship long long ago.   It was a miracle!   After their meeting there was so much activity because John McCain had just conceded that Sarah and her friend could not get out of Barak’s hotel room so they were ushered to go with this staff to the acceptance speech.  So standing next to Axelrod they heard Barak Obama speak as president-elect of the United States.  It was a magical moment for my client, Sarah, who created the impossible and she knew it.

It is my hope that this experience will stay with her as she creates the next cycle of her professional career.  Sarah has been planning a big change professionally and has been afraid that she could not do it.  After this experience she has to know that she has the ability to create the impossible!  Whatever can be imagined can be created.

Retailer Display Pushes Customers Away!


I was at a street fair yesterday where business owners setup booths, sold their wares, promoted their business or cause. As an intuitive, I watched with great interest booths that were full and those where no one could or would approach.

My observations from this street fair are going to be helpful to any retail business and perhaps others. Retail is about communication, and this is often ignored. Your customers are intuitive. They may not realize that but first and foremost they react unconsciously and sometimes consciously to your display and your demeanor. They pick up on the energy of your booth and your business. Let me give you examples of what I saw.

The booths that were packed were “open” on an energy level, appealing visually, presented an aura of something customers would want for themselves and the staff in the booth was approachable. Their goal seemed to be communication more than sales.

Mistakes I saw. One booth was beautiful; the jewelry was beautiful, the couple behind the table was beautiful and very much in the energy of their relationship more than showing their jewelry. It looked like a photo shoot for a magazine. They grabbed everyone’s attention as we walked by but no one walked in. My husband, who is a Casting Director, noticed them as well but since he is casting project that requires beautiful people, he gave them his card. They may get a photo shoot from the day, but I’ll bet they sold no jewelry. Your customers have to feel that you and your business are there for them.

Another booth had beautiful ceramics. An older couple sat in the back on high chairs looking bored and invalidated. This is the intuitive impression as people walked by. It made them uncomfortable. The couple’s energy made it uninviting, and we did not want to disturb them, as they seemed so disengaged from their display. No one went into that booth.

A woman was selling the most beautiful shawls was also empty of customers. Her mistake was simple. In order to show off the rich colors of her shawls, she laid them against a black display. Most of the folks at the festival were in a cheerful place on this beautiful sunny day. They did not want to go into the darkness, so they did not go into her black booth.

Customers steered clear of booths with staff that were pushy, loud or intruding as you walked by. Booths where the staff was invisible or disengaged also kept folks out. The busy booths were those where the staff were friendly, said hello without expecting anything other than a hello back. The staff was in the energy of customer service versus I NEED you to buy my product.

In the end retailers who were intuitive about their displays were most successful. What does the customer see, feel and hear? How do you want them to experience you, your products and services? Sometimes we have been doing our business so long that we lose our perspective so step back. Get out of your routine. Change your display completely. Notice if you are getting customers or not. Don’t think. Change the energy until you have all the customers you would like.

If you or your staff are not in the “mood” to sell your wares then you might as well go fishing instead OR change your energy. Decide to enjoy promoting or selling your wares. Passer-bys can read your energy. We are all intuitive. There is no faking it. Your vision of your day goes exactly as you see it. If you have no vision then, nothing happens. As always take the time to visualize your success.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

Your Clients Are Intuitive Too!

I spend my life talking to business owners and professionals on how to use intuition to create a successful business. It is always surprising to them when I point out that their clients are intuitive as well!

Knowing this means that we have to know what our clients perceive intuitively when they see, meet or speak with us. Now your clients are probably not conscious and aware that they are “reading” you. The question becomes “What do you want them to see, feel or know about you?”

One of my favorite stories on this topic is the woman who was to have surgery. The morning of the surgery she insisted on seeing the surgeon in person before her surgery. She insisted! Finally, everyone realized she meant it, so the surgeon came to her room. She looked him over and asked him how he was doing that morning. She asked him silly and not so silly questions. She told me she wanted to know what kind of space he was in before he cut on her. She said if he looked angry or upset she would have refused the surgery. In the end, he was in a good space. He laughed and joked with her a bit then went to prepare for the surgery. She felt good about him that morning and so the surgery went as planned and was successful.

Decisions people make about using our products or services has as much to do with what they pick up about us as it does with our business. So what does this mean to you as a business owner? Let me offer you an intuitive technique for being ready to meet with a client or potential client. It is all about taking the time to set the energy in your space in the best possible way for each situation. What do you want your potential clients to pick up (intuitively) from you?

Intuitive techniques: Take time before you make that call or go into a meeting. Find a quiet place. Take a deep breath. Close your eyes if you are in a place that you can do that. Notice yourself. Where is your attention? Be present. Let go of all thoughts and focus on this client and this moment. Let go of the energy that you are holding onto that has nothing to do with this meeting or conversation. There is nothing more irritating to a potential client then to see or feel that your energy and attention is somewhere else or vibrating in a way that does not fit their concerns.

Notice, what your energy is like? Is this the space you want your client to perceive you? Change your space. Relax. Take a deep breath and release all the energy you are holding in your space. Start to be aware of the client and how you want to your communication to be with them. Don’t think. Be intuitive.

Intuitive techniques take practice. Give this a try and let me know your comments.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

Palin. Be Intuitive. Read between the lines.

I am certainly enjoying hearing everyone speculate about Sarah Palin, who she really is and what impact she intends to have. To know the answer to these questions we have to get out of our analyzer and move into an intuitive space. Listening to her words or anyone’s words never gives the full picture.

As business owners, it is always a goal to be able to “read” our clients and potential clients, to know the best way to serve them and see how our products or services will fit their needs. The trick is always to find out what they are looking for because clients are not always good at articulating or stating this. We have to be intuitive.

Successful business owners have the ability to stop thinking, move into an intuitive space and “read” their clients, the market and timing. One of my clients owns a very successful hedge fund. He is successful because he knows how to “read” intuitively. His decisions often defy logic, but they are always intuitive.

When you are struggling to find the right way to approach a particular client, or you want to close a big deal try this intuitive technique.

Intuitive Technique: Take a deep breath and “step back”. Find separation from the client and the issue. Imagine pulling your energy and your attention off the client, issue or problem. Bring all your attention onto yourself. Preferable bring your attention into the center of your head. Imagine your client, their issue, etc. Take another deep breath. Now open to your intuition. Stop thinking, and allow your thoughts to flow. Notice what you become aware of. Don’t think. Just notice. You can create a question for yourself such as, “What is in the way of Amtrak closing the deal with us?” Don’t think of the answer. Just notice what comes to mind. Notice the first thought that comes to mind. Don’t analyze it. Maybe ask, “What is the best way to help them see the value of our product/service?” Don’t think. Notice your very first thought.

Let me know how this goes. If you would like personal mentoring on using this technique just let me know.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

Palin, Clinton & Female Leadership

Let me make it clear from the beginning this is not a blog in support of anyone. I am simply reading intuitively what I see. Sarah Palin has a clear vision. She knows how to read energy and read others. She responds to what she sees intuitively. This ability comes so naturally to women. It is a huge asset for her side. Not all women use this natural intuitive ability. If a woman tries to think and be like the men, she works with then she will move away from her intuition and rely more on logic. This does not work as well for her. A woman is most successful and most effective when she combines her natural women’s intuition with her strong logical side. A woman like this is unstoppable. Sarah Palin has this ability. It is confusing to folks because she is so grounded in her these female aspects and yet she has the power and a strength that most do not expect. When given the opportunity this is exactly what women are like. We use these abilities to be a grounding, the strength and the power in our families and communities. Sarah Palin, Hilary Clinton and others are bringing those abilities to the national level.

That is not to say that men are not intuitive because they certainly are. Intuition is not as readily accessible to men because our culture expects them to be logical and operate from strength and power not realizing there is great power in intuition.

Hilary Clinton has the same ability. Hilary’s inability to use her natural intuition early in her campaign came from the notion that she had to compete with the men in the presidential race. She operated from a male perspective, and it did not work. Finally, when she cast off that notion and engaged her natural female wisdom, intuition and logic it was too late. Had she operated off her female information at the onset she would be in a different place right now. We all learn from our life experiences. There are no mistakes. Sometimes what appears as a mistake is the only way we can create a change for ourselves.

Businesses are learning to harness the enormous power of women who combine their intuition, wisdom, logic, passion and creativity. This brings huge success!

Best wishes on your success, Kay