Forget the Future

????????????????????????????????????????The New Year has begun with thoughts of what we want in the future. Setting goals is our tradition and how we experience new cycles. The New Year is a hopeful and exciting time.

The New Year is also a time when we can get really off track by focusing on the future. Focusing on the future is one of the ways that we get in our way. Nothing exists except this moment so perhaps a better choice is to focus on present time.

It is our tendency to consider what we want, imaging it will happen in the future. Is that because we cannot imagine having it now? That is an important point. If we cannot imagine having it now why do we imagine we can have it in the future? Are we delaying? Avoiding what is happening in the moment?

Approach this New Year in a new way. Be present. Create what you want in each moment, not continue with your routine, or old ways of thinking and being. Take charge of this moment. Bring what you have imaged for the future into present time.

When you do this, you will run into yourself, your thoughts, concepts, programming and energy that makes it hard to create the change you desire.  This pain makes us put our goals into the future.  This year decide to let go of the pain in present time.

Be bold. Be courageous. Be determined. Grab a hold of yourself and focus in this moment. Learn to be present. To be present takes practice and determination as we typically dwell on the past and anticipate the future.

Be present now. Stay present.  More than that decide how you want to be in the moment and what you want to create. The only place, you can create, is now. Enjoy the New Year in each moment.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

Secret Sauce for Success

couple jumping in fieldThe San Francisco Business Times Small Business Summit was held this week.  It was a refreshing look at the state of small businesses with reports from their research group and a discussion among panel of small business owners, Mike Puente, Owner, House of Bagels; Peggy Howse, President & CEO, All Seas Wholesale Inc.; Babette Pinsky, Owner, Babette; Joy Chen, CEO, Yes To Inc.

Research report indicates that businesses have had a tough time since 2008 bu that owners feel optimistic and see a move toward increased profitability.

The three business owners identified their secrets to success and not surprisingly they agreed on the secret sauce that helped them survive. I want to share

  • Being incredibly focused on the most important strategies for your success
  • Put attention only on what matters
  • Be passionate about your product and service, its contagious
  • Convey that passion to a your clients, vendors and staff
  • Believe in yourself and your business
  • Look forward, focus forward and keep moving

Take a moment and self-assess.  Where are you now relative to these and what can you change?  It will make a difference.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

The World You Desire

Abstract with heart Welcome to the new year.  Every change in cycles is an opportunity to create.  In our culture we tend to say the new year is a time to fix something, make resolutions we won’t keep, to change ourselves in someway, etc. Another perspective might be to simply be more of who we are, to focus more on what is important to us and what we value.  It could be a time to create something new, to see everything as an opportunity and to take back our world.   It is a matter of perspective.  How do you tend to see things?  Do you see opportunities or do you become discouraged by what is?   This is free will and we all have it.  Your Choice.
Your Choice
What do you choose for the new year?  How do you choose to be in this moment and each moment?  It is so clear to me that it is time for a change in every level of our culture and our country.  Things have gotten off track, out of sync, etc.  We are watching people being discouraged by lack of shared values. From an intuitive perspective it is the ending of a cycle.
The Old and a New Cycle
A new cycle is beginning. The old cycle that controlled, based on competition, self-serving, me first, money at all cost, logic only, success above all else, hierarchy,war, ending which is why we are seeing turmoil in old structures (political and corporate).  It is not because they were bad it is simply a change in cycles.  The new cycle is about collaboration, cooperation, support, values, self-awareness, intuition,circles, peace, success, greater good, green, social responsibility, etc.
Where Are You
The ending of the old cycle and the start of the new begins with each of us acting in each moment from what is important to us and what we value, being conscious and aware of how we are being.  This influences our family which influences our community and so on.   As we build a new group agreement based on values we have always had within us then everything will change.  If we stay in the old accepted point of view we will be out of sync with the new cycle that has already begun.  Where are you?  In the old or in the new?   If you don’t embrace where you want to be you will be pushed by the energy around you.
Ending Violence
I have been very affected by the energy of conflict which has been part of the old cycle.  We can not simply accept a broken political system, countries at war, violence in our streets, being in conflict with each other.  It is a time for new perspective personally and professionally.   Voices of the old cycle cannot continue to control our world.    Voices of the new cycle do not control either.  They are simply authentic and clear.
Forget Resolutions – Make Changes
Rather than make new years resolutions try coming into present time with the new cycle.  Mediate and imagine in your mind’s eye  the world you desire.  Be aware of what is important to you and what you value then be that in every action you take, every communication you have and decision you make.  In this way you become part of a new year and a new age – personally and professionally.  Happy New Year.
Best wishes on your success in the new year,  Kay

Do Something! Make Something! Share Something!

TEDx SJ photo

This past weekend I attended a TEDx conference and it blew me away! Have you attended a TED conference? Go now and find one in your area. You will not be disappointed.

TEDx San Jose contacted NAWBO SF Bay Area (National Association of Women Business Owners) to see if we would sponsor the upcoming TEDx for Women. Though I had not attended this event before I saw it as providing good visibility for our organization and agreed to sponsor and promote the event. Have you ever heard the saying, “Just say yes!”?

As it turned out it was a great experience personally and professionally as well as for NAWBO. During this one-day event I heard and met ordinary people doing extraordinary things. I say ordinary people because they are just like you and me. The only difference is they think big and that nothing is impossible if I can get enough people in support of your idea.

The latest meditation series I conducted for business owners and professionals just was coincidentally on “Don’t Do It Alone!” No matter how strong, determined, independent, shy or focused we are it is not possible to manifest your vision fully on your own. It is simply not how the world works.

Let me tell you about a few of the people who I met. You can read about others on my other blog Women Achieving Goals.

Let me begin with a quote I heard that day, “Say yes to something outside your comfort zone.” The more times we can do this the greater our ability to experience who we are.

I met Super Sylvia, an eight year old who learned welding at age five then learned that she could make anything using this skill. Her enthusiasm for this was boundless. She now shares her passion for makings things on her WebTV show Super Sylvia. Her last words were “Go Make Something!” This was the best advice I heard all day because when we make something it stimulates our creative energy and self-expression in a way that inspires us. She also quoted one of her mentors from Myth Busters, “Failure is always an option.”

We heard Preetha Ram who created Open Study, a free online education for anyone worldwide. Seth Shostak, Sr. Astronomer from SETI who said in the next decade we will find a partner planet, have ability to live off Earth, create new levels of artificial intelligence and, of course, find extraterrestrials. Paul Bennett, IDEO’s CCO, whose company is trying to make being healthy fun, sexy, appealing and motivational. Bryant Austin, photographer, who takes life-size photos of whales! Jonathan Trent from the NASA Omega Project which is creating biofuel without competing with the planet.

I was most impressed by these two speakers. One was Jack Andraka, a fifteen-year-old boy who was so affected by the death of a friend from pancreatic cancer that he decided to do something about it. Currently the diagnostic test for pancreatic cancer is 60 years old, costs thousands of dollars and can only detect late stage cancer. Jack created what he describes as a 3-cent test that detects pancreatic cancer with nearly 100% accuracy in its earliest stages. His journey from an ordinary 14-year kid who knew nothing to making this discovery is nothing short of miraculous.

And finally, Adam Steltzner, lead engineer on the NASA Mars Curiosity rover. Adam spoke how people working together for a common goal, giving up their egos, making mistakes, being determined, including everyone’s perspective, etc. was the only way they could have created and landed a rover of this size on Mars. Think about this. The rocket carrying the rover traveled at 10,000 miles an hour. How do you slow it down so that it lands like a feather on Mars to protect the delicate equipment inside? They all cried when it landed successfully as did we listening to this story of collaboration.

At the end of the day I was reminded of something I tell everyone and now I am sure of it. “You are never too old and it is never too late.” I have added to this. “You are never too young and it is never too soon.” These are ordinary people with big ideas, a strong vision and the knowledge that if they could get enough people in agreement they could make it happen.

Each of these individuals had a very strong vision of what they were creating and that strong vision is manifesting in expected and unexpected ways.  Create your vision and share it.

Best wishes on your success,


Time for Big Change

What is the definition of insanity?  You remember.  It has something to do with doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.   We do this all the time.  All of us.  Routines that don’t serve us, rigid thinking, ideas that aren’t true, habits that get in our way, blame games, being set in our ways, not allowing change, etc., are all ways in which we create our own insanity. Do old concepts about money and relationships control your reality (illusion) with concepts of blame, fear, scarcity, etc.? It is time to stop if we want something to be different.

Change Now

I work with people who focus on manifesting their vision of success and the only thing I can see is in our way is ourselves.  Truly.  So I have decided to shout out! Loud!

  • Know your vision of success.
  • Clear your thinking.
  • Stay focused on vision.
  • Don’t get distracted.
  • Take NEW steps.
  • Allow your vision to manifest.

A New Paradigm

There is also an energy shift happening.  You can see it in government and in corporations.  Old models and ways of thinking are no longer working and, in fact, are harming us.  Old paradigms of being right, in competition, self-serving, being first, etc. are old ways of being.   As you focus on your vision of success include the highest good for yourself and the highest good of all. When you do this you might find yourself going back to something that has always been true for you or doing something you have always wanted to do.

No Fear

Making this shift will take you out of your comfort zone.  If you find that is not the case then nothing has changed.  Meditate to have clear communication with yourself.  Fear, risk, the unknown are characteristics of real change. This is a time to be conscious, aware and open to new possibilities, allow new and perhaps unusual ways to make money. Allow and discover love and fun!  You know your answer.  Just do it!

  • Meditate.
  • Get out of your mind.
  • Open to new ideas and solutions.

This is a time of change.  Old ideas and ways of doing things will not move you forward.  They will maintain precisely what you have now.  Maybe that is ok or you can see yourself having more.

Be a Leader

This is a time for leadership, for each of us to model a new way of being.  Clearly leadership at the highest levels of government and corporations is not the model that works.  So as a paradigm shift let’s have leadership start at the “lowest” level meaning with each of us influencing our family, community, company, etc.


Manifesting our vision of success takes great courage.   It is our inclination to stay in routines and patterns of being even if it does not serve us.  Taking the time to be conscious and be the change you wish means getting out of our routine, our comfort zone and changing our thinking.  Try this for one day and you will know the difference.  Then try it for another day.

Best wishes on your success,


If you cannot see where you are stuck then contact me ( and I will offer insight on this for you.

So What Do You Want to Do, Be & Have?

   So what do you want to be, do and have?  This statement sounds so obvious but the answer is not.  Our heads are full of what we should do or should want that we really don’t know.  The media bombards us with advertising and programming to guide our thinking.  The pressures from others to have more, do more or be more distorts our understanding of ourselves.  Expectations from others and what they want for us or from us only adds to the confusion.  These and other external energies get into our space and cloud our ability to see clearly.

So how do you know what is truth for you?  Put simply, it feels right.  To get to this space you may have to clear all the energies that are affecting your ability to see clearly.  There are many ways to do this.  The simplest from my perspective is meditation.  Meditation is a way to open to your awareness, your intuition and clear your space.  If that is not your thing then simply sit quietly.

Knowing what you want to create is the first step.  This could be something personal or professional.  It could include your health, relationships, work, business, finances, etc.  Take the time to be clear about what you want.  Take the time to clear your space and your thinking of all the energies I mentioned above so that you are creating what is true for you versus your response to all the energies in your space.

Once you know what you want then you can decide whether you want to create it.  It has been my experience that it is important to know what you want whether you decide to create it or not.  There is great power in deciding whether you want to create or not.

My client, Sara, is a great communicator.  Her heart’s desire has been to have a TV show in which she highlights people big and small who make a difference in some way.  Sara took many steps to explore this as a possibility.  In the end she decided that she did not want to expend the amount of energy it would take to make it happen.  In making this decision she freed herself to use those same skills in a professional way.  She works for an agency that impacts public policy.  Her skills in communication make her ideally suited for this work.  Sara became successful when she decided what she wanted to do, be and have.

Another client, Fred, was in his fifties when he decided to take a huge step and expand his business in a new way.  He was a graphics designer who expanded his work to include web design but now he wanted more.  Fred decided to transition his company in a big way by adding staff and shifting his work from small businesses to large corporate clients.  There was nothing logical about this.  No one believed he could make a transition with this big a leap but Fred did.  He was clear, focused, determined and did not listen to those who could not imagine it happening.  In less than a year his new business has started and work is coming.  There is no logic to this just a strong vision, courage and determination.  It is so clear to me that this new aspect of his business suits him so perfectly.

Achieving goals takes great courage as these examples show.  It all begins with knowing what you want to do, be and have.

What do you want to create?  Write and rewrite it until it feels right.  Use meditation to clear your space and your thinking so that you can know for certain.  Then take steps to make it happen.

Remember you are never too old and it is never too late.

Best wishes on your success,


Mentoring for professionals.

Apple, Inc. – An Intuitive Business

This past week Steve Jobs resigned as CEO of Apple stepping out of his role as the chief designer.  Everyone wonders how his genius will be replaced.  It was not his genius it was in large part his reliance on intuition.  Below you will find some of my favorite quotes by and about Steve Jobs.  Feel free to add yours.

Trip Chowdry, a director at Global Equity Research, said, “Success in the consumer space is not dictated by getting your product 80 percent right, 90 percent right, or 97 percent right,” he said. “The success is defined by the last 2 percent of the product, and I don’t think there’s any other individual on the planet who has the kind of intuition Steve Jobs has to make sure they get the last 2 percent right.”

“Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn’t matter to me … Going to bed at night saying we’ve done something wonderful… that’s what matters to me.” [Steve Jobs The Wall Street Journal, May 25, 1993]

“The cure for Apple is not cost-cutting. The cure for Apple is to innovate its way out of its current predicament.” [Apple Confidential: The Real Story of Apple Computer Inc., May 1999]

In a speech last year at Auburn University, Tim Cook, the new CEO of Apple, urged the audience of young graduates to trust their intuition over logic or plans.  He said it made no sense for him to take a job at Apple in 1998 when the company seemed to be fading.  “But no more than five minutes into my interview with Steve, I wanted to throw caution  and logic to the wind.”

In a commencement speech to students at Stanford University in 2005, Steve Jobs advised, “Much of what I stumbled into by following my curiosity and intuition turned out to be priceless later.”

“Your time is limited, don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma, which is living the result of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinion drowned your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition, they somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”

He created everything from personal computers to the iPod,  iPhone, iPad and more. Over the course of his career, Steve Jobs has patented more than 300 groundbreaking products that have made our lives easier and revolutionized the way we interact in the world.

“The thing that drives me and my colleagues at both Apple and Pixar is that you see something very compelling to you, and you don’t quite know how to get to it, but you know, sometimes intuitively, it’s within your grasp. And it’s worth putting in years of your life to make it come into existence.” Steve Jobs

“Again, you can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.”

“Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The trouble-makers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules, and they have no respect for the status-quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify, or vilify them. But the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.”

I would like to add that it takes great courage to follow your intuition.  The difference is success.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

Determination = Miracles!

Story of Consultations: Determination

A client of mine created the most amazing miracle but he is not the first to do so.  This is a story about not letting perceived limits get in the way of your vision and your passion for creating a successful business.

This client, we will call him Fred, has been in the film/commercial industry for some time in one capacity then another.  In December 2009 he was invited to attend a vendor meeting at one of the largest agencies though he had never done any work for them.  As an intuitive business owner he knew this was not a coincidence though he was unsure what to expect.  While attending that meeting one of the creative directors mentioned a goal that he had for his ad campaigns.  It was cutting edge stuff that had not been done before. Fred listened carefully and took notes.

In January he called to see if they had found a production company willing to take on the challenge.   When he heard that no one had he declared that he was ready to submit a bid on the project.  He was not concerned that he had no experience in this modality. He knew he could create a team of the best in the field to work with him on this.  The challenge was to convince this agency that he could do it and do it well.  He suggested a strategy and venue for the ad.

Everyone in the industry told him he could not do this.  He did not have experience.  No one had done this work before. They poured more and more energy and limits into his space.  I could see the effect of others thoughts, programming and energy.  We worked to clear his space of all of this so that he could see his vision, stay focused and not be deterred by others perceived limits.

With determination and great passion Fred submitted the bid, went through many negotiations and worried as he found others had submitted bids as well.  We worked to keep his vision, to clear the pictures and concepts that were developing in his space.  Weeks and months went by, the time frame to complete the ad in time was getting short.  Fred grew more and more concerned but also more and more determined. His vision and energy focused he worked with the potential client to work through their fears and the limits they perceived.

Very close to the due date he got the project!   He almost said no because of the short time frame.  He started to doubt his ability to pull this off in such a short time.  We worked the energy and pictures that were in this way and he decided to go for it and created an outstanding team of experts who also had the courage to work with someone new in this arena.  In the end their work made advertising history and opened doors to other opportunities.  It was a miracle!

As an intuitive business consultant I often see where our own thinking and fear, as well as, those of others can get in our way.  I see business owners talk themselves out of achieving their goals.   Taking time to clear thoughts, concepts, fears to stay focused and determined is a pathway to business success.

Like Fred, when a boulder falls on the path you are walking don’t stop!  Find a way around it or climb over it and continue toward your goal.

Don’t Give Up Your Goals!

You have your vision for the year.  You are enthusiastic about your goals.  Your plans are in place.   It is just about now when the energy hits! You begin to wonder about your goals.  The energy level has dropped or things are not moving as expected.   This is normal so don’t give up your goals.

Each January my gym, and probably yours, experience a sudden increase in membership and participation.  We all complain about equipment not being available but also know that in one month those folks will be gone so we wait it out.  It is worth making this observation.  This happens not only to those who commit to working out  it happens to anyone setting goals.

Change Is Uncomfortable

When we create a goal and have a strong vision of it manifesting our energy changes and our entire universe starts to change so that this new goal can happen.   These changes are most often uncomfortable because change means getting out of our routine and our comfort zone.  When we get out of our comfort zone everything seems unfamiliar and uncertainty sets in.  It is at this point in our confusion that we consider giving up our goals.  Don’t give up your goals.

Old Thinking

A goal  is something that we don’t currently have but we want.  Our energy, thoughts and pictures create our current routine, to manifest our lives and our work as it is now.  To achieve our goals something, and maybe everything, has to change.  Our energy begins to change.  Everything feels awkward and perhaps uncomfortable.  We  also have to change our thinking, which challenges what we know or believe.  During this time we may doubt ourselves.   Finally we have to see our lives, our work and ourselves in a new way, a way that supports our vision.

Not for the Faint of Heart

Change can be unnerving when we aren’t aware of what is going on.  We tend to question our goals and our ability to achieve them when all we really need to do is focus even more on our vision, to observe the changes this vision is creating, be certain, be enthused and ride the storm of change.

As an intuitive business consultant I know that is the time when business owners and professionals decide to commit to their vision or give up.   In all the years I have consulted the reason most do not achieve their vision is because they decide it won’t happen.  It is my perspective that it takes great courage and determination to achieve goals.   Achieving our vision of  success is not for the faint of heart but achieving a vision has a profound impact on our sense of self and our ability to create.  Giving up our goals  creates a different impact.

Intuitive Tips

We call these periods of uncertainty growth periods or periods of growth.   They happen periodically and usually signal that you are taking a big step towards your goals.   When you hit the wall it is important to get energy moving.  This can happen in several ways.

  • Raise your energy level to enthusiasm!  For each of us that means different things.  Take the time to have fun!  Do something you enjoy.
  • Get the energy moving by taking a new step towards achieving your goals so that you don’t back away.  Do something you enjoy and that inspires you.
  • Get communication.  Talk to one or more people who you trust about your goals, the steps you are taking and get their best counsel.

Most importantly  focus on your vision of success, be in enthusiasm and create ways to keep the energy moving know that this period of change is part of the process.

Don’t give up your goals. When you are traveling on the road of  success and a bolder falls along the way, don’t stop.  Climb over it.  Walk around it.   Be certain that you will find a way.

Best wishes on your success.

The Circle of Your Success!




You know your vision of success.  Have you shared this?  Who else knows? How many people are in agreement with you?  As an intuitive I see what happens to the energy of your success when you:

  • Keep your vision to yourself
  • Share your vision others
  • Ask others to support your vision of success

Keeping it to yourself

When you keep your vision to yourself it stays within you and, therefore, never fully manifests.  You are holding it back.   When you are the only one who knows your vision the vibration may not be strong enough to manifest.

Your vision is a precious creation that carries with it the energy of who you are emotionally, professionally and spiritually.  This is the reason so many keep it to themselves. We do this to protect our vision from invalidation, competition, judgment, etc. This is understandable but it creates limits. It takes great courage and certainty to tell others your creative idea.

Sharing your vision

When you share your vision it moves from within you to a place in the world.  Others add their agreement.  Now your vision is stronger, strengthened by the energy of those who are in agreement and support you.  I am not speaking logically rather from what I can see intuitively – clairvoyantly.

There are considerations.  It is important to share you vision but not with just anyone. Choose wisely.  Choose those who you see intuitively will respect and validate your idea.  This may include a family member, a friend, another business owner or professional, a supportive group, etc.

Asking for support

The next level of support is the very important circle of support. Your circle may include selected family, friends, staff, consultants (accountant, banker, webmaster, coach, etc.) and other professionals whose wisdom, knowledge and support you respect. Invite those who have expertise that could support you and your business.  Consider these individuals your Circle of Support, a formal or informal group of advisors that you can call upon.

On the other side if you have others in your business or associated with your business that do not support your success their energy has the opposite effect.  It diminishes the vibration of your success.  Create change so all those around you are in agreement with your success.


The vibration of your success is much greater with the support and agreement of others.  Notice how comfortable you are with sharing your vision and asking for help or clear council from others.  On an energy level success comes when we can receive.  Success is the vibration of energy bringing to us what we desire.  Asking for support is the same energy. It is the act of receiving.

Take a step today.  Share your vision of success and create a circle of support.

The courage to succeed!

dreamstime_leapYesterday I was mentoring the owner of an interior design firm.  She was ready to take her business to the next level.  Issues she wanted to address were the addition of new staff, new office space, implementing a new marketing plan,  etc.  I saw intuitively that she was smart, had clear goals and understood the importance of having a clear vision.  I also saw that her business plan was ready to move forward.

What is Courage?

This is the same point where many with a strong vision get stuck.  To manifest a vision takes great courage.  From an intuitive perspective having courage means bringing the information in the first chakra (fear and survival instincts) into communication with the sixth and seventh chakras (clear vision and certainty).

Finding Your Courage

Engaging the first chakra means a willingness to allow change but also the willingness to take risk but not at all cost.  When you have a strong and clear vision and you are focused on this vision then the risk is worth taking.  Nonetheless it can be scary.

When we avoid engaging our courage then the goals that challenge us the most don’t move forward.  Try the exercise below to engage your courage.

Intuitive Exercise

Create a space of quiet.  Close your eyes and go within.  Take a deep breath and release.  Now imagine one of your goals in your minds eye.  See it clearly.  Don’t think.  See.

Now decide to have your goal.  See yourself having it and what it would take to have it.  Notice your competing thoughts or pictures.  Acknowledge any discomfort, fear or resistance to manifesting this goal.  Now take deep breath and release the fear knowing it is a natural reaction to change and does not mean you can’t. Notice the fear in the first chakra and decide to engage the fear to find your courage.   Continue until you find the resolve and experience the courage to manifest your goal.

Best wishes on achieving your goals,


Allow Fear & Keep Moving Toward Success

????????????????????????????????????????This is a good time to talk about fear! As far as I can tell from experiences with my clients everyone is afraid at one time, or another. Fear of taking a big step, changing directions, moving forward, making a decision, not having control and fear of the unknown.

From an intuitive perspective fear often means you are faced with a great opportunity. Let me explain. When we get to the place of having a clear vision of success everything in our lives, and our business begins to evolve around that vision. If you pay attention, you will be aware of this happening. Suddenly there are a rash of coincidences that favor your vision.

When you have a clear vision (or intention) change begins. Where you are now maybe fine but if you have a goal something has to change for it to manifest. Those changes begin to show aspects of your business that are in the way of your vision and where change is needed. Those changes typically make you personally uncomfortable, or you would have made the changes already. As you change, your concepts about your business also change, and evolve more consistent with your vision. It is an uncomfortable time. It can be scary, and you may experience fear from all that is changing. You are out of your comfort zone, and that is good.

I watch my clients go through this period of business growth and the choices they make. Some become uncomfortable, start to be afraid and crumble. They stop moving forward and decide to stay right where they are. Others recognize the fear, know that it is the result of the steps they are taking, take a deep breath and take even more determined steps toward their vision.

When a business owner has a clear vision, everything starts to change and evolve around that vision. At first it may feel like everything falling apart! Aspects of your business that are not supporting your vision may fall apart because it needs to change as new aspects develop and evolve.

It is a scary and exciting time. Those who are successful don’t run from fear. They take a deep breath and move forward to create their vision. Fear Not!

Best wishes for your success,


Manifest NOW! Why the future?

Now or in the future. Your choice!

Now or in the future? Your choice!
It is a mystery to my why so many of us imagine our goals happening in the future. From an intuitive perspective, the world manifests exactly as we imagine it. We decide on our goals then consciously or unconsciously we decide it will happen at some point in the future. And so it shall be.

When we decide that we want something now, we are creating a very different experience. Immediately our brain kicks in to analyze whether something is possible. This possibility is based on what we know and what seems logical. Achieving a goal is so much more than logic and logic can get in our way. We imagine something in the future when we do not have the brain power or emotional strength to have it now. Our choice.

So what is this pattern or programming to write goals and plan for them to happen in the future unless, of course, we don’t want it now.

I have observed many of my clients write goals and decide it will happen in the future not because they want it then but because they simply can’t imagine it happening now. Deciding to have it in the future is their response to not being able to imagine the goal happening now.

Deciding to have what we want now takes courage. We have to take a deep breath, commit and allow all the fear and uncertainty to be there while we focus our mind’s eye on seeing clearly what we want and how we imagine the experience.

The idea of goals brings me back to our ability to visualize and see clearly in our mind’s eye. If you want to have one of your goals NOW and not in the future, then try this exercise.

Find a comfortable and quiet place. Take a deep breath and relax. Stop thinking. Close your eyes and begin to imagine and see in your mind’s eye exactly what you want. Don’t think about it or how to create it. Just imagine experiencing it. See it. Visualize until you can see the experience clearly. In the process, you may have to release and let go of thoughts, concepts and emotions that get in the way of you seeing yourself having what you want and having it now!

Repeat this exercise as often as needed for your vision to be clear. Notice and be aware of subtle changes that begin to occur that are steps to having your goal.

As you approach the coming year, it is fair to create goals for different times in the year but don’t simply imagine a goal in the future out of habit when you really want it now.

To stretch your awareness about the concept of creating now read The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle.

Best wishes on your success,
