Today Creates Tomorrow

If not now, when?
Today Creates Tomorrow

Too often we get up and go about our routine without a second thought. One day leads to another that is the same. We wonder about success and being happy as something that will happen in the future. This way of seeing success and happiness in the future keeps then from manifesting until we decide to have it now.

How we create this day – today – creates tomorrow and so on. With that notion in mind, what do you want tomorrow to be like for you? Now decide how you want to be today so that you experience that tomorrow.

If you are a procrastinator, tomorrow will be the same and so on.

If you do not understand or know your power to create, then you are likely to stay in a routine and wait for the future as if it is beyond your control.

If it is easier for you to go through your routine, then nothing changes, and your routine continues.

If, however, you are inclined to take ownership of the life you are living then it starts today.

First, you see in your mind’s eye the significant aspects of the life you desire. That can include how you want to feel in your life, the kinds of relationships you want to engage, how you want to experience yourself in your work or creative endeavors, your vision of abundance and health. The list can go on.

Once we know, see in our mind’s eye and feel it in our body the life we desire then we can begin creating it today. What energy level do you want in your life? Start your day at that energy level. What attitude do you want to have? See your day through that lens. What actions can you take that align with your vision for health, abundance, relationships, success, etc.? Every step you make today can lead you to that end.

Consider that each day builds a better tomorrow moving closer to the life you desire.

Your day may also include deciding things you need to stop doing or start doing. It can mean staying away from people and things that bring you down and spending more time with positive people and inspiring experiences.

We create our future, and it begins today, improves tomorrow and each day that follows. Start now. Decide and write down the life you desire. Read it each day then start your day with all the ways you can align to that vision. Observe and experience the life you desire manifesting in each day. Be conscious as you go through your day. Be intentional.

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