Never From NEED!

0032PhotonicaOne of the biggest mistakes a business owner makes is when they have a desperate need then makes decisions from that energy.

The energy of need comes deep within us in fear.  When we are in fear, all our energy leaves our upper chakras and our rational mind. Instead, our energy goes directly to the first chakra where we manage survival and fear. In some ways, this is helpful because it creates energies and physiological responses that can set us into strong action – fight or flight.
One area that commonly we may not have a clear perspective is the people we need to help us. When we hire from the energy of need, we forgo our intuition, hiring someone who can do the job without considering if they are a good fit for the company. Making decisions this way is always a disaster because we look from only one perspective – can they do the job. As we know, we need more than skill sets from our staff. The energy of need in the first chakra causes us to lose this perspective.  “I need someone who can do the job and I need them NOW!”  When we hear ourselves feeling this way we need to stop.  We are in fear.

Operating from the energy of need happens also when we have a staff person who is negative, bored, unhappy with their job, not performing well, causing disruption, etc. but we NEED them. When we are in the energy of need, we believe that we need them to do the job as if there was no one else in the world who could.  This is not true but when we are in need and fear we believe it.  Our life depends on it.   It is always true that letting go of an unhappy or unpleasant employee will improve your company no matter how much you believe you need them.

Hiring and supporting staff that support you and your vision are critical to your success. The common phrase, hire slow and fire fast, is one of the best pieces of advice I have heard. To hire slow gives you the opportunity to decide not only the skills the applicant has, but also how he/she feels to you and what your intuition tells you about how they will represent your brand and fit into the culture of your business. That same intuition tells you that someone on your staff is disrupting the energy of your business as well as the culture and brand you have worked hard to create.

When we are in the energy of NEED, it disrupts our decision-making and distorts our perspective. This blog talks mostly about staff though the energy of NEED can affect any decision that we make. When making a decision take the time to notice the energy you are making it from. If you feel that urgency in your body or the energy of NEED, take some time to step back, calm down, clear your thinking, come out of fear (lower chakras) to find a more neutral perspective (upper chakras).  It will change your perspective and you will make better decisions.

Best wishes on your success, Kay



Not Being Myself

hI don’t like how I feel right now.  Does this sound familiar? Or I don’t feel like myself today.  These and other terms are used to describe how we feel when we have lost our space.  Losing our space means our energy is out of whack and we are out of sync.

Most of us sigh in frustration when we feel this way then move on with our day while feeling out of sorts.  This can be disastrous.  Disastrous is such a strong term but I mean it.  When we are out of sorts, not feeling right, etc. it means we are not being ourselves.   This means we also do not have perspective or control of our energy.  We may act and react in ways that are not typical for us and make decisions that we would not ordinarily make.

When our energy is disturbed in some way we are likely to do more harm than good because we are not being ourselves.  We are being the effect of an energy disturbance in our space.

The causes of disruption, disturbance or changes in our energy are varied.  It could be the result of an experience we had recently, a conversation, a meeting, etc. in which the energy caused a change in our energy.  Most likely someone’s energy got into our space causing a change in our flow.  Maybe someone whacked you meaning they threw energy at you in anger, frustration or competition.  Perhaps we had an experience that greatly disturbed us personally or professionally causing our energy to react.

Energy disruptions can also be caused by changes in the body.  For women it can be their cycle.  For all of us it might be our diet, lack of exercise, medications, drugs, alcohol, lack of sleep, etc.

There are so many causes. It is important to realize when we are out of sorts and not just go with it.  The good news is it is easy to change our energy and get our space back to being ourselves.   One of my clients, Claire, left me a message yesterday.  She is in the throes of a big project and she has learned working with me that her energy changes under pressure going from an otherwise pleasant business owner to a raging boss.  Always in the aftermath she regrets her behavior and declares that is not who she is, trying to convince her staff of that as they stare in amazement wondering, “Who is that?”

I recall I was in a meeting representing an organization in a multi-million dollar class action suit and I could tell that two men in the room were lying.  That was a trigger for me.  I am all about fairness and truth so when people are being dishonest I lose my space and my awareness.  I started to challenge them vehemently.  Our attorney touched my arm and asked that we step outside.  She pointed out how out of control I was and that I needed to get my space back.  I explained to her they were lying.  She understood that I was intuitive but that there was no evidence they could point out at this time so I had to bide my time.  Suddenly I realized how much I had lost my space and was not being myself.    What is a trigger for you?

Jim called me asking for help.  He had just finished a phone call with a colleague and he felt buzzed and could not think straight.  After working with me on this business he has come to realize that he needs to stop when things don’t feel right and set them straight.  I saw intuitively that the person he was speaking with was trying so hard to convince him of something that he placed all his energy in Jim’s space making Jim feel not like himself.  This is not logical but it is very intuitive.  We all have had this experience many times.

Regardless of the cause it is important to our success personally and professionally to realize when we do not feel right or not ourselves and do something about it immediately before we create trouble for ourselves.  Changing our energy or getting our space back is easy.  Being aware that we have lost our space and taking the steps to stop and fix it is the tougher challenge.

Should you decide to stop and change your space it is quite simple.  I suggest meditation.  It could be five minutes or an hour whatever it takes.  Meditation is simply stopping, quieting the body, clearing our thinking and resetting our space.  These are intuitive terms that don’t mean much until you experience it so try this now even if you feel like you have your space.  It will make things even better.

Meditation Exercise:

  • Sit in a comfortable and quiet place.
  • Take a deep breath, release and begin to relax the body (repeat often).
  • Close your eyes and focus on yourself, bringing your attention from out there somewhere back to you.
  • When you feel that you are beginning to relax and focus on yourself then be grounded.  Imagine a connection between the base of your spine and the center of the planet.  Take a deep breath, release, relax and feel that connection.  Be grounded.   Repeat until you feel connected and grounded.
  • Now be centered by bringing your attention into the center of your head.  Right now your attention is probably out there somewhere so come into the center of your head.  Notice how that feels and how it changes your perspective.  Keep breath and release.
  • Now get your space back.  By space I am referring to the energy field around you (your aura).  Your energy is probably scattered far and wide from you so imagine calling your energy in around you within arms reach. I know this is not logical.  Just try it.  Imagine that energy field is all around you like a bubble.  Keep calling your aura in until you get a sense of having your energy in around you.  Now to make it real imagine a color on the edge of your space.  A color you enjoy.
  • Now be present in the moment.  Bring all of your attention and awareness into this moment.   Keep doing this until you feel that you are present.  You can imagine releasing down your grounding anyone or anything that comes to mind as you do this.
  • The goal is to be quiet in the body, not thinking and just being aware of yourself in present time.
  • Now meditate on how you want to be in this moment.  You have the ability to change your space and be however you want.  I suggest a high vibration (enthusiasm, inspired, amusement, joy, excitement, etc.)  When you feel like you are yourself and how you want to be then take a deep breath, stretch and come out of meditation

You are ready for your day.  Once you get the hang of it meditation can go easily and quickly until then it make take some time to become comfortable with it.  It is well worth the time.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

If you have any difficulty with this please feel free to contact me to discuss what is in the way of you having your space.

Live online meditation

The Right People in the Right Positions

org charg I met with a new client yesterday. Kathy is the President and CEO of a very successful family owned business with two of her sisters working for her.  Kathy finds she is doing a lot of the work and wants to hire but does not know how because she has never done this before.

Set in Their Ways

As we spoke it became clear the problem is more complex than simply hiring.  Because this is a family business that has been around for over 30 years many of the staff have been on board for 20+ years.  Loyalty is a great asset but it only works when the long-term staff is willing to develop new skills, allow change and grow professionally.   Kathy feels her staff are “stuck in their ways”, not interested in learning new technologies, changing systems or changing their roles.  They have gotten into routines and habits that keep the company from growing. Kathy cannot fire them because they are loyal employees.  They are LIKE family. Then there are her two sisters who are not about to have Kathy tell them what to do.  She can’t fire them.  They ARE family.

New Vision of Success

Kathy wants to take the business to a new level.  She is creative and has a new vision for their success. She is the CEO but finds no one else wants to change.  She even finds herself doing a lot of the day-to-day work assigned to staff and her sisters that somehow bounces back to her.

New Organizational Design

I took an intuitive perspective on this with Kathy.  Her father made all of agreements with staff when he ran the business.  They are not her agreements (spiritual or other wise).  It was time for Kathy to develop her own vision for the staffing of her business.  For Kathy it begins with letting go of the energy and pictures that say there is no hope, that she is saddled with her dad’s agreements and sisters who don’t share her vision to grow the business.

As an intuitive I know the power of a clear vision so Kathy’s first step is to meditate on the kind of staffing she knows she needs to manifest her vision.  This is not about specific people but rather the ideal structure, positions and  functions – an org chart.

When Kathy is clear in her mind’s eye of how she sees staffing the business to achieve her vision then we agreed that she would it down – not to be shared.  This is just for her work as the visionary/CEO of the company.  She would also write down her vision of the business in three years.  This she would share with her sisters first seeking their input then the staff inviting everyone to work toward this vision.

Who Fits In?

Once she has a clear vision of the business and the staffing then she must take her attention off and stop resisting her current staffing and her frustrations with everyone.  It is my experience that when an owner begins in this way everything starts to change.   Kathy will start to assign work to her current staff in a way that fits her vision, slowing creating change.  As she does this she will see a change in the staff.

Don’t Resist What Is

By creating a vision of what she wants it begins to manifest.  This is different than resisting what is.  (Resistance perpetuates what you don’t want.)  Intuitively staff will feel the change. Staff who is in agreement with her vision will begin to fit into one of the positions on her org chart.  Staff who are not in agreement will suddenly find a new job, decide to retire or force themselves to be fired.  This is not a coincidence. That is just how a vision manifests.

Steps To Create Change

This is a story about a family owned business but the intuitive principles apply to every business.  If you are a business owner take the time to meditate on your business.   First see clearly the vision you have for the next three years.  Write it down. Be clear in present time.  Now meditate on the ideal staffing to get you there.  Write this down.  Finally begin to act in ways that support your vision.  Read and meditate on this everyday then watch this vision manifest.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

Can’t fool your customers

Cloud Smileys Your brand is everything.  Your customers and potential customers experience it everywhere they interact with you, your staff, your website, etc.  Knowing how you want everyone to experience and think about your business is the basis for your brand.

We all know this and most businesses work hard to have their staff represent their brand as well as having others experience it at all other possible touch points with your business, i.e website, print materials, ads and more.  This is important for your customers to feel good about working with you and to come back again and again because they like your brand and how it feels to them.

Researching a business insurance option recently I was attracted to a company because of their products, pricing and the brand image they promoted including friendly, efficient and personalized service.  They said they were fun to work with.  I experienced this from the account representative and was pleased with their brand promise as he described it.

The last step was to exchange documents. I took the opportunity to go into the company’s local office.  When I walked in I could feel the tension in the air.  The receptionist smiled, acted friendly and pleasant but the feeling in the space was completely different.  I could see and feel the conflict in this office.  I felt as though I was interrupting something.  I could not wait to leave.  I have not yet finalized my contract with them.  Their brand promise and how it felt in their office were not the same.

Everyone is intuitive.  Our gut reaction makes a difference. For this reason I work with my clients to not only express their brand in all the usual ways but to also in their office, store, warehouse, etc.  and to be aware of the energy of their staff.  Acting friendly and smiling does not hide the energy in someone or in the space.  The brand experience has to be genuine.  Everyone is intuitive meaning they can feel, see and know what is real.

Being aware of the energy experience in your office or your staff is important to your success.  If it does not feel right to you it will not feel right to your customers.  Take the time to notice the energy of your business, your staff, your offices, etc.  Take steps to change the energy if it is not consistent with the brand of your business.  This is not something you do once.  Monitoring the energy of your business is something to be done every day.

I don’t recommend that decisions are made from the gut or gut reaction but in reality people do this all the time.  Take the time to set the energy of your business to your customers gut reaction is consistent with your brand promise.

Best wishes on your success,  Kay

Contact me if you would like a consultation on the energy experience of your business.

If it does not feel right…

One of my client’s is making a serious effort to double her revenue.  Claire was inspired by how easily she increased her revenue by 30% this year.  (She did use the word easy in hindsight.)  With this new goal in mind Claire developed a marketing strategy that takes advantage of all the new ways of marketing.  Most of this plan is out of her comfort zone so she looked for experts in a variety of areas to carry out her plan.

Claire is clear about her new marketing strategy.  She has done her homework.  Her task is to find the right people.  At first she was drawn to professionals she has used in the past and who are loyal to her and her company.  She thinks they could do some of it including her sister who is a professional writer.  Recently a PR expert at a networking event approached Claire.  She agreed to hear what she had to offer.   Finally she received recommendations from myself and other trusted advisors of professionals she may want to interview.

Before she began the process of finding a team she took the time to meditate on her vision of success, which for this upcoming year meant doubling her revenue.  She felt if she could not see this clearly then how could she navigate a team toward this goal.  Claire meditated until she cleared her thinking and could see clearly doubling her revenue.  She then meditated and imagined a team of experts who would help bring in new clients with specific demographics, a team that would work together, enthusiastically and collaborate to achieve her vision of success.

My task was to watch intuitively to see what was driving Claire’s choices so that loyalty did not trump skill and strong salesmanship did not talk her into something that was not a good fit.

As Claire sorted through her options, she used both a logical and intuitive approach.  She checked credentials, looked at samples of everyone’s work, interviewed writers, social media experts, PR professionals, graphic designers, etc.  Her most difficult decision came when her intuition told her not to use the writer and marketing person she used in the past.   This was not a logical decision.  She just felt intuitively that they were not the right fit for the level of growth she envisioned.   Claire did stay with her graphics team who are young, inspired and push her to think in new ways.  They stayed on the team!

The PR person had a strong presence and was very interested in helping Claire increase the visibility of her business but in the end something just did not feel right.  Claire found herself finding fault with the proposal, their communication, etc. then she realized that she did not need to find fault.   The PR company just did not feel right.  It was not logical. She stopped trying to find fault (logic) and simply decided not pursue this strategy at this time. It was intuitive.

Finally, she needed a social media expert.  This is a new and growing field in which an expert is not well-defined.  She decided in the end to interview three of the five people on her list of possible experts.   Her choice of the three was intuitive and she was correct.  In those interviews she found someone who described an approach that fit for Claire and how she saw her brand.

Coincidentally, immediately after Claire and I met to finalize her marketing plan and the team she would be hiring, her phones were ringing off the hook.  Three new-targeted clients called and scheduled appointments.  Claire felt that was a miracle!   From my perspective is was Claire’s vision of success beginning to manifest.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

Let me know if you would like an review of your marketing strategy from an intuitive perspective.

Fear of Loss – It’s Just a Story

Most of what I know about success I learned from my clients, those that succeeded and those that have not.  This story is about how thoughts are creative especially when they stimulate our fears.  We have control – when we pay attention and clear our thinking.

Kathy is a consultant.  She has one very big contract that keeps her busy most of the time though she has other clients as well.   Every now and then she goes into fear that if she looses this primary client it will devastate her.  As with any business we know not to rely on one or two contracts though many successful businesses have done just that for years.  The intuitive point in this story is Kathy has a fear (picture) in her mind (space) that is at her core.  She has expressed several times that she wants to get of  fear of not having the money she needs and wants.

As an intuitive I have observed that we are always getting our goals.  Kathy has declared that one of her goals is to get out of fear.  Once we have a goal our world changes in ways that help us achieve that goal.  Often that means experiencing what we fear so that we can get out of it.   Watching Kathy intuitively I saw her creating ways to re-stimulate her fear of losing a client not because she wanted this to happen but so that she could use the opportunity to get out of fear.

Intuitively I watched this fear picture move to the surface (of her space) and experiences begin to happen.  The first was Mandy, who taught her and mentored her for years to become a consultant, called to say that she lost her biggest client and now was in serious financial straits.  This was big for Kathy.  If it could happen to Mandy then it could happen to her.  The person who was the expert just created what Kathy feared the most.  I cautioned Kathy to pay close attention to her reaction and not to go into sympathy because in doing do she brings her mentors problem into her space where is could easily manifest for her as well.  I suggested that she consider Mandy as  her teacher in a new way.   Learn by looking intuitively and seeing what caused Mandy to create this and see if Kathy has a similar concept so that she could clear this thought.

The next experience was with one of executives who works for her largest client.  He told her the new CFO wanted to cut Kathy’s contract in half.  Panic!  She immediately believed it was true. I warned Kathy not to place her attention on that thought knowing that whatever thought you place your attention on will manifest.  It does not matter whether it is something that you want or something that you fear.  Kathy did not have to take that communication as her reality.

Finally, her best friend called to say that her husband’s pay was cut 60% and they were doomed.  When Kathy told me these  three  scenarios one after another I began to laugh and asked Kathy if she could see that there was no coincidence here.  She has a choice.  She could match the pictures and see all of this happening to her – her greatest fear – and it would or she could use this opportunity to get her goal to get out of fear by clearing her thinking.  Again I cautioned against dwelling on these stories or going into sympathy.

At the end of her session Kathy spent time meditating on seeing clearly her vision of success, releasing her fear and clearing her thinking.  Kathy knows that her vision of success does not depend on this client.  That it can manifest in a number of ways.  However, Kathy did not want to lose her client so we meditated on her having a conversation with the new CFO and visualized how she would like that conversation to go.

Kathy reported back that despite all her fears the conversation with the CFO went very well.  She continues to check herself when she goes into fear before her thinking  distorts her reality.

Be aware of your thinking.  It’s just your story.

Best wishes on your success,  Kay

Schedule a consultation

Take Control. Change the energy!

David had four bids out for great projects.  His company had finished another project and was waiting for the final approval from his client.  The phone was not ringing.  His email and phone calls were not being returned.  Most of all he was not hearing from his best client.  This was a scary place to be so he called me to ask what was going on.

This may not be logical but it is very intuitive.  I saw that David had a lot of energy in his space and in the space of his company causing the energy of his company to stop.  David was taking it all personally.  What was he doing wrong?  What was wrong with his company?  How could it be that NO ONE was returning his calls? This is not a coincidence.  My suggestion was to stop thinking about it, stop trying to solve it.  Those approaches had not worked so far.  I suggested meditation to change the energy in his space and in the space of his company.

When David could get out of his thinking and look intuitively he saw the energy of competition between all the vendors on his current project.  It was competition against someone or something.  This is a dangerous energy because destroys. This is different from competition to be better within yourself or in your business.  This is a different energy level, is normal and helps us take steps.

More than anything David wanted to get back into communication with his best client so we focused on this.  I saw that his client was also the effect of the “competition against” within his own company.  This was interfering with his communication with everyone involved is the project and involved his largest client.  The stakes were high.  David and I used meditation to clear energy between himself and his client.  This is not logical.  It is something that you have to do and experience to understand.  At the end of this meditation, I suggested that David take an hour or two away from his office and do something that he enjoys.  This was a way for him to bring his energy to a higher level so that he could create again.

The next morning his client called him!   This is not a coincidence.  They spoke for over a half hour about the energy of the project, how it  affected each of them then reaffirmed their agreement to work together on future projects.  If David had not taken control the energy would have continued destroying his communication with his best client.  He used meditation to know and clear the energy for himself.  This made it easy for him to speak with his client in a clear and grounded way.

If you have energy in your communication with one of your clients you might try this for yourself.  We never have to wait and worry.  We can take charge, change the energy and move forward to meet our goals.

Now David wants to meet and work the energy on those four bids to see if he can get them happening as well

Best wishes on your success,


Free Q&A for business owners and professionals each Monday 5 PM Pacific.  Call 1 (218) 862-7200 Access 299398 or SKYPE mkayrobinson.

Your Staff. Your Success.

I worked with Kathy, an established business owner, to increase her sales by 30% last year.  This may be seem like an ambitious goal in this economy but only if you look at everything logically.  Kathy values her intuition and knows how to be aware of when it is time to create change.  She owns a staffing company and soon after we began working together she received a contract to staff a large national corporation’s new local technology center.  Kathy was beyond thrilled.  This looked to be a big step in achieving her financial goals for the year.

Shortly after contract began Kathy saw they were not attracting enough professionals for the positions needed to be filled.  That did not make sense for a region hit hard by unemployment.  She was concerned because she had a short time frame to staff the facility before its opening.

When we looked at this intuitively I saw that her staff were worried and I saw it affecting this project.  I explained to her that everyone in the company has an impact on its success so being aware how our staff were perceiving and reacting was important.

I saw intuitively that her staff were concerned that they could not handle the schedule of appointments and all the related work.  It was more at one time than they were used to so unconsciously they were slowing down the energy to a level that was comfortable and familiar.  This is tough for a business focused on growing.  When we decide to increase sales, income,etc. it means that everyone has to get out of their comfort zone and all change.

We decided to set up a meeting with  her staff to talk about the project and change the energy so it would be a success.  First we discussed their plans for managing the increased workload.  They had a plan.  Then we discussed their fears, i.e. they would have to work long hours, have more work than they could handle.  Finally we did a meditation designed to clear the energy and thoughts that may get in the way of this project being a success.  Everyone became aware of their owns thoughts and used meditation to clear their thinking then to visualize working together for success.

As you might expect after that meeting everything seemed to start moving forward, the energy was moving.   The project was intense and a lot of work.  The staff felt the meditation more than anything gave them a way clear their thinking and be grounded to succeed.

The staffing turned out well, on time and on budget.  Kathy fully expects this success will help her create more and achieve her goals.

As a business intuitive I work with business owners to be aware of their staff and how to work with them to keep the energy moving, to clear thinking that may get in the way and to be in agreement to achieve goals together.

Best wishes on your success,


Business consultations

Shooting Yourself in the Foot!

One of the things I do as an intuitive business consultant is to connect businesses to potential clients when I see there would be a good fit.  Today I introduced a producer to another client who owned a model making company.  This is a resource my client was looking for.

The meeting did not turn out as I had expected.  My client, the producer, was eager to meet these highly acclaimed artists and possibly contract with them on an upcoming project.   First I want to say that everyone is intuitive whether they consciously know that or not.  This is important to realize because no matter what you say the other person is picking up on what is really going on in your space.  Smiles and being chipper does not hide your fear.

Fred asked Sally & Tom to talk about their company and their capabilities.  These two award-winning artists talked about their work in the past in a way that came across as something that was true before but it is not true now.  The mistake their made was not in their presentation.  Their mistake was not being in the best space to meet with a potential client.  My client picked up on their energy and it made him wonder.  At the end of the conversation my client was disappointed because he did not get a  sense of their certainty.

This happens all the time in meetings with potential clients.  The energy in our space is not as subtle as we think.  As an intuitive business consultant I recommend that you try the following before meeting with a potential client.  This exercise is designed to clear your space and set your energy in the best way possible to support your success. You can do this several days before your meeting then again just before.

  • Take the time to meditate.
  • Close your eyes, quiet your body and clear your mind.
  • Place your attention on yourself.
  • Take deep breaths and release energy and tension you may have in your space.
  • Be calm and quiet.
  • Begin to visualize or imagine how you want to be and to present yourself.  See this clearly.
  • Release and let go of any energy in your way.
  • Once you are clear on how you want to be seen, meditate on the conversation and how you want that conversation to go.
  • All the while clear your thinking and let go of energy. Find a clear vision of the meeting with this potential client. What do you want them to see intuitively and experience from you?
  • When you can imagine this precisely as you would like it then you are ready to meet with them.

Try this often and in many situations.  Please add your comments, stories or ask a question.

Best wishes on your success,  Kay

I Don’t Have

Be careful what you declare or as the saying goes “be careful what you pray for”.  Recently an employee of one of my clients, Clare, quit suddenly.  The employee was very angry for no clear reason but did accuse my client of being wealthy.  Clare heard herself saying in defense, “I’m not wealthy!”.    When Clare relayed this conversation I knew she would experience a hit to her income that week and she did.  So what happened.

From an intuitive perspective it was a perfect example of what happens when a company decides to make a change.  I had worked with Clare on her vision of growing her company by 30% each of the next two years.  It may be surprising but her vision and her plan are completely doable in her industry and the way she positioned her services.  So far this year her company has already grown 20%.  Her business plan was right on target to meet her goal by the end of the year.

When a company changes its vision, its business plan and its goals this has an impact on everyone in the company both practically and on an energy level.  Every company has an energy level.  We feel it and experience it when we interact with them as a customer, vendor, contractor, etc.   If we like the energy (and this may be not be entirely conscious on our part) then we continue our relationship with them.  If we do not then we move on.

In this scenario, the employee was experiencing many personal conflicts among them financial.  Clare was supporting her in every way she could, knowing that she could not solve an employee’s personal issues.   As Clare changed the energy of her company to grow financially by 30% this year it vibrated in the space of this employee.  It made her uncomfortable because the energy in her personal life was the complete opposite.  She was creating “not having” money.

As an intuitive I watch the energy in everyone’s space to see if it supports or gets in the way of achieving goals.  I was not surprised when Clare told me the story of her employee quitting in anger.  The anger was directed at Clare’s “havingness” for financial success because it made the employee uncomfortable because she was creating the opposite.  She was creating not having.   This may not be logical but it is very intuitive.

While Clare is not wealthy at the moment it is her vision and her energy is set to create wealth. When she declared, “I am not wealthy!” she invalidated her vision.  Not coincidentally her income dropped 30% for that week.  I reminded her that words are creative.   She realized this as well and reset her vision of success (wealth).

In the end Clare reached out to the employee offering her the opportunity to continue to work with the company knowing the vision of growth.   Clare owned her vision of wealth and success as she spoke to her former employee who she valued.  In the end the employee returned understanding the success of the company and now being in agreement to support that success.  I saw intuitively this employee will change her personal financial situation by matching the energy of success in this company.

This was a great experience for both owner and employee.  Clare was able to look intuitively at the situation to gain greater understanding and awareness.  This experience helped her grown in her understanding of her vision of success.

Take the time to look intuitively as situations in your workplace and how you might grow in your success.

Best wishes on your success,  Kay

Don’t go into a meeting blind – See clearly!

See clearly in your mind's eye

Someone sets the tone of every meeting.  When you are meeting with a client that person should be you.  This takes time and preparation.

We have all had experiences in meetings in which it unexpectedly starts off on a bad foot or shortly into the meeting things seem to go in a different direction than we had planned.  We find ourselves experiencing a lot of effort and our potential client is not responding in a way we expected.

Set the tone

As an intuitive business consultant I would like to offer an intuitive technique that helps set the energy or tone of a meeting.  This applies to a meeting in person, by phone or online.  It begins with meditation and depending on the importance of the meeting you will want to do this several times before the actual appointment

Going to a meeting blind

I would never recommend walking into a meeting blind meaning without a clear vision.   This is different from having an idea or plan.  Try the following exercise and see if it changes your experience in meetings.

Intuitive Exercise

Take the time to meditate.  This means to quiet the body, clear the mind, to stop thinking and open to your intuition.   Sitting in a quiet place with your eyes closed helps with meditation.

Your Vision

When you feel relaxed and have cleared your thinking then begin to imagine the upcoming meeting.  See it in your mind’s eye.

  • Be aware of your goal for the meeting
    • Release any thoughts you have that may get in the way of this
  • Be aware of the person or persons you are meeting with
    • Read them intuitively
    • What do you see or imagine is on their mind?
    • What are their expectations, concerns or needs?
  • Imagine how you would like to set the tone or energy of your conversation with them.
  • See the meeting going precisely as you would like.
    • Clear your thinking that may argue against your vision.
    • Release any doubts, fears or other emotions that are in the way of your certainty.

You may find that you have to do this exercise several times to clear your thinking and have a clear vision.  That is up to you.  When your vision is clear then you are ready.

Best wishes on your success.

Intuition in Sales – It’s all about you!

Taking Time to Meditate

A successful sale depends heavily on what’s going on with you!

Clients Are Intuitive

Your customers or clients are intuitive.  This means they are reading you, consciously or unconsciously.  What they pick-up from you determines whether they want to do business with you or not.  What do you want your customer or client to pick up from you?

If you had a fight with your secretary before meeting with or speaking with a client, the client may pick-up on this energy and suddenly feel like fighting with you and they are not sure why.

Perhaps you have the concept in your space or a thought on your mind that this client never buys from you so when they meet with you intuitively they pick-up the idea that they never buy from you.  That cannot help your sale!

Successful Sales

How might things be different if you prepared your space before you met with a client?  What could happen if you came into the conversation clear without any unrelated pictures or energy in your space that your client may pick-up on?

How might things be different if you were completely present, focused on this meeting and created a strong vision of the meeting going well?  I suspect the potential client will pick up on your clarity and feel confidence in you.   I suspect the client may also pick-up your vision of a successful sale and respond in kind.

Clear Your Space

Before you meet with a client or speak with them by phone take the time to meditate. Quiet the body and clear the mind. Notice your space.  How are you doing?  What is going on with you? Bring all of your energy and attention into the moment.  Don’t be distracted.  Release and clear anything unrelated to this meeting that is on your mind or in your space.

See Your Success

Now imagine the conversation you are about to have with a client or customer.  See it in your mind’s eye. Clear your thinking and release any limits or fears that may be in the way of you seeing the conversation going precisely as you would like.

Once you can imagine or visualize the meeting being successful then you are ready.

Watch for Part II of Intuition in Sales – Using Your Intuition during the Conversation.  This will be posted in one week.

Best wishes on your success.

Oops! Your aura is showing.

200469161-001As business owners we work hard to create good impressions and cannot afford a bad one. We pay attention to our branding, our marketing materials, office space, physical appearance, cars and more. Image and impressions are everything!

Our clients and customers are intuitive. This means they are forming impressions from these tangible aspects of our business but also from the intangible. Customers automatically and, for the most part, unconsciously read and respond to our energy and the energy in our space, the aura or energy field around us. This can make or break a sale or a contract.

Intuitive Story The owner of a large office in Walnut Creek walked away from signing a contract for the delivery of office supplies to all four of his locations in the Bay Area. I asked Jim why, at the last moment, he backed out. He could not give a logical explanation saying only that he felt so uncomfortable with the sales rep on that particular day that he could not proceed. He said something did not feel right. Now I was not at this meeting nor I do I know the sales rep but as a business intuitive my reading is the sales rep had something quite personal on his mind. This personal issue created energy in his space and it made Jim uncomfortable.

Impressions Far fetched? Not at all! Each of us has a story to tell about the time when something did not feel right or when we went into a meeting with an important client with something else on our mind. Nine out ten times your story ends with the sale falling through. The energy from our experiences sits in our space, our aura. Others consciously or unconsciously feel or see this vibration and react.

Your Space If you have a disagreement with someone and go into a meeting with a potential client, the energy of that disagreement most likely is still in your space. It is natural for others to unconsciously respond or react to this. With this in mind, being aware of the energy we carry in our aura is important to our success. Knowing how to clear and re-set our aura (energy) is a step in preparing for meetings and conversations with others. Try this intuitive exercise before your next meeting or call.

Intuitive Exercise Take a moment to stop. Sit down if possible. Close your eyes. Take a deep breath and release. Begin to quiet your body. Bring your focus and awareness onto yourself. Notice how you are doing. What is on your mind? Imagine releasing and letting go of these distractions. Bring your attention and energy off these distractions. Take a deep breath and release any energy or emotion you are holding onto. Repeat until you are feel clear of energies and emotions that may give a bad impression or that you don’t want to bring into the conversation.

Next Step The next step is re-setting your space. Watch for this in another blog. Have a great day!

The new millennium and business in sync!

Abstract 3D Hourglass Times are a changin!  We are in the tenth year of the new millennium, the millennium of the “2”.  That may not mean much to you at first but from an intuitive perspective it represents a significant change that everyone is experiencing.  Concepts that drove the last millennium (1 –1999), the millennium of the “1”, were the importance of being first, on top, the best, faster, bigger, more, etc.  This last millennium was dominated by male concepts that brought us tremendous growth, expansion, advancement, competition and success.

The current millennium is a shift in a naturally occurring cycle to new concepts of success stemming from feminine principles that include collaboration, cooperation, the common good, working in Circles, etc.  In this millennium successful businesses focus on what they value, relationships and the impact of their business on others. We are more globally and environmentally conscious. Success is created with these ideas in mind.

Companies that are out of sync with the energy of this millennium will have a hard time surviving.  We are seeing evidence of this all around. The old ways of doing business won’t work, as they are going “against the grain” and “out of sync” with the current trends or cycle. Edgar R. Dewey, Chief Economic Analyst of the Department of Commerce in 1930, was appointed to investigate the causes of the stock market crash of 1929.  He found the crash was a naturally occurring cycle.  He describes the concept and impact of cycles in his book by the same name, “Cycles”.

So where does this lead us?  Notice the trends and changes in the business climate.  There are no coincidences as we are in a new cycle.  We have been witnessing the breakdown of old ways of doing business.  Old values and priorities won’t bring the same results this time around.  Successful business owners are watching intuitively and developing strategies to fit this new cycle.  In many ways they are “going with the flow” and not fighting the trends.  Open your intuition to be aware, letting go of old concepts that worked in the past but no longer.  This brings us to what I consider the most important intuitive concept for business success – be in the present moment, be aware and create from here.

When you cannot decide!

swirl blue purple orange croppedOne of the best times to use your intuition is when you cannot decide, the answers you are looking for are not obvious or your find yourself successfully defending both sides of your own argument!  You have been thinking, discussing it with others and still you cannot tell the right way to go or which decision to make.  This is the time to stop thinking!  Sometimes logic cannot provide our answers either because we are not neutral to the issue, our own thoughts and emotions cloud our thinking.  Sometimes we cannot decide because of the pressures from other people or competing interests.

I was on the way back from a salon at the home of a Silicon Valley executive and his wife.  My friend had run into one of her clients at the salon last month and again this day.  She was very confused how she should interact with this very high profile client in this informal and somewhat personal event.  I listened as she explained all the options she could think of.  It was clearly a professional challenge that could have huge financial impact.  She was confused, conflicted and worried.  What if she approaches him the wrong way?  What if she reads his communication incorrectly?  What if….  She was wearing herself out.

A client of mine was in a similar state of confusion.  She is transitioning in her career, sees a number of choices, can argue each of them convincingly only to confuse herself more.  She thought, argued, discussed all to no avail.  She could not decide and could not find a logical solution.  This was creating great stress.

These scenarios are very common.  The specifics may be different but each of us has been in a situation where all the logic in the world was not going to give us the answer.  For me, as a business intuitive, answers to these situations are easily found by opening to our intuition.   Using intuition is a way of gaining perspective and finding enough separation to see more clearly.

Here is a simple intuitive exercise you can use when you are confused or cannot decide.

  • Find a time and place to sit and quiet yourself.
  • Close your eyes, breathe deeply and begin to release all the effort you are experiencing.  Relax and release.
  • Bring your attention and your awareness inward, behind your eyes.  Breathe deeply and release.
  • Begin to clear your mind.  Try to stop thinking so that you can open to your intuition.
  • Simply open your awareness.  Begin to notice, see, listen and know intuitively.
  • Once you are quiet, imagine seeing a symbol out in front of you.  See it or imagine it with your minds eye .  I suggest a rose but any symbol will work.
  • Now imagine placing your question in that symbol.  This keeps your from thinking.
  • Without thinking open to what you see, hear and know.

If you are able to follow these steps you will get your answer and you will know.

To learn more about the use of meditation to open your intuition simply go to


Why don’t things go as planned?

Meditation - part of a business plan
Meditation - part of a business plan

We all want to be successful. We think through and create a very grounded professional or business plan then work that plan everyday.  So why don’t things do as planned?  When we assume that it is all beyond our control we are dead wrong!   Opening to our intuition allows to see beyond what is obvious and visible to find these answers.  There are no coincidences.

For example, everyday our experiences create responses and reactions whether they are good or bad.   These experiences create thoughts, ideas, emotions, etc. that may or may not support our plan.  Things hang with us. We hold onto things.  Things stick with us.  These are all familiar terms that describe the effect of our daily experiences.

When we carry anything from one day to the next it becomes part of us and the fabric of our life.  This is true for energies that we enjoy as well as those that we don’t.   A bad meeting, conversation or phone call can stick with us, influence our thinking and set us off course.  Often this is all happening our awareness of the effect the energy is having on our success.

One of my clients had a very difficult conversation with one of his clients this week.  I saw that if he held the energy of this conversation in his space it would destroy the contract.  On the other hand if he cleared the concepts and energies this experience stimulated for him then he had the opportunity to re-set his communication and agreement with his client.

These kinds of experiences are part of doing business which is why, as a business intuitive, I encourage all my clients to make meditation part of their daily business plan.  In meditation you find a place of quiet to review yesterday and today.  You become aware of the energy and pictures you are holding onto and will get in the way of your goals and your plan for your business.  Once you are aware you can decide to release anything that does not serve you.  Finally, you can  reset and recreate your vision for today, the week and your success.

Try this for yourself.  If you are not sure how to meditate join me for an online meditation any Monday.

Shooting yourself in the foot!

Are you ready to make that phone call?
Are you ready to make that call?

Are you ready to make that phone call? Are you ready to make that call? As a business intuitive, I learn a great deal from my clients and sometimes I sigh when I see the mistakes business owners make. It is not because they don’t know better. These mistakes happen when they are not aware of what is going on within them at the time. All of us, business owners or not, become the effect of the energy of our life experiences. This then affects our work. We all have thoughts or mental image pictures that are re-stimulated and cause us to react in automatic and unconscious ways that may not serve us well. These are the times when we shoot ourselves in the foot.

Yesterday I was sitting in the office of one of my clients as he was making an important phone call to a potential client. My role was to be intuitive and observe this communication. My client, Fred (not his real name), was talking to a potential client by phone, discussing the scope of work, his fees, the needs of the project, etc. His client was a production company new at producing a web-based video and working with minors as talent. I saw intuitively that my client was not in the space to have this conversation. He had energy in this space that set the tone before he even made a phone call. His energy was set to educate. This was an entirely different space from developing a contract to provide talent for a production, which was the goal of a phone call.

I watched as Fred, clearly frustrated with this new producer, slowly but surely created an energy divide between himself and his potential client. This was not what he intended to do. The conversation ended with my client thinking, and conveying unconsciously that the production company did not know what they were doing. In this space, Fred did not convey how he could help them complete their project. He did not hear the producer’s concerns about the cost of his services, etc. The communication between the two was not accomplishing the goals for either side. In the end, the production company promised to get back to Fred at the end the day and they never did.

As an intuitive, I see this happen all the time. Quite simply Fred responded through his thoughts and feelings and not being focused on the goal for this conversation. This is more common than you would think. I know all of you are thinking that you would never do that or let that happen when, in fact, it happens all the time simply because we are not aware.

In working with business owners and professionals, I recommend a simple, intuitive exercise that raises your awareness. This exercise is designed for you to clear your thinking and the energy in your space before you make a call. I suggest this so that you don’t automatically and unconsciously talk through pictures, thoughts or energy in your space. We have all done this then thought, “I didn’t mean to say that.”

The second part of this intuitive exercise is taking the time to focus on your plan for the call. In this way, you create a clear mental image picture that guides your conversation to the outcome you are looking for.

Intuitive Exercise Before making that phone call close your door. Sit down. Take a deep breath. Close your eyes. Bring all your attention and awareness onto yourself. Notice how you are doing. Let go of whatever is on your mind. Decide how you want to be in the meeting. How do you want your potential client to experience you? What do you want to happen in this call? Begin to imagine the conversation in your mind’s eye. See it intuitively out in front of you. Don’t think! See it! Imagine it! When you can see or imagine this conversation exactly as you would like then you are ready. This could take five minutes, or an hour depending on how much energy you have about the call. How clear you are about the purpose of the call, how much energy you have in your space to clear and what other things are on your mind?

Don’t shoot yourself in the foot.  It is worth the time to set the energy and your focus before you make that sales call.

Note: Regular meditation makes this easier helping you get into a routine of clearing your space and setting your goals.  Online Meditation each Monday

Intuition + focus + energy = success


We have all heard about the power of visualization. This is not a new concept and can be a speedy way to achieve the goals you have for yourself and your company. As a business intuitive, I am aware that my most successful clients are those who have a strong vision of what they want to create. They are clear and certain. I have other clients that have an equally clear vision though they are not as successful. There are many factors I see intuitively that contribute to this, but there is one that is true of all of them.

My most successful clients have a clear vision. They also have a strong focus and determination to have their vision manifest. The second group has an equally strong vision though are not as focused, certain or determined. When I look at this from an intuitive perspective, I see men and women who have the ability to create a mental image picture ( vision) that is exactly what they want to create. It is similar to a drawing, photo or video that you hold in your mind’s eye.

The next step is harnessing and gathering your attention; focus and energy to bring to this vision into reality. Therein lies the difference between these two groups of professionals and business owners. One group brings their energy, focus to activate their vision. This changes it from a mental image picture to a physical reality. The picture is energized.

Sometimes it is easy to energize a vision and sometimes it takes great force. Have you ever heard the term “force of will” or “through force of will”? Both of these terms refer to a person’s ability to focus their life force energy on a vision to transform it into something physical. If I were a physicist, I might explain the effects of energy on a vision in terms one might use to describe quantum physics.

My best counsel on this would be to have a clear vision. This is not always as simple as it may sound. Meditation would help in this regard. Next bring your focus and attention directly on this vision. Do not be distracted. Take steps directed toward your vision. Finally, push yourself through any limits real or imagined. Repeat any of these steps as needed. Most importantly, don’t give up your goals!

Don’t shoot yourself in the foot. It is worth the time to set the energy and your focus before you make that sales call.

Note: Regular meditation makes this easier helping you get into a routine of clearing your space and setting your goals. Online Meditation each Monday For more information.


The trinity and business ownership

dreamstimefree_2565706 It may seem like a strange concept but trust me it works.   Successful business owners have a balance between their body, mind and spirit.  It works something like this.   One aspect of a business owner is as a visionary with a creative idea and the undeniable urge to see this vision manifested.   This brings out the the organizer side of the business owner.  The organizer side takes this vision, adds color, texture, and  has a passion to make it a reality.  The organizer grounds our business in a physical reality.  The organizer, or our analytical side, creates the structure for our vision.  Finally, there is the do-er side of us.  This is the side of the business owner that knows how to provide the product or service of our business.

These three aspects of a business owner are familiar to each of us.  When we are able to move easily between these three aspects of ourselves then our business has the chance to thrive.   When we are stuck in one or the other aspects then we are out of balance and, not surprising, so is our business.  From an intuitive perspective our business is a physical manifestation of who we are.  The more we know about ourselves the more we know about our business.  Notice for yourself.  Can you move easily between each of these three parts?  Are you more comfortable as the visionary and neglect the doer side?  Perhaps you are comfortable but have lost the passion of the visionary.  Try the intuitive exercise below to get your business back in balance and moving toward greater success.

Intuitive Exercise:  Find a quiet place to sit, close your eyes and quiet your body.  Take a deep breath.  Bring your attention and awareness within you.  Imagine (or see in your minds eye) three roses about 6 inches in front of you.  Each rose represents one of the three aspects described above.  Look intuitively at each rose.  What do you notice about these three roses?  Is one bigger than the others?  Is the vibration of each rose the same or different?  Don’t think or analyze.  This is an intuitive exercise. Notice more.  Now imagine each rose as vibrant and energized.  When you can see this balance your meditation is complete.

What is wrong with rose colored glasses?

dreamstimefree_36802811 The recent Monday Meditation was very enlightening.   We focused on enjoying our business and enjoying our life.  What is not to like about this?  Everyone was excited by the possibilities.  In reality meditating with this in mind was not as easy as everyone imagined.

We are not an island meaning that whatever is going on around us affects us.   Actually it affects us until we decide NOT to become or match the energy.  The US is at war in Iraq and Afghanistan.  It seems far away.  Intuitively it does affect us.  We have thoughts and feeling about these wars and others including Gaza.  We have reactions to the world situation as a whole.  The media is constantly pushing us to react one way or another.  This affects us.  We become more serious and are aware of the problem.  This bleeds over to other aspect of our lives including our business.  Suddenly our business is serious and we have problems to solve.

Meditation is a way to stop matching or being the effect of one event or another.  Meditation is a way to find the quiet space within and become aware of what is affecting us.  We gain perspective. Not only do we  become aware we can change our energy, our perspective and ultimately our lives and our business.  A simple change in our energy can change everything.

In this Monday Meditation everyone changed their perspective, their vision and ultimately their energy to enjoying their business and their life.   The result of this may be a period of discomfort.  If we are routinely serious or sensitive to  solving a problem then simply deciding to enjoy has ramifications.  Ramifications that are well worth having.

Try this intuitive meditation:  Take 3o minutes to one hour to sit quietly, close your eyes, focus your attention and awareness on yourself.  Breathe often.  Become aware of what is on your mind.  Clear your thinking.  Clear your mind. Finally begin to imagine enjoying your business and your life.  Keep imagining until you can see this in your minds eye.  It is something we all want but seeing it  and imagining it happening requires using your intuition.  Keep imagining until you can see it clearly.  When you can see joy in your minds eye then you will experience in your life.

Enjoy!  Kay

Running a business is scary!

A time to go within
A time to go within

OK so you own a business. Have you noticed that this is a journey in self-awareness? As a business intuitive one of my main roles is to work with business owners when they hit the wall! Every successful business owner experiences this periodically. From my intuitive perspective this is one of the best times for a business to take a step towards more success if the owner is willing to realize that their own personal limits are affecting their business. This may not always be logical but it is very spiritual and intuitive. From my experience in working with business owners I can tell those who will be successful. Half the clients I work with as a business intuitive call me when they are scared about their business succeeding or frustrated that it is not growing. I look at intuitively are the concepts they have about themselves and their business. I also look at the emotional charge on these concepts. If we acknowledge that our business is a physical manifestation of who we are then it is an easy transition from “My business is stuck” to “I am stuck”. What is not always apparent is what we are stuck on. Often the concepts and energies that are affecting us are very old or are buried deep in our space. To get the energy moving in our business often means getting the energy moving in our personal space. The owner of hedge fund found his fear of loosing his business related to his fear of being alone. Real estate investor hit the wall when she realized she could not let people be on her side and related this to hiding others from an alcoholic parent. A business consultant hit the wall when the grief of a 10-year-old divorce was re-stimulated. A high fashion model hit the wall because her parents feared loosing her. The list goes on. It is surprising how easy it is to recognize and move out of these fears but it does take the courage of self-awareness, determination and amusement. Yes, amusement. That is the top of another blog. Businesses that succeed include those where we are willing to have a personal journey to discover what limits our success. We may be aware of some of these concepts and some are unconscious and have an emotional charge. Taking the time to realize these concepts and clear the energy charge on these pictures will result in the energy moving in our business. When you hit the wall try this exercise. If all else fails don’t be afraid to get an intuitive consultation to see what’s within you that is affecting your success. Intuitive Exercise (meditation) Find a time when you can sit quietly for a while. Close our eyes. Breathe deeply and often. Let go of tension when you exhale. Imagine bringing all your attention and awareness in around you. Bring your attention off of your business, your family, and your life and focus your attention within. Breathe! Continue until you feel like you are centered in present time. Most importantly do not think! In this exercise you are going to open to your intuition so relax and image in your minds eye, visualize a symbol for your business. See it out in front of you. We do this so that you don’t think and open to your intuition. If you cannot see a symbol for your business pretend to. The next step is important. You will want to pay attention to the very first thing that comes to mind. Do not require or expect that it is logical. Logic will alter the response. Your intuition is the first response. The next immediate thought is analytical and not true. Relax. Focus within. See the symbol of your business or goal in front of you. Now ask silently the question you have. Notice your first fleeting impression. There is your answer. Enjoy your personal journey and your business success.

Selling? Develop long term customers…

j0289893 There are many ways to create a sale.  Some people rev-up their energy and run an intense sales pitch through your space.  In the onslaught of the energy many may, in fact, buy what is being sold.   Once the client gets out of the energy of the sale they will do one or both of these.  They will return or cancel the contract because they felt pushed into something or they will simply never use the produce or service again for the same reason.  Customers are very sensitive to energy.  Salespersons or business owners who are aware set the energy of their contacts with an intuitive eye to the customer.   Knowing your customer and what they are in need of then will develop long-term relationships with their clients/customers.

To create this long-term relationship in which customers come back again and again we must be intuitive.  There are several levels to a sale.

1. Telling your potential customer about the product.
2. Knowing what their needs are.

This is as far as most business folks go but there is a third and absolutely essential piece.  Your customer has thoughts or pictures that affect their ability to hear what you tell them and to see the value of your product or service.  They may be aware of these thoughts or pictures or is may be entirely unconscious to then.  Either way this is what will determine whether they buy from you or not.  This is where intuition comes in.

There is a current rage that says’ “Find their pain.  Address their pain.”  Well, that is the answer for some customers and will certainly help with that group but there are other energies that affect them.

Telling the customer more and more about your product or service, thinking the more they know the more likely they will be to purchase, is a limited perspective.  Sure knowing the product is important but it does not matter if the person is preoccupied by a competing thought.  Maybe the couple just had an argument before meeting you.  You have no chance. Their attention is elsewhere.  Maybe your client is put off by something in the environment where you are meeting and can’t get beyond that.  There are so many possibilities it is impossible to know ahead of time so we rely on our intuition.

Telling a customer why they need the product or service will have the same result if they are distracted by a competing thought.  It is well know that businesses make most of their money from repeat customers.  Selling is not about getting this sale.  Selling is about creating a customer.  Someone who you will keep over time.   This means getting to know your customer and what their needs are.  It also means knowing the unconscious or semi-conscious thoughts or pictures that have an impact on their decisions.  This is where your intuition comes in.

Let me offer an intuitive exercise that you may find useful.

1. Before you meet with your potential customer take the time to stop and ground yourself.
2. Perhaps close your eyes and bring all your attention and awareness into present time.
3. Gather your energy from your day and be present.
4. Imagine your appointment with your customer.
5. Decide how you would like to be in this meeting.
6. Open intuitively to your customer.
7. Intuitively, what do you see about them?  What is on their mind?  Just imagine.

These are some of the steps you can take to open intuitively before you meet with your client.

When you meet with your client use your own style of presentation then sit back.  Make some separation from your potential client if you are completely in their space.  By doing this you gain some perspective.  Stop thinking and start noticing.  Open your intuition. What do you notice about this person intuitively?  Stop talking and start listening.  Find out about them.  Let them talk to you about what they are looking for.  Don’t think.  Notice intuitively more than listening to their words.  What do you notice separately from what they are saying?  Don’t respond just keep listening until you “see” that you have a clear picture of who they are and what’s on their mind.  If your product is not the right fit, say so and let them go.  I could give you a thousand reasons why this is a good idea but that is another blog.

If your product is the right fit then keep opening intuitively to find the picture or thought in their space that is in the way.  Talk about what you intuit.  Keep reading them and talk about their “fears”.  You don’t have to sell your product at this point.  You are simply getting your customer on the same page with you by finding out why they are not.

As they feel that you hear them they will begin to engage in knowing who you are or how your product or service might work for them.

Why not choose your passion?

dance           Sarah (not her real name) is changing her professional life so she contacted me for an intuitive perspective on her new business ideas.  First she had the time, desire and the resources to start a new business.   Her only decision was “What should I create next?”  Sarah is a very creative woman who has been able to create successfully thus far so why the uncertainty now?

As we spoke she outlined three business options she was considering.  All were excellent ideas.  I watched her intuitively as she spoke and the energy of each of the businesses she presented looked flat.  What was making her consider these options?  Others good ideas?  Maybe they were good strategic business moves but the energy as she considered them did not spark a creative vibration in her and, therefore, would not create success.  A simple intuitive principle to business success is knowing what energy a business vibrates in you.  It is simple to create a business but to sustain it in a successful way it has to engage our creativity, enthusiasm and/or passion.  I did not see any of these vibrations in the options Sarah presented that day.

As I “looked” at her I saw her passion for dancing so I asked her to tell me about dancing.   Her energy changed.  Sarah began to describe in great detail her life’s dream is to own a dance studio.  She went on at length telling the vision she has always had and how she imagined this studio.  I wondered why she was considering other business ideas that clearly did not spark this kind of enthusiasm in her.

If you are going to create a business why not create the business of your dreams?  It will be no more or less a challenge than other business ideas.  I could see her fear.  She could not imagine creating her dream.  Somehow she did not see this as possible.

So as you might expect we ended this consultation with her committing to exploring the dance studio as her new business venture and fulfilling a life long dream!  It would mean that she would not only create a business plan but spend time imagining or visualizing this business.  In the end, no matter how passionate you are, if you cannot imagine something then it will not manifest!

I will let you know how she does as you pursues her dream and releases her fears.

Be careful what you pray for….

kay00340kYou will get what you pray for. This may happen gracefully or not so gracefully. I see this happen all the time. It has happened to me. Years ago I was the Director of Services for the largest non-profit. I wanted out. The political energy of my job was so intense I could not relax. The needs of our clients far surpassed our ability to serve them and that was hard, but I could not quit. I was a single mom at that time, and my sense of responsibility kept me in a good paying job. I found myself writing in my journal. I wanted to change jobs. I wanted to start my business. I wrote this every day but I could not take the steps to make it happen. I felt that I needed the regular paycheck. I had a child to take care of. Then I was laid off! How could that happen? I was the best at my job! How could this happen? Then I realized I had prayed and imaged leaving this job. The universe was manifesting around my dream, my desire. I could not or wouldn’t quit so what another option was there? The only way my dream could manifest was not very graceful. I am grateful that I was laid off! I could finally create the business that I wanted.

So be careful what you pray for. I have a client who knows she has to leave her corporate job. No, she wants to leave her corporate job. She is paid well so she cannot just quit. She has not decided exactly what she wants to do next. She feels strongly about leaving and so her whole universe is manifesting around that vision. Good new. Bad news. The bad news is she feels like she is being pushed out of her job. Didn’t she pray for this? She does not have a plan for where she is going next. The universe manifests what we want, but we have to know what that is.

So the message is, notice what you are “praying for” or imaging because it is manifesting.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

Take A Chance! ! Do something out of the ordinary

RoutineWe are set in our ways. We have our routines. We know what we want and how to get there or so we think. If you are doing the same things each time to create your business, it may be fine, but nothing will change. What you are doing now is creating the business you have now. If you want to take a step up, make a change, increase your revenue, have more fun then business as usual won’t work.

On an intuitive level, we set the energy of our business consciously or unconsciously. The way in which we set the energy determines our success, how much we have to work and whether we enjoy it. So if you want the energy of your business to change or to get the energy going then get out of your routine! Do something out of the ordinary! Change the energy.

The energy of routine, keeping everything the same creates a hold on your business and its ability to grow. Doing something out of the ordinary means getting out of your comfort zone, taking some risks and changing the routines. Try it today, and you will notice the difference. What are you bored with? What are you so used to that you do not even notice any more or even notice if it is working? What are your routines? Change them. What do you know about creating your business? Now change that thinking!

This is not rocket science, but it is so easy to lose ourselves in what is familiar. The bigger the change, the more of an impact it will have on the energy of your business. Be intuitive. Notice where the energy of routine or familiarity has stopped or affected your success. You will see intuitively how unconscious and unaware you have become. Look in one or more aspects of your company, staff, ideas, decor, contacts, etc. Give it a try and let me know what happens.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

Palin. Be Intuitive. Read between the lines.

I am certainly enjoying hearing everyone speculate about Sarah Palin, who she really is and what impact she intends to have. To know the answer to these questions we have to get out of our analyzer and move into an intuitive space. Listening to her words or anyone’s words never gives the full picture.

As business owners, it is always a goal to be able to “read” our clients and potential clients, to know the best way to serve them and see how our products or services will fit their needs. The trick is always to find out what they are looking for because clients are not always good at articulating or stating this. We have to be intuitive.

Successful business owners have the ability to stop thinking, move into an intuitive space and “read” their clients, the market and timing. One of my clients owns a very successful hedge fund. He is successful because he knows how to “read” intuitively. His decisions often defy logic, but they are always intuitive.

When you are struggling to find the right way to approach a particular client, or you want to close a big deal try this intuitive technique.

Intuitive Technique: Take a deep breath and “step back”. Find separation from the client and the issue. Imagine pulling your energy and your attention off the client, issue or problem. Bring all your attention onto yourself. Preferable bring your attention into the center of your head. Imagine your client, their issue, etc. Take another deep breath. Now open to your intuition. Stop thinking, and allow your thoughts to flow. Notice what you become aware of. Don’t think. Just notice. You can create a question for yourself such as, “What is in the way of Amtrak closing the deal with us?” Don’t think of the answer. Just notice what comes to mind. Notice the first thought that comes to mind. Don’t analyze it. Maybe ask, “What is the best way to help them see the value of our product/service?” Don’t think. Notice your very first thought.

Let me know how this goes. If you would like personal mentoring on using this technique just let me know.

Best wishes on your success, Kay