What do you dwell on? That’s what you are creating. Yikes!

dv1990098We spend our time dwelling on the energy in our space, the thoughts in our head, problems, people and more. How might things be different if we directed our attention? How might things be different if we consciously decided what to dwell on? What would happen if we did not dwell on energies in our space but on the life we are creating?

First, it would be hard to do because no one taught us that we could choose. No one taught us that we pick up other’s energy and thoughts all day long into our space. And indeed, no one taught us that we could and should remove energy that is not ours from our space every day. No one taught us to clear our thinking.

So now as adults we live in a reality where we keep others energy and thoughts in our space and think it is ours. The owner of a very successful company described an experience in which she could not get a client off her mind. Sara was dwelling on him regularly and could feel him in her space. She tried everything she could think of the get free of him finally she danced. She danced for hours, enjoying every minute of it, bringing her energy back into her space and releasing the energy and thoughts of her client. This worked for her.

Charles found himself dwelling on his staff; felt that he could not get free of them, their expectations and his thoughts about it. Then it occurred to Charles that perhaps he could decide what to focus on and what to think. Charles knew he had to get his space back from everyone, so he got into his car, put the top down and headed for the coast. The coast had always been a place of personal sanctuary for Charles, and it reminded him of times when he was clear and enjoyed dwelling on the life he desired.

Both of these examples are great stories of someone recognizing they wanted their space back so that they could focus their thoughts intentionally. Their solutions worked but are not practical for each moment of our day.

The goal would be to focus our thinking and our energy, as we desire throughout our day. Doing this would change our lives in positive ways. Rather than dwelling on problems, we would focus on how we want our lives to be personally and professionally. Focusing on what we do want changes everything.

Because this would be a significant change, we have to start small. First, begin to notice what you dwell on. Becoming aware of our thoughts is essential to create change. Next, imagine releasing or coming out of those thoughts. It may mean letting go of thoughts others have placed in your space as well as thoughts you added to that conversation. Stop the conversation. Finally, redirect your attention. Begin to focus on and think about how you do want in this moment, today , this week, etc. in the context of the life you desire.

It helps to write down what you are creating in your life, to help you direct not only your thinking but also your actions. Thoughts are creative so create your thoughts. Create thoughts that support the life you desire.  Do not dwell, even for a second, on what you do not want.

Best wishes for success, Kay


Whatever You Imagine Is Being Created

Intuitive - Clear seeing

As a kid, I was self-conscious, not wanting to fail especially when others could see. Fear of failure was particularly evident in sports. I wanted to go on a group ski trip but did not know how to ski. I wanted to go with friends ice-skating except I did not know how to ice skate. My family planned to go water skiing with another family, and I did not know how to water-ski. Now you are thinking everyone has to learn and that makes sense except I could not tolerate not knowing, and the fear of failing was immense.

From that early age, I learned to visualize. No one taught me. It just seemed the only way. In all these sports, I had at least one experience trying and, of course, failing but I knew how it felt, so I started to imagine myself performing the skill needed for the sport. For example, I did this over and over then I would dream about skiing. When I could feel myself skiing in my dreams, I found that I could ski! This same technique worked for roller-skating and other sports. From there, with experience and practice I got better.

As I grew up, I used this same technique in other situations where I was not certain. Over and again I found that if I could imagine it, I could do it. Visualizing worked in college, in social situations, car repairs and more. It worked so well that I teach all my clients to visualize. Visualizing is not a new concept. Hundreds of studies have proven its impact. Thousands of teachers and coaches use visualization to develop their students, clients, and athletes. Some in the medical profession use it with patients to imagine their desired outcome.

Visualizing works both ways. We can imagine the outcomes we desire. On the other hand, if we imagine and dwell on the negative, what we fear and what we don’t want that manifests as well. Whatever we imagine is created. We can imagine a negative outcome just as easily as something we want.

Notice what you dwell on. Do not dwell on, imagine or visualize what you do not want. Don’t be too curious about someone else’s mishap. Don’t imagine what that was life for them so that you do not create it for yourself.

The essence is to focus your mind’s eye. Focus on manifesting what you do want. Keep your mind clear and your attention off any negative thoughts. Create your vision of success, be certain and take steps in present time to move in that direction.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

Nothing is Wrong

Upset woman

A simple explanation for why everything feels wrong. Perhaps you are not in present time. I know this is not logical, but it is not meant to be. From an intuitive perspective, when we are fully in present time we understand what is and decide what to create at that moment. When we are not in present time, then it feels like things are happening to us, and we do not have control.

When we are not in present time, we are mostly likely lost in thought, thinking and over thinking. Our mind and thoughts create stories based on our worries, our fears, complaints, judgment of things and other negative perspectives. The judging mind is different from our creative mind that works with us to create otherwise we are in our judging mind.

These perspectives on the mind and our thinking may be new to you, and perhaps you never noticed how your mind works. We are always in it, thinking, thinking and thinking. It is addictive and habitual. When we come out of our mind and allow ourselves to be deeply present at the moment, our perspective on everything is different.

In present time, we do not judge. We observe. We decide and create. Accepting what is in present time allows us to see more clearly where we want to be and move in that way. Conversely, when we are in our mind complaining and judging where we are then we go more deeply into the circumstance we are resisting.

Because this is not logical, it is intuitive. Intuitive concepts are not understood by the mind. Intuitive concepts are understood through awareness and experience so try this.

  • Notice a problem you are IN.
  • Stop thinking about it and come deeply into present time. To come into present time focus deeply on yourself and what you are experiencing (not thinking) at this moment.
  • Once you are deeply present, then observe the problem. Don’t think about it or argue with yourself about it. Just observe it.
  • Observe the problem. Be intuitive. Imagine pulling yourself out of the problem. See it as something you can observe.
  • Imagine pulling your energy out of it.
  • When you feel separate enough from it, then decide to allow it to be.
  • Take your attention off the problem. Focus on yourself. Decide how you want to be in present time and be there.

Learning how to come into present time when a problem presents itself creates the most amazing results. So before you react to any problem, give this a try then notice how you choose to respond in present time.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

Your Power to Create

iStock_000040644216MediumIntuition is widely discussed these days though few know how to use this ability. Most references to intuition relate to our ability to pick up on things, to know, to read and to trust our gut. These describe the receiving side of intuition. Few know about or understand the other side, our power to create.

Creative intuition is not a logical discussion so you will have to open to your intuition. Our thoughts create. A short and simple statement that cannot be understood by the mind. Quantum Physics has provided the science behind this long known ability to have to create, manifest and change our reality simply by placing our attention on it. Quantum physics states that the observer has a direct impact on whatever they have their attention on.

A simpler way of saying this is, “Our thoughts are creative.” As a coach and consultant, this is in my awareness all the time. I pay attention to the words my clients use, the thoughts they express, the attitude they have. Those who are successful are optimistic, positive, have a strong vision, are problem solvers and are determined. You never hear a negative word or thought come from them.

Joyce is a new client and a business owner. At first she presents a friendly, positive perspective but my sense was behind that persona is a lot of negative energies. Joyce started coaching because her eight-year business is barely breaking even. She wants success. I know that success and failure are not coincidental. I could feel intuitively how tightly she held things, anger deep inside her. Her energy did not flow. That showed up in her business by money not flowing; relationships were not flowing, and difficulty getting clients to reorder.

After a couple of pleasant coaching sessions, Joyce let down her guard showing how negative she is, seeing everything as a problem, not keeping clients, not having money, etc. My efforts to encourage her to look at things from a different perspective fell on deaf ears. She was set in her ways, so our coaching ended.

Knowing that thoughts are creative I felt awful that Joyce was creating her business failure but could not see it. She felt her struggles were due to circumstances outside herself, the competition, the Internet, and so on.

On the other hand, I have clients who understand that they create. They guard what they say. When they have a crisis, they see it as something they can fix so that they can continue to focus on their vision of success. They are kind to those around them, seeing the best in them. My successful clients have a positive outlook and setbacks are just seen as part of life and move on. They keep their vision in mind all the time and work from their passion to get there. Failure is not in their mind.

Thoughts are creative. Notice what you think. Keep your highest vision in mind and see yourself there. Stay away from negative people, stories, conversations, thoughts, statements, and experiences. Take control of your space meaning keep your energy high so that energy is moving. Take control of your thinking so that every thought you entertain is one that builds your vision of success.

Notice how things are different for you when you see yourself creating your vision of success.  Knowing that your thoughts create, what are you creating now?

Notice how things are different for you when you see yourself creating your vision of success. Knowing that your thoughts create, what are you creating now?

You’ve Gotta Feel It To Make It

0082 Adobe ID 044ASP367940For years, as a coach, I have worked to encourage everyone to take the time to stop and see clearly his or her vision of success. Some resist it. Others get it. Over time most of my coaching clients have settled in with the practice of making sure they have a clear vision – but that is not enough.

Now don’t get me wrong. A clear vision of what you are creating is essential for your success but truly it is only a mental image picture in your mind’s eye. Right? When we stop here then, we have a vision that we want to manifest, but it’s not happening.   A vision must be energized to be real-ized.

There are many ways to add energy to a vision so that it shows up in your world. Taking actions or steps are obvious and essential but there is more.

We have to feel successful. We have to feel successful in the body.  When we have a great vision, are taking all the right steps but don’t feel successful then we manifest failure.

Creating a clear vision is not easy for most but with time spent on reflecting, meditating and focusing, it can be created. As for actions, we are taught to create plans, define steps and take action. The key is to take action that will make a significant difference not just keep you busy.

More importantly is how we feel about our vision of success. How do we react emotionally to the idea of it? What are our thoughts about our vision? If how we feel or think about our vision are not aligned then the vision stays in the realm of something that we want versus something we can have.

So here are the steps:

  • See clearly in your mind’s eye your vision of success. Eyes closed. Imagine your success precisely as you would like it to be and see it happening now – not in the future.
    • Write it down.
  • Notice your thoughts about this vision. Clear any thoughts that compete with it, for example, all the reasons why you can’t be successful.
    • Clear your thinking.
  • Create thoughts that support your vision. Have you ever deliberately created thoughts? This is a time to do it. Think of ways to make it happen and steps you can take and reasons why it will work.
    • Write down those steps.
  • Now notice how you feel about it. Does your energy level rise when you focus on your vision of success? Do you feel inspired, excited, creative, enthusiastic, etc.? These are high vibrations of energy when focused on a mental image picture are creative. On the other hand, if your energy drops or you entertain feelings at the lower energy levels, i.e. worry, fear, doubt, tension, stress then your vision will not manifest because that is how you feel about it.
    • Raise your energy level to enthusiasm.

Take the time to align body, mind and spirit around your vision of success. You can change your thinking. You can change the energy level you are being. It takes focus to change old patterns and ways of being. See your vision of success, believe in it and feel inspired as you make it happen.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

Free vision form for businesses.  Login-Register  > Add A Membership > Forms

This Moment Creates

Abstract with heartDon’t blame anyone or anything else. If we step back, pay attention and become conscious of how we are being there is an answer. This has been said many times by many thought leaders.

Working with business owners and professionals focused on success for more than two decades I watch them create what they in front of them. My quick and simple observation, we create our reality. It is not rocket science. Listen to anyone talk about their day, before it begins, and you will hear and see what they have decided to create. They would probably not see themselves as responsible for what is going to happen, but they are. We all are.

Our thoughts about things create. The energy level we bring to our day creates. It is time to be mindful, to be in present time, observe and change it if we do not like where we are at the moment.

Most of us are programmed to create goals, have a vision, create a plan and all of that is fine but more important is how we are being in this moment because it is creative. We can have a vision of the future we desire for our business, our career or ourselves, and that is essential so that you are focused on what you are creating.

That vision stays a vision until we begin to change where we are. Where we are now creates what we have now so if we want something different then we have to change, a lot! When we begin to be conscious and aware of ourselves at the moment and create change starting here, we will experience an impact on everything.

Start each day by asking yourself these questions. The answer is not logical so do not think. Instead tune into yourself and notice how you feel, your thoughts about things and where you are focused.

• What energy level am I right now?
• Is this where I want to be? (If not, change your energy level to enthusiasm or above)
• What do I have my attention on?
• Is this where I want to have my attention? (If not, change your attention to something that serves your vision for yourself today)
• What do I expect from today? (Don’t think just notice where you are. You can change what you expect to align more with who you are and what you value.)
• What is on your mind or in your space? (Other’s stuff probably. Let it go. Clear your mind and clear your space.)

Decide to spend this day being mindful, conscious and aware, deciding in each moment of awareness to adjust and change to how you truly want to be.

Knowing how we truly want to be at the moment is not easy because we are so used to being another way, by habit or routine. This means creating change from within then watching that change manifest in your world.

Have a great day!

Manifesting the hard way

200469161-001Mandy asked me to work with her to make a career change.  She had a good job that paid well.  She is seen as a leader in her industry but it is not what she wants to be doing.  Mandy was finding it hard to stay focused on her work.  She was distracted thinking about what she would rather to be doing.

When we begin to create a plan to transition to a new career or an old career revisited she got cold feet and worried that she needed the job she had.  Though she wanted a career change she could not imagine making it happen.  Mandy made some attempts to change her career then turned around and tried to find ways to connect with her current job. One step forward and two steps back.

From an intuitive perspective we are always getting our goals.  Mandy never gave up her goal to change careers so I knew it was manifesting.  I also know that goals manifest gracefully when we actively create them. Goals manifest less gracefully when we don’t.  So Mandy wanted out of her job and onto a new career but she could not take the steps to make it happen.  The only way for that change to happen was for her to lose her job. That is exactly what happened.  She was laid off so now she had to create the change she desired in the first place.   She was going to get her goal though not very gracefully.


This same scenario played out for Mary.  She was top executive in a large organization, was paid well and had a lot of visibility but it was not the job she wanted.  Over and over again she decided to quit and each time she thought about leaving she would get a raise.  As a single mom she could not imagine quitting a good paying job so she stayed all the while visualizing her next step.  Her vision manifested when one day suddenly she was laid off.  At first she was angry then she realized that she had visualized a job change for a long time.  Being laid off was the only way her vision could manifest and so it did.

My best counsel is to take charge of the change you desire.  It is going to happen one way or another.  Remember the saying, “Be careful what you pray for.”   Take a moment to notice the changes you have imagined.  Are you actively working to make it happen?  If not,  be intuitive and notice what would have to happen to move your vision forward.  How do you want to manifest your vision?  Be proactive or have it happen a bit less gracefully.  You decide.

Best wishes,  Kay


Be Careful What You Choose

Cloud SmileysI just have to ask, “What do you choose?”   Every day I watch business owners and professionals make really great choices and others make the worst choice possible but they do not see it.  Of course, they do not see it.  Who would deliberately make a really bad choice yet it happens all the time.  So today I ask you to look deeper at what is behind choice for you.

Making choices is the most powerful creative act we perform each day.  The choices we make create our reality (spiritually and physically)and yet we often do this with so little regard.  What do you choose to have in your life?  The energy behind our choices is important in understanding the experiences we are creating.  Do we make choices from fear, resistance, anger, etc.?  Wow!  It will manifest from there.  On the other hand do we make choices from enthusiasm, compassion, love, excitement, validation?  If so, it will manifest in that way.

We make choices all day long.   Some are automatic responses made without a second thought.  We might also chose based on the collective consciousness – go with the flow.  Finally, you could choose from your inner awareness of the choices before you and make your highest choice which is not always the easy one.

Making choices to control something never turns out well because we know we do not have control – ever.   We can make choices that set forth how we want to be in relation to someone or somethingbut controlling it is never a reality.

I work with business owners and professionals every day.  Some take responsibility for their choices, understand what is behind them and learn about the impact of the choices they make.  Others do not want to know, to be conscious of themselves or take responsibility for the result of the choices they make everyday.  They just decide and move on.  How well someone understands themselves and what drives their choices is reflected in their personal and professional success.  No one to blame.

There is much to be learned by understanding ourselves and what is driving one choice or another, hopefully before we make it.   The choice itself does not matter nearly as much as the thoughts, pictures, concepts, emotions and energy that is behind it.  Why do you want to make that choice?  What is behind it emotionally, conceptually, etc.?  You have heard, “Be careful what you pray for” or “Be careful what you believe”.  I would say even before that “Be careful what you choose”.

Your first choice here is whether to be aware of what is behind your choices.  This is an important choice.  What is behind this particular choice for you? To know yourself or not to know yourself.  The greatest step we can take to achieve our vision is to stop acting and reacting to everyone and everything but to choose how to be.  This is a choice to be conscious and aware of what we choose in each moment.  This means to be present, conscious and aware of self.

If something is not as you would like it to be – do not judge it.  Take a moment and remember the choice you made that brought you here.  If you do not have something perhaps it is because you have not yet chosen to have itor  you  inadvertently chose not to have it.   For example,  saying that you want something then thinking that it cannot happen is a choice not to have it.

Let’s assume you are someone who understands that the choices you make create  you experiences.  Let’s assume that you are willing to see and know what is behind your choices (fear, grief, anger, envy, control, love, enthusiasm, creativity, etc.).  Once you know thatanswer then make the highest and grandest choice even if it is at first uncomfortable.

All the choices we make come from the body, mind and spirit.  The best choices use all three.  From who you are as a spirit come your highest choices, your grandest vision of who you are and chose to be.  What is more common is for the body to want one thing, the mind to think another way and for you to know intuitively your highest choice.   What do you choose?  When we are aligned in body, mind and spirit our choices create results that will amaze.

Take time to stop and be aware of what is behind the choice you are making in each moment.  Make your highest and grandest choice then see what happens.

Best wishes on your success,


Why Do You Think That Way?

0032PhotonicaKnowing that thoughts are creative means to be careful what you think.  This past month I did a series on thinking. It included being aware of where we get lost in thought, stuck in our thinking, create negative thoughts and other possibilities.   In essence I noticed that we take little control of our thinking and, in fact, are not be aware this is happening.

Why do we dwell on thoughts that invalidate our goals and our vision for ourselves?  This happens all the time. We just go with it.  Whatever we dwell on manifests.  That may not be logical but it is very intuitive.  Notice for yourself what do you dwell on.  Do these thoughts support your vision of success?  If so,  I am going to guess that you are succeeding.  Do you dwell on thoughts that bring you down, focus on what is not happening or reasons why it is not happening?  I am going to guess that you are frustrated in not achieving your goals.  Without deciding which came first the chicken or the egg simply change your thinking and see what happens.

This is not as easy as it sounds because we are set in our ways, have little control of our thinking and worse yet we believe our thinking as if it was right and true.  There is a great deal of research that shows how our thinking can be dead wrong. Yikes!

I was giving a talk this week to a group of business owners and thoughts about their business.  One young woman stated emphatically that she was going to have to work 24/7 to be successful in her real estate business. regrettably there would be no time for husband and family.  I asked her, “Why do you think that way?”   She looked surprised.  I asked her if she really wanted to create her career in that way, working 24/7 and not having a family.  I suggested that she could change her thinking after all it was only her thinking and not necessarily true.  Could she imagine being successful and having a husband and family?

A physician told me that she was concerned this time of year because people don’t go to the doctor during holidays.   I asked her why she thought that way.  She also looked surprised as I suggested another way of thinking.  How about thinking that people decide to go to the doctor during the holidays because things are slower, they have time off or it is easier to take time off.  Surprised she agreed this is a possibility as well.  Which way would you direct your thinking?

We have free will and free thinking so why not create thoughts that support your vision of success in your personal and professional life.  How might things be different if we did not dwell on thoughts that negated this vision.   Take control of your thinking.  Catch yourself and change your thinking in ways that support your success.

Best wishes,  Kay


Fear, Failure & Success

200469161-001A common fear is failure.  Others don’t fear it at all and, in fact, embrace the challenges the possibility of failure presents.  These are two entirely different ways of being.  Success can be the result of both reactions depending on how you approach it.

I conducted a meditation with business owners and professionals on the fear of failure.  Now keep in mind it was not about actually failing just the fear of it.  From an intuitive perspective, thoughts and energy are creative so the fear of failure creates ….. failure.   We have to get out of fear or manage our fear if we want to be successful.

Meditation is a good tool for becoming aware of the fears that we hold.  From the quiet of meditation we can release the energy of fear from our space.  This works because the fear of failure is not logical and cannot be processed in that way. Fear is an energy that we can let go of when we are aware of it.

When  Fear Is A Good Thing

Fear is important to have in cases of illness, injury, threat, etc.  Fear creates a series of physiological reactions designed to make sure that we survive.  When we are in fear all our energy goes to the first chakra at the base of the spine.  Logic is set aside and replaced by automatic reactions.  This is all good when we are in danger.

Fear of failure does not pose a threat to our life so having our body react in survival and our logic compromised is not helpful.  It can cause us to act and react in ways that do not support our success.

Working with business owners and professionals I see this all the time.  Most of my clients are self-aware and freely talk about their fears knowing they are not in danger but know that  fear is in their way.    Where these fears originate  is a long story but for most of us fear begins at a young age.   When we are not aware of the nature of fear we can let it control us.

Fear of Failure

The most common fears I hear are fear of failure, not being good enough and fear of finances.  Some of my most successful clients express these fears often.   If we are sensitive to fear it will be re-stimulated easily and often in our space.  Suddenly we are in fear but we are not in danger.  We can sit in the energy of fear or we can become aware that something just re-stimulated a memory, experience,  emotion, stuck picture, etc.  When we realize this we can take charge of our space and come out of fear. Each time we take a step out of fear we release another layer of energy.  On the other hand when we sit in fear we add a layer of energy.  Which do you choose?

Kathy’s Aware of Fear

Kathy owns a steel manufacturing company and is growing each month.  Her greatest fear is failure despite all evidence to the contrary.  Without going into her story suffice to say that she vividly remembers her dad’s fear of failure and how uncomfortable it made her feel.  As she becomes aware of her own fear she steps back from it and resets her space to certainty as a women.   She finds that her fear passes (releases) and she moves on.

Not resisting fear or failure is important to our success.   Placing our attention and vision on what we are creating is a way of getting out of fear.  Sitting in fear is not productive and, in fact, creates many physiological reactions that are harmful to our body, mind and spirit.  So Fear Not!

Frank’s Fear

When we are in fear of failure it is easy to create stories in our mind that are not based in fact. Frank was in fear that his company was failing simply because he was waiting to hear on a bid he submitted.  He did not hear back for so long that he created a story in his mind that he did not get the bid, went into fear and failure then called me.  I asked why he was in fear?   Why was he in failure?   His bid had not been turned down.  I suggested  he use meditation to get out of fear and failure,  to refocus his attention on being awarded the bid and being successful.  Frank has free will so he can choose to focus on whatever vision he wants so why not chose to imagine success?  Frank did this meditation for three days and felt better.  Shortly afterwards he got a call that his bid was accepted.  Success!  Not a mystery.  Not a coincidence.   Frank changed his energy from fear of failure to visualizing success and so it manifested.

Notice if you are one of those who embrace the possibility of failure as a challenge to take a step up.  Or are you more inclined to go into fear first?   You can still embrace the challenge to take a step up.  Fear Not.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

Goal Not Happening

What goal is still not being achieved?  What part of your vision is not manifesting? This is frustrating when we are achieving goals and manifesting our vision in all areas except here.  If there was a logical solution you would have found it by now so let’s take an intuitive approach.  What is it within you that’s in the way?   Knowing that thoughts are creative, as are emotions, find out what you believe.

dreamstimefree_138882 Karen, Attorney at Law

One of my clients is an attorney with a fast growing practice.   Karen decided to change from having a law practice to having a law business.  We worked together to make this shift. This means she is more than an attorney.  She is a business owner. With the enthusiasm of this change Karen brought in many new clients and was in heaven.   After the glow (high energy) of this change wore off Karen started to hit a wall.  She was not meeting her financial targets and began to doubt herself.

On the face of it, she was doing all the right things so what happened?  Karen is self-aware so she knew to look within.   Karen found that at her core she believed that she could not run a business that she was just an attorney.  There are lots of reasons for this limited belief but more importantly Karen found it was her own thinking that was putting on the brakes.  Armed with this awareness she became determined to release the limiting thoughts and hold her vision to create a successful law business.  And she is.

Confident business womanSarah, Realtor

Sarah is a realtor.  She is young and would like a family but sincerely believes that if she wants to be successful in her career it will take all her time, hard work and attention.  This means she will have to put off her vision for being married.  When she told this to me I asked her why she was creating her reality this way.  It was precisely what she did not want to happen but believed it firmly.   I asked Sarah if she could imagine being a successful realtor, having a relationship and being married.   Sarah looked surprised.  She had spent so much of her time struggling with her own thinking that said either/or that she did not even consider the possibility of having both.   When Sarah realized it was her own thinking in her way it changed everything for her.

dreamstimefree_129031Max, Bakery owner

Max owns a bakery.  He works 24/7 or so it feels that way.  When Max called me he was at his wit’s end and about to give up his store.  I asked him the same question.  Why are you creating your business this way?  Can you imagine another way?  With that Max came up with a list of reasons: can’t find good help, can’t trust others to do it as well as he can, can’t afford to hire enough people, etc.  His list was long.  Knowing that thoughts are creative I asked Max why he chose to hold these thoughts as the basis for his business.  These beliefs will destroy his business.  Max never considered that he was the cause of his unhappiness and was not familiar with the notion that thoughts are creative.

Max was willing to try anything to save his business.  He agreed to learn meditation as a way to become self-aware, clear his thinking and create a new vision of success that more aligned to what he valued.   Max was able to imagine his bakery running successfully with the help of staff and soon after fired a handful of people who share his vision.  His business is thriving without him being there 24/7.

What About You?

What part of your vision is not manifesting?  What goals seem to elude you?  Now become aware of your thoughts creating this.   Clear your thinking.  Imagine your vision and goals manifesting.  Allow things to change and your vision to manifest.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

How are your thoughts in your way?

You Created It!

dreamstimefree_138882Life happens and we act and react to what comes our way.  That is an atheist view.  What if every thing that happens manifests through our own thinking about things?  This is truer but hard to grasp because it is not logical though it is very intuitive.  The proof falls in line when we see ourselves.  Let me share a story of one of my clients who learned that her thinking about things matters.

Susan – The Failed Leader

Susan is a  new director of a large research laboratory.  Under her is an array of doctors each a specialist in their field. Susie called me because she was trying to bring her team of doctors together for monthly department meeting.  To date some doctors never came, others came and controlled the meeting with their own banter, etc.  She was frustrated, felt disrespected and that her leadership was not recognized in the way that she wanted.  When I met with her I could see clearly how she was creating this scenario through her own thinking.

No One To Blame

Typically we look outside ourselves for why something is not going well.  In this case, Susan believed the doctors were being arrogant, had their egos in the way, etc.  This was what she believed and saw the problem was with them.  From an intuitive perspective I had her not focus outside herself but to be aware that she was creating this reality.   I saw her thinking was in her way.  Susan could not imagine bringing the doctors together under her leadership and to work collaboratively.  She feared their egos were stronger than hers that they would run her over and disregard her role so that is exactly what she created and experienced.  At first Susan argued that she was not creating this because it was not what she wanted.

Change Others or Go Within

Susan came up with many suggestions on how to make the doctors come to the meetings, follow her agenda, etc.  These were possible solutions though intuitively I knew they would not work until she changed her thoughts and pictures about her relationship to her staff.  Susan agreed to a guided meditation in which she could become aware of her thinking and vision of the lab.

 A New Vision

In meditation Susan began to imagine the research lab operating in a successful, supportive and collaborative way.  When she became aware of her thoughts about this person or another being in the way she cleared those thoughts and created a new perspective.  Susan meditated on the monthly staff meeting imagining it in a new way.  She began to see her team of doctors coming together, seeing value in collaboration, sharing expertise and generally enjoying the time together.  As she meditated on this she became aware of how much energy she had in resistance to the monthly meeting herself and released that energy from her space.   She was also aware of her fear that the doctors did not value her leadership and cleared those fears.   We continued in this fashion until she could see clearly all the doctors being in communication and support of the success of the lab.

Everyone Is Intuitive

A couple of intuitive points helped Susan understand how she was affecting her ability to be a leader.  Everyone is intuitive and the doctors simply picked up on Susan’s energy  (fear and uncertainty) and reacted in kind.   They intuitive read her pictures especially the one about doctors not wanting to follow her leadership and so they did not.  From an intuitive perspective be aware that people pick up on the energy and pictures in our space and react more to that than what we say.

 A New Reality

Once Susan cleared her thinking and released the energies in her space, I had her begin to see herself as a leader with a clear working relationship with all of her team, leading, setting the tone, being in communication and having fun.

In this meditation Susan changed her perspective and energy about the lab, her staff and specifically the monthly staff meeting.  Not surprising Susan reported that everything changed immediately.  She found herself approaching her communication with everyone in a new way resulting in a new response from each person.  They seemed to sense her clarity and certainty.  All the doctors attended the next monthly staff meeting, and she led them in a lively and productive case discussion.  It was clear to Susan the change was within her.  The staff sensed her clarity as a leader and the change in her perspective.

Clear Your Thinking 

What surprised Susan was she did not have to make her staff change though that seemed to happen.   Susan understood that she was in her own way.  Her thoughts about her staff, her fears about her own abilities and how she saw herself as the leader were manifesting in her reality. That has changed.   Susan committed to regularly assessing the thoughts and concepts she has in her space and on her mind and to meditate to find this clarity.

From an intuitive perspective we create our reality through our thoughts, fears and concepts.  Change your thinking and watch your reality change.  If there is a situation in your life or your work that is not as you would like it to be then stop to see what your thoughts are about it.   It is never the other person or the situation.  It is always manifesting from within us so meditate because the answer may not always be logical.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

Fear Money. Love Money. Your Choice.

????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????All human actions are motivated at their most basic level by fear or by love.  What does this have to do with money?  In some instances this is obvious.   In other ways it is not so obvious because fear or love may be the thought behind the thought behind the thought.  It is the original thought,  unconscious and subconscious, that controls our space.

From an intuitive perspective these are the pictures in our space or deeper still, the automatic programming that controls our ability to love or to fear money.  Whatever terms you use and however you get there, we all have layers of thoughts, pictures, concepts energies and emotions that create automatic  actions or reactions in every situation.

The goal is to become conscious and aware of how we are being, to take charge of our space and make deliberate decisions about how we want to be.  In this way we override these automatic responses that were set up in us through our genetics, family programming, experiences, media, education and other subtle and not so subtle forms of influence.

Every human thought, word and deed is based on love or fear.  Most of us act and communicate on our first thought.  There are no answers there.  Most of us believe money is the problem and we go into fear when we do not have  enough of it or feel in control of it.  Instead the core picture is not about money.  It is fear.  The energy of fear manifests around our thoughts about money because it is a problem in our mind.


So let’s talk about fear.  Your task is not to think about fear but simply be aware of your fears.   There are the thoughts “on the top of your head” then there are the thoughts behind that.  Meditation is a way to find these layers, to see them and know them intuitively.  You find your fears then release and let go of thoughts, pictures, memories, emotions and anything else that you discover during meditation.  In this way you create real change.  If you do not become aware, nothing changes.  If you do not let it go, nothing changes.

What fears do you hold in your space?   Fear stops energy from moving, closes down our awareness, makes us hide, deny, push away, lie, etc.  What do you fear the most?  What you fear the most is what you will experience more.  It is simple.  Fear is a strong energy and energy attracts.  Fear attracts fearful situations. Write down your fears. This helps bring them out of the unconscious spaces within you.

Fear is also a natural and important part of your survival instinct.  When we are in danger or dangerously ill, the physiology of the body changes to make us better able to react and protect ourselves (and the species) from harm.  This ability lies in the first chakra at the base of the spine.  Fear in the first chakra is important.   It’s when fear is stimulated for other reasons and in other parts of our body that it starts to control and distort our reality.

Fear and Money

Fear manifests around money because we have pictures, thoughts, energy and emotions in around money (conscious and unconscious).  Knowing that thoughts create here is a common set of thoughts around money. “I want money but I cannot have it (create it, make it, have enough, etc.).  So how do these thoughts manifest?  They manifest literally. Wanting but not having.

So what are your thoughts about money?  What are your thoughts behind that? Do you fear money or love money?  Do you love your money?  Or is most of your energy, thinking and emotions in fear of money?

A New Vision of Money

The next step is to be conscious and aware of how you want to be with money.  You have the ability to decide and to have control of your energy, your thinking, your emotions and your vision.  It is simply a matter of being conscious and aware in present time.  What is your vision for money in your life?  How would you like it to be not how you fear it will be?

When we are not conscious and aware, deciding how we want to be in the moment then all the unconsciousness in our space takes over creating automatic actions and reactions to everything not just money. Yikes!

So how do you want to be with money? This is something that you can decide logically but that won’t change anything.  You have to go deeper to override the unconscious levels in us.  Our challenge is to continually chip aware of the unconscious levels that control our space.  The more awareness we have the easier it is to create.  Meditate and imagine a new vision of money in your life.  See it in your mind’s eye.  Feel it in the body.

In all ways we are the creator.  I know that is hard to hear and to understand but it is our purpose this lifetime, to grow in our understanding of our ability to create. See clearly your new vision of money that you are creating.  See it happening now not in the future.  See it clearly in your mind’s eye.  Feel having it in the body.  Allow your thinking to be aligned to this vision.  (Body, mind and spirit).  Write it down.  Read it daily.  Act in ways that creates a new vision of money in your life.   Love it or Fear it.  Your choice.

Best wishes on your success,


Note: Continue to meditate to bring fear out of your money space and meditate on your vision of money in your life.  It will make all the difference.

Focus on a goal – Create a miracle

GoalsOn my way to give a presentation today on “Staying on Track to Achieve Goals” I created a miracle.  One of the main concepts in my talk was the importance of focusing on one goal intently even if you are not certain how to make it manifest.

I took BART and realized I did not have the dollar to pay for my parking.  I thought about paying on my way back after I got some cash then feared I would forget. I decided to use the focus concept from my presentation.  I had to focus intently on my goal to make it manifest even if I was not certain how it would happen.

I went back down to the payment machines focused on finding a dollar to pay for my parking.   As I approached the machines I saw one of them had a dollar bill hanging from it.  My goal manifested!

Try it!


Inspired Success Coach

EMyth Certified Business Coach

Your Routine is Killing Your Success

RoutineYour routine could be killing your success.  I was taught to get into a groove or a good routine.  There is value in this if you want to truly keep the things as they are in your life.  From an intuitive perspective routine holds them in place.  It sets your thinking, energy and actions in a particular way so that your actions and experiences repeat with the same outcome.

Success or Change

Then there is your vision of success, goals you have and a change you want to make.  This is where your routine can get in your way.  When we want to create anything we don’t currently have then change happens and happens on a number of levels.

Set in Your Ways

Your thoughts, actions and your energy as they are now create precisely what you have and experience in your life at this moment.  If you want something different or you want a change then something – and perhaps everything – has to change.  If nothing changes then nothings changes.  I love the term “set in your ways” as a reference to people who have a certain way of thinking or acting. We know they are not going to change.  They are set.

Not Getting Our Goals

Well, in truth, most of us are “set in our ways”.  Some more so than others.  The first step to manifesting, creating or having something you don’t currently have is to get uncomfortable meaning get out of your routine.  Get out of your comfort zone.  What is amazing to me is how we stay in a routine or pattern even if it does not achieve the goals we want.  We do it because it is our routine and it is familiar even if it does not create what we want.  That’s nuts!  Actually that’s routine.

Change is Not Easy

Getting out of our routine sounds like a simple thing to do but it is not.  When I talk about routine I am talking about more than your schedule and what you do in your day.  I am referring to being conscious about how you are in body, mind and spirit.  How do you set your energy?  How are you in your body?  How do you think?


I have a new assistant.  Her last job was in an atmosphere where everyone complained, acted in self-interest and in competition with each other.  An awful work environment but not uncommon.  After working there for many years she got into a routine, along with everyone else, of complaining, having a negative perspective and approaching everything as a problem.  Why did I hire her you ask?  I hired her because she is smart, experienced, high energy at her core, works independently and was continually promoted.  My intuition said she  is one really talented young woman who got into a routine of negativity.   My office is set at a high vibration of creativity and success so when she started I noticed she approached everything as a problem.  When I pointed this out to her she did not know she was doing this.  She was unconscious to her routine.

Routines Get in the Way

Our routines can be destroying what we are trying to create and we are not aware of this because routines make us unconscious.  We don’t think.  We are not aware of how we are being in the moment.  We act and react automatically.  So the first step is to notice our routines, meaning our automatic ways of being in our lives and in situations.  Notice do you always feel angry when you are about to do a particular activity.  Change it.  What is your usual energy level?  Notice.  Change it.  To create change your energy has to be high enough.  Its physics.  Raise your vibration as the first change.  Enjoy everything.  If you cannot then you are in a routine of not enjoying. Change it.

Create Change

If you want something different than what you have then get out of your routine in body, mind and spirit not just once but moving forward.  Change your schedule.  Change your thinking about things.  Change your energy (attitude).  Raise your vibration.  Place your attention on what you do want rather than what you have or what you don’t want.  There are so many ways to change.  The most important are your thinking and your energy and starting now.

Get out of your routine and focus on creating your vision of success.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

Consultations available.

Taking Charge of Change

dreamstime_4244380  If nothing changes then nothing changes.  Creating change is more than just a decision.

Change is inevitable if we want something more or something that we do not now have.  Creating change of any kind involves many levels in order to be accomplished.  We fail to accomplish the change we want when any one of these levels does not change.  Let’s go through this in a simple way.

What You Don’t Want

What is the change you want?  This sounds so simple but it is not.  Most respond by identifying what they don’t want, the situation they want out of, etc.  This is a start but this does not accomplish the change you desire.  It simply gets you out of what you don’t want.  Remember that whatever you declare with certainty will manifest one-way or the other.    The old saying “Be careful what you pray for.” It happens very often when we say we hate the job we are in.  We want a new job but we don’t take action to get out of our job so as it turns out we are laid off or fired.  How else can we get what we said we wanted?  We did not take the action to leave our job so the only way for it to happen was to be removed.  This happens in relationships as well.  You might find yourself saying, “I need to get out of this relationship.”  We do not take action to get out of the relationship then our partner leaves.

My point being we are good at saying what we don’t want and having that manifest though not always the way we want  This happens because we did had the thought but did not create the change.  We let it happen the only way it could.  Are you following me here?   So focus on what you do want.  Know what you do want and let that manifest.

Can You Imagine It Happening?

Creating the change you desire begins with knowing clearly what you do want.  The next step is to see that happening clearly in your mind’s eye, to imagine it, visualize it, or whatever term helps you realize your ability to see what you want.  This is a state of seeing not thinking or knowing.

See It Happening Now

See your vision or your goal fully manifested in present time.  If you imagine in the future then it will forever be something you imagine in the future.  The tricky part that defies reality is to imagine it happening NOW.   This is the only way that your reality can change.  If you imagine it in the future then nothing changes.

How Does It Feel?

Once you can see this in your mind’s eye the next step is to know what this feels like in the body.   Actually experience this vision in present time.  Change happens when we can imagine something new, see it clearly in our mind’s eye, feel the difference in our body, emotions, etc.

Do this often.  Do it in meditation so that your logic and fears don’t get in your way.   Once you have your vision everything begins to change, subtly and not so subtly.  Observe, don’t control and allow the changes to manifest.

Try this today.  The steps are: to know what you want to create; to see it clearly in your mind’s eye actually happening now; feel yourself being in this new place of change and, finally, allow change to happen.

Please add your comments and experiences to this conversation.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

Setting the Energy for Success

During October we focused on setting the energy for success. What does it mean to set energy? Quantum physics demonstrates  what we have known for a long time that we have an effect on everything by where we place our attention.  But it is more than placing our attention.  We can create change through our attention.  In doing so we can make things better or worse so being conscious and aware of where we place our attention is an important ability to develop.

Whatever thought we dwell on becomes our reality.  Scary thought if we are not paying attention.  For example, it is not a coincidence that something happens to you right after spending some time dwelling on it.  Dwelling on it is the same as focusing on it.  We have a thought and we begin to imagine what it would be like, adding our energy to the thought.  Poof!  It manifests.   I was working with a client and she worried that she would be laid off.  There was no evidence to that effect but she got stuck on that thought, worried about it (adding energy), imagined what she would do if she was laid off (expanded the picture in her mind) then became anxious (adding more energy).   As imagined she was laid off and to this day I know her supervisor is wondering why they laid off someone so capable.

My efforts to have her take her attention off her fear of being laid off fell on deaf ears.  She could have just as easily dwelled on and imagined being successful in her job, being enthusiastic about that (adding energy to that concept) then that thought would have manifested.  We have free will to create whatever we choose so be careful what you dwell on.

Setting energy is a way to consciously focus your attention and your energy on precisely what you would like to see happen and experience.  Being intentional is a far better practice than dwelling on what we fear or resist.

During this month we focused on some specific areas we can set energy.  You can do this as well. Try understanding your ability to set energy in the following areas.

  • Your Space & Your Success: How do you want to be?  How are you being in your work? Everyone is intuitive so how do others experience you? How would you like them to experience you?  Set your space in a way that supports your success.
  • Your Office or Workspace: How do you feel when you are in your office or workspace?  Are you inspired or do you feel irritated?  Identify what irritates you.  It could be someone, something, the energy level, etc.  Make changes to raise the energy level of your workspace so that you feel inspired.  Clear the clutter, rearrange the space, fix what is broken, move away from someone negative, etc.
  • Communication: Communication is more than words.  It is an intuitive experience.  Take the time to notice how you want to be when in communication with someone.  Remember that everyone is intuitive so what are they picking up from you? What is the goal of your communication?  What is on your mind?  Clear your thinking. What energy is in your space?  You can’t hide it so change it to the vibration you want others to experience from you.
  • Achieve A Goal: Setting energy to meet a particular goal.  You have a goal.   Can  you see it in your mind’s eye?  Notice how you react to your goal.  What are your thoughts about it?  How do you feel (your energy level) when you put your attention on this goal?  Now clear your thinking and change your energy so that your goal can manifest in the way you desire.

There are recorded meditations on each of these areas if interested in learning more about how to set energy for success.  Series is “Setting Energy for Success” To  buy.

Best wishes on your success,


If you can imagine it …

A photographer told me a great story of a surprising step she took in her business.  Kathy has a cute, quaint 400 sq. ft. photography studio.  She loves the look and feel of it but it has become clear that it no longer fits her needs.  It is simply too small. She needs a much bigger space but  feared she could not afford this.  Though she did not proactively look for new space she did none the less keep the idea of new space in her mind.  She thought of it often and imagined the kind of space she wanted, where it would be located, how much she would pay and all the details that described her ideal new studio.

Last Thursday she was walking in the area of her current studio and saw a For Rent sign on a store front.  She felt energy move through her.  Feeling excited and inspired she called the landlord and saw the property on Friday.  It was perfect, 1000 sq. feet, high ceilings, open space on a cute street with other small businesses.  She knew immediately this was what she had imagined.  It gave her chills to realize her vision manifested.  At this moment her concerns about paying more in rent were gone.  She could see her business growing in this larger space. Monday she completed the rent application and by Tuesday had signed a new lease.

Kathy is still aglow realizing that her vision manifested.  Her plan is to pay rent on both spaces in the short run to create a grounded move into her new studio. Her fears about money are gone.

Kathy’s story about her vision manifesting is exactly how we create.  The more aware we become of this ability the more we can manifest our vision of success.

Best wishes on your success,


If you would like to learn to create your vision of success just email me.

How do you, your staff, and your customers experience the energy of your business?

How you, your staff and customers/clients experience your business impacts your success. Yet we are don’t pay attention to this factor and just keep working hard.

We can make it so much easier on ourselves and our staff, not to mention attracting customers/clients/patients, simply by tuning into the feel (you might think of it as the vibe, or the tone) of the business. It begins with your awareness in the moment as you walk into your office, speak to your staff and react to the physical surroundings.  If anything feels off, it’s time to change the energy.

Read Your Business

Read your company, your staff and your physical office.  Doing this is simple.  Start with just noticing, How does this feel?  How do you find yourself reacting to individuals, the office, clients, your work?  Any aspect that brings your energy down, causes you to react in a negative way or creates tension needs attention.  Something has to change.

Create a Change

That change might mean changing staff, changing the physical office in some way or changing factors involving  the staff, office, or yourself. The best way to do this is in meditation which is a way to clear your thinking so that you have perspective.  Create the time and opportunity to meditate anytime something does not feel right.  This will help you and your company.


Here is an idea of the kind of meditation you can do.  It begins with creating time to stop, close your door, turn off your phones and ask not to be disturbed for 15 minutes at least.

  1. Have a seat, close your eyes and relax into a chair.
  2. Your goal is to quiet your body and clear your thinking.
  3. Bring your attention to yourself. Take a deep breath and release.
  4. Continue to breath, release, relax until you feel quiet.
  5. Clear your thinking by letting go of whatever is on your mind.
  6. If you know how, be grounded, centered and have your space.
  7. (Let’s focus on your physical office as an example.  You will want to do a separate meditation for each aspect of your business.)
  8. See an image of your office in your mind’s eye. Imagine the entire space.  Notice how you react.
  9. Notice places that are ungrounded and a bit chaotic. Imagine those spaces as being more grounded.
  10. Notice places you avoid. They may hold energy because they are unused, cluttered, in past time or an employee has set them at a very low vibration.
  11. Notice what you can do to change the energy in this space by shifting its use, rearranging it, clearing it out or moving the employee.
  12. Notice the parts of your office that have the highest energy.  If you don’t have places of high creative energy, you will want to create them.
  13. Finally, imagine how you would like your office to feel to you, your staff and customers/clients.  See this clearly in your mind’s eye. Know the experience you want yourself and others to have.
  14. When you can see all of this clearly in your mind’s eye, you are ready to create change to support your success.

Your goal is to raise the energy level of your office so that it feels successful, creative, supportive, innovative, healing or whatever quality fits your industry.   Your second goal is to make sure the energy is moving.  Always notice where the energy is low or not moving and do something about it right away.   If you don’t address it right away, it’s easy to get used to it – and then this stagnant atmosphere becomes the norm for your business, affecting its success.

In short, when energy is not moving or high enough in your office, guess what? –  you will notice the same conditions in the success of your business.  Change the energy of your office, and see a corresponding change in your business.

If you want more information, please contact me to do an energy assessment of your office, create a plan to change the energy and get it moving. Together we can design a specific meditation for your company that you can use regularly to jumpstart more success.

Best wishes on your success,  Kay

Inspired Success Bootcamp – Get out of your way!

Some do not achieve success because they simply get in their own way, back away from opportunities, resist change and don’t push through the energy to take crucial steps. I have coached business owners and professionals for 30 years and have seen so many stand in their own way.  My job is to help them get out-of-the-way, to be clear about their vision and use their courage and determination to push through the limits they believe are real.

There are many ways that we stop our success.  Each of these are addressed in upcoming blogs.  Today’s blog is how our thinking gets in our way.  When we believe what we think we make bad decisions, misinterpret information and head down the wrong road.  You are probably thinking, “How can that be?”   That is precisely why I am writing this blog.  We believe what we think.  To think clearly depends on having perspective.  We do not have perspective when we act and react to the current thought in our head which may not be based on reality.  This thought may come from a restimulated memory, an emotion, someone else’s thought. etc.   Our challenge is to continually clear our thoughts so that we can see clearly.


One of my clients, Amy, is an incredibly talented strategist and communications professional.  She knows everyone because she is that good yet she believes that her career is failing.  It is not but by believing that it is she is creating failure.  This failure comes from Amy’s thoughts about her capabilities.   These thoughts about failure are contrary to all facts.   Amy spent time recently with the president and his communications team.  She discussed with his communications team how they could use her talents to support the re-election campaign. With all of this going on and still her thinking about what is possible stand in her way.  Her thoughts are wrong but she is unwilling to give them up.  She is afraid to.  In my coaching I push clients to clear their thinking, move on even if afraid and create a new perspective that supports their success.  It is not always easy so I push and at times push hard which is why I fondly refer to my work as Inspired Success Bootcamp.


At times people confuse my push with their limits, get angry and not see the blocks they may have placed in their own way.  I was working with a client yesterday who I enjoy a great deal because he can see when he is stuck in his own thinking.  Jeff, a successful chef, jokingly refers to a boulder that sits in his way as a metaphor for the limits he creates and perceives on his path of success.   Sometimes he looks at how he can move around the boulder.  My question yesterday was can he step back and become aware of why he is creating the boulder to begin with.  He laughed because he always thinks he has to overcome things so it was amusing for him to ask why he feels he has to create things to overcome.

Recently he meditated on having the owners of the company not being so ever-present in order to give him the space to create.  He cleared his thinking and saw how this might happen.  It did.  He was thrilled then he laughed saying, “Be careful what you pray for.”  Jeff found that he indeed now had more space to create but he also had new responsibilities to oversee the whole operation with the absence of the owners.  He wonders if this is truly what he wanted.  I imagine he will meditate on this again.

These are a couple of examples of how our thinking creates our reality.   Take the time to meditate on your vision of success.  What are your thoughts about it?  Quiet the body and clear the mind so that you can become aware of your thoughts that are in the way of your success.

Please share your stories of success, what is in your way  or how you got out of your way.

Best wishes on your success.


Inspired Success Bootcamp for business owners or professionals.

Happiness is not coming

  Ben Bernanke, Federal Reserve Chairman, relates our happiness with progress of the economy.  If you are happy then the economy is progressing.  Which came first the chicken or the egg?  For each of us the answer may be different.

This month I focused my work (with clients, online meditations, blogs and webinars) on happiness.  We all say we want it.  We all long for it as if it was something coming in the future. Happiness is not coming in the future.

Happiness is an experience in the moment.  We cannot experience happiness in the past or in the future.  We can only experience it now.  So be happy NOW.   For most the immediate response is to think of all the things that have to happen first before we can be happy.  For example, you will be  happy when you have more money, a better relationship, lost 50 lbs. and a long list of other reasons.  None of this is true but that does not matter.  If we believe it then we make it true.

Interest in happiness has grown recently.  It seems to be more important as our culture evolves.  There is even a new specialty in economics known as happiness studies.   Though money does not buy happiness these studies have determined that the magic number is $75,000 annual income to be happy.  Less than that folks tend to be unhappy.  More than that does not mean you are happier. Interesting.

From an intuitive perspective, when we decide to be happy – in this moment – and we change our energy to the level of happiness in body, mind and spirit everything changes.  Happiness is a high vibration with energy moving.   As a result our ability to act and react to life changes.  We have a different perspective, can see more clearly and make better decisions.  We feel better in our body.   There are other changes we experience when we decide to be at the energy level of happiness.

Sounds wonderful but it is not that easy unless you are genetically inclined to be happy.  For most aside from happy experiences, the idea of just being happy takes some attention.  If we consciously focus on being happy throughout the day things are going to change.   Those changes may not be fun or easy.  Happiness is a high energy level, which hits up against anything in our space that is vibrating at a lower energy level.  It is like putting a spotlight on everything that makes us unhappy.  Then what do we do?   We can decide to stop vibrating at being happy because it makes us aware of places in our lives that make us unhappy.  Or stay at the level of happiness, allow things to change and commit to being happy.

The answer to this is your free will.  If you decide to go for being happy remember:

  • Be happy now
  • Be happy in body, mind and spirit
  • Be willing to let go of old thinking, energy and ways of being
  • Allow change

Being happy is a journey in self discovery and it is a change worth making.

Best wishes,  Kay

Fear of Loss – It’s Just a Story

Most of what I know about success I learned from my clients, those that succeeded and those that have not.  This story is about how thoughts are creative especially when they stimulate our fears.  We have control – when we pay attention and clear our thinking.

Kathy is a consultant.  She has one very big contract that keeps her busy most of the time though she has other clients as well.   Every now and then she goes into fear that if she looses this primary client it will devastate her.  As with any business we know not to rely on one or two contracts though many successful businesses have done just that for years.  The intuitive point in this story is Kathy has a fear (picture) in her mind (space) that is at her core.  She has expressed several times that she wants to get of  fear of not having the money she needs and wants.

As an intuitive I have observed that we are always getting our goals.  Kathy has declared that one of her goals is to get out of fear.  Once we have a goal our world changes in ways that help us achieve that goal.  Often that means experiencing what we fear so that we can get out of it.   Watching Kathy intuitively I saw her creating ways to re-stimulate her fear of losing a client not because she wanted this to happen but so that she could use the opportunity to get out of fear.

Intuitively I watched this fear picture move to the surface (of her space) and experiences begin to happen.  The first was Mandy, who taught her and mentored her for years to become a consultant, called to say that she lost her biggest client and now was in serious financial straits.  This was big for Kathy.  If it could happen to Mandy then it could happen to her.  The person who was the expert just created what Kathy feared the most.  I cautioned Kathy to pay close attention to her reaction and not to go into sympathy because in doing do she brings her mentors problem into her space where is could easily manifest for her as well.  I suggested that she consider Mandy as  her teacher in a new way.   Learn by looking intuitively and seeing what caused Mandy to create this and see if Kathy has a similar concept so that she could clear this thought.

The next experience was with one of executives who works for her largest client.  He told her the new CFO wanted to cut Kathy’s contract in half.  Panic!  She immediately believed it was true. I warned Kathy not to place her attention on that thought knowing that whatever thought you place your attention on will manifest.  It does not matter whether it is something that you want or something that you fear.  Kathy did not have to take that communication as her reality.

Finally, her best friend called to say that her husband’s pay was cut 60% and they were doomed.  When Kathy told me these  three  scenarios one after another I began to laugh and asked Kathy if she could see that there was no coincidence here.  She has a choice.  She could match the pictures and see all of this happening to her – her greatest fear – and it would or she could use this opportunity to get her goal to get out of fear by clearing her thinking.  Again I cautioned against dwelling on these stories or going into sympathy.

At the end of her session Kathy spent time meditating on seeing clearly her vision of success, releasing her fear and clearing her thinking.  Kathy knows that her vision of success does not depend on this client.  That it can manifest in a number of ways.  However, Kathy did not want to lose her client so we meditated on her having a conversation with the new CFO and visualized how she would like that conversation to go.

Kathy reported back that despite all her fears the conversation with the CFO went very well.  She continues to check herself when she goes into fear before her thinking  distorts her reality.

Be aware of your thinking.  It’s just your story.

Best wishes on your success,  Kay

Schedule a consultation

Taking Control of Our Thinking

Watching very capable business owners and professionals for the past 20+ years has brought me to the same conclusion many have said before.  Thoughts are creative.

Those who see clearly what they are creating, stay focused and determined succeed.   Some do not have a clear vision and so nothing is manifesting.  This is not difficult to understand.  Imagine that you are the creator.  If you do not have a clear idea of what you want to create then nothing manifests.  Still others have a clear vision followed by a great many thoughts that tell them why what they envision cannot happen and so it does not.

This brought me to a very clear understanding of how we manifest.  It sounds easy but it is not.  The most difficult task before us is to control our thinking.  When we stay focused on our vision, align our thinking and our feelings to support our vision it will manifest.  On the other hand if we let our thinking drift to argue against our success then what we are creating comes to a stop because we thought so.

As an intuitive I can see this clearly.  We always have either a vision or a thought.  Something is on our mind. It can be something we want or something we do not want.  It is all the same. Our energy begins to form around that picture (vision or thought) and once enough energy gathers it becomes a physical reality.

With this in mind, I work with people who focus on success (personal or professional) to clear their thinking, notice what they are thinking and stay focused on a very clear vision.

I find that some of us  are set in our ways, have a certain way of thinking and believe what we think. If we are not accustomed to change then nothing changes.  Dwelling in negative thoughts, unable to imagine a new reality, don’t believe their vision can manifest are some of the more common forms of thinking that get in the way of success.

Success comes from a clear vision, focusing all our thoughts, feelings and actions to that end.   Do not be deterred. Don’t see problems but only solutions.  Keep moving forward even if you do not know precisely how to get there.

When we can become conscious and aware of our thinking, take control of it so that we don’t dwell on thoughts that negate our vision and work hard to change our thinking about things success comes easily.   We read stories all the time of people who tells the story of how they imagined success in a very particular way then it manifested.  Kate Winslett tells about standing in front of a mirror practicing her Academy Award acceptance speech while she was in college.

I recommend meditation though that is not the only way to clear our thinking and open our awareness.  I work with business owners and professionals every day to clear their thinking and create a strong vision they can manifest as success.

Best wishes on your success,  Kay


Time for Big Change

What is the definition of insanity?  You remember.  It has something to do with doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.   We do this all the time.  All of us.  Routines that don’t serve us, rigid thinking, ideas that aren’t true, habits that get in our way, blame games, being set in our ways, not allowing change, etc., are all ways in which we create our own insanity. Do old concepts about money and relationships control your reality (illusion) with concepts of blame, fear, scarcity, etc.? It is time to stop if we want something to be different.

Change Now

I work with people who focus on manifesting their vision of success and the only thing I can see is in our way is ourselves.  Truly.  So I have decided to shout out! Loud!

  • Know your vision of success.
  • Clear your thinking.
  • Stay focused on vision.
  • Don’t get distracted.
  • Take NEW steps.
  • Allow your vision to manifest.

A New Paradigm

There is also an energy shift happening.  You can see it in government and in corporations.  Old models and ways of thinking are no longer working and, in fact, are harming us.  Old paradigms of being right, in competition, self-serving, being first, etc. are old ways of being.   As you focus on your vision of success include the highest good for yourself and the highest good of all. When you do this you might find yourself going back to something that has always been true for you or doing something you have always wanted to do.

No Fear

Making this shift will take you out of your comfort zone.  If you find that is not the case then nothing has changed.  Meditate to have clear communication with yourself.  Fear, risk, the unknown are characteristics of real change. This is a time to be conscious, aware and open to new possibilities, allow new and perhaps unusual ways to make money. Allow and discover love and fun!  You know your answer.  Just do it!

  • Meditate.
  • Get out of your mind.
  • Open to new ideas and solutions.

This is a time of change.  Old ideas and ways of doing things will not move you forward.  They will maintain precisely what you have now.  Maybe that is ok or you can see yourself having more.

Be a Leader

This is a time for leadership, for each of us to model a new way of being.  Clearly leadership at the highest levels of government and corporations is not the model that works.  So as a paradigm shift let’s have leadership start at the “lowest” level meaning with each of us influencing our family, community, company, etc.


Manifesting our vision of success takes great courage.   It is our inclination to stay in routines and patterns of being even if it does not serve us.  Taking the time to be conscious and be the change you wish means getting out of our routine, our comfort zone and changing our thinking.  Try this for one day and you will know the difference.  Then try it for another day.

Best wishes on your success,


If you cannot see where you are stuck then contact me (kay@insightintuitiveconsulting.com) and I will offer insight on this for you.

Manifesting our goals the hard way

Mandy has been working with me to make a career change.  She has a good job that pays well and is a leader in her industry but it is not what she wants to be doing.

When we created a plan to transition to a new career or an old career revisited she got cold feet and worried that she needed her current job because she couldn’t imagine actually creating a new career at this time in her life.  Mandy continued to imagine a change, made some attempts then turned around and tried to find ways to connect with her current job.

From an intuitive perspective we are always getting our goals until we decide that we are not.  Mandy never gave up her goal so I knew it was manifesting.  I also knew that her goal would manifest gracefully if she was proactive or not so gracefully if she was not.

This is not logical but it is very intuitive.

So her was her vision. Mandy wanted out of her job and onto a new career.   She could not take the steps to make it happen.  The only way for her goal to manifest in this scenario is to lose her job. That is exactly what happened.  She was laid off so now she has to create the change she desired all along.   She is getting her goal though not very gracefully.

This same scenario played out for Mary.  She was a top executive in a large organization, was paid well and had a lot of visibility but it was not the job she wanted.  Over and over again she decided to quit and each time she thought about it her company gave her a raise.  As a single mom she could not imagine quitting a good paying job so she stayed all the while visualizing her next step.  Her vision manifested when one day she was suddenly laid off.  At first she was angry then she realized that she had visualized a job change for a long time.

My best counsel is to take charge of the change you visualize because it is going to happen with (gracefully) or without your guidance (not so gracefully).

Best wishes on your success,


Join Free Q&A each Monday 5- 5:30 PM  1 (218) 862-7200  Access 299398.  Ask a question, hear insights  and listen to others.

Remember What You Prayed For

Image  When I began working with Sara a year ago she had one very large corporate contract that was her primary work along with a few private clients.  Everything was going well but she worried that if her large contract for some reason was cut she would experience too large a loss.  Sara wanted to create another large corporate contract with the idea of adding staff to her business.

We identified the type of corporations she wanted to approach and began to develop a plan to secure those contracts.  This list included what Sara would call her “fantasy” company, a large famous company that she always wanted to work with but with a laugh wondered if it was possible.

As part of the plan to secure another contract I asked Sara how she would make room for this additional work, as her schedule was already fully booked.  This question always seemed to end the conversation and the planning but time and time again Sara would bring up the need to secure new contracts though she did not take actions to make it happen.

As an intuitive I know a few principals always in play.

  • We are always getting our goals.
  • Whatever we resist will manifest.
  •  A strong vision manifests.

These may not be logical but they are very intuitive so I worried that Sara was not aware of what she was creating.  She was resisting loosing or reducing her current contract.  She had a strong vision of bringing on a new contract but was not making creating a plan or space for it.

As I mentioned we are always getting our goals so here is how it is turning out for Sara.  She raised her fees for her current contract and they agreed.  Not coincidentally, a few of the executives she was working with left the company thus reducing the work she was doing with them.  Her first reaction was fear at loosing this contract.  This is not logical but could manifest if she believes that it will.  In reality the contract reduced a little, enough to give her room to bring on another contract or client.

Also not coincidentally an executive from her fantasy company called to discuss her services and contracted with her to work with one executive as a beginning step to a larger contract!  She was beyond thrilled.  And finally one of her private clients referred her company to Sara.  She just submitted a proposal to secure a new contract with them.

Now with all of Sara’s vision beginning to manifest my question still is how is she going to provide services to all the clients she has created.  This will make her take the next step in her vision of success, adding staff to her business.

I love this story as I watched it unfold.  I watched Sara’s vision created so my message is remember what you pray for because it is manifesting.

Best wishes on your success,


Free Q&A each Monday 5 – 5:30 PM Pacific.  Call to ask a question. 1 (218) 862-7200 Access 299398 or SKYPE mkayrobinson

The definition of insanity or success

You have heard the definition of insanity. That same concept applies to business and success. From an intuitive perspective the way that you think now, your routine, actions, perspective, attitude, approach and energy level all create what you are experiencing, have and are creating in this moment. If nothing changes in these areas then nothing will change in your life or your work. You may reach a goal or two but your vision of success personally and professionally remains beyond your reach.

On other hand if you allow and create change then everything else changes. Some of those changes might include:
• Change your thinking
• Get out of your routine
• Develop a new perspective
• Take different actions
• Adopt a new attitude
• Approach everything in a new way
• Change your energy level

These sound simple but it’s not that easy.   We are creatures of habit. We have automatic defaults for the above and when we are not paying attention we automatically revert to our default. You might say we are set in our ways.

There are other levels of change you can create within you as well changes outside yourself, i.e. the people around you, where you spend your time, your physical environment. This is why vacations are so helpful. We get out of an old pattern into an entirely different space. It’s why changing offices, redecorating, etc. can raise the energy. Letting go of staff that are no longer in agreement or bringing in new staff at a higher vibration creates a sudden success.

While changes external to you can give an energy boost this is temporary. The real change has to come from within. Success in many ways is a state of mind and being at a high energy level. Each day is an opportunity to reflect or meditate on your space.  The answers may not always be logical so don’t look for that.  Allow your intuition as you meditate, clear your space and reset your energy.  Ask:
• How are you doing?
• What is on your mind?
• Who is on your mind?
• What are your thoughts about your vision of success?
• How am I in my way?
• And more

I have clients who embrace change, are eager to know themselves and what they can change to reach their vision of success. Other clients want to reach their vision of success but are not good at allowing or creating change. They persist in old patterns that do not serve them so nothing changes.

Being aware of what is behind you or inside of you gives you the chance to create your vision of success. Once you have decided the change you want to be and create then be conscious of doing so. If nothing else be conscious of creating a single change within you each day, see how things are different then create another change until you reach your vision of success. If nothing changes within you then nothing changes in what you are manifesting.

Best wishes on your success,


Free Q&A: Your Question about Success.  Each Monday from 5 – 5:30 PM Pacific you can call in to ask a question or listen to others.  1 (218) 862-7200 Access 299398 or SKYPE mkayrobinson


Where am I going in my search for success?

Knowing your vision of success is a journey in self discovery.  Some of us know it right off and perhaps have known it our whole lives.  I know a 6-year-old who proudly declares that he IS a paleontologist and to back it up he knows, studies and learns everything he can about dinosaurs.

Many career experts suggest that you remember the first professional you imagined wanting wanted to be.  In my experience that is not far off while we may not end up doing that precise career we are not so far off the mark.

Your vision begins with a thought about what that might be but to really know and see your vision requires quieting the body and clearing the mind.  To get out of your mind so that you can hear yourself. So take time to sit quietly, relax and begin to imagine your vision of success and what that is for you, how it feels and releasing any thoughts that may compete with that.


I met with a new client this week who is in school to develop his skills in hopes of supporting his success.  He believes if he can develop his skills as a digital artist then he will be more marketable.  Indeed that is true but I noticed as an intuitive that Fred did not have a vision of his success.  He did have steps and goals but without a clear vision he was just working hard.  When I asked Fred what his vision was he described wanting to work with a major digital arts production company.  I asked him if he could imagine that happening.  He chuckled saying it was what he wanted.  Wanting and having a vision are really different.  Wanting creates…..wanting.  Fred’s next step was to create a space of quiet (meditation) and start to see his vision of success.

He called back the next day to say how hard this was.  I explained it was only hard because he had not done this before.  Once he gets comfortable with visualizing it won’t be so hard.  He agreed to stay with it.  I am curious to see how this turns out for him as my experience is once you can see your vision of success in your mind’s eye everything starts to change.

Best wishes on your success,


Free Q&A on business and success.  Monday’s 5 PM Pacific.  Call 1 (218) 862-7200 Access code: 299398 or SKYPE mkayrobinson between 5 & 5:30 PM to ask a question and listen to others.  Get an answer on success.

Be careful what you pray for!

     Kate works in a really great company but she is ready to move on.  She wants a leadership position that will allow her to use her creativity, her strategic thinking skills and offers a new level of visibility.  Kate says she wants out of her current job as soon as possible.  We have been working to create that vision, her goals and a plan to take that step.

It was not surprising to me that Kate’s supervisor notified her yesterday that her position was being eliminated and converted into a Director’s position!   As an intuitive this is a beautiful example of creating our reality.  Kate was not as thrilled by this as I was.  She was horrified by all of it and could not see that she had created this.  She wanted out of her job and wanted a leadership position.  So her job was eliminated and made into a leadership position.  Beautiful!  It manifested precisely as she said.  If the circumstances where different she could call this a miracle! Granted she left out some details that now are a bit unsettling to her.  Kate has to apply for this new position.  Applying for a new position was, in fact, part of the work that we did together so it fit her vision as well.

Kate and I met today to ground her vision.  Is she ok with a leadership job within her current company or does she want to be more clear that her vision is to move into a leadership position in a new company?   Kate is not ready to answer that right now.  She is a bit overwhelmed by how her vision manifested.  At this moment she feels like she has no control when in fact she is very good at creating what she wants.

Kate was surprised that her supervisor essentially fired her.  I was not.  Kate had the picture in her space and on her mind that said “I want out of my job”.  Her supervisor was simply seeing Kate’s pictures and responding to them whether she was conscious of this or not.

As an intuitive I see that she simply needs to be more clear about her vision.  Her natural reaction is to hold onto what she has but is it what she wants?    Over the next week Kate will meditate on this, clear her thinking, release the fear and find her perspective.  From this space of being clear she will find her vision.

We are always creating our vision.  Sometimes our vision is simply not clear enough.  Take the time to meditate as you are already creating what you have in your mind.

Have you created a vision and had it manifest in surprising ways? Share your story or ask a question.

Best wishes on your success, Kay

Not a Coincidence! A Success Story

I tell my client’s stories to bring us out of our unconscious routines, to wake up our awareness so that we create and not just accept.  Enjoy Fred’s story so that you can create your own.

Fred was preparing a proposal and bid for a big contract for a project that has never been done before.  The project was for one of his best clients and he needed to get this right.  The cost exceeded the expected budget by 60%.  He was nervous.

In the end he drafted a proposal that would create a great product and using the best talent in the industry.  He also worried about the cost and the short timeframe.  He pressed Send and off it went.

Immediately upon sending the bid, Fred’s mind starting going.  They probably already have someone in mind for the project.  They can probably do it for less.  They will never accept the bid because it is more than they expected.  His mind just went on and on with streams of invalidation.

Fred called me with his mind racing out of control.  I led him through a meditation to clear his mind.  This is an important concept because whatever we believe will manifest.  Fred needed to clear his thinking.  From meditation he released the energy and the thoughts that invalidated his bid, the proposal and his company.  Then Fred imagined (created a mental image picture) of his client loving his proposal, the bid and awarding him the contract.

I watched Fred clear f his negative thoughts and create a new vision.   I saw he still had some worry energy in his space so I suggested that he do this meditation regularly until he heard back from his client.

Within 5 minutes he got a call from his client offering him a contract for a different project, one he had not even bid on and was three times larger than the one he just submitted!  A coincidence?  If you are an atheist you can logically create concepts to explain this away.   If you are intuitive you can see how this manifested.

As for the original bid his client had not looked at that yet but would get back to him.  In the meantime he had to get busy on this new project.  It’s a Miracle!

What is your success story?