Finding Perspective!

We lose our perspective often during the course of a week.  When we have a perspective we are able to think clearly, make good decisions and take actions that meet our goals.  On the other hand when we lose our perspective we begin to react.  We make choices that are not in our best interest.

Awareness Is The Key

The key is to recognize when we have lost our perspective or as I see it – lost our space. As an intuitive I can see and, you can probably feel, when you have lost your perspective.  This happens when an experience changes your energy, something knocks you out of your space or someone’s energy is so firmly in your space that you “can’t see straight”!

Impact on Decision-Making

It is so clear to me when my clients have lost perspective; suddenly their decisions focus on one incident or one person.  They do not have their attention on the impact this decision will have on their business or their work.

Others Perspective

It is not uncommon for those around you to have lost perspective as well.  This is a recipe for disaster.  Communication is off the mark.  Trust is compromised.  Everything feels ungrounded and unclear.


Making decisions when we don’t have a clear perspective are reactions to the energy in our space and don’t necessarily make decisions that will help us meet our goals.  When we begin reacting our ego takes over causing us to make decisions from an entirely different set of concepts.

Regain Perspective

To regain your perspective make time to meditate.   Quiet the body and clear your mind.   Notice what’s on your mind.  Notice whose expectations or energy is in your space.  Take a deep breath.  Begin to release or let go of whatever is on your mind or in your space.   When you feel clear and relaxed you will  find that you have also regained your perspective.

Best wishes on your success

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